t ghtgfrcra.il. Successor to "The Morganton Star SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.00 THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1S93. THE SEW TARIFF BILL. It is In the Main Satisfactory to lno crata Strictly In Accordance With tb Chicago Platform. Correspondence of The Morganton Herald. Washiugton, Nov. 27, "J.T. Every auinial in the republican menagerie is to-day howling in concert. The new democratic tariff doesn't suit them. This is Dot strange, although they pre tend to think it so. The Chicago platlorm declared against the doctrine of protection and in favor of a tariff for revenne only, and the Wilson tariff bill is in letter and spirit strictly in accordance therewith. It gives the largest free list the country has ever had and in accordance with the ex pressed wishes or hundreds of manufacturers in that free list is included much of the raw ma terials nsed by American manu facturers. Among the following: iron ore, coal, pig tin, hemp, flax, jute, silver, lead ore, copper, wool, salt, crnde borax, binding twiae, cotton ties, and lumber not ad vanced in preparation beyond sawing. It cuts about every pro tective item in the McKinley law down to a strictly revenue basis. The new bill is in the main. sat isfactory to democrats, although there are some things on the free list that some democratic mem bers of the Ilonse would have pre ferred seeing a small duty re tained upon. Prominent among these are iron ore, lead ore and coal, but the democrats on the committee after carefully study ing the matter from every point of view concluded that it would be undemocratic to make fish of one and flesh of the other and they were accordingly put ou the free list. Those who are best informed believe that the judgment of the majority of the Ways and Means committee will be endorsed by the majority of the House and that the bill will be passed bv that body substantially as it is to-day. The action of the Senate is not so certain. The opposition will be concentrated upon the Senate, be cause of the slim democratic ma jority in that body. There are several reasons wbv a section providing for a ersonal income tax was uot attached to the bill. In the first place there are quite a number of democrats who are opposed to a personal in come tax. But piobably the strongest reason of all was the desire to know just how much revenue it will be necessary to raise by an income tax before deciding the rate and method of that tax, a knowledge that could not be obtained until the new tariff bdl becomes a law. Mean while the tax imposed bv the bill upon the net earnings of corpora tions may prove a satisfactory substitute for a more general in come tax. President Cleveland will not, am informed on good authority, go inco 1 ue Hawaiian matter in his annual message further than to say that it will be fully treated m a special message later. He prefers to wait until the episode is ciosea oetore dealing with it in message to Congress. O A. a ocureiary x.amoni s annual re port was the first to be made pub lic. Those of the other members of tne cabinet, with the exception