Successor to "The Morgantcn Star SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.00 THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1S93. S. C. DISPENSAKIKR The writ ot prohibition asked for by the citizens of Columbia, to prevent the opening of a dispen- siry in their city, was argued be fore Judge Gary in Columbia on Wednesday the 12th. The writ was asked for on the ground that the petition of Roach, appointed dispenser in Columbia, by the county board of control, was not signed by a majority of the free holders of the city as required by law. Judge Gary refused to grant the writ alleging that he had no right to go behind the action of the county board, and decide whether or not the petition of the person sought to be made dispen ser, did or did not receive the sinaturer of a maiority of the freeholders of the city. The decision of Judge Gary vir tually leaves the county board of control free to violate the law in a most important particular at their will and pleasure; and denies to the aggrieved citizen any rem edy for the denial of his rights Did the county boards of control consist of the wisest and best citi zens of each county, it would still be a monstrous wrong, in a free country, to subject the people to their will, and put it in the power of any three men to say that, how ever repugnant it may be to the wishes of the people, the n'hiskex traffic shall be established at their doors. There was but one pro vision in the South Carolina liquor law that acknowledged the right I of the people to local self govern- I ment, and the decision of Judge Gary, as reported in our exchages, renders that nugatory and void, and leaves them in each county at the mercy ot a committee of three appointees, in whose selec tion they had no share. SOCK LESS JERRY'S BOOTLESS WORK. Jerry Simpson has been very busy of late in organizing, on paper, the New Congress which is to meet on August jth. He would be the champion organizer j of the country if any set of men were willing to be organized in Jerry's way; but unfortunately they are oot. He is like a general who has laid the very best plans in the world for routing the enemy, horse, foot and artillery, but can't find a lone soldier to fall in and follow him to victory. He had arranged to beat Crisp for the speakership of the House, and I. C. Burrows, of Michigan, was the man to do it. All the silver men and all the Republicas would of course settle on tsurrows. lne Washington 7W published Jerry's program, and here is Burrows' letter of thanks: "Lansing, Mich., July o. Re garding your telegram, will say that my friend, Jerry Simpson, has been suspected of entertaining some strange delusions, but this last hallucination will, I fear, ex pose him to the Chicago lunacy. "I. C. Bcrrows.