Successor to "The ATorganttn Star' SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. - - SLOO i THURSDAY. SEPT. 7. s93- CHOICE IMMIGRANTS OK NOSE, The New York Sum, which has always claimed to be democratic yet acted as a traitor to the party, and which, at one time gained a large number of subscribers in the South by claiming to be well dis posed to their section and which lost them all by circulating un blushing falsehoods to the dis credit and injury of our people, never lets slip an opportunity of uttering a falsehood to the injury 6T the South. The following are the statements it publishes un blushingly, claiming to have copied them from a Raleigh, N. C. paper : "Apples and peaches 20 cents a bushel; grapes 15 cents a peck; first-class watermelons 4 cents apiece. These are items in a N. C. fruit market printed at the State capital. The Governor of the State is anxious to attract im migrants to it." In the first place we doubt very much if any such statement as the Sun makes was copied from any respectable paper of Raleigh. We see day after day nearly every paper published in the State, and examine their columns closely. No such statement as that quoted by the Sun has appeared in any one ; if we had seen any statement of the kind we would have chal lenged it as utterly false and un founded. In the country districts indeed, there is no demand for such fruits ; for North Carolina is a country abounding in choice fruits, and every homestead, with rare exceptions, has its orchards of apples and peaches, and raises its supply of melons. On the farms there would of course be no sale for such fruits, for the whole region from the mountains to the coast is wonderfully adapted to the raising of the choicest fruits. But the statement copied by the Sun implies that the country is too poor to furnish a market for such things, which is far from the fact. The market of Morganton is - abundantly supplied with fruit, and it pays the grower a renumer ative price. Peaches have been sold on our streets this season at one dollar a bushel, instead of twenty-five cents as stated by the Sun ; and plentiful as is the supply at this time, well ripened, choice peaches will to-day command sixty cents a bushel. Single wa termelons have sold at from twen ty to thirty cents each. Our sum mer apples bring from forty to fifty cents a bushel and the fine winter apples, so well suited to our climate, at home command from forty to sixty cents a bushel, and, in some seasons, when apples are scarce in other sections, we have known buyers to purchase the produce of whole orchards of winter apples at the farmer's door, at one dollar a bushel. The whole tenor of the article paraded by the Sun, is misleading; and we fear intentionally so. We know of no spot in the whole world offering greater induce ments to orderly immigrants