THE MORGANTON HERALD Successor to "Tie Morganton Star" SSEALD HUH CO., hMsn. W. C. ERV1N, - - Editor. JOB PRINTING. With four presses, an abundance of printing material and skillful printers. The Herald Job Department cannot be excelled. We positively trill not be un derbill on prices. KORTH CAROLINA. NEWS OF THE STATE. Items of Interest from North Carolina rnlnta. ..Durham is infested with an organized band of robbers. . .The Fre Press says there are 66 widows and 12 widowers in Kinston. ..Mocksville has organized a military company, with Will X. Coley, editor of the Times, cap tain. ..The Raleigh Advocate announ ces the change of date of the Western North Carolina Confer ence to Thursday, Decemer 1st. ..Three hundred horsemen met Senator Ransom the day he spoke at Waynesville. He was intro duced by J. M. Leach as a "mem ber of Cleveland's next cabinet . .The three-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Lewis, of Pen der county, was burned to death, its clothing having come in con tact with the fire while it parents were from home. ..The Bakersville AVkt says that John Hughes, born and raised Fork Mountain township, Mitchell county, is 79 years old and recently walked 27 miles in one day. He is the father and grandfather of 6S children, 2S of whom are twins. ..A white man named Joe Mey ers was arrested at Winston last week upon a charge of attempting to wreck a passenger train on the Norfolk and Western road on a trestle near Oliver postoffice, Henry county, Virginia, putting cross-ties on the track. ..The scaffolding around the bank building at North Wilksboro fell on the morning of the 22nd ult., precipitating 1S men to the ground, a distance of 20 feet. A colored man named Calvin Sharp was killed, and a white brick ma son, Rufus McDonald, fatally in jured. Several other workman were seriously injured. ..The Statesville Landmark says that Mr. Mike Rufty, of Catawba, has sold, to parties from Canada, a gold mine which he discovered on his place, about two miles south of the village of Catawba, about tro years ago. The parties paid him 500 for a 90 days' op tion on the property and they were so well satisfied that at the end of about 30 days they closed the trade. The price paid for the property was 25,000. ..We learn from the Statesville Landmark that Mr. A. E. Holton, the Republican candidate for Con gress in the seventh district, was caned in the Mt. Vernon Hotel, at Salisbury, a few days ago. The trouble was on account of Mr. Hol ton, in some of his speeches, hav ing criticised Vandertord's course while in the revenue service a few years ago. Mr. Vanderford called Mr. Holton to account for the criticism and after some words had passed Vanderford struck Holton several times with his cane. ..Matt Zeigler and Edward Banner, two farmers living near Winston, got into a difficulty about sunrise on Wednesday morning of last week. Zeigler is the father-in-law of Banner, and lived on the latter's land, Banner had sold the property and request ed Zeigler to give possession of it. This the father-in-law refused to do, and their discussion waxed warm, and ended by the son-in-law