- No doubt on reading this, Jerry rubbed his ankles and felt that, fetlocks or no fetlocks, he had made quite a donkey of himself. SrXDAT CLOSING OF Til K FA IK. We are pleased to see, that, with out any injunction from the Courts, but simply influenced by their own sense of propriety, and in deference to the general sentiment of the country, the Local Directory have determined to close the gates of the Fair on Sundays. This is a step in the right direction and will redound to the interest of the Great Exhibition. This determination was reached on the 14 inst. The receipts to be taken in on Sunday the 16th, had already been pledged for the relief of the families of those who had perished in the fire that swept away the cold storage building, and it was concluded, for that reason, to permit one more Sun - day opening, but after that the gates of the Fair were to be closed on the Sabbath day. All the speeches made at the meeting of the directory were in favor of the Sunday closing and the measure was carried by a vote of twenty four to four. Now the christian sentiment of the country is heartily enlisted in the success of the Fair, and tin christian people of the land rejoicr in this action of the Directory. Sockless jERRy is every day be coming more ot a crank, and is full of political predictions. We wish that he and Mrs. Lease, and a few score more of similar cranks. had "some sweet little isle of theii own where they could be set apart to work out their theories 10 worn oui ineir ineones mrse their political bantlings r-we believe he is a Senator . . . . , and nu Peffer nnor rrfr irtc that th rril t " me anerman law win kui out both .1 u : i . i i i new tarty in their place. Small uic uiu urn iica uu isn zx men are always given to making wholesale predictions and they can safely do so for the country in a twelve month forgets both them and their predictians. THK 1J.TR twlV Congressman V. I Vilvn, of West Virginia, voices our own conviction in giving it as his belief that the extra session will be con tinuous and that no recess can be taken, lie thinks that as soon as the committee on ways and means is announced, the tariff will be taken up. The great divergence of views on the part of Democrats as to the art inn w hich should be taken in the changed condition of the coin ace question, and the deep per sonal interest of the silver men in keeping up the price of silver, re gardless of the welfare of the country, are circumstances that lead us to expect a prolonged and heated session and the utterance on the part of the silver men of the most radical and revolution arv sentiments. The conferences a! read r held among the silver men foreshadow a stormy session. The Rtxieuf say that Mr. Ham rick, who lives in four miles of Shelby, states he has a hen that laid eggs, set on them and hatched a brood of chickens in a nest she built for herself in the fork of tree twenty feel from the ground He never discovered the notunti he heard the old hen fussing about the means of getting the chicks down. We think his hen is of strain of chickens originated and developed in South Carolina dur iug the reconstruction period. It was a clear case of -survival of the fittest." All chickens that rooste: low in those davs "ir , and the only poultry thatsurvived that interesting epoch were those that nested and loosted high. These characteristics at last became in herent in the breed, so that even Hampton's overthrow ot the radi caj5 did not bring the breed back to their low roosting habits. It is sa,j by close observers. that where the radical majorities were heav- jcsl the chickens always roosted hichest. It is certain that in those days chickens "went up much more than in former times. Mr. Hamrick's hen is evidently of the Reconstruction breed. The hanging of the negro man. Miller, in Bradwell, Ky.. for the murder of the Kay girls, is most likely to go into the courts. There is a Citizens Rights Association ef which Judge Tougee.of -Fool's Errand" fame, is president, which has taken the matter in hand, and jn behalf of Miller widuw is aid- ing her to bring an action in the federal court for damages against au wj,o aided in the killing of Miller, and especially against the town of Rradwell. where he wa hung. There were similar crimes marked by circumstances of still greater atrocity much nearer the homes of Tourgee and his asso riate. in rerarJ to which ihr took no action. The association, of course, was meant for partisan and sectional purposes; otherwise Judge Tourgee would scarcely have become identified with it. It is not the love of justice th-t stirs him into action, but a desire to use this incident for exciting sectional animosity and charging lawlessness upon the people of the community. We are not all saints, but we are quite as good as our neighbors. v;i-r exenanges state tnat at a meeting of the Greenville county Alliance, S. C, last Friday, Hugh m. ttarton, a inira party man. avowedly so, was elected over M L. Donaldson, president of the State Alliance. Tillman gave the order for his defeat because he had the hardihood to vote for Cleveland at the Chicago nomi nating convention. Even here in North Carolina, the president tf the Farmers Alliance, Marion Butler, is a pronounced Third party man and is stitl retained in office. A William Ni.urv, who hailed from Springfield. III., was killed at I the battle of Shitoh and buried on I the field. One Daniel Benton 1 came to bpringfield, and Mrs. I Newby recognized him as her husband, and he applied for a pension under the name of Newby .Now he is indicted for fraud and Mrs. Benton is in Springfield to swear to his identity as her huv band. Daniel, it seems, toutd give up any number of wives, but he would cling to his pension "lill death or Hoke Smith do us part." Ani now under date of July 1 1 a dispatch from Alexandria. Kg pt forwarded to Iondon, denies that there is any cholera in the land of Khedivw. The eiehiv five ana ,oriy acatns were at Tor, in I . Arab,a I'etraea, east of the Ket! I Sea a sma11 town where the nil I g'ims from Mecca are quarantined ..There s-um to be an m. I stock of clergy tueii in Ibe Cliutrb vicrgv men in tue t liuirb ?,! E"K,a!,I. According to Cuiion ." 