o O J l o u o CURE5 ALL SKIN AND BLDDD DI5EA5E5. aa4 pmcribt It with srravU Mtofertto eW ito amiaa Ml firtw ai-! ataa 4f PV'w.v-. rf.fti ft Tvy SorMr filudulv Swninp, RbNMUn, Msie.TA 4J1 Ckroote I'tcara a. r tail iMtmwi, itaffl. sain kisaaaea. kjiiy Caroaic CwttiaM aas y. f. f. rwerf3l ttr, .--! n rr!Trr ptMf'. Lad. whoM tniMi potato! mn& wbaM tla) to m pac&iai.y tttnenwi by W.a wuirrl k.Q4 ew4 vA- dMBitaiff iiofniM el P. P. PPtkkly Fa .ft and Pntir.nm. LIPPHAN SSC1, Xfcjrhtos, Drcggisu, Urpmaa'i Block, EAYA5SA2, Qi. FOR SALE BY JOHNTULL, Druggist, E. S. WAiJLICK, Druggist, MOEGANTOX, X. C. July 7-ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CImiw and bmot.f. it half. Promt a la ur.-it irvwrr JT'l bKfci Hair to its TotitU'ui .o:ot. CTXT CLVfr' wm p i e. a haar ta-u-t.- j a. a-i v ' ' ' ' The Consumptive and FeeTale m n rifforfrom exhatm Airr .wxl n Par tier's Ginger Tonic. IteurethoT3tCouih. VVk Lane. I.ti .i; . 1 -d -eaatfB. Fem; wknt. K.i.-um;,4in ul ."iva. I i. MINDERCORNS. Tioivt BT.fTm.f .rC-riis. FRAY BENTOS is a town in Uraquav. South America. n the river Plate. It would not be :elebrated except that it is where the1 jelerated 'S HI EXTRACT DF BEEF comes from, and in the fertile gTazir.d fields around it. are reared the cattW which are slaughtered 1.000 a dav 'to make this famous product, which is tnown round the world as th standard for Quality. Fliivor otnl Iurity. Notice to Creditors. Having quallfled as ailniinUitrators of IHvl.l Hood, deceased, notice Is hereoy given all Derson holiilDZ claims against Iherturpri'u .l Intestate to prent the same lor payment o we unaersitrueu. witnin is niottbs iam the 19th day of January, A. D.. l-93. or tul notl. e willbe pleaded in tar of their rwoverv. anl all persons inilebte l to said etate are "her t.v notiied to eouie forward and settle at once aad thereby save costs This ITlh day ot Januarv, 1-93. J.E. nn. V. A. IUI. Avert 4: Ebvin, AUos. Administraturv. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of the late John Cooper, all person having claims against said estate are her.-ly notified to present the same to me tor pay ment within twelve months from the date of this notice, otherwise the same will lc plead ed in bar of any recovcrv: and all per-. n indebted to said estate will make parmetit to tue- Jos. K. I UAL. Jan. 12, 1S03. Admr of John Coc)er. DAVENPORT FEMALE COLLEGE, LEXOIK, N. C. Scholarly Faculty. Tnorough In t ruction. Practical Courses of Study. Music, Art. etc. Home Comfort. Re fining Influences. Expensed Low. Free Scholarships. Address. J OHN D. MINICK, A. M., Pres. jan 19-ly Beatty's Pianos nl,eTc.nr . , , where, r or cata- logne address Daniel F. Itcatty. Washington. New Jersey. fcblld-lT. TR Arte aaDV DESIGN ZVVJVS rnovDiuY. .... . cor 361 Bkoadkat, New York. Oldest bnrean for seenring pttenU to AmervV Erery patent taken out by Ti bnVt. the public by a notice given free of chge ta ib Largest eirenlatlon of any peintlfl turn la th man. ehonld be wltbuul it. WeekTr 5 1 year; U0 six monthsT AddTeTrM7N V5l? Going to Buy 5 m uictionary? t CET THE BEST- f weDster'sinternational.t i A Choice Gift A Grand Family Educator v a Liorary in Itself v t The Standard Authority J SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 2 