-tyu wnHGANTON HERALD. TO.SJ ilw 411 im& ft JS9 S3il3 F33US3BB CO., Mite. C. ERV1N. Editor. sKir ill . . Th HKKAIU will ' int to any ul- re.. f'r S11-00 P'r 50 cents for nix riies can be tia.l of newsdealers special terms to agents and newMleal s fl fi.f f,,r particular. r A.l.lic-. THE HCRAI.D Vl tU CO.. MorfcantuD. N. C. 1 Stt U&wi' It 44- J 4 1 7 VOL. IX. NO. 35. MOKGANTON N. C TrllUKstlAV. NoVLMttlJ: rntc tnutu r r I I III - f-s 4 4 4 Mi f rM 4.4 41 4 W, 14 44 Bi -I Oil 44441444 , -14 tt 4, at 4Wt Mi 444 Mi N4 "1 ' an- -J m t. iff so,!!: INTERESTING FIGURES. WHV FARMIXG DOES SOT PAY. , T.lle Which Presents an Interesting iuulv to the 3lan Who Takes an luter---t in Agriculture. Yesterday we discussed some of the reasons why farming does not pav. Some other reasons will be found in the following figures of the yield of wheat and oats per ;u-re. in the respective States and Territories, as furnished by the U. S. Department of Agriculture in its October report : Table showing yield per acre by States, October i, 1S93 : Wheat. At. Oats. At. in bushels . in bushels. 16.O 16.S States and Terri tokies. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama. , Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois. Wisconsin, Minnesota, low 3, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, 'S.3 4-5 4 5 140 15 0 1 1.2 7 S.2 7 7 5 S.o 9.2 "5 i'-3 15 130 14 2 1 1.4 3 3 9.1 " 5 9 5 S-4 S-7 3.6 5 22.0 19.0 13- 16.S 1S.1 14 c 5 0 20.0 25 19.4 11.2 37-3 34-2 364 34 2S.2 25.0 240 239 27.2 26 o 2 1.2 7 7 5 -2 n.S 14.0 n.S iS-5 16.0 16 o 5 109 19.2 3 22.2 2S.6 26.0 27.S 27.0 27.6 24-3 24S . - -.-- 1S.1 15 o 21.5 2i.y 34-c 24.0 26.7 29.2 3 o 27.9 A l Ok. tOtltt1. fat:. tft-4 ,t, General average, 11.3 43.2 2S.S! 246 235 invested in farm, sto-k, etc. The man who cultivated 100 acres c t wheat would have when his crop vi ma ctr s w r not quite 55 cents a day. Efen with wheat at double the price it is now with the same averse yield farming would not pay. and never will pay, until the ield of the staple crups is increased and the cost of production correspond ingly reduced. When one acre is made to produce as much an two or three acres do now, then, pro vided the farmer Rets a fair show ing from the men who make the laws and shape the financial poli cies, farming will pay. We speak here only of the two staple crops, wheat and oats which are grown on nearly every farm in the West and on most farms in the South, because these and corn are the three crops upon which the Western farmer de pends. IJut when we come South the cotton crop aocs not make any better showing when it taVes on an average three acres of land to produce a bale of of cotton, which sells for less than $40, when it takes at least $30 to produce i;. 1 he specialist, or the very cwm" farmer who raises the staple crops may make money, but with such yields per acre a are given in the table herein produced, with the present cost of production, it is no rrsvsterv why farming dues not pay. ii i.ii.in .v.r, ,c. .v Indian muir. Within the perio ! of about a month psl I have seen allusions to the Indian bummer as if that season had already begn st the tsrr.e ot such allusions but the idea is erroneous. We have had seve ral frosty spells, but not until have we had any weather that could be called wintrr. After these few days of cold are past we nave a season of two thiee weeks duration, of drv. dcUci m weather, ciol at nic' t. Irstv in i he Uwaot la ( !; - the morrin. but warm in the sun- a ued I crem ih W:. shine during the day; the atm.