'r thv'" arr out r einplojnient. It i.nt 1 cause mere ia nothing for tUiu I - . ... I to no, out lieoanM tbey lin I ramnt I 1. n . . i - .iwui h j i !.be,u mvh fiu'1 -llnw it u muiu" uii.vNionary nertiw ., n.. Prince of Wales iftbev could some incidental occuiution to ini ivw I I . . l-wi luruismrsiii i lie lurantluie. t.TTiiE Herald Office for jo! ruKKpow.v; or tute. ntt vim .rt arrtftttr tan tei r 1111 w it t rt c. WajOIISUfoS. Jnlj ITt War latk t a rain ! tWt nut t .ntUi I ll Is not ru p (.' ! IW r.rillU gnrtnnl. wlfc l!rd by lorw! Itrly l lv tL lr f tt tll lf in W rbfi JJ jHtir, Ikkl im) many prop! Ut4 t if tx la Uliwr 11 ! by frrr ! !. la ln.L a 11 U tfrlMff jH Ixrlwrvf! ll will I, bat IW .lw jcmM turn I Ua uini mrr lkm vert Mwrrf Mr a ol !! m;im tt lutvf iMlton 1 ll Wrn nix"ll llS 1 l-ol tbr r.Ps;lwf not rvvfei lltr d.T ktl :tl l Ukc Kutfli!. M lW fp t iitltaenrtn Im mt Iwiratwr im Wt drriMn. . il t wry 4h prorrrdin;. rrrtinly Ut IW Antriican rlHSii criurl. Ostr ( Hmtmm Sw , .lt Mofn, ! ALUn In m lhan porv espfrfl W Wlwl lhl ntiotlwr ar liivvm U I'mlr! Jcatr nl Kf4 inr if IUl ltr 1 it eamr llr l-cttrr for bi vMlfy. XolilhlabdiB; CI lb- mrCi mrntal talk tUi lb iTv bntbrll5 lvltliou Wrv It Steal KbcU!) al. no rll iftMwftl 4 UI ly thai Ibrl I STf:rf tiiATfj l rrti lb Imled M l ! e W tm 3t!VM. sim m I C Ittrat linUiu la tb nl Ifwoii.n wU r tt.vl. Ifir, ard ll i U- l:3 Urw m..:.4 h U jj rvrumrrril lra(Ur. bl k UM ,mi i f '! llfi)ll I.IIUit'l iwtrt fcHC f rntmvrrMl upivm- ! lb : otld he brrrti lb ! - ; sMitfrndrr llr 6lI -irr.Wy ! 1... iu i. ..t .....t..- v.. 1 ...... , - . - - - . man Mm' .lib IU i.l and lrpr rt.l lit trn 4 I" " " ' V. V MrtH.t...f Ibr co.nti b ch-' J M M Wkns:oa Uemm M ,l" I - - I". -onvinrrd ibi r ib 1: ;Iim!.sWm and .ouM W sets hWat. im. Hiifatlv if b.H.:. W W . .... zirt. otb.oi Hi..i taa f Anteriraa iMrr lbn or l"iitar.l a trlu la Sh4 lv l the dti:ua 4 tie ' br4t ! arbitration. S-b roai vwtM julifv arnd lb .ViMriw woawl io rtrvpl it. ' freielary lleiltl Utl U'l injllon t lav on lb Ktvbn. In bulr a tit of itMvtin la m'l , of tbr AtUaltr rs; navv t(dO lie esi-rrl la lr pnr Htl la T lUrtr ar- a dnaiu r itrixi l crat- in llr lln !iiatr m,m 4t t Kular l Le - 1 ! 401 aa f lo ecr 4 lrd lUlrm l-l if Ilirtr it ny (4 f Ileum U f i. rrfciMitM'i.tU ri ii S -pa!;tte rf 4 sl !.!? le rih inwq a; ibt ntue, 1; ft..! i lr lircau) iLrtr ati . miat ikIx 1 Irnii4ri4it in tie ,te tlC3 - f Otlf OI ll 0 l4 lll!.! aittl WCtrL. E .... 4 444, 44. 4J444-. - . - ,4.-i.4-. C4 444 J..-. ,P .4 4,M 4. 4-4. H 4 thf ItirbtU f ri ra.l-d 'en . ' . " .. . 'r ,s-,c' k- lor I4iih tiiii(l4. TU-r' air 4.4Mi ... . .- , . 4 ,. ,4 -w i.4 . .1 1 1 , . . . , , . Uh4.. (.14 rt w j. v( Wn-.i-t. Ji ,' -v-. M , 4- - ...-4-l...- ..... ... ..r a- io. ,nr, m iir nts ; A - v ... . ru ikMup. n. I -4 I r io-i- . r f g-,-. , .. , , 4 4... tv.. . f, 4 .ii ..- v-. . ... .-. . rlijpla n. j . . , . ..44 r . 