Successor to "The Morgan torn Star.' SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Sl.00 THURSDAY, FEB. 9, 1S93. Fifteen thousand people at Paris, Texas. looked calmly on while a half crazed father tortured with red hot irons and burned death at the stake a negro 6e.Vfl,me'. t,,e rJ Iroublesorne .u. i yerv important qnestion. It null uau uuuatu iuvi ututuvavvi his baby girl. No one can blame the father that he cared not for the groans of the devil whose hands were stained with the blood of his little child. A parent can under stand perhaps the frenzy which moved him to apply the iron to the flesh of the brute. No one will deny, who reads the story of the crime of the beast, that he more than deserved all that he got. But while lynch law is al ways a dangerous resort, it would have been more to the credit of the Texans if they had shot down the murderer as they would a wolf or strung him up like a dog. To have turned the doomed man over to the already half crazed parent to be tortured may have been deemed justice, but it was none the less brutal, demoralizing and disgraceful. Ik the matter of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad's back taxes an esteemed contemporary says "there should be a disposition to do what is just and fair. Certain ly this is true. The Wilmington and Weldon having for many years escaped taxation and having kept in its treasury the money that the State was entitled to, oucht to whack uo every cent of the principal sum due for back taxes. A big State can afford to be generous. If they promptly paythe princpal, the interest might be dropped. Anything less might be very just and fair to the rail road, but what about the State ? A few more acts on the part of President Harrison like his ap- pointmet of Judge Howell Jack son to the vacancy on the Supreme Court bench will make people think his grandfather's hat did not fit him so badly after all. Judge Jackson is a true Democrat, a native of Tennessee and a strong Cleveland man. All credit is to be accorded Mr. Harrison in that he laid aside partisanship and sectionalism and placed a South ern Democrat in the seat .t the gifted Lamar. A Correspondent gives in another column his reasons for thinking that the Legislature should defeat the bill limiting the hours of labor, etc., in cotton mills. Care should be taken lest, in passing laws for the purpose tf protecting the weak, hundreds of poor families be cut off from their only means of support, and need less restrictions thrown around an industry just taking firm foothold within our borders. If we are to judge from the number of applications that are made for railroad charters, North Carolina is about to enter on a remarkable period of railroad building. There are many fine counties in the State which are as yet wholly without railroad facil ities, and the State will advance much more rapidly in material wealth when this want is supplied. The Charlotte Observer has .closed its first year under the present management. It is a mod el newspaper in every