than North Carolina, particularly this piedmont region in which we live. It is a region flowing with milk and honey. Its landscapes are the finest in the world, and its soil and climate are adapted to a won derful variety of productions. Its waterpower is unrivaled and its healthfulness unsurpassed. More than all it has a steady, honest. ' w thoughtful law-abiding popula tion of great natural intelligence and of a progressive spirit. We are not eager bidders for immi grants. Our people give a warm welcome to every worthy man who settles among them. They wish only men of worth who will help to upbuild the country. The tide of immigration from the Pied mont region of Italy has begun to flow in this direction. They are men with a noble history and a high character. We rejoice to have all such settle among us. But the scum of Europe we hope will remain where they are, or settle elsewhere ; and the Sun will do us a service by printing such state ments as will turn them away from our borders. The great clamor for the coin age of silver that went up a few months ago has nearly died out. Banks are paying it out, factories of all kinds and our people are finding out that there is more of it ready for their use than ever before in the history of our coun try. If when the sixty millions of dollars worth of bullion now in ; he Treasury is coined, it is not enough for our use, Congress can take measures for increasing the supply. ..ine siocicnoiieis of the Georgia State Alliance Exchange hel l a secret session in the Court House at Griffin on the 26th of August, and remained in session nine .-luurs. uunng which time there grew up a pretty hot dis cussion. The only f;,ct connected with their meeting that transpired was that the capital employed in the exchange had shrunk from $80,000 to $20,000. a iKMorn.T isnin. All honor to W. T. Crawford, of Waynesvillc, the representative in Congress of the Ninth Congress ional District of North Carolina ! Under the new law, pawed by the last House, each member is allowed a clerk at a salary of not mote than Stoo a month. The member draws the salary upon making a declaration that he has found it necessary to pay out that amount for clerk hire. There are 356 members of the House, and allowing each one a clerk for a session lasting six months, the aggregate cost to the country will be not far from a quarter of a million a year. This may appear a small expenditure for a great country like ours ; but economy is. or should be, the watchword of a democratic gov ernment even in times of great prosperity. Not one dollar of the people money should be wasted in any idle expenditure. Our Congressmen are paid S5.oeo a year ; in the time of our fathers it was not one half as much. If a Congressman needs a clerk, it is his privilege to employ one, but at his own cost. We honor the plain. sturdy