THE MORGANTON HERALD lie ::.rsssr to "The Morganton Star" W C. ERV1N. - - Editor. ,ohi PRINTING. With four presses, an abundance of - -'-.44riAa n.n.1 fsliil .fill nrintara The Herald Job Department cannot be excelled. Tl'e posifireZtf tctfZ not 6e tm-.fl-W-iJ on price. "NORTH CAROLINA. NEWS OF THE STATE. VOL. VIII. MORGANTON. N. C. THURSDAY. OCTOltUU iSga. NO. si It i-ms of SEVENTY THOUSAND la The Tune of tlM Majority la Georgia. Atlanta dispatch of the 6th. The Constitution's special cor respondents, messengers and car riers covered the. State last night, many riding on horseback from twenty to forty miles to reach the icicirrapu oi.ices nearest tht maun. tain precincts. This thoroughly organized work enabled the Con stitution to present the scmi-otTi- Northen's majority is 70,555. Peck, the Third party candidate for Governor, is beaten in his home county, Rockdale, by 315 majority. tie carried only eight out of 137 . . . : i,.i k- k;u mc enure oiaic nouse ticket ana 1 nrorp new llULCi u- ajunw . 1 , .... . a ia,&. I -11 j : carried everv Senatorial district Chaoel rlul wiin an muueru im- 1 TV, Movements, for northern winter eept two. which are doubtful. 2uesls- I the exception of four Republicans 1 lie aucjvnn. liitt-rost from North Carolina Points. ..The State Chronicle has been enlarged to an eight colum paper. ..The Wilmington and Weldon railroad has bought two new en gines that will make seventy-five 'miles an hour. . .The bird law docs not expire till November 1st, and all shooting of birds before that time is in violation of the law. , .The contract has been let for LCRO TENNYSON DC AO Tfco r laarMl fa 4 tVavWall Saa mm In Karalag m a aa I.ord Tennyson died at 1:35 Ihis morning. Ifnmn'iAlrlir aflrf tK" f- ilS . I ....... ... . , . . . . . . . . . I-ord Tennyson a reporter I the auw iJiirii i'rrt niti 21 n inirrvuw a a .a-a a a a wun sir ,nurcw -uiarK, one 01 me physicians who attended the pocl . ... .. 1 r jn.xrw a t . a &w . ..... . . . . . . j aa . . a . . . Iord Tennyson's death was the most glorious he had ever seen Bol.ll RANK RoRl'.ERlKS. 0JllU00f CCSCf 3 Xi& 11 tiia thm A ft ta-a Km a4 a ftKfta Imw aa .a! tn om4 aaaaaa tlaawa to lit. Ivimmil a. tftHMW Sat TNe Il?oi K4 There was no artificial l.cht in the I lU-w4 lre ciu 4 lr a .a . a . a- I m. . . ttl IL. .,4 mn In d irlc nr4 K(rv a I the frtwofl fCCCIlCtJ ItCfC at IMaai broad tlood of tnoonti&hl poured I to-day, with a ffft lf o:t in inrouirn inc western window. i t-, Tk mAon'i rart Irtl acruvi ihc 1 dcra4)- .tda l light and forming a Rembrandt-1 Ixrcd tit f tvtt Ula a like back-ground to the scene. I fier t!ve Wftkt .jr! tot J All ait ulrnl jr tfi autIkiflt DCS lAfT iwx , . nArotinn f.-ir thp ti,. ta nf ihi autumn iai! a it trntlr I baed. A4 5fa lZ 11f 1 ,1 - k- - - J . - w. " w . , ... .'.. " . . v,a-,ic Vifr ran t crt r,nnn....:A..i .:,.:. 1 nl-ivril thrrj'ifhi I h trrr- enough milk to keep me concern iom atson s district by 1,511 running. majority. The Constitution re The Shelby Aurora, in speak- Prts cover 137 counties and near "" : i-i or? rnnntv lv 2,ooo election precincts. ins: 01 men in vt- 1 - . . , , -' r. Ua M- I iASHMULI, 1CI1II., V-l. U . L o v.