wmm-mmmmmmxmmmismmi---m' - .,. ' -tiairriTnaaaii , n 1 1 ..hi n nmmm mmM-mmm laaaliiiiiii mm i . i j.;. iwwnTrrr nniariTrrnTr "T-nr-i nr r ' " "M,MrtlMM''BM'J""""aaaa THE HOKGANTON HEEALD CO., ?a&s. V. C. ERVIN. - - Editor. TIIK IlKUALO will b nent to any a.l- ,ir..a for St.OO per year, t r SO cents for ix months. sincl copies can be hail of newmlealrra t three cents per copy. ; y-sneri:il terms to agent and newgwleal er. Write for part ii uIhi-h. A.liiress. THE HEKALD IVI1. CO.. Morgan ton. X. C. STOKY TELLERS IX CONGRESS. TISK mESEXT HOl'SK HAS MAM. Thf Host Popular Orators Those AVho I en ine o.i Moriw-Nome of the Stories Told on the Floor This SMloa. In the South and in the North the mast popular o-ators seem to be those who tell the best stories. To be pleasing, however, the story must be put to the point at issue. One of the most successful men in Congress was Washington C. Whitthrone, of Tennessee. On the stump he was invincible. The stories flew from him like corn poping from a griddle, and each was pertinent to the issue pre sented. He could adapt himself to all circumstances and condi tions, and have a story that would exactly fit every niche in his argu ment. This adaptability kept him in Congress for many years, but in his speeches on the floor of the House he dispensed with anec dotes and depended upon argu ment alone. He found it the most effective. At first glance this Congress would seem to have more than its proportion of story tellers. The stories, however, bear no compari son to the number of speeches made in the House. Anecdotal illustrations are really verv few. Some are stale while others are quaint and original. All are ac ceptable, for without them discus- c.w.. ntuaic nuuiu oe cull in deed. The first story told on the iloor this session came from Mr. Cooper, of Florida. The House had been in session ten days be fore the anecdotal vein was re vealed. Cooper's story illustrated precisely a point which he was making in an anti-silver speech. He could not reconcile himself to a vote for a measure which would make 57 cents worth of silver a dollar. If this was done he thought his people out to receive a dollar for every 57 cents" worth 01 cotton, toDacco, vams. and oranges. He did not say that he supported such a proposition, but intormec: trie House that he would manage to hold his conscience in abeyance. "An acquaintence of mine "said Mr. Cooper, "was cow-attorney for a certain railroad. His duties were to go around and resist claims for cattle killed on the track. He resorted to legal quib W! .,. 1 1 1 . una mu aeiays, ana con tinued in service about three years, when the railroad company ciscnarged him. Thereupon he became a very active and zealous promoter of like claims on the other side. One dav as he was addressing the jury in a Justice's court ne became very severe not only upon the company but upon trie attornev represent.!."