lEiiiiiin,.!'':1,II,n,,!,Mil" .mil nil I I I I'M mninmmiitnnnmninnxxnnmui cir 5 SCHOOL I I 8 p JOB PRiNTINu g I? Stat lib A SPECIALTY. Yo can get aey g book on tW Stat g Ut by saaa from a 17. nib oiif, fro, K. i to 88 0. Otho; KLY, nd nan rahubk ib orth omplfit B AM he new he LEG- :atvhi tERYEl i ear. ii rs AUTO I ;umn Wfj urelyie N.C. islotent & j San. the i""; gof aHTeoB AS n expert" .d dwhtfk'0' , ucoot be conn"?' , pottltry I iartP , jjverr1 Id and - and nt'' -ature' y and co' a to geW BtheDaWf e to the ColrT I ice far , ,. r lU-iiN. "te "cads. State- 1x1 , uVll' lends. Hnvdopcs. Posters,. "wn ? v . L 1 o.lKcrs, Pamphlets, or ilaiul l-''V.iT"f IV ntimr. executed tCr . ,. .,, r anci at !,"Y iViJheVt stvle of the art, i'.ei-rices.bvthe. BOOKS 5 BY I MAIL. Taj sm42 eCCl ban!) 111 1IEKM-" TI BLISHIXG CO.. MORGANION. N. C. g iniiniiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiinniiHHiiiiis VOL. X. NO. 49 MORGANTON, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1BQ5. PRICE fcVE CENTS. Church Directory. 'iirRCn. Divine ttrrvu;c ccij r. Sunday school every . .. 1 it :l. til. v - . . u llllirv 11 P. Krwin. SUDt.. aaa . ' 1 Miinn ihnnl ft T, 4 n. Ml.l .. .. a r i-ltJi naotnr m., TV - u bch. ovTn.-rreauluug every Sao :, h; 11 - " in. "td 8 p. m. Prayer roeetlnir u Viim'sdav at 8 p. m. Sunday School rv "li Tl a.m . J. A. ClayweU. supt, HiirKehtng everv Sabbath . m ia s P. sn. rrayer meeting every u -V, u s p m. Sunday School every 1 a'1 'Tkp innPAUsemces Bun- K III " . nrlavh(l(ll at. 8 11. 111. aim """r' . IV:irsOtl, 8UDU ; cicuBuus, . SEVEN DMH1IST0RY. The Doings of Our Neighbors Care fully Compiled All Interesting. SNOW IS THE RULE EVERYWHERE s.it 111' '. ,-.i4..,-u a iwl saints' ll.ivs. 4 D. Ill, ';'! m n Evcum)" on the 3d Sunday In the "i"'- u.'iS : . ....'.Munn win hold sprvlces 11 Hall the ilrst and third iswndays in Hi'.' .ry ui' ' nt'.i. Other Societies. u ,. .S 'l'll CIMBKRO COMMERCE. I. 1. Da l',','.'i,i,'iit J- VV. Wilson, Jr., Secretary. f , t i n ::. o'cloi'k on the evening of the 1 rn.'ilay la eaoh month. ' . 'r.ivin Valley Lodob. A. F. & A.M. Kegu r . ,.,,1'iunii'iitl'tnH at their lodge room In mill llllll'Ull.. I I'""1 fWCCli, U lUCCCUHigO :.f' :ir-t H, ii.ar hi I'l'lui Hid l UUCl Jiouuaof in cu muiim. I,-,. ptin? ot Burke lodge No." 4 brethren '.'of vutnas'tn second and Fourth .'s.iiipvHi. S o'clock. Visiting bn ilea to aueuu. HEART DISEASE. During the Last Two Weeks Caldwell, Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, Itutherford and McDowell The Latest News from all the Abwe-Kamed Counties. ' Caldwell. Lenoir Topic, Feb-13. - Montlny morning, Mrs. James Mayr who lives l'onr miles east of Lenoir, walked out on the porch, and by some means her foot slipped and she fell, ber side striking the edge of the poreh. It was thought that she was hurt right badly. . . . .That shaking and lumbering heard a few nights ago was not the shock of an. earthquake as -manv thought, out was an oiu- fashioned sereuade at D. M. Pu ett's. -Two hundred guns were in actual service for several hours, and there was a conglomeration of other uoises, all of which fright ened a lot of people nearly out of their boots. Some of them thought that Coxey's aimy was marching through Gnmewell. . .". .We stated last week that the Catawba Lum ber Company had petitions out asking the-Legislatnve to grant them the privilege to float logs in John's and Catawba rivers. Since that time persons opposed to this have gottpn oat counter petitions. This promises to be a right lively light, bat we hope that justice will be duue to all concerned. We o not believe the people of Caldwell want ta. do auythiug, but what is right in the matter. to every friend of temperance, sobriety and morality, to come up to the support of the proposed measnre ...Mrs. J. A. Tiatch- ford f died suddenly last Friday night;, it is not. known how or when. She was found dead in bed early Saturday morning. She was in her usual health the day before. It'is supposed she had heart dis ease. She was the mother of Rev. M. M. Katchford, and a good pious woman. She was buried" Sunday at Sew Hope, Rev. li. A. Miller conducting the funeral services. luttering, No Appetite, Could not 5Ieep, Wind on Stomach. Tor a long time I had a terrible fcain at my heart, which fluttered al- biost incessantly, l naa no appeuue knd could not sleep. 1 would De omTK'lled to sit. up in oea ana oeicn as from my sumacn unt.ii a mougnii very minute would be my last. here was a ieeiing 01 oppression bout mv heart.1 and I was afraid to firaw a lull breath. I could not sweep k room without resting. My husbanq Induced me to try Dr. Miles7 Heart Cure nd am happy to say it has cured me. now have a spiepaia appetite ana deep welL Its effect was truly mar velous." 