-. fi chn special to the Amercan from At W"AT OCtt Tw3 till t ttaMa tMaH 9 tnut aa ! t aait .mhw iwiifc, n aa,Wktt c i f S)a t ll fTSVfjMI ,.?, W-oa4.i- f l1 io.t,j tvii tv iivw S ihi ta tlU waf 4! I'f rjV sjv. i-i l tfi 44 !k4 fMlf tBMf SiMti Ctf -Mf - -ta MM va.?Hi. a,.. Mr a -( twi 'I H i . tt- t4.. 4)-.4V -t.-X. 44V44N. H. H 'WaM NlvvsiMUM r -r . f ? 5 I 1 1 i I tf t t tm ti f mi W a -1 a aji tai 1r ki r; ft -Ml Ml ' - a hi tat mi Mt M it, ii t mi at mi an t t-nriu ir inf. f fa a.awi I3rtit.. I ti,' Wt-' 4W41't, "l tsJrt(U rit tn J.MK,1t.4l4.i SJf Hlt UH a.1t1 Irttil 4'a r1 I nrovided it is high in the instep. lanta, Oa., says complete returns 0 I from fleorfia tivi-; Northen a Tl :il K M.KIa TMlKlll I . . 0 , . 1 Here 111 a hanging at Greensboro, October 2dh, when Charles Reynolds and J. M. Headen will be executed for the murder of Solothail Swain. ..Dr. R. C. Reed has resigned 01 me autumn wina as 11 jHuy 1 - ---. carrvinc I p-ayeu inrougn tne trees surrouna 1 S4nii t . . ft . I 1 . . 1 . . .. I t tl. KW A ik C ior tne gentie poet wno sjr w wniit wm; , of love and the beauties of nature. I the deeper a! e .viouontcss lAru khpiwh ' l j v - , . , - - . - . - . v . ; t 1... 11. I t . . y.1 it t!..-. upon nis vuuen, mc imc i " gently and slowly ebbing out Into Tlo Ihe oulU ban ! fuH4 l na . a. i rm i kk&p iiiuiiii r - . a . . v a . . . a a r ' . - w aj. . a . . - . . . . -a. .- ...... . - - af . of pain or sorrow checked its I them. twl iVy n! I af mnr- or cAuird a t rrle uton the I this time. Tfce M S l Hv fvo4 I I I . . I t tit.l r A I ...... I I . .....i ,. Kinikotx n.nfi n( tK Lufu. AttHfl I ttl I ft-'8 tw- I fl 1 "a cratic .National headquarters tp. w k v ; , - - 1.- nti.'" a maioritv of ro.t??. j r - a X X " - - a I itw i ukk, uci. o. i iicrc '.!ai'1 ;. Ljr l tvoi 4 JV "V-a fJHWjl-' litfc rt ytvi.a. C-''" a.i!-Q tSur SlttiV tf.' ( a.T - i - . .11.. a. 4V - af'4444444 ' 4 -W.att iaa Wtl .'l4frf "4a4a4 . 4V-a44a 4.4..H44 -44- -..a 4 f ,.Hi W al, Hi ta WMIHI 4-l -It t4a M4 a 44W IK W ,-H4 aMit 4aa, ia4ja in 1 a4 aawU a!iaal i.ll "iaK aja i .44a ' (M. flMaa 'V 4)M fca., 44- .44 a -f4-v4.a. aW..l . 4M4a ak.4 Ul - a44S 44la4 fH . ar,.4 a tl f KWt, W'H" aaMa44 tH4a Ml . M a 1,1 .v -V4 h W lM-I.-'IC" PBVJDSR A aaVlaUaal al.Aaal 1 .1 . IVIlfloMV . ll 4414Vla4,4. at4.4tltl . O iMim g (.. -K..44Mr,K 44 ca:.. 4. 4.Mw -a Vy( a , , , 1 4a 9t4 aa )a44i t4 S - VMH ASilMrt-iV tit a aa aa Am A M fuiMll,, tJ a Vi,f 4alHl iL -II lif'o" IVe I V wm4 a-iVS J1 f . - r. Lil ,-..oi.aa oa' i i! ii,"M(t in dif ? wa - fvSVf l IV1 "3 Vt T IV IV1H 1 day over the news from the State election in Georgia. The big J ' m. U r IV. V. IXCCLl 11C13 i.Jii,"Vvi - t - JT his pastorate in Charlotte to accept Democratic majority is very grat t .u T7: raeKi-tAt-;an I .fvintr to Chairman Harritv and oi illume uwi ! - - - ' f - - - . g members of his family cre t y h.s Vinho:ct hA K t-1 cta f '4 IVl -.t to tne r irst ricsuut'"1'' church of Nashville, Tennessee, one of the largest churches in the South. It U announced that Bishop Y. W. Duncan will hold the North ramlina Methodist conference this vear instead of Bishop A. perviouslv G. Hagwood, as nounced. ..Native North Carolinians re siding in the city of Baltimore have" raised a very handsome