- the company. Finally, the other coun sel cou.d stand it no longc. and threw his record at him. "Didn't you for three years represent this raiiroad and resist just such claims as this, doing what I am doing, only a deal more so ?" Whereupon the indignant cow attorney replied : "Sir, for three years I held my conscience in abeyance, but now it is broken loose." To clinch the anecdote Mr. Cooper said that he had not held his conscience in abeyance, but if he was to do it he wanted to see some tangible benefit for his peo ple. The next anecdote was related by the Hon. John C. Hutchinson, of Texas. It was an oldtimer. J siah Patterson, of Tennessee, had happened to remark in his anti-silver speech that we had come to the fork of two roads. Mr. Ilutcheson was making a sil ver speech and said that" if this was so he would stand where the colored man in the congre gation stood. The minister said ' that broad road am de road that leadeth to destruction, and straight and narrow am de path that leadeth to eternal damnation," and these were two roads men tioned in Scripture. At this an old darkey in the congregation jumped to his feet shouting, "Fo' God ! if dat am de case den dis yere nigger takes straight to de woods." Mr. Ilutcheson said that it might be that he should be obliged to take straight to ,J.he woods but if he did heTwanted the Democratic party to hew the way, and he wanted the gentleman from Tennessee to be present to chop along the line and help his party through the wilderness. The next yarn came from the lips of the classic scholar of Har vard, Dr. William. Everett, of Massachusetts. He was amazed at the determination of some gen tlemen of all three parties, Demo crats, Republicans, and Populists, to find politics somewhere in some P'-rt of the silver discussion. They had a wonderful nose for the polit ical cat in every bag of meal pre sented to them. It reminded him of what happened in a certain poor religious congregation in England. 1 he congregation wanted to pro cure new hymn books, but they were very poor and could not afford to pay for them at the ordi nary prices. They understood, nowever, that a certain great ad vertising house, a business house tnat made patent medicines, was wiiling to furnish them hymn hooks at a penny each if they would allow some advertisement to be inserted in the books. They thought that would be no special li irm that they might have a few pfges of advertisements bound up with Watts and Doddridge. They 'irreed to the proposition. The ''ks came duly printed, and they g.,t down to the church on tne 24th of December. On Christmas morning the Sut lit VOL. 1X.-NO. 37. mode! Chritian k t , a via nsM thought of anything but religion, cot up tosinir. Th.;- . " a.v a la out by the nrsl ine a vff Utnliir nymn. Immediate! tk 7 . a lew seconds were aghast to find L.tmicivrs sinning : Peace on earth an. I av-rr m,l,f; rwo for ma a aaU tut a !!. The House broke into .