The SScraltl. THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1893. LOCAL SEWS. Iwal Passenirer Schedule W. IT. C. R. R. ' UOINI) WEST. S.i. II passes Morvranfnn IS. "9 r. a. flOIXH BAST. ;r. :s passes Monjauton.... ....... .5.1. p. m. Burke are vitally interested in We suggest to the charter mem bers of this company thai it might be well to hold a meeting fr the organization of the company some day during fair week. ri avf I W A Church Directory. Vkk-btterias 4hitroh. DKlne srrtee every . ii:iai'. at 11 a. in. and S p. m. Prayer meeting e'erv Thursday at S p. iu. tunday school every iWMtli at 9-iii p. iu.. t;. P. Krwin, supt.. and ' vi.cron chapel Mission School at 4 p. iu.. v. A. Koss. smpt. Kev. J. M. Kose. pastor. M K- cuntm. tsJiTH. Preachtni every S -lut-U at 11 a. ra. aLd s p. iu. Prayer meetti.i; evi-ry Wertnestlay at s p. m. Sunday School ,,..,rv SitbUith at 9:3o a. iu., J. A. clay well. supt. K v. J. 11. rage, pastor. lui-nsr CiirKCu. rreai-htng everv siltath it n a. in. and s p. m. Prayer meeting every V''"irsi'.av at s p. in. Sunday sehool every - ,'iilirttu'at 9ai. iu.. M. P. Hlldertrand. tupt. i;, v K- L. Tatton pastor. ob.xi-k EriscoT-!. mrRrn. services every We are triad to know that he has ..t l-.; and 3rd sunuays. limy i oiniiiumon lsl -mdav in the tu-rninsr. service every Wtilnes- ,i iv nicht. Sunday school In tlie afternoon. IV i Pearson. Supt. Kcv E. P. tJreen. revtor. MKTKOlUlLtHJICAL KEl'OKT. TaU-u at State Hospital, Morauton, N. C. Horace lavne returned home on Saturday from Marshall. l".r week endins Sundav. Sept. lO. 1SI3. I TKU1-KR ITl'kK. tu. . m. p. m. me'n i I i llmiDITT. me n , rain rvl:-i tall, tive. I si-pi to. r4 Y1 S SI S4 S3 SI so IS Sl 4o 6S TO TO TO 67 ;s 171 171 :Ti i7 -I- 7 72 79 SI yo ss i .ro 2.5U Let the farmers make prepar ation for the Burke County Fair. Green will hold Rev. E. P. divine service at Laurel Hill next Sunday. Sept. 17th, at 11 a. m Remember that no entries for the Burke County Fair will be taken after Tuesday, October icth. Married, in Morganton town- hio. at the residence of R. C. Whitener, on the 10th inst.. Mr. R L. Warner to Miss Dovey White ner. J. C. Mull, Esq., otiiciatinjr. All of Barke. The management of the Burke County Fair promises the finest fair this year ever held in Burke Over S12C0.00 in premiums are offered. Faster horses than ever before, a better display in Floral II ail, more attractions, more peo ple and a splendid brass band. We cali attention to the new advertisement of V. II. R. Tucker Co., Raleigh, N. C. This house is adding a new department to their extensive business that of dress making. They carry one of the largest stocks of dress material to be found in the State, and perhaps in the South, and the firm is perfectly reliable. Weldon Atkins, who some time ago killed his father, Charles Atkins, in Rutherford county, was before His Honor Judge Boykin week before last at .Marion on a writ of habeas corpus, asking to he admitted to bail. After hear ing the evidence Judge Boykin fixed his bond at $750. It appears to be a case of sell defence Died road into