department; clean, wholesome and entertaining in every line of every column. Western North Carolina shares with Charlotte the pride she must feel at the success of her bright morning paper. The New York Herald's peren nial head line, "Repeal the Sher man Law Stop Buying Silver," is getting to be about as much of a nuisance as the oft told tale of "A little Girl's Experience in a Light House" or the short and simple annals of the children cried for castoria. who Some explanation of the the legislature is defeating' for the encouragement of way bills the wool industry this year may be found in the fact that there is less "wool" in that body now than at any time since the war. Some Justify. Some Hold l'p There Hands in Horror ! The following comments 011 the bnrninjc to the stake or the fiend Smith, or Texas, are taken from the New York Herald. It may be said here that Smith' ciinie was benious; for after assaulting the child be deliberately tore her arms from her body :tul other wise mutilated her: "Brutes who contemplate pick ing toddling b.ibes from the street for the purpose of outrage ami murder should be warned by the fate of Smith." Ed. Ere. Tribune (Jalvnton, TeJtux. "The crime was piobably ihe most brutal on record, but t'.iat does not excuse the lynching." Atlanta. Ga., Constitution. uSuch vents hs tins in Texas prove that we sorely need the applicatiou of the principle taught ns by the Founder on he Christian religion." Julian Haicthorue. EiTHEllEBALD Office for Jub Work. T W.IU.Tn. Conjrr (MuMrria Mltff aa Tart lull Blaaal's OnlhMTk Nllr llaaalt. Spevial Cpr. M organ toa lUrakl. W ASIIINOTOX, I. C, Fh. C, W3 This is going to W silver week I , . .. , , I ocrara!. lie vet v nmrli tlisan. Iffl pAllif Cft 4- .1 am.. a4a aa, I a alam. poL'- r ,e wall is not a com- Uur J measure that will U'romr trVuu" o ww, at least lor a ha been known ever since Concrrsis came together that President elect Cleveland wa very atiWus for this Congrrs to pnt a stop to the purvh.ioof nilter, which he believes to menace the prosperity of the country. It w through the efforts of hi immediate friends in the House that Thursday and Friday ol this week hate leen designated for the consideration or the Andrew's bill for the rcal of the Silver law and amending the National Hanking law. It is believed that a sufficient r of democrats in the House have changed their victs on thi qiies tiou to make the ftavuge of this bill probable by the House, bat it is not thought that It ran get through the Senate; hence the movement to effect u Hat will be satisfactory to the sil ver men at the same? time will sus pend the purchase of siler. Sen ator II ill, who Voted for the ptev ent Silver law, now holds the same opinion about the purchase of silver that 31 r. Cleveland dors and U working to bting about its stisen- Rion. This week will determine whether a compromise is possible. ami ifit is not acvompl.she! an extra session earlv in the spring is believed by Mr. Cleveland fhsest friends to In inevitable. It is probable that theie will be some tantr