The International is a new book from T cover to cover, folly abreast of the times, T and is the successor of the authentic T " Unabridged." Ten years were spent in T T revising, 100 editors employed and over T 2 $300,000 expended before the first copy 2 was printed. T Do not bay reprints cf obsolete and T T comparatively worthless editions. T Send for free pamphlet containing T x specimen pages and fall particulars. T G. & C MERRIAM CO., Publishers, j t j i r i HREI0OD,plfDH Lis RRRf CURES K Kr. MALARIA ! . ' I r.H lot r ruvrt:t Never rolnl what yxir r'ltMa, I 'r tour clf-trprtcl Tbrre' a cahtnet pmiiMHt That's intiln fr rant J If the rWTii t ynm rotlarvl If yo lrl the boy or fMrt Ami got teoar bv m kwtWet, I'm Jimr Oat aiad cH ! If the banner voa taff ltl Till the fall rrtants t qtl. If roar great graallataer olt 1 jke a vcteraa "4 ; Whea the guud aw a teftias Ami the cbru wa a aaetuax. If yoa inl a kt of vethag. I'aae voar ptate aal call luf anw ! O. oar troaHfa thev are mvr And we're tant kaeiv la r. Ami we're aokiing oa l t'.rur While ae ratcrtag tae ; And the rawcab wtta taetr txata T be T arc gtwag oat a aa. Krt hot aw aad ttll a aealta 1'asa joor plate ami call f av Allaala Coaatttatlua. MII.MIIir. ..It is 5ail t l.t by Mrppin thf I .all of the fuot inlr.al of ttr lief 1, one ni.iy trulk over lirT ice in Mfclr. . .Sucriin; i. -ivrrtrtl tjr ir in tlie npiH-r lip, tin) tleatlrnipi: the impn.Hion ujon lranrU ol tbe fifth nerve. . .0o living serui ru rrsUt tte autieptic ower of e.Jerirv of rin n.nnoii for inure th.tn a ! hurO, savjt one ol the exjcrtA tu M. la tent laboratory. torrtir nl Iiniate i.t not more etTrrtite in the destruction of microirt. rrn the scent of it being fatal to them. A decoction of cinnamon houht be freely taken in local i tie where tyihotl fever ami cholera are prevalent. .."The New Outburst ot Win ter, which jon rhronicle in the Ilrntltl of je.terl.iv, aam cn fornix to theojH-r.it ion of imlnrtite forces of Mlar otiiu, to which attention h.is In en calletl mi many times heretofore. Coincident! with the formation of I hi new anticvclone in hih latitude there was npon the nun an area of disturbance in the precise loca tion of the eastern limb, at which it has been found as a matter t f fact that the niot marLinl in ductive effect is cxcici.ed. The portion or the un npn which this area is located has long been the seat of very energetic out breaks of activity, and that this is the case at the present return i hown by the presence mn it of two groups of very large Ht. This adds another to the verv long list or innranccs of Miml.ir character, and when tudiel in all its details agaiu demonstrate the absolute necessity fr regatthtig the subject of atmospheric control from a poiut of view entirely dif ferent from that which ha l come customary. I am becoming fully satisfied that it i only a questiou of time when thi iiew view the subject must find accep tance, fr it lears every mark of being the absolute truth in the case. Still, I snppoM? it i asible to ignore the truth, a has been doue lor apes and as is et done in instances not a few. J. . Vrethr in X. I . cm., iH 1. If the above U true, then at th tint the sun thatl have revolved luslf stay on its as is. and the solar pu ar oa its