11 Ks. DARBY E. STARR, PottsrUle, Fa. tr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive fiarantee that the first bottle will benefit. 11 dniegists sell it at L 6 bottles lor to, or will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price j the Lr. Miied Medical Co., Elknart, Ind. THE SUN. The first of American Newspa- Thi American Constitution, the American I(ea, the American Spir- I These firs", last, (me, forever. and all the y, by mail, - laily ami Sunday, by mail, Ui Vi tckl v, - - - - 6 a year. S8a year. SI a year, "HE SUNDAY SUN the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. rnctt x.c. By mail, S2 a year A.l.lr- THE SIX, "ew Vork. mi- Leading! Livery Stable, JIt. Airy, SAC., Dec. 26, 1894. ., Brooklyn, X. Y. . ' ii! !"in i : I certify that I have used exican Mut.tant; Liniment for the " v( ai for all diseases of the skin P'I'I fioh tliat lifirws nr tieir ts rnul tinira ' ;v,,r y t found its equal. For man br 'i-t it cannot be excelled. My father P 1 a s kept this Liniment on hand for use f"' liis llorses and ntsn ns n hnntioirlrl i-om- Respectfully, SAiTL G. PACE. . jot ork. he Herald office for Job Catawba. Hickorv Press and Carolinian, Feb! 14tb. Messrs. G. C. 'Bon ni well aud J. D. Elliott left Hickory Sunday afternoon for New Berne to put iu a bid for the erection of a lrge Custom tlouse, U. S. post oftice and Court House building in the aforesaid city Alex rattei- son, a negro, claiming to hail from Mecklenburg county, who is charged with the murder aud rob bery ot a negro man, near Moores ville, on or about Dec. 27tb;lS'U was arrested in this city on the 6th iust. by Marshal Miller, and turned over to the Sheriff of Ire dell county, who took him to Statesville, 'where ho will be tried for the crime. ... ..Mr. C. A. . Wil ton g," of Catawba station, the father in-law of Mr. J. 11. Bruus, went hunting Friday and received a fall bursting a blood vessel from which he died in less than one hour. The funeral aud burial oc curied Sunday Monday after noon Trof. Cole, taking advantage of the snow, gave the youug ladies of Claremont College a very de lightful sleigh ride. The large sleigh, drawu by four spirited horses aud loaded with a luxuri ance of womanly loveliness, was euough to paralyze the purposes of the moat determined monastic. . . . .Fire broke out Saturday about 7 o'clock a. m. in the greeuhouse of Mr. G. C Bonniwell aud de- stroved it with all his nowers. - 'Pecuniarily the loss is insignificant, but to a great lover of flowers the loss was serious, and we extend to Mr. Bonniwell our deepest sym pathy in' the misfortune that has overtaken him. Newton Enterprise. Feb. 15th. There has been . a good deal suffering among the poor during this severe weather. A subscrip tion was takeu Up Monday and provisions and wood were distrib uted by the towu authorities where thov wpr most neeuea. . ...vju Wednesday moruing Eugenia, daughter of H. W. Sherrill, who is an employe in the Newton cotton mills, got caught in a spinning frame which pulled a quautity of her hair out and injured two of her lingers on her right baud ciiiriit.lv. ' J. E. Hanger, of Washington, D. 0., will be in New ton, Feb. 19th. Mr. Hanger is en gaged in the manufacture of legs and arms. M. O. Sherrill aud Will Lowe are using his make, said to be one of the best made. Mr. Hanger was the first Confederate who lost a leg- He made a leg for himself and has been at the busi ness ever siuce, adding all the new improvements from time to time. If any of our one-legged or one-arm men desire anything in this line it will be a good chance to have their measures taken. .... Mr. Siguion,of Catawba, said the Senator from Sampson had good roads to carry his huctieuerries over, ana now it was concu pass this bill to make good roads all over the State. Mr. Fowler offered an amendment requiring comities using convicts to defray all expenses of same i'roin the time they were takeu fiom the peniten tiary until they were reiuiueu. He said he did not want the peo- nlft and the huckleberries of Samp son taxed to make good roads for the Senator from Catawba to carry his blockade whiskey over. '' '. j . Gaton.: Gastonia Gazette, Feb. 14th. . Two cotton mill men from Mas sachusetts were in Gastonia last week. They had been over the South on a tour of inspeptipn, tak ing notes,as iue wpui uu c.uj phase of cotton manufacturing in the South to satisfy themselves whether the Norfb could stand up in competition. They went turougn rnills here and on