getting a double-barrelled shot gun and shooting the father- in-law. He empted one barrel in Zeigler's face and body. The wounds were quite serious and at last accounts it was thought that they would prove fatal. Banner gave himself up. ..A meeting: ot the Dar was held in the Supreme Court room in Raleigh on the afternoon of October 27th, 1S92, to take suita ble steps in honor of the memory of the late Hon. Joseph J. Davis, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Justice Avery was made chairman and Thos.S. Kenan secre tary. A committee was appointed to prepare a suitable memoral sketch of the life and character of the late Judge Davis, and re quested to report to an adjourned meeting to be held in Raleigh on Avednesday, Nov. 16th, 1&02, at 11 o'clock. The chair appointed "Messrs. Fuller, Manning, Battle, Graham and Batchelor to const, tute the committee. ..The next session of the Pres byterian Synod will be held at Tarboro on October 31st, 1893 Rev. D. C. Rankin, one of the sec retaries of foreign missions, ad dressed the Synod, showing that North Carolina is the banner State in this cause, giving an average of 90 cents per member, and Fay etteville the banner rYesbytery in the Synod. The Synod of North Carolina now has nine missiona ries seven ladies and two gentle men. The Southern Church has sent out this year nineteen mis sionaries ana one more will go out this year. The Statistical Committee presented some inter esting figures as follows : There are now on the rolls 135 ministers, 303 churches, 5 licentiates, 57 can didates for the ministry, 27,855 communicants. Total amount of funds collected $243,671.00, being an increase over last year of $41, oco. The increase in member ship is 2,428. Seventeen churches have been organized. The aver age salary paid to ministers is about $700. There are 68 manses worth about 130,000, a: d there are yet 22 counties with no Pres byterian church in their bounds. VOL. VIII. What a 1-rotrctrd MuiMirtr fU mt ,h Farmer Who Yale tb BiMln Ticket. Mr. v. W. Watt in the Charlotte OlMcrer. While in Philadelphia a few weeks ago I had a conversation with a rich, highly protected man. facturer of carpets, and he made one remark to me in cold-blooded, cruel, brutal candor that I think should be heralded from the bleak hills of Maine to the sun-scorched plains of Mexico, and from the turbulent Atlantic to the placid Pacific. The remark is of importance, not only as the utterance of a beneficiary of McKinleyism and a coddled favorite of Republican legislation, but because his utter ance so well represents the opin ions of Republican legislators, as is evidenced by their reckless shameless, infamous conduct in framing such tariff laws as the McKinley bill. After quite a lengthy discussion of the relative merits and demerits of the McKinley bill, I asked him the point-blank question as to how an increased tariff duty, hence an increased price, on man ufactured products of Pennsyl vania, could help a farmer of North Carolina or of Kansas. His reply was prompt, cool and de fiant. Farmers of North Caroli na, farmers of Kansas, listen ! And on November