democrat who. walking in the ways of our father?, considers the treasury a sacred deposit of the people's money, not ta be drawn upon except for the benefit of the people and never far his own private convenience. W. T. Crawford is a democrat deserving of our admiration. He is a young man. but he has inherited the sound principles of the olden days. It is said that he is the only member of the House who has refused to avail himself of the benefit of the new law. These t re his words : "I shall not appoint a clerk. he said to me to-day. "because I do not beheve in this business of having to subscribe to an oath that a clerk was necessary and that his services cost $tco a mnth. I. however, need a clerk badly, but I can get along and represent my people properly without one. and. under the circumstances, sha'I continue as I did in the last con gress." t . . r-t. Tut discussion ckHtir sll with no immediate resnlt In sgR-i, As ear reader are ae thr ject before them is the passage t the Vothees It U peeuisely the same as the WiImxi lUtl that was recently puse4 in the I torn by s overwhelming a main. S far as it is operant btn htU contain a clawc repeating tbe clause in the Sherman Act r ing the purchase 4 tr a4 a ball million of nes!f" far as operative trgistati is ccmvtl the same. The J,? between lhettitlhat the Wtfcees bill, now before the Sratr. co tarns a declaration thai the giaseta went will adberj? lt bntrtaF.itf and coin silver and gii a p.t- ity. Hut this is simple an ipr ratite declaration. and t a le blative at'tv There ae i4kt that W senate, as well as lh jtM. i growing lircl ol Iht profitless t(suif. ! mil insist upn elo"teg it ael cort to a vote. We . ! tVs I t or wtthm the nest ten tlatv There is still a ery large att of sitter coin in the TreaMy 1 ic unemployed.. It is k . - ' a a tnrown it or citation ! we have n fear whatever lat le coinage of sler will ever ea With more than two fed a-l tvftr millions tjtog in the Treasury -iiti: : u my art stjiiim tin we wl a a aa Wa Aaaaaa (MM tNMasUr iDfaHs fcji4)aaa)ajRfl (WW.'(s fcaa 'fcail' 441 a ff xR4t &aaal4M4 w fcHW,aaMav fTfaana-aaajaraalR ftn44WMaissijjft: YJRaaaafe Maaajajajij"I fftaaaaasjajift aTn4aj4lR)aaaji hiaajM)44Rw4l -&.-najf saaaTaa fltta'at Mrs efaaasl laa jnVea)feBa(n MMMMt-j& eia? flia4 (k fcV fcl ifca tVitrt vs". atlif wrf let k4f kllirt tHtli'-j; I llf sf kt.i f lvf tfvl a lew I .tJ fl& Wftlftl lfcf IWfl. Mf. 1 1kstsl ft. llIM WHI lW t'8e wUJ Sjiw t - 1 S Iw I ! I fcTk bii 4f a tt ft aftal avMri,4r. t w -wiielt vh4 tflg a4 lfw 1 t mni mt I1 k tit rl l Satii,.-t i- mhi .mm mmm 9m aft-k Akwi ajiaM -i fwip "ffiwi www w 'TnswiPi i fhmm jnM't4AtH,aVo It. 14Mt ei 1 f -it t Pl. m emj oMiHMi mn aHSw4l " m fiw nM4.' m iltlMiV m m Aom It aM 44 fl -J"1 Hiflrt rtf-V Rhmu t hh - 1 I'ki i1 'HMii1 and ready tatJaw itathectael I avjt-is ! swi. of commerce there i ik fear ol a ! Tr l - tftfci. aia fMt(s srarcety of sUer a. we feel aswrcJ will in tale necessary atWn coinage of a;i tat tse may need. t. tr fte t te !