-.... trollable laughter and cheered Ur. u,"t 10 me echo. a laugnaD.e storv w aa trtt 1 k- V a a a Jhe U?n. V. I. Talbert, of South Carolina, a day or two afterward. ncs.ua ne naa listened with a great deal of earneMn-. t . n totn sides f the question. He had listened $0 seriously and patiently that some- il",cs nc naa oeen in the position of the little boy whose mother, in making him his first pair of trousers, nut the frr.m :n ik. .... The little fellow started far school the next morninc. am! .!.,. cheerfully along until he looked clown and discovered the situation, wnen he burst out crTinc? and whimpered. I don't like thce pants; I don't know whether I home. The South Carolinian's state ment was received with - - aughter. N"t long afterward, in referrine to the dererati? ,tT.r l.ir bankers to choke off the silver rnen. Mr. Talbert said that charity forbade that he should say that Congress was influenced by their action. Every man. however, could think, if he did not speak To illustrate his idea, he said that down m South Carolina there was a man who hired a lawyer once to conduct a case in court. As the lawyer as not talking ex actly to suit him. he got up to make a few remarks himself. The Judge, of couse. made him take his seat, lie cot ur arIn the Judge made him take hi seat In referring to the allegations t.at the Sherman act had "caused devilment in the country. .Mr. Ta!bert said that the passage of that act reminded him of some thing that happened in NVrth Carolina just after the war. Gen. Kilpatrick came throuch a t.wn going home. An old Union man named Roarfc. who had a very tine horse, went oat to meet the gene ral. He rode up to him and thought Kilpatrick knew him. ;Good morning. General." he said. Kilpatrick returned the sal utation rather gracefully. Then turning to one of his men whowas riding a very poor horse, he said. 4'Get ctf that horse. Addressing Koark. he continued. "Get don off your horse." Roark did as he was told, and then Kilpatrick sai.l, "Change your saddles." Turning to Roatk again, he said. Vu get upon the poor horse." Roark ! as he was commanded, and Kilpat rick started off. Turning toward him Roark said, "Can I speak to you ?" "Yes." replied the general. talk quick; I must be going." "Well," said Roark. "I just want ed to say to you that I have been swapping horse forty year, hul this is the first time I ever traded without I had any s.jyin it." So it was with the people. They had to swap their money fur g td. and they had no sjy at all because of the legislation which was forced upon them. In referring to Mr. I farter's speech. Mr. Tatbert said that it re minded him of the man wha was inquiring of a little boy standing on the road the way to a certain house. The