Eiiii o mi hi 1 1 u i " wjmmtmijmu i o n ehth l 1 HAVE YOU 1 I SEEN OUR I GREAT GIFT BOOK OFFER ?! Look for it on the inside gtaA library IN WW'S- . 1 VOL. X. NO." i. mi u 1 1 1 mini 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil i in u ii n lining ,:: : - morganton; n. a, Thursday, march iS. i894. PRICE THREE CENTS. HILLS FILLEDWITH GOLD. Joseph Brindle and His Wealth of (lOlClcU vie n vmau o nuic vi . Dress Robs Her of a Fortune-Christopher Bechtler and His Courious Coins. THE MINING FEVER IN BURKE. Flush Times at Brlndletown, Where Kverv Rood of Ground Maintained a i..itl Mine An Interesting Chapter of The yiM " . '1 . BY COL. T. G. WALTON. CHiPTBR 10. 'What is here? Gold? yellow, Htterinji, precious gold ? ... That makes the sorrow-stricken widow wed again." The discovery of gold in Burke county occurred iu 1828, under peculiar circumstances. A travel ler passing through the county from Mecklenburg, Rtopped lor dinner at Joseph Briudle's, (living oIimiu twflvA rnilp.o from Morgan- l v v v j --"-' ton, ou the Katherford coauty public road, where it crosses a small creek, having its source in the South Mountaius,) told Brindle that gold had been discovered iu Mecklenburg, which had caused great excitement. Mrs. 'Brindle asked, "what is gold;" he replied, "Tl.e most valuable of all metals, of a sbiuitig yellow color." "I have something in my draper like that I found iu a chicken's craw,'? said tbe'woman, asking to see if, he said, ''It is gold, and if yon found it, as you say, there is gold hee." Trte stranger told them how to search for it. Brindle and his son went to work" ou what proved to be one of the most valuable mines iu the county. With winged speed, the exciting news was wafted abroad. Brindle and his wife brought the first product .of their mine about 80 pennyweights tn AforfTsinton. f which had been made in a short time by panning the earth and gravel without the aid of machinery.) This was the first gold ever made in Burke, and .was sold to Thomas Walton, a merchaut, at eighty cents per pennyweight. Brindle- gave him a glowing' account of the extent and richness of the mine. My father said, "If it is as you say, you have a large fortune in store lor yourself and family, never sell your jniue; you will find maijy shrewd men, who will persuade yoii to sell. "No,' said his wife, "lie shall j never sell it; not if they agree to cover the laud with silver dollars." Paradoxical as it way seem, it not unfrequently occurs that trifles light as gossa mer succeed, when dollars fail. ami such was the case with'Mrs. Brindle. After long- persistence in refusing to take five thousand . dollars, offered by a compauy, i-ltirlt litui It u u 1 1 rl linst nnnoaitfuil to lake, provided she would as sent, one of the compauy (know ing the fancy that the Dutch had for gaudy red colors) as a last resort, took with him a brilliaut old fashioned red cassimere shawl, threw it around her shoulders, saying he would make her a pres- eui of the beautiful , shawl, pro vided she would assent to the sale. : The shawl was victorious. The mine was sold. Teus of thou 8 i mis of dollars in gold was real ized from Brindle's mine. The gaged in. gold mining, the miners were at some trouble and expense in having their gold con verted into a circulating medium. X CHI1ISTOPHEB BECHTLER. 1 A German named Christopher Bechtler, had emigrated to the Uuited .States with his family, and settled about three miles from Eutherfordton, ou the Jeanstowu road, about ten or twelve miles from the mines in 1833 or 1834. lie proposed to tie miners that he would flux, analyze and coin their gold for asmall percentage. A number of the miners agreeing to this, bad large quantities of their gold coined in five dollar and one dollar pieces, and probably two aud a half dollar pieces, with the name of "O. Bechtler, Rutherford County, N. C," ou one -face, on the reverse, the value, the number of grains and the carats fine. To give some idea of the amount of gold fluxed and coined by Mr. Bechtler. On one occasion 1 was iu his laboratory, where he was working, and noticed the con struction of the floor, an ordinary tougned and grooved floor, crossed at right angles, with strips about 2J inches ' wide,'1 islightly raised above the main floor, I asked him what was the object of the double floor. In brokeu English, he said a great many times, be as careful as he could, tine particles of gold would escape, when he was weigh ing, melting and coining ; aud so many persons coming in aud go ing out on a smooth floor would carry the scattered gold off; but rubbing their shoes on the slats, the gold would fall betweeu. I asked him if he had ever taken the floor up, the reply was, "yes, two years after it was laid, and I got two thousaud peunyweigts. of gold." Mr. Bechtler was reported to the Treasurer of the Uuited States as violating the constitu tion. A five dollar Bechtler was Kent to the mint, weighed aud analyzed, and pronounced- all right, and as it did not purport to be the coin