Mitchell mnniv TkU . is a much needed institution and In last week's issue ol Ti Ilia- one that the merchants and busi- am we gave the proceedings ot ness men of Morganton, as well as court up to Wednesday noo. Spl. the people of Mitchell and upper 6th. Since thai time the follow log cases on the Mate ducket hc Ix-rn diprd of : KImt lawman, larceny. ! ty. Three year in th -ciiicikti4 Walter lVd, carrying crncratr4 weapon. Defendant pleads fcuitiy. Judgment suspended on payment of cost. C H. Bracket, carrying con cealed weapon, j cases, tfcclcnd ant pleads guilty. Judgment sal pended on nay men l IcmU William King. Clarence McLane. Jonas Friday, larceny. iHrfendaot Kine pleads cuilty: lloe a4 Friday plead not RwiUy. Jury rinds Mctane and Friday emliy. tp to the hour of our gomtf t taken his old nosition at thedenot rrc Inc,r , . ,..1 "Mr. I nan Uoyd. who has Kufus Hurt, assault anl bat been working at the 1). & D. school, tery. C.uitiv. Four months in is visiting his hone in Lenoir. jail with leave for commiioer Mr. E. F. Reid returned on uU Saturday from Athens. Trnn. Jerry t.ardner. Margaret l.,te. - ' . A , , .. . . I assault ami oattery. icutiats Dr. L. h. Koss returned last n!,K -..;. t , r,i week after a three weeks stay in rw.n.u.t , '. . ik t. Mr. W. C. Ervin spent a few- days last week in Washington. Mr. Walter Brem, Jr.. left on Friday for the University. Miss Beulah Wilson, one of Morganton's charming daughters, left on Tuesday for Peace Insti tute, where she will spend the winter. Miss Cora Wilson leaves to day for Fort Mill, S. C Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mclkc left last week for I.incolnton. garet B'ye pay a toe of $10 a4 Civt Waits Krwin, Charlie Avery, at fray. iMcndantt ptea4 tuiUt. Judgment suspended oa pajeicnl of cost. I t . . i ft. ... . X m 1 tu Ruptt, ttMHii anu win 1 j. . -5.vtt, " '-k I ltr tlx w.i( We ate twfc Ka i-e4 1 IU)i live opplty (t tt of iff tern wV s tM3 it t!W lwal rH"y " t Vl (Mint). pi.m 44FVy t...-. s ly I 4. TW W lt. of nt lcatt C'M 4 fvf- Iwvm nt tf tet. wlv . 4 ha tal a t&m t ft im 'l jlx ral!s t j the htty 4 xf rit f IW State. t( sUily itt nfKoy K a ! o4 a curate tfatwM ! rftk a4 escnts of half cty . and trm in tv tU s ol a avtivc itt't w fc wim-I put in a pral tm af- ! pe ration ttat 1 ! left fr-i ff4i ffw"i TlvC fillM4ti" p C I WattM" l?tal fIj m f t.V e4 us to rei'l tkat tK WU c s oMr ! ?t-iie cufttt!c e-ut4 at t&.e tl ! mt f tlv4 fuel 1 orat. raiia ol IS -1f' wa a fta ! stct(C tfttttty, I ett4 wt!W M J others a a mtt l t & lit fivl payment of cost. John liatiey, assault an4 battery. Not cuilty. W. A. Uilon. asawU ar4 hat terv. liuiltv. Judgment u$;n ded on payment of ut . r I . K. MulL cruelty t- amv Defendant pleads eudty. )4c Mr. M. F. Scaife returned on I ment suspended on payment ol Mondav from a delichtful trir I cost. abroad. Mrs. T. II. B mar, from Ashe ville. is visiting at her father's. Maj. J. W. Wilson. Mr. Plato Durham spent Sat urdavin the city. t?-v t-: 1.. 1 r.