amount for campaign purposes in this State, and forwarded to Chair- - V 1 - .M.arin.T man bimmons a. incv.iv the same. ..The State Fair comes off next week. It is expected to be a tremendous affair. . Pawnee Indian Show, with hundreds of .rfnrmprs has been eneaced. It is verv expensive to the Associa- a . J 1 tio crowds. The Chatham Record says that a citizen of Hudley township cleaned out his well, a tew days ao, which had not been cleaned out'in many vears, and took out of it a nice mess oi nsn, wunc suckers, some of them as large as a man's wrist. ..O. M. Cowthon, accompanied by his father and attorney, Mr. DeGraffenreid, appeared in New ton Monday of last week and gave bail in the sum of $3. for his appearance at Catawba superior stand trial aVLaa - J ' j j j ifying to Chairman Ilarrity and his associates. No force bill, no necrn Hnminntiiin will be tlie Democratic battle-cry to the end of the canoaitrn. The result of the State election in (leorcria and Florida this week has convinced the managers of the National campaign more than ever that the force bill is the issue of the contest. They say it will keep the South solid asrainst all com binations the Republicans and Third party can make. The re sult in Georgia was an aggreea- ble surprise to every one at head quarters. Sn4 Vrjc OI. I j Raleigh Visitor. We are in possession of some verv old laws of North Carolina away back yonder in i7S5-S7-oo-m and 1S01 and o6. They are rery expensive interesting to look and com n but is expected to draw large vty g now and the printing and binding reminds one of old times sure enough. Some of these laws were printed in New Kerne, others in Ldenun and some in Raleigh. On the 19th day of November, 17S5, "an act for establishing a mUitia in this State, was passed. All white persons from 1$ to 50 vears eomnosed the militia. Militiamen were paid for their services in those days. A lieuten ant colonel, for actual service re ceived 15 shillings per day; a major 12 and a "sixpence," a ser- a. a a Jtl m m . ftt for killing Sam Tilley, in Hickory, ger five anJ lhe mcn wjIO killed a short time ago. an(i werc killed, the privates, got Thp Statesville Landmark savs four. . .. ltie atatesviuc nassed at this session 6TamEs .vfv.L r - S HKT-i:-7ivS. XX 1-711 IftrrU I I I .7 r I. . -J.m' .LI - 1 ' - V4 JCUs V-Sfc. aw I I II a I I .11 1 I M . 4f - tf M.IMVI I'V Ittt I I till. I.ITI.WI " ' .'ri... - I . tffs fC ar'rt ti?Si 4 44 t aitvaniC l4 1' ai'kMrti llaa kaafl IMi Hf4 ft lti4 taMi l I ?Hlo ..i9.4 ti.t 2 t r IV laarn u1 lH tKint 4 V ltt fri It4 MK-4 ' .I.Sf 4.l M'Wf II t. 1 ftaa-Mt lit t.-4 Dirt atS Vf f- aft d a a a MMi IV a i-! 4ra r j: nr ,a . " - - f Aa !. !i a him wih -Mtt la IV t, m - a - nik im itA IV VK ton ai 1 Hvii(w.u' ,ww a 4. 1 ft0 'M- ;', 4HHlil d aitM4il4ie 4vl MM" H I a1 W r'l4 I, ,.fla.i t urtn. u Ml .4 t.lH ttl Uh4J tRi-Jj 'i.i . ft a 4.v4 l.iir "M l-4l'4 "Mt 4nT4t4 filiMim. A lit tHHl A t '; C.rV4 m f sjli lut a4'li4 tf-mnai .!'' Cv fiHi 0 4 rm.nMuit .,ij,i(.nit'8 j V-4.ltt M.4Ut4.t 4lM M- It W iifiwg tV 4!i'4H4M arl arTii . or JfHl S w n1.ii"Vi i 4"l'"l iH'iit il4. KU AT;KW.S13 it.i ims. ftt . t4S - V 4 4 9Svtt4 1 atia-4 IMtK -' J'wi, ,rtt taiaill4ia .. IWwitaliiiMrVill! -4a IM 4" f. t . . 