opposite Mde (about 13 Uajs. or on Feb. 1 Ah.) a area of hih temperalar should exL-t where now the dr-r.Ko is gTeatet. IMIIV ' The Keg Your Lead piece Is positively upiy. The I!arrel"( proudly) May W, but I wear hoops. CaiVio Record. Iu an nptown church a iu reading Please wij yonr feet before entering the chorcir hang over the vestibule. A few days ago a bad little loy erae tie word "leet and sulMitued -nwe with startling effect VkiU.trlPkU Times. Chotly Oh, llthcl, I love joo, madly, devote tlly wildlv, Ethel That'. tl 'riht, Mr. SQmu.ers, but Low would ton like to marry me? Vkhtvjo S' .V cortf. Won't you try to love me!" he pleaded. u"o, Mr. Adams, I cannot, jd.c answered. I um not over sirong, and my physician ha advised nie not to do too much. Vogut. There's one thinj; raakr me very tir4 In the fellows that I know. And that U their propensity To praise their own girU so. Uow neltish now U this in thetu Each his own gift -best" to call. When it's so very evident That mine 'a the best of all. MHHMtijfJU Tim. Do you call th s spring cluck- enP said the diner to the waiter, utter several efforts to detach Nr. Hon or the tissue with knife and f rk. "Yes, sail ! I)at spring chitkcn :or sure, sah. -Then the patent on th spring inn-t have expired." l',thl, Chronicle. Ileaveu had no 1 h irm M.nd so yoa think Heaven is like ttos tonr "Well, I d d think t bm vou Know that law on l, a gn at dtal in the last 2 ytar. Life. Sit do.Tu, Misther McC.uirc, sit down. 1 ony slipped in ler a minnte, Mis. Ill o et. "Take a sate, man; shure, vr oght as wt-ll Ik aitlit. whilr ye're slautbi.." .V. 1. rrrt.. Uueklcii's Arii'.ea Salve. Thi'lMst alve in the world for t'nts. lirtiise. Son 11.-.. v.i. ! Uheum, Fever Sm,Tetier,;hap pe 1 Hands Clnlb.,is Corn, and all Skin Erupt ion, and iH:tivrlr cures 1M-.S or no pay rr.jmri. It is guaranteed to giv perfect satisLu-tion, or monev r inndel. Trice 23 ,-.,ih r Uti. l or sale by John Tull, lruggir. RHEUMATISM CUREO. PoTsDASiut's Kro Sraii sroun. l LarkOit. I la. i P. P P MAXirACTCW.xuCo.: Ossts Havinp sutTcrtsJ wih I;hea mutism for mtiue time, an4 In-U Kreut 'ai.y remlies. but could tind r re- chi Ti u!7-?our Kfral mu4 ci.i r. i . i . I tecum ummu it ta suite r i humanity. Your. J. iVrt,vMnt ,P: V'TlIK llKKALb (Ulirr for Job IK. a rwa4 It it rrmjilb! tb l at It precnt day. In the grr.f t f.r what are IrrmeU ry p.f ina, many lartoer ate Cc im endeatotiog la makr Uyef. tt" tor of preacher of lUawltrs when if t he y had tr4 k farm they might hate h. orable and indewrteol atin and sneer bate been Wifs we 6od oar farmer kwi ig is, (a the rttie anl town, aal l-C what t They y toelte Uf children. WooM il ft f to lwar their rhiMrra al remain en the farm t TWy aaW have a boe whefr le wkb family woM lr llrirfrl. !ie a few acre fa U id troHt hne w ifr ! c hiktrrw f the raising of ia)ovr Mlf : lor there I toothing rHeegl wilh poultry taiibg wtval a lady ran manage eally a aril a the otter set. Il gttr we k ! tbe children who grratlv rj lie r sbtfe of the dtilr dalar ol raring for lb- font, ti a hi nes thai r.hr rwlry M ia ereimg an alia a s tr tnral home and im lr IrVewa far ntote pleat;I. .byor Ii(MgJ may 6ml enjoy ateaf. twat'a ad prott in Iht wtxk if they mm dertake tightly a4 Hata it