-t St. Louis, Mo., and their mother, Mrs. J. B. Mack, of Fort Mill. S C. are stopping at Mrs. K. I- Mc- Connaughey's. Mr. Alex. Hall, of Hickory, spent Saturday at the State Hos pital. John Smith. a-au?t n4 battery Not cudtv. The cae of the State ltlii Mcalliar4 for ourgtafly was Cat led I hurday al a jury of ti free hdits !ct'J from a venire of Z Tne ae cnsurr.e4 all of Ifewrsdav. a-d after an examination of all t- witnesses Judge Uj"ifli io'rwet ev! the jury to return a vcrdKt rf not guilty and MSalar4 wa turned lse. The case of the Sta:e s. lUr:. Brittain. charged with tHe m-fJt of his brother, Julius Hntt ." boc'Wt ti II, IT, 4.. tf a3 mm . IU.. lt - bf o M' C ! J" II IVmohv, , a. 4 t4. M --nH, a4 na4M4 a ! "O. ! 111 fL a t,a . . . .... mn . t.s. va ti4 Oa last Friday eening the called Friday m.rg ftr a voting ladio gave quite an enjoy able "bal proud re" at the Florial Hall, complimentary to the young men. The young people looked unusually well with their powdered hair and antique costumes. The venire of j?o frr-tvl t1 I lowing lurv was ut ; t --.''- - Kcllrr. k. I'IU Im-o. T. It Kwd. n sill. J. Ik II di.way. kls l-'rrt. T l. A. Svsk. K. F Patt.. M t'tollonar. K. F. Sds J I. t5 rtt. wa nvfa-": fil e! in tr lvt ol IU : J A.t $Mdi At trai C It. Va Wa V Asey. tia4x lst av4 t'i-!'a. ff.' ol tC,M muU'd a4 t'i I j i a'.-1!" - its. He w rvnt;:y vl m tSv tit wvt tV ii. at nva- T lb V Vas, ts m.jsftj !.' I-'"1 k. i 5i jt. 1 t'i m t aa. II a .ir.rtr t t f t-vfx ! I av . w5(V n.s.Mrts a j-iJrfvkhH 4so W t-rW fc 8 l Itats dtk9i s py:WutS tr. i tM- 1tll1 . a l t.i- "' tv -.t ; IM t W UH1 4M trHi Sf lu 1 In .U tm i4 A4 inwif ol Im n Ai ftiu . i na !- 4 lOlM Kt RBO K03 HI1L o MtMt;.Min 4 J, to tB.a,,! JC1 HVlMlltMHrt ' Hi'(l li,li'lml Z ?MI 4na."..-00 WiAu.rt., . .oia tlr.i,. t.tiirt rtM ilif d 4Kl'll'td t1tll ikiiMM iii ix j. JtM.Mi. i, 1. 1 w mill a. KiiMtrtmw -win- i"nn -n '" i)iti-i- kii guiMkt4oii i .) ft. Hit r (!! It t f a iMfil ! ! ll It L- twiiH4IHl inK -04 if oiihIiHimiimTA -lntru .. -. i, 3 tHol 1 1 I j Iy .. UI-)IU' tHc jh -Ml J14T j'MfU'Hi " lUriatKtl, ,ii, ! Wm 5h mhh 1 1 vtiwttuii Mi 't o an- 1a ft. litt,.iM1. Him HUH 4MM 4im Ik- JT. .? jtmfh0 a fliMt 'Mil HiMt l4irt,iHM- fUtMHokoS IU' ut Atsi f o u 4i 4 MtiHi Hi mk1Amwii niot ;oiH aA. Ojcu ca and after J tine 1 1CD3. 4)KKI D. J. ETUY & CO., !H0 : BaMiS, . H VMISK1KS.- sdtr.4 to t 4 (jt ,.411 fll aaikr liMy 4'4ii H. .ll (h 4 -H.r ti0 9 -U xti ml. f tH tla JW t Uixt. t k-h4iM- Htlt1 ttt ft !-?... Sf. '! .rV " - "'. HH-H-H. 4V h. !ih .A. if m.i., ..'-H.a.i w-hM " h ' . .Mk -t. 4n- -Mrl4lM SW4 H I. K A 14,3 KM I llt MMH 4,. ..,4,, ri.N 4MB 4-f0 tlr ! eH'K'l t3 WH'fj ! ; 4H y i-- iHiif tRtv liyiM.t I tMPH nmoJ .U.-B 4i tU Mwut'HHl ' Mi.- 1 f I Ix l f Jl J rt-... Ev. f n .. t V 11 Wl.U" trxift- ativii.i.i: MAitui.t: wntttw: ), Hi, . M4J f'M'i- WA 4oo 4.vt t.444ll .h.iH.m M 'm 44 tvM 4i I 4M'lllll.t lti t.MUfrt lt4l t4tM"- 4. IO Utn fHMMMM I U 4H4itl 4JI(M ttlfl.HM I I'fcilKIM. 44,1H,M.M .f4.t4 4HM m!Ai', I'M'" 44-MOl4 a.m 4),aKt 4 . 