THE MORGANTON HERALD W. CERVIX, - - Editor. THK HKK l.l will l,e ml t any atl ires for JSI.OO per year, or SO crntH for rix months. Single copies can le ha.l of nMlralrr at three rents per ropy. H"-.Special terms to agents ami newMleal ers. Write for particulars. Address, THE HERALD 1111. CO.. ...-m-i-vlce every I tn. Prayer meellnf NORTH CAROLLxa-Oi iunaay sonooi every EWS OF THE STATE. Items of Interest from North Carolina I'oints. . .The tijx trees in all parts of the State were destroyed by the severe wi titer. ..Receipts at the Winston post office have more than doubled durin-r the past year. ..Mr. B. L. Terry will have charge of the Atlantic Hotel at .Morehead City this summer. ..The Enterprise says work has begun on an extension to the Newton Cotton Mills. A cotton warehouse, 30xSO, will be built. . .The Gazette says that as many as seven victims of the tobacco habit in Gastonia have taken the Keeley cure ami have renounced the weed and the smoke thereof. ..The lieeoril says Grant Toe, a married man of Chatham coun ty, eloped with the wife of Kit Heal a few days ago. IW left a wife and five small children and the woman Ieit a husband ami two children. ..The Young Men's Christian Institute, erected by the colored people at Ashevdle, assisted by .Millionaire George Vanderbilr, has been opened. A concert was given by the colored people. Mr. anderbilt and party atteuded. m, i Landmark says that work on the Statesville Cotton Mill, Degan Tuesday- of last week and that the Morganton Manufac turing and Trading Company ha secureu lite contract to funis Iranies and sash tor the new mill ..Mrs. George Smith, of Meek lentnirg county, recently gave oirtn to turee children, all jriils, mi -ti.e.v are uoing wed. Six months ago .Mrs. ii torv ISrawlev. ueighbor of Mrs. Smith, gave birth to triplets, says the Charlotte ws. . . Uardy llines, a thrift v colore farmer of Halifax eountv.'had Iai, up eighty dollars in gold, and the proceeds ot several bales of cotton A lew nights ago thieves entered '" "uur itim iuok uiese savings oi a me time, iu all about two hun dred dollars. ..The Oxford Le tlyer says there are iu persons in the Granville county work house and last month it took 3G0 pounds of meat or M pounds to each inmate to run the institution. The Ledger thinks mis is teeding a little too high and calls lor an investigation. ..The Goldsboro Headlight is responsible tor the following The champion egg eater of tins county is Lynn Bass, in New Hope township. Last Saturday he de voured three dozen hard boiled eggs, a qu irt ot peanuts and drank a quart of wine, all on a bet. Will Long, ot the same neighborhood, duempieti to do likewise but only, g)L away with one dozen boiled and one dozen raw eggs. ..There is a man at lledlan.U California, by the name of David McCoy, who will soon celebrate ins lUjd year if he lives a few days longer. He wat born in Burke county, X. C., on the 2nd oi .iay i.yu. He is hale, heartl and is looking to many morevears lor