diligently. I'oalfry raising for pr( I a lighl rroploy arn,l. rvqtcrig ol eonrse thai tegnlar r4 cv-U attention which ma( be gira lo any bitne. lo tnre saerea. The one seelet f n.eera.a 1 IhortMtghne. The rhiLra mul lr rrgnlttty frl with a u lit ty of snttatt fo and lrvh Water: the Lou ktpl frrr of vermin. My botie are veaael every morning a.l spnaktevl with slaked lime, which lte oj Vrr min, I end lime the Ur d-a feetattt I ever nel. l'ouliry ronfinrd -! -. ter nnl W npplel with every thing nerre.ary lot tteif tea Ilk, or they will .. tJrI. Ieene . e ! and vermin have lH y. I'o are protobd by toalre with a supply of llly eil I tvrl the vermin to when hy are subjeet. If hea!lhy I hey re tool i much Iroablr! with lhee mite. nnle a aevert itr d miliishr I he snpp'y or taltely of ll, when they koir wea and lean and the aaioaat .f natnr! I deereae and the vermin irreae. There I one thing wbh tolre br tool supply wbe! tr receary f.r bwl. Thai ichar coal. Charcoal tua.!e f wl bus not anrr the lot-, if ha no taste of f.sl, tool a'llad' ive to fowl atod I sektocw ratva by them. The lsr5 chafrvxal Ut them i mad- by oitg ear of corn in the tire and toalirg anlil the grain are eharretl. lha give to the fowls, fuia i,. 1,,1 very hcirbrta! fof hem, wdl lra4 to plarr them in a heis'thy trJi lion, hence a tbe.le 4 improve men! will ! made in Iheif !. All pale tni) will Ihtvm ttb led. thai loy tg of ear 11 a g bile hejtdaroi Iheyiehl of rg greatly inrfead. Where lowU are ron&ne4 to fl'e rjaartrr eVriris. bV.. la furnishetl by throwing gtara ito'o .r straw of hay o ibe- Uft lo scratch in. Io tLe a Variety of '. : Ihey toee4toimal lool in wtn'rf or whm cowbc4 in iaal yard. tor in summer, il ol to ia al large, ry gr Q he La: of insect, but in wmtrf whfa bu insect are to w f.tjr4d cirtoey mast w snppl rtl. Krrp liesh Water In ba vva mI before them. Jko t- trvr ep t to sUeve. in taiatoi i-I try if lie fowl are ri -,U4 .i rms irom stagnant ag. Ilirae amog -al(ry Woq'4 laiely umi if i,r krgpg woM give f..ws protwr ear in every skiticular. Thr.UrreneUlweeo an egg laid by a ptup. U-ki hen. Ie4 with S"1 fieh l.l la ly, and an egg laid by one bio. rly fel, i a grvai a ikbt?r nice larlween gtaal an4 ar Wf. Afowfclon gjlage 4 weak slop with very Htil grain ol any Libtl. may lay eg, la U rr, but when lhor rgg are broken to tr n-e.l for rakr they will sprra 1 in a weak wafrrv u otrr yr dish, l.k a mslky while, ina-el of having a II h, sightly y"o linge. , "nch e.-g" felaia it !aj Dtol yield lo tie healing I the luitr Wih mote rr4.aoe tnd gives yon Ike tt. tetri lhl yo'i utr really h-ating something ll.irkrr than water. Thoronghbre4nltry hweUen bred f r year wilt Ike View ol increasing iheir laying tpialtti. Imi t increase tLrir si. I lute been taking fite Ire4 fo Is for seV e f al y ear, hat e r ie no wll Var.elirlut hatedie.i4 el all from mv yatd bow Imi pure lUitts. 1'arlridge, Wfcar C-hin. I'dack t.bgha. tlrr4 1'iynoMtth .bwk. JMvet I.ee4 Wyaiolollra, W bile Ciete4 Whiir I'.