of any nation, the gov ernment agreed to treat it as bullion. After the death of Christopher, Sr., his nephew, Christopher Bechtler, Jr., con tinned for several years to smelt, coin and analyze gold. These coins are rapidly disappearing, the great bulk of them having been recovered or converted into . l ..till a jeweiry, tnose sun extant, oeing a premium. The gold of this county is usual ly found iu rather small s particles, a uegget of any size was rarely found. I don't remember but two that weighed as much as five ounces. The first was found at the Corpeuing miue about four miles North East from Morgantou, the second en the Fleming mine, on a branch of Lower Creek. Some time after the late war A nugget partially crystahzed found at the latter, is now in my posses ion, weighiug a little less than four ounces. It is the most brill iant and beautiful specimen of virgin gold, I "have ever seen. Dr. Satterwbite, who was en gaged in mining in this county,' had a theory that gold grew like other things, iu nature, and was the prouuctiou oi a cuemical pro Sulphuretted Ovum Wilson. Nothing since Our Noble Order went into - politics nag so TAR HEEL TiDINGS.1 a: wreathed its brow with glory as The Cream of the Week's News from Us latest achievement. Iu its glorious career it has aspired so many aspirations, it has achieved so many achievements, it has. ac complished so many-accomplishments, it has scjutillated so many scintillations that a complete and exhanstiug category of the whole outfit would be too volnminus to mention, A few laurel wreathes, however, may be hinted at, leav ing the reader with an extra hand fnl of leisure to fill in all gaps. Our Noble Order has given to the world the sub-Treasury '"scbenie a system of political philosophy at once pungent, "potent "and fra grant with the aromatics of -old mown hay; it has sent the Sock- less to the lower house of Cougress with orders to sock - it to both Democracy and liepnblicauism without discriminating much in favor of Republicanism ; it has substituted, iu the Senate, a set of Eolian harp whiskers for a scintillating brain with a rde uecktie; it hung a flapping pet ticoat to its flagstaff and sent Sister Mary Helen Lease flitting through the South flopping it iu face of the Southern Democracy, yelling "in hoc signo," aud things like that (Iu Hoc Signo is at present writing, we are reliably iuformed, lying, np for repairs it has been expressed, post paid, to Mr. Lease with orders to wash the egg uog stams out of it the next time he washes, the baby's over clothes aud other clothes too in siguificaut to mention iu a pro duction of this order.) Our Noble Order has produced oue of the most remarkable Governors of the century, he of Colorado, whose highest ambition is to ride lit blood np to his horse's. bridle (very few, even of our best Governors, are capable of such rank, rnephitic, gimpson weed aspirations as that); Our Noble Order has re tired from the Senate of the United States, from the State' of Calhoun and Hayues, a man who gave the best efforts of his life for the preservation of the liber ties of his state, as he believed, and in his place put a mau who tries to kill cabmeu when he gets druk; in the same state it has subverted one of the fundamental principles of freedom and admits spies iuto meu's castles, iuto the holy of holies of the houie. These be some of the diamonds that sparkle in the Populist dia deni. Bet Iustnous as they are they fade into rhine stones com pared to the last, crowning, tower iug, climax capping, dazzling, be- All Parts of the State. INDUSTRIAL AND POLITICAL Some thins Abont Oar Kdaeational Instl - tatlona Crimes and C.aaltls Wonder ful Growth of the Vnl versify Lord . Richmond" Wants to Uo to Congress from the Ninth. ! . .. Mrs. Oliver II. Dockery died last Friday morning. . j. X ..There are 192 students at the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege, iu lialeigh. . . Vice-President and Mrs. Adlai E. Stephenson are spending two weeks in Asheville. . j ..Horse thieves are in liowan county, says bury correspoutteut of server. operating the Sal i- the A BOOK VBOM BCItKE. rBOM L1JCVIIXX FALLS. ad Their Ob ..George Brown has been sent to the peuitentiary for ten years for wrecking a Seaboard Aairline train at Piue Bluff. i ..Revenue collectibus for the month of February in the fifth district of North Carolina amounted to $133,Go'J.3S. ..The Statesville Mascot diets that Mr. Henderson have lively opposition for nomination in the seventh trict. pre will the dis- Frof. Aberoethy'e Novels Striking Titles. A Herald reporter boarded the train at Marion last Thursday, and while riding down to Morganton hart a very pleasant and entertain ing interview with Prof. Arthur Aber.nethey. Prof. Abernethy, it will be remembered, is the same beardless youth who used his pic ture a few years ago to decorate the circulars of Harter's Iron Tonic and had written underneath them, "The youngest professor in the world." " After a brief conversation on