this life. He served in the war ot 112. He left North Caro iu ion. ne nas lived in iveutucky. Maryland and Mis souri, aud now lives m California. ilmington Messenger. . .Mr YV. T. Tucker, a one armed veteran ot I'olkton, went out squirrel hunting Tuesday morn ing. In jumping across a branch he dropped his gun, which went oil, tearing his left foot literally to pieces. He lay in this condi tion lor an hour, not being able to attract any ones attention. finally he crawled a mile and ll'llf ii-itl x- - . "... ,,,, 1I1U. JUO ana one a,n, ui oiuer loot mangled and bleed iuiury. ins recovery is tnouglit almost impossible. Char lotte Observer. ..ine Greensboro Record has been shown the plans for the Holt monument soon to be erected at ine uuiitord Battle Ground. It is to be a handsome piece of work ; the base is five feet square and two feet high. The next piece is lour leet square and fourteen inches high, the die is to be three leet high and three feet square, surmounted by a cap fourteen inches high. There are to be three bronze plates costiug ?18". Ou oun is to be the coat of arms of the State; on another will be in scribed: Erected by Gov. T. M. Holt, 1S9 J," while suitable historic inscriptions wMI be placed on the others. The whole is to be o! Mt. Airy granite. . . A vast deal of money will le set afloat in Gaston county this year. In addition to the money already in general circulation, there are enterprises on hand and to be developed during the year which will largely increase its vol umc. The Trenton Cotton Mills now building will require from a !),000 to 7.j,000, a large portion of which wiil be spent right at home. The Gastonia Cotton Man ufacturing Company have just let the contract for 1,000,000 brick lor the new building to go up this summer, which all told will cost upwards of !?10,000; a weav ing mill will probably be built iu the fall by the same comoanv, which means not far from a0,0t0 more; the High Shoals syudieate will probably invest a quarter of a million to start with. These are all big enterprises for Gaston coun ty and we extend them our cor dial salutations and most hearty good wishes. Gastonia Gazette. -". rtie north sice of the river a mile and a eanton adjoining ' IT ,11,ATr, A Detractive Firr Thin last Fri day Artrrrtixin. A OF $KMHH KMAILKD. A Chtarrh and Tra Other ltalMta trojed-:..Mhoro ami Jfew l!r allrd f I'pon for Help. i Kinstox. X. C. April i. r,rc I started this afternoon in a colored ! church, near Kinston Lumber Company's plant. The church and ten other builvliniri were de I t roved. The residences were: tnose of A. Mitchell. K. !. Hodgens and Mrs. Potter. The large gin house and fertiti.rrr mitt of A. Mitcheb was also destroyed. Several of the buildidgs were oc 1 cupied by negroes. The toul Uns is about Sis.oco. The n.!.ur.l church was insured for V Mitchell had S.c.oo inuranr his residence and $ Kn hi rnill. The wind was very high but in a fjvnrKU direction though it shifted a nttle at one time but not