leaving their verdict was, "You've got us " .... Petitions are being circulated in t.ii enuutv asking the present leg islature to enact a law resembling the Mississippi method of legula ting the sale-of intoxicating liq uors. The promoters of this meas ure believe it will '.be a long step forward in dealing with the gi gantic liquor evil, aud they appeal Cleveland.' Star. Feb. 14th. V Mr. Jno. Randall, machinist at Belmout Cottou Mills, got his hand tore up very badly last week. He will be unable to work for about a month. .. ..Mr.. Robert Ellis aud Miss Julia Packard were married last week in Rutherford county, W. P. Withroe, Esq., performing the . ceremouy. . . ..Mr. Frank Queen and a Miss Led ford, from near Belwood went up inthePolk ville settlement Sunday riding horseback. Miss Ledford's mule fell down, throwing ber off breaking her collar bone. Mr. Queen took her to Dr. V. J. Palmer , and got her collar bone straightened aud they went on their journey Esq. W. 11. Hardin tells a good joke about how he married a onple several years ago who were beiug hotly pursued by the bride's father. The couole called on 'Squire Hardin iu the dead hours of the night and requested him to mary them as quick as possible as the old man was drunk and follow ing close behind them. After ex amiug the license the 'venerable 'Squire simply said: "I pronounce you man and wife, uow go!" The happy couple left and met the old man, and after telling him they were married, be became recon ciled and they all went home to gether. Shelby Aurora, Feb. 14th. The bill amending chapter 67 of the laws of 1893 passed the Senate on Febrnary the 9th. This amends the Shelby liquor law and provides that if there is only one bar-room the tax shall remain at 1,000; if j:vo b ir-rooms each shall -pay an annual ta$of S750; if three bar rooms the tax on each shall be only SG00. Mr. J. B. Fortune, (R.), champions this law, aud don't you countrymen lorget it, when you said "anything to beat a Demo crat," however honorable. Mr. Fortune says this is the best that he can do.' ....A gay and festive party of twelve consisting of Messrs, W. B. Nix, J. R. Oates, L. M. and Guy Hull, C. R. Doggett, Bate Blauton, T. Cliugman Ek- ridge, Olin Hamrick, Martin Rob erts, C. M. Webb, Stough Latti mofe and last but not least Os borne Martin, the latter Nimrod, alone armed with a gun. These twelve went, during the snow storm, rabbit hunting on horse back and bad three dogs. They returned with only three rabbits as trophies of the chase. Mr. Bate Blanton followed the hounds close ly and tailed every rabbit. Patherford. Democrat, Feb. Sst. , While chopping wood Saturday, Mr. J. D. Miller was badly cut on the foot by his ax slipping. An artery was severed and he lost a large quantity of blood. ... .We learn trom a reliable source that two youug men had a fight in the upper part of the county sometime, ago, aud in the fight oue bit the other. The bitten man is uow sick and shows pronouueed symp: toms of ;bydrophodia. We. hare been unable to learn the names of the parties. ....A practical mill man has been in correspondence with gentlemen here for sometime with a view of building a cotton mill here.- He proposes to get the stock up on the installment plan and put in tbe machinery, taking his pay in stock. He is expected soou and we shall have something more to say along this line John Clinton, colored, of Forest Citv. was caught in the act. of stealing a side of leather from Mr. B. Higgans Monday. He was sent to jail to await trial at the next term of the court. ....Mr. James W. Davis, county Superintendent of public instruction, dropped dead at Forest City this morning. He has been superintendent of public instruction for several years aud was weU known throughout the county. . . . . A physician who has bad to visit the jail frequently "of late and has seen Hoke Secrest ,ften. savs that Secrest makes the poorest effort to feign msauity he eer witnessed, He says he is perfectly sane. . . . . We learn that monazire of an excellent quality has been tound on Mr, W. J. Hardin's mill property near town, Watauga. WatatJjra Democrat. Feb. 7th. The Grand-father silver mine is opening up interestingly. The vein has been struck in the tunnel and it is thought that a large vein may be"near. Should this veiu prove large enough it will be of great interest to our section. .... J. W. Hodges, the new Register of Deeds took cliarge of his office on Monday of this week, and our old friend, C. W. Cottrell, retires to the shades af private life, after r one smaller brick, 2GxG0 feet at once. The new and commodious buildiug of W. P. Blanton is