Successor to "The Morgan ton Star.' SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.00 THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1S93. FROM WASHINGTON. rresidrnt Cleveland's Krniarkable Caae ity for Standing Long Honrs of Hani Work The President and Seeretary Greshani Visit AnilHuuuidor ltajrar.1 at His Home in Itelaware The Weather Bureau Investigation a Nasty Mm-The Sev Coiniuisitoner of IVnuiona 4Mher Matters. Correspondence of Thk Mokajto!I Herald. Washington, l l, April 10, 1S'.3. j Tresnlent Cleveland lias a re markable capacity for standing long hours of bartl work, ami it has been pot to a severe test since his inauguration, as it has been the exccptiou rather than the rule when he has been able to retire before 2 o'clock iu the morning, and he is always at his tlesk again before S o'clock. Feeling the need of a little undisturbed rest, he, in company with Secretary tlres ham, left Washington Saturday afternoon and he will, not return until to-morrow. His destination was not made public for fear that he might be followed by some of the importunate oftke-seekers. anxious to personally present their claims. They went to see Ambassador Bayard at his home in Wilmington, Delaware. The investigation of the Weath er Buieau, now being publicly conducted after office honrs at the Department of Agriculture, is si very nasty mess as far as it has gone, and it promises to grow even nastier. The property of the bureau has, according to the testimony, been stolen and sold to junk dealers whenever certain of the minor officials needed a little extra whiskey money, and the stealing was done iu daylight, the employees of the bureau be ing used to load it npon wagons. About everything seems to have been included iu the thefts, iion one occusion a stone step bring taken from the building itself. The principal men implicated thus far are the foreman of the press room and the Captain of the watch, but others higher up are said to have received a rtion of the money, and it is exnetrI that the evidence will prove it. Secretary Morton is determined to get to the bottom of the tilth and to see that every guilty man is punished, regardless of who he may be or who may be his friends. Maj. Gen. Schofield ami Major Gen. Miles have had a squabble at long range over the trouble in Indian Territory. The quarrel is understood to have occured over the carrying out of an order for the detail of an army officer to investigate the trouble'. No U. fc?. troops will be sent there nnlass the Sec. of the Interior requests it. President Cleveland said he in tended to get the very best man m the country, who was available, to be Commissioner of Pensions, and the general approbation of the nomination of Judge Win. Lochren, of Minnesota, to the posi tion indicates that he succeeded. Judge Lochren was not an appli cant for the position, indeed, he at first declined to accept it, but withdrew his objections when his party duty and loyalty were ap pealed to by the President. His war record is of the bravest, ami although he is not a member of the G. A. 11 no member of that organization has so tar as known had a word to say against his special fitness for the osition. He was born in Vermont, but has resided in Miunesota since 1ST7, with the exception of the time he served in the army. He will take charge