THE IIORG ANTON HERALD 5.,.v-.h" tJ "The" H -SALD FJSOT CI, Pdlska U C. KKV1X. - . Ein,K-. i j 1 k i x "Fixer. Willi four presses, .in abundance of priniirp: material mid skillful printers The IIekalh Job Department cannot be t. M-t-lled. We positively icill not be un- ;. on prices. XPiiTll CAltOUXA. NEWS OF THE STATE. I,,.,.. of Interest from North Carolina Points. . A Mr. Upclinrch, in Chatham, Ins a do;: that hunts turtles, hav niir caught several this season. . .The Lincoln Courier says that Mi. 1. 11. Self, of Lincoln county raised of his own sowing 7(io bushels of wheat this year. 1017 bushels were produced on his lands by himself and tenants. . .The Hickory Press and Caro linian of lost week said: Deputy .Marshals Jones and Kirkpatriek swooped down upon a moonshiner in Yoik settlement, Durke county, last Fiidny. It was a considerable plant, anvl was destroyed. The sly chemist was also taken in custody. ..The lialeigii A".s and Observer says there is at the Agricultural department ajar of beautiful tea of North Carol i na cultivation, which will be sent to the World's Fair. It was raised by Mrs. J. M. Smith, who has a 'tea farm near Fayetteville. It will proba bly be news to many people to hoar that tea is cultivated in the State. ..The Hickory Press ami Caro linian says that Monday of last week John Miller, night watch man at Piedmont Wagon Co.'s shops, got a shot gnu to shoot a dng and not knowing the weapon was loaded he placed the muzzle on his left foot w hile talking to one of the hands. In some way the jrun was discharged, cutting off one of Miller's toes and injur ing the others. . . I.e; nid as McKinglit was con victed in Surry court last Thurs day of burglary in the first degree. Mi Knight was tried for hitrglanz nig the houeo!'W. S.Taylor in Mt Aiiy a year ago last January and almost beaten to death Mrs." Tay lor. an aged lady, whom he rob bed of 2.200. He was captured two weeks ag in Virginia. The only hope McKnight has for his life is the thought that Governors Fowle and Holt commuted to life imprisonment the sentences of two negroes who committed a similar offence in Charlotte. . .The Winstou Republican says: Sheriff Fogle has a stepping stone at the curbing in front of his resi dence that is worthy of more than a passing notice. Upon it Is en graved '-Step at Uethara Mill, 1775,'' which carries one back to the earliest Moravian settlers it this section, their first grist mill, and the interesting history the stone could give were it able to speak of stirring times in thse truly days of yore. The second mill was probably the Old Hege, Laughenhour, Stafford Mill, some three miles southwest of the towns, which was placed in opera tion some years later and did active service until some 12 or 15 years ago. ..The Belmont Hotel, at White Sulpher Springs, five miles from Asheville, was destroyed at mid night Wednesday night of last week by a fire which broke out in the laundry and spread with great rapidity A special to the Charlotte fihserrer says : There were nearly 1'iH) guests in the house at the time and all escaped with their