Hear ing completion. It is 30x100 and three stories higb,.The brick work was done by Mills Murphy, aud is a first class job. Mr. Blanton hopes to open a large stock of goods in the new building in about 30 days. J. L. Morgan aud Thos. Medd will build a handsome brick ""block 'on their lots. Captr Seagle,- W. F. Craig, W. McD. Burgiu, J. C. Me Curry and others will make similar improvements, and new life will be infused into the whole town. MINISTER GRAY IS DEAD. Oar Representative to Mexico Dlea There of Pneumonia. SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE. PRESIDEtuTMESSAGE C ' VXoaAirroa, K. C. tt See prtce-Uat elaewberc. B bixn umunxxmoiinmi itmuxnmranna ha been seized and brought to Roxboro. Two copper stills, on 97i crallnn anrl tha n t li f r I.Ti (ml. North Slate News Carefully Called ion capacity, several caps and Ways and Means tommiitec io aci from the Papers. A TRAGEDY IN ALLEGHANY. Indianapolis, Ind., feo. 14. Pierre Gray, son of Minister to Mexico I. P. Gray, received a tele gram at to o'clock tonight, saying that the Minister had died at o'clock. ' . A message was received an hour befo'e saying that one consulta-' tion of physicians had been. held, the patient being unconscious, and that another would be held at 7 o'clock, but death ensued. The Minister was at the American Hos pital in care of Dr. Bray, an Eng lish physician. City of Mexico, Feb. 14. Unit ed States Minister Isaac P. Gray arrived here from the United States this morning. He was in sensible, having been attacked with double pneumonia. He was immediately removed to the Amer ican Hospital and Drs. Liceaga and Bray examined him and held a consultation. ' At 5 o'clock they pronounced his xase hopeless. Mrs. Oray ana Bayard Gray, her son, were in constant attendance upon the dy ing man. Great sympathy is felt with them throughout the official circle and the diplomatic corps. Shortly before the end came apoplexy supervened and the pa tient was bled, but to no purpose. Wanted Something; for Chape His Reve nue Raid Wood for " the Poor New County Itaae Rap Club for Durham -A Peculiar Cow-Rivers Froaen Rabbi Tarn Chief Knzlebard Dead. .. Waynesville lias a telephone exchauge. ' " ..The State's Public Printing wilLbe let to the lowest bidder. . .The Statesville Mcucot is out in a new spriug bonnet. It is very becoming. ..The town or Mnrphy is having a high old tune over a "wet and dry"electiou. . ... T- Z . .The city of Raleigh has just sent a car load of corn to the Ne braska sufferers. - . .The New Berne Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Fair is in session this week. . . Ashevilre has just bad a 50, 000 fire. Well she will soou re build the waste places. ..Chief E. B. Englehard, of the Raleigh Fire Department, died last week of pueuuiunia. ..Marion "wants water works. They have a good object lesson in their midst, as to the need of water. . .It is settled North Carolina will have uo prize-fighting within her borders. So' says the Legis lature. ..Suow storms throughout our State have , been the rule rather than the exception for the past two weeks. - . - worms and twenty-four fertnenters. Eighty-three barrels of 'spirit, 3537 gallon, ate stored in the basement of Messrs. W. R. Ham. brick & Co's drag store. The stills did not reach Roxboro; they were stolen at Virgilina. Va. Person Courier. . .An old gentleman uaraed Love lace who lived near Grant in this county met bis death under very sad and peculiar circumstance one day lust week. He and a little girl about twelve years old vera the only persou about the prem ises. They were sitting by . the fire, the old gentleman being in his usual health. The little girl says that he s-id to ber. "This dam fire aim half I arnin?," and jast as he said it pitrtrd forward into tbe fire. The little girl pulled him out and then went for a&iistance a quarter of a tnile away. - When they returned the old gentleman was dead and his dog was gnaw ing his face. They drove it away and found that it had eaten his nose entirely off. It is supposed he bruised his noso in the fall and that the dog was attracted byvthe blood. Alleghany Star. - ACROSS NIAGARA FALLS. On it To-Day. BLIZZARD PREVAILING. Isaac Pusey Gray was born in Chester county,-Pa., on Oct. 18, 1828. His ancestors were Quak ers. His parents moved to Ohio ini836. He was Colonel of the Fourth Indiana Cavalry in the civil war up to 1864, and later organized the One Hundred and Forty-seventh Infantry. He began his po litical career as a Republican. He was elected to the State Senate in 1870 He became a Liberal Re publican and was a delegate to the National Convention that