of the Pension Bureau, about May first. Secretary Morton found not 011 ly individuals employed by the Agricultural department who were not rendering services in anything like a fair proportion to the sala ries they receive, but a whole di vision of employes who have been practically paid for doing nothing for more thau a year. This was the quarantine division of the Iin reau of Animal Industry, which Secretary Morton has just abol ished. Quite a howl has been rais ed by the republicans because the chief of the abolished division happened to be the late Mr. Blaine'sJbrother,;althongh it is dif ficult to understand why that should make theslighest difference. Surely they did not exiect that a democratic administration would feel called upon to take care orthe poor members of the Blaine lanii- iy- Secretary Lamont hasn't been doing much talking he never does but that he has been doing some investigating and thinkiug is shown by his statement that no more army officers will be detailed for ornamental purposes. This may be a little rough on the armv officers who have been; calculating to spend the summer at the World's Fair aud the varions sum iner resorts but no one can deny that it is just to the eople who pay these men their salaries, and doubly just to the officers without pull" who have to ierform, in ad dition to tlifir own, the duties of the IxUM iilu s of the profession. Postmaster General Bisll has decided that 110 fourth class post masters t-hail be removed, except for cause, until they shall have served all or nearly all of a four year term. This is a new rule, a these oftii'ials have never lten considered o have a lixed trm, but were removable at the j.U-.ts nie of the department. Tiir change is understood to have Uen made by the direction of the Pres ident, and alter all it wilL make no ilitfViinir in ihe end, becunsf there are so many who have serv ed four years or more that by the tune they are removed nearly all .of the ret will have beome le movable under the new rule. The confidence that people have in Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a blood nietli diciue is the legitimate and natural growth of many years. It has been handed down from parent to child, and is the favorite family medicine in thousand of households. siu:i:i--KAisi; in mktii r tmun The Wester l"rt e4 IW Male I f-rtrtIlj Malted fur Tfcia ladOy. Written for the Morxaat llrr. r.v t it. wivi-mx. The sheep-raising industry in this section is not yrt far enough advaced in practical hand to give reliable information aloul the re sults. The western part of. North Carolina composed of the coun ties of Mitchell, Watauga and Ash, is to my personal knowledge in every way suited and has ex ceptional advantages for raising mutton and wool and for market ing them. The country is a plateau 3.500 feet above sea level, but so moun tainous that only after persons become acquainted with the loca tion can they comprehend it as a mountain plateau. The greater part of the soil is decomposed Iluronian slate en riched by the accumulation for ages of vegetable matter falling on it from the dense forests. In many cases the rich soil is found on the mountain sides and sum mits 4.C00. 