- tui. alter pfsMtct pifJi I sphere hazy with smoke, but the j urging, thry (onMrd ,4f air so pure that a healthy person ' The gae i di t V breatam :t lecls that it is reallv us 11 irfi, out i&e 1 iovous U live. I would nt l!r. tlrt flrr.l Why was this period iame I the . h the grate lr rrt'. e : liwr.K -e -a - fi Indian Summer? History an! tra-1 l the 31 - tin: i tfMM: ststx 1 WM tw... K.ll ft M W 4tw -- I '.-.fi: t?!(ittc Oae at the Uaod of IdU& cvh netted with laie? s-. baried in trf etleml?. M day, in irwe tndiao a.Wi. Vr the train makinr thr r liwn Sd)tr to rajrettIr, Stl-f- mornmjf. an Indian wfl from the irAifi vne irer eal of rafettft Ule. Th I.Att was t-pp" 1 ad 94-arth Ktt;i ; r, with the rttuU that tte ldf found me distance lstk It m brought i&trt Kitjettcl.t I medical kl summoned. Wtthi A fractured skull he liiete ! otU tale in the evcotse lie bad la sick for vebe days ! the sp- potttin ! that in hi wci c lion, while taodi by the dr. he fell out. With his death came e I of trvuble with the tod Stone, one ot the baad,cm(e ! operation by !rti Capt. ! .a. the tnierpretrr. hr t tf tr. knocked hint down li c wttS IS butt end ot hi ptl A a'l ed battl" a in frc' wh4 I'awnre lldl ordered te t. rope and tie KIU; e e t Walking Crow, sMb l caUitraat t.i Kanv Ths bl tt c i f t?etnj the teriA' J . wh rrpairol l. their tepo at te fa.r groundv The burial of live b dt place m thafiera i. Ire i-r n- - ers pro'cs"kvn w-n e! c-""t-pI' ; S"- b, Mrtraband Arit n fr : ' a- -f " i"j cl? w to eLS. With e rw'!": a? l .s t ; I i I " in rmmrtn. J, I 1 -' f ":i,"wt Thrt have ali tc ht'i d ix , ? A -i t IV .- 1 t-1 -H .(! Mmim tiC K-w.hR . I f.w t HiW lrM 4tiHiiH .H 4t ilf-40 . moniitmttttiW H VM lti". tttM 4 it Til h1 Rtlt W H.kC : (oft 'K Mtt jM. j .. . 1 t'f t4HO, M nH.Ht; 4t'M" H V ! jIM " 4 WM ti,1iMM ih K ki t -iMlii'miMN li ki.ikMh- ....... ... ... ... .. H ; ...... M M . t i1 V'rtU'flV 4n4' )i,l ,1( -ft t j '- urn irH.,HiW Oil I 'lei.ifj 1a nl, ki (ft.u i vt iv t'-t.r ti4itnn.iT aH-.tjiiiiiwr,, it, rVtltiiV 1 Mb 1 ' 41 .i H t! vto -' -,. V w.V.V ,Wl tri a It TUttifiH ltHtl 4l n,-t. Ills i ' iai . 4.fsi 4tai tjtji.ni' ! . 1i.w .HKMuif. .ti tV W jt C ?!,rvJT1 ft fl tJ-V.-1'((-4l 1 1 S ,. f,K,,!t t ' . I '-.. fS H;l i M. Hn-f'MHi 4'tl It.M. ... f,l(R Jtt-li. MH I r .;i. tf ''!'r'l MH.. 41MH...! 4,.r. H-f'll 'Mi.lM t 1 , t 4 ,M ill "4I4I1W Mlll-M' 4 n,ti it14, ,h M f I SI til 1 1 i i t wltf4 loi'H -TV"t!4f fc i "i. I .(!;ln H,rll.i': II the Cat..Uc tait. n ! t t rr.f t fM-t f the cructfW ; b . tru? i te v" r '"'- dain Ixltrf t Xt fr, I'-? I they wdl4 Pot Ckr.nt t tl.b.d J heirg placed H a haie. I: wa'"" quite dark whftt the e t rj march wa reached, d l wa f I"- drrd a weird ! at tfnf tffa , ? t 1!' I' i. i )4 :rR, E t . t n "' k I v t :. i tr ',. M . fit r t - k ' w ?ii 8v i' tun iii's it ji. i ,iyi j- D rr t ( 4 iH.lllk nil. 4 11 . H.-'Ur ."I M1 I!,! ,;, T,i H !'.!! ?V.l.ti'' I tH lit 4 .l im t . ' l.l". t S. lf l-in, P, E ". l.? U KHIl T - i ' - w I " $ H1 ST 2 hi i- C , I 4 i I'V "-'.-. M 'l (- t - . I I - J k r I ' B I- - -41 U 4 , , . : I - m-t't tt.5 r " . hji .in -I'l j, 4tif4- 4..' fH.H.F. Mi 1 f 44 fit, N l f i 1ttt -44(.l( Mif. I- 4II.M1'!- it 4-.-- , i 1 1 i t ii ii . . . k . . ,,,,4 (,,4. ttOMl lif .It )MI'IMI i. .t4.4.,.4--4 -fM-.M flMll lfl I.O Hkf H I' M I 4t 4ir mi- i(i. !4H"4 i4 ' 4tli ' t'4 ,,l. 4i( I l, M. tl.i & 't ti-'t J .HiHj Vi. H . li.t,i ln j-aa-4MtP hIh-hmjI hIu W'Ml. ,,4.,4 r,4 .to llH' nil. v M t"V t('l,i (ii i!ii Al 4 tl.il." k !: i. 4 1 -1 - X 1 To the man who takes an inter est in agriculture this table pre sents an interesting study and also some remarkable facts, while at the same time it furnishes suiTl tient reasons, it mere were no others, why farming does not p.iy. The first fact that will strike him, perhaps, is the good showing that the New England States make