THE MORG ANTON HERALD .S".V(iJv to "Tie Morgonton Siir." ssuld msm co ima. W. C. 1-RV1N. - - Editor, JU13 PRINTING. With four presses, an abundance of printing material ana skillful Drinters The Herald Job Department cannot be exceiiea. e ivsnirt:iy icuinot be un dt rbid on price. NORTH CAROLINA: NEWS OF THE STATE. Ii.inw of Interest from North Carolina Points. ..There are 400 druggists North Carolina. Ill . .On the 11. & D. train, between Durham and Greensboro, one evening last week, Mr.S.II. Webb eanvassed the male passengers on their choice for President with the following result. Cleveland, 145: Harrison, 10;. Weaver, 3; unde cided, 20. Considerable enthusiasm was manifested when the result was made known. . .The Philadelphia Jfarlet Jour nol has this to say of our North Caiolina grapes: "The arrivals of Stapes are quite freely from North and South Carolina and it 13 also reported that they have a good crop. We have to give North Carolina the credit of shipping as fine Concords and Delawares as any of the Southern States, and they are commanding good prices. ..The Newton Enterprise says there is an old lady living near Paint Rock, who has had a dog in an old corn crib for the last eight years for killing her chick ens. She says she sentenced him for life but at the expiration of 13 years if he has proven a good record as to his behavior she will reprieve him. The dog's petions for liberty can be heard at all hours of the day, bat the old lady positively refuses to pay any atten tion to his prayers and says that the judgment of the court shall be carried out to the letter. ...Mr. Thomas II; Hoke, of Liu colnton, died last Thursday. A correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says of him : 4Ile was thirty-seven years of age, a mem ber of the mercantile firm of JJoke & Michael, chairman of the board of county commissioners, an elder in the Presbyterian church, and a prominent, popular and useful man. lie was also chairman of the Dem ocratic executive committee of Liucoln county, and superinten dent of the Presbyterian Sunday school until tailing health compel led his retirement. A good man is gone, lie was much loved and will be greatly missed." . .An old gentleman named Sol omon Swain, who lived near Greensboro, was most foully and brutally murdered last week. The old man was 86 years old and bad just settled up his business, pre paratory to leaving for the West, where his sous live, and he had a considerable amount of currency about his person. The jobber succeeded in getting away with about $500 in greenbacks, bnt failed to get 8300 in gold which the old gentleman carried in his pants pocket. Two arrest have been made and suspicion points strongly to them. . .The Murfreesboro Index savs that Col. Geo. II. Mitchell has in his employ a negro boy that will not sit down on auy considerations. When he retires for the night he just steps to the side of the bed and falls on it. All attempt to get him to sit down have failed, lie was sent ou business in a road cart, he stood up in the foot. The next scheme was to send blm away horseback. He delioerately fastened the saddle stirrups as high as possible and stood up in