44. ---.!. ,44 - -o 4 - 44, .. m,, i( mi1l4H4Hl nv4 ii,-.., a.-4 kimrlf me rt t lv. r i 4M -,iff, 4- ii l..-.t ' .. -lrasue.tban.4kio it aji tt: tl w-tf .l, .-.4Tt4fl--. . W . . . 44 . l Sam l:ndl!l or OrpL-D Km a. b41rtrri1rjq4o Ilit roaditon of f.t?a;iB.a br,i otrr a p;rbi.l opi-ortumti loihr n mem or t to rip to the liott.1. Krpir-rbt:ie Calrbinr. f Mt44.4i4...ppi. L .4 , tbr tn l-r r lie roatntittrr oci .;.!- t Itvo Uoue, and wl JI, il i gv &(!- bt-l.evr!. ocrnpy, m nia Ur i lion in tlt tet (M)r, t r tlrI, and kr rtr-rt to a lon timr lr btotiI.! Li f a l ulour. Mr. Otcbto h IU Mine idra I tat of L- tUv.. crat who m-ii rl in tb- Ul 1 1 Ue aWul the vnr.ttv fr line ndon of m!f It ll ntl IloU4 that iU rrrt m Un men tleit) Ikr I !. up liet)err HUrt ar mi iorlmrtl. ! nitre itb St-vaUrr rn im tbinkin,; that lk pipr 4y to do ibis It In adopt tnU jeitinX I Imp tnjofttv .f tu on He tikt to lrcil bra a le kl ' taken pn anv ttte. ft il orb a rutr al. rt-rl.:r Im'-tn-4.4. cannot l i.a'trl. tj oull bo ! opru t the !; tr tion4 rail aatn! tU oboM-i ou- llrrl tnl-, brrK-M- il cm1. plartp kr a.tkity lr nkntliii lT niilutrriiPg in iW k-nU i a majority of tkr !l.r. in;,,, ! tkf mrun)ittv4 in l:v, nkwla m IhiI another aM fr l in tkr l4; rrMtl.-t I !-. v drinorrat ibr-4 i rnr4 I r and frrr dlar, bat 6Mw4rr rir.; nnt W put dtn. or lri- mil l tin lrj;iUtioa ljr Ik oa4r. Sxtriary Mtln l drift mel Ikal lltr reU ttt vl , lv I4Mnent of .tKi.lirr W ! kal Ikry Hnr .i I--. a to tlw tan,r pt.ntrtl . I'm Mckst and ctowin )..i-, and in arrrd4br mih Iktl .lr, Irrwin4)lia kr ba lnr n olr d I't tll.2 tk Ikr rl!v . Mr to ll.r rartirn ! tr.irv la 4H.. - . , .4 4 4. i.i4i4iu(rr i(n H t r.f M, cbJ lr4-4-. 4-4-4-4 4-4-4V-a Mriy a - kikrtii4mK-4tW44Art. l m ti.i4wi.4M Ut f-M44V.l -4V--rtifi4tL im1 m.imKl k-kvj t((4f t-ji.tTrr il iW44. Mm ml ik4 ir4Mv. lUHl IWf iMr-flWl l W -tut.---.. ill ft itM..4r. ll Holt cHf Iwf iwr iJ. ot ! iw tMwti nVtur! ar- l4 JW ,Uf . k Wkr I.I.I 4. flllr irHVlIWi 4tM4ni4W -444 t tannvrll. Km f (u-MaMj h4 h 4 i i44l.44l4T M( i-. irMir-. V frf.r In . Vfv I 4iat4a ft. ct it". livwoAly rtir f. ,-,-, f "' W44-- 4 tt4lH)4. 40 T tvl4r 4. it &nmte lim h n4vr4vlrt uu il l Rir at4Mf.Mrt. i -.4)Vf s.-.,. 4,4. nwnvry f-rty.4. .. iiik ;nuti iuc lor Jw ' T T . . 4 . x a 4 tlliil 41-1 t4 MHMKtMM HMntM4 4-A4 Trkr? m W Ink ! 4 lf f'U IW 44"t44. f I Mf. . I--! im eei em lU-.Hi l-M,". atIU 9mU9xv t s 4 IW t I -. V Kp-4 W I ! MJ m l l Tl Ai. J e , ntr f Mf Vt.M ..wWlS IImomw Mil N IW I .? f mi Iff-, ml I W ) m ,tnk . I Af mni iw viSwi oc AM IV S ttin m4 1-W I'.!- 4 i!!M Utvi-4,. Vl Im. ! 4 f tCi- m iriSvl I) t,mn ! )Wii t4U"i nt4iVt lie I;' lna . ,'f V f 4.i itfl 1 IZ.m. t ten-tiff-, lta I W w;n l-VlE?,, em Im I' f I It Hi It-tU-. t9l. Will Vw-J ... I I k. k.Mii9 S titn. 4 IVtiA. etvni. g--tt w t lWvMtS vf,!!fttt.JUt. IE &-- x w ..Itw n. Jtt.V&B f. a .m :r-.f.; ,rlMi;rfi IMf 8."ii f-. k-t . .... ' "" w ; -m4 I lU-. v rr"' l'-" ... i.4t,:e4v t 4lSt 1 1, o. w ,itV4 ls ' bnnt(v4 l I'm et4t t ikti I ! .s. M.r - 1 t ll r Ht.4tMv.C &tiv,E wi;iw ak4f in v rr i-t2 1W ittwv It-t- ll ltiwli(t. U s.1 tvi .s . 