1hKh 4H4lO9 "V "MOIM rt.H! iMMttaumt 1 V CHMXiH fMH ltVHM 4t it 4 4l tM 44 4H4U. IHI 4 I l . t It, WiCltSt VC m 4 fr'IKA) ys o chaprones were Mr. an.l Mrs. J. T. j Call, Hugh Sthetla4. I. A Walton. Mrs. Judge lkvkm. .Mrs. urawiey. i ne wa rp- I.. E. Jones and Mrs. '.. t. Corpen- resented by attotnev S J Kn ,ng. I. T. Avery. I. T. IVrks as, , , ,. , , .... , .4 Irue and J I. M.rp. a4 Mr. fcd. Chne.of H.c ry. is NUod .1 rl tn e in the cay attending court. rrsecutH,n by CoU W. lVr. Mr. W. W. McConnauchcy. The trial was cnmece4 li 'as from Montezuma, spent several I evening and the cae Csea ta the davs in the citv last week. Hehaslinrv Tuesday cvcnioe 1I iust comrl?tcd his new residence I o'clock, t'p to the buf of tf goinsj to press the jury ha Z -t rcnderetl their verdsct. T. C Adams. Noah Wi;taT, in Burke county, on Sept. 6th. 1S93, Mr. Chariie E. Ross, aged 19 years. He was a son of Mr. Stephen Ross, at whose h .me he died, and was a brother of Mr. Will A. Ross, of Morgantcn. Deceased was a true type of moral and christian character, and very industrious. His death was sudden and unexpected. The day before his death he went about his work 0:1 the farm. Early the next morning he became suddenly ill and expired in a few hours there after. He was a sufferer from consumption, but it is said his death was due to heart failure. The remains were buried at Salem church on Thursday, the ;th, at io o'clock. Owing to the heavy rains of the past week the water courses have, been swollen to a consider- bie height, a number of bridges have been swept away and crops have been greatiy "damaged in rr.anv localities. The Catawba river and 'John's river bridges on the Lenoir road have both been swept away and travel over this road is completely cut oft". The citizens who live between John's river and on 1:1s farm near Swan Pvnils and will move there in October. Solicitor Ncwland spent li st Sunday at his home in Lenoir, re turning to llurke court on Mon day. Dr. Iiohnson. of Salem; Mr. Hall, of Hickory, and Capt. Saw yer and daughter. Miss Daisy, of Asheville. spent Wednesday at the State Hopital. Mr Bob Williams, who has been spending the summer with his uncle, Dr. P. 1. .v.urphy, leaves to-day for Davidson College. w j ! m-- I I t a I a f ! I t.."l t t W " tV iVSitf j avl 3I3 W A"?-, a l- h4ft I Hi ! M S-" t .... t At t."Mrti t.K Av I af;r t .'? o- .f J wl;! A pt i sii..s tvo i'.,oi l if a wt a f f t w I a a I f t- ISfm utA!. II lt i i li!t a la? w I us. mh- d4 ax'l a'1! 1 N IMvu. ri .IH . t Kll Capt. J. C. Mills, of Brindle town, is spending this week in town. Miss Estelle Kincaid leaves this afternoon for Baltimore, affray. Guilty as to Adam : nt guilty as to ithams. Joel Watts. Ida l.wdeimU. fornication and adultery. Watt bound to next term of cul e $jio bond. Battger Tajlor. dMtubc ie lit?t us confffet:atin. Nt gi-tf- S-..ncLI IVarcv. rrtaw. i l.s ls V. vf a 5-vm Caes. Pleadsgudty. Judgement a- 1 " f suspended on payment of ct. I trMU fai It and bit-1 '! rtat w ?tS fc- 4 t - tery. Not guilty. I r: mtl John Ilrown. .bo 1 ate. it 1 ir 1 .- of M Ar" Ktty. 4a-ls, a wty Wilson. Kobert WitUam. dtt?. tnf -K.d Not ruiltv. Wm K f ?rn the rrd. ! a ! f"?tak. a . I r, ik r.un nn l. ve-tefdav i "t-l t?: tS l C nnrtn and the State docket Kal I ffi.! e Ky.ol JIV' where she goes to buy her fall not then oeen unisnea. 