enoutrh to cause further destruction. Tire I engines were telegraphed for and I tame ootn trom .New Berne and Goldsboro, but the fine had ex pended its farv and it was ntt wi.juicicu itrirsdtv it tnem. our people appreciate the aid in our time of clanger. It is i;irritn it i - . i is not Lnnsrn f .e - ana uierrer. The ILxlUn Itrida 'aw I All "he suits against the KJch-l mond and Danville . i growing out of the wreck al li t'. the r;th of .ugust. iS9t. j wt.:.-h ;1,UUUI' "rfveoeen c.mpr.rTttsed. There were 13 of these cars in "-"-" superior court anl tf.? i louowing amounts have been al lowed in each case: Death claims J. C Hr.!;e. $5. ooo; V. M. Houston. S;.ccc: Oi G. Weber. $5,000; Miss tlhrb 1 Polk Moore. $.co3; Mrs. Snuan Pool. $.,ooo; Hugh K. -'.300: A. Davis. $i..'co: Kev. J. M. Mkes, $3,500. Claims for injuries J. F. H nJer. $;,oco; Mrs. Naomi Hayes $1,500; Miss LouaUie Iol. $i.;so; O. W. Lawson,$; V. lkw ley. $i.oco. Messrs. P.inghim & CuMrei: and R. Z. Linney were attorneys in the Linster "and Davis cases and ex-Judge D. M. Furches in the case of Rev. J. M. Sikes. Messrs. Armficld ic Turner were attorneys in the other ten cases. There were a number of suit entered at Asheville. Salisbury and other places. We understand that all of these have been com promised. The Lexington understands that A. 1.. Sink and wife have been allowed $5,000 This case was in Davidson Super ior Court. We have nt leirnrd what amounts were allowed in the other cases, but it is safe t. s.iy that the wreck, first and lat, ct the Richmond and Danville Rail road at least $ t aa.coo A.-A -..V Landmark. Ita-pntv Ur.hK .tapwialoa. Marshal Allison has made the following appointments of depu tees for counties named: Caldwell D. T. Dav, W. U bwanson. Allegnany fas. F. Kendil!. Wilkes X. W. Gray. Catawba X. W. loncs. Randolph C. C. Motlitt. Jno. F. jones. Davie J. IJ. Foard. . Burke Chas. Cample!!, hu- iora . uane. Watauga X. X. Colvar 1, David Xorris. McDowell Decatur K Dates. vjcu. oduuun, j. 3. nniey. Xo appointment has yet been made for Iredell. t- t? il: i , Mr. E. M Goolsbv. who was a clerk in the marshal s office under Mr. Glenn, remains with Marshal a !:. c . . . a. a. .niijii lur me present, lie is here this week and will move his tamily to Matesville in a shirl time. Mr. J. U. Armficl.l. whose appointment as chief clerk has been already noted, is exactly suited for the place and is fast be coming familiar with the duties of the office. SiJtisrifr lanJmjri, llaril on Ihr I irt anir-Trllrr. A bill has l-en npirovi-l by the House judiciary committee of tin Illinois Legislature and will, it said, Itecome a law, whieli 4b signed to put an end to fortune tl!ing, mind reading and other like juperii; terlormaiire f4r pay. A Hrs4n who undertaken to tell yon your fortune . to "birth. death, marriage, di voire or other matter' will tinder tins law W deemed a common wiiidler a4 ay a fine I mm Ti' in Altxl for each offense. N.t only jm. lat puou.sner.s oi iMM.ks aiol paer