of Secretary Carlisle will follow during this week. Secretary Car nsie 8 report win probably go to congress oeiore it is published. w ny snouidn t tae united States trovernment print its owu postage stamps! Chief Johnson, of tte xiureau ot engraving and Print mg isn't the first man who has asked that question, but he has asked it in a very practical man ner, Dy submitting figures to the lost Master General showing how much cheaper the Bureau or Eu graving and Printing could do the work than any of the private par ties who have submitted bids for printing the stamps during 1SU1. An unofficial estimate is that the government could save at least 25,000 a year by priutiug its own postage stamps. There is a doubt, it seems, as to whether the Po t Master General can, under tne present laws, give the contract to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the matter fs now being considered and will in a tew days be decided. Secretary Herbert thinks, not withstanding the present drpres ed condition of the government finances, that we should coutinue making additious to our navy, and his annnal report will recommend the construction, during the next fiscal year, of one battle-ship and four torpedo cruisers, and there is reason to believe that the recom mendation will be endorsed by the President's message. BepresenU tive Cummings, chairman of the House Committee on Naval Affairs, says there will be do trouble in getting a bill favorably reported from that committee to carry out the Secretary's recommendations, and that he hopes the bdl will get through all right, bnt it is pl.t in to see that be has some doubts about it. There are a number of demo crats in the Uonse who will oppose any iurtner exiteuditures for new vessels at this time, some because they think the navy already large enougn, ami otuers because thev think the money cannot be spared. Ir. Tall for the Srnata. To the Editor of The If era! J. M. Editor : It is generally un- J . Y" t . acrsiooa mar. ounce is entitled to a Senator next year. Dr. John Tull mi morganion, wno so acceptably served the people of this District is prominently and favorably spok- u ui iu icpiwcm us again. He is a true, loyal Democrat, popular an classes, ana a hustling .uuucci. l.ci us an unite him and put him through. on Lpper Creek Democrat KoTcmbcr 26, 1 893. 13s Santa Claus' l.eadqu.n ters J. L. Axuersox's. TIIK tlTK or IIUHIlMK. It rater. Mnwa umI Tnaattn. Jl ISaraaca .tawa AM tm Mac Correspondence of The Moala HfaL Florence. 1 r alt. Not. i j. qj. So much has been written 00 the beauty of this city and the celebrated works of art which it contains that it will perhaps be refreshing to turn our attention to some smaller matters whuh may also prove of interest. Though there has already been snow throughout a considerable part of central Europe, there ha been no sign of frost here ; and Rowers are as plentiful apparently as though it were mid-summer. You can see great baskets of ibem being carried through the streets and offered for sale at extremely law prices. The other day I arent into a (lower store and had an im mense bunch made up of roses. heliotrope, etc.. and when I asked the price, could hardly believe my eats wht n he said, about 25 cents ! 