( . it 1 ft'r.tfH4a ft i s s flf"s.a.. ami is ft -m tM ffWII wi-'K't-" iltfHMMl , Mt aM auJwa ! aMtiJWMieaHwMMjMll im MiMk&4l ? ltwHII I laa ltM mHM 1 ! 4lMM l( rMltH4 H tU l M4'Mi fiHHif II tat, a4ll latf MMtH-Jl'IKt ,44 Rt tmHM mi pHilf I 4h4 Kmmk IIk Im hmiIL i1 IS ay4 fi I SiMi4vinHa 4ttMa inmnNltH mmmi kM- AM't4Miia ikiUI Hm Mflfl Vimi4-? S1mA aumtMil li itoU r...l.tni.v -i. tl4,4ll A4,.,A 4 RmM m-I M.4 M wiUtfWH I imoih1 -4,.t-f mimg ' 4 'hi! W . n mi .fjMir4., irUMo4i Hh' Hs1a1rt M Mr yfl UayHiiH'1u ' e'1 S1 atn 44 iittJi ,kff WW t, MMI Hilt f H4.MMMtOI 4 !,, Ao ltn I tal 4tHRo kl" H !), H 7ltoi'H mi jfvm Hi w, I4' rM MuHa pfaH mi MMitfi i(v mm ai-H aih t ti t1 ayMo4 mi J tew n njti m)m4 I -t Hmm ',!. 4 4i f 44 t4Ht IIM .. MM Mlt, IU neit4gi tii'MmA tHf tRa f 4?1mi" s"WmH lf (atlHjl ) a-tlllMif Ml trtW 4Mf t I'.,,n eMiflio , HrW kin"V Hi(i Hfl aH ititH, 9 m 1 , M-4Al J4' tll I m '' 'I'H.f 1H 'll HmHH VHtM HtWiti e .1 ? ia 4 hm ,!--k4 lAtf Rut. I . nmmirtt sfJ w a;t 1 VJhat is A' I-1 i?,iPge' mm win 1 iiiii m tm-Hm mm fs tM 9H"Um are'tt4it a . i4l Mti l.if H.lil.-,t0 hSI 4l'1-4 'SillM, tHfM.tM. a1o ." - , f I wHMw iiH,,t i f M4'f'4 I,. aw llii ) SMb Vm.h ft a $4mmn, a aii f 9ttiun if m4hh m A ik,,v tinfMtilinwi, ttSt fiyM 44l4 faiclrtnf fi4irti, n H lu . , f awiUtsa 4 -fM ,,. 4, MVWa,, a.''Mt WMHIt Sa S44v1 !,, 4 W kr ! .ei f. S'"s'9 t etf !tit mm f w '1 Win :rMiff;fc )s lrS !:r..i.Pef :i X M I nf . Jii H t. m I ij k U S i n.ttMHWf mi ,1,5, ..In s3e f the Cities . He rl K i,--.?! tf in . 4 North it puzlcs -(-etimff t n;;.Nfeft t ri to know whether they a?e hjU; I ! wU mil that has b-eefi wate'evl t eHi rl & ft ! art l,i warier tha f a a ttttfe m-s-'. 1 gt em i ! . 1 poured in, jtvte ai(t !,.'. 11 ..les.des Tuffter. vse. r ti-n has been rft"ti. ne- in a?et l . . 4JIM.Aktn m M w.4l ilf V4k j tbi aattfeaftaA MAAAAqk-iaiBt aMMAe 4 t jasfcAaia taMtfMk ,B 'i'lr w-mmmU il ' I4W- a0Ma .a jaMiafvAft4 4jMajaj(j( aa a)f aaj y4i4 et4ai- JM jaff k. J if Wf ' 44 -W4i MMIM ii'Miii lr Cu'iiovji 4I(J H , imtw 4tf-U w 4. ... .... . 4hi a i4jfcijjMi, 4ts esj( as4 a 1 'i . IS I e.s ffeif tVkt 1 Last week column after column appeared in some of the sensation al papers in regard ts President Cleveland s heattrt. there were great headlines meeting our eyes "the President a very sick man! and then at the very same time. other papers were berating him because, like a truant boy, in all weatners, lair or tout he was junketing and fishing in and around Buzzard's I lay. and that too, at a time when the country was in great danger. I loth of these stories certainly could not paragraph, there were titer Mtef I Persons hueg in threat. C. i ,sf