who insert the advertiement.s of the seers are to W ti til. This is bard on the i roolu t. but it is hard alsu on Mrou who are impatient about the coming ol that "dark compN rted gentle man or that "beautiliil lady wtth-iiidy iair." feoon all the ionium- will vanish out of Hicht if t-..tT... rounds aud furrowed t alm art not to Ih allowed to iW pleasanter thing the future has in store fr us. li.tltimnre .v-. The Wadesboro'rrtl4iiiL the farmers of Alison an taku c UHre interest in rai.-ihg a pb-ntiiul supply of meat this year tl ati eer eiore. CeTUKllKKALD Oiliee lor J.,1, Work. . tut ltf:4 1 tiwtt 4- I'taa I .. . t l4 m f ' ! 4a rr 4 1 Ikao. r'rM k tmt tm t AM t , ro l,i - pt c ' t .M It tm Mtvt b- ai I MMDf lkt Jl" mmt $ tH ! Ht I "' tlk. wt . ; V BMt fcf Kt wM w la m !, A4 Ik.. ! m K IV. . rmZZ ' tta ria I TW t ,4 I ."! : e ' " --.. , ... yt ' ! tto A - i---r f I'ltl-J-nr f,.its!fa nh. tmmtki lb" l;r.-ihr rr -r rl M trin. T ampti-.l it tW rM-i win w iarf.r ittl a itit fr, a:l ! ;r-.l- rtt-tna (; W -r mi tltrn w.tia iWw I prlttiria, W itrUtuirn ,t t- guard jt..t t-:ruin (r, iu- i m I..,.. I grud td Lv a riW I tUTlM. of U Hari. j -rir tar l)4l Mda W xrlul ilxlt) 4kt4 irtj IK emi4rur(i4. with IW cr Un U - - iw r 141 t 5111 f I Hear I W UrUt trt. fW -j j gl'lt. 4IIM4 Ut4t4l tli W 4 .aVMl pit'trm aiil eir rr. ,tl I tlte 4l.lLrll!f ir I 1.1,. Ht,.t ' . wmm '"4lr4B 4 l" ! tmiai."--i'4f;4lirJ I 4f f V4atr( ', :f . 4.-4.- ....... fw 1 .a ..rtlVtwalka n4,, 1 4 aa rtiaaaa It ta a 44W 1444. Ia4. Th !tn ! of t-. tf K principal I ni.n U:- , ed by a rn-t i!4Umtnf rart. q lake on the i;r fti . (r w:tn4 I- 4.f hfr and pr pff jr. In IVt.ruary ai d Mmh IW island sficd a Val an .( damage by a scnr ilKtgrikif, ar: a li-g- numWr mI Ur rfr lost. The sh'xSt 4p;ar have b"ei m-t i rrnl ti W city id Zinte. a sjfestr pvt of whkh was destroyed. The pr-p are p. km.--stricken and the .iHth.-ritir- hrl'rv Thr street are irr.pu4-4b, In-io, :EcI with m'Hs ot stne ami the Itfti ber wrrckje of he l-.ow- whith were thrown d n by the cnW quake. Thus far ti e tf rnty persons kiiled by UHing- wlU have le--i fim. from W ilrbris and it is fr rrd mAff mtr are sttt! in the rumv Th-e un ber t jef.4ns injured rur- j i. t. the lmndfrU, The ttrratrr r ti n of the inhabitant hate (t-v t the plains back of the Uj where they wander a!"! let a distracted manner, bewaibft the Ios to iher h'no anI prpriy. The hok ot ti;PfI half seven M-t t.f ihr budd c that s!I afl.f le stimi of February an I Mrch are cither throw a ilowrt or shSterr I m b- uov.ife t t cu;anr. TW church of t. Donu 4n. fkr government (tlkes were lhrn down. Adi rv f-.m the ini(-rir sH that the whoJr it4nl s l?ltel Many i,:urs ae tlct44rd A It is th oi-ht the 4 blip tf W fery great. .tli,-. Ih. taa4aaa IwOaia, An abimtnnm vndm ha Wen constnxctrd lt a M'i ian f Ci cinnati a I has been Irtn! in cv cert as well as in private, tl ran nl le :ttirt;i4thri by it i.c frm ihe wi4len instrumrnl. It is clatmett that il is s irerir to