general topics, the Professor turned to the reporter and said : "Well, what do they say about my novel in North Carolina? I've been out of the State a good while you know, and haven't heard how people were commenting upon my new venture. Have you heard any oncspeaking about it ?" A few"," the reporter answered. thoutrh tou have not nuhliheri it yet I believe?". "No; but I've made arrange ments with Ltppincott to issue it for me and send me two thousand copies at once, and these may be at home-now. This firm objected for some time to publishing it for me because of its title." "Yes ?" "'Tis a striking one and quite a original idea with me. I have named it, "The Hell You Say." "The Hell You Say "Yes; you see unless a man's a nis Snow la Cpper Bark IVranaals saw Happealaa frosa 1st rails. Correspondence of The VI organ toa Herald. Altaicont, N. O, March 7th, I8'J. Please find space in TnE IlEUALD for a few items from this corner of Mitchell county. We had the deepest "now lant week we have Lad in 4 year. It averaged 15 inches and in some places it drifted to a depth of 4 feet. Mr. Ezra Mace Las a cow that das given birth to two bliud calve one about a year ago, which is still living without tail or eyes; another on the 3d mat. without eyes, although it is well developed in every other way. Mr. J. W. Wiseman is putting lumber on the ground for a new residence between Linville Falls and T. C. Franklin's. Mr.-J. M. Carpenter is baring lumber cut to build -a new resi dence at Altamout. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Franklin are visiting telatives at Katherford College this week. One' of our neighbor ladies chased a large groundhog up a tree last Saturday; but he did not stay there quite 40 days, lias Lowdermilk come out yet. 'Mr. Jacob Carpenter in still iu our midst, bat in thinking of go ing Went this Spring. Success to The Herald. J. W. P. MAINE TO TEXAS. What People la Doinjr and Other States Are Saying. A LITTLE FOREIGN NEWS. Matters Vha Will latere! Oar k Editorial OmsswsI "Southern OalracW mm too fMbor f Mini aad I1 son's Lino. Bide 1 ..Congressman Bower returned to Washington last Wednesday, his father, who has been serionsiy ill, having greatly improved in health., j ..The Landmark says that1 Dr. Mott, "the Iron Duke," i leartily in favor of a coalition between the Pops, and the ltads. in the com iug election. . ; . .In 18S0 there were 607,000 cot ton spindles in the whole Sooth. In 1804 there are CCo.000 in North DvaartTtll Notes. Crank Or has Some fad OrpeCllliar- I Correspondence of The Morgan toa Herald. ity he can't make anything writing DYSARTVILLE, N. O, Match 8, these days. He must depart from 91. The weather is fine now for the old cut and-dried lines. This farm work, &c, and the people is the reason I chose the queer are at work. title." " Robert Howard returned to the "Then you expect to make I State Hospital at Morctnton tbi the other day asUted her tuii in money out of the book ? . week after a few dys visit. I robbing a afore in broad day i uo. i nave aireaav maae ar- Jir. ueo. w. uaruin ana lamiir iicur. . - r i . ' ..Virginia has just adopted the Anstraliau ballot law. . . English and Portugese troops re fighting iu Africa, ..Yellow fever iu Riode Jencrio is spreading at a fearful rate. ..Mr. Talinage ban changed his mind, deciding to slay with his old flock at the Brooklyu Taber nacle. ..One man was killed and thrre more beriou&ly wounded in so election riot in Troy, -Yn last week. ..Mrs. Mary Elleu Lcax", the Kamtas ettirout ioitirian, has Juat inherited a haie in an estate in Ireland. ..Anarchists exploded a bomb neat the Parliament Ilou-ve in Rome lat Thursday, killing two men and cresting inteue excitement. .."Down with the House of Lords," is a cry now freoaetith uearu in jMigumi i-oi:ticjl merl in gs, says the Nrw York lleraltfi London correspondent. w - - ..ium i irnry a woman s right tUte. A wuoiau tut there has joiued n band ol robbers, and GIVENjVWAY! j I Two Good Books l s t 5 with every dollar paid for f subscription. " . See inside pages. C mi iu n inn mm mmsmnisi nmr inu rangements with the Union News Company to dispose of several thousand copies, and I expect to sell a good many to other firms. The title catches them; and if I cao just get Postmaster Bissell to mail circulars to all post-offices Carolina. That tells the storv of declaring the took unfit for the . t. C3.....9. I . . u i r . i g . l t lit; oiaie a progress. ill be ley, cjivc thiitj. old piles of earth and gravel have been worked over three or four times. Soon every branch, creek aud tributary was prospected from Joints River aud Lower Creek, in cluding Second Broad River and its-tributaries; taking the names in many instances of the original owners, such as Briudletown, Brackett town, Jamestown, Hunts vi lie, and others more euphonious, such as Val Dor and Golden Val-' rering an area of more than miles square. To this region flocked many like "eagles to the carcas," many from middle and eastern North Carolina. Men