Sth give your reply. He said : "Any farmer in North Carolina or in Kansas is a d d fool, who votes the Republi can ticket: but that U no of mine. If he has no more? wntr than to vote arainst his own in terest, I am certainly not fool enough to profit by his folly. The writer has come in fre quent and familiar contact with many rich manufacturers in Penn sylvania, and can connirni ii.iia.v assert that the one quoted above not an extreme type, and what ore natural ? Ha not the Gov ernment under Republican guid ance gone into business copartner ship with them ? Are they not the ? .. . Linrncan arsan to wnom ail of s alike must oav tribute? Fortv per cent, tax must be paid on the ...-..! w e .v 1 , aiuiuuc ot 111c new iv arnvcu in r ... . - iant, or saiu infant must go iaked. Fiftv nr rent t.i mut be paid on the burial robe, forty five per cent, on the cotlin and sixty-six per cent, on the tomb stone of a deceased relative or friend, the onlv escape beintr to deny decent burial to such an one. This is literally taxin em fjoin and enmin And vet. who makes this state of affairs possible ? The farmer who votes the Republican ticket : and. according to the Philadelphia carpet manufacturer and rich Re publican magnate, the "d d tools of the rountrv I don t wish to be understood as differing with Mr. Manufacturer on this particular point, nor do I expert ' v any well-informed, honest person a. a 10 00 so ; dui witn nis cor.icmpiu ous disregard ot me larmers as a class and that ot his party, as shjwn persistently in legislation, ? a. 1 nna iauit ana appeal to tne farmers of North Carolina to re buke it. The New Locomotl Baltimore San. With the object of getting the time between Jersey City and Philadephia down to ninety min utes the Pennsylvania Railway company has had constructed a big locomotive, an account of which will set our readers to think ing. Few of us are aware of the immense weights that go into the locomotives of the present day, or for that matter, into the trains they pull. A fast train of six l'uiimans, without passengers. weighs, engine and all, about 780,000 pounds. Such is the weight the modern train dashes against the supports of the mod ern bridge. Some trains weigh 1,000.000 pounds and their mo mentum when going at a speed of forty miles an hour is something fearful. But the new locomotive, with the train it is to pull, will leave all trains with which we are acquaint ed far in the rear. It is to be the heaviest engine ever built, having the largest driving wheels ever used in this country and a higher boiler pressure. It weighs 145,000 pounds, or 72;:- tons. With its tender, ready for service, it weighs 224,000 pounds, or 112 tons. Its driving wheels, four in number on each side, have a diameter of seven feet. The boiler pressure is 200 pounds to the square inch. It has two cylinders, the one 193 and the other 31 inches in diame ter, with a piston stroke ot 2S inches. The boiler 5 feel in diam eter and 27 feet long, is 6j feet above tne ran. 1 he engine is made on the compound principle and will make a speed of too miles an hour. As this speed is double that of the ordinary so cal led "fast" train, the public will be able to appreciate it. A good roadbed is the necessary Condi- of high speeds.