5.000 and 6,000 feet above sea level, producing as fine palatable grass as I have seen anywhere, and by the excessive rainfall stimulated to vigorous growth the entire growing season. The grasses are also fattening, but the nature of the soil is mt calculated to successfully carry any but light stock. Heavy cat tle and horses poach it. while cat tle also injure the pastures by pul ling the grasses. The soil does not hold the roots so firmly that the plant can be pulled otl without injury to the setting. Sheep, be ing light on foot and cutting the grasses, never injure but alv- benefit them. Over-stocking with sheep in this section will hurt the sheep but not the pastures. The latter would spring up quickly after the sheep were starved out. Fresh spring water is plentiful all along the mountain slopes ami in the coves of the summits, while outside of the springs and brooks the surface is dry. the f liable char acter of the soil readily absorbing the excessive moisture, travrng the surface dry and healthful to the sheep. The climate is favorable: the winters are mild, and the sum mers cool, with much less of the animal tlv pest than one tin! in sections located ;.t lower altitu !cs. The rich soil and excessive moisture has produced a heavy growth of timber, which is the greatest drawback to making shcrp pastures, but this i compensated by the protection it gives the country against the practice in sheep husbandry called "ranging" or "ranching," s attractive t many inexperienced men. who fail by their misdirected efforts, and discourage all other further attempts to establish the industry on a proper and legitimate basts. Sheep-raising and wool-growing here must be conducted in the same manner as it is done in Wes tern Pennsylvania. Ohio. Michigan and others of the older State, not as it is done on large ranches in the newer States and Territories. It must take on the nature of the cash products, into which is con centrated the surplus of well regu lated mixed farming. When this done, I believe this section will compete with any in the country, producing wool and mutton successfully. Sheriffs Sale of Laml is OI K IttNVItt ! I t. tit K. The Merry War Oirr Ma,ly mwhmI Still loc Th- lr(I.UUrr a Land tttttr ltaia Convsptn.u-nc of Tti Mtut-?o lliaoft. The war over Sund.iv niniiM ments still goes on. Meeting ar held and largely attended; resolu tions adopted and .ismh1, and great etToit made to get control, by both sides. The principles h, Id by the contending parties, though variously worded, might be given in a nut shell as follow s: Chnnh patty : You profane the Sabbath which is God. own insfi tution. You take Ironi 11 the ot.e day in seven which should he devoted to relrgion and the worship or God. It U the duty t.r a government to protect the Sal bath by law, and whoever will break these laws should he treated as criminals. Opposite party: We propose to do uo wrong. We proiM to do nothing that will harm any living lerson or harm ourselves. For immoral entertainments we do not speak, with them we have nothing to do. We uphold the tra hin.'s of 1 1 i tit who taught th it the Sab bath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. We uphold that whatever would have a harm ful effect on Sunday, would harm and injure ni other dav. of the week. Wt allow to every man the guidance of his own ronscieiice for religious matter. We tin not st-k to put fetteis on you. us von would 011 us. We fiudeoiithctingrreetls; we