them. He says that when he sits down something tells him to get np. It is thonght that the boy is partially insane. ..The Salisbury Herald says that Mrs. Athey, a widow lady with five children, living near Cleveland, had beeu working hard and saving up her money for the past fifteen years, for the purpose oi buying her a home. A portion o' the necessary amount had been saved and the home bargained for, but the deft finger of a thief have spoiled the plans. Mrs. Athey kept her money in a satchel in the closet of her bed room, and had had it there for years. About 9 o'clock Sunday morning she went over to the house of a neighbor to eat some watermelon and while one a thief entered the house, prized open the closet door and stole her satchel and money, the amount being S380. Mrs. Athey did not discover her loss until Monday, wheu she went to get her satchel. The thief is not known, although a party is sus picioned. ..Mr. and Mrs. Goode, living about six miles from Rutherford ton, went to tho village the other day to do some shopping. They took with them their little boy Charley, 4 years old. While iu a store buying goods little Charley gave them the dodge, and when they discovered their loss they instituted search in good earnest, finally getting about 100 persons interested. Finding his little barefoot tracks iu tho sand, they followed them, and at a distance of three miles they came to a creek and there Charley7 little foot prints were plainly visible goiug into the stream. Not finding tracks indi cating his exit ou the other bank they went down the stream in search of his body. At a few paces, however, they foiiud that he had pulled himself one of the water by some bushes and had gone on further down the streem through corn fields aud over fences and ditches, and just as dark was dosing in on. the search ing party they came upon him. He was wet and his little feet torn v briers. He had then made live miles, and when asked where he was going he replied iu a brave tone: "I'm doin' home." VOL. VIII. U.t J. S. Car,-. AMmi th ocrmtte tlaba. BALEian,N.a, AuS. n, is92. Trt th. ... . oiina : J rmoerac J -VpA dir. I have thp Iiahaf r ... . . r , vi lit Ill J S -TOU a if t,er frow M. Simmons. ... Democratic Executive Committer, rfflt-n.l in .. .. 4, " i ,i ' V Pe io my tender 01 the cordial assUmr .! i,fl,iv cooperation ol the State Aii tion , of cinbs for the campaign. And in inviting your ensidera. tmoi me cbauman'H tiattenni? i ml amueciativA Itrr t especially call your attention to ine expectation l i - -u iuur efforts, and permit me to h it that l am sure he can realize ou tbo expectations; for with euthusi. astic devotion to party principles f-lS W,tU L"nttnchinff loyalty to its leaders, the rnnno .iAn..w.JU tuis campaign, where its very faith 1A t- as-!.. . ... eageriy await the gnai of battle. As the President nf Innr ...... ciation of Clubs I call you aain to the field to resume those pa triotic labors for which you were called into PTt4tm. t ..n young Democracy throughout the fiimwAie us orgi til zations, to put them on a war footing, and to organize red hot" Democratic Clubs iu evetv town and township, where uoue now exist, as a means of promot ing the growth of Democratic orinciitb vi.i.i. the very foundation stones or our political freedom. Nowhere van pnrer. sounder, stronger 1 mm- racy lie found, or ninrx tT..