lives, many of them by jumping from the windows. Mrs. Dr. Von lnch, of Asheville, was badly injured, and her sister was fatally injured, and died this morning. Charles Green, of New Orleans, had a leg dislocated. Clerk Hen derson also had a leg dislocated, and a colored nurse a leg broken. A few others were slightly bruised, but none seriously hurt. All the guests lost their baggage and some of them other personal belonging... A good m invdiamods and a good deal of money were lost in t he fire, numbers of those in the building escaping only in their night clothes. The guests made their way, as best they could, to Asheville, where they were made comfortable. The hotel property was owned by a corpora tion and leased to Dr. Von Kuck The building was erected at a cost of 05,000 and there was in surance of 22,500 on it. . .On Main street, in Mt. Airy, on the afternoon of Ang. 20th, was enacted the most heartless tragedy that ever took place in, that town. Thos. Allison, tobacco receiver for a tobacco factory in Mt. Airy, shot and instantly killed W. H. Hrown, shipping clerk for the tobacco concern of Sparger Uros., in cold blood. Allison was a big brag marksmau. and had killed three men before. Brown was a highly respected gentleman who came from Georgia and a strong Pythian. On Friday Allison told l!iown he could beat him in a foot Jace, Brown took it in fun and said he'd bet he couldn't, whereup on Allison said he would put up ti!Otie and would be on hand Sat urday evening. He and Brown net and Allison got mad because Hi own would not run. The for mer was drinking. While passing along Main street together, in the husiness portion of the city, Alii told Brown he was not a man of his word and some sharp Ian o"age passed. It is said Alli.son struck him with a slick and then '1 lopped it and took out his pistol. Ih-own seized the cane and before ''' could defend himself Allison s!ot him twice and stripped his l'-t"l the third time. Brown "Hcd and lell, one ball taking ' ' ':t in his breast and another in J"s side. Everybody turued out ,( mil him down and he was cap tuied. - State UVrrj VOL. VIII. Mr. Henderson to have said . recen, speech in Salisbury : th. P"nciple question before Jffi1,0' th United S,a, nnL ,t- finrnc,al question, and upon this the democratic Yartv stood I squarely by the people P l ie defied any man in the house to iT .any hAl fi"-ncial law upon the Statute books was put there by democrats. $374,000. 000 of greenbacks was in circula tion to-day that would have been retired but for the vigilance of democrats. $8,000,000 of silver dollars, "the dollars of our dad dies, were coined from i;9, to ltlSl "tin fllvcr Was demone tized. The demonetization of sil ver was a swindle and was passed without notice to the people, or Congress. No man could denounce this swindle more strongly than himself. The 44th Congress-the tirst democratic Congress since the war passed a free coinage bill, out it died in th .... -ri. 45th Congress passed a similar bill. ..... uio passed me Senate, but w as vetoed by President Hayes. So strong was the sentiment