- With heavy stee rails, sound ties and a well metal ed roadway a speed of 100 miles an hour would be as safe as twenty-five miles an hour on an inferior track. We have a sitccdy and positive care for catarrh, diphtheria, rank er month and Tteadach, in SHI loips cata 1:1:11 l.KMKHY A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 5X' Sold by Johu Toll. For the cure of headache, eonto tion, stomach and liTer trouLI-a, and all derangements of the digest ire and assimilative organs. Aver a i MU are invaluable. Iieinjr sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take, alwaj reliable, and retail their virtues in any climate. MORGANTON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVUM Itvat fflad. XI warm Kaair. Mr. Cleveland stands for narir honesty and courage, tie hot4 -party noncsty is party tfuly, an4 ry courage party rspoiirn . He stabds for the fan!. mental principles of the Ifenv cratic party. He Has shown hits sc If worthy of the confidence and ad miration 01 me enure country of every honest and patriotic cili- zen 1. ins career has ueeo soopea, brave, so manly, so Just that so us fellow counlrt men dclicht to honor him and the Ifemtwrratif pa ftv reioices in such a frailer. lie is eminently and truly an boo- es n man a true man. .No mao ho knows him well denies sin cer ity and fidclitr and all, in fact. re gard him as indeed centenarii liomincs one of then men rf destiny and men of most rnarVeij ndividuality who only r:jr once in a century. - m a a 1 hat he is a genuine Democrat at all ta- all must alio who are liar with his record. m lie stands by the foundation rrincirerf iH great men of the past mho illus- rateu statcsraanshin and iiol br the people. He is a real ditotve Jcifcrson and Jacko.n. aaJ Seymour and Ttlden. of his on jtate, ne ixitcve in the letter and pint of the Constitution teles r. forced, in our lmoratic rcput can government, and in low taxes and public economy, lie is one of the vat numler ot enlight ened American who h!. 1 the Slate richfs fan lamenSal who believe that the ropte arc the sources of all p a er, are the s--ercii;ns and not the servants of the politician that pubUc rfUcr is a I'ubitc Trut that all the powers not specifically delegated t" the creature of the sveregn States the Federal tovcrnmen are reserved ta them, and that all delegated powers should be cr ciscd with wie discretion, with due caution and reserve. The people of this country, how ever influenced by the war and however mistaught from the be ginning by Alexander Hamilton and his in advocacy of a Strong Government, are at bottom pa triots, liberty lovers, and the real friends of Home Kulc. Hence their horror of a Force bill giv ing control of Congrrional elec tors ta an usurping, aggressive, persecuting Central Power with out a conscience. All States shall have the power t regulate their own domestic, local aSairs. That is the doctrine and meanirg of the imperishable doctrine ot hal self-government. Without tHi guard this break water, there is