1 ne pro ceedings lor me irmammo wi week will be given in our nest issue. Linville river are now in a position j erai days. goods. Misses Carrie and Mar Con nelly, of Connelly Springs. N. C, are visiting Miss lyne. Mr. and Miss Wiley of Salis- burv, and Miss Hall of Hickory, came nr yesterday to 10m the World's Fair party from here. which was to leave to-day but owing to the washout between Old Fort aiu Asheville trie tripl will have to be posponed for sev- to fuilv appreciate the iron bridge across the Catawba, which stands at least ten feet above the highest water mark; and as the freshet came during the session of Burke Superior Court, we judge that the iron bridge has saved the county a good sum of money by enabling many citizens Judge Cillcy. of Hickory ar rived in tie city to-day. tin Sunday morntntf. t& inst . Sallte. wife ol J. A lackey, parsed away and to tfV. "e leaves behind a husband an I etgt children to mourn a whuh none but the afilcted can appreci ate. Mrs. i.acicy was woman i splendid physique and htt lren.J were surprised whec they har4 that she was so suddenly and fatallv calle4 to her be4 A bf ate. Mr.Z. T. Corpening returned nJ ,ving wife, a ten4tf.Kt'. from New York on Monday. j .i-nt mother, she bre the b-f Mis- EilJ Dunavant. returned home on Saturday from a delight- required in court to f ul trip to Chicago and Washing- attend regularly. The Herald received this week the following proposition from a citizen of Burke : "If you will insert th s advertisement lo wit : A limited number of bushels of beardless fuicaster can be had at for one dollar per bu. if I succeed in selling I will pay you for two years subscription to The Herald in advance." Gracious! hut this was a stunner! The . - . A . AW. . .. dens ol lite laithluuy ana tn Fur the past lew year a eaWu member of the Meth St cn m union, she 44 all m her r to train her chil4ren in the nurture and admonition of the lrd. Her death was a beautiful Iti I k . ........ I..1K I at --we arc cwu . . ' tiMi uKn,,.,n. K l Hl'f - - - m - - ntin in inr X 1. K. ri a4 rfts ol J m?t Carn, ol Kf -vj d Ca?t. I, C M:r ft.v.i j Wafi. 4iL f '' A rj '-. a--l a ! n( a4 it kSj. ! I-O t- t I A tf IWartHM sa'R. a prt o a I t .V U llv tafwe. wait r ol It r.a c?- ;' K tew avl a a NN wt. p?.Sk.V I ity a4 t ol Ca-lH ctaif M l llt!.n.fe,ftt l4n ef. t M' o, a I jta' ol .S;tv4 IVS.VJ-Kc t. I t; .i-. a w!o m tl t a-y t"fy. .u 1 I'V.I'I 1 )VW lk-N t4f . ('-. ! M 4 (Mill -.iI:4'h.1 &4I-. 11 WW KM'N Mi l'k t iiMi (.'-IV tl , 8 tf'V oi raiwil, -4tilL S mI o4 Cit mi triMt n;2 nnn " I-'I. I4H -41 rt ill. ti Ktiitii', IS -ikif tist ' f :l'l"a I - - "V'ltf'O r'-,M 4H4 "ii.:rj In 4".-- Mitf- I ..a U. 4V44 lot 4t4l M - R.n U i4. ii '4i aK4. :lIIK."' W I 3 44 'i...f I 0t4ii, RN'tr. , rt or. aK 4Mi mh r h. ill.f - I iw .I.I h4.4.illf .. m . ..- ' H- .. -4i . 4lw4M I.IH4 i. ' 1 t- IB r 1 - - r ni.m 4 1- -M- . l t." " -1WI'l4l 0w4XmO INSURANCE I t 4V 9 K ' I 1 ! I it o H 4l4 ttv l44 -44 4 mf 4S4IHn, 40lMU .dt llf '4 44 mQ .H'tM- fto 5144'4)4 fO ..0.4.14 .0 fini.a .vm '.. 