(ih,Tonbaisr teec ab. lr . Turkeys, like these toaae4 lh Iwl r all lie i! (Terra I bud for egg and siie. I nhip fowl and eg to many Scale wilt. oee and have made many friend. The piesion ha been akrl: Will the keeping of prc bred ltry pay f It will p,,, if ta ductetl with I h powr rare tkat all btis-brss ahonUl 1 In otdef In secure sueee. .a.oa every otoe who ay - will ha gne ooj er.faliy with any bne. Le limb rIood. fontemplatelheAmwiie!,,. I an yn com pre he ml it rva and ft horn it depth. Yet thai V, area was spnne4 by. . Lw Nirathotiii4o lepthwerr maIe to y ield to the etVctrte wire,am Has. Ibe tar oil antl n.een region eive lu; to a d Ike clcrpbie ugenry iu lranmtliug ii M, s-se.al lihtoing srw. . Wttt,. d.a lltastration hof h m, eau d.. w hen he- a.y - l . . I.,J tm .ltmJ.m,ml. ltd?' " JUU- a.T1 iWMll.lv. . Mm l.t-. ..... . . ". will Htm irilv. n ..- " ' was , t -w i , a. f '? IWi. txrwav lbal to will f- ! fct aad lVa,,wsv ttw l n w ill l. . . . . . ' '1 9 el aaV aTfcV wlwr) awMaal V wWwa wss 1 K''f ! 1 1 a a ! ff tti iK..f Vw lliv. -ar j r t w,IW hatolel. "Jlhm I e atl vtw - fetptn 5a ' a-io, f W -5-h r RI ivAtti a-l t t ata b ! JLm I -:., Of l& ms.'i M M i were ijvt i'lt-. i v sor J ;.". K IV,3 r1'. t.tt ,ov a'-l l.jn i: lv ! Ie . t the ixIU . IU t-sw ealc Ta ',t U ( B .;- If- f Ie. t.. a-ol h.te. .oif aa, V U4 vl teV r 1 ,vif tot lKll. J ft- I t"ml lai"i W .iw , fb'. pJVa !!. ir i-."t,, Ie ! ! w laty lei.e f t. gttf onvil f ki.,f iwt I faM-fs, .4 at $tf 1ft4 T&4f an 'a.t a.!,.! tji, Ia l lalk l pl!.l l '4 to V ltaau was to" t Kh N.tJ"t I W ttf - eJ :ale'l fnvI kI .f I !. :r. lie tniret tw C-f taa l-rja .'a.a, I S..t tUx. aJ fst W lmmt tV.t t.aaU! I't mm- f aaoait4 It 1 1 ti;,rtf ! te &.o.e. "ie ..rt hasg t t I t i V.J. I !V i.aw 4 awtMtiw-f V . a ! . o,sji a eaisaea aaa wa fUf4 L ia Mt'wa el e --.t Mie I. ? fieoti 4 4.;im, f'l Itoe t'iMCatate. t we t;fnv If ik,i . r t V ,w KJ l U t S w V- W fat. a, f t ta-.""4l tur-..'sa -lt fe f rg Is " wVa 4- n Jaaj !. a ! . kMf f 4 I !l-e Vimi IUf hifca(. f.-h-m II l.... lrg fi ff t i )ti H If linWiitt), aCi".t! f "a. tJ. s ljk ra- a" ,. V .lcgSrvn! ,: , .'.. cot:t ia . .i.v- - I awwa tm . awMT 9v UlitliJMM. '. I . J-A, me llf .! rr.'4t "' I a. targe , I wet; f ,. J u :s in m ria la.. (....: fvrm tfc"t J -a ft !-..-a m 4ffa'. 5f. U.,i' M Mft ' - S C-'. at rfi t r e Trie It-', e f t .1 m e.rt. f U 1iij N J v &.,. 1 ; t.4! Ii a a large ef ..! w11.- the bM ffwrtsi h Lj f 3 ai-ioi r.tl.g , .t. lie l -pev Cs. rt e4 w s $ .) j a4 jir.g He very ca'e fc.rf t4 (ft i.f c-'3 . 1 . .! I '4 l te a ftu tf t ,!,, !'' w trtito, 7 ft. a ha nn-.tm ! fc-l IVwj laf f -g a f. fca-t. V it 1 R gt ttr m-aat 4,, J 1.4 ,) ..,- l:.i whir t w h he t i. ii ;. r ..!. h I lW f j usrf t I 3 a ru.tr. Wfcea k p. 4. fe 4 f 'Verv he f-t t tVv juf, a'l t U WV sfc It fta f I toi ee Tfce t at !uf :" el J.fe. attv. t y ., Jiff b;-g t4 I- f.f ..t h - i l'-g mm e. it a4 bee ;. 1 . . t4 ln ! ij Wrf HH)vse t-. e te it la . S l to f i - wite mm 4 rf : sli" at ?.. ! t .-! tow!S e -,Mm w ; t.i. l"go rtf .t , t,f 4 r a .- isv sf.ar t a . a" ' bafty t'g a S e ft f y cale .V. ; A,V taMlaiMjrM,M t.i Jwaa immkMS. el e .t, . ra ia to cm a toi-kan tvr r. I Aa n Kst 4 s,Ka . w w taavsva! a aa. If MS iw wad a4 iayy. Ujtpu vrUJ rtw?v:l t.rt turn IViTiSJ, llf'atl.tw'.lSi.t.'?!8. 5s!trm-J r Hr i-JUr Wi t:rwa:avn rrt vt BRADPIELD'S P FEMALE REGULATOR r 'st-reimsa. 3t m, ba Taa wta i .w..i., Samnir't t . f" S.t ,i.mmi .g faa a- laeaai aaiaea Melaiwlma iMMita r rM'.. 