1 he Italians are a noisy race ; and the farther you go south the more tie and noise you encounter in the streets. Much of it is made by venders of fruits, matches, can dies, etc., and a great deal by per sons who seem to delight in tt. In the evenings there is a good deal of singing, some of which is rich in harmony, and sounds extremely well in the ooen air. U bat the effect would be indoors, I cannot undertake to say. The other day 1 went intw a comparatively new museum cat'ed the Opere del Puomo, all the articles of which have some rela tion to the cathedral or duoroo. Here among other things of inter est is shown the roufh wovoen model which Uruncllcschi pre pared for the cupola ot this same great cathedral, more than tour centuries and a half a. No wonder when the people saw that. they did not at once believe in hi ability to construct an irameme dome of brick and stone n the same principle. To him who had worked out the problem to tus own sattsiaction. the matter 00 doubt appeared simple enough but to a layman it looks as though any carpenter could make the same thing out ol wood, but no living mortal, its counterpart out 01 prick and mortar, increased a tL ft. - thousand fold in size. In the same museum is also the great silver attarpiece foe the baptistery. mis occupied - about a century and a halt in construction, and Is rich in detail beyond description. Each one of its seventy or more little statues is a gem. and the large central figure ol the Ilaptisl a . . n is superb, low two years ago. this work was displayed ooce a year to the faithful on the altar for which it was made ; but the carrying it hither and thither. anJ the hands of thieves between times, was robbing it gradually ot its details ; so the authorities have placed it in a great glass case, in a good light, where its beauties can be enjoyed by all, and where it is safe from accident. Among - a. tne most interesting articles di played in the museum is the col lection of designs offered for the facade of the cathedral. Duiin . L ....... me nine mat tne matter was under consideration by the city 1 . . auinoruies, opinions waxed so warm over the matter that even the school bovs fought it out with their fists, and every coSee house was turned into an arena of bate, where words often threat ened to lead to something more serious. That the best plan was finally adopted. I think any one will admit, when examining the various cesigns. Two operas are now being given in riorence. ana snow about as much diversity as one could with. In an old building which was once a circus, I believe, there can be heard Kuy Bias, composed by Koman musician, with some bright music, and a good deal of striving after tragic effect. The dearest seats costs one and a half lire ; the house is crowded nteht after night, and the air is so full r . . . , . ot tooacco smoke mat it is a wonder the singers can sing. Tb other opera is Wagner's beautiful Lohengrin, being given at the Fagliaoo, the largest theatre in