of the people in favor of thlc that it was passed over the Prcsi dents veto. I'nH-r 1 1,- .: ot this law the Bland act Alio - uai Deen put in circula tion. Lvery cent of this is demr. cratic monev anJ ! among the common people. Not a dollar of it would be in circula tion to-day bat for the strength and vigilance of the the ic party. $Soo,ooc,oco in green backs and silver is in circulation to-day, that would have been retired but for the strung demo cratic opDosition t.i ih- can schemes. The republicans rk-c- ujaj .ruy m t.le tiftv -first Congress and rere.i!e.l tb - a v ' - cu llf auspercaca the ccm.ic the ISIand dollars, in rtacc 01 of iney required the s-.-cret.uv of the treasury to purchas 500,000 worth of silver bullion each month and issue irruo notes therefor imi . ... t f these notes are in circulation. The republicans had tried to stop t. circulati jn of these, too, b;it dem ocrats had prevented it. It is due only to thr of democrats that over 5o,-1 ooo.coo of the Si.6a..ooe in circulation t. day is not retired and the anir.un'i reduced to less than ;oo.coo.eoo. The people want and need more money. He was always willing to vote for an increase of the circu' ating medium, and will do so again if re-elected. The republi can party is pledged to retire $900,000,000 of the i.6co.e 00.000 in ci culation. and if the people elect a republican Congress and President this year, the Sherman bill repealing the act of 1E90 will be carried into effect. The people are complaining of hard times now, but times will be hard in deed if the republican scheme of contraction is carried out. It is strange, when people are suffering from the bad laws of one party for them to turn round and pass a verdict of guilty upon another." Folk AVbo IJt U((. WashiziKton Star. "What occupation tends most to prolong life?" asked re porter of the chief mathematician for one of the great life insurance companies. "That is a difficult question." he replied. "I can only answer it bv referring to the occupations of persons whose lives are and have been insured by us. Inasmuch as they number several hundreds cf thousands they will afford good basis from which to draw conclu sions on the subject. According to this evidence it appears that com mercial travelers and agents live longer than men in any other kind of business, notwithstanding the hazzards which attend transporta tion by rail and water. Next to them come dentists, teachers and professors, including music teach ers." ' And w ho after them ? "Next to them in point of lon gevity are hatters, clergymen and missionaries. The last may oc casionally furnish food for the larder of untutored, but they are a first rate risk nevertheless. Next come bankers and capitalists, who seem to live just a trifle longer than butchers and market men. Lawyers and jewelers follow, and they are succeeded on the list by merchants, peddlers, milkmen and pawn brokers. Then come gar deners, laborers, civil engineers and canvassers. Perhaps the treatment which canvassers ate apt to receive in the ordinary course of their business shortens their