'S-S OMIM C O'lMl. V- MM H ! lav Mr raa ti .. m Stll)U. anlvlti. j .rQii4 as"-- .iarjf, sH.a .i,iWt autaaia acn, m him uaai aaoricto ncautATon co- aaa. e. rvsi a4a4Ta.r aXjaraft;fta XiiTHi: K tafwisia rta, "Mlia tCr to Waata ca tfl Sa-kiM tiitui a i.. . . . .. - .... - - . " v.iiimHi'f iff la a'a .MCfriM, s t T"mI am rs.....a. iJTi a at. at?w!!- ''. ...a., ai.. l HI,,M . ... . w. " 'S " ' aahMaa..ra .g' 5 . - M i , HtllM'1 bail. ... . . am a r. v, M " W 1 IU .. II. . - . SALK OF la,XQ. (r a-re 4 Mr,fc. M ,t ml! tl m""HT . - -S "Mfc4B"M,ja,iE- "TsTliawa illlimiUU...; HntfY ()ah. ''ava ikh, ....... . wa a. a wmw w if 1 s iw i"oAow r' Iflisf ga fl4ik sftowig'f. . l . tuwi 4 JJk,! "f raawitA, Im wa 'rw It l.AA. t'fctf." . ali A ajfv1 atta Afcow lHf 4i Is -, l a43 Mr ,a aiiH sMa-lai-wiV o iit tlwfw a av I Hi tr4 at I'Vav Aftftwva KlfWa ftw ! ai ym tL aiow Ll. fsf iflf wMiiaa- vw - Xi-w a-fcft av4 avse 2IH a , tat ia $ JA-ayti''V44'T iwfX. Ha MIMf tS3 ft oS4.1k4 sHu t foi Itor jAKefla fawaa 4 Nt si aVaV lf amf WW) s M v-e fHt1 W s.l.e) mww'ML ft a h4m ow4 ( iftaiHl. 1W tooA4 tfoMil. n r.iHit aew Wkw4 tlw aj avpa ia fliWia sti4e i4i4 l.H e4 k8 wUa-euw a4 Mlt f Ma HAta Hst iVwrftS ave t aiMiiTy -i3 a1 llawiwto wh4 m-'-m rm, a4 toH.i.t t4 ft tan kaav s)a.r tMI l I VV Meiu4W Ua ll a.H a .a,. ; , a.t ' aav f oJ ft sMit-HX Waal ao4a4J f.a 4 4. I lav at,-! mt J'-'Haf to0 M ia yi sjisx. 4.4 a I,-! M . ewe wwee.et, aaiH, !.- ft mm 9H4 law tLao l a-ta-to e l ft 14 . v, asf r ;rC4i t3l xia Iwo.w,, astt ae-jrfcj af 9r.iaoie f sC.. life, a otHV VM 14 ft.aV3 . swailo)f,t,;(.),i4 ua ! f iu a... su. . .. . a a-ij a iu k ft, tow aoc-,g ayt 1 1 & ii.. u ,.1 . ... . . --' , e "o, aav V'aw' fiwO.- a .. aj P M ) MiirMj. nf essssoa 4 a as f f a4V! m. w , ,a w r.arao a .,.&& fw vs'witiatt 1 ftfiwt,v,.,'jc yvae. at ST rt ; taC4uanv. a.i. ei,ui g a. .... i. -v--Str s E..T;: ( M . S. i '"-S- 4,WWMI a-'. . . I - a Mn . i ,,!.(., ,mi " h km a.' -. a MkHlli, W vtr.t.e vna f .g a,ai r. MfM n-.if m tcH.h$ a Mia-a H.!,.!! sa Haa t. waii'ta wa ariit.na..a tt -iin iq TLiiri INVALIDS wiot ialta am SraaMsya ava a aii,wii-a t it aia ai ma iiNwttttrua . S'-a Suna ) at, D... .,. SitHS " a Hi two wta aHiif ii'iifwa w aas ta wttfMHM m ana ,f w njsiilaL st HtMMM4aj atk Bccomo Gtron ..-vMa, . a-.aw t laa ttafl a -tlh itttw.A.a. ag SMU-t!!. aaawn) aui.ilis at aiMa SHullfi anama a.Y H t-mtiHM ..fl fm ajr. frtwtlHi jr ( M4, tnOl.,, WlMai). " Hit.H.Ha ta graa it S-m. n " . awaaanai e"aaw Mm. !" '" M-sawaa-a ( ay itaawitHit a- a a .( Cy Uolnfx - eaMHt--ih: taa aaas . U i S'H .ji- .. ' a ' e tw f " .ih v Ka 4w .g r -I t nj ' " aa .tK ;,M,ia tf -t Ki .i s-.a , f Ha aai)tlww4 H.tv.-t, ltn.s ,wlt, awv al4l 4 I, a. ia .,faIM..t), ava '' .. , .h, aawM.wa. vawua 4t..t.HH, s to W tt Utive iu.it a, tu, Aycr'c Sarsaparilla "-r at r-taa'w. rM4i W0IED ! ! NlilES ! "OOtMMlO-trr- WUIY CC5STIIUT121 1st rMw4Kii P't sajsoHk. bm . MjHaa aw-1 taa a "ti.a. w v rni"K . . a, IK A Uf &C-tstiUt wTttaAV., aa.,..e.m; a : at. . ..,t as .aw. e tai v S 1il., LJJIL1I I S ywnnHtt .,..u w a,Ha, -ii in 11 n t" '"Ha aa4 aviaUC I!!,,. ,.. .f s -.i.. i.,...ii, ..... a.Mii.i, ai .iMf" '- 'M.eKt aaw a i' I. I ao I,.hi aaa,.H, a., a fmtmy aw., s.,,,,,,.! Wtv-U'-IVM. .,.., MI m aM ...... a kx ta 4Hr 4ait litif .. '-ig a.a tt ttoAirtjt ciettrw fc') rl afln,a S V pmmf mSm w4yi,iira V .t'l '-Mfa aaiaa V.,t.it ftva i.rta jiMj cossmimaf. MOKTt;.c;i; -a .H v o.mm.u. 