of note a'ld wealth, buying the mines from their original owners Burtons, Mangums, Hawkins, Greens, Robards, Alexanders, Willisesj Norwoods, Weavers, Sat terwhites, Thomas, Masseys, and many ot-hers, briugiug their slaves with them, aud some from Vir ginia, Hodges and Grahams, aud others of Burke and Rutherford, were lnrgely engaged in mining in this region for more than twenty years.. . , Immense quantities of the pre cious metal was taken from the mines duriug this time, and as there js no means of ever, approxi mating the amount, it will never be known. I have kuown as much as thirty thousand dollars worth of gold taken from not as much as an acre of laud at Jamestowu - by Col. Jos. Erwiu and W- F. Mc Kesson, at comparatively a small a mount expended for labor.. Most of these miners had their families with them, lived extravagantly. thinking they had an inexhausti ble, fund in their mines: proving ( the old adage; "come : lightv sgo V" u ' - - - In proof of this belief,-I remem bfr an incident. Ex-Governor llutcliins Burton brought a large quantity of gold to the bank to be transmitted to the mint at Phila delphia, by the cashier, Col. Avery. Col. Avery congratulated him upon his being so successful in mining. He said Colonel, "I want to take your advice whether I had not better curtail my ininiug oper ations for fear of reducing the price of gold ; I verily believe I cau make bushels of it." "Go ahead, Governor, make bushels of it if yon can, I will guarantee yon won't reduce the price one cent." There being but one mint es tablished by the government at the time, when so many were en- cess constantly going ou, which gave use to a chemist's fruitless attempts to discover "The Phil olosphers' stone." The Doctor said this was proven. by the fact that the old miues were profitably worked over so often. Professor Frederick Overman,- a distin guished mining engineer and scientist, explains satisfactorily I think, the increase or the growing as the Doctor called it. In a book published by him in 1851, he says: ''There are localities in the gold region of the Southern States, where every piece of rock, and every handful of soil contains more or less of the precious metal. The primary source of this metal, is evidently in granite or its associate rocks;' and it is from the abrasion of these rocks, and when the sold is in an alluvial deposit and found in a stratum, it is an indication of there being no tration from the surface, do not extend to any great depth bearing gold, as contracted with pyritic veins; pvritics and all other sulphurets of metals, are injected from below, these cannot crystalize from a watery solu tion, these sulphurets have been driven into crevices of the rocks, either in the form of a. vapor, which is most probable, or have been injected in masses by pressure from below ; it may be asserted as a fact that all native sulphurets, particularly all of iron contain gold ; it does not follow from -this, that all pyrites contain sufficient gold to pay for its extraction; as sulphurets cannot possibly penetrate any rock , but from below, we naturally conclude that the heaviest body of such kind of ore must necessarily lie deep in the earth. This conclusion is supported and confirmed by practice, for all pyriteous veins are inveribly found to improve in quality and quantity with the depths. This circum stance speaks very favorably for the gold formation of the Southern States We have here a belt of gold ores of unparalleled ex tent, immense width and undoubtedly reach ing the primitive rock, which, on an average connot be less than 2,000 feet deep; here is a mass of precious metal, enclosed in the rock, that cannot be extracted for ages, and in this respect the region in question is the most important of nil the known gold depos its, California not excepted." I have given these extended opinions of an expert, distin guished iu matters pertaining (o the origin, formatiou and per m a uence of gold veins, and more particularly of what he says of pyritieor sulphnret veins, to eu- conrage those who may own them, in gold regions and may happen to see this writing. The failure of miners, hitherto in realizing a profit from this species of vein, al though fonud to be rich in gold at aud near the surface, which by long exposure to atmospheric ac tion bad dispelled the sulphurets and set the gold, free; but soon by going down on -i the vein the sulphurets become solid and the gold imperceptible, -and owing to the great expense attending the reduction of the gold by chemical process nntil recently (as I learn) it can now be done at a compara tive "small expeuse. 1 know of several large veins of this charac ter in Burke, Caldwell and Kath erford. Some of them have been partially worked, and abandoned on account of the increase of the sulphurets.