lives." "Where do newspaper men come in?" "Oh, they dont live as long as an)' of the people I have mention ed. Even book-keepers and bank cashiers, as well as artists and ar chitects are ahead of them. They come in next, with the printers, physicians and gentlemen who are not engaged in any active em ployment. Then follow the apoth ecaries and photographers, and after them in order bakers, cigar makers, real estate agents, army officers and soldiers, liquor dealers, mariners and naval officers. Shortest lived of all seem to be the auctioneers, boarding house keepers, barbers and drivers." "Do you take into consideration the question of a customer's oc cupation in granting a policy?" "Not unless it is more hazzard ous than any of those I have men tioned, though, if we were in doubt about accepting the man as a risk for other reasons, such a point might turn the scale." XV rrprint from lxl-rf another Wa,hin-t..ii Ur.rt tn W riMiditinn rr Nation i Ttr tor froin .Major Carbon l.t U lolj llitonnrd 011 the aljert, arn mUn never permit parly intrrrU in iippus or ndor U Iralk. Tli Matetnriil prr iU inm pmUi- fort In tht. roii titty. n, r tt oVrly ,rll ltl ttM. Ufr Tle art n rolto: I. The iirplii4 in the Trra u3 June .TM, ijitw, hr elo. of e Im Hh.- yrar or ,lr, rerl .t.,1 Im n iirgititoth,. TirarJ JCi !rlr lrW, v . I VI JJ vw vcr coin Urn l,in,pe! Inii f I f f U'f b. f 1 2?r .?J l I Z 11 w;, omitted from rj, U.:rr lr IW lr IV v !W ci tt... ,Jj i ;VJ!IV I wr Ihr pane,,i , ttv. ns .Ml r. ,.. " - I ! I ui J1 lrti Vl preM-nr a,it,i,Uttali..n. ill t r,t jvf,ut..-. i t "V ... . ! fH-. - li 1! tr ttir firm limr riaita h. Cvts:t NtTn: J," V-t fRa. ih i n il mature. no otcrnVr. I;:l. 1?T " i;r .MR. HARRISON COIlS SlIOOTINc; .NU t l!HNt; h.l to ! extruded U t-rj. if 1 1 ilMbility of lltr gmrrtimrrtl Infot it. C With all W a.dttt.r to tlnf wet. of tl.r Tr-a'trt c.ib bal mn in ll Trraort on thr noth of lait Jane, lb v'. of the fiM-al 3 ear. a i'Zlji&K?' I or only VJ'J'Zl r-hiic of ftc. lional Mlvrr that ran not dMr ujH.n to r.v grrtimrt)l dbl. Tl nppropritton bx Con gre. for tlr prtrornt fiscal ra aggregatf ?ViiiUi. Of tW eeiiditnrrs fwlly ?I.M weri alfMduti ohli;ttion rrrSrvl by tho prr ioni I'ongtr. in t. Moti. Uuntie. etc. Tin rrtrntir rtima'r.l ly tht Tteanry drjvjrtmeni f.r tir presi-nt yrr will 1 WV-VTVVi. t. Tin rxrr of rtrnd lnrr over lecvipt tUi rar will lm ?.VOJn. mith only I2.'.imi of avad.ible Treasury .urplnvrirn after a frcrl I.Kitiofovrr "l.v innt. th !ni nion of th !inkrr -fund p.tviitent and the r!rnior of loiid I'vrrdne. I'. Thr deficit for lli rftl j par, even alter taking tb I dollar of uvailab! tnortry from IrW TMuri, iol bo folly il'K'm 11. The strady irirrra of ln .ion uutlioriel by tU ,A'.mt$ I'ongnv, tll add hoi lr ibar aijimii.tnm more in -iiin tTt j car. with many tnrr million dr m.tiidel for growing ronnlir am1 tin a I now I roiintir pnbbc tudd ing4 already nndrr rontracl. Such nr the judwr fact a our lootnl Trranry. Thr ?nrpti of ovr .VViJiii.o4ii Irft by Ctrr land U gnu; lh forrol Imo of tht batik liote redemption fund, aniountiiig In ovrr Cl,ii.riK t goni; I hi atmenl Intkiml.in2 fund art iii4rndrl ; thr !! of tin nation due ar uraid for want of money; rtclciitt of fr lional silver thai U not avilalM-t tin urptn al I In c ! of ttW 0c.U year wa only fl2jsK; tin appropriation mad for Ibr prrseiii rar arr ??.Vt.'V" In rv II-..'