r4" - Wtdaela!. jhn leraia " r h stcted of mderie- a i(e. a 1 1 1 I4 r Wade Cann n ao I P..ef U1,. I I 1 tktcdof Arson T Met 1 11 "".r Ww : tft-iWf the same eoiifele. harle tW. rw a,,n . . - . . . . . - f infanuci,!e.reftf se i J'-t -j of death. SMr-l4 h .eer bs . tr,i&.4 l-e an ap;xa: ta t yMewe -ai !"Vi!lt- mn " m$ 9' .Ml feve of tie ab.e U-tt ,!, " ! !? f 1 " a " i 7 1 e sf s-f w.Tr-'i x it bri ri m .) i& jh w , 5 . If fi,';V, t-i-H. W l lwfWjfl h Mr wf NiMwft '.. i- tn in J "f a." PiXaV Ksyfiti irti !" (Slit infi''it itk aumber 4 rtht were wfnortOVnv, la In'ire4. J i t fte Men f wl M a.-i-V-w-m ta a ta. character, bwl Ute la? t.ts. Lew ru dn't improve a ty t-t E jft -tiw ft mi. lvtw'r!. S't?fg an es 'e r.f trc f fkiHt ft"w t. It throws a ci-nm-anite b4 v W e .m r.a rpea: t btw"1 t 'fcaft.! .,,' a I ta-f .Wii I 9 ii:r r p.n i ii,f t'IC rl l i m H"-t MMH V1, l it .. ft. f J ,k&rtt f..m l mmt in.", D.",.jf t n i - " " an accomplice in t.- fr t and Kev. t X Je'vii-ei ..The hte ol J ' lae ! Mootcell.n OSih-. was r'e4 l White Caps reet-ty. . Jl per--fared f r tl.r tr A le- rt'CH's af:erwat4s t Car returned, and tse .f Ktr t i st art eye ac I reveitej a eftafi of ht in the fa e o I teA. A n tin n:ea ! f U t fi fact fv. w rtt-i at Sa'ta" ' J- g. C tat l'f4f I'f tt.l l',... . . ... ' . ' l"o a h 'm .t, m at.rti i be true, neither did we think tie country to be in any special danger, that could be averted by Mr. Clevelands presence in Wash ington, or intensified by his pisca torial jaunt to the waters of Hut zards llay. The lady at trat Gables would take care of him. an ! an overruling providence, we trust ed, would as in generations past, in spite of the unwisdom or insuSi ciency ot ner politicians, icaa oar sedaced. II. e l - "? great country along in safety, ir i t" t tit a-s I ?e- r,' Now President Cleveland is taie iat lie . '.-. H n U .f in Washington, and has returaevl '77 . . , , . i been vt v ttctJ el in renewed health and g r. The .... , ' , ' judicious programme which he P. tt,j.l t is clMfge. marked out has been, in part, car- w-issaie-4 trm tleg! I r ted out. In a few days it will have been wholly performed. The next step will be the coinage of the millions of dollars worth rf silver bullion It ing idle in the vaults of the Treasury all at the suggestion of the President ; and then, even our weak kneed, dis heartened, and doubting dem ciats will acknowledge that we have a great Presidents wh t sound all around, mentally, physi cally and financially. H t .r3 I'WfuHy. mt ill Mt4itH .!,, U miu 1 M ( R4a llii tf 11 if, h n4 Wm !' -" 'l yH nm mt tm m 1 1 9m 9 -turn , AtwCxMhl tm ttkm mt, .l Mri4V SI i ' VWhj lit t,sU iftt K flw ' i e.M " . Ht ft' Ra J w .lt .ti4 tttjH tH K MttH S X!Ha -WllL' iIWf im 'ni(tjiMa t tt f If ittltt fHf VH iHtHtJ, tf 4 . nnt 1fMWtlIIS,l fl I 'it LtHtCl ttt, C.