compared with other States, it be ing better than any with the ex ception ot a few of the voun Western States where the soil is yet comparatively fresh, and where the yield ought to be two or three times as large as in New England, which has the reputation of being a rather sterile region compared with tne West, an impression which has been strengthened by the reported number of abandoned farms in some of the New England States. And yet they show a high er yield per acre than any of the Western States, with the excep tions which we mentioned, nearly double as much as any of them. and double a- much as any of the Southern States with a couple of exceptions. How is this? How is it that States the soil of which is naturally por, produce nearly double as much wheat per acre as States, the soil of which was naturally rich. and which in the early days of cultivation would produce from three to four times as much wheat or oats as it does now ? There is but one answer to this question and that is that the New England farmers farm better than the West ern and Southern farmers do, and that instead of letting their lands grow poorer for want of proper treatment they have made them belter by belter methods. They a-e not entitled to any particular credit for this, for it was, doubt less, a matier of necessity with them, for if they had not taken care of their soil it would be too poor by this time to sprout army beans. As a rule the farms in that section are small, and reasonably good culture is necessary if those who live upon them expect to live out of them. This is a practical illustration of the advantage of a small farm, as compared with the large farm. Another striking fact is the small yield of wheat per acre in the Pa cific States, which twenty-five or thirty years ago were famous for their large yields; and almost as remarkable is the very low average for the Southern States, which ought to show much larger results than any given in the above table. The general average summed up for the whole United States is o: wheat n. busnels per acre and of oats 23.5, figures which show that farming in this country is done in an unbusinesslike, slouchv, ruinous way is it rea sonable to expect profit from farming when it shows no better productive results than this ? Can any farmer find profit or compen suion for his labor in 11.3 bushels of wheat or 23.5 bushels of oats to the acre when these constitute two of his main crops? Wheat is worth n jw in the West about 65 cents a bushel, which would give the average return in money of about 7.35 per acre. It costs to pro uuce wheat about 50 cents a bushel, v.hich would leave the grower about $1.70 an acre to pay for his time, interest on the money one ot the band, bad brouM wtN him his chot shirt, a tS-e A.r! i worn at the Rhl dat ca"f. and putting this t xhtt a qaeer bead drr, mite Ut t-" feathers of the ea jle ? w:.f I r key, be proceeded tJ rt t& pa'' And what dance it a I a swaying and swinging t tie t.r limb, with perfect A?Md . tf x r n' f 4'.- j. f r J T t 4 l.." mi i 1 B't t tin?' 4 41 MU.ll-'A'ti llllHilL tfi A I !' ) IMt-H-4, 4lt'4 Htt ;j,H Ji Muiil'tM t Ml W '1 5 4Wt H IM V t f .yi.-r. .. t-4nP Mk Vlirtr I n ..(.- riiMvk fl i-ft. Vhk :jii j ,v i Hnii' k it t,mlnM T - l.l nut 4t-t-rirtiiH t(S -'tni, "ii-i f. .)..-t ''.t . .44-OI ltl ti 4 ii4it Hi ;(l,uinnKt K'ttt f4iniMi4i M wm.' 4.'.li-ti.MiF '" s r- iHM4 H rftl f'-. f- .l. ji ,,,,f ' , "llnii' ,t'M'fl 1 Wtii ll I I It J I . t St. i til. tt it mi f Wl M4it'4 i R . . , , i (l-t V I f Sill IH1 " n . . ... . U I t ...... ... i .. . . . M . I . . . . . . 