OCT. 3. !895- WK8T y,)r;lllton... Schedule W.N.C.B.B. I! AST. I ,, furry inc 5S?VSl 2 40. ..1.14 P.M. . .10:40 A. M. .4.66P. V. .6:40 r. m. Snnri.s MdOFeetAbova th Sea. The wnter was offered a chance ast Thursday which he elad ly accepted, to visit ihe B?ue Ridge Pinnae e. Th. c h'?-.,!??..''''tita ,.mi ' short BSOKAt AHD rfOClAL. HawRWwf SnUgf left Mfday for IWifie, Kibl0r kft Tue8d fo' Mr. D. McKinziA lof . . Tr . I v.,JOTlWuaT ior where we Ief .CI . nooi wuwu rougher one. "we " -f" f aSSS.?"- came In from xviiod. ana ahnnr 2-' FOR, 3 AGAINST IHlrKK,n"olij8HTS:wCH UKFKATEU Bogs' and hildpen's Bti.u V0". Vote The Tow Needed Ir-TheT Said th. m anil to Day. horse at Round ning supplement. pong'11 Li. i. Pv Lollett m-thira page,. silt W. Walton, mortgagee. uli Isaac Fleming. ttrator 1st: need rain. CJ01 weather continues, chestn ut burrs are open. ,,k .ire nuttinc no . 5.i!c -s' V niton and PresneU Huffman, mortgagee. ;. representative third i-asi iuesday night, being the passengers, going 4 p. m, We " . -S.!!1 Anderson has re- R " . . n "ClODer, the abnnr thr m:i .. - w uuuaiesDoro. Kt. ...uu men mei in reeuiar SSE' 5?wajfe ihenthe climbing commences, -Mr w , and Aldermen Presnell. Huffman HemS? &?.r7.P &SZ1X!- i.b.!J"'.als?.".Ci7 Attorney! m;i t "uui nait a I ir , " iivm. meiouowing bills were mile trnm tK .t .1 Mr. nnl XT i-. n I 1 ... . e inc.r.lnnacle. KnoxvmT-rV' r.:umme7 ?' Lcaa' QIi"S5ea and approved : -r"-"- 11 IH n I With thAc I '""""aMLfr. union s. CLOTHING! mm uli n n THE RACKET STORE'S THE LATEST FALL NOVaTIES AHD STYLES. FJ RST ' OFFER OUR LINE OF Tu'l second page. IPTlt with . o ...... wwcac sciiicmcn, wno showed us all the Theo. Clark, police, to the: rzoru ,vis- third page. .t Co. third page. mi . ... xnat well-known travel lJno. m. I T. A. Wo -.4 t' courtesies rif M i:r. 17 ueene A. Alh - i. " "r " w Ja" tcca . ,uC pientv to I Haw " u ct aion eat and a hbnl,., j 10 aay eat and a blanket-and after sleep- t" , su" wun a canopy of clear sky for a covering, with the thermometer at about 32 we got up about 5 ar m. and started luc lop 01 tne binnacle. It was dark and cold, and the path a small winding one, was hard to see ; and besides these diffimtti.e uu iicdru 01 "Dear sign and "rattlers." But about 5:45 a. m. ihuicu me verv too despite the cold, the hard and M. E. L. & p. Co light, I I l-illn W I m. 0-1 , I vjuiaui. IICII U WdrC. 1 hft SllVAf fV.nt Tl J . . I T . ... .. ' Mayor "i"5!. nignt. ' Tv4f TXT TT . . Tnr;ul- Y- - ttidden and Mr. Ed 1 urnpr wArA . T,,0A- uom tne mines Mr. J. H. FerrPA nf pji iffjrsis They wm A L. Page, services, A. E. Wilson, gravel, J. W. Garrison, lumber, L. A. Bristol, fees, J. A. Wall, fees, Walter Brem rent, R. K. Presnell, services, Alderman Gillam then S X OO 22 05 204 OO 35 6 20 00 35 OO 9 50 10 85 4 5 31 00 3 00 25 00 an- CLOTHING, OVERCOATS, WILL BE A Rubber Goods, Hats, Caps and. nounced the lesignation of city tax collector J. H. Reid. The next UNDERWEAR For Boys and Children is now complete. Sweeping IN PRICES GENERALLY. . .... climb and the H' Jul ZT'. n "aynea left yesterday MM,,. " u,ucr ,nc c,on r . - 1 (iM i rrNa 11 uiu idni 1 nuvju. liic virw 1 iur iirofinoivwA 1 - - 1 niMnni t v 1 1 n 1 ,a,,, 1.. Kf - ' . -" -;--u, wuere ene eoes to at- e 1 .1 I Lr aldermen woman 1 give lck crusher. Baptist meeting here has .... -.1 Aca K Executive Lommmee ior lSp.tal is in session to-day. had the tii st frost of the ut Sunday night. It was gone. ; , citv fathers met Tues l,t. We record their do- se-tiere. Deaf and Dumb School live Committee was in ses- este- day. C. M. McDowell has sold ell county some Dfick to j their jail. L . V. Ilappoldt's appoint- as citv tax collect' satisfaction. ,!i at The Herald office entitled even before sunrise, was worth all me trouDie. The Pinnacle stands up alone, with no peak closer than mi. ivmcneu to obstruct the view, which is indeed a macmifirent nn Just before sunrise the picture was a grand one in blue. All the harsh outlines were softened, and as tar as the eye could reach, the panorama was interesting and pleasing. As the time for sunrise tend the Normal. Misa Alice Onlloft i.j for Greensboro, where she will enter ir ti . a. "an Walton came in Tues Sfd,Wuent, out t0 Brookwood to1 VlSlt ma fatl.a.1. 