- it-..l- disseminated, than iuandthiougii iiio.Ne uome organizations of tbt people where ueighl.r is banded with neighbor. Hiinnt.i t der, iu zealons support of those liberties t Ik? held only at the price of that steiling coiu eternal vigilance. Thorough organization. ever necessarv. i? nliiniii- i... disieusable iu thU canipaigu. here party ties and party prin ciples seem less biuding on some iiiau ever oeioie, and when ambi nous, iiesignmg demagogues, who bave nothing to lo. but all to gain, by a return to the condition of thiugs exist ing in the reconstruction da, are workiug with all the energv or uuholv ambition to lead th imn. est but unsusiecting to throw oil their allegiauce to te Deuonratic party, which is, indeed and iu truth, the Peoi.le n.irt- -W- fight for measures, not mviif thank God, as has so eloquently been Paid bv one nf Hm !.!. tr of the yonng Democracy, we enter the fight with a living faith, founded unou irinriiI ilut nt jiist, enduriug, as old as the na- 11011 itseu, yet eer young, vigor ous, progressive. air!riir. i cause there is work to Ik? done. And we have an abiding faith too, iu the honest v and irond. hard, common sense of the itoi.l. and that irmet face to face with a frank and manly statement of iue laun wnicn inspires and the Principles whieh rnnlml tho l ! ers or the great Demoi-ratic party, iney win, as in tue pat give them their heatty, loyal supjort. Th n let us meet our waverin? neigh bors race to face, frankly, 0111(3, with a reason readv for the faith that is in us, aud the result in November will be all that could be desired. In conclusion, wherever thre is work to be doue; wherever patriotism iseucouragedasavirtne I urge the vnnnir IlmMTav tn the work of organization, so "that ours shall ever remain a govern ment of the people, by the people and for the people. iiank rorms of constitutions for the cnvvrninniir nf lulu ntv.l other campaign literature, may be 1 . .v . 1 1 A t . . . k t urtu uy applying 10 11. u. litK with. Secretary, Raleigh, N. C. I have the honor to be faith full v yours, etc, J. S. CARR, Pres. State Asso. Dem. Clubs. B. C. Reckwitii, Secretary. chairman simmons letter. Hooms State Dem. KxComm Hotel Florence, IUleiou, N. C. Aog. X lion. J. S. Carr, lreideHt A". i State Association of Ikmoerntie Clubs, Ealtigh, A. C. Dear Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt or lour favor of the 1st iust, tendering to the State Democratic Executive Committee the ucordial assistance ami nearty cooperation 01 ine North Carolina Association of Democratic Clubs." When efficiently organized and will be under your leadership) it is ititTienH tn overentimate the valne of these clubs and agencies for moulding, directing and finally utilizing political sentiment. Al ways valuable, it is believed they will be found especially serviceable this year. In a campaign, such as will be. necessarily envolved out of the political conditions now existing in North Carolina, the organization of our patrioticyoung