1. t ,t.4 -.) t -ni..r.in v"t( -- .nuni.r M H --4t 4 If k.ll B..4 i.fi lS "'"'4jl -., Wilt . -tt, . y i .JH (4444 A,H- dition relate that when this coun try was first settled by the whites, the Indians were generally hostile. but that their warlare against the whites was almost entirely sus pended during the cold winter weather. The settlers s"wr came to understand that this wa their custom, and those who were on the border would build what they called block houses strong lot- buildings, and enclose a consid erable area around them with strong high stakes as pole fences. Into one of these enclosures the settlers cf a neighborhood would move their families and g.ods at the approach of summer, where they remained till winter. During the day the men, while they lived f in the blck h uscs. would t? out en4 ;d t f t. i..fiis . 4 hi t. t Utf t -4, ! i 14 HtB 11 4,1, iHMHijHJ'J 4V(1 .4 lrt.,...-,, 4i4 STi -l, Ht ..!....( . i M )H.(. ll't 414. P i4j lii M 4l44lt4ir 14I 4' -4 J.4-ii . H 4 i, in... 4 li.ll4l. . (I.-''IW T. ,,U. 4,.- -til. -44 "l'4, 4-t Sl 4.(.i.H .nii..44 4t ;HI--.- ,ii4,.,,w "i4 U41.t.i4.J Klir 1l 1l. )l.,, ,ff 4'., -44... tl it .' vi '. I- t-ok4 .4.I4' H . it C 44i4. 4.M 4. 4'.t4t'l.,'l 4lT, 44f ti 4IM14.4 l4 OniJ't" H-f Sl4 44'H4II4"M i4 IW.-IM -4. K lt4l: 4lit44 4ltMll'4-P 1 VV,M'iM.4, iff 4,i.4l4-. 3 -4 4 1t.HlHll' 4'ii(l4 4V44l S HltV. -Irf.M lit) I,. )f4-. . 4. i)4444' 4r t(i "t. 4 4,(.' ! it(t iWf n , 11. . i t ti 5.s ti.t.;; ' (ll 4 i ltl 4 i"4',:1 4 " t" " Iff 'll t H Willi " lot. t .fl4 t " I l-:n, VlH ( fl.iur 1 1" 1 14 iV 1il'nt urt i ""ll-r M44 4 flMt (4 Hi-i UK" 9H444,444aw -lH aiat fi.ll.T. ; rlt itllll 4l 1 44-V " ttV 44I.V4(4 1 "4KV 4. .4 '-jiii lit i m, "mi i4tt 4i 414 1,f! i tt:M ' 1"H"' M4' 1 1 4v ttjiti tfH HJ 4. i. M a Ut4MlO ttl, 4)OM i-Hf.' H , ttlUi 1MM iM, ,! iii.M. KfHJ".!! M ii 4 r 1 4 'Mi l,.l0 (44)iMi ! f in I-, 3 ,4: ,i "Vi ! 1 t 1 '''lo'-ft ..UmH4Mi a 44i4.-j, i'H4Hmi.,tf l-'44i1tt i'Hlal V HM rttlil TvlMt4(, 4. II. 4444( T4 y,! 44i 1 i4 X.HiHh Ii H4 JI4. ed more i keepia o t M-dar nff Lt!--K" l IS. I.. ' . . - - Ik 4 .... .. 1 tatsance tnan at iwe -4 i 1 -e r t . !ea l. Iltery M the 1 . 1 , a I t. 114141 "",. 1- 44 "tllH )-444lir llii4-tO M Htl4 .MlUliM4-A fl4 T .4 Vtii 't,.lt -f 4nil4l4lMlT 4)444f : tl .iH -H-K X.kU. It ,44li4 ; r.tp ? 1 . H4inir,44it jt-. , 54 n.Humii.iH 4 Jt. -, 1l kl'l'Dtk flit Ktl-H ,4)llUt1 it(4. 1l4lil!.3.4, t4 the braves wo4ld tt eMt 4 thjt chde I tfce b '- ! in r-i' veins. The daKe ended a i-fs-w a it had beoin, t t util".e Indtann scmed t? f ,' w -haunted. The dftir.. f !k bt i -ir i , tit !? ! V4 ''4 I- sjl tf ftif ; j4 "wiiiii to their clearings and cultivate their crops, being careful to have their loaded guns conveniently near to use in case of attack by the stealthy Indian, and at night they would return to the block house. Thus they worked ami watched, and watched and worked throughout the summer; but at the approach cf winter they moved their families and goods back to their cabins, feeling secure from Indian depredations during the se vere weather of that season. But at first the settlers were 4ften deceived by this first cSd snap of weather p-culiar t the climate of the Appalachian region, and when it came, thinking that winter had really come, they wouUI sometimes move back to their cab ins at this time, but only to learn when too late that their move was premature; for the cruel Indian, taking advantage of the warrr sunsh'ny period and the settler's unguarded condition, made his at tack upon the unprotected cabins, and. overpowering the single de fenders, killed or captured, and burnt and destroyed. Thus, by many a bitter expe rience of this kind, the prisoners learned to remain in the block houses until the winter ha i really set in, and they called this delight ful season following the ttrst ile ceilful days of cold, the Indian's Summer. What a theme for the pel who could correctly and fuliy describe this charming season as it is seen and felt in the !iedminl region id North Carolina ! . . . it A'j- ftifi AYr.i 1' AVr. 2. tI b as-; t"; -i .... . - " . t II v-"!t It j VaA-: t '. "4- lit l li II 4w a r . ...... . M I W .lini llf 4 It E 111 li.t- IIIT, ' - - - " J . - - - . - ' a . . . k .. .... J V!'' c1 4, ' I J '- K.k. u.i W -1-4' lfM4J .