nomi nated Greeley. He was elected Lieutenant-Government of Indiana by the Democrats in 1876, and in 1SS4 was made Governor. The Indiana delegation at the St. Louis Convention supported him as a candidate for the Vice Presidency in 1888. He was men tioned as a candidate for the Pres idency at the Chicago Convention. He was nominated to be Minister to Mexico in March, 1893, and was the first man to receive diplomatic honors in the present Administra tion. He had just returned to Mexico from Washington and to his Indiana home. New York Sun. The opinion in Washington, is, that Senator M. W. Ransom, of North Carolina, will be appointed in Minister Gray's place as Minis ter to Mexico. Herald No Longer a Joke. Those of the New England cotton mill owners who have emiled for some years at the thought of Southern com petition, are growing aerioua over it. They have become aware that their Southern competitors can obtain an abundance of capital and of labor, can get as many ekilled operatives from the forth as may be needed, can manu facture the finer grades of goods, and can market boththe coarse and the fine grades more cheaply than they can be marketed from New England. Some of the Northern mill owners who had established branches in the Carolinas and Georgia, are transferring their plants to these States -because 01 the superior facilities obtainable there. The truth ,is that the change, which began in a small way a few years ag-, has steadily increased in magnitude, and has become a matter of gravity more especially for Massachusetts and Connecticut It is folly to try any longer to belittle that change. The above is au editorial taseu from the New York Sun, and goes to show tbe wide spread feeling of unrest among Northern manufact urers of cotton good8 They will come South. Poets to Be Pitied. Pity the pot ts who get stuck in their efforts to make words rhyme. Fancy a man hunting for a rhyme for the word "Pellets." If it were only in the singular "Pellet" he might praise the "Pellet" and bid you smell it, tell it, yell it, sell it and what not. But "Pellets" is hard to match. At least Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are match lea as a cure for bilious attacks, indi gestion, constipation and sick headache. Thev are preventive as well as ourative. Haraly larger than mustard seeds. Tbey work wonders. ..The North Caroliua Experi ment Station has just published "Fertilizer Aualyses." It is a splendid treatise. ..For a rarity, the boys and girls, all over the Old North State, have had plenty of sleighing and skating this winter. ..The Eastern Band'of Cherokee Indians have employed Mr.George Sinathers, Waynesville, as their counsel for the next two years. ..A. W. Gtaham, Eq., of Ox ford, has been offered the seat on the beucb of Judge Winston, re signed. He will probably accept. ..A uegro mau, named Henry Wood, while assisting' at the railway turntable at Murphy last week, fell down and was crushed by the table. He may die. ,.U. S. Marshall Allison, accom panied by Attorney Geo. Smath ers, ejected the squatters and put Mr. Sinathers iu.iK)ssession or the Qualla Boundary for the Eastern Cherokees last. week. . ' ..The river was nearly covered over with thick raves of crashed ice on Saturday last. The current was very strong and a high wind, which kept it brokeu np. The tide was also very low. Washiugtou, N. C, Progress. . ..The Aliimance Gleaner says: Ben Trolinger' killed a beef one day this week from whose pauuch or niaw ho took 55 pieces ot metal nails, pins, lead, brass, &c. - The animal- seemed to have made a regularjunk shop of herself. .The rabbit hunters are having a most . glorious time during the unow. Sofaraswe have beard Mr. James Helms, of Vance town ship, is the champion, lie began sometime before Christmas and up to date lias killed one hundred and fifty ofthe bucks! Monroe Journal. ..Some lattur-diy patriotsof the ring-ctreaked variety are making a powerful effort to slice a new coun tv ont of eastern Haywood and west Buncombe to be called ."But ler" county with Canton for tbe couuty-site. This would leave Haywood CO miles long and ten miles wide like a lead pencil. We vote "No." Frauklin 1'rax ..Seven carloads of I d ar rived over the Midland load yes terday to be distributed among the citx's poor. The city furnished five cais, Messrs. II. Weil & Bios, the sixth and Messrs. lioyall & Borden the seventh. The W. & W. R. R- with its usual generosity, transported Jhe wood free of ch rge. Gohfsboro Headlight. Dangerous Act of Two Mem Who Crossed oa the lee. Cincinnati Enquirer. Niagara Falls, N. Y, Feb. n. Tourists and visitors to