4 m tr?j. w ;J k1L .."tl.rt i hii. vn. ' - r:r- -i, .--. rt ; ;f i,, l . j ! n ill -.., ) ttw t rts .-f..-.&- ,.twr!v Iwm-. l v 4-8-Si tin.-i- a'S uirk ii m . 4.-..1 j ..... . . . t l; t-rtt If & . it ii .',( -44.tkir-4-iJ m. t ft At at, . .. E-,4) r.fii4t. l f -! " N. V. . 4 . . 4 . X j f1t!..t l.MVr(..f (l44,r " 44 -1 . ft .J:it 1 44 Vt. S 1 V l'ol t.l1.ifUvlH If a l.Us ia- 111. - mm .44l 44 l4(). M f 4.I - 4 tklCT . 4 taottky la tf Hf?-r -4 -t.rirr.S tvf tj .f&yIMit44 tl irr. ( ir SK r I ,- . tV44i---.r. SH4.r..l- l4 IMC .- 44S V 4 H 4 44 4'. 4 ,.. M .? '-. 4, . ..ll. I M IM. 4 ltV f rf)-l ! f i'4l l44 iM tlW liM W . Vll. r " I. - 4. fc 4 W i- . M - M . . . llVt! tt4l4l I fkl I . r -4. f. 4) 4 4rM4-.. ,!. ttltlt. St 'k- . MM ltS4fkI ltl.V44.' ll.' . . T 0.1J At' h1 V 1 f'p44H4'. r kE r -'. 1. 1 fWir. (U Tir ikr Tl IVintvL 4 .,-. 4 4. H iB!... 444( 4I 4a, B 441, 44-44 It .ttli.tlMMlll. ,0 ' 4 -.,.....W -4.,.M .. A .--... ..,4-. 4 -. . . --- . " ff.-. . . 4f -.V in : n-4W. Vn 4-4-f il 1nnn,tli 4?H':i.ii-45 Ml v iM,ei. 1440V, iWwvf I m ii444t-t!-t4 llvtaf lkt, t 1 ,4) 4l ll i.'mihM .V. ..Jo. JV, Wf, f 5.k!4itf, M-4,. k f 4W4M tt rt444K i; IWvi tm -fl im t . hn w tV -ar tW 1 4a 4.4f-i,A, n.4 aiVbvt KM iU4 4, v4 4tilrre. he 4 em p lkr4tli lr . --4 fi44 jum. im IV- CViol I". I Vfy;, r.i witki Ut .f.(4l ein.;nx teHnln X i !- f4t MlM. IW I V Jntf, w -., lt rr-"'4 iv- 5 ift.,.1 4 'win fft m. V. -. Vk h -i - rf C, i4 t ft.-. V 111414 afo! Uf Xl v,i,i n tt.Mit4 lv v-4 I.., iw s-"! II m ii H4.--4,..,! t9,m t !, . w! Vitir heem 44i t,f.4t4 4-4.4H4 t4l 11 rn . w !- tH44M d r d.o.? v .),. ..Il4.-. H,, Wk tkk-! r t. '!. 4- dl 4 f 404 l "f-, l 4, 4J, iw iw 4rVri4i V4.trt. i KmV t.lrl. il, Uf t. f. .-ia, mUltmt fini.Hnm-itl e4 tmU m-tvm U m m tlmm .vl tftvk;f- -kM4. iMMra kW Vt. 4? I- IV- Te A VmU fcj".4I !, M4 1 4V44fl.li4V lr. Nm Mir4i i'4f iki'Mii 4M nlem Ill-Hit. tm fvm I VW k.atu i.n, tkCj fi.)M IttMw IW 4r4. --4 kWi.t I W ifttikflVr Ky lti pWii 4 !4:rWi kitM i.ri 4441 iwiiw-t. ki4 W nii en M 4J4 eUvtV4 lUif 4M8 tMN rWfl 01 V. he Mi teitf I t1 t.t,R iMiWr.iicrall.ti lal W p. ckik j.tofVl -k.4x, tl, J B. M MM. ft. Ml MMUfr, 1 J, Yft, P v ' liH ft 4 HgultHmHii OTM !4 tltK' It t A 1 ... M ft La. . . II.M A.. H-1 "H H.u S S f (" ftt--.y. 4.r M ! " IH)I4W iMIfV f rfltfHf- I fc. , (1)4,4, (. HM'HH t ll,,lll, .' H, (ft t i'ii ;. i L 1 ' I h 49tl 4. 4..4A. 44. A.. W m " 44 fV - H.awitt.H ll44 4 4 4( 4lf 4.4V 4...i4. mm f . .4,Ht, ... W!. 4 4-.:a H4H4, l( ft.l. m,.H ,H .M i.4h.v, . ' V- 4,4 44.4V 4 f . t.V4 4-44 .-4- "(- "Stl j 444lf ..4tt4444,y i44 44, I 44 Sf f 4H4Ut44 4. 4.i' 4U4. 4 M'44(V- i4 4.K ., 4. , .M-.4 444. f.4.l mxZ. .. ...... - - - ..... ' 4..., -.-4.- ,. 9m lt"tH A.4 H4.4VH !'. .4jl 0- . 4- - -4 4tt ..lH, t.4 4i.Hi f. ' 4 44. n.'44v I4l i'iS 4. 44.44.44 4. M4'U4.a 4M.4 .i. .444 U-4 . 