no safety to the States. The safe ty of free institutions depend upon a strict construction of the Constitution and the fidelity ot the people in the maintenance of their rights under the organic law. Wipe out State lines, as many Republican writers favor, and let the Central Government dominate in every thing. anJ pres ently we shall have a IWer in this country as absolute and per sonal as Kuia. The reserved rights of States under the consti tution is a principle that should be held to be so sacred as never t be tampered with. It i the great foundation of free government. How quick New York people be gan to talk of the right of that State to deal for itself with the cholera, when the President bsse4 his proclamation as to the quaran tine. The Republic can staal through the ages only a it re gards most scrupulous! the right of Home Rule for the States a"1 1 the citizens are enlightened. Hon est, virtuous and liberty do iog Mr. Cleveland has deoourer! with great vigor the Force bU He is the exponent of equitable, constitutional Government, a4 as such deserves the full coaa dence and ardent support of eve ry loyal and patriotic man in this Union of States. XrP9 aa4 Lirvr Ctoaaataiat. 1 4 it not wot tli the small prier of 7.V. to frrtJ jonrsell of esery Aymptnm of llr ditre.ini complaint t Itort think o call at our -.tore and get botlV of Shlloh Vilalurr. F.vrty boftk hi a printol guarantee on it. Le acrordinsly and if it doe jovi no good It ill eot yon not Ling. Sold by John Tnll. It' T UC llLUALIi OtUcr fot Job Work. I.01I1I TEXXYSOX uoto if tf m it ran cCAvt cr vaiTv ym mtt, t"il f 51. iU Cttfcl ! At-Tl Y ttttf rrVl teHi TVr4Vt ltUa4 a4 CH&vf Ooe ro r ite f tk f Westminster AttUev ? J its mie to it who is fM tnfttteft&y CKt0Sito f tho already rrMi witfcui its at, in tfce p.t a:4 tV Pots Corner. The year dri toacMt has been trM tt lhroir,hott re.l4 4 land, tadividaa! .4ta4 h mighty ftcf of fcaiK IMxc the ttar th tt & land ll a Priaer ol h Overt. "! !rifl4 tW sr. im tfc pr I Cardinal l,-i.. J the lHt it CUrwf dale, e Meti smi t t!W lti of Wahrs 4 a a 4Mlt aptly pt it. i:jfSa.i lMfKi motf ra pxi. M ta rnmi ii:triris pipc-mrvtCT ! rrance, he pav y a:jt t.otfethef The wme of A'f'tvt Te4f a h-oehJJ pf4 !trVl t4t wrll. a4 AntKa tav, wl rrn iHc !. .t Kctty tMct, a l;tvt 8 puo,t d t- A e iii4'Mf. CAIII.NLT PCDIMNC;. ef Iget nb 4i It im t. hearts tt the F;t;WS pnjle The C4:v ot lu?, ( tw llat ot!k. tJ Ty vn"s bt! pUce He was tvat S--nersby Parana;. a H'--castle, on the th Jae ol A". tJ-s Of thi pa?.V,h: t;4t feet-r. Attheagr ol fese sea's. Alfrevl bgn t- tl pfetp kpt ation strrirg within hie. af h first pot word he ever fcttee f. were on a brvey. btoM;fr f. the gte b-wieg fafl -Ty ose the Iaecthre left, he strt&. iog out hU arm ta ih g!- "I hear a twte that" spakg im th wiftd." S , fee tve been siieni kg. aM rtn a short time ot b deafV. was v g4 N risic lUr. whks wa t have been g Is tlW public ait Chri?. In tt he entcrol Triaity Ctge, Cm bridge, whkhj c4tge fca -ets the biddieg geftio ol ray ioutrios Be In a Vn'txneot Pe. hif cal," appeared. whi&. ftrf, hardly met wis the a::ef i"W a'4(hr ha! aiip;tl, , t years later, he p..:."