little fellow replied : Wa.li -,... V44, . VM 44443 djr 41.441 a RTIte to another road, then take that road and go about a quarter of a mi!e and then you will line a blind path which will lead you to a swamp ; then go up into the mid dle of the swamp until you find a tremendous big tree ; then gr up into the fork of that tree, and then if you ain't lost I am tlotrottrd if I ainta Dutchman. "That." continued Mr. Talbert. "is about like the talk of my friend from Ohio. I tried to foiiow him, but he first took me into a swamp, then into the fork of a Iree. and finally I as completely lost. Mr. Talbert in his speech said that he had never written a speech, as he did not like to be bothered with note?. He undertook to make one with notes once and got them all stirred up together and made a complete failure. It reminded him of what happened to the old preacher down South, who told the boys what portion of the Scripture he intended to read for the morn ing lesson. The boys, finding the place, glued two pages together. The next morning the old preacher began to read at the bottom of one page : "And Noah. wtWa tr wa a ftaalnrl nara old took tu himirif a wrtftr. wa waV Then turning over the leaf: "A hnmlrrrt a ail Ihirtr rwhtt tna aaal frt inl.it wMc.aa.1 ata.lv rtrt 4.4 ia cr woud. and inticbca ailhm aa-l wttkWwl" This puzzled the grod old preacher. He took off his spec tacles, rubbed them, and verified the verse. Well. he said, after drawing a long breath, "Brethren. I had not seen it in this here bok befrr. but I know it is true or it would not have br en here. It is an evi dence of the assertion in another portion of the Holy ttiblc, that Tr- , ,,u anj time 't uom n, fatft,,.. l4 ' , ... t t.i this hapoened. an.! f.n.ir .k- ... Iradirtr kMt,- . ..." , l .. t, . Vt . -l4. fc ... " -JCT'llrl .mk...4l a a . I aa . aav ... a. " B " T i MT 1 t 11 1 'TI rl'I E 111 ft S,. k. ,., iim1 t I.. . r . .s. .a. , W " ' ' - " ' ' " farmer trot uo an,! 4,i. ii-n .Mr. nm-fi ... ' .. f -)lid . . . . ludvTr i vnn a--. 1. . .... a fk . ..t k... . . ' 1 tir ' ildil'll' Dill m.A . . . . " -Why. certainlv.- ,enli,4l iK ! "Mr friend I ha I ai L. i . . F a '.K 'h"- t- ... 4. . . . ' "H Judee. " ten I .7 " 1 ' i 1 u . n- Mv-j; - . ' 4., VelL ludtre.! think rtace LS " r' -i-r-M .V. tn',. .V.a(i ! ! ' .V "' w ' an inese lawyers are a cre.ii set I "e f m tt era. .... . " v auu I ' - aa 4tlHEa.faatl aA .4t a - . . . . u . . a a . I 0 4mP i , 44? -4 44J4.4. IK'll 441W44 01 rascau " Jt 4 man H fcarfuKy mn4 mUtUllf made." It was an oil st-.bai t tiui threw thebol ttot? ti4Cux volstant. On the wesi dar Jerry Snn el a story to UNiri m in hi silvrr peln. It h had bttn dirr Utr I i r. rtxy of the cae rf th frit It reminded ttimf tb sty 1 frentteman whm imitt hat on the M.ort rHfa It t lime mhn Ifcere m ft l rivalry to KkN (! the Imtdcr whUtle. lit mm b '.i a