would give to every man the lilerty to choose lor himself. We are contending Tor the KUKl.tHOi of the human race, not for iu creasing its fetters. The State's legislature is im mortaliziiig Hsell by tiring off new laws like showei or nt-kcts. and they now nuiutier abon; oiM. Some or the appropriations or money would be very comic ll" thev weie not so seriou in the up shot. A an instance; a wilderness oi a place which l-wsts tr a sulphur spring, but in rcaltiv a miserable tract, and the country nrouml a nest or cut throats, is to have a road, built at enormous expense rroui this plaee, through a and mountainous country, to a hike three or lour mile distant. The government is in .ar the excuse r this road manv than sand dollars. There is not even a shadow or reason or excuse for this, other than filling the m kets tr lot or speculator n , iav,, tSku np the land 011 presumption. K. S. W. ..A Washington special of the nth to the Charlotte Ofiurrtr says that Mr. Tipton, editor of the Shelby xYtvVt.', seems to have the inside tratk lor State Statistician cf the Agricultural Department. I'orTnxcj. Y virtue of levies, made br ee fof I default in ravine at of tasrt ! tip to an i including i. wiCI expose . public sale, foe cask, at the Court House door ia Morgan Ion, N. C. on MONDAY, UAYI.IISS, the various lots ami parcels tl land herein named. The whole of each tract or con tiguous bosly if land blotgteg la the dtlinquents will be set t t sale at the same time al the lJ will b struck off to tticn wtWt will pay the amount f lasrs with ;i expenses for the smallest part of said land. The purchaser must par the amour t due oo the spot or the land will be imme diately resold. F.ach tract will be sld la the order named below, and the ?e will continue from day la stay untd all is disposed of. tofc;to. Jones Avery, lot, $ jea Jerry Avery, I fco Anderson! orpenmg. to acres, & 11 Atkins Mull, Frank Wilson, Albert I.ttle. Sharp Moore. John II Hale. JaVe Mitchell, Sim Austin, James Ilaker. Kc!ccca Irry, Ncal Caldwell, W T I rate, Jason Avery, Harvey Avery, Calvin Avery, Robert Avery, it F tlrittain, J I! Henry. Jhn A rnttain. M I'.rittam. S Illaklry. !t-cca lirown. I. M F.nd. I4. l lUue. J seph ttoyden. Tonev Pearson, ; W Iladey. t Irrge i'waty. KU Urittai s heirs. Hi acres, Sam'I Caldwell. j Ms, W V Crawley, ;a acres, Alfred Corpenirtg. Joseph M Iale 1 lot Kbt. t'uekworth Ct a res. l.(;a l.rwtn. I nrs l.rwin. C F Foisier. Alfred I lemin. Isaac rteming. A II Giles. F F Giles. Israel Greenlee, Iura Greenlee. G-rge llapps I It. K I: Key. Wm Wm MoreKaJ, Albert Mv Kcnie. Ilrnrr McK?ss-n. C F McKesson, Thomas M .'tck, Svlvanus Morrow, k J Audis. I.ucinda Pearson, 15 acres. II I vss. - Albert a !e. 1 " Hrnrr WtUiams t M I. M Wall, i acres , a lots, j ij iiarvcy l.rwm. M-nre Corpenin L II Snipes, I V Smglet n, A I. Wiihs. ii. ije - - fc 3 - Si; 40 acres, fc4; J" 53 3 lots, I j 9 55 acres, 53 j; - S acres. 5 ii 100 ;$ 1 J8 1 - a i$ 1 1 jt 1 " 15a acres, j 73 1 Io. 9j, iS acres, J ia V " 5 t l.vf 1 " ii5 6 acres, 1 M. 4 acres, 1 c 1 l-i. 1 ! !: (J UtHII, it tStU AMf ,)a, )mK loasi ia, ft t. l Mr, n I It tM, )ohm t ta!os. , ! I .hm I t. , 1 K I I lt. . Ni ims, m K ClVrfct, 4; tohm lVfli ; X Iv IVs, !) I. tr k ift., ji JaoC Is j $ h SfUer. f k ml, KSMUvtt, s, I.CTaiM. jtj I C T seiJ. si lt Tosiase.!, ts t Tho, 4 I F Vaf, 4 A? Wtotct. lj J'S WWto it SIit WiwMef, 1 1 W II Winter. 