-' L- ; ; - . "To be Continued.) ' ' i "' gemmed achievement of the Pop ulist party, to wit: sending-S. O Wilsou over the State of North Carolina telling its farmers how' to ship eggs! Oh, trauscendeut un dertaking: oh, superhuman en deavor! What a source of wealth egg shipping will now become to the agriculturalists of North Caro lina! With prophetic, vision we look into the future and see, at no great distance, eyether, cur State studded with the. country - man sions of heu-fruit millionaires! And when the announcement of this eggsciting - news maks our barnyard welkins ring, what a stimulus it will be to our hens to lay ! The very knowledge that their best efforts will be . sent to market nnder the S. O. Wilsou method will incite the hens of this section to such unprecedented ac tivity that they will have to be re quested- not to over-exert them selves. " Who knows bnt -what eggs shipped by the S. O. Wilson process may come high, and" the farmers be enabled to get a corner on eggs to form the Tar Heel Egg Tru8t, thns avenging them selves for being ground down by the tobacco trust and the other concerns of this character and dis position. Oh, what a glorious day is coming by the time S. O. Wil son gets through with his egg shipping. lecture tour! By the time posterity comes on, every farm house will have upon its walls a portrait framed in a frame of goldeu egg shells the portrait of a benefactor, the great Gideon- iteish chief aud egg-shipper, S.- O. Wilspu. y ;: This is a pleasant picture. Would that we could allow it to hang there nuspoiled. But Sul phuretted Ovum Wilson, (some time spoken of as S. Otho or Sothoj) must be showu up. He is dealing in eggs, but not as he represents, lie's the great Alii ance incubator. - Every where he goes he drops an egg an addled Alliance egg of discord, with its yolk of strife, its white of discon tent and its shell of agitation. And after a while these eggs will hatch. After a while, nnder the poisonous innflence of this arch iuenbator, these eggs will incubate. aii over tue state tnere win be a popping, popping, popping, and lit tie, ugly, nasty, long legged, half fleged, pop eyed chikens of hate and murder aud spite aud anarchy will break out! Look out for the :egg8 he's - shipping. They are rotten. Charlotte Observer. . . AUiauce Secretary Barnes' suit against Congressman Craw ford, for libel, has been dismissed on demurrer. Barnes has anneal. ed to the Supreme Court. I ..Dr. W. R. Wood. 8nierin. tendent of the Central Hospital lor the Insane at Raleigh, has re signed. Dr. George L. Kirby I has been elected to succeed him. j ..William Littleton and Joseph Moore, wanted at Taylorsville tor burglary, have been captured in Salisbury. The captors will get the reward of $250 offered by the State. t ..At Winston court last week Dr.'L. L. Sapp was acquitted! on the charge of murderiug a man named Lamar, the jury finding that the killing was in self de fence. . . j ..Governor Carr has appointed Judge Clarke, Treasurer Tate, Capt. N. W. Ray, of Fayetteville, and several other North Caro linians to locate the position of the North' Carolina troops at An tietam. j ..Ella Wood murdered her in fant child at Durham Wedues day, by sticking a hat piu down its throat. She confessed the ciime and taid the devil made her do it. We are prepared to believe that the devil had a hand iu it. ..A mad dog ran amuck in the streets of Wilmington a few days ago, and bit four colored cople. One of the victims, Julia Hill, was pulled down by the beast jand fearfully bitten on the cheek. A colored boy killed the dog with a brick-bat. ..resident Winston's master hand is building up the Univers ity of North Caroliua wonderfully. In 1891 the iustitnt on had I 199 students, in 18o2 it had 248, in 1893 there were 3lC and iu 1894 there are 395. How long will it be before the 500 mark; is reached ! ..The Asheville correspondent of the Richmond Times expresses the belief that the itepublicans iu the ninth N. C. district will ."en dorse" the caudidacy of Mr. Rich mond Pearson, and says that Judge James II. Merri'non will be the strongest man .the Democrats can put np ngaiiist Lord Rich 1T1 a iiioiiu. diuige .uerrimon says lie will not be a candidate. i ..Greensboro Female College is preparing for n grand commence ment June 6th and 7th. Bishop R. K. Harerave, D. D., ! will preach the baccalaureate sermon. Bishop O., P. Fitzgerald will de liver an address to the alumna?, aud Uou. Thomas J. Jarvis will deliver the literary address. There are 20 young ladies in the graduation class. public to read my fortune made." "What is the plot of your novel, may I ask?" "That, too, is an original depar ture, though it is rather a -mixed-up affair. The dynamic point con sists in an argument that a woman hasn't a soul. Of course you re member the passage in the Bible that substantiates this ? "Oh, certainly; yes, yes." "It's a little hobby of mine, and to prove its truth effectually I spent tnree weeks writing -one page of my novel. I admit that a man has a soul, but affirm that a woman is different, that she-er-hasn't and all that sort of thing, you know." "I am prepared to believe that your argument is entirely con