steamboat n lh a f Imx.:. er and jmt on it f VVhen he I4ew the fcti th t. me at! the rm wroi ot rf t?v potler. Thk eeeed t tf cofidiiion of i pp.fflti u ffm0 coiner. They blew off pound f ftcaer t iMf bi!"ff nt the first start, and tad diiftcd ; the rushr on the We t yl stefn ajin. lrrry s:ry rnn&ftU . The II e IajSrd at it .! thtt h pnt tUf a scratches hH hrl In h m dnprh K f tfte It -e. tht rrtttnM'f llAtnp Clark, of 5t h tet H th nWAtft fMf f. lie t rrtr,rfed a owe of W tt I story.ttUcr in Kr r at the only rvrac'r i h fn.v 1 sermon th4?. ?f the It t i' pchet ol Ihe ,mftWai tt n-im a4 m fdttri;W(.4 fj in a hundred year te r"-r " I would retticcd I thc-w tt- I 4 t fit. 4. . ... ,....,...,,, r ,u i peo. The rr.K.;rf m .-i 4in P!,rr tn f,riii4c. ... I .... . . . . . dwn in; thtr taya i-n 4.r vain Wotrl.l I'm m Am a. " ! ' Mffn ' v I"" If -- rue ir.e ll.n. l.hrr 1 It..,.. of frcJ. wa r';a f f. vcr, ne . mch VMI Krp-4. ,,.. . , k - "w cut o the head of th utt? and the Be-t mt fB i knw he is done dead tel." is a intte te cunty bo rf aSmth! --a.a, straftatcr came int th i . -a ffa a, fr Sfjfrday. an I wa:,o at ttm i. b trl,saw a little wntr clar ! a crd gnsc tn He .tf I.wtherun chrd. lie wi on. and in the tm bfci 4 little brown ehnftfc. a4 4 V.aa I .. a. .. . . I . - a, a a ... ..4,.T.a ..i.rnk. IK M ty4, ,.-4 4 44. I.4T Iift4r iU !-,. t able t uta:n e tfc. ! W-a-laajaaifaa"-.- v H . , a Ci,4tvj oe law cithf t ;, ' r. f t MtVrt.4l .'..a mm- ... a .. K landlord. The tra;Tf i.o;. j are mi!4t. ..... ............ .p.,, f , .4-. "l tl 1 a'kke. Oicr in IV wklte &( H I ...M4 ..N.a.. I. .4.H k a - . Vfr fwn ; Oil .! ' Ida l.....a .1 ...L aa a. . H . ... t vdatrrt 4 a bat ftf'4 fn tart, tfc The m;rty f K-. L Inld i f- I , Nmthand tel. Tfceyar risna.and cn U ral t lllKatln.. ..la -a a '.a 1 rd d ! rd the I ifty.i.l Ca t are wv. I . ? h ArS.i Ila4 Tr;. in dfir- i u i hVe rBlrtrtl lVa t'.ra t...... L OVMa llkata ..4..a.-.aa .- . . . I p. y . - 4 . approach J ifrg int'ats In ltjfi:, I U i !di-..ppi the cvvty u 4. . t ... a . 1 . - 4 a. 4. . ...... . i llo-e iftta c- nvNe tnrtr.n--. f v CW" .V. 14 4 w - . ... ...... A 4.44 f 4.fl . Si.eo tttrkcv UI b . i at dinner KfusrrK- by llai I. Usht. and m fttmhf t Irk iil help deto4r I he cti bird. NUhi a year t-4 lr4t strayed away lr itm farm f ,.hn K. Ughl. Of S Jltfa a,v htK A few tfaj. later it w faund in the rn4f.f, Ua 1 1 Lihl. A !aut M:.wr tv rf termine the onhj,4, buff it ended the tatic , Se .! ere out oer T.lay N bird was rHirchad by ttira. t. I.ighL' (- f taa tM 4i4 44a M- Mt J.., larnVW Va 4aa4 a ra Ma af. C(a4l CI ,V--44 al lta 4Waat44aa 1M aa mmwaati H . a a.a'...4v.' r a - fa -aa , ia a.Ha a- taaal ' TW 14 4WM.a., fta.1 tvt . tlWir fatKilt-- 4jaa4 iWtafy immf af health. lf. fVrr' l1iMaia rtiVt aralaf al4 t iit lmim CtMa ! Ma aai. rtt, a.aXj,,, 4M4 lV44tf fc. -tia444aaaas. eaiaia il4t4C-a.t4aa. aa. 4a44U f l lil la attvMr -. J4fiytl -. am.il.aiiCaf-efin.lail aat qar-l f t a . . tiw kvta. ITXlt! lw44Ha-aVV. TVW ttaaf jaf 1M 4mrtlt. W 'ft-l ff'Wl ..a a ... .. ata . ... . ,H...W,al a,hht . - further attempt I.I.M lZZXtZM" XVl he .lewie the sUet b.TI fcU' Vl "l; - v. .s,. ilM. , , - r. m a,, r'T'I "Ir" :'';4' that the e of t c-. t a,. M.. ,-. - W.