Prospect Point were rather startled to see two men standing on a large ice formation on the brink of the American Falls this morning waving their handkerchiefs. The two figures were strongly out; lined aeainst the black back ground of Goat Island, and were made even more distinctly clear by the sun, which was shining brightly. The men were Jack Mc Cloy, the famous guide, and young E.J. Wilcoxen, a clerk io the State Reservation. The two men had ventured over the ice and snow formation from Robinson's Island below Goat Island to the edge of the American Falls off Luna Island. It was a perilous and exciting trip. The men started from Bath Island over the frozen river to Ro"binson Island. Here they tied ropes to each other's bodies, and with long pike poles started for the brink over the ice mounds and galleys. They experienced many a slip and one or two falls, but ar rived safely- at the largest ice mountain, which they explored, and mounted to the top, where no man had ever before ventured without being swept over down to the rocks below, nearly 200 feet. The mountain on which the men stood was some 25 feet higher than the edge of the falls. Looking over the too it was discerned that it had frozen from the foot of the falls and represented a perpendicu lar ice mountain over 200 feet high. The scene over the falls down on the big ice bowlders and grotesque formations was a strangely grand one, according to the story of Mc Cloy and Wilcoxen. Following upon this thrilling venture, Michael Topping, a reservation officer, came over from the Three Sisters Islands with a story of how he had visited tbe old wreck out io the Canadian channel. Ncf per son has, previous to this, been able to reach this stationary fixture which every guest to Niagara has seen, and about which they have inquired. This trip was not made without a certain amount of risk and excitement. The extreme cold wave and blizzard made forma tions here io the snow and ice never before seen, and the river is frozen in places never before covered. How's This I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall 'a Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props!, ) Toledo, Ohio. ) We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly' honorable in all business transaction and financially able to oarry out any obligation made by their firm. I WEST iruas, v noiesaie Aruggist, ! . - ..There is a inoveinenron foot to secure a"firt-class baseball club for Durham the coming season, and if the promoters meet with half the encouragement they de serve, it will be an assured success. A park will be built and the team will employ a professional battery. This is uo- mere idle talk. The meu who ate taking au interest in the matter are business meu and will leave-no. stone unturned to cive Durham a Team worthy of To Many Wives. Marion Cor. of the Charlotte Observer. A sensation was created a few days siuce by the anuoancemeut that Alex. 1. Rowe, well knern in this sectiou, was iu jail at W 11 liamsburg, Ky charged with big amy. Rowe had married MisaAmanda Dellinger in ibis place some years ago, and afterwards left ber and some children without means and went to Kentucky. He won the heart of Miss Martha Newport, ot Williamsburg, and was married to ber in April, 1891. The two got along splendid ly until a short time ago, when Rowe got ou a six weeks' drunk, and bis wife No. 2, searched bis truuk, and made the startling dis covery that he bad a wife and children iu this State, findiug in the trunk numerous letters irom Mrs. Rowe No. 1. She repotted the discovery to ber father, and Rowe was at once placed in prison. The second wile belongs to one of the best families in that section, and her father bad given Several Decree Helew Jallaa S. Oarr Gives $1,000 t the Methodist CsJversity ClevsUa4 Boys Tla-lnl. Will Gel N Mere Ferelga Ap pointments Other rsneeals North Carolina Militia Dtaaer to Sepresae CoarU Prom Oar Reg-alar Corre pood eat. Washington, Feb. tub, 1S95. Tbe 9190,000,000 bond cal outlined Id this correspondence lust week was submitted to Cougress yester day la tbe shape of a message to Congress. The House Committee on Ways and Means Las been called to meet, to-day to consider the President's message, and it is the expectation of the democrats io the committee that they will re peal at once a bill authorizing gold bonds. Tbe most severe blizzard ever known in Washington is prevail ing here. Tbe snow is eight inches deep, and is rapidly drifting. Tbe thermometer is several degrees below zero. Tbe Long Bridge over tbe Potomac is in danger from tbe ice gorge. The trains coming into and going oat