11 r- . . . 1..T u an? Jars- Worman AsUey, who ! have been here several weeks, left last week for New York City. Sr:2?h"S0" lat? Buperintend- approached, the blue picture com- lntof tJ?e Caldwell and Northern R. mencea turning silver, and when ' m ine Cllr las Saturday. sien the petition ; Cuba be Free?" Davis is preparing to build large brick warehouses be his block on Union street. K large portion ot our popu- , went :o the campmeeting ,:vin hist Sunday. " Ve thai.k Capt. Gordon, Sec- v b irke County Fair Associa- lor a complimentary ticket. .azarus Bros, have moved their new room, and they have a regular department The street work on is not finished yet. k when done, .t. Ve respectfully direct the ja of our readers to the sement of the Burke County r on our fourth page. ': The Burke county jurors Federal Court at Statesville Hamilton Erw'in. Amos Huff a and J. M. Bowman. - The Sally Michael Tobatco, are enlarging their territory (ey have just made a shipment tobacco to Salt Lake City, .h. the great round red disk did tret above the horizon line, the silver turned to gdld and one, felt that the view was too grandly beauti- tui ior description, and well worth any amonnt of trouble to reach. The view here is an extended one in every direction. The moun tains around Caesars Head and Tryon rear their heads to the South East. The French Broad gives J valley and Georgia are easily visi- . I 1 - . - .1 C . t nr . rr ..... uicwmeaoum west. 10 tne West Clingman's Dome and the Smok ies. In the immediate North West four miles distant is Mt Mitchell, the highest mountain East of the Rockies, and to the North and North East is 'Toe river valley, Linville mountain. Table Rock, High Peak etc, with a great flat plain of level and valley country. "Gombroon," the late Senator Vance's country residence, is plain ly visible from the top of the Pin nacle. 1 he Round Knob Hotel is also in sight, and the railroad on both sides of the Swannanoah tunnel. The vegetable life on the the Pinnacle is confined to balsam, sage and moss. The area on top is about 30 bv 40 feet, and covered with large broken stone. The only bird seen was a raven. We came down off the mountain about 8 o'clock, had breakfast, bid our friends the surveyors, good bye and started back to Round Knob, which place we reached in time to catch a tram and get home at 5 o'clock. The Blue Ridge Pinna cle is in plain view from several points in Morganton. . The trip though a tiresome one, is well worth the trouble. To one who has never seen the sun rise 5S00 feet above the sea, the trip will be a revelation. Messrs. George and Jamea Sud derth. of Asheville, who have been visiting here, returned home Tuesday. Secretary Ogilvie, of the Piedmont Mineral Co., LVd, of London and Brindletown, was in town last Satur day. Editor and Mrs. W. C. Ervin and children went up to Blowing Rock last week. They will probably get back here Saturday. Chairman of Executive Board at the D. & D. School, M. L. Reed, of Biltmore, was at the school Tuesday and Wednesday. Messrs. William and Joseph Mc another tax collector. Alderman Gillam proposed the name of Mr. J. W. Happoldt, and upon being seconded, Mr. Happoldt was unanimously