wood in durabibiy, Irrrdora from accident and sutcrMihtbtv to moist urr. aa laaa Hfciaia-ai.aa. Mrh f tW knMaia bitwr taa frra r.tvf,4rw laa ai frtnw rIit. riH. Iil4.n inav frva. Krrttucajr. I rwir-h UrliaX.. Vr. n tMaftah R4t Wl ltMa4 lkVa Jrr rfiwat, If. IVrri4l.i3iK 1 .. Wt tWrw M Imi4 In il ibtaa I.. eritirtatr for ii (m if wij t-J4m im 4V IhotattM xttf. (M.n(Ma) m rrtrd W it . n4 t mfm4n nvnr ru er. ftr r,t, bhaaj. iKAltialiaa dfataMa arvi4f 4v. rrl IW Uwil Kia. a a. I llWl.rt4l 44 t,4tit U t( Wlval fea nautr. il h fttmtvti thb. tr W ftk fc rvfMal. !. fa rr;.Urt .f at . .. "' '" : r till r!r.-ttir taill W It lrk. " .,.;.,, fc- f ' v ' New York . l-kddrfpb. "TY?.":"' ,r"-" - -I , ' " muidr-.n ,hr ..r. .th U ?Tf e.7 -r " ,i " I -tot. hirh t w Tiriua t .r- f 1 MOKOAXTOS. .V. C I IH K3 CMS BEtfAlS i:imlt(,. iKytktmt Ia!l In .... 1 . .. - I lim m M I 'I.1. will, tk. i.a.hh i-js t;ti l-vfi. Al a4 fta III1 ki!f. ... . . Ml -is ! .J a ! aii AfS. n. n rmtwf eHI al laa, -5 k - (II ! I- ltr tt . .ri- 4i t:vt 2 a. 1 J Art ir ;w .a t 9 p. a,. . aw. IW A ''' .: a f.i.v i l IW n..-- . F :. .i.rv. !. l .: ri f,.!- .iotii m rta gn. Ha.vt.m r ( t " 5 a , ... - imp- a,a,?. I '-". n4r ii:r4l ("I W M ir, IV4" I W l ,ss. 4a J . t- I t'4irHt lj i--l I6l i IW t - I IW laMi ra..iH ! W,V j ,? ft :4ft (44 MHfw-.,a, ! a ! I 4a f I" W IU f fs iai - -ia Wkt'4)j j, TZ laa' UilWI.. I W l-ia H Jf I - lt-i i . , im -i iu 'lft..YL. K k. .....I . . .a ........... . , r . , 44 J l W44f V. b J, ralrtd.. tl.. ri....... t ..... . k ' .4. 4.-. 14, ' . v rniwfww . a, a. rft.... a i. . . . . i let W ifw-MU4i44 faaH ! Inliwn i l-f- w- t l-t-lM -I IW ,a- ' ,v 1V..IM J-.t-nj ' I I 41. lMrf.4 t I kf l ,4 ft.l 'aM f'tMall I l nlH4 s 4. r i.. aaa .. h u; r ( ar IM . tM. r eaiiiMr-. at t '. i, a.v.l . ..... ... - & Bsr4a,.( l;. jr- MJ ! ' I . 4.htiiiaMliiVi44i.4 4,: ..,..: ivivi j.c.,a. ifc,,a At,!.;--,'!;: V. s;r- " ' - TW :ata , ..!L. . . . I ..aar a.,aaraa4 V4 ' ... i 14- it 4 i (m W aa-,.., r l-l. 'f-J.ll4 ..iV f I MH ,H Jar f l4V(, 4 1'l.pRtai Ija-l-J. On IW at ifaa-l! l Vrr-(ra. ts ! VI ly A hi Uf'A, 4t4t4,4 f 4 ,a a lr Wab-. (la. H,, awM.. i,.,,-., j, W Id W M lt i.1 liHtl. K4 i lt ' IW lkfl f Va,aal Iraya 44 J l"n IW MklVf 1 a TW4 Il.lw"l4; W 44l: 41 r aa- a ftfcVrl Imtt Wvta lie r'A- s .- , d.r . f I!ia IVnti.t k. ... ....... . .. a .. . . ... I - " .w- rial aa lw W A4.! (tinia oUiarwa-kl, -. . al.t,laa it. r frvw-M!-! teil't4 i r 444,4. 1 TW taftlrfMa. 4. : t. frwawisna Wil) .4W tw4 wm I W ll l MjJ. IMtj W a .,.1 tV larvm lajMlaitaakl f:o44 IV f W M W 6r 4kka4., 4a4aa KJa a,.,, , Ja3'f-W lti Wi Isai. Wiran IW Z? tt. 1 : lalt'iVvMriH t i l4l e . RiBa-alr44l4YtWaaa.l ltalk IK .1 aH K a. at: 4ra4 i:4 tvnawi. it i4ei:i - ; a,a4.M4v I, 4h fW.;t,i, mm rSliij I ay IWitJUf ta 'at n A 4ri !!,. Wi.'4lla lni .4 ia. a Iw.ji Wt--f, W. .f IW 4Wf. IM W al4 WiutlVI ,4aa I lil4.a m (r -!J ! MJ !). 4ri4N fvta.i wdl r4 trimrl liowg W L-44 a.44a 4la t a .M wl4aMrt4 wl W vta..w4. a (,h 444 I W IMHittl;. 