the city, with its decorations in glistening white, which seems at most like polish marble. There is a chorus of ninety voices, an or chestra of the same number, be sides soloists of celebritv Th dearest seats cost ten lire. and many of the aidctcc attend in full dress. One evening two t&. cers attracted a good deal of at tention in the s.nokmg rpm, be tween acts, by thctr striking uni forms. They wore coats and trousers of b ue, striped with scarlet, and festooned with wealth of silver braid : broad sd ver shoulder straps, and turned up oats, covered with gracefully fall mg rea ana oiue leathers Com pieted the outfit. Un askiejr mhn wore all this gorgcousncss I was informed that they were no more than colonels of carbineers! Having occasion to consult the city directory recently, I was struck by its peculiar arrange ment. As is well known, many famous men have lived and died in this city : and for the benefit of curiosity hunters, there is an en me uivision 01 tne poot, given up to the enumeration of the boo - where celebrities have bged in the course of centuries. Another division is entitled. Mtlnstrtonv noble, and distinguished farmt.ev" Is this not an otUc ial v ,- um ol the r our Hundred What thority decides on the dni.st.n of names to this category I have not yet learned. r ; t... . . curing iai summer irr were a good many in I.iorn. (t. nornj wno suttercd ir-n . 1 . . ravages 01 tne cnicra. nc Some families were robbed 1 1 thctr st port. So Florence, which was not visited by the dread t zu. has undertaken to help the untortu nate of tle sister city ; and this ! the way she has dne iu Two large army wa ns were procured 11 n ui 1 ver. ari trumpeter, an. oirict aflrn ;tis : anJ eeh d thry wiiit thrvu-ft a d-etr quarter ol t:.e tn, bl vs thiit Loros, and asai. alms lor the tor of leghorn: two mew in front to receive ct rib !- I money in seated tftr. 4 the others follow in ret bandies of cMhcs, eatables, m whatever might be txScrcvL Im his way a great deal h-a txewcol ected, much being nodosttl r whkh thdnf would t lta taken the trouble to carry o a place ol common) revert bwt gave wittingly when the ppoetw put was pfcseaicu at their The idea seems la mc gwJ r, and might be dvantawff pued in many of rwr Atnemaw cities, where coIlcctWxi f t& kind are often sW4 o. 4 where generosity t larfe'f !e vel.'ped. iiKtc I have always bee coxJ that agriculture wo. 14 t lr ish in the Swth woless the tfi ot stock should lecmbe4 wt! the making of cwtto a 1 cuw. aol hate, therefore watche4 tir raising r.f sheer wii loured I have neser known of aw it where great ptf.t !4 ri from sheep latstnj wh fevte4 from drpre!alWws ol a4, in rarr rases of tKs In I eMrary. iU I la bught a tt of a 1 sVer The shearing of thai year be to his nectrv I Nve ntr. S;r. his tt h nnH4 t i head, hating bct MNI sherp. tJttfl a ! S vn bockk In the Bf!!iof 0 K1 !'