legislation at tits session after all. The House Wavs and Means committee favors and there is very little opposition an where, the repeal of that clause ot the Mckinley law which raises the tariff 011 linen goods fifty lsTcrtit on and after January l.'lMil. It Is admitted by the republicans that this clause has failed to ncroni plish what it was intended to do develop the linen industry in the United States. Senator Harris, of Tennessee, says that Judge Jackson of that Mate who has Ueu nominated to the vacaucy on the Supreme Court, although commonly rl-srd as a democrat, and apotnted to uis present position en the I'-ctrli of the Circuit Court by Mr. Cleve land, is as good a republican as Mr. Harrion. That there will U strong opposition from both sides of the Senate to Jackson's con fir mation is certain, but whether it will be strong enough to defeat him is not vet apparent. Some republicans will oppose him be cause he is classed us a democrat. others because thev bad served notice on 3Ir. Harrison that tlry would oppose any nomination be made to the vacancy. Most of lL democrats who opose the confir mation do so on principle; they believe the vacancy should have been left for Mr. Cleveland to til; but there are others who, while not opposed to J udge Jackson ier- sou ally, will vote against h'.s con firmation In cause to vote for him would morally bind them to vote fr Mr. Harrison's nomination to to the vacancy which his confir mation would leave in the 1'ircmt Court, and it is considered cer tain that a republican would ta nominated. It is creditable t Judge Jackson that not one word cas ieen sud by anvbodr atrain.r his ability and iersonal fitne for the honor. Contrrr t.. t.r. cedent his nomination was referred to a committee, and it mil surprise very Tew should that committee fail to report it bark to the Senate. lleprescntative Blount, or Cter gia, chairman of the com mittee on Foreign. Affairs, who voluntarily retires from Congress on the 4th, ol March, alter having served continuously therein lor twenty years, was the recipient on Sat unlay or an unusual and unexpected compliment from his colleagues on the thor of the lion? se. It was while the dii.I.. matic arid consular appropriation bill was under consideration that Mr. Illount was honored by Mich praise as few men have received, from iKilitical associates ns well as oppouents. Among those who made speeches in honor of the retiring statesman were I'epresen tatives Holman or Indiana; Ihtt, or III.; Wand, r Mo.; O'Neill, or Pa.; Springer, of III.; wnd McCreary, or Km. No greater compliment than that paid by Mr. llitt, when he said "In the consideration of public questions Mr. Blount has Utii a patriot and not a partisan," has ever been or ever will In? paid a legislator. The Hawaiian commission hav ing presented the etitiou of the government they represent for annexation to the United States, to Mi. Harrison, through theSecie tary of State, are now waiting us pa tiently as they may for an answer. In spite or the mystery with the officials ir the