1 F FWvvu.i. jt A4f- Wallar. . r4 vto$, j hm Vmo,, 4 1 S) Vft J ltt .,, S AIsa j !.tel tiK. 4$ kolef j 1 l. I I . 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 a - i acres, 1 l-'t. 1 " t " t -1 " J acres, 1 acres, 1 M. acres. & t9 I J .s $ j t 55 c a 1 c X t 1; 59 4 to J3 :j 3 3 3 it G l UktKMf, tl Fa ' I!ff, It It Ue , v r tut. IV let I AUft l'l. A It IV.t. J I! Cats ft;. V T Castt, , t,asecs, I K Carsv-ftt. NatKa Cast5. V K llbajm. S It l' f ma li t t"h? a r o's V T t'.s. ft r li l IV,. I j n c- i Atfre I C s. i to t iiwi.i. ; I U I raoV.. f J V ra4tr. ; llfVV l o MV. ; I l ltirt. I VaN : ?!.?, tatK!s H?t5 f. .a ..... fi IfV l4fMSl. 3f : in 1: : iti ! 1 J 1 I l ' I l t J J 51 I J actes M I5 " tit - 3 J ' t-lt VtV. UtisHa llerry. I ate lUKer. ji ChapTtafi, i:a 15 3 a res. $ j j ; 1 jo r-,1 1. 00 pr, t.a T C Huuck. 1 M, W N Jordan. 1 J G May 6 ed. 1 3 acres, Kd I'owctl. 5s - Wm Powell. l " JWImr:i. Steven Smith. 1 M. A Shtnn. t A A Shuf rd. 6 1 acres. 11 r nuiori. $ - I. Stamer. fct rs It C Walker, 1 M. Illlis Zimmerman. 3 acres, S I. Kerr. 1 M, Mrs M S Millan. 1 -J I' Mdlcr, 1 - I. C Younger 1 " J F Griffin. acres, W I. GrirHn, iu -W IJ Gritlii, 11 I. iVrge Aberrtethy.i M, J T Aoerncthy, 1 cres. 4 1 5 a a a 5 1 5 S 1 Catvin Abee. F I AJrrethr. Annie Abernethy, W A Abs-mnhy, Ann .VK-rnethy, W A Abshtr, I l Arney, ku:Tm Ikrry, It iVrrv. Irt Ikrry, I'dn Ilcrry. Wm Ilcnnrtl. Itmsn IUacklurn.6 IVdCingrr. W H IViwrnan. K I. !!o--nan, IVtcr It irns. H II Chtlders. J I. Chil lers. M 7. Chil lers. I'hiUtp Cline, I". K ( tine. W I. lam-r It G It-err. I. II Krin. W K. Ilvans. S T Kvans, J G Kvans. I. W Kvans, It A Fran. John Franklin. S W Franklin. Jaofi A llddrbranot. 5 I I II.Mrt.ran.I. j6 W A Hiidrb'and. 15a I.ucv Jtddebrand, i T A Hudson, Folly Iluis.n. joo Catharine I tubman, til R C Huffman. x tteortre icari, W I Icard, Allen Ingle, Mary Jihnsm. John Johnson. HA Jhson, W I Kampe, J II Kis-r I. IC Sirah Iil. J I Iawman. 51 91 aa 91 5 a5 5 ICO S a 1 75 ICO, 11 at 1 47 41 41 4 1? 5 4 4 4 9a 15 3 'I c a c s 9 111 1 a CO so id 5 75 5 5 4 4 I 6 14 V S e 4 3 5 17 11 j 1 . 4 I i A I, It 'r. Mi:ils!r. I l II st. 1 . ; W II .ste. 1 I. C It re. f f, I A T II f.. itt EIMIU? . 31 a 1 lUlill,.. Ca-s I . IIrtr II t Jf. M sfcal llst, 4t IIry 1 1 , ;. ??,a. 1 sfa II -s?. A" Ut Kf XUt9 J VV K ir. Sra Ia U J,wplt 1,4 1, T two! ti lil. J ll la l. Jm. -it. Ft lt, ll I l.t, i"f;i' M tnk, A ttkt, J T Maek, A-lrri .Mall. M I. Mrr. Stlstf 1 11. Hm Ut-- n IVi-tl, tb Tn-oflri IV tl. 7 If I II 11 IK i; : ai 5 17 it 1 4-a I 5 5 1 eo i;S 5 45 7 COO a 1 aS i5 4 5 4 4 4 1 51 J 17 15 ll1 J 71 J 71 4i 1 5 6 a J 9 4 17 4 ll I ' I 4 a 117 aa j 5 J 3 e-a J5 5 7 4 to 1 ll t5 5 47 435 4 K a j ll n s 77 Iri! A M I. I "f N kcl-. W k y. Wm ff. I an ttVmtre, l'jifa -tSi l.oa HveT Ufy, J F tmtf KxKata k C Ttrt. Aari.m Tattf, J T Tarrroi. A W Wt:.K V A Xt. S V Yatmcey, 3 II Yo. Is 73 1 tti 5 1 3 1 3 7 1 71 1 7$ 4 t Mi Vn kiUi.Sr, a a r. vi;. 49 rrt r.. II X I M t'tteWct. IUMat4 t'99Mk, J a t 'lkiM., l A l'tkercMk. W V Sisill JfttS'l. b (Wtl I. I Ww4fci ti V ! I t Iwllwlt, lV Ili4k, S-Km t lli. J.Km lt.4h. J-av )tth.f . Jovvs Mi.tu lt"M JCs. J ttmuwm l,"iHtk. J I'. kw7, Iwtrs U W JW I l.Kt swlV, Vt StNkt fc. Jtw I !wiV, Vv- ir Sm.v. ,J.tfK IW. M "ktllb, AlMt W All.,, J K vrtA. M C H MI.CCttitSo - in . II J AH 919 Xts Amh iHiWr. 