-1.44M44 , MM.(-4ln , 4 4 .MM41H 4, -4)4 sHi tt ll.a i,4l H 44 I HtHW -. H 4 Ym MI4 " MBlt-.,4 4J4-44-4, .14. 4 444 L4444- ..rt lit XI . 4V .IS,!.' 4, I." r-f : ,,t H' .IU'J S44 j ti, W.4'4, 4 K'lM---i? AX'-'IM j 1a' '' M..IHI.H1 TVM t 4HI4IX ..H tV- t..44.U n,1MllMiE S '"' 0' OH 4 jr.ll.i j j. .... ,.., 4 w . . it . . . ak 1 kkt. m . . 1 mi. g 4b A-Ui O 4V.M4 H4 8WWt44 J l,),'., kVi fl 14 44. . 4.f 44-. i: ''1"4P hti- 04 4.,S, Iit, 1,4,n 4. r4nrioi Hot Of lr1,.l Kl4k.4 4,1 ' " 44i'V. 1l'll.l'. 4 1 4'4l.l M I 4 4. i I14" l.l. 7,41104. 4'1.'l,M4ilH 4Mi r.s 1 cl I 1 4VI lathe llapfy ll-4(:ift Urapptt in hi ta m .iN fc.t-. they bad flared r.r : b .,. strips lined mrat. and jNf Ci'Tmotlitie-s which they bel-evc are needed tf such i-.nt. t accordance with thr b-ot it is the duty of the ! r -r, and wad over tbetr t . IVot at sunrise and st, tt ?aj ait .:-.. after the persoc't 4 Ibey . Tb N V'4 b-. b?-3 prrforrn thr duty fithf'4lty. ' I V" ? !- a the lack of 4eal the raft ! li N'ai1 ii,,r- - bucks in this dirciC4a H-y rair L-f !" It4.e. Ilti fan llaft llc if r that wS t '-i wa a-1! i name f l the iltaJ 'ii() wa J,, .ioM, toe thule Sioux. seats nf aj. tr .t? t-t't - .t 4 "t444fi Jf'414'A I M 4 M44l I41J- .Vrt' 4Hk)4.-4h44 n44 r.f 44l4-4i4.4, 4 44I444 41444? -(1(4 1m1 14. 'A'w H M4I4IJ.- jf.4 aH4l ,.'M.k.1 li IflHjIH H V 44.44-fk4.r 4J (,M M S4444 44)4uf! t4(l 414411 4 Tfclll. lytOHI. TSVi-l "A OII4IJ- .4I4 -ti4 44oHli'A , HI 4 v.4 Iii44 tiitfcfc Hi 1l 44.TI 'OI04lt,,l. Hit 44M44 ti! 444) 444(f! -I4H4I 4444- tvf 44 14. Kt(44 4ll4f 4A (4 4t-M44l -Itlkf) 4)OHl 4tltl4 4tll44b4. 4"4 t lt U U . Hili line d CniairJc. i !' 4Sf j;t i Ml I the KoselWt Accncv. Suth t. ta. lie was one of Jitt l?''s tdd band, and partkt;vtr4 tm Cj ter's masaere i ts;x. l4fnf- other egtemfftt.s w tS tnr whiles, ipciu-fm the Li V4V ! ed Knre fight. As the roomrsi arrive S t t...f fl-4,.4l E t V . S- i , N 'Hl'liJ 4 '1 ' 4 II . . . 4 f .. . . . . t .--i J.'., ',4- 1 f . - ii - , 4U ITRKVlf u WVT 4- r 4 It t fit mUH-f" 4PI4I IV frlMt f IS 4 m ""! - t 4. t - m m t ,4,4. f.4 4.,r j 4. ..' 4j .""" M' ' "I'Olfli- '4' llif "I.O I'f, , 1,1 .-4 .,(1. ' "'t!'., I4 tl4 "I4. IJ4J4-l.f 4- . if " "0 4. fit' kllli.Hj It 044 044' 4 H ,. .! 1 k- , IS;,4 Sl1 fc4 " 0l 4l..ll"4il.!, -l4 4 .,I44,4H V,M. v?..ti..T-.a ... ..44.',- ' r -' l.oUl.nl-4 K14. W..,,,,!.,,,,,,,, 1twr ft wfti - net , if. . v fi tr !.. - ...... .... w. . B U ,. r ............. . . . .. 14 lulM.u.Mrt.lM l.l,l4f "- I'.44 kl -4-0l IIO 44 M 1.. " '- ....... v . M - M 1 i .J.K .. iJ fc-.l k, ,t i.kl Kl.l-l Lit., '4i.'l" - lt- T ''44-T Hi. 44 4014.4144 ji jk..4.1 S. I 'I44-urt,, 1i 4M'444W jKOrt4 44 . . . . i f 4... k..4..l:...14..te . M.it. ....44 ... HlKimil 44 f'K. (lill wim4nj j Mil 4 4ft if kV.ltl1. .-. I O .. t44(!l. 4 .p.J,.,ii..1H 44 ,-,. .-Til. Mi-4 ..III . ! H"l 4..r ,J ,. ri40...r4 VMi.H.O , .o".4toMii". i 14.4k, 4.4.1, rf ... . m 1 -H...a i T.444 ll -J4.r! - ' 2 144 ,.4 Ml. .14 j f . ..,. .. ' k.4 " 1 4r KW.r.' Villi! 4kMU4 !ii,',M,ri.,i,l1..4 , S . j 4r4.'OW4 -4' 4- if-.4ll.4i t .1i,.lll- 4 Uti.P .I4 4444414. 44 t4 if44 .H i44. Ilii, 4i.l4 4o. 1 ft 444 44 404 44 44- 40.U4O4 444! 