State Department are trying to surround the mat ter there would lie little doubt of the character or the answer were it not so near the close r Mr. Harrison's term. He 11 topic t ion ably favors annexation, but mar, so long as it can hardly con summated under his udmin'stra turn, conclude to lcae it rT Mr. Cleveland and the demorr.ttic veneres to arange. That is tainly what he should do. -V t:atra l lct Iii Louisville, Kyn on I is; Thurs day morning, mi electric light wire broke and fell to the street in a small coil, carrying with it a cur rent or lOtlO volts. A cab horse driven agiii st it was kuoi ked dowu and the Vehicle set on lire. A borne attach, d to a brewer's wagon next stepped o- the wire and tell dead. I-mard rgg. colored, stumbled into the coil and was instaMlv killed. ,U head being almost burned rrom his body. X J. crf. IfeIMM toll.. NwMMwl la-XWOii 1 tfWf lala m4 tatt VI r4fca4l ft. TKtstf t Park. IH'KII M, X. C Feb, s!Xt 7 tit HMtsr TV r.V . The lotory of Trinity Collrg commerce with the1 foinbp . t of Union tiMtitafr.ii ,cwl or academic grade, ksrafrd m tlx north wrst corner of l'.ft4pti county. North Carolina. Her. if. Ilranlley loia. a man of wndrr till inlrtlretnal !linrnt. was elected priorvL anl trmaifcr! n other till when his J-e w taken by lrr. lUatlori Craven, la Kit Craven rrbartrrvJ t institute as a normal rotErge, bo I this oon ontgrowing lis dtitlj normal character and uiai ltgr' rorttt in an rlacati. al way, he went brtore the otb Carolina Conrnenre of tb Mrlko dist Chnrvb. Sontb, Ikrn roairn Ing at fbatMfr. and ganr Its sanction to his wain irvkaiteria it under the batoe of Trinity l"4 lege, in I vVi. To tlx amk of lk devotnl and untiring nan Trty owes nearly cvcrvlU o (if Ui tle Mrrrtage and Win able u gatu an r duration only l lb nnt strrnnos opMi(HMa to a vrrse rirrnmstanrr. be nnJrf stm! full) the nrrIn-lfrn lr of oang mrn and fell lor Wm a compassion and atnstt iktl were aiotst iivine. Tr sstitt which ran well Is- leinrl lUe we mating principle of his Mr. , as broad and strong as was great mtrilrvf : tt hnaM ib . . . a a as i?s i-eiiri m rlnratNnt its application ran tsr seen Iw Ike work that he did for I rori and rnbghlrnwrnl. whirl. saK will forever staad. m U monnntent tn his name. He one of rtatorr tmbnfH n. whit tie world tnn.s an -ail resolute, strong atol intrbsrlf aaa bitiots. he did feot Lbow mUM Ike word tad mean. Under Urn Tnutfy mjovrd an nnsaal d greet ! pto-rrtt np ti l Ihe oa! 01 ine civil war. wLn ii was of course g'catlf IrdnrrW.aad ' leuii-oraiklr. Wi Aim.Mi r.niwiu.i to stsiol oprat ion. ;rstaig woik ag in in uod rntm. mg agaiusf a hnnWr of d sJ vablagrs. if rontibortl fa ifere in stM-rrss till iss;, whm it tametl a heavy o in lie ttra'b or Hr. I'ravrn. Urof W. II. IV- cram. then. n.l t-..w m k.k.. ! the farw;ty.nasnadefrirn.n. in wiitrU jo-it. e wr t therlrrtion of Kr. M. I U,a. , as Frrsidrnl in ls t Tl- around man. Simple. grntle, aj k ",i(o-l r-iie nnIfw unaffected in his ruabbrr. le w ; At - f tefrw a. admtrrd and!ovrdtnlinrtivrh bj ! M,V" all