-4HH4V, H f J mt H4rMv a- f'! ttinHii f o !, MKtftfw m 4 I 4ai4a f'M 4 r,3 Mod ti f "V f"to SiR M 4r A J- 11 1 'W;. Kmho on, J j W M4i afc"4 IS.' m4i Rtrt I iti ir t it. jm4j fH" 4i"4 14 ".r.Wl :. 4 , int- "W r.-,4' UttHti.'' mi .P,'0mm, tt 1 ! ititHi t. rt 4 , kv xtl uh -! hk-4 Mir I'Ut'.M'i ft. ,., .. 4.H1 ! w H H.M .Si mt d , 4fl,tM'i ..:- ft-1H H l Hiom, mm i mi ItH-. 'fR-) HHl .."Mf ).? Wit JJtiMK t4.r:,Mf 4. HHiW i,4 S' ,M Hw . M4, rf' Wh4 14 at . '4f-4 444 '. m . WH!.4 ,ft4iwM4 ad ea."Mi i tt.,,H'tt.i s"i. ru ) X-OH4 " f 4tiH4.c-4 It ;.jt j U V . r.4,.n im.mI R ' f , irl tVt -4tM if,, ,u AmihA h..k 411 Mri i M- m imm 4M4 Ittt ,"'-t'! S-n t.l,4 gf tHt4 Sl'. . ) ""'(5 If 4. -S Am it nKit-luil lm t- S f.;i. ,( ,tv i t' .! n. I It tin , ioi 4l4trt MH! f 4 S4 H t R-4f l.rtll 44tl4I Httm"ttolt,l' 4tl44Kr1 SHtH kllH44 H -4' K'1 Dt (Hm tVit. i4tH 'ttf 'fimt iMrt II4 llaf -' 4f a-if.Mif atHrH.. H inttnttc . iim tiurttt " 1 4 Mi l i ( 'V 4H cVM I H . 44. .tiiA' j ii Ma .ft.-. - i W to ! 4tC Hit tt 1 ., 'lii . . - j ' 1.14 fc J (I I fttk .k Hy j M H4it(tlMh, ,1 4 1 , R ilU tMt'MMHti tV -ttlMM I 4 1i4e mmt H 4li N' 1 R tfi M4' -i4r; to X tfOj ttiH n 4 rt j '4l".t404 "M41 40lfi- K-i't4-H 1 H tH 4l " ! Hit . ati4t fl0 H J.r..' m', I . fi R.(l 4lt l, 44i J U '4 DtitH tHtni. M J t Ha " 'Mili 1 1 f ttt 4a i44. J tt 4a0-iiin'4.t4 m" "iim1 ., 4'.f'l I M4 ' W jt t'H i- n 1 4" M' Ml .HtM atH'"..,, 44' 4t4. 1V -tHja ,l ifftOMif t4 ittMiiM, 4 ' Jtl r t.H itnHt4tf' 1' nH4 M ,B '' lM4 4 XVr AM.Hi tlUftlW 1h44J mJ.44 ' trt'mU nii4o a-4sata a ih h mi, , f 'i it $ 4'lt4lSiil mi mfl 4t4tM '!' )HltHK l It Nt 4'4 t44. 4 44IM Mwl-tlt4(l4 4-M 4tft t'.4 fun WW H.m i4 in aMil j Mii tMiwv e t umHi a4i j HttNtft' t4 -4419 Hl u - 1 ttK'I M R. 4ft H ftt4wrt Ht K1.H4 H 4t -444t.p j I i1 4 4t.tMt4i4,4ly M tt 'it4 t'1f R4all' VfMlfh t,fe Arc -HI rui .?;. J T S aw44 a .. .),. v, 4FiUMM ilSMaWil'iWi naafS( $0 flMNI kvnfc J iiiiieani 4ia at t 4w fu ?Vs I AJ ftinwtjiitj t) ) PMWKm, A IkT W aw wmemii ! jh.hiw) i flu ffimw kmii lis - at.. ,t,M4, v t a4i I TTTTy 4MfM J zrA) iCOll s MM in 0JE5A!S. !itn'4 t' ii'i'. tvll llll.'iltl j., Z MA III A M t 4 1 1 I "i- v.r 4.. ( j miens .... i i - x I aaaajl""ajja, 4MnnHaNenav eMi , m I t'-t'twmtt iw.wti ..t.-,,, 1 1 m Kimn mm m iinitwin . uM 1 .Mi!.. Wi:n m '4H' M I t ' i (.. i 1 nnurt ,n, ., wi t,m. "',' !.!!"' " ""' " 1 . - Ti T.fUmt.n ' ! AMM rtMVTnairrt ,!Wtf JTaT. I W aa V - -n. .s. ! C::-BOOKS L I 1 v 1 iA'1.fAf Si4tH. Jhh. 4Mi4.4i ,. 