44J-I4I4 . '.444M .,a l44llr! 44 1)44 4444I-?. I44 lH4.4-4 444 I .44l t4 444 4VS .: A - t'IVSV 4 444i4444ti 4l44v 444444 4 44ll4rt4iS aHl44j.il4Hi.4 -4HM;4 H-f '440444! 4BW4l4 t4t1 4lU 114 4t44. t -.ki-.' "V'll4 4k4 4 1 1 l,l'4'4-l'i'lk -44' HlOk I Jl . ;"tH. r44.iKiil 11444 t"1i4rt 144 5 ,,44 4 ! 44 f 4 W, C "lrt4. .4 ) I I 'H -t n 1 f.o 4l4 .? li.4'. tH-lOf, kJmF !J ,4,4 h. 4iiW 4 .14141 ,4- r.lKH.1 ;i iii44i iih. " I 4or, i'ii4f4. I 44N lt444 4. 44l4f lt.4 44M(444 af i'.4l I"'- , 4" J4.'1 4! I , flU J ill Mt1iiMti4 M 4it- liitM 1 ' mi. j 'Ml aa-i H ia.. 4.. . kk. all .... W -4-.4'A t-vj lt f It '44k IS4 4 i.lL, 4 4'l Wt"-..4 44, II1 " 4 ( .-4 l 4. 4. 4t4 i evening f r theha traa lte t I R 4t 1 b'-1 o- i for the neat t, the t-daas r. cirfi4 i 4 1 - -4ts. 4 i i fii-in 44 t 4'--i-8 l fi4.f t4 tvSf .4.4 h. 1 d" I tr44 I at till. 4" , fud t embark im tN.e Cat H which their late (np4ni bi f died. Nothing CouM vcto-r their superstitious SClnpUs bwl tt procurement rf 4ie c.ah, wNn.: was done, ami the traos star r ! after much !clay. ."-iv'.V, .V, C, v,4iVV4jt.ie Aikl 4- ItikcklVn Arwirtk te, Thr Irj4 Mltr In lb ilM ff Cut, :ruir Str I'lVift, " I n.t Ian In Wlr4 'Mrllk. Very few people kno anything about the Indians in Western North Carolina the Cherokee. There are i,3co of them, and the are increasing in numbers. They own 73.000 acres of land, and very one land. I heir new chief is riitl- wcli bounoikke, and he cannot speak English at all. There are some native preachers ami lur schools, the government maintain ing the latter. There are other Chcrokees. but these are not in eluded in the 1,200, as thry live elsewhere t:an on the reservation. J. Airy AV'i. ah i t. Thie who have umh! Dr. Kin'a Je Di-Hfovery knyw its value. ! Ih.w who hav iHt. have iww th i'fjrta ity to try it Ywv. Call on lh jTrr- tis4.1l Irust nud K t a Trial ltll. Frw. S.ent your nam nl n.J.IfTwk to II. r Iu4'klcn 4V t.4x. t hteairo. at. t a Kampltt box of Dr. Kin N lal Pill, r , iw well m a epv r liai.1 to Health and llou-rhoM liuiirurtor. Free. All of whkh k Kurwnir4r4 to d your ti.l ami cot yu Mbui,; Sold by Juiiu Tail. lraw:. ii"Ti!fc IIi-ralu Otlice for Job Work. i 4r aC" IVf ttf 4,l i I?-. e- w "!. w.oi.j .-- ; U-) I t't l?. lo l' ltort. 4 ie !W r-t'tti-M4, iiv;: tf I ia .i.,4 J(4ntM.iH) a;,l9J ,rt f till X 1 w k. U EI , . kV. tS ak . tt.,i ha. .i J D. mM laak .tVi.fe aV 4 - P " k. . .a atV I Ih I I it kk ii : .h- 4. i. 4..,4V ..a w-tt v a ik."p 4j an k 4ni'0 '' "4J ; wnm . aa p - l'. Uhriim. IVrrrTrCrf.CiVti. ...-,4 .,k.i 4. i ,-V4 ' " "4 I4nl ttir4K Cfetlt4. f , ... tJ. . ai:.4.. all Skin t!ruttion. 4kH.il iMittaEti P ..r . '- ' J- . ----- - 1 1 ,r r- . . - . . 3('4 fl ft !V ItM 4 Lit) .4-4 f 44 I-" I'C l1 -4 4 .4l'--,44 "Hiili - lt. II I'lf k " I i'l 4-4 i "I -v. J.l'."w 4 1 f. kl.. I r.. : 1 . k 4ti ! . 4..f : 44 nlL h ? nt ' a. 4 i. 44',, :7i 1 i- 4t.J4. 5 i",, Ul" k1.4 I i4 4.i4 V 1- ' I la t tkT 4-1.1 t'.iri'i; f4 I 4 r..o4.f, 't'ti'ii i.nAri wti j-i ,o.- 4 i-- ifi l K . 3mw?,m. .4l-r. Pt'iW V 44 44. f, 4 4Vl I i 4 '4 iH-'llll IH -44144 44.4.4, ! 44 444. 11441 Hit f4M HK M4 kl,- ll 4,,4. 44i! 1i4 W 04ki4 I V ! J-4. i4H t 41141.4 4l 4'41S ? 44 ll'4 H H-i4 oC'.M -4 4k). O4.0 ) 4 '.0'4 44llM 44 '441. . ..4, J---M4V ll -i n r 4 .r-t4 '" v. rV kill -4--4 R'Ht S'lllMilk l44. j iMittlOlt' S.4 V 4 , ' 4,4 ) 4. H i"V .4 41 " " I..'. Ol - 3 . i ;i..-k- t lit llll i'jU hi , J l.l , v.1 ,. , ill- 4. li i, f. 444.4 t4llp . 4. 444.414. ..,: Hh4i i44or-4- 4 o4t m. Mit4i , 4 "'4V l-- 4 M 0 4 ' flV, 1(l't '4M 4414. . 5-4,u,-4k J ltd 44 41'1 l H.4.? 4 4.5 4 4 Hii; i -4. f.l-f 4. I' If 1.4 f 1 4 41 '!.. 4.f Ml 4- 4 o ,i ji iiiui, V core Tih-s or y teupwuv!. j '(v tu.. v. p 4'-1 llli 2i4i4ti:rrd c rfl Liir,,,. 4f- ftalb I... ...if.'