44444K 44.Mt44M a)M ait i -4. 44. 1 1 J4 4Ml mond which was found in Silver Creek township. Burke county, and that it is a very interesting crystal, the faces being so wonder fully wrought that it appears to be almost spherical. ..A colored attendant at the Fstern Hospital at Goldsboro was killed by an insane patient a few days ago. He went to sleep while watching the patient, and the latter, taking advantage of the citnatinn. struck him several times on the head with a piece of iron, are from the Argus. .The day that Orton's circus was at Wilkesboro a certain Wilkes man was fleeced by the snarpers who are always along. The Chronicle says that when the man s wife found it out on him she gave him a genteel thrashing and made him promise not io gu .. any more without some one along to take care of him. The Shelby Rezicw says that Mr D S. Weathers, of Cleveland county, planted less that an acre of sugar cane this year and made io eallons of splendid sorghum ,k,.,t SUo oo. This beats WUl L 1 1 tii-.-. - VJ . cotton a long ways, me-e nas has been more molasses made in Cleveland county this year, says the Review, than ever before and i,i.r cove it- i; one of tne most profitable crops that can be raised. ..The Mt. Airy Xeru's says that a correspondent from Elkin to the Winston Sentinel says that there is a man near Elkin who has been married only twenty years and has five children married and all of Wilmincrton to lay otT streets and to build market houses, and to dig cellars under the markets to be rented out to help raise revenue fnr the ritv. Butchers had to pay percentage on all the meats they sold. An act was passed Dec. 79. 1709. "for the relief of officers, soldiers and seamen w ho were disabled in service of the United States during the late war. On the same day an act was passed imposing "a ground rent, not exceeding 20 shillings annu ally, on all piazzas and porches in the town of Tarboro." Tn i.SS; the oublic printer was . . allowed j,5 a 5car saiar Bounties were paid for killing wolves, wild cats, panthers, bears, crows and sqirrels in several conn iIpc Wake amontr them. For a wolf 20 shillings were paid, and for a wild can three. In 1790 a law was passed -to restrain all married persons from - - . 1 marrying again wnusi ineir iur mer husband or wives a-e liv- Horse stealing was made a fi,-.nv- 5n 1 too the "punishment being death without benefit of This beats cle.r.?X7 Krt..e llUISDOro liau av. w4.- built in 1790. Henry Emanuel Lutterlow, in 1790, was allowed a lottery, to run five years to raise money to enable him to bring toreigncrs w this State. The University of North Caroli- na was given power in ini iu raise money by lottery. Militia service was established in 1878. In 1806 auctioneers were ap pointed by commissioners in sever bedside, ani Sir .n trew Clark re mained by hi si !e Iron: iht m mcnt A his arrival totrrday until he brcathcl his lait. S gentle and painless wa hi pair ing away hi fa-nify d l n-l until lf. Clark broke the news tn ilf I rnnyvi, at ft. who brrc the CKn seen- t rt tr; d well in rcte of her (t- irrmrtl- dc'.lCjte hcat:h. 1 1 . Ilallatn Tennyson, the p-oet Svn. savs that his father's death wa tlv rvcaccfal. He