men in every township in the Stale into ttred hot" Democratic Clubs will prove a political inllu ence of unusual potency. It b with pleasure, therefore, that I accept, 00 behalf or the State Dem ocratic Executive Committee, yonr teuder of cooperation, and assure yon of our constant readiness to aid you in accomplish the patriotic objects of your Association. I have the honor to be, yours trnly, (Signed) F. M. Simmons, Chm'ti State Dem. Ex. Com. EPThe Herald Office for Job Work. MOKGAXTON. N. C CLEVELANO AT WAOrSOM SSjASt A rm rutmfmt IW rWyt taa M n. Crm4 mt rvttM. mm! Whateei may have lrn rial reeling, lifmrr (let r bad raw lokrd pain fatly a.l to.i on the platform r ladi.M.n, inarr tiarden ami tuieJ met the vast audiriire ghefvl tk-ir to do him honor. IVrbap er man eer eirtietirvl a gru(e r in rMnal than he dM i that time. .saint all! prrertlrnl, ami aga r Intur -ei. iial opitMttiun, ,e had Urn nnumiatrd rr th third ttitie fr the highest oftire in iIm there he Hnnd in the biS htl r the greatest rity or the State which bad voted tgair( Urn at Chicago, ami, in I he ptesemre his euemie a rll a h frtenK and, amid the plaml of ru.nxi eople, he wa rorrnally tif tSeI r his nomination to tL ui r ersblp. Yet there i ttl IW liglrt sign of tiiawidi in U Mce. IIm rnantenanc mirtffel rrth !) eullatinti nf .it t. prtde ir tiiiort, no j,.y wrr the disctmSlnre of hU rnemies. lie never Mniled once from the lie he enteretl the hall nntd he ten il. - i.oman eomineror eter Uda n. ". c doth more notable tttnmnh. . cal leader in this ruitry rrr f " ... wricometi oy n gramier i;enr. let Ciroter tlerlaitd nft.l the srvneor ttinmpb with a lee that showed more humility than pride. mre sadnc.. than);. At one time it seemed if he w reallr iriri!? in lrri. !. n she.1 tearthis man of irn will and nerves of oak. who, on March 4, tmnl in tmnt I the rap itol and delivered Li Ittjn 'nr l address without m inasrtipt, a frat 01 memory netrr iTioreattemprrd. wiinr, uy any oirter lesHirfti. What Protluml thi ttwarahrrtf sadness on the fare of Mr. tlee land I do not know, hot certainty he seemed to regard the oreain as a most serious affair, and with something of the feelings tt a priest who is being enrvr'ed for the holy service o( bishop. Ilwt he never ht his self .ps , and. though he began his speech amid the shouts of !?,oJ erpfe, who would Dot Mop cbeertot tt htm, he repeatel his speech fmna memory without the change ol a single word. Heporter who held his prtnted speech in their hands and rot lowed htm word ly word tetify to that lacl. tttiHrk M l.H sINitS '"' asL Yesterday, the weather reir$ pleaant. I thought a drive over the mountain mad would he a nice war ol pa$m; away the hours. My companion, Mar Ik T. Carrawar. secured a gwl fast team and awar we went on ear winding way. heading as best c could, for Gombroon. knalor Vance's place of residence. The route is through the mml hcatxti ful scenery in the Slate, and ted us through lovely valleys around mountain sides through dark shad glens over level roads and over rocky ones, through rushing waters and purling brooks and presenting ever c hang ing scenes of great beauty. Srn ator Vance's residence H at