! of lhe etimatrtt rrrri!.. m! of ihe!e appropriation ?;ii.i,imi were to meet obligation rrrvlrl by tin previou t'oitgr. Taking tli appropriation, and tin e.otimatrtl rrvrnnr for lb present 5 ear. and adding Ibr available nrpl In Ibr frtrrtor. the present fiscal jeal will btr the Trrasnry Uirikmpi not lc. than $wjikm ui gmw'nz nioris iMMinlir, ele to rtl I lie deficit for !Mnir 3 pr ! rwr. The Treasury i looinl ami bik mplril, ami llir roplr mnt eUr U trcn inrrean aror bon. i, economical gmrrnment. Vtb shall it be? ItMlwll. ( MMMUfllM C. Tli i IromI nrion Ihr inot smi-rtfnl t'ouU Mrbrirr wr have ever obIt a few !r invariably rare the worl rar of Cough, t'roup ami Itronebili. while il. womletful iirrr. in the cure of onn mpt ion i vilbont a parallel in the history of mrlrinr. inii it. tirl ibnivrry it la brrn mM on a gnaranii r, a lrl whirb no oibcr ninbrine ram jtand. If jiou ha a eonb r rarmrtly n-.k you to try it. Trier tiv Z v. and i. If your lung arr orr( or bark lame, nr Sltilob IVfwn I'luAter. Ndd by John TwII. MORC.AXTQX. X. C, TIIUUSDAY. SK1TKM1IKU ,s92. KI.I-rTIOXS UK lMr UMMornS.Mfi,.. rc"ia:Mr ii l I."4-r tv Male cafi I t'p'r't :ate li- src t- f f-i 4) t j lraiate a t: Ulite in CCf bi M jal r. twet.ray. vn.Nn- . m trt . Mate SWr o.I a tiUs?r I llOl'4H1,)(.(M l" i. .J N'terUr A t rK.4 : c Vet u Male oP-Kfrf ttvltMrf 5. ft. en Kfn:!nrn C Notcmtr chMtMr I rttiot ef v!,. tit hmf Ncj. NtTf , I. .n win e(ci ;f tatC. .rfwr J,.rtt.vA1., : PMtrn, itv Kf;rv'4.f :u Ulite in Vtztr. aI a lature bi cN a tn"J e.j Senator. ir Tarpr. I .. trmtxr .a taiU rt SrfUiy l Mate aM c Ut .tjsrtt in CoPgfft N'oirtaf Kana nl vUr tVtf t . la C -r Nirtt!:ir s, Kcfrlwcky wUl ttioirt rni Kf liU!nr i .!- .Voifn,, bf Jk f vef a-I I iw '; ia" l,: i'tatnre -fv- .c tit:.. . M-nalf. tWc I d-Ma IWie. 1: wiUe it kcj'.j."Kt, in Ctte- Stthtt Mainr wiw Jt fr..r t lCepv?cfiuiift( m Ccw 4.. Ki . . AT a. Malf S-Bal . jrr it:. K, rt Nrrlrmbf if, Mat it! t Utl Kitr f tentative bcr i 3Iachirtl errnr, Male fr!,, S.irin lfj rfnaiiif in C lUiirc i b m IV - Mat? Salnf. tkr luwt H'f. Notrmkr Murbian WtC ftrvl li-v. ami Male tnlUt r lt lr U'-i - rlalivc- in Ctr l ljj' iUlurv Ut eh ai r.t,4 m4 UlDo4 Wltl aM Male orr. n KV rfiaiitf in Cower a t lairr o eiW,r r vj., Senate. k I.fU. Kp, fpl i.CI tTT m i.toi-j iri f rrnla t .. . MtttrfMift Will tUtwtw4 (Mifl Will eUvlfra-vtw jntl Stale oSrt. t(Ue UfttM' Alli:itWi bt IV wtti, U.w 1. N. .it Kfr-t.iu ,mu(u Tlk. . ' " I I IT... . . . -;'Vv- S ... '' , I EM .m a ... t 0 ..... .A . (. a m ivi i cnU v ' . "'7 -h. l'Jib f,.i in V a'- ,o i '". is . i-. w"f mi; . , cSr rfTtua, a! tt-MMr ;j;.'wiu.rt ! li.y 3. l'i.oi-, ,t j. I t V4 .. ?.'. --8 $, ,;!VI MA. Wkj t;s.; 4.1 ft,s ..::., .g l.. i 4 I ? Vit!rf x . 