- 3 - rrre between the d-af of tf,. J,,a , Z : - 4-.i.-P h. n MM-t-r, 1 reaury ii.ay e,d 44af s . i m-. .,,.- 'mm 4. .,,. ....a.j-n 1 n,, aaw4Hf.A 4. the I rrKiry nee iM St :.a, t a. r v- 4.M, 4 .tt-. ... i,, a,tJ IM, .H .. 'm-i.M4 .. lUuStfate th ICf a aa..f AiUkC ANTON N. C V'm''m m, -Hm.um amn. a, "Wy mil ff n,; ,t ! .. !t ! MoX.,J ti Ik.. b., 1 t w i-os or?.;, f" I (tuff I Hi t I .t I .1 . m f4viar m, fc. - " ' " u. . . N r J I ft- a f.. n f n. fS4 tR.fcl . a,,. I I n.i-S J a.. I ! I B' " ,t!i t "'"- tV5 I V j, 1 JL t-t fi. . M J .. r- t't ! R, orar. i Wi K)i'i! i , " 'n .- " 4 t f ' . -j,-. ;laaE a j ay J ..a, l Sn-a I ; an.!)- aa 1 f.,a,. . te , , VJ j f:tJ r. f a ,.a . . a aa I 4 '!, a ,a - r , ,1 T 11k (aaa . , . n . . . i -a- - -.. ... .-,lT.,- . .. ., . , S ... a H sla ail ulj. El klA A..a 111 . M MA a,. .we..... " 1 .;'-.ift Wa , a...-. I . M - " a 'I 4. 4- r- I ".'r t , J 4 turtjf -War-. 4.a 4,jrt 4l'r! 4 '. -f.,4.-V, -a.va.. f.'H'' " f! . tl f V f -ar-la .-,.a 44., k 'N 4 j avl-.rt ia-V t . f ) It. -.f i4 ' Si- f ion, ta " It ta a, . 4 .-rair ,4j,..l4.1a. E a.... ..... .a .... i n-i-niri! (tt-" t;. a.'l.ti'. ,,( - ., !; " tav:,a,a mt a. .4.a Wf W a i'i at. I t.r t La .. . . . ... a. ... ti! I, vtj ... n ri, ; ,t Tl. I.t-a '4( a,.-. 4'tir I. i.a... m .a.'....a ... a aM - , . , . 4,.-i Raa i- ; !, Ml. V4 I ",', ,,a -... la 4f!M -0 ft .4 (4.4l a a da "V. . a a., a r. ........... . , -. 4 .,t . ? W-oa" ar.4(aa ,a4a ff..?- H t V 5f4 Va 4V - 4 atVaa 4, ataa 1 fta. Mai. f . ata.a 4t 1 . a , t. 4 Mr.f. ? oi a a .r..a -ta f M ,.,., n f v. , fk rv., rr.h.... wHa.vaa,.. - " ' ' rr H ! , r - v, , .a .,,a a..e " t !i-t,...fr--it w .-j, j 4 . f ,a a, a Va 4? f .- M-.-K ..v4 I 4r,Miiu.. ia,,,,,. T . . . - . ' r I t.4V 1 4vr - I5 ,a tt-! i4f J rj4(:na., I,; Brt.f 4!H , .,T f,fc . ..lrt1 j,., ?f tk.. ft. ... . E r. ..... . - , -F a 4 Tt a 4ir:ai.ai f4 .!. f 4, "!,. ., ,.4 H a ,M , .; K.4 (-4,,.,) av-. , , a lJ- 4l T 8 . -.4 H.4aM ..4,a. '.,. ,4V4,4 f.t-ty. ill ilMH mi. miimi IMM4MLJ a 4 Wta a.., aaaa .a IKav, ,t-:- a"tSl4t4 . -4V it .I.: (.CV'iiM 41 if a, ..- frf. ,pat i , Ri.v. "-. al 4 a!j m 4i.4 .. (44 ..4,1 J. a.a.,4 W f (t-C ".' K. .,,! 444 - a W.o4 f.j, l , IUm fcf4". 4B- irf a irft 4, H1 e.-.,.,,. .l(i j- .w,,. a-8. oi- U -4 l.m-v4,io4t Ht i5yj4- w a , data VI Htlttf v. tr. H,4 a ... .J , '.,,4 ,a,f-. it a a.,- llitta f,. iw.ajj-, a .' t..l a. aV. f I ltM K.a4a ,aa. ' l"44P a 4K 4 a.. . . . a i 4 jt aaj.