did fcvl show a single trace t( suStering I s .?;frr hi sorrowing ttlativtrs and friends. )CC Of Iw'lCC dufinS the niht he Uftctl his eye I iHe f nt the watchers bT his Ixd- c.d and a beautiful smile rlate I over his features. No doubt as to the future was in his wan tare, and as the end came he appeared to fall asleep, so restful was he. and so calmly did he respond r the beckoning hand of the atCl of death, that those who st I be Kltlfl.t. ilV I"-"' - whsch h few;- mt a'''? was retwnr'l wtt tt i"rths rf Js't'f V ttr n l i tl". tt tB t wSvur fee vt. U-l I sifl the jCC wa sett l r fidPC l-s carrr htn A well ai1? jo- n bt ! -! dl eayt Mfe rr kit! f'-! the fdade U: T- ! Ial;. Tofn Neddy ! ft Vti.-ti mn!if I lt Mil C tf '"' a 1 iiea ; 3 I hp a.fc;!W t r.o-4-S !r,ir-"5 ,-' f t.d n l i t !t I l-si't t l C5T Manual C T (.it-r. J' ft.- nfS5 f t tt..H l f sHH,, V t-rt--fc tVt? V a-w:'.r IV' frf- f f Va i Mf fit! ilimH 4 tar.i;.4 arfM IS mi l.wl 4")a In V ax fcaii.. Eot'inr 1 laatn r"i - (ft3 .-WHl IV H .3 al.aMia. It i er l a SMta IV aa anoti an. 1 iHI art 3Mt? ?'S . H ii4a Ih rf4.-liW eitr a a.f Ivi.ij ;if.a4 4S4 ' I1a ftitaM tt.a.1 ir ait. 4rt 'I! tani.1 4iM Nil f4-ii rii r Wi VU a. 1 - 4 W" - " a- v - -- lit :it I .a fHMi 4 ft 4l.fcf w ftml'lZml fa HI jal1 ftwr a 4Vt.1 tr auM'iitiA r IV 'mk a T..a lHtfl!!f 4 "l I5 fH'lf T-H-l. 4H ll.'im.a,, Ht. tVl.MH. . .. - Ba .44. I t.tfm S4"t, Hl4 4-HlM), ;"H4 J MHt4.i4if ?,, UUiV 1 II r4f .-.rtHltfr.Ht.!1 I.r) ,. id S.a Sif V -ni-rti ii4t4f B, iurtl,iii'i4iiHf iaii,, .i4ia4 SVU u 1 40 'tvrU ! 1i1-Hi" 1.W M,,nf 440tl - ill 4f1 S '14 Jft.Hug a I HJ4 Utttttfta "It" Si4ri 4... w 44444. ' 44. 4)4tf a.4.4. ' 4t4M4 ...44. 4)1 ..a 4.-41 .J.' 4JH V 4a444- -. a.... 4444 44 ' mf 4-4- .al 44M444444W44 -4. 4a4 ).Ma 4. 444" 4 44.4I,. a4H 4.44 . 41 a 4 4fi a 4. V44isi4. .-44-44 .. . 'tH , r.4. 4 -'(.., 444444,44 a 't XK44VA4W!..). '( a. na44i4.ia. 4 v i.Mti aihi 444 4m N Kit a- S.a S.HtVHV ,11 S , jl1.n.)U4.' ..(. i4-e atue iii ne -if- "ti-n a 'ii 4ti, iMrt4-r i 3i4)it l4tv4 nin ,.- fait "44 t. i i:.sii. 'iii' Family Groceries v"4 a trtllHl 4 J Iai.u1. V"- tM" 4 . 14 M . A ,l4t'l44 44 IM -4" 11.1.1 4 4MIH Cubane a4 W4t V -. i:inn. evtB. ?e s dl Ilmmel UJsn U -iifat ! ed. CKaHer Tlw t A? rl the t'rrst NatooMl IU I "TV"v lta!dflL tUt t I '. lata:: oJi. A. Kt"Cr ttl I" IV ft ilrain. taai mint 4 - sure mm J -111 the , s k , I lf 1UU L 'aA 7 V V4 a. a. a . I tu.4 3f 1sl i' ;.f t iv .! w.t 1 i Iff V' I fpr-v! were l rvivl d wa I 9 IV d;"f t r- t 1 lV?-4 f " TW Wa.k af Aa t4.a I At(r) of In ef mJkA aned v. """'"'' I l' fa..4. Uncle Vex" Crockett, a cm- shl kU ihrtr-? r.ei .rf.-t ii has recent r.mti wi. 1 ' " ' . . " i. . . r. . fi, tt I .H - aiafc.Mf IJKlt fMii'4 21 'Mf!r bl4 S tv.h"I 1m v4V"1 smh V faX'V'ifc'-n. It'Wfco t4 sa ,":. m4t 44v m.tnV i IV ttf . Mif IJtoll b4a 4 iKtfwOl M IV r.U1 i1 .a ttjaailL, antr (tMta Vfc1 hV ft 4 ft'H fta -(! JiV-nCi .V lit ftrt'niVI IV 4Sii!. Vtl!S TviV:si iv 9 i-4V.aflf 1 a 4n 4 4mi4-jp.m;, .y w li.fc.i 4 4jt a3 1 snrv4 tl Oaa l W 4ii.Vt4i4 l44 lav iu-4 e.,iU km IV fail I1i4 "n-V'4 -ti41l ft 4i W"! 4iaaA I'll lf0l4 It N l 4Mli Ifl. S Ml iW- 1444 t'UV V"0a tilr SS tta 4a4M ;wi4rt 4 4tti a '4.4l'6 Jtd . 