1114. 1 Aj toll A A 14 'I-S . S 4 4144 I'M r 1 .-B O L ! Arliallc I i'f4 l 1 . .v 4. .4 "Hi 'I I Jj I"".. l"4tu 4M'"9 M "-' .. IS I U.((f tci.. I4'i . a- - Lmt -,- V Ml " ton. Mr. S. D town this week. Dunavant is in w e are giau 10 near 01 . S. CI.W ditcher o . K,CI.. tars Miss Alice Sloan returne4 Sunday from a visit to Hopkins ville. Ky. Mrs. r.arcello,of New York editor fainted, and the office force City, is in town this wee. day in honor ot tne - T4,. h inr mini-1 iiitTn art. in ucvcni w- X 11. V. VJ . i. . .. 1 . . . ani et n an4 Saturday. spoke of her sublime faith i I've premise ot tol S? femk l et om evAy ev I lm'-JVi . "V.'V?,f 1Ka i -'' 4 a I. jf." cp"1'. r Mg'-ij .r 1P 4n4 .w fltV t'W Mr s' . I l'i, A- J t I". t,i4 f' l- J 5t,i-f i-s. ol ra,Mt 4r M -i'rf' t"lf 1? Kt4 grlli t mr. u cuiuii: t;"ii u'ir. 1 HEW GOODS. i-. 1 l4" l 4y Tit4 ri SS l1 4 ,. I -4itK!lc) til .4 W I ilK'8 4KlTuil u hi w liy .l4ov. IV " 4 '1 it-m.Kt! W 5o j 1 4t?U. JiitmsiV r4 autuau n. c h suoi:: :hiO 0 1ir rT.-Vl'td (! lirtM,fl - 111 t'l U l'V "t4 1 li.lf WfK 3 titt 4t4ft iCoijo'i-'H, f -.4.ii1 4irt t SII1U4 1 Vrlumes - Tt4 ni "1ih m tiy "M mH hre;isii v-UJ 1n tiv ' Mii1t;4 11 1 1 d " ' I . ... ....- li IK.) ,K44i4kl "rt'4f-l r 11 4iww " - ' " V nA less baby in the arms ot bet I !. laid off a proposition . . ... 1 .a- . . : ... a tnr . 1 . 1(1 til. rTrv ri : ri i mmwm cieniiy recovci cu, .-, - ......j, --- - rolmlv onrl I - cl rtr rurt.lir. Velvet. WWIU siner me propubinu" ,... j 1 1 . - - , 11.. 1 : KiicinMC anl I an.l other camels aill oe snow t-ijuny aim in lu j. ..v.-. ---j, 1 . . after a careful calculation, finds bv Mr. Haithcck on I riday m . . that the gentleman would get tne worth of his money in the two years subscription, probably sell ail r.f i; m-hcaf at a dollar a bushel and The Herald would get nothing for the advertisement, o the editor, very rt luctantly, de clined the proposition. A Burke county man, now livine in Mitchell, tells us that there are about thirty families in his neighborhood that want to come to the Burke County Fair, but that they will be unable to do so on account of the condition of the Ridge road. The recent storms of wind and rain have so washed out and filled this toad with timber that it is about im passible. This is a public road and the proper authorities should see to it that the road is opened out and rut in lix at once. Apro that she cvuI4 see Kef m thr a : little ones, bi had R"n o b tore, waiting to welcome her i the courts ot heaven; thai il might luok hard t lake her from her husband and cbiWren, bl that Go4 knew bel and she cn mended them ls Hi ! care. There is a ii sweet- in the sons? el the irM when IV Comforter lu.he l he? eht4s t sorrow and aure us lHal t leved one ab4e with ltn ad forever. Thi arar ihe row iff husban4 an I little ones have, and oM i;ranl tnal il ma vthe an4 slten iheir prijr ajte here. A t m IVGo l see HaithociV dis play ot carpets, curtain. Ac. I Mil 4I I.I4. Join th iTut prwNkn ! It mart h-s to vi. l.ryl It kn-w de feat! In."4-rill on it Uinnrr I l" in