elected. Philo Harbison put in a plea for street improvement. This was acceded to by the board. Delia Scott (col.) was allowed $20.00 damages for a street having been made through her place. Alderman T. I. Gillam then made a report of his investigation into the rock crusher.. He said, in substance, that the town could get a crusher, capacity 80 tons per day, and a ten horse power engine for not over 33oo and get twelve months time on it. Alderman Gillam made a motion to close the trade for the crusher at once. His motion was seconded by Al derman J. W. Garrison. This project was cussed and discussed till at length Mayor Bristol said he would be compelled to put the question. This he finally did. Al dermen Gillam and Garrison voting aye and Presnell, Huffman It is the PRETTIEST and CHEAPEST line ever carried in town. Come and look through it. Mens Gloria Silk Umbrella, $1.06 Ladies' Serge Umbrella, good quality, 50c. COLLETT & GILLAM, Have Ion Bought? DON'T! 15c India Linen, 6 Cord Spool Cotton Turkey-red Table Damask, White Table Damask, Pins 1 cent a paper. -1 5 Slate Pencils for 1 cent. 3 Lead Pencils for 1 cent. 1 5 Marbles for 1 cent. r -kt 11 c . . 1 COHL- 1 raper 01 iNeeaies ior 1 cent. 8 3-4C. 1 -3c. spl. 32c. yd. 42c. yd. Dowell, of Orlando, Fla., are visiting I an( Davis voting no. As it takes Lenoir This will be " a it- to ! Did it ever occur to vou that p can save the price of a oews- ttt many times over in a year carefuhy reading the advertise- a:$? j hAnother horse arrived at the grounds Monday. He was -'Jjht by the owner, a Mr. "ter, of Catawba, and is a p'ter. -A base ball team from the Wand Dumb School here will Kagame with the Morganton ys next Saturday at the lair "jfinds. The public, is invited. -We have just received acorn- notary ticket to the Alamance t Fair, Burlington. N. C, '15th to 1 8th. We tender our ksto Secretary S. H. Webb. -Our advertisincr oatronacre has Mched such proportions that we c compelled to get out a supple st this week. If the increase "'Hues, we wi'l enlarcre The RALD. -Prof. Vm. E Hidden has cnus a handsome lot of cut srts, and among the number Y couple of purple garnets. flatter are beauties and Prof. iddrn cove .1 A Quiet Marriage. Capt. L A. Bristol and his best man, Horace Payne, left here last Wednesday for Asheville, where Capt. Bristol was married to Miss Ida White, Thursday, Sept. 26th. The ceremony was performed ; at Asheville Female College, in the ReceDtion Hall, by Rev. Dr. James Atkins, President. The young ladies of the school were present at the ceremony. Mrs. Bristol, nee White, is a Tennessean, but for several years has taught in the Asheville Female College. Mr. Harare Pavne. of Moreanton, was their sister Mrs. J. T. Walton at the Mountain Hotel. Misses Perkins, of John's River, I and Minnie Huffman, of Unrrantnn. left yesterday for Greensboro, -to at tend the Normal. Rev. G. H. Charch. who has been assisting Rev. R. L. Patton in the meet ings at the Baptist church here, left Monday for Statesville. Miss Nettie Ferree, of Randleman, is in the citv for a coudIb of weeks. She is popular here and has lots of friends, who are always glad to see her. Rev..and Mrs. Churchill Satterlee, uiss Humbert and maid left last Fri day for New York City. We . hope to see the Satterlees in Morganton again soon. Mr. L. B. Bristol, our town boy, with the late firm of Wallace Bros.. has obtained a position with the whole sale shoe house of Berry, Gillam & Co., Lynchburg, Ya. Misses Josephine Laxton, of Mor ganton, and Lucy Laxton, of John's River, left Tuesday for Greensboro, where they will enter the Normal and Industrial School. Miss Ida Baker leaves to-day for Raleigh, and from there she will go to her home at