. t ioo worth) ot wn a-J wtt l mwtt . a4 ltal bte.J ton. not havin h. Vr- a p4 o h' rtace. Ws! e s)wj. he ha4 tnrwei tftT rv tt wouM hardly srwt p-au tSI U would make Leco r I ce ton 10 trte re. iso-i iv eer gi wa Uttl-t t M4 r a few weeks i tVe Then he dtvtd'4 kt k. c 175 heal t a trS - a County t j rase ot Xnf . then h t sr an-J t. j?s l h;s sheep an1 fctf-J ! t"Vwj bred .ffKtr cattir e t.r hts jafttatfwi rrSvr fc ! krtstii tstte ttt. Il HI m r4 mm tv twnml m4 9 I '! tMk mm tMaii Womwis. Sm. ji .t ii li me of the rtt !eiibt i isk Correspondence. oa t.vii ot Mr. t.ttas" best treiv!s le. 1 knew of circa stances rM.t to the fact that he ;i . tf CO.le.lr. I tfkJ ttwii ts k cause of the rs.:c (Wmiii l tae ui u s irt4 fiEr their statement atef fxa"y totiMr tnauer ot TlMfft ft ifjws. I nndcrstand. a rvsifnatwn oe tevlkia ! tm osite, perhaps ow the kou.S that step insuring potty lumtt Sir. Marshall II. I lit J C tlwiton's names fe !ss J lof the rsitin far as I aa aware Senator Kassvn.jtvi k - - recent tiit. dnl toi rve as t-9 w his be vuI srrtt. A senator sance ft mm a.t nt m a " recently been Kerr. tt ar n . . ' : uircci means ol aoti fc- Ke stands n te sasM 4 a. a. r t cu VftVrv. TW Wa ISta4 Wft IIm ,tiiM, Sttam att mm ao AstlCtlLLr. Nov. V. I and wiib gntd ft efcd ! M tod lJt lon, tk t stSi4,U is Utvrtrd to U 4al iw w od near Itvt n of bft .a:i tblve wek tW AnsiC- bsatl of tdrMt kav iik rl I Imp rra an it ft tpwt4 I bat tleenite new of tk ntta'ik fata wit aukM U0 kt. Met.tT Whitr. of M4 y, w . kef ol at a 11 loX4 IW tV wrree tep--Mrt:ist k. U4. .Noftft and Itw . I V mm ehard with tka aH;s x ttnn, he n Urvn tvhral lntd, l-ttt Ip aim t Jkd ml 31t TW AkSitt frjatCbtiTS l itt m t Kiosit rdvels a w4 pUy he nieiy ol "t en Iran ttvt;il); !. Tw l(rSlnew k nI4 S y rl aa'tr t-tf tMr ttmtmji m-4 'l lotr n Sfly, llwM pl--r l e;x- vttr:f W tl thai 4-,wil l0Stt ffrMrrrfr. The tZl -M ;IWaaS kIk. hr t.f t t tiiii . prtss f At S,a I, 4. y I . I JL I tm l. 4. SI. Sj. 1. J .t .. theie rept b t they can be eiii, te is r.dit'alKM My t r-t nkitnom teahrs wU te tVf $atrt Thursday it Iicr?.y, iw nv W K Ats t rk tfni4rtaitst.t ft SMS (ftl(n )ntt St,a, tWt tm tit X'o rtas. t I Wsl I ftHtrS 4T n.Stt lint I I ke,.ift.(i U cntiia a Na I'artoe. wk r l nsaa-l w:s ft eV4 al rr ;fta isa nsake lsMt. ,V VIm. m-iK a Nt a r - "jr" 1 " ' r Hlln SMnMM ftThBfc ftftanranmaWMWSi ttl . T SWr'TPF- nrvnn' nan nanrTr9SKj Thr t.oi&-wi-4' kwinf h b m ol Nsenatt M i A ji.a., ol Sxtlkf'S i.4in.'" lS.a wtw tf a ia tsr swenj art Miles as wwxAl i I t TW IUKaa atiat4tJ x 1 1 I Vwa! IVwtnvol W. I Nwllsnsil w-4Z WoH ltws,, o AlUt.va j tf to r,.. ol MssMv,an Tnt A 1&Cbrm ol West Wtva.K Cwt ra I ) ticsl RSaUJ aMfSMtSlt wffe skwv, sis I o Sjj !. tv. Netk C4UawS ft St tweew f.aXt m-i i; 4 e'?ha's J h4t ftMfiH tHm-. n )ni s!ea.l fttartl Ik iwytova 1s .r waiJf Uvm !Vt A"- .... . iVr hm ivr jja t.-t A,?v iMkha elkaias, kam vtl fl tV'tf !vf s. IV'S St tw IV" tist ( s..n..r,f esettr sat ol tUm.s Moms sf l-fM.4 tvvS. ff ntt.av, M ft..'4.rn ttl 4 ol is 5s is fs wtit. W!W at?!f v f f,t.t ia s' ft4l a ISol 4M s ? IV skv M ft m-i.1- s- i5'e S. M tS b tif( f S. HM? .".. Mt ol et a Sa lla. - ftftt .a i I.MS f - s r ,i 4. Jm!,, il ? m o4 So4 w "" f '.. a . i -v ft ?.! a Si I "st ' ViH. ! . .a s ftt ft a, f . ' It ft i : ;. 4. ,t 4M.,ii (.,r 4' f :W aHM,,S f tw-i Mt w jfK.. "ft I ',. i. .