4vf Itw 'itK . AllLiiifa (.i I ' . ... .1. UM.AV. .XI UII. ..;. "", JUlM- m t! el h, , I Ma I Mw;J K 1 AfHtMH-r-r-- M.Kt' l. ltt HwUi.Xa VHaM. I ' H ItHUMKUU ulk... .. dk .. IVH" r. fc. . .- a ,l-4 V a,tK-, k m i n ' tli, at f'i . k. " I' ' i S -1 .. ro. I'.v i.i- . u ... . . ... ... - m, lit. u , ri.K; (6v ri vu,. w Bill . ,1 .. . JB f (ub a.,, ft, I -l ...... 1 a tt iiU alt J """-' :i f.l,," 4.4 V u a 4 ti j, 1 ' I 141" l J-vilU v a., y, Bj. , .. . w I -KOmi.t! ,,,; a.f ,,. . t"J a ! V - n - . 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H t. !..'; (i't iii t...s Mi I. ,i ; a"-" 4? - .'i. '4u mcwv 4 4 44 . (fc.,-S Mf4u , 4 k "H. t 4- ! 4. au 4. ' . - ., . . . a j i a: - .4- . 4,,M . t . a a a ''n 44 ( LI-' , 4 S 4 a 4--- iilj Ctns n t,if t JVm-ilinjfl a nft, fflTl .lif fMiiilt.-'t) udiiv, : trr it nm w:. " lft ta 4M .H -f-mw - ,N .. M4 aM.f ,, f.vm 4H tt,( S.,t.r ?St, . o, .a.el 0 4t)a lilKi'C ojt- "I a r ..M. H'ji.rSu-; a fi.,a all)U - ' Sti U4t4 t 44 tl,, I pa 'ljl-" .,- ,M 4 Hi,! lyafij C 4a r-.wti, fl4P',ri n'M4'4i C-4..4-.H.,, .-V K X If .t,4t.41g 'MllinljH,,!!-, -1. a ,.44. q,i,i Jin -4Hrt . '.. i a-fji.t-m. j a a a t . . 4 V : 44.. Jitil 44.. a.1 t; M ii. ,p i -f.4-' 4,., 4. ' '' -l'1 f .,. -'4' MH4 rtltl '' P.4 fi- 4 ,1,4 4.4- .44, M.,..r. Ika M.4.4. 4 4f,lt'trL f- J- -t t4.i 44-4. k. . ' la .. 4, , . 44 44 4 3 - t .44 , .. "I at tt i'fc ..4.., tl..l4 a,-., a all. . 'i "1i i i4.x "I 4 in li4k. a.. ...a... a... -: .V 4?r "r.:1: I 4 4i-- -4. - '4 f t 4 4 f t JI-44 44,, 4 V -V 44 -4i.i -.. .,,1 A I 4--"? 4 1 a '4 1.444 1,,fl .V 4jM fi ! 04. ., a,..'t4 a II 144 rfi,a aunu I :4 4 4l4 ,(f. 4i4(a a,t,..4l 4 a "14 1V . . 4,Mt,. ,4.'-l4tl !" '- !.:. e r'.i. .it,.. '"'' ill! 1ll I H'lil, ft ... '1 ......... ... "1 .3 .. T T 4" lll I-4-, 3IK.444t -V 4 4 .... R J a :.,,4.. I.-., Jtj- .,, a. 4.14. I --U4 .M tfl'llltll ! 4- .) 4,, !, ,;4. 3,441 11" "4ri4l4 4 "IM-I m 1 V 4-4. -4 11 (.14," t V.el "4.I,,IU V4 hi l1il IA.I 4 Hi 4114'. 44 4jf, IOl4t4 '(4(4S :4.aW 4, o ,..V4Aj ,! -! l "44! .rf JildiHH 4'44 -It 14-41, 4 . ll.4 4. 44 II 4i i. . 1-44a Uoltov,, II. e 4) I IS""r.rf H-n fU'-- .l444- 4H4Ar; f. - li..',. Mt ,4H,f a-uau " 'M- l'i ; : '.' .. 4..w.3 S1" -H44 a,,! ? 1 4 -.i.4. -4-. M.4- H. 14. 404, ..M w I Iti-V 4.oiil nie-- 1in4ir.-ia , - .W'4 444 14. r!M44 atlll.lina a.4. Ma4 lMa.4.4. aaa.,,M,a s ft! aal 4444 B44M41.J4, tlt K1, rai.t4.A- i I. TC4 Jj rj;Mt( 4 r 44444.4.1 rM,,4 rt, H M-4. at.rtoo IkmRmiIMI, HtH 4 'N 4nlw4J .n4.Mtf tn.m V l4M4-.t4i..4' at th.. atrta Hir) I U aa S1am,rir,ta. d.rf lf -4":S,n4 hi na,,Ml-,J t .4. I lr44 -4 W 4. ,.a, Ht, .J)4aH.t 5imiitt4rtiiji 4 aHp muutm 4.r."U. an.n , ,.Hiau 4c. M'l 4t44H4' H4 W44M t. 414,44. "'"- I4M l!l44t-4,444. rWlk, lit 4. 44444.1. BH444.I H4i 41 44J444 4.1.1 44H 4lfl 1.., .. 4 a.. .. 4 I e1E H - . -4 I.M,,-. .mmi4 ,n.J l,.K ,'-'" ' ..Mat ?::-?;:?; ;:;.rir M- -J c' r; . u,..44 .4- 41 .HM44. 