44t'1 t.ti. .r. 1 ' V '4H4)ia." ,Kr a JklHl1l444 4 ,444. 4 it X.Ct t-e' HI4 t .n1,4. vaa . j 4n'aR, JS 1 ti-r 4 friM.! .til fta Mil 4l'4H4o t, h(tf'44t4t i"? Ii't"'''" A 1.l H) Hi 4I4).MIII H4 1.4 -4K (Hr4 4i4 fta 0.4l4H' ft.4HlHS ' t4'.S 4(4) "' .t.e "4 44 - 4),J 4444H'S 44 1 V iVta41in li,4M4Hli4H4i4 tl..4.'-!' C'V'I h 4ii1H -" 444g 4 4Sl 1l44) "' 44 Sm niH4t-4) n.4 a-,nrtH'4 a 4V .ltiia JkTim Kt v.144 t 44 " H"v', f4MV 44). 4 4'444r. 144 ' f ft-: frt'll1' 1i -) " ,,. 44 4jtitC tlll -4)ir f-',H4-.44)( ill4r. V l!V4 I 4n 4M !.V'f 4 'A 4,; '!- 4 t4 4 V:4 ft." 5't 11,. f4 J t.. 1 i r 5it.i 4 l-tk 4aal4it e4K ri Wa4M mm'- . I4I4 444 4 44V 4 44W- 4. !.(, 4ftr-4.4S4 4 .xy.'ti, 4 4-4 4-4 4 4V'4 444.4V. 44Wi 4 44- $4 - ftttH44jVft4. M..4.'. 4il4'4 .4. va - 4 SM44W4 ft .44w 4V 4 . . lw4 4 4. 4.4( i. an.. .4 1 iv. . 4 . .WftH "J f 2 -..A, a j44v.a.A 1 iH V4t.ft4.A .If I-;!!. trW1.-S 544 4...V, . I 4t .W r.c ' ".aaa . . . -rt ,tl j,,... JV 41..1 ('fi 4Ti.rt ft 4MMt44M ,i (44 ,4W. ) AIM V if rt 4,44 - ,44 i4 . i(H4H'tl 4"- 4fc-444 4. -1 44 4ft ( -44 V ft 4J.T. - ' ' .Kt ht h-i. accomolishetl : At an average of three columns a day he has "scl up" j6.ifco Col umns. This type, put In a newspaper of eight columns to the pae, would fill r. rasc- , r, rr CtIBfl It ne v tt "i'. '.t "" -- . -.-4- - vwr. KaiA 4d Tsa i 8"lv -'-H A I iir S"i!i.iO tih la, Tfffl I -"Tlkf art! 4. A . A MytH IV. !IV aiatJk. , Mii rf1 f $e, f !Ut . .41 - - .. Ivtl IialTf Aft I mi tPl other d4ft rwbefi IhlVft imptkatcd In tter 1 txtr eftd-aed I fay ll . . .... 4 . thT wefe wn xevs 4vi ir j At nve minute jr V".w.... . w.u!d take one year, three months I of one I ihea wa I ! war l and thirteen rtays to reaa f i evrce 4t,. has hve cnuuicu umiu..u ..v. pumicu - of these children have from one ai counties and they were required 01 ,-tj Thick. - w a th 4.,im of to three ennurcu cav.u. gives the man who has been mar ried twenty years a crowd of grand-children. But, the News remarks, we may not be surprised at this since Mrs. Billings, of Ashe county, has just given birth to six children at once to give a Dona in me sum 5,000. Concord was incorporated in 1806. Dueling was prohibited by la in 1S02. An act fixing the per residence of the Governor 4mmifii it matter. If me.sure4l by the il would aggregate iao.-eo m . At 35 cents per i.oco cms lus amount of labor would be worth 340.149. This mucn type ." 7S6.J40 poumls. It would conUsn 421.200,000 letters. If these letters were laid end lo end they would cover a distance ol 5.S16; miles. It would make 11.JjJ.cco hue. 1 1.. 4-.., 1.1 ct tne bridged edition of Webster's !? tionary thirteen times or the r.ib.e forty-live times. ..... If the metal werc moulded inti it vnu j furnisri ammuni . fiki ihr mr 0 tSll and li.aT Vt! i f i?.e trs. d VVr llfs., ot Cortejt.Ec. it S. tilf to-day. lie lt l d-'S !,.! his WtKr. Is l Wtt;leJ3. . tvf sfcr fLL t'f S-e It'. ho .i4L lh- eili'e L l h-otM the hallo Usendl l l.Tn 4nd Ihef hae We V'" .v rf- 4x , 4 . 4. 2 was that the Ki tad UVf day. TVa f jf ty lW -4ft i !a tu(4.-4t f. V44-a.tiw4. I Aft lK Ubt4Ui IV I"" 44 IV. -4 w ft.. V7 l4a I . v- - "4. .4 - .. ..- -V tt .44.ttel Jkm Ia4-. 4 ft4VPa1WT 4rT--- - - 7 i;iM iWt' It (-.. ...Y.lltWa4.l Ml ttk. . .4.4... 