(a4, M4 t44 W4 - lMI4a -44H I Hji. UKf4a, 3444.4.4. Ia-a-a ' IHM MI Hal4 m. IfilW. I Vlft aa414,t Pfri4j "waa li'4 a,4) HM . p4 ll.4'ftfva., "' -MMa,.? I4 M48aar B'T "Ht"- 4r " a -a r,'"7 4 4aait), 44 4ii4a ( aal(4.4 4nr f 1 j.,! tn,4,t"'4- IS fc) X'-''.44.'-4T.J t,a 4.44 t4M(t 't f.'f4.. 0t a4i-ta liaf.a,fM4l.fe . " . WJ Inailla a. by Jaba TaBL La' i t IStSIf,,!'!. " TIIL-lfeDAV. NliVIJklttKM IlVi-1 r..n. - I ,rt-f r.,M,a jw-,)r ftf t , 't roM,. r..w i f 4..,(.,. I"-.. f..- afla 4, , I 1 ,.'-. --MI..n.P, n X Si h.41 - .-... 4.".fl ...r ! If y..af ft. a,, WtWI fcn 4-,-.a 1(,fc1,. l t r n . ..... f . . . I iifBI ..Mt-t- lHl..il u p .r t.f -,, .ti,.ll( ,."4 .. 4. . , a , n.r,! ..j 1 f 4.1 -Hl4 , '''I 4, ti. o ,! r ,,-o-irn4t, 1 si, 4,-t. r tn...,,4 4, .1 . k ... -. n ....... ; j T . 1144(1 ritft J,,.,, N 4 . "V.,,. . 1 ...... . t-Mo .11. Pii.i 1 j,, ' C ...r a, . . . . w I FT..-I-. .ti V. ,4 lu t a . . . .. . .. " I aal- v a. k 1. 4,. a, . fa . I . '4taS4; 4) 'lit !.4', r :. Waajfwa t44Haa N 4 - 44! I 4 aU ataaa m -. a,-, .i ; a.., h l, ,...a E .... a . a. ...... " i. - .a j .a.' , ;. 4,.a,a a,.lt) .. 4g ati, t4,-a( a ,Mu Wli 8 II 4l-,f H-4.4 a,H.,a4a 4 11 hi aft. 4-i 4 "4,4 4-44 -4, . ', " ! . ,r -..a 44. , .a ..M ) ir lil.f . Hill (,44. j)? 4 tt .'if 4V .4- am ... !,,.,,( a, ... ..'.a . ... ':" . a;, ,,., ,.(, H..H.4N ,4C J. fc n.4.4.4 M.ttt.M.t.p 4a w v .,4,. ...1.1 ,,.. t .., ... .... a. 't ... 4 .4 I . I,4W I At 4 -.,a H l,', .y ,,, r"H' " "- !4a'-.4- M "l.4f a4i . N ..a . a . . M . . . . 1 - M"4jf,rMa a)..' !. 4 1(44 1 4 ' r, S 1,1" 44 4 a. ,4? va w h . h. 4.-J,. a,, ( 4 . Bi 4.,.a,.)lrta, ..'.- 4- I . V -'..il.'4lH, . ,(, .4. '"""''i " m M4 W H C-M fc , a,,, ,,a ,t a. .,,' (1,it l it H , 4la.-4 41l'4. Irtll.a, V,a a M. a ,i'4 1,4 kl At 44V't n , a a. .... 4i'- 441 l,.iHlj. a, ,,, 14,1 J, f. , 4 f .(,. jj., a,,,! .4 4 1H r. I l,t . ( -. 4 a..- a,. .,'. t'X' M l ( -4V 1.,, I. ' V '. r .41 a 4 I,, t. S ,..,,. f'. fai.i .,, 4 ,,4, j , ..i,4. a . .... a ... 4 4, 1,4 Ml ,y: 4 4 .4" a 'imw a ii,i,i, ,a t. a f 4 444 , ,.H r !,., 4N "- 4 B ll-l' a 1 . . .at .,a .... . a . . ... u ' 'V'.I Vl,f4 M. .- i,,.., a 4 . 4 r....li'V ft.4.,4. U -.1.,..,. .l-.f 4 ..J 4 .44 ..a, , 1 I "- a,a.... 4H4'.' ,,4 ft a . - .. . . 4 , a T . -a a, ,, .,., rti.r .a. fi 1 .. ...4 .' .4,4f- .. ii j..-.rn.. ',4.-t, 44 ua r4.l4l 4 . . . - . ' a. "' w .... a : w i . . u turm i ..H,..,.,.Ma,a,.ll.4i 4,4.:vU4.-. " n. " l. irtto.xpwil- f4r..4A .44,.4 ia 4 'J 'a af Ik.lPa . S ij u . , . a.4 .a-4lv a.M ,.t(, 4V4U Hi ,,4( r .. m . v . - . t i rf a arv,4 r T ..tU -. a a,aa 4V4,a4ya,l ' taa. 4. 4H. m.ap -ftaa, , 0,., f 4Vir4ral ,,,a ' W4i. ,. .a...a ..- an-!-. 44,r, f .1MaHaK- 44. ,,v .a., ajM... U a, nan am,, 4) .1414, .(f, a,, l, 4444.0a tT 44.414a va-a. . f aMt a..,4) a44a WV,, .aa,a,, 4.a-.. a,"-- w .4-444 4 ) la-, aa.vH.iyi a.HM,!4..44 4.. "Vt44l aifUha an ! .aaiM.a . C-4 f'aaaa a -.4iu. Wiai,4a4 (. 