4WH- 44 4.,44jltntVaHl,Mt, "t f1JN'44 4444.4.44 4V 444v4-4i a . .. , 44.4... M.4 4, .4444441 fca, 44K4H444 ,I4 I a "- - .4 j4.'4444i.. H. V4.a ,.U 4r 4,44 l444llJljHiUM-,V " ' oif--a-r-4iU ai-ur-tT' ,iU H4i' 4H-!J .l444;4r .,44 4f.414 J I. : . W SI444, 1 - II V4 i.a,. al ! , x it aik.4fl ja.4 M.-a-. WU 4!.M ILmI M.I. a."aaa . -w rav w r-T. - -ap a aw " ,s 10?., 4T k 4.W..4.1 flMta .41 J ' A.a. A u a. Ja-W . JatS . 4 4. . . 4'T'rli TMaftWV. niiuta I'M SI ffHTtoT 1 VtfataiW. k aa . .... d Taww. ri'lirmHB 44raW, . vJIMwaaaa.. - ".4ll4,a 4', 4aa4.HU , ,,'r,' - "'M -'H4 !-4i(ai4aH4 '4i 4444414 .444 H44 -44 ! 4V..M4 f-.. f . ru a. . . . . . " 1 " " ' l" '" 4' . " 4lJ ij a .4i a'.tkt. 2.a a .... ..... . ... . M..H4 44a, i4. HH H V.M W"",HW 414t4;,4H, ""l4M. 4..4 Hi4 444 1 - - '" 144H44, - 44 .4t.444 ! tW;14- 4H44 44. 4-ia,,K. 44 44(1 aaa a.Ml4444.IV4 lir.fc4 i fiW 44 a-Ua. 4. t, 1- a . 44.4-4. ,1 4 44-4 WMV . I. . 44W H4.K)4. 4. H i 4.44 .r r 4-... 4H.4Ma41a 44.I44 ''.' t H44 " 4WIMI4 44 ,44444 4um4 ,,g ' ',,JJ f 4VA4 4 444att tH UHM Uft'4,4 444 -- --H4, I 4.1 gJia"l-- Wllaf HlU Mi444,l kr4- 44I.P VaTaT.'TH! .4 . ,, K 4t f'ltlKOH 441,11 ,.hHl - ..4 il -. - 4144.- 4t.l I, W- -lo -H 4!4i44 -iil,4,Mw, itl -44 4,4V, I ,,. 4.4444 zxxxt ' '- td,4 Mi4iu:-4tw w ifwi4 rwi . riut;i: ntuij: cxvix -rl nt!i ii0l t., y1tl 1 o ' I 1 ,Ht Mt. f-iin,. . ' ." M "' 4'Mifa 4oi4 )!(. ?1 1t.P rt .M '.t, I,. a., "'-'If 4HHi(l a, tHr ,,,1 :tiM4WtMN ,! I fntn I n)HitMrl lot .ll;,llil. fli 4lltm ia 444H4lMIla.fl u... -'- .'Ml. JftoiiH 1.H.4 a. ,. 3 I .44.HlH Mt 1m ,,11111, iHHHiOa,, '4 Ia HOMO 4,.H :i4. 4 HIM4u 'l H T'IfllM, "' NMIH MI..M 4.HI V -.M44 4lllM, 1MH.t 44l44444.a 44N 4i.'. flMMHif 4'y4Mt4fl4, ftlr-tlHe 4rlM f lUMM H ti H4 aaaa 4,. ,,.4 - ,1. .trt.i4,(. t, H.M a,..4. iMtHf l44 i44f4,lHHlt, 4)4Ut1 at, i,4,4 ll44-....ll. 4ta... I -I- H B at ",4. a,Ol,. ,,4 44M- 44..H J,,,,,)'., M 1 ft',., ., ... , 1 1 I' all W ti 4M4tt 444 4N 4rtV4t i4iA M k...a a, tl, -J.m ,, , Mt -- - .--- i- " w " at aj,M-Mi f41 ri 444Ht-4p at? V;n,,H4M U04 1,t -liHl, a k(I ,.i. r. 4444.H,? tft -l4.ltt.iiH' 4HltlW)., U..4JV 4 144.,, j,, H-li'Mvi 44I4A TM4H 14.44, art "!! v ,U a 44 ,4. ai 44. ....41 l 4.f 444 ftim-mimn -M ,.ii.i..ii... I 4f U 14444 U4.r 44w- Mm 44 14 4j.-H4 aK l.i 44. H .(, I4.- in ... ISliiin X.h a o 8'b 4.4. ,? 4! $,41114444 44I4MI' J '1 ., H I ill g4.4M4 Itl44t1 4i4 j IfllV 4444al),f 444M4lMl4 M J 14441 WV.44I4 4)44 aiHHMt., V 144 tti 44l..MM.a4.4l ,at, HH 4t4 bb 4, a.t.jd a, .'t 4,44.n WMil 4.:m ,-(''i4 M44 n'4 !. 4.l.44l',4 alioH (,4. . o , latlHiH ,J..iai4,'4,i44t 1.4 444.4(0 44 lN-4,, 4.i..4- IHf t,4 KiM 4IMli 4I4.'4IH A .4t a, MM .t4a, Mi J !. I 444H -4t,;Hmf;,Htj 4-44ja 44 a.l.44, 4j-444.44.r4.4f f.M fH 1 l4444rU4444, l 4 llr4l 4411$ M(4 -4l I444J 4444444 WMH 44 44 II ,. b -.J44 44Mal ad -. '141)411 raMHrt 4J444N14 H44.44I4M4 l'':J4.:i'4 44i4 t,;;L44 aiui 4. '4Ml- H'h4, , . fWjtOWliiOliaUl'umw 4)ll4H M1 Wl tMOlt4ifi444 tH'f t 4.4IH4 -a4..4 4Ur44 H 444.aiM4 , f- 44 . -- rtl4l44H44f Hl4f.N 1 . . a . . 44444 i.MM, '4-.4444.44mi44.m4i.44. Ifi-IIWH 4n..4i tlllf, aH4l tMa.M1 kf jj 44444I' 44l 4444414. 