an al titude of j.100 feet above the level of the sea, and is on one of the most beautiful sites on the conti nent. The scenery is a combina tion of the grand and the beantl ful. The house is buitt on a spur of the mountain which falls away with a lovely valley. .Ml around in the distance are the peaks of several mountains that the Sena tor calls the four V": Vorhees Vilas Vest and Vance, the names as called out in the Senate ch ber, when voting time rmrs I around, which he said made a break in the wall, every time the four V's were voted. I found Sn ator Vance in much better health than I was led to suppose from newspaper accounts. My stay was short, but was exceedingly pleas ant. We Can ami 1K fiasrantee lr. Acker tUWsl tXis foe it tins been f ally detnoaMrsled U Ik ror.te of thbi conairy that it a So la all ottter prefer at ins fe htoml ! tm. Il is a puntltvacnre foe ) faUttac InUoolnC. lleefs. t;4HtMi and nmptea. Il frtlWs the vt IV4 vUw and ttmrouchly txtitds af ! erantta I and llxrrnhlT iM tion. iw tr J 1 &U SIoKiwn, N. - s-esntvC Jlaslr ' a l..l'0l! Y.I!S. A3 iAWlttA.t W.Wf. . wmw Naiii t r. Te. Ai ir. frpie 5if. MU.f stitle,, Tine t9 teen itiffirt hf miUtMt tCrl tt(n rvrlae etdiic l It U tal.,rt, anol twenty xa.r4 im ra,. CCmrftt. .ltra lr -.f. iffg tt miiHAtf. etsif wi iBwNtnl, wmHtrf, Ty vie p'lKtl uKlt tear4.Si;i) tl-.e vkts wtte ncM I, wrI Kod;e. TVe wf .iNfer , fa Btiii4f m t mi$ti M l Ch Cff t k gps' iMf. at bMd it rtWrv m aila the toif iKai r., and drive m$ tlx a .aj die,, The Knwvtiite lireatleifSitf to a)tL. A druth ttnn CVtLaMoa Iht Juo IVte ivCit 4 iotrti!c I he iU Xc a jT-fl'ttT, " ", t as md.tM a4 will g . C-a3.s-e t so.. 1 ,,.,t wieek ts attefv. TK P fax i t ivnshtec vvt-e Iis. l Is t T tft freely made. The r. n J "wanine ff tfesett-!" I: nt bser that he wi kase N -.V. ffu ti::c0f etim- -1. 1 1 Knsvi:e wft lr hay rS mincrv They wt?e at (f r-'a 11a o' cars i.t ij t , a . I've dated ti is savsj O U . . ..(..., - n "a reports ifcai te 4d J s have been catseI tv ih.. ers. An attack was ? at j o'chxk. in whkh tHe Stale fvs wet e cpltet-ve5t.f 4 , lives were h!." t'ti- t- aan has o4efel iK tv.r s?rrde rties 1.4 -r-" f 1 9 men 1,4 UUvef. The mJtta ai I la anl these rs wdl these tsvttfs tt nve i.iver toaL 1 ae 4 t&e adets it Is saij. h-.hi.j Cm 1 1 s.h-. iT(fta A tea Cwsi 1 s..Ti.A- ii tKi;ii0s fMStC'i ! S-e b httihl0S (if (it ( Ion ing sto'y J "teases.: .et . Will m aikr vr ae t tr dtgce ? The nias kne y tored s-ddcfs lc nZstr at once- leuu K jt?f i tf army reaiy reve -i tes, ttriftg any ktd rf wea-ti j-m may have." A Hit.j ev 5ihi n tse iitt:A fas, Ing the buf'eSi. Te't'of MaS add ol when iwl U ;e if fm llarfian IV Ve ivtt KnstdSe tHtders hJ a lared en ronte l llUvtf St-i -s. Wire- were tut an J n t itRj say with what tale l!Wf jM meet. C1L Wiai I K-ys:er a l leave miih iSMthf-. if they ewri pn ss::el aght, The iwift ts gtans anI ihtt fate tl !W 1 lte hs has ate I 1 lfwp. Ksotvitlv.TcaiS. As 1; la ergvts oi a tras i a't'! frtw Coal Crvek say tlal Cay A4esi at that ('tael le aw .mkm1Lm!..m at ... iih is iw f ai ne toom r ire at wl. w itl be lal em la AV fc Thea.aUwitl lake 1 at:- - midn.tfki, a they say, 1 M, i.Seo