7 4 ' - - . ...... Ma. Aan&l 44 4k aa! .l AM a..r v .- - - af to -.! 44x ?Sa Vt v.a.""f 4S''l .t.ni4Ve I f.o4.s Ct-. ,V lf a lV f'V1 S. a, r . J Sv-.'Vi ii ft IVX 4 a J...'. H ' I Sf ' ft fjt.:f e.' in 4j-ft llWtt w i i S. J?, t'T-f w " " It C M I,;!.! IV f.-'-'i tt ftr.J4TJt.-i I i,I44-44l IV sij ft 44I? f -4-4J.4 V l-VEt'4 f -Slf y Vf ir M .at5 !! s.ts 4-ri l S- aSSi l' t'l'lf I" mm ft" 44. 4. M4H ...M h.f .oi-' 4fy4?4j a. .. a ..The Charlotte A'aos I eigh as passed 7th of December iT w tion to tight the war oi la. - ;w (m i..m then have cnouftU ta scl f ewp es J t- 4.4 manent c( "pr Richards Almanac. tw -s in Kal- three of Talmage's sermons, and twrvvM i f u.. Ii .r- 4ajtis la fta i fcr..i4L Uifi 4yaa.4 ft avniufJi4 t jlJ4'4T4.a ftft ! S4i 4Ht.4Vt 4.1U t 4444 4.M-4 ft4. BV ! Jftlt 4vif 4 4J44!" hi i 44 a.4t..J4P sft 4j faai4 ftM-A 44 4.1ft ar4 44i;:4- am t" 4 4 4il. 4 uriC. 1tiFi na ft 4 4 ft ft..iia l.a IfMi A l.a tiuV a 441:4 ft , jmT Ma!..M4't4 4-4UtiKi44 4&a ftott .44 44414)1, it airMrs (ta I V' lift Ht.M'l-J' ! 4111, i ft IV IV1 IV tt.z.H rl4 "4 f 44'IL 1 Il1 4a A a. H I V- fti.4'-S44i 444 44l .4M44.4 H S.lVft tfc W!M44laM44- Mini.aU bll 4t.44iiS1 4ft4l, 11.4 Hi 44it) 'WlM.li4 ft" a44ti 4 S Mia4i 4Vt)4HX 4H M4 4ft4liii4 I '. J-r 4M44H4.,. a aia.l444l 44. tla ii ft4aiS44l aj4fl 44a V a-4r a-DVif mvatL 44ft A4H i4V kllHl.lW IV 'il4l M4 C trt t'k4 4 4'!4h ta,. .;i i-la r4A44 aiMiawa wti II Tt3- - 4'4)a-.-aj.-.. a -. Vli4,.4a 4 f-X4lV . 4 M' 4 I 4M4.II ft 44.11- that a farmer of Mallard Creek, ta4L-i4nhurf- county, and a pillar of the Presbyterian church there, went to sleep in church a few Sun days ago. While asleep he dreamed that his mules were run ning away with him and startled th,- conoreffation by shouting a c m the too 01 1802. Slrrpc tl anil llratth. If vou are not fcclinc tronsr nJ healty. try Electric Hitters. t 1 Gripie" has left you weak and weary, use Electric Hitter. This reminly act directly en Liver, Stomach anl Ki4- - t,ti ai.linir thotte ornu to ..Va...-b iicia, bcu'i o nis voice I periorm nvn u. j - - ' . ... 1 :ti. Cb llm.liirriJt. Tan Will . , r . . , r . v. I afflicted wltn BiCIt llfauacne, yu 4.1 1 1 u-. v- - and lunging forward. hen he "JJj" and permanent belief by r the mote awsfnt lratftol .v hie- found himself Standing I . ;r. On trial will I r r.tlint.a wilboul etlt it . 'V V- . I 1 M W".iiv -".- " - . I ff I , t.4-av . a.. ... . . ot the floor just under the pulpit nce you that thi U the I cuarge. 1I1C3 oO-f. by JM and "a verv mucn surpriseu JOu neeu. i4ars v-.j ' Toll patent medicine testimonials. I m41. f U f4l 'T w - M. 1 m. r rr a a a ill. 11. m wb a- r .. t. is at his ease "nw" rades and "pulling out on a iai take." suii.oii-5sC.tai:i:ii i:r.Mr- DY. A tuatselou erne fr I a tarth. DiphtherU. Canker month, and llea.lache. WitU each UlliV there i an tntnioo na! injr Hill CI vv. 1 f ivvu - preacher glaring down at him." John Tuir Drug Store. k. cio:? r 4 IV ft4 l.attuirf(t 4ji 4 1 N !.4f ft. 4r ft I I- t"-rd S.ala IU V4ft IV I ftp-V-JV M4 tlft ft WC 44 I 14 .0f i4i 0 ft -n-V .-, . " ?'' rt '0, ,,,4 IV fts."-t 'ct- iiW,'4MI'( 4 4jj4JMB4ll4ftl ava (M.ftS ft.V 4f . Ma. . ax a 4 ai f4tift I 44.4-t M4 tF .fa . rt4!Vr44i- ftft 'M jv !!