1: t:t 9m TV .m & 41 l;w .i M l ai 1: t 11 3MI St9 3 U Jt s: s ? :i Jii JIB t ti V Hi j:i 1 4 Alt J5 4 ft in j 11 4 $ sn j j; ii 4t4 : i 'i 4 St Jl i: j a $m 4 i sn I w J J I 4 :, J7l $ i n9 j f It ta.a Jl4 MXk IB It 0r StK. A Uv, wmtw H4sniSv. r W 4 trs 4Ueas toy. f uS U9oii4 $ m to. Kf 't IlltMW- tMMw Cit4st3C 'f V'mrM t V CUSm t J ItWK, r sm lo4aov, toii . J r ftM J t f W UmHu Mai t '!1 t-MMH- 9st J)mmm twt9a A A A ion, jt It A 1-. Itw-, U ,,(, I 4 ti bxm- , t fl . Pit. . H . S- II 9 S . ll 9 4fMt, I W T t?S t M ts 4sw a t tit :t Ml t fir II f Vt I i.t 1 Mt t ffc 1 r tl A 9k ts r 9 r n f o OS II f I J J . . s I -, J P turn 171 A a A A " r f .- "WtJ IH..H w ...). p" a ( V. tl. v ..., K r , r . " " - AT U W .M..ii TV ca an . '.M. t II, , S 11 a t M 1 it X 1 c. It : 1 1 1 IS it n 4 4 r 5 t t 111 .HIV , 171 ' .. J J " ; f I f W f w ..- 111 ' ,-.i. I ! 3 .l I i I , l6 I'M it Mt u in Mm t M T-9 k 9HH t ft M JIB t? r fc 4Mk 9 INI t- r. 9 9 - If I S .r r r ;r tr 9..r- s.. -Ii n 9 .1.. t t r ,r. 4Nw e-SSr WIHt S S tllMS SS WtHW tSw . WtM tllti f HM ir ao xtP4 mm 9XH1 tl Ht IOUW -9rr- lltt i4 ssH HOrt.otti 91i94 t-Mtli t Kf-fcrSi ssnfu HftHM 9tM fttatir- fWMH Vj kt mo tt r tt if 1 ! jIm tl t9tAa- I1a ilhotWl 9-t fMHI ftttOtHttltUlW t-ttt9 SS.ito9i tsvts Kttft-trttMf mi lit HttMW tl -r?(l H fflHiH At tV M HnNttatH -'i4'tit,til AtfA'tw AtMtl MtHf atttf itn.tMtSv. lniot9tl fstiHi atittAa fitAilu rto' II.Mt tv.H. 1Crlfc f l .d)frViV Jt t!Hsv 4i,4xm tt a'10110 -r-s4 9 I 1t -flHtittta- it A 94-Sl 4 I1 ftotia 4 oHtMMv SVoa-S .(t1, 40 1 mtltj, IUniivj w hit ilia MhA 'oM Mt40o ItW tovVH'f !$ l s! ) Sts-Wta M sstjfwa tHw ayMOtHtiM' WtitMWit tMIMV HSS HMttt"9 mfaUik, 11 TltiHWI l4'l tnt Ut ittMAtt !) 4wft nil I1t 4lt-9Mt mm- -Stl KrWt 9 til ICtrMll Mi l.WtttH all trtt Ijttf 4 l t's4 1AHn4tHv -M A S2 I! t It"- ft t'HW I frk 111 4iMaatlMMl 4 1 (!;, Of Mtl f Mr0-tMOtk ti sAAeoM fs, ssto 4 II s'Ww aiTIiOtuS Itv4tisi-SY, m mm St..4. AaH atofe.soo I 4toi')rf tK Ma 1( .I WUi e tMtiS) 4o4 At-trl B-H 91 WiHr f Krtt MM(SV aHMtHH ISt Airil-1 IVM aH wioRhAoH tti 91h Isaitt, fVt wim1'9 Hav 9a feS) wt- HtdUiim m .av-HSof, Vi"l "t-oMt-.-at l4 ', l im inj.-a.ii' mm iW fr-tti 4 aoS HfH-lf H IW f-M'N.Mili M-4rfw4H tt ( m4 sivhoiAm ! "i imi .IJi' ttHSoMM 4.s1 fX-ltftKf) . ItiNi ol1 f ,f .toM It.Ml aotowl t9MI' ?3 -twits-' o Utt-H. ,51 -AS 4 -Ht hHmAiMii HSt ta'tt4l I m Siyti4wmi aft HC.H'Url.HMw I 1 - 1 11 11 1 - - W 11 1 1, , wva CifMatft I t ftiltnw fttoiltMrs fs.Mtto tttt iitaw m$ t HtUlU-ait, $ a9ttr9ia 4atlCtM CSilMH, Id Mf ! a Atr mmA sttt, lift ttlt-i Wa4 Matt SlnpMWWt taX1tltlt Ma4, H4l f SMMMf iil l la fimtta wi4a la ytm-tatMia. CttrtN a 4jw 4a ttttM9M aif J , C itaaxtfla aiSs A wttM mm$ uUm9) 4aMaMtSM9 t iSta--M t rw9Ml4tttf stff . l-it tMB9M CattMt, mmmn uluvmm AmmiHt iwrtit attawa mHm tw4,ltttt rt4 fttMsthwsM. f Htntma atiititltsaMf Itt ftM. silw tt mr9itt fjMi MHM4I, WHtf IWHtM-Vf 4M1 tS9ttil SStMft, fiM ai4 a lita C5tUVsHa tttttva DtMr t'4i I .- TTti m-mm amum mini-ii. 94 1 .. ,. . . " -ran ttji ao.aj mm aam .mia H I r, , r. ,. t B-tua--1-1 JA q , Um a 4- mxm,. 4"s).4taar ,.! 4. nm 4 -at Hit, at tt-''!! Mat 4 - tt. jalk aSajata&K ..taaB-alki a 4a . . - . It WI' 1 Ml -.-i .' Ml- ' lllMwlr. aiiajjft "s A aaaa a a&r mmmmmmMjm at( i aBV M,-.