miners are mased al dl have eaHattd iWls c,,; night. They hkcd tfte stfpfs t . . a. a-w . . a. a !. a t a. C in a areie ai vwi. ISr momiog. I hen tnarhI a t!W sand arw the mMaiar tt C1 Creek. Kssvjttt. Tcan. A tj. She nil Cdoiae. tl tkr. tnukie I this after mmm reiv4 a fsf!Si av a-. irom veveror iwiuiMil leJ.;tg ing hint i se.oa) 5 ( f once and send Ihens ty I'M; atatN esi lostle la OCiver Sf.f jfs aaJ Coal CteeV l aid In fitst 1 he trouble tm m im iSun tkiniiy. C ri .isTear, Ax IJ.- A tssfiikal sshecne Is ha incasare ferstttI lf IM at rage of the past f(r tfs. Mtia) riis 10 ef( ve i entire Slate atiiia t l 1 1 it, SMteiy 1.9 ati as ifpe-i. j "MM""'''''",M,m"" - un. mmbnh, wKHmKmKBMmHamf:mpz$ mmA-, . THURSDAY. AUGUST 25. i.w. ! - N-.rii-,. ti. t 11-.! M U I EM ;iilu..Li -t.m m. .. , M far tMUiHf lof Ji.T,, f:' f I fa-.' t- f -C ,.t ! 3 ff..VS . ,' TW ei VDf fff W f. tH'll iff is, TIN l OhJI Ci ,e v Mjtof.f 11, ft M'4 Hi IV ;4-m, f Kmc t le ni tt-!; A Hio-wti aA, a kHI,IV' Vi, a.'t t. ii "4 t n ! t;v Se tf-o.. t . - s , I IW 4. tW.i sa-nt S . . V! if" V f""5 Vss4 !J tf J-Mjf ai S-.M- k( W .wV'l si m-srts vajei' I .it A -.- t r . - . , r . . , . T'lfJ Tf 'JV I h 1 S 1 fsf irtS-t M U ai'uiii li f!iMi m l"V t(f wrta S"'--;, li-. lion, a tV? a ( i ,. k-r.S aa.i n,t.f. Ilt (ta-ha tif --r..4j(J t HuJ IkS -SStSU. f. Ajf a TJw as.r R..m-f a-S) s" w tS fVr awrat-rtHs at V-tJlC1". ti?t a is mv.- a t- t"S at CaJ Aar T miV. I s. A4f if. IW4 iTr k lHtH. fmus--m -o -if t- i,f vsvatjr aai ffm f. s IU fentia-jt S Ss a.ia.'jg . I a - f h a n! a-1 at IV aij 1 m IMJ tnVt- .V,'4l tWtM Sh axa ti itf ii,i 1 1 Mr I t s f-Msim. Iff f vo a-1'1 swail rss st. As in kw . Vs , M 1 itVT Hm V r! tf , T asiw IV l-l IV Ie IrJ nrfWrs lh ctt a;; s aif Si a-l isas; at wstl k.4Vi aai ff s.Hto- 4 !Vfi ptiri.iu fateav, la aajt 1 I IVal ha nf aj i.rfs ttostwti fc a a at, aviaaaavaaaVBaaaiaBaas sas aTaaatMaaXaaVaJl - wfaj V T"aSj t4 f,t mm Jaa. 9it la iae a. etAna, wal aaa -I t Sw av fof is laafft vtl s !r al4 liaai awontV. I a kfa4 . at JS im av set it ikaj HiiNfktS 1 e "tsmtiMnso " f-av ' m s . f M 4v ... , ItMH . HS 'atw s" f ,i4 -T-M- r a ? V a Swt. .a, . .a .ti,,,, , .tiii,. . i aa.aa. SKmi -MM.4 a., Jt fa1liHatLa.. ik aWiaji asaf . . a. e- '-fflW svsv-.f nOf vIAm aosih-H, tin. eifUa af U if,a fiHKiui $ as. titaan4 ait a alt. is a. mM4 IW Wte aMoai4 sa lit Iimss a at law gko- tfitb ! awn f a as.W. t." m fa!l MM. lsWo., ai a rf-MawMsaa (1g at , aa?! NMil-te aa)S H IWaitii . siM.ans Bh4 aa M if4 . JS BiJ m, ,. .... I Bsa uasAt44 ai la ioa 41 as.a'JAiif JfVMl llUlf f ; ,a llav 4KU )a M(ta) f s lol aa 9flMai a4 4'0 fb4 3 J adf ,Hi t e u 14 I4J fua wes!kMai l1 !- 4mftt l a W laj-a U( 4 Bapf la i r 1 sa ffiit af ia n at f saa m la4. ia auf'ir f f H-Ma ti I la frsiiil saWtV, 4 a mi tm fw ai1 s.m u a.a4 a Mrtd a as4l Haws' ae '''aai.i3a,-.i3 o atM:4'tt,f I 0 ,S y;tal, X- l1,.t 11 am 1 m a, u a f Ut. sdl lsv h I atfc aHM f "" ' lMi hnm f atwaa ri a4 Ja ihA a IVaJI SM!. aRwa l.tta mmi ws,Ka--M I.lais a ma Sjitl M4 m a atuyti 'ineanjt a lHH.U ati aa ws aria k l.uV af satOI hm fa-it?, I I andUMsaosv ft fY.,. .. ft . . ..... .. . atHNiMa nasi f HMM 'as. Cs..ks f .,Hi,.se i!'