4a-r4 a a.t a.a.44-4144- - ft.a..Mam.t,.4-4, J. " 4V.a..a44. ft. i4 a4,a HaiU. .Maf ( 444-. I,. a t 144 4a4, 444-. a . 4,4,444a aa,.aHa a t- 41144 4444-MU4. H.a a Mlai4r"44a. u,Ua .a4la '., T r - - - --h t ... 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"" 4HM -.. .,.. !. i a ... a, .ii. ...... ... .,,1. - t-T- 14 14444 .44.1 4.4 44 .it. 4. .... ..... 4 . .... al . 4i k.:: I.!. 4J44.I: -4 l.4a... ,aa, '. 44 rV..w . j,,,. f ' 44 4ai4..M n ... . 4lt.M-4. .4 4I4 H4l. 44. u.4 4m. -t-...,ii4. 4,, llt.H 44.4. 4..,, ' .4I..,,,,! , .. 1 , i . . . . a, a. , i a, ,,,4,4.14,4 4. 4.,. 444 1 14,4. 4 4. tv...ll4' t. ,., 44.. -4Wl4.l, C ,,,I4. 414. " tl.., 44. 4,, J' .,. 4, 4-r Ii... j.44. tl . M. 4. ,,14,.,. 4i4 -4,..r4i4. 4,...,, i'.,. l?.:,4 . 4.a.44al 4,.a. ia 44,. 44' 4. , , 4 a .4. ,ai .44 4 4h -4,t, , J,... il44,(4H.M ...,..,. 4 ,, 4,.a,,.,, . ,t. 4-y 4i..4 4. 4 4. d,.,.. ..j 44.. I .I,,. ...IH, 14,.. 4... m,,., 4,4. 4aa C 4 44,J,..'4 4..4 4. ,44f.,. 4)4144 4l4al 4.. . ' 4l i ,l4.raa,li. way . aM , .4 . a t i . 4 .1 K . 4 1 4 I 4 41. 4144V .a4.4. .,4. ak...M .4.44 ,a J,,, .Al..,.,,. "Alail. 14. .44,, 4. 4,4, "-.a44.1l44 r-,. 4. 4, 44., 4.4 . '"lll'H 'ta 4.. 4ftt.44.4w,, ,.4 - 44,4,4. ,,a4 ,4144. M.4. ,,.Ma. 4 r 4 1. .a..4 4 4..(4 4-..a,aa. 4) aa. 4.4 --.-1, 414. .4a. .,444. (( a,,,,,,, l4,r 1,4 411 44. J 4.. 4J44V 44A.44. 4. V4 44 4,Ma4.W , 1P1.4.y4,.44.aat. J,... 'M-"If,, 4-4.P -44i ,44.4 ,t ja, I 4,, 441.4, a,,4a 44 a..j J,, 4a.l4 . M J - 4 a . .4 U 4444 4 .,MUM,1I, 3 " 1 a ( -l,H,4r4 4)44 i4-4,a44ali 444aaa J1-'44. i.ia aa4,4.a 4 4,4ai j w r J j a? - - ' r,m,r.:mfMp y,.7iiii'i'i j"' '' aa..,. .m mmi ian)i,a44i i """" "' w 4 ai.w 3 4aiWa4a4a,a,. A4a4aaa4a 4aaWa.at 3 "" .". "" ,44. UaM 2 ... .... i1!ijH 1 V. Vra 4al ., Iff I I I 1I 1 I i If rrt 1T) ""Xwrt m m -v 4MI 4r MI taa 4 7m tf, aa. M ait, MI 4 a,aaa j f ...4a . 4tM -H.4i4y fayi -4 ;tJ,44a. ., ,. 1 4a-H44) ' . 4 4 a. r, (-t r a 4 4 M 4I4.H.M T mi jm, , a 4it n i4 ""N! . . . hi 4)-a. I.,,. A Kii.oiii:) 1 4'ft f $ tA.. , '4,a t :ffIU 4a4.a4t4 .H 4t.a Af () " -' HN'Ul lVYltt, 'l4, fd.ik wwil 4j,l.tni i,..tH4.T. '..H l4liffjMi.lt-, 4 I 4 u a a a a...a, a. full Ut.c u1 CtutiJfif: 111 ,t4 -fit 4(4 44). t- .itaai 4 . t 44144.'4, lM-f 4)-t4 4 a44.l4, tt; 4l Ilia, 1w,4 4Ma44 4t( V '' fr-MM4' 4..,. , atai.t 4)41(1 44-s? 4 -MM(4(4 4 4 1ri a( .litwli f 4444 A4, 4,4 , 4i4'4l 4l1l. , fi 4riM;M4 -.. . ... , , im. What is Life Assurance? '4 a4..44ii ,? -iaajf,;44v JM.I444 ril 4441 tn :lat4,i4l4 444ial4 4-, 444! 1Mt.J ,4444.:Mt i-44.if, Hi 41 iwHm 1H- a4a44)ia, 4Aa,4Jf4f 4I4 M?'i'i,, -4Ji.4pt- 44J Ti4 f'.,44-, 1a( 1414 rr, CCtt1C 4444 a 4 k"4 4Ht4- f t4lMaii, 'tttL iV.aaa.a.Ma, I 4a4V aJ. ftiw r Mikrrr if jtftftj V,'4! t44 4 4. i,-J4a4 ai4t 4 ,4, ,,-a.l.,, (i 4,'. -Aa a Mai a 1 kti.ia a. 1 4l-Ha.a .44 4tm .4-4M'4 . at4 j ,f-a aK44 44,4ai a4, ...aa. ay.. j Ta 771 4a4a 3 4"'W '44W