'ai m.,, (a (m. im Cm' 4-1. J t ,. H-Jj WH.. ir lo;,ii, K'jn. r-n.M4 , Wx"U fi. i .! kH Crl TR t 'i aj U44 -S,or al t;.f U 4 Ijt'ffc; t f .f vlf t. tr Ki, Nonif lllll on i. m 4, I L. t r"6 :3 "-" " 1111 " "IMM1 WTAUtSlI lit Ml- it- 9mm ' i wt-, . . . ; . w J lWrr fca 4 ;H tB; '' iMIbiiwiHafluiii! l la.fcf - 4r. Iv.w ..... .- I Ol ln t,iit t t 1 -H t It, . H'"t rMM i!;. II H M '(row 1m tH IRAo 14 tIM Hi Hl 1m J-H HMMt4f Max- M ! " I trflM NvTb rMf Mf W Jlf 1m I ! wmm 9 J?a n nii imhmv " fmm t4 amfi, ftw JM- .M i'l-t ifi(i.3 - J1 linn M 40O4 .. MAW I - - - , . . -a " m 1 I M.H.Mm I .111, 4.1,1 !, Hit I 40 owe II-" Ifl W MUll ilr fVft klMf, 4M 4rt l -4.-MtiiNe M' Mm- t)a. I mi l M aflaJ a,yn i-- IIh- fin.n., ti . i.,i4 "iW fM .AfW l.toOA ! I iw 4 . "r4 . vomimi j Ui 1m afl .t1 f av UiO iVta4 ll H1 l a ?t Bs.1 9M 44 fOfi4 e rTMu 'IW yfiiM l4 wnwl i?, )Ml H MiHrv, .1fHHi .AA SM t HiA IW a9 . hi n 4Sw!. MMi 4 y m1 - r,MMi m ,Mr tl.-Vif M 1m fl,rMH t laS.'i-H t! iMiv4liX 'H !. Mt44r4 .Artr Aon. air tn t ',MiV4 Mmt "'r at IMwm, ?Maf tlMt &'. I hm lHIJtti W ttM4;lkHVl It Mt'MlMll A I ia i.nnw lim, t . , arvi lZm KmJ rt4al1iitSrHtr) 4,1 .)M f ..tlirt ,no aw4 ,.,r tH-Kf IW to- ton, 'an, .aHrt., nMia n,M4io ir .;a nn. ih i,jx li -m. n i-Ma rt ri.Ki i n4 ixi4-nif )IU ""1,,M HV, fl JMrtHlM'H,..t;b.MHft WPMi.H'ri n.VNtiii 'o .MHHnafHii i rii cw l m n! Jmiiii i Tu m,,4. t4 r?r.iH twiiiil I.M'Hif 3mJ Httr 4jM4t i3 rfr.Mi)-'t.rr4m4iMbJi0 ft, Jr .M.. i', 1 HlH ! Mi I1f r I. ! h terfrf 44(. WW , ttMj t M,T.rt.f t' ot!lfl tr .'iinHMH4 ari i- --'' t- 9itiii'K41, If lM tJM.Mj'ilKHil t toVl I tffmi .4 rf.Mlt I . tst. fo.Of.o .1JImm: .1rita, 1.4 n '4.l.. T) ir mM 4M avutirt.t.DIr 4 ak 44Hf I'rt W onMoH... J 4I.H,n m tm.Mno I.miHoi ?aoA IV t.Mi 1-boiM j mmH.hI "JiMn.., .U,,, .-v,. fi W tHyite.JJ.t 94.o .fl a, aH ,.M4'14 arnta tni X'Ht IIw-ik, tllwwtntj "Mlw , oiM,. iw i'n.iiMii 4 i nl-io t .Mii fe MHIV. j Hi nitfli. ait mitdM 4m ,.i,V fltlrifcti.-.- lMfMMtl fMtrifi4 .TW'X-'ifctHiP M 1m- .mio tb. tl m M-iH,nijk1m,aMt,ll(;i,H,l. 9i,,,n. MW4 IM'tl4 Net.nn t ill J i I iu mi iw wi.iiMh.i a iiwni . q "'o He, x, fl f ltOWMMrtl hJI &M 0 HKtffi MV'MAli4AfHl 1mt. Cxlrllorli A Mnv.rt.4 M'r'M KiCm "itMH 'nli lMinyitDiINi) .1 K.j!V.-nn4JL If, . II, 'tfj Ho! MtMi' if.iHMi 4 IW , 4Cli.4t 8 Hit miMllt l1 I. tfllj 1iHttMH. .1 t rt Kir, 'H-h.oo41 a )4 t,nM.o. a ticv.t.ii -.! r,M-ift.i. SMiMits, I cV tWi 4 111 3U r-ri,taS-Smi.rH, - av.ti ra 4n MmfW-, lr iT4 L " r-tw wt, H ?H"llU.'i.ri l..(lCO- l, a 44 tittw? $m Jtf Wr, to NO. 21. xdvsix t;r.vr.i:i. o aMt Mrt -(! 1 atiitt 4ft1itii if. JHtt ''""'I 51MMN li l.llti'i 3MI- o o . "(t H ft.w MrtM Imi 4H II. ftlM Mlt1A I11M 4m Hf , HotlHtlc fMH. Ra) (Vwlf 9 IK,, HIM' MiHl Alt M I 4liVi ftlM, oJ :T5jl tlijoVl Jtr HtrVtawHtH alt t.UMMM 4f) I. IHto.HCn-.r, ll f4illl(1 IHl 4HiHf Mle , 00JII It'll IVlM-ftiMM't, e -'llitrV, MIOH MtL "loflifi 12 Hotrt ) 4ii,'til 8 4ifV f 4HflOlt. 1a 4 1. mA 'ui4o4 4 r'oiAaiHu 41imv 4Miojtr (NUUtM fHltfl 44f I te(wi4 t;i0H,A 4MAt.fif .onlH w. ! lllMitlMllM 4I M 1lO 'tHt) (MfllMM'fl 1 )eiltiltH HflfllHH 4IHH Ml4-, 4 SlH wd HlHiHi lti44HtlOHlf H "R1iH MiH 1,k1 MH a..H' MHifct'", ' THl IIHH aHW H ! Ilx ill a 1i4 tt t , ...... n.. MM 1tM) t4MW 4 1 irut,.!!! HC fH4 all M4lk ,rl,: ''MMO llUt' U MOvi'll I '"""". Ilw allii 4r HuftiWli iMOl 4tMtlMUt ir, nr n otu itf 1 rt fW 4H 4IMII'. IIWV, . J t:, Hit t.