vincing." "Thanks. I rather flatter myself that it is, too." "1 beg your pardon " said the reporter after a pause, "but does your father, President Abernethy, know the title to your book ? "Oh, yes," laughed the professor, "I was three years writing the novel ; and told him about its name some time ago. He said nothing, but looked rather doubt ful. I'm determined to retain the title in any event, however. I in tend to make some money out of the book and think I can do it by this method." "Do you intend to make a regu lar business, so to , speak, of writing novels ?" "Well, I don t know. I may and I may not. I shall certainly write one more book though, and this will have even a more striking title than the other one." "Wha.t will be its name?" "In a Devil of a Fix.' Unique title, don't you think?" "Decidedly, and quite eupho nious. Will it be on the meta physical order, too?" , "Probably, though I haven't .made up my mind definitely as yet." . But just at this point the porter yelled, Morganton, and the re porter was forced to part with Prof. Abernethy without learning the particulars of this second pros pective creation of his youthful intellect. . . hare moved to Teruesev, so we are informed. Mrs. Geo. Taylor was seriously sick a few days ago bnt is improv ing now, somewhat. Mr. Jobu II. Cooper moved to the Wilson place not long since. Mr. John Cooper. Jr., and Miss Ninnie Walker were nnited in marriage Feb. 25th, 1894, Rev. John R. Denton officiating. We learn that Dr. J. O. Sim mons will locate here again soon. Glad to know that the doctor is coming back. He is an excellent young man and a good physician. Mrs. George Satterwbite is on an exteuded visit to relatives and friends. . Best wishes for Tbb Herald and its editors. Whoee Mm Is McKastt The Republican organs are still as gleefully as ignoratly moraliz lag upon the downfall of that dis tinguished "Democrat," John Y. McKane, and now and then there is an amusing charge such as is made by one of them that "the mau in whoso interest Mc Kane's frands were perpetrated and whose success was accomplished by them acts as President of the republic Cleveland should par don McKane at ouce and appoint bun to on honorable office, or re sign." It will doubtless pain these dear little partisans to learn that the frauds for which McKane has been sentenced to the penitentiary were committed last November, just oue year after Mr. Cleveland's election to the presidency. And it will not alleviate their pain to bear that McKane has been a rather impartial dispenser of election favors, rather than a Democrat, plying his arts in the inteivst of whichever party or candidate offered the roost ef fective inducements to him. Iu 1S8S, for instance, McKane was red-hot for Harrison, turning a big Democratic majority in Gravesend into a bigger HaVrisou majority, for which service, although Mr. Cleveland has failed to "appoint him to an honorable office," Mr. Harrison did appoint McKane's man to the office of Uuited States Marshal. Courier Journal. ..The assistant cashier tT a Dexter, Michigan, bank told a pretty story or being slugged by masked roblers, who took 3,200 of the bank's funds aud fled. He has since confessed that be stole the money himself. ..A race war Is raging at Woodidou, New Jersey. Blacks aud whites ate both "toting guns," and a colored man ha been shot through the back and will die. The feeling is very bit ter and there Is. talk of a pitched battle. This Is not in Mississinm bat New Jersey. ..Senator Wilson, or Iowa, Las introduced a bill in Congress to pat an end to ticket scalping. It requires all ticket sellers to have a certificate of oppointment ex posed to view, aud provides that all tickets sold shall bear the name or the ticket seller. The penalty for violation is 15000. ..The town treasurer of Middle boro, Mass., has resigned. On a careful examination of his looks he found the town Lad $300,000 more cash in bank than it should bare had, and Le gave it op iu disgnst. Such a town treas urer as that woold fill a long Ml want tn many towns we know f. ..Republican Coogresnmen at Washington who have imagined that they were tuding out tons of Teun Jeid's tariff speech, are much annoyed at the discovery that the primer got things mix ed np, and that they have been sending oat the celebrated Dem ocratic argument of Hon. W. L. Wilson. JIhscIirfelj Pure A cream of tartar baking pow der. Highest of all in leavening; strength Lattti UmttJ SlJtts Crr ernmrnt Fi Hrfvrt. Ituxal Ilaklnc Powder.Co., IH Wall C X. T. rhe Fundamental Principle of Life Assurance is protection for the family. Unfortunately, ho ever, tha beneficiaries of life assurance are often deprived of the pro vision made for them, tlirorgh the loss of the principal, by following; bad advice regard ing its investment Under the Tontine I-rtfaT?--nnit . Policy of The Equitable Life you are provided -with an ab solute safeguard against such misfortune, besides securing; a much larger amount of in surance for the same amount of premiums paid in. For facts and figures, address W. R0DDEY, Manager. Fw . CarWU, RockHlILS.C F.