U uor m omtt: liti Liidi Nt t ;: a d sl ing vrar he traignvd and Ilof.,'iw, 1 1 .... . . a . - - - - w"w r aa bj and held tkis itfin till tla. lion ol John . Crowrll as rrsi With Ir. Crowrtl teina Trmi tv's new era of ro.p-r.l t . an 1 if prpisai 10 remove Ler4; oe iracne ue rvartnt of r...l.s.pit,, Ja.f tU$ non.ic I'rof. iVgram bi i i graduate of this invitation nnl who has Wen a nmier of t: faculty f..r a lr.g no tuber f )rars teaches the various branch of fhenii'try. (!roUcv.anl lhra I . 4 a a. The deiMrtmenfs of Anato.tJ n.ob'gy. and ZaJgy te nndrr the instruction of Trof. :rja. who was graduated Iron CrneU l.'nlvers.l. I'rof. iJandy. A. is the protVssr of alaiibrnAtir, and is assitr by I'rof. I lonrr, a graduate of Abnaa.lis. The scload of i:.i:liU and rrnian i taught by I'rof. Armstrong, who was grada:rd al rand'di.b. Mar. n. und afterwards fX m course m t;rrman. 'o. uh. a graduate of the t'nivrrsity f Michigan, who alo finiske! his studies in liernianv, instrnrt in Ifin, C.rrek. and t'rrncr. In W first two slmlic he is a.sifrd ,y I'rof. l:.ja-r. a gradnale of k coltege, who fetches. In nddifton, Iagir. lr. Weeks, a gradna'v M Ihe I'nivcisify ,f N. rlt. CarnF.ui and I'h. It. of Johns l!;.M i insltuctor In Ike llutoriral I IV. artniei.. TUis being Una national rollrge, the TWdogtea department, of out, tair hi rank a Ml t&rrtFenl in it t tcm of woik. Il is in Ihe chwgv of IW. Crawford, a gradaa!e of the l i.ivrr-iti of Virginia. U was ronurrtrd with the Nortb Cr.Jma Confrrenrv r n Lti termor .vears. To nrv the de mands of Ihe age ad o tt a student lr wrfive bnioes ,t there has Ucn es:all.U with n Ihe past few rai a Connetria Jicp.rtmrur, whtrli i lanM by Prof. Houston, a gradaat of Tr.oiiv. The vr-ou nvu arn .ere WfMdlilartl in tUir w..rk ukd fnlfy efrl f gttr nrce...rv insfrurtien in lUtr lr Krthe Itnea; wnd the -irseft in beitions Ht f0 w fWfr g.f lr n.ij tt,at ca o, j lasattceW aid great. "It never la ns; it j. -wj.le 4tr" of . lb-- ana I ..I oar.oj .,iicd livm ibe grwind,! f l ir.duia.rirondtli.H. 4f n pt ,w ,L m I W t ka 4 I- -., fr fX r -- I ttftitiiui! ulU aceptcd: andlleelr e,ar, T! I V in 1 1 a , !- nTtjljSJg ' here m p,. oi is tkT ' , i1, -. ..4, iv , waM,J 721232 ?4S 3 D ent condition and latarr HviUibM4 tv af Lm A. i '4 -. "- fiA.-a 4.4 - -vw. k, namll aTIan I 1 r ; and antici, .1 ibis c.4 ge rf ,,M f..f 4 m o! M - I t-m.nn. fa I aia, aaJ-. Lt m K Lave been sp...rn of in a oinr .t(v. IUt aaal .1 t'llK ! l - fafBi it- -J"1 tMal k4V I -k ajn- n here that it ka rvetvtbiog are LI1 llV.J . - . I. MV-,, '.vnia "n.teiaa.(- r-n rjv1:; ,-uji j lr 1: ir;,- u i--Mn. dlAP TSQ nrf Ti iff nrtt jandvarnr -wauUlUUUn ww W.UUl I and that its cutr.rn!atB ka ktLfhii ... . . - . ' " . I . . I . k r f. a) .l ttmtm 1 1 m. Kli a ' "' " asiaa imaj SWa t T" rtii J I " ' V F( . a f el lis Pre. tent; abA vr u fcAn ' rT . . ' ' t,..c " ' 3 II V-n VT - m, i j lti:,1,i discharging the datw- cl lhasf vCTZTtLji 1 .JfnUohiaiM! ,4 ' ' " ,-nt- k tj,,., tt J j ..l-r. lie is n!.,; L.I! 