-a fttt.m escytj "'.? Sfti.f ga aw- t.4 V; a f y, a.' tm ?.,. .a. I ?r al $ - (,., ta f ftavH tfV,it(ai e- wSi as.l w'4 a .a fr ? fa I ." E .n nh. Mo-. , ftif,"V.r:tf &!, " Ca-s n Uii a lot f 4i 4i Ih ii f tti!si ii. &,,. ia is. IS I".-? r. m 4. aM kn ; ?..-4S .. ftt fttfr af.. ,.;fti h.j'I VtoiVHt l"V SrJ.ii.ilxi ka t ol tki t.'j ns.Ms f mtf a- at3 sm(.. ft 4 - 'Hti -il 1UL 9s I M. 'St!,,.H.5 t-i.t I ,-sa .,;r.4.. tas le.ta R S I - J j-c"t rsli" f i ; -! ,.a e iS. 'i" tta " lm tiitttaa; M, lv t Wt, O 44MtMt, I 1 I'wt vs ii I; .. r A !. K kk ) In tat f a .i.Miw . fe-.! C. lV !. tpm iS MS vVs II ! C-'"i-".V I I t- JS fti Ix-IS '. .N I?,. !( t j W: nissj-a a-s c u" !.? laHSi-s. I"- "K si4ia.a aS I .. 4 - ' ri-K. fj. a f; t. " "t ti w at a.M mi r M4a Hijla-Maa.lwia jlataa4w in 9 a I" . am. fmmtrn U'$ 1 W- iV'aat. "VC"""' I lfi A s. 'V u a ? (' T a. af F ift. . A M , .A ft.jft..1 a ' ana taiht ,Nw ,.a aM.ft. mi 4m 1. aiM.a, aaa , w. a.. v . awa.. . h. 4i.w. ,.y . w.. ..a . .t..MM a, t-H, w ntj i.. 4.,.MHv Kft .Mft .MM4 tUH. .m a. a..vft .,, ..MWM1M -an, aH H,.lv, w.a...a ftt ari.iftSa a a a f a. a "ftn Si T.u.i.K hwk MIU.S. t tatii na.HMn, aa aA.a nob. aHH4, a4na n.H4in a . vanMit B4 XMAS" CARPET. 5.: ,;a .n f.njH ""'" '--. C W r,.Htao t, .. H.- Int. ft.,. 4, . rn4T 4 f 'avr Hj! a -r- a K &.i.r-ll.llllrmK. URtUs, -il -a 4. m.ka i -wftj piaa"aa . 4ninmi a-.. t-4 I r r 1 1 11m wm a m Cmtoir-wTAnnti n3j -a-w-.M-t. a I I a - - .. ... .. . atwa m. a " -. . wn, .. wt-ao 4M - if 'l I. j.Wiil ',wM fa.. a mim av a .m M, hlti. mi nm oia -. 4H ..' . Jln Aaesn aaei A ae tsjannwftsn JnV t setri . n,atMn Hnfta aMftaof. attinr X 'sA , fn n)ni nMnaa t4S4s n na M' 'lw' n eaj H w ! a '"! Nwi f Ho . . ,1, ww 4va ian , Sa in f H. at ii imw ' 4at') " ) iIWiMf M fife. am..ii mMfM KHWIIW . -I, SII 'IHI au a - . a tw.. .i., ..Hw K .. M 4ft,1i 4 tfC-tfttM . 4Mt m att-M a4la, IM iiii )o -Mn. at) i -1 -M4i mna. . at.it 4 ami i aa M MiHoH M)oll aHtl altwtl M m mm, r S-tMia K-alf , t ina mNmi -mm. y.a ). -w. i..,p 4,iia.a lau . -. 4 lae ?St llMt 4l ll ' "iS1"' anH tat '! m i aa Motv Ma m - , -Mia at i-naa 'VrMf .in T.I.H 11 ii,. m tM"iia, Ha4taar wt H V H.fM P HW . M '' - . 1,1.1 nn .Hwari a oi , -a i ,i i ith t.) hvih ,,11 umii iswwt-a im" il .'MM (hhA li.it -m4 in' wtH miail f ' 1 . si v. w aV aiwtit if t ' ... , 7" . .4 I . ft. . J w r- r. iV ii h a ,ii-a )M'- Sas H. kHi uu' . mm na - a! M. .t M-.ta Jftt i.. attiff a . . a r - W Mtn S ua : "-fH illi.a "" 4T iil)t, 1iiMl H -' ' ' IL h,1,h,. ti.,.a tfiHi A H I"'-! $',4, -! a h f rt ft . iiv " e-a f U -;.a Snt 4HaH.:v - " ,i Mr, - )nH,win. 4w I -a- f . a a ttMot 4.p f...n.,. ai a mh f ift. a,iiv wa " t,i.,n-,, .h4 aa p -... . '. a . ... MHa I -.... jr,.,a v ,.,M,HH, aa a y:!a a'HM.K a.a tnfttaaata, IM -t.a t-tn . la x.HHitwt.a Irv a,, V Sa tf.HM.f ft (SmHH mm 4.0 tHt' '" I 1-I-a 4KM- tflKWI, " t . m-illH -KMftMt.tHm a y-Wft, ,H. I a.... S a.a MiaMaM.ia " -' 'H t wNK -4l JI , .rvt tM.iae w , s SH. ?cty Owe Cfreii -ti " 1 11 '"n a t. ii 11, ...... aa " iS--1 - - ... PATENTS", -a 4 .i. mi,.im.,u.ii ui.., ji ftVMftW, ..M-ftftftft I II 1 1 I 1,1. .ftftj. , - l,. , , ar.fc 4t-m, ,M4Ma C A. SSIfiW & CO, MiilWfAtS HtitU w-ttSsas-nMj , $ W(rSif S4V art i, allaK h..h t.at f a., S. MJHt!!ar HmMMt, Val.a aHOMH4. 