-)- 14. 4- -- a-Mtr Sf "-l mw mi a-uwi-. ai,a. - w 'wi 4 amm 41 4W aj , , II' , t4A4a , i.MaiU' a 4 4m M.l4aaa TtiMin HaaaM Aaamas& ftaaa AkAAB4aaa . ---- ,., a tav -.r 9a 0a4)4Vn .ajuaj. k. pA. aa. aiAppMaaa. alBaaaM. a am j P- "BBr Hi-'SFSIV PPV9 wHHvVirB l 4MB H a)inaiB mm :. . aXMBi 4, a Hi 4W DMM' 4 ' 4sa .- a . 4a if '4wHfaf pV4Mt.- 44fl4)saA4 , f.-S4 S" Sat tkw. "S lafe iBi BMBJi I Biw iimii imiMLia tl -HlMf t.MiB.itf W - i -Ml w -n v I" I "'t . -4t, uif 4H-Mk I "0 r I 4M -M.IM.Mi 4. 1m4 I -l Hw ,T ; -s9 la 4H(t4H 4b 4 m '4Mt : W. ul.-WJ llw.iiMii't , M lit- . Saa I I "0 K'Wa a-M, Bl S.mI.Mb 4t 1 nk 4H4 4von io Om t---. twna -M) O lU-H- M IiimmI 4 -VSntl 2 4Y4tMH Urn . 4M.I4 0H .r tSw 44.Hl.M4j a4Hla . 9-H IlUA'iiDiAVIoN I i a mi: OlAI llf a rit ,M4 ! BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS VALUABLE BUSINESS L0T5 M llir H jti:tn1 ftH"!9 r? f 1e f tivit, Ct1tt1 l4li It niVMd r U'H 3.H nt , mil t ittinmnrif Hi a'tttrilili-'dittu'ttt, I-INILST HOTKt. S1TF. t m.i' v.4 -h. 4 j a a. , . m.., at a-iMMkii Mtwiw Iw i4'tr.iM rri V 1 .Holttik tH'i1ctcl ine iHbt.iB 1 ktW utiO !tninmiviti4 HiiMiili.!-td ihimiHin uw mill .- wi 9 ., u I yl "4, a f - I 1 WS..4- ' 4 4 4. a V4 i4. w- aroaai,, Sa4SaS.imala amsi.twn t u4b. I IV 1 IUtt 4Sf1.. .H Jo ttaat- ThoCuroFor IV?, Wi:.1iltii f t AtU'ta n ivti Iin,, 3m tn M f Itl1n1 4mh1 H .-" Sll1 Cnllll, .1illd M.liltt so;, Til VZllim Ua KHCIIT3T CD. hwi Cim Us 4 4444 9 ' 1 s I il , f . 3 w in ft 'iii : r 4 . f f w .,, 4 4 rat iu.. f it ., , I Sj W tiWXKH 9 m r B 9 ! 4 .r B r 4 a ttr B 1 J I." 1 1 7 I." 4 '9 Hi 4? 57 jj: a J 7 ?J 1 11 3' j 4 ' 1 1: 1 : 1 1: a m a n 4 M 4 : 4 f 1 1: l 4?l tt : ti a: t :t n s v s ?IB I St Oil JMi tr: a r a r 4 a a v 4 MS 4i I II II 4 t9 5 JH a mi a jit 4B 4B f t a: let t IW f il r 5 I f H'' m 4 t444iai4 t .!!., P'" - B a t 9 tt' trf44 4444 -'!. a.4... . 4 r4 f 4 .ixtMi litM..,.! ... t" ilt . 't-, Vmo.h- .w.4tnJ 4 B 4vMftti..- 4 4 4ml4.fe.l. W 4 4M4lll..h4, i 44H.-4v 4 . THutlsU tin n. ! m t 9.i as ai A r a miti r "Ml 4419 a4tiw f 9 mm m Sb Sa"n4l'll 1 1.4) aoiaaMt. ailsam. a a4a "Hta ar"- 44 ti w ima allMMHnMMA l 4 a.lMW4) IMB4 9MBh 4MB 9H444) ami t, 4Ma 444) 44a NIMM.4F 44t 4wl aj fjamaj ajBJBjUtSj, 4a4 B9 49 OCROPULA Sa 9amlHB, Hi 44Iiibj 4c. 4W9 4t anHH4Ma a-tn.tM a4nMu.aat, MMI4 4M4) 44ntM. fl.MM4 4BMH -Hllm WV .MltMBi asmM 4 ,!.. V 1lfa lt 44 4HMi4a 4tlt 4. 440.H.M X f .f mG -'rtf ft, I t,1 fB)4 ana S4M4 f J 7r fitttH 1 t4 l4(Uoa4 44 19 4)4 C I tHitlSj 4 1mB HlMl' ot 4lB04tl at1lllM Uti lity rUt4 4ttt.tH.4, intf'a liotMsimtt!, W 4tn a n' I . aaa j " I " I. I. DAVIS'S. 1 DRY GOODS! imv taunts: 1 at ttfUim It I .h ttitt. , ) :jtull I SM'SS Im, (tot ff 1 Mtla I'ANCV ;4ils ,iti aiMvwi n,rl t 4iiv4 4t; jb: raw rmcr. w 4Wi BP4's,a' 414t AVer's Ntr4BWtj 4ma 4t 44M1IHt, jiinaiH4 aa . a - 4 4 44 Mi.ri4Jrattl4a4ta44ai-B Nr414rllll 'JI , 9fc-6, tKBlMi) 4w 444Wlll4.HItBtt4Ht4MI t4a t4 v. aini.ia ) , 4Vaa 9"rtl4j 4a 4 SmHII-4 a? rS) Sarsaparilla CT- ! ,, I.H liBII M . In'. VHITE GOODS. JM fill) SttiH It)' ataauHl tttotH 4rt 44 li Itltola H GARDEN SEED, , OImiH 4 t 4 IOH4IIMM. St W t4 4VW.M1 4 4tfjt 41. Si49) 4tlt1 .Mtl iflrt SaH 4W4I.41 4t4tHti, 'lO4 So 4llH f !' (oa. 4. ill u... Ii.j . - Ha ajlf 9m a 1rt Imuma arl.rlo. t 4'i... 4.... .. - . . V " " 4 l"l 4tlt'4l 440tBIU 4VSV f SV, ?.tBI'4t,tBt4flt.SV ttMilt 44BMlL9 444 4H4H t.Bt 4. -O.a... Giucbauis. ft 1 1 till 4 d, Ucst; tsx. 444f 19 4H rWBl4t: 94 4H 4pBt4at 4M. 4B 4Mi 4uuiiib 4M4 4 4mm4 " 'T wr 44 a 4PM wl 44 " Baii4ntas miiu fj 1 3f f 44-B.MtM. If ' w4iatBUBWja.ii 944 MMl'tW SvtlC.aV irfM B4W. 4. M , , . 