't1 .MI-na,;? ? I II tn.1 lit I of the age in h,drasof tten., 7, ' " ' ."f . 1", f, n, ' .lot. ; a- 1 ernsvsten.olura.ionM mt tit. agrear ileal o rverntive UU ... . . w "fJ ?Jk.M,l.llt. Jn-j.. I tlinnf l. very prartica , and has !. 4 I roaa tyuuZ; tZ J. f m- .,04 " III, ion tw bi oftlra. lH..t.. I - " " - ; j . -"f s ' " wt-i n aia) i mt4 tie Wfse L mU rdlt imm iany Kyl or U Iwslrly tirrtbt ht U tiia af Cbaa. fi4f-ia!tkff ltfr IM iWtua Vart)i fsf t saxar lm rfjww in lfts lrt a-. tetC 1 IW atftvhrials. waa ta llA laiUfr! ffaxHI Jf otowntJt prEr rtai M lia awL Wf p"re MB,i aj j Va rxaawaa ! h) tav e vt o tl trlf Mll MjMatMjf af aaf r(tix n iMtiiiia din U I . f; rvl.Vtrrwa Irrtf n-m 4 ei "w it rxtn in V ref MT'.iawni. Il I Vr1 d! aia-l Js at prt lirvl fp m afe bi na U m ii t IW a Cv Umi iu 'Hg tsa - atai film. ak t- JtKm js, navtl 11. mr4 itw4o wistff .; Bf i W ! inl, I lw9 iaj 1 1. rfWk tiltAw mi ..tad k M. AL l M t V editor. iU. Vs m m a was wa ii Ih t4 ral IImi t$ aie-. v l tvrf ns4 a) ni.a vaf-i4f 'W snap af tla4L ao Ike aegfy 4."" lVia4s tfa! tfM t kr. in 4 la ka pruvrn ntm m s. i j, m 4 to atoLffsfa!. tti in fn !. hi isn. af f W -nO, ? tlm" a-a axf nfr f't1 M W 9" ltl, 4i, '" w iooiirx k.i '"ttMMtie if lie h d t v 5 '"lt, 4 lid it4t ' y a? IMmlUMlO) s)w, rearfVesl. a. liwy t-li'e atl '! in IV ftaMMf Tfce tr.l t nt'n - k ItVal If fVi, rvn V aft 44a S b d"ssnl r'4 lijt nsfo4n r I-".' Va a of w.m laa .! swW. f,Wl I"'0" s&om I- sv I. fti iprMM I .ad Utr, it ,r,b flkf I l. b! kw c,an Ih t Ifcat W s&m.M la iarr . j. - k-J r., V! k.nk1 we ! ak.nt l& ,M-! a"wV'rf S v -" .mm m UlUt Imm ft. a. M WkMh la I orvfa waM Km n-.a t irM-.Ha.aiM. a C,,a at,-., K . il,,! . M IW tn- 1 i:.l- ! 5 . Mi! ka3 Tkete are n ote rnrrl V ann a-! a lwr. I la at;i ti u f af rnsVnf V evr e . 1 . tf.. . nn n 4. - - m- e W-s''' s Ittoajn atJ K . . . ' I II II I III If L' J " I I . .4 r 'JTaW . ' e . a - n - !, s wv-'r-wrwwaaataa-K a r ar a" 1 J A 9 Wa ttF wff I in awj awj fam anaa .anvw aWV a. a . T MJ.LIIKMII, M.l . ewig n.Mrktne ag, wvt ! - !. f f 4 Vm onn Jrstrrd.t nfa v l,-,, 3lr. A.C.Ini!r ! ti44 "l1 C 4 ivft fob sw.fl, eg. al:, 4fw I I""?! j.4.4 k.., 1 waref. a Ner . t.aa 5 "' "' l,.4 nne I, I'ur. nw m Ui t I 4vf4 n4 w-4 ai k srWaJ, afa 4 J. ia.--aI:U ''-, '"') al nikl. Mr. Udl 11 Niir Is " Ike llaan tnr, p1 w. Ilaca aM. M,.;.J,., H Ilk ax. ksl tt. . MrUnrin. ef UM, onrx.lWnof mUmm re Ute m!oI ax-s. bn t w.l bna MMMa M4W w t r U n l-r.l. k fcj agin one. Mr. fc ! . M be a rwaaawr trial at.,. -rr!e Asrf4at, ,,,,4 ieAe ni nevk. I4 w mmnm In lo. be Wo. . 4,4 iwp, fc,V. Mr. M-rria. iv- ,,4 ri.t.e l. i. 9mui,4 a.u,. Jr.tM4. ;Wn ,u II.. ail e Tk,ai: V Ii . f eyajti,!. ko Ik: 4 M,oia f,s In 'sr , AE K9 l.mUt. i u:., e A-.n ..M l'!i-l a b m f., f M ta i, 9 nun a T l tM&t t fir if'itti I feW!ia-v tVa4 -t . t Mm w4owMI in lla lyaJlaaasv M fa4Vl fbrftt Ma-t e fait e4 f kIlfw Sm ax4sW!Vi nS mvi l b4 p,m n4 In nfka-f ! tfaival av yfl,(i mi oeSai i3 ff ainiTw tl s kj3.atAnit. a l0 t-f a4 Miaaiilf . if fn-nf' Hi ! is.s 4 W Imv mi Sfl-. ka m-fim la $mt9nm fi Is a) aiit(hai mi m,Ul fHniaoa !! lMfM lft Aln-M4 if IW -a.iMf!