4VVm, a--- ""' l4 M Hk4-,4 -t ai.M iit4 h xttta m. aamw HMMII na nwhi. jlN.a. tia ra , If wi2 iT:a,:f:as .!1T-!I: I Tf jTS" a--, I wv nn-nraw" i"M WWnnnnnrW--' - - T"- a mm .. . v- ,., " if vai nia I a m. mvw. ,Tajm. I '..'. a A aa vJx " ' " m " 'JM1'" a. Il tn 4ntMtf tnwHl n ! !MBlrwNI MM CUT PRIDI ' "?ti4 GRAND HOLIDAY 'a'Hti W n ' in atnastta.ay ! - aanw a Taa uma t Wantat MananhanS... jWM. 'anTnmnnSh nhtnai tf aLtaifenTnnTaBi aTfeMtatanna a ManTnnnta .-nT aSjau-aanSk nl.naa nW uaarnanwj aanank aakaatu nnnnnnT'awn-TTinnn nnvaa nwn- aann' -r-npi anwt-ny aa n--nFW m 'Tim' nnF ""MF vn"nwWr "WnV arnnnF aimai iai an mn a I'l-ai aaaa " I aaw aa )aa aar. psHwsn) (jtatjttM) tifrtawa mtHft,m ftywWiMIA 4HtM4MaMa J ! ' aVV ft-! f- K $l tnUM-Hlt liHavm. aZZOHY GODOSa C0!I033a HftlSa C&PSa UiiI. ANtl t ttlla-fia tf u .tAM.k f a 'i:uA, tis 4 4.t;t,b i'- Indies' and Goita'Fine U:uitmVcr. w ft ?"t-;!::: 1 ji Heavy : nnd : THE SIUVR im a H6 ttttRlittif tflM y Hl KJM IHH wn 1o .hk 1 , ,4,,, 4.iuif m ntx i i,fn ili tuHtttrtjilt a-, n4( ,ti , t, ,! Stlln"'(j $HS Mrl fH J, IY0U OUGHT TO rx oiorjj-orr r r,r 3-u-j;j,t; W fi.iitl !-.. ? t.Mt,t 14 441 tit fMMilMi1ii4.e!t.i. i'lll IMtf! Si,vnir! tlfi ft.,.'a ta-; ttloiltl llimn 4i;,llUrt 'f iMfitH f'UKftti 4M viMrt A tlallVt i Itr lataS. lf 1 " ' -' .a(.i.H" MH Stli4iSS t4. a..ll ... - , m'Mi -v-iH smJ' i-.t.tfW l. w ttMtM4Si. V.rtni'M.b tUMHil.nins m,.MlH S(Mt5 4-snIHl 4-r.s r44m4.Mtt nVwmwTnWmnWmta O U J o iiiiat7wCs m aa. Weatjaav mm wtkwti nlnlltntlinftntl gSjMntsta. tnf HiUta 4nV TnTndnWBnV Nw0WwwWfc t'wktnnttiili tr Cm. IL yuinwpntins in a pmr mm f m& 4nwi0 NvtlMMl iwtAA lalialAnft 4W Jf ai Staal WWrlPWJ rWpnnnnna nnj IWnjnrvnna CMttat, fkmwsiiiri, wsnn f Stf - UI i UMllS ..mii: j'ir.iii .lf 'V' ! tV' IU' MMm i )OS Hill! RIGHT AICH LEFT ! ttPf Br ft lit an BUSINESS! Fxizicy GroDtrie X RGHT - iuir errMvTfr SIX . - . .. -ft". At ,,hh Mill svtriHMr .trt, a,, 1t.S MfiH'-fl aw.iruiai Caw3 7CC1C3 aw . " r w ""n-j aaaATaJr - 44M I w 1 LIIID -1GEKCY $ -fi.i m,i T,,i4, M Iim 44i SitOftte - t tv1'MMt t 'Hi Sl'tiM ?H J anV it- ,. I S 4t IJ.MM.,iM . VJ'. s...M4, 4 t 4 1 .. .i 1 j-tn WIM'fll -I II M.H. s ( ImiitmiMMH 1.Ma.f ,to1 JM 4 1t- II 'Ih.hHI, 4MMtf til- ll.HS Hl.A 4 MS f.M.Ii. ' IwVMIJ' 4,tl A1 ain .41 t .j r. lluii'IUj.;.!'!;,! v; l',"Wht b 4M V . l 4liwHi nM .( -I4 4 im Sl.n Willi II lio .4..aM S-. ...,m. Mta.il a,n Ma.4. , , , ,, ai4aa.anSir .m,,. , j , 4iMa iSjm at..i Misa, u s s,M;iiM," Sa SM4 4iw. M.-fM 1, t wf01,U, tt4 MaH 44, 4,nn 4ttu.: '4t- at4f( iH444 WMM ,Hi I' a4l1 4, ,. Jl44 4MSw4S a . ai .H w'l?v)t;jd, ! fi ifttitssKi,-' 4',H i t s in t !, Wi- aAIHtf !' n4Ht m 4t4MMt 1t, Al JHl.l MitHf 4H.t;4' -4,l a..!.! lvM- aMWn 4 Hit I'll, 1 1 ;.; . tA 4A4f . a-MHr4 m .,41, 4t , t1oV StM.1 Ca tM Ij.iH.i.,: ,it.1 tii1 4U I .u a Ii I M I 1 J 'i" ... 'Im( M Sltl -rl tt 4.44,. JV'lU' i ;i1r4 3H'i lltiii;u.l 3.mi)iil' -iv t a. all 4'v 'Mil Si- 44l4444 J

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