-..! er. tio. fr, Ee cwlJrtti tj Mg S"(ne ftea- yietf a y 0 thee are ti"fttfev .4 tr ao -hi bt prtp;!tMav iSif. when he ha I fairly fuW(;hei4 h claim ta be ra-l aevoeg Vr grea:csi writer ol i prvat centwry, a? pear? 4 th wri o volmraes caUol "P-&. be A-f4l Teoaisn,- e. at t;v ffa?&s, on t Htber tth. it7, it. ft emvnenee gU4 by ths was nnchaUegvdJL It i tiMclf al w!':Cfsay I me la ttr it. y a ta the merit ot hfc wrisf tS speak f t!mrvuli4:y c!U ieg at:eatMn Un i .- there i I im k'- wok, a peculiar tni AtvJ et4rt. cfoaKevI y tew. ! srpaet ty rioe Awg ki bsl k writing, t may mc-e M mriam,"" (tittw I tv of hs crvat tfKJ. At 113; Um.l tcXs'r Hart.- -UV Tk' Mav" "Vs." I45: ol the Kig.Jkc Pha kt lt works may uttitf W ma4;f'4 a iatcrstir as o k earlier ones, bwt t& ar ft thiegs sweeter lha l tt fm cotaiftcl in m viae wi,c! j peare4 in ""tk-e ttwwig ol lh liar," I wk'wth) t!W tm t. agevl btv athH t!W hfm "' m'm mt At hi deatS bl al was .? an4 peaceful, Tie fwg-gvJ ta turvs ol tk tjig m o bghie4 solely by ts rjs ol a briltnaat He waco to within an hr ol ik al then fell atepi w kk!k "; j'rJ gently iafa death, a;wu wV1 the wathers beg aa o h chaagr a ."e. rafUt tha a sa4 cveftt; he ko. bst4 bevwl the average ol ka-v Ufe. ao4 14 tip t the ta. an rtti tnll of Utcrrt a-4 taMy t ot work trtalr a tftig e, f such a Kig of F Ik;! I u U Arvtl tin Wedaes-lay mof i J to, all that femaiae kO ifl aa . .... . " '' ;- . zssa. l4 TffinfiHt ki?f ft! w fcit-t t f"" A tally a f av'iao,, a ' vVit AV?y. f if ty W fmhq I aHa.&!i,J l , &m 40H.0f Nniatl V 1p1 t-- , ttM&aa. f n.V-, tfv m- .J 1 tVtV 0., Utii. i4 it, 0tti Wt sy iKt ft ; !. Vf i43 lf l-t a . I,., ? WfVlV y !tr tt.tott Uml Vf ttty t H l 1 lVl tq M f H'.f ..o ,(.. tVcf o I W a tf-4B4"W4 A l r 1 1 1 a t Jin Sh Ot A. . l;.i Af; V fto.!t a w 4 Aah r-l ? liwVt ti4 11 T " IH'oitsJf 4v. -1? otf.lltt r.4 1 neir.fisiyf If4i?fg Ei'g W V,. Ut t I r. wv . .H ;y ,mau w-nt )s.5Hf J e"-4 ol V fioefa n ;x tlj r ! po, kv.5 (i4'4 ta aJ tv r motfs.j d 0gST-t t ti ViyH e o f.;aeo aVW(J . S,J f J iSl it wewV. I If a aie'4 iA H i!V, fy Nf w of IV ptiU tt i-KS U- t tf 'ik t!kl Rf t,rf it afi, a.t t-s o l l-f g-f Vff a S eft..-io-'n,, t: (rof fa kt k mfe ki' .- .-.i ti.:4 w-o;j ky sant. a4 a w.ti k Sia JtKKif'4 eil mn-emg-i On t 5i lo evoie. Wm) iotn florin - t g"0?ni a Jong Ve w-4 i".4 .Vv:3 Utl, s L'S?..S,1(1 It," ft. ftv 4' avtay e tut 4fS4JN & i f!?- k J tii4af iMst at1 "f f'oH. at o1S.g -J ct'Ut a-i'tf, llx 5m " gf it a a ol R..-to ? W l,t1 S-'M-oKl a rr .; I ort in.e o-e I.M t-i-l iv$ Ke (i e.of a.fe,4 ,a at tx" o sj Sri, H -w Ht," Ny kJ V a- i.v IV fif n,f -" a I m je M t y S"- la. I Mf vois-s.' o .:3 ff ft Mf fk, II I I f fv fe3 --4 V t4iv "5t u-4f lvr ol .. .. auiN . l .i of ma a:tfX ai".aa C c'! IV Mf kat ci4 f M w , ! r avnvttj IU wVal g- rf S. ,V g"taif .vm aa J j a j't 4 a44 t,Siai t'a- C'-a"'' k e..'" ki-a , V frf-fimfau ..a 'lv f ty U. ly V ar4 ty Myjf Uhya. HKR ,$03. .mWi na kM a Iw a. e avviMtllvMaia Mi a a 4 . i-,Kt o iv a ltia ft.. JLhImi Va,4 y1 ta m I.V ! t CH4 IS 1 a4 1 oHttM-tHf t iv t'fHt'H,'-f 4i-H(M ot, fo'Vit.iau Stiv ii'mttu ! IV eV fwuV4 t4 f ' o,a . 