of tbe city are de layed, aud street car trafic ismncb impeded. One woman fell in a snow bank and would Lave frozen to death if a policeman bad not foand ber. Senator Pritcbard went borne last night. The Springer-Cleveland Carlisle Currency Bill was killed in the House yesterday. Col. Julian S. Carrwith bis wife and daughter are at tbe Arlington. He baa given 910,000 to the Metho dist University to be established here. Senator Jarvis is one of tbe trustees. Hon. George Wise tells me that Cleveland told him that Virginia bad her fall hare of foreign ap pointments and would receive no more at bis bands. There is going to be a Lot time in the Senate when consideration of tbe postofiice appropriation bill is reached. Not only did the Sen ate committee omit the Southern fast mail item ; it most eitraoidi narily interpolated a provision in the item for railway postofiice car service which vests absolute dis cretion in the Postmaster General and repeals all existing laws on tbe subject. This was inserted at the instance of Chairman Vilas, late Postmaster General. Tbe unexpected decision of tbe House committee of tbe whole to day to require castoas does half in silver, half in gold, delight North Caroliniaus and other silver- ites. Senator Ranson has secured a place in tbe Interior Department for Mr. Lonis McKesson, of Mor gan too, a son of Charles McKes son, Esq. Representative Bower and Col. Charles F. McKesson saw Commis sioner Miller Wednesday in inter est of J. A. Perry, of Morganton. It is probable be will be made a special revenae agent in the State. It is also probable that Maj. An derson, of Winston, will be ap pointed deputy collector of income tax. Mr. Bower bas held np for in. vestigation tbe appointment of postmaster at Larle Station, Cleve land. He will endeavor to bave restored the mail route between Lenoir and Morganton, recently ordered suspended. Mr. Bower has increased tbe salary of the Postmaster at Lenoir tl50. Representative, Branch pre sented for Bishop llaid and tbe trustees a petition to 'pay war claim of 910,000 value of Catbolio cbutcb barued in April, 1SC1, at Washington, Beanfort county. Tbe militia report to Congress for 1694 tins states North Caroli na's contingent : General officers, two, general staff 28; non-commissioned officers, two; aggregate 32. Calvary Regimental officer, one, company officer three; non com missioned officers, nine; musician, one; privates 2C; aggregate 40. Infantry Regimental officer, 4G; company officers, 81, non-commis sioned officers. 256; musicians 33; privates, 1,021; total 1,310; aggro gate, 1.440. Naval Battalion Staff officers, nine.-company ofa- rAri-t ' .Absolutory Pure. A ereaa of tartar bakta powder. Hfcbs of all la traveateg nrmc'IUnrt I am tats Govrasaairr Foo Karear. Itoyal Baking- Powder Co., le Wall sc. . T. January Woolen Prices; We are selling at very loi prices, worth your consideration. Fur Capes, Down Quilts, Ladies' Coats, Fine Dress Goods, Woolen Bed Blankets, Men's Woolen Underwear. Under tbe new tariff, there baa been no doty on raw wool since Oct. 1st, 1894. . Tbe new tariff reductions on manufactured woolens became op erative Jan. 1st, 1S95. Tbe prices on all of our Wookn Good bave been made to conform to tbe new woolen schedules, a saving from 25 to 30 per cent W. H.&R. S.TUCKER & CO., RALEIGH, 1M. C. Does Tins i flit You? ' The management of tbe Equitable Life Assurance Society in tbe Department of the Carolinas, wishes to se cure a few Special Resident Agents. Those who are fitted for this work; will find this A Rare Opportunity It is wcrt, however, and those who succeed best in it possess character, mature judgment, tact, perseverance, and the respect of their community. Think this matter over care fully. There's an unusual ; opening for somebody. If it fits you, it will pay you. Fur ther Information on request. W. J. Roddey. M-aaxer, Rock run, s. c 4 4 IF. W. TYLEE, Photographic Artist. Union 8U, opposite Col. S.lfcD. TaU's MORO ANTON, N.C. All claaae of photographic- work at lowest price consistent with C rat-class work, i-nlaxgemenu a specialty. aBl3-tr. her reputation.