--1 MiniV, "flw t440r $sym m-ff I1,H I.l.lMiV lHHtl ! ),' H : i4 44 14 flu- tirlMl 4 J ? .iintiiw? -on i,i1.UaJat, ttv 41.M iKirti 4 Hn m 1ir 4'Hi' , 31k '1 4n-M IM ! Hll HU JH1M H,M. -r4' 4l m Hi, 41140411 Hl. 4'JlW4i, Uurjl mtt Irt!j1fi tiMt HnMli 1t MMI1 -H1 H(M ? StK y'r fl4 flU' t1liMl4t4 -TV.i iim1 M RwitiMJI )! a.H hm 1tmrt rflif-Hi it4ffii DiHift tlr to Hit'inf 'r Itin tM inaj H4r mi( art MM Hl 4rt K-' iUHK lf wm iin.' ! itlhlM 4JUl4 tJM 4 llir r'0tHf lift. 4oi mi llir af3'Hl ?Hift f 'M., moh Mtvotu-W 4t w4Mr a 4-Mitt 11 fu to!li40 4ha.1 o ...' iMiHV, ' Hlr1, M4nMlX 1l fAUM' a'.Hi 'wma.rli.iiir mHiii4. fn im I t)M 4lll'IO TCt1 ll.M -illfH JtaMas.17., 4T wt DhImmt' mK fH4, .tMiif 1m hi ! .l,H( a Kit .HMMtlM at hL ..K ' " - '- 4 - Li f-J ai-ii. aiMMLm4 4iHm, 4itn inn llr-Mlilli Hi otau.iM.4 Hm lHw Mt41o-i 4,o 4i Hit lt HlMrrno), JltHS 4llUr TrH '4f Wf tei Wiv n MMt iriri-iitV, ,!, 4H Hi m I Hi 4difiio J nm " ib1i 'omf '' ' i1.lMt, .M MM f. 3 .M AllOM'MIX. H yw, Mtailp !l.r' 4H j.rtfl Ifiaj ImI 1h ! 4mi. 1 ai'lii-li 4l,i mtiotilKMWIir tit.rtMap 4i 1rW Mi l!.,,-!!,,, Hi MIHI. 4t4 HUM lotllol 4litrU4 nylf 1.tH i,, 4 41m UfiiM, 111 4.h. tH I , 4,rt' 4f M ,m 4,4,4 I1IJ. fn.a, f Wl. tH1t t4 4mh1 4oim rfi,. I.SUI.Ml.h.,, lH.u.M.1 M1f Wft a4 Ha 6 H. Ji lr ll4Mttl4 nilllM 4 1M n4m UM4 H4 4 lair liMt r f ; x - ; s i i i i a f 4 'ft Ml M w?tm m 1 a, -i n ' Ir ai CI Mtt , Ir- ,n M, 4 4 11 Mil in. HI fi 441 tH, C7u Tm ''"' '",w' " . rl 4X . "n.. i;j J l i;.,i ij- -; - ' Ir4t; 44ii; "i i KI.Mijn 44 MM44 BosnilsSims. Mi wiu,i;-i'i it Fl Worth, Waco, J1 if 4 -1 ) It 4 iH', . . t.i. ..414 1 . CiUir. r;n::c. "4 ... .... ,!.. ,n w - .s. ... A 4.4 A..,, ,. 4. J: iuv . 4. ,4v4m .in '1.4 1 4-.. 1 4. 4.. "MM'"IH.,, 4 4 4Kw -4 a. T. i i;.sii. FjuitUy Groceries 444a. t9ltf Atf.VfS. 5M44 1.404 '.4,' rl'4J.a., std'4 i!ll t4l!lll.f f J.,, I'l.ljlf Htltl f & 11 V lV 411) 1,1111(1, 4wt . to -n KT4. l!i! ?. JLiS t" til4ll VliH444 "" -4"' ... . T441 4J.VMWU44W 4.J44 441 4 ""'Sl..4l.M4' 4W. """ M 4.44. 4X44 4J,.4W fc '" 4H.4.-.4 . ..., . '4 4A4W44 VkM.tHt. . 4- ', In , 4 44 4TlVM r- .. 4, - - - - -s -4- . 4. f r 4r 4H 44i '"ijrtH I'ir. 1. 1. DENTIST, 41o;44 jS.1if1MiMi4. t4rr4, PATENTS, 44M"-444 '444. 4 41 H4. 444444..4W 4V444l It 4 44444W4.44M44M44. 444X . I, l, 4 4' ' '4- 4 44 4'4' 44 414'll!-.4. 4 4 yi 1 , . f-i' 4-4'4t4 4M'4..M.44I 44, nlu 4)M 44I.4M l.444.-.l. I, A 4M.4,444. 4K. 4w.M-. M.H... 44X ,.,4., 4)4414. MM4..44n 4''' 4 04144. K 4 ..... ,4 4J..MI. 4MI .. .44. 414 4.4444 . 4' 4 4M.444 . . 4 4)41(4 1 .i. ..l,.,, 1,W1H 44,(4 4fc44V. .X44l CM... 4. 444 44,444 .444444444 .. '.44 4M4)4 444V 4V44444 M44K , A. SHOW & CO.. 44. -4. -4 W. 44 4) ' ' . M - 1 nil m 'j M.. 3 ! iVj r' v;. "J-. V " ' ' ' Tgr?-- - jy- 4 f"-" , 4" - a'-4 ? ......,. " . lrC-.-a J.V44 r 4 iAVit-i - a 1yt'tcVt , v 14 .4

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