?', At a as?otjp 1tf (J.; ll. IMt;, l'aW'f ntja Ma? .:a.,e .sf t f -aw- -sru rs ,ss.-..4,t a m W,aia -..n. & 1.- .. a . .' . . - ' ' sf :t n .--ist 4 m Mtfttrtrt iM lta atu I acjtaif r,kus aia an a fi4- 4a w il attoK,, aif 1iwr. aliT.. Ha M H."Vmu m1.i a sh,ss s staavatasr, a'-r"''''u I d 1 f "H'J.HMU-frt It m fi-siio i I1 f M'iaa S40.S. i4mih l fH'f ai M artiSif w-a V o f -, jt at8 stlmm a sf 4a I .If a Dsl 4VaStta tWr lW4aV tPfffiMafpJpkk eHt ai AnfalJf.f!,,,,l', 1 1 ' "0 fMS'iaa i Ulir anrtr i.-fiH. m i'' iH-r,tii ,'"Wre,. .a t-'iil fi 1. it .s,i Ja4 t, S.iM )a aftaartsiC ai a iii;r, . .-! A huh in .H -..r-Hh tV,.-.,. S Mi a,.1 ait 1,i t:iit at,lrMf M.t-a V -:.i 4. (i 41,., 1 .1, .n Hti I .t.t'.M.v s-ia . hi a.. . s4 An u.a e a smh-s, ft j I jMi3 a.tfa Sl.Hl Mis a1.iir.-i.a 2 j M.I t-SV Moh.41 vH, m M ir'i.isu a ai Maa nlUm. ,i .twaa.v t.j a.j-ia tin estst,. f tt ., a k. f "' - '4! " i ''" Ka Mi i a cMt.tti.ta ,u,ini4 ft n,ohl V.s. S,..; - at l4tifi sttiS .Tt..t' ka-nl M ! jrl- 1u M- tuV f) ai S-a- SM aa aaiwH Hi'i4 - Ha I si l.a4 aa a S'. lt af s'mm ia l"i tti.i fta at a Mie asitl., 'm4 a-si H4-a. naTititT'4 aa Mt t!i.Hl a.H2 liri ufti ti-tia at.ai4...A W ai . m.0 aa an.ti4l sf M.3lr1 -tl,:'! 4ti f 5?" t -a " a s l ms, -a .,t M .ta tfrvtf. a-.H.1 l.M-a Ims " - M m - . wJnK l,a.4f MVlt Ai.ft.,.a mi.. 9 - T I I I I i 'Wf K , 4. i.a.,ai a.i .hmhu-w a,.HaJ 1 St?LltVLf ' . 1 i stjei asi fHiana! -HisH(Ha 1)1 auug !,, j ' mjr J. Jl , e.ieft4re.s-4k' 'a iMMtv 4ti il,. .,,,.. 1 . J?. -'' i vs laaaiAf. aa Jf JaatHa-i aa 1 atntiita aH, J J iTjf t " v- ":.',) tM t.. fct,n;fjlValfcsMll., ia ,a - (M I -r --7, I A aiaiJ it.,afaa te ai iaa4tl"a a arnica a Haajnn .it .,. j saa".w j a r 4 UflSsi. t st 4 faan.aa . anlU) M-4 M a aa aa 1 f V I 1 1 1 tf fS. ft;'1- ?mA4 tvt JJn t :aU Ilanrtfttj, 1 xnws ixnny ccai. Xt tie tioa 1. vxoawvfftt , as mm "" Ot itoa o CHiii' isHt.ot !' Nia aaiMuoi f w a aowa .a viay f 7l .aX .;, SotSiMi H1rt f ! tt: 1 in 1i;4.hi lit t sirii'd .iiain iomI lat.fS niMt.uf M HSM .4iM ,. Mr, attif -ta .e so tfra fltnf -a I;ims. hmim aa -tlm'tti,ut ait Mas ft,esa a aama assvt att nhm tUHaa airtduiaaaj oi h Im f'HitH iiMittioa ma iiav Mrut i foltlmnai!, o.-'IW niHtaS toftotttU -tUi ! 14' MUlMto fiM tHaMHAufl Si i mvuimv !a-oa ioniiitM 1 fw .i,oa1 f aHtmiHitsv o CU e ! , im-iMii i ,eniu. aa 1 fi, to tLit W'tasttHialti, tf aeaa.lfl.Ml at Wi-f ml, - ttiosa Ma m .irt f -wM aa airtisstfi la A a irt a Sliat)Hi aC,UiHHUN HiM tttn ':. iMWi.MHaa.sma ,4HiIiita tmti f ltHHMa,, fli e'iinnitr S-a SttKM' 4.1eHlS S .KlMi.ltilM S4, Mwt at4 mtti ilitim aft.rHa s4 ttf- i.Ma f an ;a a gtt., Mtiti I'HittD atMi laHa Me ilioeUt -"fl. iHWl ;ii a lit Hti ifl..A aHi, 1VSoiiwin, ?iiwt J& ti, sirs M11 'iHH4aif l.a Mt mfi m HmiiiiH.ta m Ha atml Wl-ilia fort, ,, ftt W.hii'U"vI a1a 'ina't.i rarii,, a.Hic "iu aifl, II 41 a a a Iias4 aa soi a hi tWe $ lav a ti aiM4s-iM ia f HH1n ,aif1fMi al tSoa littiHM 1 etiai't. AI ttt. ari 12 lt)4l'IIMn Ik tin I M-1M-Matrtill A f Hta, 9 lisw a -n.ta o!Uiti 4tiime o .. - e 4'" " ' f a m:I e ,4 t44ii s sa ilua ; f a 4'isMiui fit Kiu i-si( f liH.t i lia ani riia vUHi. , W Hti i Aim vas'toaoaia., fi, MMnati i.a wHnMMitiMaa ait iHlHlw.a $i. , sail's,, 4ii ita iaiw oiaM- M, M f 4Us'lt, JrHMn.iait lolta ffairsii ,f :asiiaMR nut ttirtim a a 4laa t(lMa; Ha ftr 4ifl, fa4 Mii iti, , o ?W S-waUva 'f,HHl f urtUlta tMHSa f vot Sra i klav B lC MHiirlna Am a,i, gt tiaOHtf l Maas as)wMla M; flUi 1 .. ai an) T "IW. w W"ST Tr wmi. .'Mnnmv Ti V M il. iw ltca(l a ssi f 'ttwa Hitiiitif a a tnuti M I it' Sa M. liatf -.a MW JSttt'U, f, ,U 1WIMIII, lawif a1si Mm- !! h Mh V I1iVSi aiti Ma SiiH-t.t t4n" i!liMIIa a svohlali bvmii a 4 f JlwH-J1.ia aiiatti'. . S as4 a . iwt,!iM.s1ni p. aMHaiU' io atie aa e s.a uw aia j f ! 4 tail fs'4inai lia ainia . Imh n.iy)M4 ajoi-u aMnnimi, aiiA ax'u.r fta e.iHiiit anwotM, aa 4 v a out Mav tif4 .a s a i4air. Mini H' atuM sitiutlaa at 4 iiatnit .rta Mav 4oi.uia niaai Jin laa iH sv.:. a tata a I I Jk ssw'i.ttta i(iia:,, a (! s 4 " "rta"iiMH e'liim'li 4 4Hfi4 a nttii m ail otf .a D ) I "iimititHit, '), t ftMafl n , V 1lili -ta alMsU, . .I WhhImh I,va Oaiin rtmiwtHia H, fMa sia o Ma Jfiyiug So 4 ita I alM'Ui, flit fOt4HIIiHmi aasia 1 4 td a-e.MitHHit sUhhii'. iic Si alalia aiattiu sa Ma '1nii'i.. j e1i iatl swuifl iia a tuurl laa -ana SiHiHi'i 4lu f lti'ii.a a-iH UOM'i A SlMHHIIiHmlt 44liH 4 Id Hlniii'l. sHlAif a IiimijiI-mI tt i '4a fiiiMnHHiR sawHfU auirUtt1 14 j tmwi', 4 H rflK hh Mi sad siiixa j utii- an atiitiif n.m iM. anil 1 . ,,.,o,rt ar It.Hi aim f ia . aMiii vV'.ii.nikl.,' .il ...... ... ... saaatH rs ,H liMl ail M lit a Mia Slia'f Mi! t art SSitviaM. 4)4Tim'i f 4"tii,Hifl ,ha4A, $i 4 I lit 4ihi a aai ,ni itw sauna Sarmna ai l,i;4 H 4iHiliHitii. t)fii aoS ailw miiin'd an. SiiMnv art liHoUiMttif .Htan litfvr laia af.tiMiua litia a iV ta a'tv Hiti vuiaiijwa sfl i i sa aaD ai Mv tafasi1 s'l' , t1'a'1 IMstjatvul a siliial ai lia 4iM Aiatofl 'U9I SHif 1k iHMaa ai a Shmv ta Mm! SHa h(I iaM 44 tUatUiP af Ma? aMStttHiM.a a-ilia S4i.iriM 1 JM 1.1 iaia ailuMa 4ig inn. 'HJ 1 "KSimiu Sit lHilat l,.ias,4 ansa a MuHiawiiil maa. ir.k.f faMaaaaauiiiawWia .i ,a. .4.s..a a... fa iuiw,. -.-..a ... 4 . " a ini'itiit. s,iy 1. ..... S ' - - " W 'W-"t44. X f M Ml 1' Ml I C. Mi Ml Ml M tfc MM t2jv.ilLtl. AtaaHiivni eaem. f wir 4assHtMai HwMtli, a.a I '" 4 ATKes.'5 Xtldl IX I ; a nSi a ,4 Ft, VcrtJj. Waco, H l-fh,'.( '.tS",,? Ml ' vaa . 4 Ha 44i-'IMa- s s. -s.HWM.iaaj, e im a'si. Z ' rrrM m " sans, sett m n-ini wmiiMin. mm T. 1 c ;asu. aa.ia" a FmiiUy Gmceriea IMtOVtSONHa $ t'fH iMa f.aa 4Hv.a., 111! 3 3 i'U Mil I.Mtld. Ski f l 110! ?. s' ' MM 4) )4 ax ax vVm44M 144)- afiH) ". 44HWMV -. 4fc 4. 4..,. 4 , aaaai Sviuh. . -i4.S ft,,,,,, 444 .ftjfc, 4 4,1. 4M.M4.Wl VMpM -4fcM. ..... 4)WM444,, 44M ' '.. ..4 HH4Mt 4K 4M4444 .44,. 4)Ma w r 4jit4. 4. H 4 4v Si. n. 44 " S4MSl W W- w Han. -ft HI Li iri-aJtlwrjaltT DENTISTa hill a-vtj, 4H tV4l. . llMi i 431ofUiaia fiUHV, PATENTS, Sta44 MtW S'l. ai4.4.a 4wlll4j 444. 4W 4Vl . (I (,4, 4 , . . 4W. IU 41'4'4- S iaV.4ai' 4 4k 4k-..jsl- .l 4'4M44..44M4. 44, 4)441 44W. 14 .44" . 4.444. 4A 4.44.4,4. a4T 4.141 . 44f,.44- W,'M., 4.44). MWI H"W. 4 4M4V44M 4 (l..i 4H 4M "- 44 . 4I 4Mlu4 MU-44-4 '11. I ' 'H. 4.i44M4 !. 4l MM4P m- I t MMHlHlMt.lwaMt. -4. 4i a . k.a4M4i . C A. SCOCf & CO., as- laaw'i'ata MaH 4' 1 1 raalfa --. j .r- 1 a , nf 1 4.