1n M'4 Of MJiKlt iMa uh a- s4t ;;h. ?u 'V--S.-'4p ,V nn.o. ol n.H(t 4 kioo $ aM aro . f4ofe eu4 I tHl ai XMtf ttltf If )Nia) w j,Hrt .aa ti4i ai w Lum a S IV w fi lV'n.o Riiil H( ti OloM a5 oit! a gfctf fac M a ic-rt aa im aatM.u M4d iv a. n '. n.n aiwi "'"a a km a,ii jw. I t.Aj 4 n, 4 iv alo oa ai iva in ti t4.u af?a4oa fn,a.d iv ev I a otK.i. II ,' a- m ai cnf:u.5 tarV l.t-V f a lew n. jitx.s urt eMt;nuS a tv io H K.mC tri at aLita at Hrf ii .ts r'i h iotn TV ChH0a f VKI, l IV ftiM art e ?"v.o'! I H 1of jMrtis IVi (.,4.rt p' U icsia IV. -a 4rlM. ,a a,jaiif c.'Vta'w 1.4 f.ta mu. tte kiirfm- ."VM'-fi lit a iuoiaa tt 1 M'iivSilK.i, "y a4 t'"",J -v.-- ! -.Oll, af fti .ti4ta M'i'tV m arn H etaoiv, nttf .ef lWt.1l( VfUol o - W fa ar e lei-C. II.Kl Kl I f,H ft u BWSr'fi'T.. attiS ii.t . tH4r,a.a of .oe ttt v -a V T fl'i, Iki iv i?tt.t i.o ii'f!.a tiif on iie 'tiUitn.nit, I a JSm i5. " Vt a f.mi:ortt4 l mi6tkmi tA llS a" I IV f.MK'toa IV MS4 a k" . If k.olMi mti? M'(t Ilf H?i a 1ia an.1i;u.l a !( 14 I1e 1ia ttvac lle ':. Iwati tft-M-"', I M4n.Vy ) o a R.M rvtBrwS'f ofl tYi"i ft.tSVf 4c f Aiwtra a ar af lite taiom 'a.f af ivh 1,t4 f IV . Ai4 -if li H mi a to i V frtft 1 V. I1 4-'.; 54"irta 41 ttwa'tt a.. af t4 H,tVti tX'I a IV. y J)T,4 af f.'V"u.M-Wtl HiMf Mrtwd aii( h io i4im .1.a i, .tC 1if lit af i.iwiwf 4448 anltta n "! art4 tVoii'1f ft, -( 1 I.Qg fa i (I of ltit cV3 iiiCwintn ae 1.i4 V :K-'V af V tH1.' f fM-5 It -if . 1 TU'I liK .1A ay otV!' a,a ii.4 ii.r $cn4Miw4 aii 1a ,"4. tf tfttHul K i (Wt iW "-aa fati-a af V m- ;JtH'Si af II.k! tttinv HMi'4-ln rftwiH MMftt.i-tr 4oi. Jtaoi m 4 Jon . a'"! Ia V tM o a a a,. jui . aa t(ft I I '(Oi a.44l lta a4elH ! at. ft l- o. Sii llttfltdlo.' tHw hi4 aaHiV If ii-f Iko,, f 1ta -tllHiiia ' lKt t( ;tiott ftifl o tav II" ih fa'oa, f (,!( mmo Jfo.4fWtl ia af 91W fcfc 4 HMtW Rwtitk. anAo mm ?.i.ioVo fit'Hwa fiMtux, i mi, 4hnHia Hf viti "''f " 4r -. e V -44 K. rht. mm nitAat i. Va-ita. Una a tMtl (M, a t f.HaHiMiHi H"(4iVh twMw 4 f HiiHtmail a- 4Ma t aa aa faMl Sma. lota SAMlta Of Ha Ha tB m r na furwi aniMi , Va- a I m.0 -njMa)f tM afa SMa at I lai' h ai.. a J, NO. NKWSIXr.lVUJAl. C lie mnv 1 idXU I a,a ,Muii ttiti 000 ft a 4'-m att t niiw&. k 0 tiiMiHiiit '4tota t.Vft lit i lot C'"r.wC., T nf.OHrMa af V f.rll tvaSSi4- g linlt4,r HMiHoV oJ ?.'0.,Vj tfV4lO4l, fll iitM1iHr K). tt.H v8 .fl oi ft,UHi ia Hi4 tiitH f f1a 5tn..t.r .4A' in 4t: f V H lio'V olovoa at.trt Ci"intil ti w if uta ot1 a 8onn.o- Itiuil 2n.. f JJMt 4V,, 4..t Af.. a . . . T .Ofl (V H Idllt) ti9 44 o a .i4-Ml4aa efUHV H.rt ai TT.- 11 14 i.. a ...j. Mi H 1 rU t.Hr t.toa SIuhw f -Hmif .l f-n,, 4lu "i'.OHi vo -- Htruog Cobnut, ,tm -Ti"' n'C 4oM H 'l fclt 4i' loHtT. f ,I(KV f M. iii. li i4 m.trt mic f.M ,g F.4j1h4. o a t.s .M 1 i n 'i-ii I'J V oiil4 4o fclWW'1H4.'it if Oltl( tV t t .AtllVoaii i'.ui'd 1 fM-44,- In,. V CaHa owit(Hto(L f all M iO4HO 41)I 0l4, .' wlioif " JH 4imi anr ,. o.a iior.Ht 4tMt Voiv, "t- i'i1rtw ok, ti.4vf c f 4tv naJ -w, a 4w'tJ . a n H fi4 41rt0 V JJM a if. 1 3f,K,1o ta 4 t1oi a 14 4i.i 4.Ui:- aV'4t4lr ,tH-Hrt V frtt f att(, ' atftB fa ,, ,4tu