'V - -1 . . ' ... aaK m( Kri 4V f.,t as n.ta a..a, .a H a.w,.M.a. t-a i , , a-a,a .a ..i - -a t.a.wMw Sfii..a a xa ..a awa . .... .. g-M. aa 1111 llll II IIM.--TtaaiiiiFaB;iia . - .-.r. SjVae af-a aa asaa. iw r . w. v JZl ila tAitsl tuf c4 awtr twS sVtJ t9& ! tWtvA wit H,utmynicb an wU in4 tSJvX-T!. w il iwHA atf ft.! JtCvrlt? tT J':iatt lat t witftt$;ti4f f UV? tt .!;' Inn itV? ftwa tatiM-a a , Ollllaalfl 9 ai a twa iasta awtf If ni ti'isflfwaa. HUE !. . V i at awwaaail t1ru - ami 1afi at1 -artitil'., f!jU HOOKS ItfeuiOH j I1mw. 4. IhSUIOH' H ril I lift, S 1 1tlml iKHIHSteJ 1w ( l..t wt tflH4i, -04 I.MH4 OOtt tH40 atiftovtitw w mn4 tnai r o gMfU'4t1 -oa 4Hf ta,J $iMol!kr.H aww im sxtU f'o41i ,.Kt HyeHo'Wta Hint. 84 ' 4iie iOa.HM.I1.icj Mae4 t fs 1s iiMi. J Ho4 Miti ofcpOi iio'iMvt H atoA aagi4 w4H ft .f 'oirf Vttaifi.a rtl.OH'i'.u. Jh', u fitslrtioiv. oa4 9?im 44tK M -4H o-a 4. a a f o e-irton ,n oifl Mi )oa rywt o,4 HaV 4 ' lo'fr JIJmH '.:, 5 'If' lf1t M a .-Ht lae-HiH, 4t4 lloMsr art o 8'i04la a liw mH ,! Mn Bio HfMV ittrtaflH f loHtOw e,1oM.ia m44 ? J.H lie's 4l ).H n laaooHl,ttt4ffs .u. im: vi:i: tu! n. IV- 4a a4 mmh .rlo.ta m to at4;te,iOf font! 4uor( a avaae-iWl Mv i tmniyuilii jltttttf 1114 'H liHa aliio u.-w a) $rt,H .a g.flj- orw alt aluftU of.Mw 4. a aloiO tft, Itmxr aaa-Mtoav 4a Ilie ioaaa a i1,on aeatii. .mM. uiuloa oa.a4 -tvay n.vi y ft ouwni Ua 1t aiotilH ,,4- I a fl.w 4-vr ate HlAlltM Uj Sdsillf llillif iitil auili.a.a. Ji. Jl.iii.lt 1 . taloaaouatlMo).o.114 ai iisa,a owi4 a. wnr. va-w xaa a$ J Ho:4tMc a mo4 on. au loflfi, t 4i8 m j (Je'Ml4la.Hflii art M m;jiiH, o mi a i4wsr(liaaa.iiioavt oa4 4t om K DNMMtt laoll. WE OFFER YOU iVihrnfl 4.aa4tia foginlof m t.tm ftH. af f,,V 4e i..., f. , 1, yei.H. i. f t . Ii4 e,4 La his wSii lVw .V4a45a1.H,iiaeyaoo4a'iMrt 4nsi)i a 1w'lal art uf & a Ho TC a.f o i.olilfU, J o- mow 4 W 4aa.sj a aIoo ft a,ii, an av-boiO nw i 1 atMoa1 t mohh til, " ' t "' ji ! afli(4 tiiwiv at h iita 411m l 4aw tot a .Mt.V .ri-lwa y i.ai ao4 f ata smlua m ,, TKC I1XIU10 tIIUiUif; COar Ktt JlVfttK. , C t VS)V Dj Ye I,wuia? CxiTtnieriuJi' tlnC.cni'ijt w4f rx'"r'4 ittmaiac tti f 5?t4 jut! ct'Av2f Auzi ftnt, TXZSJr: f RIPAHS TADUUS '.llaw HI PAHS TACUIXS waaltTS Ttva niPAHS TaOCUltS f44vV W tAST tH'a,tJia4t.t4t Casat4 tin: ni:v youic HEEKLYJIERALD ONLY XK DOI.t.AU A VKAlt! ta 44 IwHJ; IW tW.a-.v4 a, it v wloort a, ...a oit. It- .4.4 sft-jaafl IsmSi om w,4 f i.iono4l at, JlaMna, K ,a 4e ttfltt.u4 -m-w,. Mo aoo?J M,4 ai.ff o .4 h-.M Mi 4.vi4 ao-a stM.1irt ,IM miui Att ,1 ... lae The PaTcaidcxitial Inaugural n 44- Am. 4.04 4ocoal M..H.it a-1,ii,io 4 at toerfta ast to a.f J m' liatUas .W WORLD'S FAIR, It i W a -a. aoai n.a a.s-t o, mu rt.u a ft, t r w Mtmitt M 1.-4-1 - a.a. ..1Woe.N , ... Mr CVaa, J a a 4m h.. PKIZISS liACM WI2I2K 4a 4t4rtKia laot. 4.a ,iio4 la Nho 1 an4a m.m ,it. t naH.V fae!tM.4H a m 4iv a4a 1v 4ose afH evl M4 11. . a ftt ft. 4 taawtoa atatfa J4oh II- la IJ.a.,14 4a-..mo la. Jl.a-.mo, .Hr.k. Vsa. 'Ti' ' r,4A.,.ftuf w, LoTtt: C'T t .aSHSI X4 A4as.