4 B-J4. at. .it MB Kt B rfv .H Vt-t B ... B.-i'Ml- - - 1.. .... .. --i -VP. 44- B4v M4 a 4 . , c 4M timM, 44 4HaM-. " --JB .. 4M 4M 4 44 4 M-4 - f .(.! -44 B H B4 WiKrWIilt, S 4 , . '""'" 44B, 4HII44 H.-UWi ' 4- -4.H4, 4M.Mw.mhB w .-i- 44- t4 a -f innr M.KM.W .VW 44 ltlIMW 444.Wl 4 BllnH.1 tm - - A. . v . . . . , M.IW ltIMWH4 B44 4M404B A , 4 B- 4m awtviwk, m "'-'l W-l, WW ,11 VMM. t4 4B4 B1 4 4 4 4 4j 44 4S4 44, m I BUI 4l U rw44j fr-eftasj msotyrtoif ISiCtrsavj rtr Htk-j; BRADFIELDS FEMALE REGULATOR B r 4444444,. , .Mf 4) WMB 4"ii' mtnuv a4iwa "' '"B 4t I MUB BWtMB Hllil 4. 4,,t ! .BH44B, taM4 is"" s4M44a SBnartti imamm, W"" 4B -,l .IIIM14 4 V 4 a4iMS 4TBB IM 944 atfvMr 44 4rS4 M4tl4V"Bifc a. T 9m-4 4i-r .4 mnBa 4ys4a, aiJ4 aAUaaMIH a taatuaUAAi a& a. - - - - -WWiw 'WWW mrmwrwmw? mw bw 1 AAOrtClO MCCATLATQai C. 7l fSYSYTJYTP 4 iii 4iDia 1o4i14 lull JjMt tf r.UKM nti:iiii im;s StllKaiMiti 44-r(.'M4 4rf Aia Mills ttaa1 ; )i. M io:i,it,iri u j $IA t, 494tn i;rst4 tw st 4 4 t Xwm tif.tx, mt I PlsOnmnncliiiic llHa l4.BH4t4 tSt, tist 44t4v i m4 l4sf' (r4t IttHittH luff M ft st ati( f AtH-V lMl 4i4 9H4 tfSHtl t M J f-v, Wa R 44.4ott 4 RttA 4 -tK assttWt t s 4Mt tjMit! fca 1-1 At!4trIUt4 ai4.Sttatf4ftp44 l4 mUUH m tlim 4tl lfjAB Bfl4'MM,4V fS4444j4 4 attlll IW 4.kr4 taSMBSb I t1 aaai I4M 44 4Ml RlHtl Il44tM4l4 I 44 a4 t9 9 ISbH sb4 44 b)ks fttST 4V44.f44.4- 4lVaj-aS4.i tHa44Mt . lsaS4 44.H.4'a4, m,9 ts I avta BivX hsi awHit44j 4444. at tKnaoMi 9.r.i44 4.4a4,t MttM ISl 1 444V SV. . 4.444.a. 4 f 444S44B94V l4Bt4fit,4 4X, 4H4H Sjjf aaH4994X, ytm$ 4a4t4xM44l .a 4if4. t 4B)4l4 of 9 444JV a4 S 4M4444 lltf 4W44 44 mt H4BJ44 4t 4M14B4& g.a) 4WU. I4i9m4 4 VV'IHS, fsa 4.0 f a44M A, . .4.4 4 aoftL A I 44 4 llStA ?4.t t'9444. 4.-44 444 Axa. A y""? H 41-a , aM44 4I4M.44 at 1 IV tmy 4'ottl 44M at44tiMM ii444 a. 'o ? 0 Is4t4i4'a 4441 4)itito4-itf at JV'iotiMo fur, i;m Mti;;n ft 441 H 41lM4 S144V 944M-(4 M 4t4ria 4l4i0 4ntii4 f4 Sol 4l4't:4 4lK1oJI Sr.44 44) BH(fl1 1t4 4l.r-V4t A 9Jf 8m4' all 4fltM 4H4fl 3l4llt ! fas-WVo 4mi1k 4H94tl tiUliMH j 4HK414b1 A44J4V4M444 JMirtM49) a ) 4.(11 vt ni4ii4-t4 b titWtlHl 4T.444HOt, )t4MIH4 4lt44 Hi 314141, 4X44.1(4 9 lt' 4M4 4tl)4 fl Hi 4.i.'4 41ll4(44 sSl aH41ioa4 rf fit,, iMH I 4HSIOo4X, Jry, ( loft SSlltl AlU 44i44, n 4 ..n a ... .1 4.4.!9 9 4-1 Hlttllll W a 41 i!flHH444, 9a W"M ?C O 4 All KjJIflfe 4-M04,, A.H Ma - 1 .,, j J N mu 4 IL,iti4m, t u 1 1414 j., ,iot,tt, j Stoiti, Wtia,, liJM, 44i.rt 4HJ . 4IBtJ 4 o, ,, 4..,HI141, 1 4t4 444uM'ttlt1t.f 4lf ! 1i 0114 'til Inns-, HciSIMKV Hi 4t1 144V l44."l.Hlt4llif' atoM .Bl lag" at4a4 4tif 9 'till ifi, NotiOaoa. I H',A Bt1l44ifl R44HM 9 la ttlt41Bi4i Jm It t MArrtNc! 4H4 AtottlH.llllI AIM 9W a0t444l4 4MH44H4, f'otV 4aM RHttv aH 1 4X. H.'9. IW 4 44H-144" 4t4 4 1)1144 4 XHI4 I J't'rltl 4414 4M4( 8, a it! my tU44 Hl44' 4AOt4rt4fltl1 pa as r.m Mrs, tv BS'iMa, St 4444V t.HXlH r 4444' 44 taT 4l.ll j '9t4ri1 S44-4M 41 444BI 1KO I ! Ifli tio4'4lll4 I. 1. IXwt 4tS 4 1 49 4A, M t . 44a 4V4 44T4 ait till S4Ma f 4 NS iS BH 4 1- 444l

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