4mH',' n:l H. .4 4 4-4tMHH, 4l H tuiill 4i . M 4 44M4l' "4.4M-4. i,n jfHI. t , ii '.t1 . I4 III "'I -44. Him -ISt . yM), mmn s t -rt i 1 1 c i t v 11 t c - a i 11 a 1 COF HNS AND CASK ill :,. A4 1,1. FAST TOPS On the t6th there wit. be an exciting time in and around the Cherokee Slip, which on that date will be open to settler. No in tending settler will be allowed t cross its boundary until high noon, when the signal fur the rush will be given by the booming 41 a heavy gun. Then there will be hurrying and scurrying on the part of thousands of men ta get in and stake out a quarter section. On mules, on fleet and hady racing stock, on foot and in vehi cles of every description the rwb will begin. The sun will set upon thousands of dissatisfied men wl will have altogether failed ir -..,!: .... .'.. juui sum a tract y they had set their hearts on. It is strange to us that a civil uea government should hae resorted to such a method of dr posing ot their Unds, a rncthS that gives all the advantage ta th n.n, uic sirrn$ ana ine active and practically debars the p. the 1 1 mid atnl fecbte from an equal share in the struggtc tut m home on Hc (.ul!ic lnilv ..S. I. Matthews f Hamilton. me learn irons tiie Gotland Nvk '", - few niiii (n rec irm which he sasts annually iui 4.500 puai(is i noney, net ting him about t t j centra j-in.. about 560 yearly. Philadelphia is his clue! matket f.r its tle This is all light wrk thatempl y but a few dajs i? a year, ami yt brings hiai in a greater prfk iin a crop of 30 bales of cottMu in f r pbfa;n sass t&e ,hm--v::e l i.nv "We saw tWm. T I. Ctmgman t !. a S fc. ).; Ife4 l' its that thv wa R-U it trth fav,, lie tffmtff! Jl's ta was arn t-tm ... Jy IX. a ! he nnaW! theie was ak-thrr t .. !' teen bin If . K reat I,. man. Th tefa; gta-f IWt as name! Ca. a a I retl trian wises ! f irnrral claims t-j b a ! al t Jtf Cvif The fS said that he re-emblJ t i otte re"petl eaf. ar l V 'e-d hega t, m rv m pt when he cot l b S teats I4L bwl he tltitered fi Tit i -m fact that me tKam ej ir-t w rvw w4 na.i ii as M s a began tw give llb-e ereatef pat be i s I S-V 1', !U- . ,tii IWwiX t MU ftlrtttw ft ft l IV b ?'' ll.kS M'tir a.1 l I." "H.f' tiiMM I a I It ' evn'iM la. n m it sti-nf . rf 4f tRk IV I ft iVi-ti I.. Rr awi.i. , ' 1 1 P rttiil ti. 43.1 H, K 4tt t.K't .. ,-.. n I ;,w'H "Iti. R.,a. . "U .Mil. M llmuif,!,! . - '. 4- -'41 Rtvt lu ''- -' - nt ..Mft..j Hg Hft STATIONERY. A Wftff 4 f;t f "i,-? am 4 ifcUfe a. a i iAi W tW 'itFiaiifc.M i4li Ritt ,- t- It. .I. . ."H.-.Mi-n 4 , -fl a fc-i !$-) I Rtt i4. mi it; Uie,tat 4t4 tp4n.a, 44. 44114', The vf spiay ftitj W . Ia le lalWl h IU Ifv h lb wiik,ee-r ftnj U iR.eilV l WitMratotv. Tlr4tf 1 litr .l, bke a lnv fMH fallen then. TM. tv4 le lntb jam bwl it 1 f W ti spiay ! Uen e rtMrv ft tR-i In ten aite frt IW .iimI;m f ln e.l"v, w NK 41 n MMMJ kiM wrie wkW ia 1 wit t tar4tna l-raeb. TWy e4 tttot tbv wteek I IRo 14 e tVa-Vp tfe antes: fd, wR. km wa4it. Ibulf air seat awt. Vvi lie al ateal teel W tk neu TU iwe tiaa.kiM. W ar. IVftif liief below Hitat.,ttj wy lairy lnare by R eti. 44 tt"t llf.,llj. j.y .V. mmm mt m 4m,, fMMt' Ittl W lVWt Sttt.MJM arVftMt.. inetinft.iftitii a yrt- trbj -. M . f0wtm$ a IVTwt lIttU:kc tt 6 "I R . jmmmi$ .Ma. l. 41II4 M4 J 4lft4l VtftKmM 4i. 4" m) tVftjixl Rt'' !i HiVftt iif1fi J mmm i ,i t. .ifsf Rt.