4. "1.. fc 4 iU 44,4 t, 4, 44.-4 H 4VV ' t4 4i. A.ftjw n.444 fM4M4TBBB4T4BBHB f l HHKUl H' 4 H44 H4 W r tT.444. , tll-Hi414, fHH. .,'. f 4V .5 4i.44 ,4-4 t-.4t, 44 . .4 4. 4) AM 4,-;4tI..4f 4M 4.Hf 44.. l ftk.f. S4C (t4 4t4-4-'ll Vl'- 4 -44). S'444 l44 MWHIV 4 4 -tt 4 . . M t4, ?, 44s. ia.4. .... --t.n. tt-,-4. -..4 .4. ... . ..... . tf r-4"-4 -'. 44 4-.. .44444, 4), 4 4 4 -.. 4 44 44 . 4.44 H ),44 Vl4t,J..4.M - 444 4. 4.4 : J.4-4 ,.l4 l4M.f 44W4 444 44 U44t .44 444 -,.4 V . 44 444 ,, .44. -...-44) 44.-4... lla 1 4" 4 J--. t) 4441 4 l 1 t. -.' 4V4 4 I 4 ..t4.44. H." K.. f4 44. 444. 4, 4,,V.j4 -tl' 4I..44M,-, H4.. 4,4444.. -4. 4,' 4- 4..4 wf 4l'4 , 1 4 44.4. I4).t44i44 . 44 44,,. ,.."4 . " , ?.,l --4. -4,(4 4l44 4t . 44 "Vt - -. 4444. 4.4, ,( tf,...44..H. V V ttW.-H., -4..jl 4.f 4S w IH.--, .-t -y , ,44 ,A.44t44,-444U,- Mt I1-4-44, 4J444 -. 4.l 4 M '- 44' 14) 4."4.4.,44 ,. 444-4) H iU 44 44- " 4 tl,,,, 0l4,, W f.4 -At44S 4)44 44 . J Ik V4'44'444. - 4 4,,: 4 04. IX .4 , li.444 4(4.' -4,iltf NIH44 .-( W.-4.) 444-4 4t44. 4-4 I hmt -t,4.. HW "t4lfl4- S 4.W4 K..M4-4-V l .!. I -4T-44 IL. ,4.4 W .4 44 4W44D l.t I )44 -, .r.., .r4-4.4 t'l- ll-! .,) f 'H.,f 4M.H'l W4.Ht.lf. 444 , .JT.n;.-, !,4 ,4.H1, -4 -44 J-- fllWZ IHI-fOMll'-,,., 44... 4- -4V4, 4 44'"444 r-4, (l. .it!.--, in,. ! , 4-" 44 'ry 7-4--4--4 -44 4-f -44.-41 444 -4H r--.!--. ,, -, m, ii;.., i t,4-u-. w. I .S ,i a.44, v tn,.- . ttf , s " W(f4-,.H, 44 4- ,4.4-. 4-4V , A. "I. . 4 44A... 4..4. Hv... . 4. 4 T "" 4 --. 4 - .-- .--r -4a -4- W-4W t.1. 4 . (14.. I. If L - . - 4. - y, R44 -IV444 r4u.H.t4-4--4-"ll fr ;,. . B.J n li 1444) "44 )4-4l'4 -.4444 444. ...C4444- 44'.f ,-f..4.-44.4." 4- 4 """ r-4- 444 t.HHItl. 4 i. -4 I.44T441I 414 44 . -. t B, 4 . B.4 . ... 4. .4. f T P PI It W4V'Ur v4 444, u,- 44)t.l4JI4 4 t. 4 :.. 44, ' ? I .I 64.-W .f4-4V flV4.4. -40 i 444. 4 4..... . 4 - .. .... . . ' " 4 4444. It, I 14.. 44.. iW 4 4.H- .f J -t.4-)ll.4C, f, t44,-- 4,.V.H-44V ( I .-.,. 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H ; t.--.t''f f (f1 ll III W44. JIW4I. ,,..4. . 4.lW jflW-lll Hl' 4 Aft.t. . ' 4. 4 .4.44t.lW.Hl4 V 44j 44H,.,W J ' ... . 4-.4nl 44) -t,.4.4. j 444. . '!' 4 I ,44W t4444 W1l 1 4M! M W 4 J4 i ' t- . , .nM-.V4. 4-44-4 -fS.- f. .... ' j . . .ttl 444 t4l44 IVOwtf Km'wi'i 'unwn t44t444 tfe f 444444.4444 tr'444M. jH1 4JH'4 l4 i I .444 f 4l '4)4fl . If ,,4t niw fr im l ' Hf a44. 44klmivM iMtHikni, Himi'll H . 4 44. 444)1 1 mm w4lWw 4j4.? Mw'4iili 4.W4 ..l 4 44VO ) 444l..(4 444t4H4l . M l-4 44 -, , ', f t 4444. 1 Oft., MalM 444fa IWHMIf I 4. .44. I4M( ,. 4S.4 imliralll. .4. .,.., (If '.vIJ4 f4lt l w Hr "4 4 -... 4.. 444. 1.4 'lii''. 4... WM4 ! 4ll 41444. IMV44MH H f4 ,f 4 4..HIMIH S4 ' 4JM, l 4 44 44.1 . M. -! 4444 44- v-.444- l4W iM IV44 4 4 .4.. 44 "4 e f44r ' .! o44-4 WM 444444M H.4 J44M4 - 1-4 -t ..4f4 e'St - v--r f"-t't y T j ie f PfAMQS Au'D ORGANS. t . i . t , " " I I . :;( " ', .1 f " , C;.HI4,, ,4 ...,.-, M.14 llllH'll . 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