Tarboro. She is a bright, sweet little woman and our young peo ple will miss her. Mr. J. R. Ervin went up to Old Fort yesterday. From there he will go to a camp of surveyors up in the mountains running some boundaries, in which the Carolina Investment Co. is interested. Until you have seen and pared the values and taken ad- Men's and Ladies Hdkfs. half price. vantage 01 ims opportunity. sol Within the next week we will receive a tour to appropriate money, the motion failed, and the rock crush er is only a dream. This is a pity, as we needed the rock crusher and the town is plenty able to buy it. We are sorry to know that we have men on our board who are so S!eSl.fci ilveUf,od k M1 lIne of Fall and Winter Goods, consist- slow to make improvements. ISO I ' tax-payer in our town would have grumbled at the cost of the rock crushing outfit, and we sincerely regret the penurious action ot the maionty of the Aldermen. Une of the surest ways to build up a big town is to build good streets, and our Aldermen have just let slip a golden opportunity. A negro orphan brass band gave a show at the Court House last night. They also gave a street parade yesterday. tT Wan ted. A Good Milch Cow part Jersey preferred. Apply to T. G. Cobb. Will have more of those Ladies Gloria Silk Umbrellas ; also a lot of Rugs, and a big stock of Tinware. COME QUICK I ing of the latest styles in Dress Goods, a nice line of Notions, and in fact everything to be found in a fisrt-class dry goods stock W"ATCH OUT I before purchasing elsewhere and are satisfied you will never regret it. THE RACKET ST0R, Walton & Pressnell. Oct., 1S95. To Housekeepers: Miss Emily Kenan, who has been spending several weeks here with her friend Miss Annie Phifer Erwin, left last Friday for her home at Fayetteville. Miss Kenan is justly entitled to her reputation as a beauty, and is one of the most popular young ladies in our State. ' Fall Fledged Iwji From the News and Observer's account of the examination of young applicants before the Su- best man, and Miss Pearl Ogburn, eme Court for license to practice of Asheville Female College, was j we lake the f0n0WinSr r,st of bridesmaia. miss uguu.u 3 names. Thev all passed a success- TlDL7BS h? and It Is la tli. tiraa and rtma that Jtamlto excellcac. is moat apparent. Tber ara Um likely to burst or break thma aay otban,aa4 are moat easily sad quickly repaired. AU tyles Rambler Bicycles ftoa. Xoaa better at any price -aaa. to good lor tbe same or leas. VataliTg free. C0RHUt.LV JEFFEIY HTB. CO, waaMiBj.Toa. a. c - . LmaBBBBBaBaaammamaaamma We want every housekeeper in Burke county to try our OF VANILLA AND LEMON. nl 0 0 LADIES' CLOAKS! 0 says they are rare. -We thank v:kc 11 the X. C StatFoir Rol.Irfh ' 0 invitation in ill.r1 t h - iirthis year. The date i Cir: 10 2v II. elusive and the rail N fare IS one rent ner mile Little A!pv-,. t-,.,1 r- Iaylor's eldest fell thrnnoh r;r 8ghts of stairs at the Hos- r11 oundav nio-ht a .7 tnough not seriously injured. 5 3 Wciruipr tK. i;.tl was not killed. charming and handsome young iri She is a music teacher at v the college. . The bride was dressed in a travelling gown of navy blue serge with black satin trimming, hat to match, and carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Ogburn, was ar rayed in a beautiful gown of white organdie trimmed in white satin. The bridal party were given an elegant dinner by Dr. and Mrs. Atkins. ' When the happy couple left the college they were followed by a ekniipr nf nre as usual. They left ou the Vestibule and at the "manse" in Lenoir, on the reached Morganton at 7 o'clock. 