- mi t3,o mm a4s 1akJW I W t'M (M."hi mi M -1 .n" "a k-a fmmr t m$ Wk. k. HM04 k. fa a 4 m4 a M)kMa itw fla a. fb ai I fA ! tm l li.,t4 k immp4.4 9a It mvs !& 4 la) ya.V a) Mfy tls ars a k- fm. X Ik- 9tmit mi Ikav aa aa I V wkv&f. IkM v h...Ao4 I woitww' s. '"'"' .a2M 4.At'Kv ! at.",o,l'l Aai, ka. e-S Wfsr. fe na -af U a.ftni 1 r la.ojairioj -a., n in W a44afl mt tl I iMliai, as'a, a .,1 T-f " l iX,V. IW k.a 4,n a-i4.aa ia III a- ti ft Wkia.ftti att.S. fi.ak k,. a Wipka M4 af W H" IJJ ai a a.r tt-if ILSI.V a f taiaaoM.fta tm il I lt U.(L km kuaA. IVtvfft tm tm 'mm nsM a nH4l bijo I IW kt k. wa se.l m,a tsal I fMt,Wt. ii aH. k H.J ay?MM,, 4M. mka wkut, as.Pl lit a. V f aa, v,M 1 i t4 4'iJl.tJ Mmm. tv."iat !. a w Mg Ml narWII sir )kl IV J Am mi I MMlet1kiiM 1 kie lf kB t.lH. . a -aaaaa. H U i J a k a mum. --,.p.I.., M, ,w IH atj '.MtU M V- m mm ae)aa f f Py l kl"lMM'i ib W t I W 4t. II. IK ,4..1. -ao - a Mnai I -- at awt'OMSs)" 4 IV ). 4 a4 la -- av J" X a4 4"S'4 I tiMH 44,m a f Maif a I; ; n s.a m 1m .. a aj V- k.:a V.e lwlkM. ,f 4 H 3 j a4V4 I . t.M.f n.'a w 441 4af I W f 1 1 J 1 -av ..... I'' .:..4a t!. T?- If alau4a. Ea M a. -a, - a-w Pnw wrf W B-F'A'm a- ' hi' a4 n'J W.ijU t"i4-it $a,t f l4 4-4 ftihowl ,wuJ.i . eT ' G C ( lihl Olj.a t.V " I .M tVf ) 14-0 -aS . Mf as-l a..! Vt - 4 iwhI i k,.4.f.4 n ''''I M-t ..4"4 ' iV.. W .Jk4 W4 k-e av.; t.4 n.m el IV- S.Voajaya .VAm.4 j !W a. W .. f 4, 4 't k4" k.?' w -imBi- ii.. ssAaSaabaaWl A lrsK.4 n fwJ tM.jng.4 i, iv is-i 4va.ff.;t, 0-t.i: s .cy . . - ' i ftf it a a tv nifaia"niiH. 0" tl vaM.niantr. QilirsAvcATAnnti OvisnEuctnt r.'5'M-. rSaHa fc,.Wa,.aJ .I...H,I w Imm, ii , h,i,, . wier SALs Al COST. t.a M 4 a. ai a mm w ntxtt mmmmm, tataaaaaWiWi. riiiniiili m4I nwau n oiin ania aa a Swnai a Mtejtfa fjiM aft. a aMMM IVhVHiX lm lrt tem no M ka a4 HHW nv!" I 4tt wttMt ihk ttfisa ruaa wan. It nnM &Ntt WoNn ! an soi t4koj.ft (aitianAn, iNi tWm t f kV 4h Ah4 I1 nnw lbani 3a "aTu oin. ft VU4 laAa mm 4l4 ittaf ,4 of aSMIiaat nateHSA 11 feta C-Ca aMl yk, I Vtd fim m atta 4a4 l im kainAe 4 ttr M) lo fa-st fe44 aaMC !KU'I ' vl4 l or4 kHt a Mt ard l b A1 f ihhmvi tOtMaiHHo1att S a .a1iia Htor! mt H aarol I Wn -os l.4 W loAAon svmo a4 W -iMo1 KkHtH-Oa, at4 0tHav fM'HOtl W1 f tm I lav tD('itMH4 o tVLHmtf Soaa RVihi , eo. 1 1 h nl a CattHo l(Ha aM.e.Nk I'siwol. nit iae imI eav Uoi fa kw MooOa on4 A I laoa 1ia7 f out1 ' Stf aMU'nft ciNa r-l lol ta4. "! tn ta- o'oiic a""! t'4Min -taa n,i SMoAa I WttMi BA iMtdj ! Hijind,oHi a i.,1UM l"W imoii M40 fin . an -KS4 ka aM ft.ttMa V wtV i,OMi asrVoli4omc Mo4 i1 IV afeHM jliM MttOOSt (f1o t, rVa-V-ui, 4hH, f 4jH IViW.a jl WIiMil at f i.i4-o tHHkni4aa.iilfn Afa) an llton waituw-K no4 aaf .an.tfcOSHW- Hi A at I, tf 4'omI ef ro, Ikaa l.a ; aH-1,,00 o4 sam n ipVtwaf, fo k lkavMi aMMop f i.OW MBs A . ItHf ftttn iOff4 K an nif vf 4 faMiwn, t' I.h . hm4 m o Sao?, .uK, mm m mnmi i Ji AHst 12 rtn n lM ante i .t,U t1 HWn otiSb fi n&nttm aasv . Nk k4 o 1a ., - . W B v 1., a Mtotav ; nntwCwm aa.g tK ... ..... s .I atoooii' a aaf f V. Ii, Mi, i q' HM trtM f.a at m aV A. r5:"DEDeODIfll V t 4 5,Hnfam-t t atia " av a . T "w,nWl1nPt 4 WT al aTLa. a 13: - a aj am aaiat lit faiOan, staMki l"al'ltn fnanpna4 ra)t'wwotaaiptnaa niiHiMn mt' rmv aMJMjkottota. t,M xnma 4j eitw4 nat4 faaMi a nna ia t leif. mm-mrt it fL4 a.a fl' "rF JnieM 4o w etei Frcah lie a to. fcr-r. riia. i i.r. a-, '''"' lao. i'h.M4 mi mw tt Mm rtjobtii, tti4tff tt iUta tee to ai Att 4. a r-asj.', tf.!lW,,M,HH M J9a k.l0ll .o4 laa 43 i4p 4.ta4 4.1. Ntrrici .( e.a a-i ,.,. 4, aa tarn 4,M.ia-. 4 mmm en. . crMr:" ---s-es. ,jr- a w .HMa4 a.4 n 4 ..... " " 4 4 -t'4 . ... A. a a waat' mwm . . W w- Tn.n. 'MMUtMte w-a aimvn .. " a. . w lea Mm -m. m K a i 4 a ii1ia.t.. ..iMa,a, - ... - Ma -v.a S j v -"i- a. -Ma mm ,. fta. .. 44. . a H n-'- 4v , T aTrr MM-av- . - mm w. m at- mu 4 4-m v. s- 4H m ai Hfa im im ta ar " a.nai ama ...,.f . . 4 o4-a aa 4a mL.LZZZ -.7m.'m-m o ar - p'aa w-twrs", Wf Cnminsn In t 4M4 C)a4l4entk, 1 wntatnn nanlCtat CMMtH, o)fitM M(f aW ntne n.rtwnanowa Hit $MtitMa f mT talTHHU t-frax naaH4)tt fS-w, 4 g 4 m, tf ramun a. ft,ie. w w 93UtUM 4 4Uatn, f Jnnkurtn 4Vnia tA ateM ptsMnwtMawan. atanasetn tM4nf ffctnMAAawn 9mt Cawnaptn iianimnnfcwn fW 9ulm u mHt,.. nta4 fkwnv4n, Hg mUii 444 4 im ,tM(.t, , ann M 4a CMlAevnn fteuav-art TMiHUmC f W ntafn4aaTMta) f tn 'tM aftaaaanb'a. a faFaa wpai Saa axiWaa, - n : sia.aia, j w r --a sr-aa t atumaa ir'tt'a'i' S-o--- 'aiiifni tn 1 4 1 tM, m,M m. 4 H'nmiai t tm 11 a rfH Hn a,.. 4mm4, sn aiiasny Ntnn. I - .h a ! aa. Tt k'i.-saxa, Mnf tiai, faa mm f aa, 1111: ctafimti it ami t;i vrs iricMM ii itW ;hisuits and IT f3HT l teem) cn lu- Ma lntiflnm.r-,a 1 e 'ajav' 4a 4 ,; 4 J- wa, I arr M0 11,1 lSif tsT 1ift? iJ Wvr at Af4at flu? mm -M4 eso,.44,irt. n.a, oo4 a on ffcM 1H .M4 an n !., ixitNrruitt: iiv COFFINS AND CASKETS. Ct.,VV'tv,U. 3ii.'t 7HI'Miii:;.MV LlMi A ?Jl'i:(.vi:n!j;vj "fVI()t"Ca,4"tX4 V 4 4-ia ;4i BEAUTIFUL VAUUABLe BUSINESS LOTS CeiTWtil 4,d4 i1crtiel,r att:U1Ma -i. M- ... . . ttittti!t4(3 4iritix '$Ai4l1i1tttitit l-INKST IIOTKI. SIT1-: l S'Mi, Citf-..1l,...,w.l,..a .- . . irtitf tikrthmirtiflitii? ttinriiiiMw.1,! itmuiHlt4 C 4 . . . einiiai4. J!! r.r ia. . ..77. . aaaa an la.'iflffH tH1, ClHo1,tn, t.1,,,1fl 1 UPrZlT t7il CCIDERT fc. ( XTi if 2i4eTv;7a: n - V a r'.v. , i v z m---- s . . . . . " " 1 ' - a t , ,44 ..., , , .... . . J . .4o.j7- 4i'14.m.. ...... 1 aJL t ---- - -- . nii.i.)!.. n ..I 1. """" 1 11 a a am m ssv s.m..,. a,.- V a mmmmm. Sa a aaatatAjo.. X 1 T fsknanr farnMMn aMMtiif ri 4. m- HUm lt4.,, Cavtifriri 4, a aii ti h 'lam mw t,. 4.. sa ww Ma - 4.,.. a! tHiilwtn 4f4i0 4t tn4 a. 4 isf 4jky f Mitutlf ift odd pants IHIJIB rniDLS, jt,4 id rhjM i iMlcHr f1,r Ui'MUinu p. - e ' e m - tw tVPS !iJJ 1t M,f (1 Itttti,, s 4ti ar tvl ta iti A If tittiiu,, Him litif, a . n .44 n v , bnll ooj v1aa , riiicc Atr i,AH E LOTS ttlk 4r f Miilo 1 w - -1 3 m 1 1 f i frill' sj aa JVjOf'MlJl.iti 4. h t . . .. . 4 wa anuti e N 4 Ma'.. - .... ....... 4,.. . ,,,, a . rrr0.-4v f1 f4tt, 4K1, sa nt - tTat t'a'sys