- wm n H.AntM ws'Iokh mfn$ m H' fi i te"eHt v.ei .a m v I RI IR.-4.S (4f M Iwj.ftJ KitS j ltwMUl I &"4r.4SJ W-U R-k tm.iiit45ft4tw at.7ke mm IR nw, m Wf.R, f mTmm IR.M J4itf)ri t',iKt..r. a.4l Rf alt IR '......... M a a IIWtftfftirv lhK4l Infl fear Kta AMi. si ,rr "t .Hv, I Mtl) U-M Rt..ftH. iH.wmliH. '4a Ptm-tf !" a.kS 4khR' , ft44 KtW na Rf R. Y4na .flu. f 1. R R4t(- Hif H Nt4 i' Y '41 W 14 4H4 ;tt mUm 4tMM.t ItMtl IMi a 1 ltiiH(.fl 4 I4H t 4lM.., i Si R.4 4-RtHitMn t Ht i-imtitn' ii gMiHitHim R. ft ft.w ,. I.' W.M'lt Hit -ft, h. , m4MHt RmR M i H'ttH-tudi' mn, iftM 1tv RJUa -fHtH 4UtMt 4e4tHi - f Mt alt ifttM "r V4 M t4t n-'ft.!. K Itivftl ,,) ftHI ,MM ft,t, 4 4.i r.H. h. RMrli.j ,' M ftAtKlitH 4ftV vt", l I 4-m I annl Rfittee i4. r4fti4j. 'M 4Wa W4rU4 1flH.llN,-4' i rsia aai I'., r f i: mm44 I Rt i.rttftfaft , If l'Vwr.s rrieik4 wiRt t f 4. Ai4 IRftf wltf Idrlia: IR tts'ie, Kt'4s.iriiw.! jvi..-4iifti ftrAt mmimm m tMtit. I rf R.J1 !.ytftfttM.H t 4 lt ls Sil 'fin ait I' R.1 R44: M,4U .W4tM '- anr i4..i4aii. r At.)" yt . 4 mtt 91 Km t VVll.t) lft.t..w . . HftMtMl 1 ajaajaaa n4R IBaatj 111. J. JV iS. Ra M wj tHt txii ffaf4 ia t ( .ft. S i 4 N4- a jm(mv ttftfl m-m !W at4 i'tH w4 tc mi, mj;kv 4. 4ft.m jaea', Hi . ! ft -41 .l.J i, mefmm mt R Kk' ft .... I A i:'f lnt. R" Jf ,(!tS. WtfR, R.x Rtil 4,1 44 ftk4! t!ft, aH I 4i ""X C4J M M .4-XHv, If t.,', an a.ftft ajti ftjwff .a (.J t4 4iy ftj If'4t'4ji44 ii 1 a.'ft a.ia,M4X R " M44a R l. II 4W4in M MJ4 Ho t.).. ;ka .4 . e , . at.), wt , '!,. tft , SIMM) --;-,ft4 M4 - wtw wwmw,wt tymointtt. I l4)it.iin. I ,n Blatttt Boohs, 3iH lVi J!3l!iil mOk wt; Mm;i 1111,1 ti limoi.i fiat; .ifa 111 V4iilHtf '4111 1 1 a. M jm f 'f4H4tff), tV 4ia.4 "v It14.4v , iiatt.i. . " M4A4-ta Ha a 't" ' 4r . (I , M . 4, 't , 4- 4 4 tm. 4- ) 4- , ' I iti 4 , I 4 ). . it in i a iv, 4- rt i tft 4M - a -4.,,- l " mf ) afc.' '.. W t. c, ClleMil Olt'4 SI'MKi 'iM "m- ItltltlU- s 1 i4 tiJrttmit iiiun ill i1itu4l4v 3i,r MMI4 lMui. ,i' Oa.SaaW OW OH ftST $m , 4asftt 9 'mm, 4 4,, S -Al,. 1 ...ft. . , . w 4w-.-.-i.,l 44'., f ' V w 4 4' v f. aa a aa a v aj ej( a tja , VM,'4 n. l1orsug i.a 44 f R.4 -a ii, aHM V 44W ait nHAiinMft 4M44 4ia R.a aiK tiHu-twn',. atttn, M -4tt h M(aw a ttavM Mi HH 444II4 JM1, 44.11 f U Hii Ht44f tlrt,t1 t-t.Mi I R.k . 4r.r t anAta ami 4.4 itiw1 LI. i.i44yt44a .4. Sir lilKa- tmfAV) WA PHHIL f -e- ..4 , ill.;!.- acimiitMii :mii mlrti H'hi HUHm. 1.4.1, 1o 4H4'1m.H'"'1 4. d4'H t.14 4-SHrtlliltl' e.t .1,4;'., MaA 44jP 4aVc i4kaaaj aVRW JHa a. taav aia & a& 4 ' aMa4M4awtava, wt WrJ IWi-l 4rlv fOtil.jl i - 3 1 y mt iiitMit MtTSim' A Hi4lH.,'a i ar'tH It .!' ' mmm a4a ni. .M K r, a"! ei . a . 5tI5j5Jj'i'''

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