26th inst, Mr. Frank McDowell, of A reception with refreshments was Burke county, and Miss Ella Jones, names. ful examination: A. C. Avery, Jr., R. H. M. Brown, I Edgar Allen Poe, Moses N. Har shaw. Thomas Newlaod and Henrv G. Robertson. These young men all studied law under j our townsman, Hon. A. C. Avery, here this past summer, and they are all brieht. promising young men, each one of whom we hope J will be eminently successful in Ws chosen profession. Frank McDowell Married. Lenoir Topic Married bv Rev. C. A. Munroe j Vw subject to peculiar 111. Tha A I J! right ramedj tor VV Jrbablelll aipaclally ' worm and stomach tmm djaorder la. lr-""Frey's Vermifuge Shaa eared children for 60 year. Bend for Ulna, book about tha ill and the I remedy, om mu miit mw tmm. I " tig. raXT. BalUmere, Mi. made by ourselves from selected vanilla beaos and grated lemon peel respectively. They represent the true flavors as they exist in the fruit, and are less expensive than the bottled artificial extracts which are mere trash. We put them up in regular sizes at as cts. per bottle. Also have them in bulk at $1.00 per pint for lemoo, i.2$ per pint for vanilla. We have received this week a large assortment of Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes. We especially call your attention to our 10 and 2$ cts. Tooth Brushes which are pronounced by all to be the best brsuhes ever sold here for the money. We will make it to your interest to come here for any thing in the drug line. NEW STYLES, NEW COLORS, NEW PRICES. A big-line. Come and sec them before they are picked over. loak Sale of Milton Avery Land. W. A. LESLIE & CO., Druggists, Successors to T. L. Hemphill. Always sell first, you know. The desirable stjles, colors' and sizes always go first. B o-iven to a tew irienas at v.ay'- Bristol's on his arrival. ; We understand that the bridal presents were many and hand some. . Capt. Bristol, our Mayor, is one of Morganton's most prominent citizens, and is universauy IaWe extend to the newly wed couple our best wishes for a long and happy life. daughter ot Mr. C P. Jones. Mr. R. L. McConnaughey and Miss Liz zie Perkins, of Burke, were the at tendants. After an hour or two of pleasant social intercourse and hearty congratulations of friends and neighbors, the happy couple "went on their way rejoieing" to hir future home in Burke. The Topic extends its congratulations. fretful, Tal-week. Restart up our weekly Serrnon again this . Connprt ... ...:n - c 1 --v-wju vvc win aay lui "benefit ,,f .vo. BOt knr.ui It ihot T4- T.I. Tih. as left Brooklyn .Cle and " the future will r"'n Washington, D. C. .,"llr- C Mr iiv f . or,K,lth,at 7;3 o'clock p. i2fi ,1 ucuc"1 napter xno. '--. auurew 5 oroincr- Anotfaer Erwin Cbapel Aflalr. The Erwin chapel people were ter. F. McKcwnn nnr nnn- ecturer, will rlel iver an aA- s,aii!icOJUrt House on Fri- C" . . V;k, Jecl : Paul at Athens." r-w.iv are rnrrfiollw inviteH Aim If your child is puny, fretful, .r.KLui with o-landular swellings, in flamed eyes, or sores on the head, face, or body, a course of Ayer's Sarsapa n i needed to expel the scrofulous lc . -a k the lclndlv i,m from the blood. The. sooner so mucn encour-g.u rTTn irTeHi this medicine the bet- n.mno(ri o-iven tnem ai iucn i- 1 j , n iival last. month, that they have determined to repeat it in the hope of liquidating the small remaining debt on the church building, lo morrow, Friday. Oct. 4th, 6 to o p. m., the ladies of Erwin s chapel will serve refreshments 'on the 1. .MnnH thecbaoel. liver- fhing possible, will be done for the comfort and pleasure of those who attend. The Herald hopes they will succeed in lifting the debt. Mrs. Anna Gage, rift-of Ex- Deputy U. S, '"'on 25 cents BMrs representing k.a Ireland .Thacker, T.,lrer UO.. OI I. 