- 1 jnruam Aecoratr. Eowe vaiaatde help financially. UeVas running a good hotel at tbe time it was discovered be bad two wives. long and very acceptable term of office, He retires, witii tne uest 1 yjLj)i.NQ, Kjnnar & Marvin, Wholes wishes ana Kinqest ieenugs 01 an. 8aie Druggists, xoieao. unio, 1 . McDpwell, Marlon Record Feb- lth. , Marion wears a sad appearance iust now. but 'ali tnings come 10 him tnac waueiu. u is gmmj iu to learn of the many solid improve ments to be made here as soon as the weather will permit.. Mr. J. S. Dysartwill erect a handsome brick hlock containing four stores, 30x 100 feet each, work to begin early in. tbe spring. Jhe buildings will be two stories high. He will erect Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally, acting directly Tipon the blood and mucous surfaces of the By stem. Price '?5o. per bottle. Sold by all Drug gists- Testimonials tree. Since Messrs A 8. Barnes ft Co., ot New York, disposed or tnelr Interest In the publication of school books, which made their name laminar to nearlveyery one. they nave been devoting themselvesto the publication 01 miscellaneous books vp d the manufacture of Barnes' Ink, an excellent Bctaool and business Ink. suitable for aU necessities. Their lony established reputa tion is asumcleni guarantee that their ink is as rnreented. aa iriSod as IS produced in UilM country, and can be obtained In large or small quantities from any bookseller or staUoner and Is weU worthy of a trial. - i .."Have yoa anything for Chaps t" asked a colored man as he walked into a rirug store in itatesvillexa few-days g3. "Yes." answered the druggist, as be olaced some glycerine before bis customer. "Is dat good for worms, bosst" asked-tbe would oe -rur-chases. Tnen it dawned on the druggist that medicine was wanted for children (sometimes cauea chaps" in this country) aud not for chapped hands or laces, ana ne tbereajou put up the glycerine and sold the coou some or Tun stalI'M vermituge.-StatesvilleiaMf- nt art. , .. Possibly the biggest revenae seizure ever made in this district has iust been accomplished by Denutv Collector 8. G. Woods. The entire plant and product on hand of the Cluster bprings Dis tilling Compauy.at Blue ymg, Mrs. Rowe No. 1 and children are now living in Cleveland coao- Alex. Rowe was at one time a very prosperous merchant at Spruce Pine, in Mitchell county, where be was raised, aud was con sidered a good citizen and gener ous hearted mau. Mary sad Her Little rala. M ary bad a little pain ; Conies fro in torxnd liver I It follows ber wbcre'er sac foes Spite of all they give ber. Like Mary's lamb, weTl tare it oat. bnrarin qatck recovery. By Riving Dr. Pierce's Go Idea Medio! Discovery I Sure cure for biliousness, torpid liver constipation, dyspepsia, scrofula, and all blood, skiq and scalp" affections. Only medicine so sure in curative ac tion" that it can be guaranteed. Bee guarantee around each bottle. , cers, 8; total 17; non commis sioned 22; musicians two j privates 100; total 130; aggregate 147; total North Carolina militia gen erals, two; staff 23; regimental officers, 50; company officers, 95; total commissioned officers 131; non-commissioned officers, 2S9; musicians 30; privates, 1,473; ag gregate organized militia, 1,G5'J. The available organized militia is 240,000. . Secretary CarlUla bas fined Johnson Pomeroy, of tbe Sixth Virgiuia Internal Revenae district, 9400 for failure to destroy stamps on empty packages. . Tbe final state dinner of tbe season at tbe White House was given last night, tbe occasion be ing in honor of tbe Supreme Court Tbe East Room, with its abund ance "of foliage, floral coloring and myriads of light, formed a delight ful and most inviting picture, com pared with tbe swirling snow and general cbeerlesaness without. It May ! as Mack for Ten. MV. Fred Miller, of Irving, III., write that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for many years, with eevere peine la his back and also that his bladder was affected, lie tried many so called Kidney cares bat without any good re-salt- About a year ago he began to use Electrfc) Bitters and foand relief at once.' Electric Bitter is especially adapted to care of ail Kidney and Liver troublte and often gives almost instant relief. One trial wril prove oar statement. Price only 53c lor Urge botUe. At Tali's Drulore. FIRE INSURANCE I We write. polces on all classes of desirable risks ta the foliowng stand ard companies : X. a TIOME of Beleigh ; Q0NTIN ENTAL of New York ; PENNSYLVANIA of Fhiladelpha: DELAWARE VA. FIRE AND MARINE of Ekh- mood ; " MECHANICS AND TRADERS of New Orleans. AVE It Y & EltVXK, nciAi-n Building. Morganton, N. C "Rose ViljJa. Klnr Street. MORO ANTON, X. C One of tbe moat beeutiful homes Western North Carolina. Convenient to all the Morgactoa fee si nene hooeee and churches. Quiet, comfortable, well appoiated la every way. Is now for tbe first time thrown pea to the travelling public Rooms pec to us, well lighted and farn shed. TeUe supplied with the beet that's going-. ... Rates is per cay. special rates Dy um week, tSJper month. - . Mrs. D. a PEARSON, Morganton, N. C Tsb. U, tf.