- . i . if . . . . ....... 4 k - !.4I4-I4- IIOII, 44 PflUftrj IT (Df H.I.44T44. I'tr4 rrnt. r b, ot aayi by Jihu Tull, liruit. 44a k4ia44, 4ak444V tw t4H4r of tld trr ai 4c4t44r4 Un I4944 tv tbikt tavfir ft t il i44 drinkdinl timwuiwa tkVtt mttwiwaf k.4 att to ewf m all H tttK aa thalaktatatth. tUtrt'ataflk i'Wta a MrlivkU Ifl4f4V4y. VikkAfflk 9imjt Ik Kt.iot4t4it4k4xl atamiaia, .4if4 4aj ktwtovt tmaiMaval., .4tt' IV.ki'ttV Cri4 taknai kalativUlf . twtiati 4t4w 1 4B th4 ttVJ IV4 4V44C44 l4f 4tl 4 lb avalcaat. llWtuby fit if m f4aBNtalaklk f ItW tlwiwuw', ami tb Ma44at tf4ttlk f 44I.t444t ftfk W Clit4tt4U4 V kknl4fcj 4tl44 iv 4m i wwb. tW 4f444 a.4 4 f44-t4 lallk 4 kt 44f4i a4tfu that tlwy ff IW faa44x at&rx (. 444 44 tCk4 if f4k4&4 ta f 44to 94444.4 m4T lt 4lf W4tt4Mktt4l44V J"t'f44l4l4V I. J. t'llDtY A f t. -T4V.Vi4. X a.4f 44J tiytkrwtt'Mkv. 4ttk, Tb4l4r-I Hc4oiaia4 I it 444. tlW vat tf. of aUt a tl 4i-4t mM k.nt vm MU TW 4f 44- aana tjavr lkt4te fc ta fmtm$ m C444J 1 4434)44 lM4TiJI4l4l4l 4 441 1 If.' ach. A t ca fm, mt tt lua 4f naawMry i4t r.kt a .. Ilall ll4f ka4 44) .4to4".4145 IkW Iwat tr4Ui-ai44k aokkl ta liw- k'. , ttc ttw ct44a tlkol la tWr.a-v.! tMioai4t (hat w kkKlk at ftay W it Mival Vi or ,.Ji 4.': i t' It." 4'ol! 4i kT t 4f t"i k raii.l. -41' -li J4tl4.'tlHiJ4- 4,o- -!(,. 4or 4 O' 4 -(!.,. 4 bl' ' ." 4liU 141. '414 40- 4I ifi Ht. ttti t. jH.-0, rt. 44-i, 4 1 . g 44. I'Ol .V., 44 41 'tit.'Vi 4 4U Hill 4f4 , l,K4 -.1(4. 5 ,1. V '! H4 4.4 .41 44, ..III 1.14. Ml 404lMOP u 444 4.41 F 41 4 K . 1 1 11 1, l 1 ti 4,,, , , j... - J.-44. Ro4 ,i-Ata 44lf, .-.HI" l4ltll4l. O' 4 4-4 44 '14-0,.:, 4OO 4 I .,4. V l- k til 4Wvim. 4.II1 l 1,4(4 'f-Mt i ?l 44 fl' .44'4m -Ml4i4. : rl lo i.4--i -." 4 ' l a44..jH4 44 -4 (.V, 41 M 'k4) 14 44 4 ,J4W.44,. I , I '' 4''j''-'l 4.'.. 4 41 lt-jt 44l,i4. 444. Hit- .44-4 K 1,44 - 4l 4- -4H . b 1411k 4li 4l7 tSlA, -44VI 9lkM , 1 ... I I 1 .1 u . .11.. . . ' i . ... . .1 .... I ......... .r- VlO. ,1.ta .4 ,:,.r. H4H44 M' "V J. 44.1.44 ,., "i-. 4..4i. ,44 , V,. ,.ClHt 4.4:4 ..,. 44 ,.. T.4. 4444 S4. 4,4.4 .,..4 .,. .OUM-B . 44.MO.H.4.4K 44r ' ' ' ' ' " ' S'4 - III ,(,Mi B. -. 4l 1,iWh tl. I 11 -1.4V -4I-.OI 0.14 t,u4l TluK A k4MOM I44I- 411 4' 41 14'(.HH.4, a-K-)! 4li'0-l 4it4l)f; 44.04 1,1.1") Uk 44. 414 4444ijW 4Vlllll) -144. 44l04 1,4' 44- I 9 St.4J'4o04, 4.HI". 4llo4H 40444 , . S ij "fiijiM'jl l(.l. if: Kt44f44i44. dl444kl . 4ir -tiU.'llijl 4 t- tbk 44ji.h4m 4v Ti44- llkf it.'404H iM 4"4' 44iUm4 4l. 1r04lJ'IH 4t4 J4-44I44I4W ,fci. t f4. ' V-V -O- 44.1 4(t404H IOII11!. 044 H4444 4ll 4444 a (44 JH4t44444 44H.4 4444.f. H allOttM (1. 44VlY 4IV44. 4V44444 41, S44 Wives .1: and DaUfhlCiTS 41111(4 ..I4lu.. HA.441J' 41. '44 i...4li 14 fi 4 4 41. kWkO.r n,(1 . .4 1 1 44- 4' 4 f( -V . a 4xt4. H4i'S 4l! A I4I4. II Mn H '1111 , ' 44 44 14 -4U4441 H4. 14 f,4 4 4f 1i.-4 - -4.....i- 4 444 4 At 44 4 l l I II I4" f-4.i(f, 8iV''kJ SmmV 40 4444. 44ljl lv-,44li r.'444 R444rl.44i 444a 44144 44 4M4k- J-4f n 44 '4f'il 40141 V-4vl. sM.i" II I .4 "a atnv' ... . 1 mt jv .. .k . 1 .'.am s 11L -11,1 jn iL b 1 - a,.. mm n , . . . . , -4'f 44-K 4 4. : V4. 4(-1 fck- T, . tt4-414 l44 44 M4 444 4444444 iKW f t4i . I fF. 44 l-ltf4M- . . . - - , :-,VJt 4-. ft.- -. T.lt-.V,",","",;"7V S'n" '1.. V44 ..Wlll S4U.4, kf V Va l ,n iV--. ,4. --i- al 4 a. -I.MHM4- Ii' ...J ,,44.144 41 44-4.. 11 ik..., 44,Ki 4. 44 I """ -'V"- - - I 'w- w ... .' 4 ... - " I . - . kk ... a .... 4 k. I 0 4M t I. M.oa 4hl IIHIH.,.,,.. ii ..u ... ... a a - 4. . . .. . .. V. am a k,i,i k im 11 it iaM lif k a v... U, ..J" .lot .kbili B ";: ' "" ;'" '"f" ;w MMl vi 3mki mirtf m.i , - - v . . . ...i, a SW oil! .44 a !-.., , h h.,.4, .