'UC nOcn k. a . .a r UdU ground at ue repreui.: Hntei. m nas becn . ""P'd off Rle W J? X "Br 5.1 Winter iofk. u and is now ready witn a iuu hub . nnA kavth. Some of our boys eoon",? n oyer practicing. In this recall "0n we will say that we It UU tPr,.. t - . lortran,. 1CS 01 games in w Vou k Was victorious. We taccfjf... ."?e team will be more dress - goods, snoes, .- underwear. She ; would le Jo have the ladies of Morganton to hich call and examine her lines. Herald office for Job CoIunbnirKan., ftjsi 'I was delivered of TWINS in less than 20 min utes and with scarcely any pain after using1 only two bottles of "MOTHERS' rjfcv- FRIEND" ma kot BTrmm aftbbw abd. BilTnELD BEGUUTOB CO., 1TL15T1, OA. SOLD BT AXX DBTJGOI8T9. Y virtue of an order of the Clerk of tbe So ocri or Conrt of Burke CoantTtnade in the special proceeding entitled Isaac Flemise, administrator of Milton ATerr ts. Jason Arery and others, I wiU aeU at public auction on tne premise on Monday, the 4th day of November, 1S95, the following- described tract of or parcel of land, to-wit : Lying; and oetnfr in tne tooniy 01 onric nrl state of North Carolina, in South Mor- f an ton, adjoinina; the lands of Calvin Arery, saac Fleming; and others, bounded as fol- '0BeFinnlns: on a black oak. Calvin Avery's corner, in T. George Walton's line, and runs north 3" west 1U poles to a stasc ia ncm inv'a iin; thence with Fleming's line north m'Hit 10U notes to a stake, corner ot Fleming's; thence nortn " o east 10 pore to a stake; thence north 68 SO east 8 poles to a post oak; thence south 4.2 SO west 13 rinlM to nine in Calvin Avery's Une: thence with Calvin Avery's north 3 west 6 poles rn m. loenst In Calvtn Avery's line; tnence with mmiA Atht'i line so nth 47 SO west 1 poles to a small ott Dusn in aaiaune; tnence Urith uirl line aonth 62 weat to the bearia. ning, containing 2Vs acres and 7 square polls nr Wee. Terms of sale Twenty per cent, cash, bal . mi-r nostki. note with aooroved security to be required, title to be retained till ourchase money ia paid in full. &.ia l.nd to be aold to make assets to pay nhta and chirm of administration, ia lots of sisee to suit purchasers. This the 3rd day ot octODer. a. u.. ioa. AtUT ot Bbvin. ISAAC FLEMING, Attorneys. Administrator. FRSH MATS:o AISTD DON T GROCERIES. We are Headquarters for thing in Our Line. . Any- BIPEOTAT.TIES. Beef, Vegetables, Fruits, Canned Goods, Home Cured Hams. Flour and Grain. PUT THIS OFF, BUT COME NOW. Is comieg on. Prepare (or it by bujino, new Fall Coat or Cape. MORTGAGE SALB OF LAND. By virtue of oower of sale contained in a mort gage deed executed to me by J W. Garrison on tne liva ubj otmuiwc.,. registered in tne Kegisier s oran m County, Book W, pages 62 and 63. I will sell at public auction at the Court House I door in the town of Morganton for cash on Monday, tbe tn aay oi NOTemocr, toa, the following described tract of land : Be ginning on a amall black oak. Bailey's south west corner ana runs west i1". stake in Scott's line; thence south 26 degrees east with Scott 'S line i7 poies to a post oak, south west corner of old Greenlee tract; thence east with Dale's Une 62 poles to a stake in edge of field. George Brittains OTi-nrr: thence north with Bnttain's and Orders' line 17 poies to me ocguuiuis, kwm- i na mrre. amiA midc bv reason of default made ia the paymsnt of note for $290.00 and interest c- 09.il w nf Srntrnhrr. 1893. at 8 per cent, per annum tui paia, securea oj , mortgage. This the poth day or sept.. 10 wo, 1 W. B. WALTON, Mortgagee. "Bread is the Staff oUira THturosz bati n cooni SOLE AGENTS CAPES FOR BUMS OBELISK FLOUR. Are stylish this season and pretty. CALL AT Goods Deuvukd Fate 'Always 'RellaHsL FOBNEY cSc CO. U DAVIS'. The Work s(ul thi is time.

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