( 14. I rt4ln'Nl.S4, ft44;444444, 4ta44 Atf-8. 44-.lX M lipids for Tit'e. Hl tUsate 4 viftt-4.iCM t"4"4 lwiV Chattel toti4" 4d , jwfcl ll J-4V late tpti"C.S iftlwal lt .' l Tllft llAtlofit. I 4. 4. J. m u..,tu M , JL tfei ImlV 11 Ww V ft.if fcatfi 44.14J- im ViMaUa. iWa saft4M4 a l!W .atx tu iaa4t.44MI4 TtaVl rTx4 l. .a rl h.-t immI fv4. ri4a whJ-j. M htEtfty e40Klao ft tiV4 F'W ItfllUnk Vatalr. l wet.; s Ikil t-Zui it It- 144441 .11ft 414441 wntiH, J,4T W II 41. 44R4.4.4' id I.H V. 4M.r4 ar4 4 M.4tS'444u l44 4?i,t4t, .aa(-S.r.4 a4o(li444 9 -mm f 4t.4, tl 4l. aa tfft ai.. ' J 1 I. lit . 4iM' 4,;i..lllV ftlfOII -X v , Mill "i' t m - jHaftMft WM ft. 4t4." i4lfc' 4lft .ft 4j,K,4.fta. fta 4a 4444W4 44 4 '4 4tw ftol ft. 4.ft aVH 44lia tV.ta ' . . in. .....j. ax .-k.i 44H -ta a aiiMri. j), ,4a Si4a 4HtUaa fta 4R 44. K 4.M4i aalil af.ft 1 4.4 44 It i 41 (tataa ftia. ft'i 4'f. tan,! t'-aH fV,, ri4l4!W fttt4444 14 '44ft 44., . ... 4 M,4M Ml apaj-W.M, 4.. 4,4 4 -44.4t-. 4,i4M4.4V . - -4a.iinW4i.44 ... la. 44.1. 44 H444I .l4. MiPWian.. .aw - U .. 444.1. -44 1H... 4a a - .7 44. 4. -4..- 44.11 4-.4 -444-44 -.mM M44444T af l'Wlj. ga A jOt' ft 4fc fta ft-M.ins 4..-4 1Pm5 .h ' i4S.1m44 I4.IL 444 4 4 IMiMfg V tVltVft 4f,'4, ' o A W?m 4.4.''4 .U-4 44'U 4 i 94ul48 444 .4il4'd-4 S'.,, , ft1.4 4. villi a ftV ifft 4tM V a.- i44 ft.. .Hur.'s 4.4n1 cXvwft t-U. .M.n, 4'H I 144 ,4ntl4l .11 TV' 3.41k. ?H4044 4 4n.-'4 anCh in.. jmivp 4 444H 444.4 ftl J44HI f..ii4 ft.,:U 4.M4444V, fti4 annotH 4.ii'.r4 s4 ar.44 n.4 pwrnR fti'SA i.l! 4-- 4 44V4I6 SJvl) .r.4 4"U 4 V4 4 hi. 4l,t t ,.ft.vr 4 V 4'.ll 4 4t44 ftfiS HV 44m1tVV. 44 4444 iSi ! in':te 1i vnu.) f W 4s,4r. Sit M.444 ftll-.!! ftM -! 444C-t 4 4 4 4"4-t41"45 . 4.f0 SH l.tf44 444;-4l4)U ftn 4Aia 44144 .n tftw 41 4)'M-4ie fttit 4iitH 4fr 4 4 C4I4 l.MtlfC 1V4.H4 r.ft 4 Ilia nJ.iUn! 4 4rt.vr., Mt4fi HI. airuifti. 4 "l4 4 1 44. t.4 44441. 4- ft.44 ...nv Ui! 44 44 iiu ,-I.C .ln.t4. I Hi ii '4 44 4 44 44. a.Mint'ft 4S'4w fti44iT! 4,ii.44? Ittd'tuS 4 KVl 4t-U ft" 34.1. H. Sl4 4F .I ftVft SiwP 4'.Hl 444 H-,i44) 4T..4 ( i ;.l(V.lrt'l! S 4 ..n. H ft 4.44lr j r tW .'WV V-44l4i 4 4 'T-C 4M H ft 4 ji..'(4fta .44-444.a 4ti 4..rt. 4.4f w.iaM!l'ft V 4.li4 !4fl 4 ' ..4li 4 I rt jjMVtil', It-'! 4 4 Kl4'4)4 m, nZZ 3m.V 441.4 "ii4vr hi. imhtx 14 I'IihI1) iii.i44f; i mm !. 4Jtin4lv .l'C "''4 4.4H4 i 41.i4 StiMtie afta.i i4iiR Tv'.Mt . 14.4 I 4" .i'.'",4 4..s.g 4titif nr I 4l.q 4i 4.4t jj- i- ..--f.... mAtm Aa 44. ft i41 3ryM4 gnu-lct Hc Iwt 4J- a a 4 4 a 41 fta la aafta 4 aft 4 DENTIST, t1'4.i.4Vi4,, 4, 4 Mm a44 a a 4 444. j. L trim, Wll.t4t'','lff , 'I. ft 411.. a tvii tiii4 A 4 In fl 44. . PATENTS, mrtm-m ' ,4444 .4..4..,. 4l I4 . .i....l--4. 4.44a444.-4. -4. 4 . 4 4S4' f ' " a .1-4. .-, 4 44 4'1441'.' 4 41-."l'4 i4i 444 W .W4).a44l4. 4M444.' 4. 44W4- 44W t ll.4 441 Mli 44.44 . 44 4, 44444.44W444.. 'Ml).'. 444A 444. 44. ,M.t4, 4J. a .. . 4VM 44. ...M ... 4f M..4, .4.4- 4.- . 4444. 4 4 .. .4.4I4. 4 44' 4' '44. .-(4.rt4t.4. 4-....-4I.. .' .I I a T' r -' "J ' 4 , .t i 444.4- ."H44l.J 444 C. A. & CO.. ti 4'..w"1 . - 44H.H 4 4 ( a , If I A W , f 4ft ' 'a -S4 l UrtllKKUllJ I .... tL-',"'tJ'v.. a V) i J. , . 44 - .

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