fa! If CaHia Hif, f.fc- N'JMlJHi oa 'r tAfttmafl ai l'S. ftitSW . t4 l.iif. aif! V lrtio tr"-titoi l. nc ! i.. 04w ' oa i4a af aijx 0 44'm iti aA(t 4. r Aloi, MiK a a.rv filKl .4.H f ' tJ4 ,4.,, V ik at 4 so 4ft5 so 41 a p"Hn it 11 v xm 11 4 II Ktu'liia af ,;. -tfi 1,Jjn-oi oS .1i4f i.m fo, it 4 twi o 1.nt !o1 f Ih -a, one, a v .nTf a t t f-v.ooK l Vanto4' wa iw(ltK04 Tftloo l 3ort 4 - f,i, ),tH iB artoft ho aHvatont- f ui)4 4.m.1aaf ta - 1''wi SfiMia 04"t -tMi V latttta f 4H f HIM4)4Mf , W H-.WIT.4. flttOfl .. jtiM 'o1 oPfls'ona 4p'o at.afttv Hi4ta oh-, Col.oiooa rh tKaor.rti Aotkif 4ii 4ion IV I'till'ftllf a.n..'4l 4llOtlfO'. A, A TAih ,(a tHM, J-oiTloir af Mt t. mitt N!ort 6 A 441 4(i1l4 M 14 . OOao',4to Klia f4.4n fiM.ofW'lfrti.a ,k kVi-oflm awll ol V ariHoiot'tTI .Ht-t.fl 4f V1.4. f,H4l4ll1 4ti "oog, 5tM HltJOHOOS .H4. 4H4 Aft ofltfRoH m M1r 4yMlt Jn iKir-l-r, 4hva jaa Hft . m ii if., f?o OtWS O 1)t4,4uiU af i..;i4Nt i r faot mCCamor. octiiH ChHoO o Im-oV all 14 i'Ml OI4H i-f4HM "I- C-ni- ilii, aWoti, In r.onnrof nmtv trtt jowtH f kV 4iH!J oltflMa aiui ina at' aiaf ' 0I0H fl.f '".oin-f rlirf 4,06 iia f cVh 4SofirJ ,ta tf.H 4 .. 4ti a 0 a taiUfAr . rtwiiw'" Mii Jt,H"iw4 tow4 r'fi-'oa f Cir.- lli ,.a mH l4Hna Mtna 9itU'a Vr,, 0e H"(H 4K0 iM H.ofc Hto aoaa o 'HK4H-ifrt ft. ,niSuH IsmIi.h 4fia1ft a.oU Ma 4hm v .tvi oi 'iH o V ho a i iHtHitiDf M V at otc'itwC, o A CHlOI4'0 'ItwilKlO1!! a)? Mil ''Si,. aH I.O ft t StiMfWf! a'Ho a"oo 41 Kl- A la.jUM.Mj 4, 4iM, 4Ii1n9 m1ii Imwi )Uty.a Afii.n.n.wj .KVi.if, 'A V mif ato;iHoH VoH mfH .4 4l.l-f 40M .4f MoiV a art .4).. tV Mof) i.a ri Im, af 3,4, oiwyioitvrtitio 0 wlirt vm :vo t.a o4S otuoo Ho fuir.oto aM.n W .U O M,m 0 CnH'M' fMM SMIOOl 3OM aOI4 t tO 04't, r v 4-"f fiit fto to(B wlt ft , 4l,4aa uaua 4M,iP, g? M4 .li a4,,TT4i rie H. t. 1u 44lM mi aw ki tiMi 0 4 ff1.iui1 1,h 4-.i4l' 4'fj a 1..oai a ao4 3.o a.t,a anna to- $.iMH!4 n f a.f oi- 4 on.Mif artoMrt hO aa .i4rs m, .( amPa totipHCaf af404 Snxn 4 aS'l uv a M 4U lm.4. A.ii.,- 1 .... . - Ma ai.ofvo a1 tioMoon af 4,441 ) i4MUfiaiH aiHort, a , ? i j -Ta- aaoV S Vt f a trai a oi . a f o IMi 1 ai 41 an a gi -, a . ao r, 04 H tMl 4l Ml OV M4 M e i r a na fa a a "ZT V40r aH4.t4fl4. . 9M4mm t HU a.4im 4IWWM 4 ARKATiSWaaJItXkS. f . M t mm; V t.ii M 4 Ot.4 4.,. KEUi'iiisw raw. Ft.Wortls.Wnco, ie-N 1 1 oi O I 1'l4ffr.'4V a?ai,r 7j:,ixs I 4 4 A I 4s aN4Wte "4...m,, ... .... " 4 4'-v4 at Ct'lra Edt Rome 4VW WM4y 4uk-, 4 4 1-1 11.11. ' a t. .ot 4...... Vwaa '-H. ojH'ff?aao To c;ASiir Family Gnoccriea ftuvi?u$St Sum twit (Mtli( mi 'Or 44 " fmmit -d ... iik ?t IIKi iMa li, v."a 1-.t,K .iv, 3,ri.M iialf s hi . 4iill a.u. ) t... t . . .... ( 14 V V 4 I . -O a. ax .... a." """"' ' - 4...M. 'int. 1. 1. Jicriiit" DEIsTIST, ftt tXTiruiu, t4-0MOi, t, a 0 OH.a. 1. 1. trtvux, A9.4tikA9.4.At4 "Wimki,! t., in.M.. lf mo A Sli.fU.M. o yi imv, PATENTS", 44MNW4 ' '.., 4..1,. ,4,, M . MMW..Mf. . -w.q... 4. ,4 4 , . fc, '"''' ., -sir '' -' --' ... 4Wm. 44 44 4.. 4,, ... ' 4i.'4.'.wi 4 . a -4.. ........... .... ... C A. SkCW L CO "" . a - er ta 1111 r 1 a 4V- 4M.44, -4M44Ma 1 44, ft.. - "i ... JW.. 12 ' -i , 'i 3 44 aaj,