irini; battl-ery."lr. IVre a tiol den Medieal Diwovrry. Ita ! march extend irw the owntinrnt and around the world ! A harpy ill tration .f th r-.pularitv and I u4rtM of this world-famed n-roedy. t rxrty where relievinis pain. in-piriOK rp. i,- .iLoaM?! t'ur all tUnl dia- it m knnw lrl:ed tba mmti. the rai-t tl4rMi;h. tlw br! Tht I whether you waul la buy liver any kidney a repn.i a vurw ...rr.iMv touch: tkroutcK tneni the whole nyt'n w eleisnwrd and build up anew. , , ,,. If ym are Vk. in.lipwd. drlili tated, wt-ak, Butler in A from maUri.u . m, .v II ftk I Wkmtt or oiner pot-n"". j " r '-(Solden MHli4-aI iJuoovry iw " edy ir tjrrtlUvt t rctre you. I e Dr. W. II. Wakenekl will U- at the Walton It' in tot ton on he aflrr" ot Wed 4ay,S-4.nb. for Ikal W fa If. liati- tni'rl m I r Far. nod Talo-il. I art sr v.! ii--uS h'Vi- a. I a a k. em So II , Utt-V 4i - S 4.tMll MMt'tM lli h4JH. I f H.I '4 'imul4 -.l S -4i"l "- 4 rfl. CMk H4-H.MI4 4M" 41 1"r- Wk ' 11 4 . illll ll . Kt I M tMl 44l StiMM !tM g4vv44 W aktuA B.t. . Wk4MK ..4 4 44lMlkUk 9' M.K MFUWHMHni4. ft 4"44H44r 4'4-S iHlt'lhlMH,4 H.i'Vf t nw llr4llJI 1I4 4 44 4.M4lH 4rt4ct irtit- tfl ' 4OI 1 1 ' n 4 12.11 WM.iawll it- HH4'kH'4'4- 04 Swt fellM4) frtMHI'. ! 44llru4l S l4 VMvr4l .4Vt.44" Sl-M lf. M.M I VI t.. W( 4HB A l'H. klVEf f 444 ?'!'" I iM iI4H4mA4m1 t1 4im-".4- 04 a-l itet;fi n.,v -"1 a iVa-fiMW .4iiHf i !. I He was a ivt 4.Hfc W l ir'l M"-.. 'I e-l tt t, !! it I : r-law. J,;.vlkal !j.ii. 4'.t ? f tM. !4liVlKr. I If m iv, rf- 4 i l I..r4. .l C-ft ! I - t9 ' A? MIS. MnlSM BBSS i. mi ft fc t ftnn M4V-M4Vl. ' .-'4t W 'I.I4- K lV o 44-ihi eJ4-t. . 40444- Wl - I I ..II r.r.rrr!!l Jwofa ltiMi a I 11 7 '-' I I srhmimtih 1 ;.4. a LKkrd ........ V ... w. It.. OTK.f. . - - . ' - j J I Ml'l" -r . t..k... pos the above, we are reminaeu i huc9 the intr:uciin oi .. iMlit-nt mnelial,els afiet r- . - ... I . d ...... . I . . I ... . V .1 Tliom n no ricui lr any in iiui limn n" .ih. Tu !!u its lr J-blivv la!'l I lS'ia, wi imi let: e4 J4on jS4. tVa:r.4e4..R,. a t.4-t t.i-." ? i. l In- aM - ol i v etoiMfS . Ilf a-.S tM-i- ft-M" - v t pr'tt S4'S'I lt -i'l it r it fr n -w t vr -," iKl 4aakaSaM A 4w t -4.-4 H..Ml.wa -' www .'t,4"i at : . . . . I ' . . . . . nan.I that the last Legislature chartered ham Uye. wnicn .- - 1 Work. a turnpike company to build . wiv li i ' " 44 M . W Il4m 4l'll "W 11 -S I 4,tL ... . -r,it. H.m iiii i ih 4ti' X.wU iti 1 'W '' tin li m. m t v.H i4 iim -tilo Mil Vr-Hlu4)4 '1 n4)i tt tMl(l tl(1 ?4V4Ml4H!S. i.4iMM4ins i tHM' , !( lUltKll mijjI t' IM tuifl vtsaim t1 it f Hrt ftiM(i, Davis nnc3. Keep CCOl! , w.l..a.ita, 4MWT4MN--MM nn wt-4- a, wa a 1 44' i4WV i I - .-a- . l-fa. n I .4, I4II -m iM'i 1 r .... ... -r- t. mi -.-i .HHI. ,...V 1 M 3 ' m I n -. t. I. DAVIS. u t-s."-!, 3 It lHi4MaJM 0 V'ili Ni ll' idl Si? 14M vi4ii Mil 4Vi -Ir 4 i 4 ! iln ai iti pVUn fi aiitlltttt lit a l'f, J 144 4M.Mil; , J i'1t 4'ti.idr iMiVHi 'v,Mi; vii'4-, l ,illtUM 'illH, UliM tSi 'H Hlnl M 1v4H'H I'l'MI li V HI- liilflfl m .i. 1 .14. ft '.A iiM4 if , 4ilf H ,4iiiiHM ifN.iilit.i vMtilttlt. T. I.. f.ASl t. 4.-"