-W. TYLEE, Photographic Artist, Union St., oppoalu CoL 8. McD. Tate. MOEOAXTOX.S.C. All chJMt ct phocograpldo work at lowest price consistent with CrWcUaa work. Enlargements a tpecUlty. JanlS-tf. FIRE INSURANCE I We write policies on all chwves of desirable risk la the following tUxul ard com pno : N. C. HOME of Ralegh ; tXDNTIX fcNTAL of New York ; PENNSYLVANIA f Philadelphia; . DELAWARE VA. J'IKE AND MARINE of Rich mond: MECHANICS AND TRADERS' of New Orletr.. avi:uy x i:uvix, HcaxLO Building. Morsxntoa, N. C Rose Villa, Klnr Street. MOIUJ ANTON, N. C. One of the most beautiful homes la Western North Carol in Convenient to all the Morgaaton ba ineM house and c hurt be. Quiet, comfortable, well appointed In crery way. la now for the Crt time thrown open . to the travelling public Rooms apdSwu, well lighted aad furnished. Table tupi'lU-J with the beet that v Koing. lUtca f3 pT day. special rates by the week. f33 per month. Mks. D. C. PEARSON, Morgan ion, N. C Fcb.lJ. UOL tf. SALE OF LAND. Sm tba World's Fair for Tift Ceata. Upon receipt of your address and fifteen cents in postage ttaxnps. we will mail you prepaid our Souvenir Fortfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition, the regular price is Fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It con tains full page views of the great build ings, with descriptions of same, and is executed in highest style of art. If not satisfied with it, alter you get it, we rill refund th stamps and let you keep the book. Address. It. E. BUUKLtN LU, Chicsgo, 111. , A I - J . A terrible phantom la trading near; With no human look, with ao harass breath. nc staaaa ocmioc umc ut naaatrr Deal: ' If there is one disease more than an other that comes like the unbidden guest at a banquet, it is Catarrh. In sidiously it steals upon you, "with no human breath" it gradually, like the octopus, winds its coils about you and ! crushes you. Dot there is a medicine. called Dr. 8age's Catarrh Remedy, thst can tear you away from the monster, and turn the sytbes' point of the reaper. The makers or this wonderful remedy offer, in good faith, a standing reward of $503 for an incurable case of Catarrh in the Head. BY virtae of order mm At br J. W. HapooMt, CWt o4tW Saprrtor Covet at tiarkr eoaaly. tat IM apvrtaj pntdtag a aad rosrl eatitird I. 1 aaxl otkM-rs acsaaat Flora Waatpaoa) DeaTas Cavaaat Bo Car Ordered on Trial. Oakland. Cal. About two years I ordered from J. R. Gates & Co., San Francisco, a bottle of Simmons Liver Regulator on trial, and so satifactory has been its use in expelling bile from the system and regulating the action of the liver that from an order of one at a time the order has risen to a dozen bot tles at onco. B. V. Lawrence. '"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a number of years, and it has always given me satisfaction. It is an ex cellent dressing, prevents the hair from turning icray, insures its vigorous growth, and keeps the Bcalp white and clean." Mary A. Jackson, Salem, Massachusetts. - Carry the news to Ma nr. And, pray, be not too long, !. For she is fast declining. And, sorely, 'twould be wrong not to tell her of Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription. We do want Mary to know, in some way or other, that this world-famed remedy will cure her be yond any doubt ! It's just the medi cine for young womanhood, and thou sands baa it bridged over the perilous sea. '"."" J i-, From every State, from evenr citT. from nearly every neighborhood in this broad land, comes the grateful ac knowledgement of what it haa done and is doing for our daughters. The oniy tneaicme lor the distressing and painful irregularities and weaknesses of woman, sold with apost gvaran- ice to give aatj8iaciion id ev, j ease, or money refunded. In other words, sold on trial! Buckleu's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the worhl for Cuts, Braise, Sores Ulcers, Salt liheoni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped llands, Chilblain, Corns, sud all Skin Eruptions, nod positively cares Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by John Toll, Druggist. by local applications, as they cannot reach the olaeaaed portion pi the' ear. There is only one way to cure Deaf ness, and that is by constitutional reme dies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube get Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unles the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cored by Hail s Catarrh Cute. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,Tolede, O. C7-Sold by Druggist, 75c ..Massachnsetts sailors report that vessels are being systematic ally luted to destruction by wreclers on the 2tov Scot it coast by means of falc lights. This recalls the story of the old wrecker on the North Carolina sand bauks, hoa.ed a light fastened ou his nag's brad to lore passing ships to the reefs. ..In Kruntwick. N. Jn a wevk or so ago burglars entered the bouse or Moore Laker aud brained his sleeping wife and baby with au axe. Moore flew to the rescue and killed both burglars in his wife's bed chamber, lie has jut turned his heroism into infamy by selling the bed ou which bis wife and child were murdered to a oiuseuu), after coolly maiking out where each Isy when tb death blow was struck. ..A dispatch to the New York Herald from Stroudsbarg, ljn says that twenty-fire citizens' of Tsuuerville, armed with shot guns, bad inarched to the ramp of a lot of half starved .culoied rail rod hands near that town aud ordered them to leave the county on psiu uf being shot. Next fall the people of Tsuuerville will be holding up their Lands iu holy horror over some facirul tale of racc prejudice" at the South. .. At Edgarton, Ind, last week James Krickson, 70 years of age, whs dragged out of his bed at night by a mob of 100 men, strip led and given n coat of tar and leathers, lie wss then forced to run op and down the streets "for the benefit of the inhabitants of I Jt "ir"-. the town,' says the telegraphic iiii..psi a. ri, account. - bat a jircdaody "Southern ontrsgc this would have made if it had been iu Dixie and Erickson bad been a coou I a saaait era. I wi.l aril at MbMc aortto. at the Coort llooar door, to tha towa ol Moriuloa, X, C-. oa the 2a4 dar of AprU. I, laaas ba as l srti Moooay.) th CVaareiti-4 laada. to-wit : HHT TKACT. ttrctoaia? oa oaaaah oak aad ar kit oak, to tha twos a est aoa raoa Koat I OS boara to stake aad o-Marra oa the axle of o Ma; tkra Korth 65 fcaat. sruaatag a brooch, 1A Kara to a stake aad pmiutt am the top of a jh h.U; tk-ra North Sa West 7 antra t m state aaa pointer on tne cst bask of that braorh; tbco Xots 3 tvaat. Iirin braach at its aartoa art th a ditch at a ptra.l d poln to a stake oa tha sooth bash o tha Cats M rtrr; thaw doara tha nnr Soath a-S K Iihj pnlra to a atakc ta th Inwrroam W haa ta tb bottoas ; thaw Sooth ST West ftu potrato a ataka; thaw Soot 1 potrs to a stake. ta th ootatda km ; thaw West 3-4 1 potra to a stake; thaw North tatkt brsrtaate:. coa tats lag; lS arre aaor or hrao as by f i r i ate to report of rnaiaaaiiiaii ha th spetlaJ peocte1iay entitled Soaaat Saoip. os et. a a. J. K. twaipaoa. daly rssorded ta the Clrrh'a oflWa ta storka cosstj artll asorrrallT spprar. SBCONU K ACT. TVs-taakao-oa the Korth aide of the railroad at a stake oa tb bo of tt Patlrr trad eod rwaa North with Hmt lerabato a slake ka said Ijoarph) Stare, son's bar; I bra West with Nuanaoa Haa ta. pole to a rock oa th North aai of tb rail road ; tbra tast with the ba of tb railroad to tb beg-iaatnar. betas a poruoa of tb W. V. wy laad coarered by J. T. Pattaraoa. sheriff:, to T. O. aaltoa aad by Waltoa to ; "March to search" is the old sd age It searches out any weakness of the system, resulting from impure blood. Those who use Avers Sarsaparilla find March no more searching or even dis agreeable than any other month. This medicine is a wonderful invigorator. Improper and deficient care of the scalp will cause grayness of the hair and baldness. Escape both by the use of that reliable specific Hall's. Hair lie-newer. All Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have sot. have now the oppor tunity to try it Free. Call on the ad vertised Druggist and get a Trial Bot tle Free. Send your name and ad dress to H, E, Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household In structor. Free. All of which is guaran teed to do you good and cost you noth ing. Sold by John Tull, Druggist. ..The annual balance sheet of the Pennsylvania lis il road shows a gross income for the year on the division east of Pittsburgh and Erie of GG,375,223, of which 19,- 379,200 was net profit. The total gross income of the system for the I year was f ioo,uo'j,io, with a net profit of tw,ouo,uoo. There are 140 roads in the system, with an aggregate share aud bond capital of 3 13,000,000. If the world has a greater aggregation of capital under oue management we are not aware of its existence. toocbtb tastier aad wtar ss oy ni o srs mrnii aa ra ta kririaier's 00 of Bark rooaty ta Book . paaree S73. ate., will asoe faUy appear. rnl UTII TtACT. Beta ooe ha tatereat ra 23 acres of laad as by r h ri at to rraat of the State daly rasnstcrrd ta tho Brrtatrr-a oAttts Hork eoaaty. Hoot p. pa 414 w-Ul asore fatly appror. 1 eras of eai eaah. Said laad aotd for parrJtsoa aasooa; tawaato taeomatoa. This 34 arch 7th. 1 Attar At Ks vim. J. W. SI U PSOJf. attorney. l Notice to Creditors. T 1 1 II Abel Haffaa.daard. no be te here by s-teea to J1 person boidias rtaJaso acatnst ha eetat to pit at tbra to tb aa-Ocre-ed tor paj awat oa or besore th Sta day ot Febraary. A. U- 1 S. or tbia aotsr. will be plead ta bar of their Tteotti y ; aad all prraoaa indebted to aaad. eetat are here by aotiSed to eoas forward aad settle at oa aad therebe coeta, Tlua Sth day of rbraar. A rt.lSSa. . a HCPPM AX. iay of Atari HaC Arsav At Esvt, AtW

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