$rMO. OwS 4H.4 IS J ,MI; " '" toTliiiw litij ttierjiClTuI 5c-al 3t t f fftr f TZruatiZM ai4 1 ygAitryAfiiri i 3mtt ElEfiOiKS, -M.Ma4 .hh 1ms aa 4na. oa oilio1!, oTa ;, sr 4ooo4 4owoe 4a aik - aas t 4oa4 ait tv 1.Hik (ttnitv am ifa aJlif-la aaat ra 0mttt, TO Ttatt; tju JCX TO T. U k"T A tcaTTtilfll tiHim a.f tvtra ctwtcat Cft "aft4 -aa44. a ataa.. .,-aE, - 1 nmlasTf" g a aHto'tm 4, a . HI,1, ,4 4eiaw ao, ...i .. a..aaf3 - a. .h . . -jmiw NtM- V4l t If 4.1 ft, Nfv y.t. I sate. -HJwiiVV!fa Sill ; ,wa w e. . , wswtv. a nja a,. w .7!- - "s. .M t;;r- .. - "'lMlww a. l"1' 1 aw w-vaw.tt 1 ..-mi ,. l.i n ' !i A ; : ' at'4 (aa 1 4 . v;:::,i r h ; 4 -twa wv.4. .4a., as aV 4 a"-. , 4v . a a. 4 a, 4 aaaaaa 4J ., 4 . 4Ma, fa 4). .t4, wtta ' 44as.aaA , ' tVax,. " -i-aa,4. v 4a , A a 4a ieaa a aai e , ' 4 aaa . J'i. a. 1 A 1 vMar,t aava a , ' ( va. a) 4vats)tt "4 -va. . V a Haw .4 4 al t .aa..., J 4 sa Ha-t- 4aaa , -4 , , wVtt.l)Wl 4 e a A .V ' 44aw4. ) - V aaMV.ta ' ,vaja.4 -4f V (tfovoi, rV 4- ' 4 asaas 4 I a '! xaaa s a) A y 4)a4-. 4 ... llll4l' -Mti t A 4 V.w -. 44 t ' 4"wa4as v ' 4)a.w4 Hfc s H ' . 4 --as, ' I.h. M . H t e t i 1 vs ' A4 4t4'OM, 4 4 as.rt, ytV tva.-, ' 4 s- 44a ' "4 -waaaaa 4 '"4 l-aw- .ava, fV4 a.4a.avH a a a a ) -S . .lit a 1 h...m ou ' aaa . S i.lIW4lliM 4a IM. a . .m4. a . t. ariitrfs.; 4it.aa.Lat e Hi v K. M a w mi .114. -'ai im , '4v at"(n , 5 Al ... , ,4. . ' SJ .M..,I4, V i..it. a wi- ..tMuiil .4 ka-li, - 4., 44., aai 4 4 '.a) ,.a -vi' as aa a S'4... a.i...,. .4 i i-i m O.MnnfitHti 1...... "" mm 4 a-ii'ifi. 4- .... a ..ti.!. 4V.1 .4V.-. .l.i "4 .4.44.... .. .! alii.' . 4-mrt.mt mm a. 4i. a ...1.4.. 1 --' . aiaai ..... V.ui. 41 4 yt.1. S t ' I ! IU 4V) V Ml,,. 44 a 4 i. im -i k.H ... 4l 4i.v iwaM lr. V - 4W t'lif .T ,iarr ,.rV a aaa Iwana ! a.anawn. M 4 . i Imniaia " a . aatii4.--'" a 4 ,mn in. ai .i.M . . 44 IWI 4V4 turn'!1 4.1 1.- 4 iaa ' 4M4VM t M I 4 atW 44- 4- -4-"a. a.i 4V - 4a at Ma .. tfl-M. 4W4.1V 4wMM.,.(, art tm. ..... ... w -i4 aa a. a 4 444m4i4. 4IM 4 144. 4 4 mai ai. a..in 14. . , 4V4.im wiaiH ti444W 444 4ar.MaM" , . w t .. i a mnn. a nai naMt aii4iii ia 04. a s 4-4 - " MWl..Ht 4. . . 4, . Vi.. 4M - 4MH 4I.M4'I.Hl 4 a aw 4i4iM4i. av.4.a. 4t a a 4a ai it)-J Hit44. I4. 4.-' ia aia a-t ' tu4i4 . . a 4- M4t '44 4l14ai IU 4. .44 . a HWina 44 -44. 4- 4HH 4I4. (.I4.V ,.,4444 tS4.44..i'M'.a 44. 444.' 1 1 . a ni44 44.-i4iaiia a4in .41 4 . ' v4 " 4-4 4M4lft 44 ti44Mi'Hi ' ' .l nm-U. Ol. ,44444 I,., . 4 14"" -1 4J4.K 1 a 4l '44' 44 "4.I.' ' 4. .4.'444 apai4 .4i fr - um m a 4 . . -. 444Wai-4V.4Ms.aa ll'4. 4 til IIHW Ull 4 4 4 wys ta iig.aaa a .a tav 4avta aMna.n, sh. - a.444asaa 4 .itaa,!. a aa , a j44 4.4-a--" a i-aaaiipiMi 4aaa4 siaaaa4t J- ataaaaaaa m '' 4 as 4a aa4 v4 taa4a4 i4 4 ' aaa- jl 4 -4M4 -a a4 44a aaaaa jae t ' - aasvaM 44 at 44-aa4)a i. aaa e4 . ' 4aaa4 waa44a4sa -4 m t44au)a 4Vea a s4,4 a4a44 4aa 4 e4' 4f--f saa 44 ' 4Kaa4 4 i - aa v ' 4 a ia 4- 4aa4f. 44 saaa aa- 44y 4a4aa- 4 '- 4 taat aaaHa 4 . 4 4it 4a, a' aa. , 1 444 4 " -a a t w 4 aaaw' avvata 4aa 4 4a. ttaaaA sta aV aa-4 4K4atat s. 4l 4toasaa?Ma a aiitaa vaaa a- a a tt 4 - 4t ax aav. 4 e,4H-was44a k ei -44 -aattv 44a 441 44" V 44 aa4 - 44it4ai Is-W. 4 4a4 4 " SUBSCRIBE NOW. it afwr a . ata, 44 atoeaa 444 aaaaas -a ' ' ' I WIJa,ftgwltt

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