( k 4 (14 414404 4) Rat) 14 4'4 :41 Hl4 ,444r-4. "44. -kw W " " ' Ik., e .lu.k. ml ik . 14.H4-4 4 0.MU444 4--444 444 4k4k P I' " 1 44-" HM J - .4444 . ,w t Vet kfH.. :!... 4 I jt-- 4V4".H4..;4 Kl4 4.'44 bit Ik &4t ,f 4. 44V. 4. 1 ka 00444ft .lujkrv kti tfi- - tbMXM. 4f !k-U. M444 . t1"1 iOlSiOl 4 .,4 ta 4M4ks, a. .i4.'.; tt. ks fM k.i '' "' M f4f4 14 ,4.3 ifHiiinimi 40. a kii 11' i4 iaH4kiii. 1' f ,.i4ijio4((, t "V.44 Rr'ii 4J4iiiti4) 4- Ift.itvlt' b-l'5 4. 1 f'Hlf f 4 4 1 . 1-4.. Ikoh'k, 4i( vp1io4k. r4o-'l. 4li4 liit nh!.'i.i4 f :.'i 4 Mii'4'Niinl. 4 44--4 M.4HH,, ki 44.iT, 1,4lf 444 4l4.r, S t'UfX n'11 kkl? 444. 4Vn,i.tV. 5 rfOf. 4- 41. $W-IH 4llv 44M4iH4tiAu i4.,i4i mii 1-n 4444-M gkniovMOMi, rf 414ai4 iSJ. -41'VtAllUltMlU. Al'wiri tflti .4tH..-lVOf44 T 411 4,444 MHl4rMI4 J5 t 4iui441tU.rl IhiHi; 4 iM4lii-'. t tv4Vv1oHiH :4l 4a4.iVt im 44iM.I44 all 4 MtkSW) 4 ttW i4 MM 4 diyHili. It -'4T.l4vfl miMItt l444aV 4 H 14144,14444 1l kJM 444 4I, j .' .hiUh4 3n4(4i!li)Htl mIt, i "TSS4V 44-4nUM '44f4M444 -40H-14 4ltTW 4T41k ill l'HI4 H 4444r4al4 44t4j f H 4H'iMl' I' jl44.f 31 J ' 0MlW4t VVIM4vit44 HbVkft 4Sk4J-44ij -f. 44Mtl.'4i,44 444444V 4.44 4V4tV4-Hv. M'i!'kf W.J, fCttftiLTa . 4I444 k4kkn -44M. H444 aMi4H 44 S444M4H444a H44444 444M 4tl4ia kl4 4 .444 1441444' (144444 444H04"k4i 94 rnt4H4 4"H44t4 1 V444II4 4l-44 avi4 1 pSi-44V ,4Htaki Jdr Vkli'" 4.4" I kVk' "l J.4f! '-"- 4TI ky '-'.'lS4 t"V4 4 tr ISV4I it b t'l "l H. .y S (- 1 u 'I44 4k 44tH lo 4V )I4' C-sa ('ok Iik iH.4t &k.;rv A , fa .f in.,4- 44 w4 I f 4 4A4i 4 'tf I tv4t 444 aikk.kriS, '441 tiH44 .404-M4l 4W 4NOI4 4t l4-41 H.-WH44 J 'll 'I ll 4.444- -44.4 44M4 i 444ina 41 4M4Sl4 4 m4444l4 4k444V Ht4lM 44 4l4 4V4 -444 44 4l4 4 a4B4 4--.MI 41 a4l.Mtn4 .4444 4?44 4X4"444 444. 4444 41 444 r"4M. J. 4 l..k H.4.444, 4,.4. 4M444lt44k; t4 4M H 4444' 4A 4444nvM, 44X4 ifWII. kt m k.M.Ktka kii T - 9 .44 44444 .44 44-na 4VK 4.4444V 44-k14. 4444' 4,4 WfV-4 4 44-44 4.4M41I 4 S4 44. 44 -kt4 44444 44M ..4.4.4 P4-r4, I.H k, 41 m ;i i V"V 4- Jiki ' ',4i4"V 'ot.lk 4i'K tta4'ta.a4u s 444''4i. ! bl (414(f.-4tlH.ir. 04. t 1 1. 1 "f 4iH"-ll' 4 " Jf44ii.44 44, 4.4-4 tl4H.4 k . .4t Ho '.if ao-4.4.4 j'-( 4T -(.'('lil-l I 4 t' 4111 j' 4 tt1 4 1 ; i f l- ' .4 '41, 1- I n feft,iS fc 41 ! 1 t 4H4 "J" 4" ' I 4.4 rll'i I .. r ' I -"" "ij I t tr- rtt-li Ji'k-'k 4. 4-'.4-'4. '.W4tfc i'.id. I- 14 -4i t IH..1 J ! '-(. tW4 Mi? fe 4.&,4(4 "44 2e'44Mil n.iy I Uk a.t4S ol44HH 4 O4o Itr dl 4t f4s- ta4 i-.Ui44 4 4iy4k 4Vk V.b 4U ?'l4 -44 k4k I4O.4 4l.l4-l44.i 4f-ll4y I1M' - .lMHikM)444ni f r4a ).a 44IM44 '4.4 'l..444.w4k 44. 44l at4lf444.44. 14 4I4.4II(-I f- 44F S-N44 444 4'lt w.M i,ll44, 4444I4.M 4W 444 44')t 444ll4- ! 4a )Mii 44- -4o 44 a l 4..IOO 444 44444 t4 4V44444k4t44 4-44-'O.M.II. k.f4.Hl.444 4.444W 4J444 f 44. 4.1 If 4t".H" lv -. HM-k, 4! 41 4, l- . 5'441 -.. '4 .: ..f04444.ni 4-H) Jfit l I .. 4 t,H. ll Akl.t 4? .4444 '4..-4 1 i t V 4Hk44 14444 f u 4V4 S-t aW-M. V. " It 444 44 l. k 444 44 JI441 l4 40l.l 44I-44-44 " 4V -k-l.4. 4441 4.44 l 4 I"4 4l 44-W-4- 4 41 fit 4 44.44- 444 4. 4k44444' 44 i'44 4 U-H4 il4l4-i4" 44k4vik v 444 40W141 4l- J'444a --4 ia' 44 .44.4 . ft 4 'fl 444 ' 4M44I-44' )k44 4J4W W4 4k4t. )fi.wii,)tf 4 444V . Mt.aif -4y.i 441 4Wa444f 44444 . !4 ,B ! 4fft 44.4t 44 4 4444i 4ak 44.4 4 4.kH 44Ol.l 4Hk. 4OTtl.li4. 4.w44- Ilk!- 4 4.' ) "4a-.M- fcfc. . n.4 -4- . I 44r 4Vt -4 .k4M Utla4 tt UAa fk 4.-4. 4 4k4 4k4ikH -444414 il CtaaJ t V TCiCtiTkCl fiUm"" W44 rawttafjkr? ill Vll T4' M- 4 44 .4'i4 ' .ff -4fi 444 4.44 4 4444444,., 4aiS 4 44 F lVa"iibajk4kJ4aXakk jLjm I1 w -ij.i::itk r4it:i;-k.j,,MC AriiO, lri'b.,,4Wiiii4k..i) 44 Al 4Tj4i. 4M4,t't"' ij, 'A I I .H4H- 4H,iyl4ll4i 4Y.444 M 4 - 4if- wfk4,nW 44.444 a., 4'440y4it444J.i 44k4i444 , 1 .Mi4i'