1 44IH N.r44.4ll - g4ii 4444441! 44.414, J mff i 44a4fart44i4 i.m 4441, all 9.44444H .ft ,4.M4b hmS lin s 44(44if Iiro4.M44 414 f . II. .a H4 f4.,j44'4MIH 414441 1 41 UN IIhMV .hi- m.-i. tiJi, ft 4j, o .'f W 44 WH lM4Hi.4Mh.4t, .illi 4a sl'j s 44 , 1,41 4,4 alt ....14 ' 4,.., 44-lHIN 444 4-'4 Wi. 44WV40H4 N 4) SMV4 4r4W !H' a 4.4, r-. 4t. 4 4Hti4.4a4 4444. alt W SH4MI 44.444.Ut4 44? 4in4i' goHM I.44IL. M 4. ItlMl 14' 444 44" '4''4.04 l 4 4tM ,Hi ait4i I,mD H'tmii, . . a.. . ri .... a--iiait iftjin.M 4i,fl :i4")it, m - i Ml' 404Mt4 NW 4 444444 .44 ii4 afina.1 ... . . .... ...... . . ' wirf ia- Hit., " - l'U" 't44'a4j, 4i4 4,. lH4 .f " ,4.4t4v44 M ,w luM1 -,-vjh"'"- U ,U ' 4 14 iW.,, 4" w ' -"'-r-- -- f4 WVfllfR JUi afl i4 4iliJ, I A ill h Lai -all. 4. . , . . . . . - r. ' ' - ..'4 -4.4M l44 lili 4.44 40'U'rM'H 4 .k If t4 SI a ...... a "... . a. .... . ... '"M'',i aiM 4WV MI44 Sai'l4 l4.Wu l.l.'l, 414 .H44aa,i M 44444,414 4a,, 44 4 4,i,444ia .4.I4 44H4444444.i 44 4,v 4 4 1 4- 44i44 H JI-444 41 m,i ,1.ll, 4.44- 1.444 4 1 4. -'4.4li4- -14 44 4444 44 .ng .4H aH4 ,.M4a4, 1 44. 4 W 4.11, AMilHi.a4M I4, t.MT V 44144.', 4044-4 m An 1a ...H ..i 4 ...... fl r 2 5 T ; f i at ! W ' 1. U II, t . f X m 4w 1 f' f, I M1 Mi 4' i Ml t4 ON PQ7DER T, J. lin ill 1. 1.. ,H i 11 ItMtl if 4 u . c g i 4 .41114 t t fni.-ti ic 1 1 , J, 1 j 4 j ,lti i ttu'tit, '"T "" '! i 1101 f j 1 4 ' 1 1 'III 4'mi,1, 4! )(tl,1 4, tj 4,, V u i him v hi .. i1,t ',i f4 , M . 4 4 iii'i. ' I 4' IJ . 4 -' 4' 4-1 ' V. 4, "4 -i 4Vi4 4 4f - .1 . "' i , 4' Mat. . vm I it ' ' ' -to I !tn 1o ; iimv Mi-' 4 4 1 4 ill .u - s 11 m .4 ma IHlfJ I f lit. (Ml 1.M 1 I.,.- ai 44. M hhCI i . ti n 4 c i joMtiii'iii 1 7 MlTl UK' .Ht 4 .Mil. Itlpitll Mjf h HHi:(il.v ,,1 ,,m 4 1,!. ,a,l 1tO-l.V I(i;4,j,..( 1 31 4A I. X. 1 tri2E .L DC J44ifa tw What is Life Assurance? 1. i. ' Hi- , .I'.f a it 4.4H4- t "il 1.lt1.V t I s ; it. , i;;'H!t vi a- til -f'.HH -4',, ..,!,. -- .(.'(.1 1!H iillf 4 f ti.. ' " ' tniH.-iHl 1!" il'f 1 1U;1J4','M! IO 110 1. 11 f 4 to- JltiiHt tliU 1U- Hi, 1! itJt'.'ilfi 4H tit iu fill I nn, -:1 5.. ?. 4'i(, 4 ?r 4u. Equitable Ljfe 4"4H .4M4 . . 4 44H 4 f , . W J W4a-i. KtnrptTa i -Wa4Jal k A Jrrrf ri't j't n r t4A4a.W.., V 4 ittlaV. 7 A v. ,J,4 1 .4 4 4 1 a l'4'H -4. 4" ,4a 4 HM O I- v. 4 444 4 i f-vM 4 -t j ,.t.; .v l'M Jf'f rri'iui ntv - ' 4 '"' H 4,4 1444 ,7, ft iHt ti 11 t i, 4 4 in 1 -t 4 ....... ... . 4 ' . , , . 4 ..... , 4 4 ... 4(44 ' tn (. 4 '4 y.4.. 444444.4, 4 ,.WH.aT J4 4 r 4 h 4,..44 '4i 4 4.44i4vr4 H4T4.a44 4 44. 4M!4 ,a. 4. t ' "M 4 4 I v.-rvi.uita" 1TI.4 V . f aW ! . 4 44 .'.. 4-4 , 1 1444.44. , , Mlf,.ltl 4, .4j4 - mt tl ):.,M,h f,;, .; .4a4M44 44 4i,.44.(r4,.t4.i. 4.m4. " 4" . "...44 .1, ,..,. 44, .4, V,4. 4 ... 4. ........v- . 4j -. p4. J 4441 I -H, 34. 4, iH , 4 l4"' 4t t I 4 ( 4. 44. .V4l 4 44 at 0 44n.444'M ) f. .14. 44 I 4 -44 .44V 4 .44 '..4 4444. M 4. 4 44a 4M-44.lK .airf ar a. Jl4a41,l.f.J,fci 4M444'M 4M .14 4444M44 f.44, 41. .'