- A. THE 1896 VICTOR Is the finest sample of bicycle construction ever offered to the public. Get the best while you are buying and save continual expense for re pairs. No paid racing teams needed to boom Victor Bicycles. The Victor Hollow Crank Axle reduces friction to a minimum. OVERMAN WHEEL CO., MAKERS OP VICTOR BICYCLES AND ATHLETIC GOODS. Boston, New York, Detroit, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Ore. HOUPAY ART P1SPUAY, FIRST FLOOR, Showing such assortments, such varieties of rare and finest art pieces as will surprise the the most critical connoisseur. Choicest pieces in ware, antique shaped Urns and Pitchers, Hand-painted Cups and Saucers. Large asssortment tiful display of all kinds of China and Delft Ware. Chairs of the latest style, design and beau tyfof finish. , ' UP STAIRS. A splendid display niture, suitable to, humble homes or princely palaces. Undertaking Department complete in all its lines. CUAYWEUL BROS. -o- GREAT REDUCTION -o- IN --HARDWARE Come to our store and see how cheap you can now buy Stoves as compared with what you have paid heretofore. Although iron and la- bor has advanced, we can save you 25 percent, ii you call on us before you buy a Stove. We are agents for the CHATTANOOGA -:- STOVES. We also have a lot of New Patron Stoves, which we will sell cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. We are exclusive agents for the celebrated and pupular . . " Chattanooga Plows amp and carry a full line of repairs for these plows, , notwithstanding reports of our competitors to' the contrary. The C hattanocga Plow o. does not belong to the plow trust. Farmers, this is why agents for plows made by the trust fight the Chattanooga, LADIES, we have something to show you the finest and largest stock of Household Furnishings ever seen in Burke county. Come and see us. Respectfully, the reip hardware co. SOUTHERN RAILWAY (PIEDMONT AIR LINE.) THIRD DIVISION. This Condense Scheme is SALISBURY. ASHISVIIXE, HOT No. 11. Daily. (Central 8.30 a.m. 9.20 a.m, 10.20 a.m. 11.05 a m 11.47 a.m. 1.21 p.m. 1.30 p.m. Lv. . . . Salisbury . . . Ar. " ...Statesville..Ie, " ....Hickory.... ... Morgan ton . .... Marion " .... Biltmore... " Ar.. Asheville.... " 3.28 p.m. 5.15 n.tn . Ar..Hot FonrtH 11.59 p.m. Ar Chattanooga L-v. .f Ln;" d 12, daily, carry Pullman Sleenin o v. . .... .. "7 .uuiau m mtmman. Dra.win tr linnm r fr ci : . Asheville and Washmton.' '" DCtWeen Chattanooga KnoiVuie. Hot Spri BETWEEN ASHEVILLE AND MURPHY. No. 17. Ex. Sun. (Central Time.) 7.00 a.m. 9.55 ft TM 10.50 a.m ..Bryson City.' ....Mnrphy .... 3.25 p.m Through tickets on sale at principal station t n . rr apply to any agent of the Company. P tlaStoaU Plnts- For rates or information W.H.GREEN, J M Clip ,:r.';?."r iraacManamr A"tV 4 a. p. . BBV7IN, 2 Italian and Japanese and attractively beau of all grades of Fur Cane Mills, and la anbject to change without SPRINGS Alip" MflBBTSTnurv Time.) No. 12. Daily. 6.50 p.m. 6.00 p.m. .36 p.m. 3.56 p.m. 3.51 p.m. 1.40 p.m. 1.30 p.m. - . c. ..II. Springs.. Lv. fll-.l-i 11.43 a.m. 9 55 a.m. 4.25"a m. Asocvuie and Cin- o.uu nattanooca LimitH r, i Iman ings No. 18. Ex. Snn. Asheville... Ar. 1 15 p.m. 9 55 a.m. 8.55 a.m 4.30 a.m ' Columbia, S. C. OF MORGANTON, N President. r S.T.PSAKSON Cashier. BUfiGLAR Pnnni? . TlMB ox jsiiL, 8AFEFOR I JA.LB- EXCHANGK ON Cash iw vxiiisit TSADB BOUGHT AND SOT.n; CENTHES Banking hours 9 a. m. to j p. u HORSE BLOCKS. These Were Mad Out of Safes That Had ' Been Robbed. Not long ago a Star writer had occa sion to be in western Missouri. Jnst north' of Knnsatf City about 12 miles is the lttle town of Parkville. It is built ap on the two sides of a valley which opens against the broad Missouri, and the hamlet might contain perhaps 60 houses. Among other matters, however, it shelters a seminary of considerable local fame which teaches both boys and girls the higher branches of an educa tion, but with which just now we have nothing to da The main street of the village runs along the bottom of the valley at right angles with the Missouri river. The Star writer was sitting in front of one of the stores smoking a very bad cigar of local origin and conversing with the merchant who had sold it It was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and many of the country people were com ing into town. A country girl of the re gion came cantering up on a bareback horse and slid off on what, now that The Star man's attention was called to it, he noticed was a queer sort of horse block. It was nothing more or less than an old rusty safe of considerable 6ize. It had apparently lain there for years and when examined disclosed a suspicions looking hole in one side, clearly the work of explosives. At this point tlfe attention of the investigator from the east was called to two other safes, sim ilarly exploded and also lying on their sides in the street and doing duty as horse blocks. "How about those safes?" asked The Star man of the ParkviUe merchant "What story goes wi th them ?' "Nuthin much of a story," remarked the ParkviUe merchant, helping him self to a thoughtful chew of tobacco. "Them safes have laid right thar where you all see 'em since '78. They wuz dragged out there and busted by Quan trell and Jess and Frank James and the Younger brothers, along with the rest of Quantrell's gang. They come chargin down the street one day in June and tuk the town in about a minute and a half and then went fur them safes. Money wuz mighty popular with Quan jtrell and the James beys, and they usu ally went arter all they heard of." "How much did they get from the safesi" "I dunno how much they got from them on t'other Bide of the street," said the ParkviUe man. "They hunted $3, 800 out'n mine," and here he pointed sadly at the safe nearest to him, the one on which the young rustic had just alighted. "Was that safe yours?" was asked. "Yes," he answered. "I kep store then right whar I do now and jest as I do now." "Why haven't you removed the safes?" "What's theuse?" observed the Park viUe man. "They ain't in nobody's way, and they do first rate fur hoss blocks. Nuther thing, we ain't got no carts nor tackle strong enough to move 'em nohow. So we jest let 'em go as they lay, as they say in faro. " Wash ington Star. A MlLUONAIRE'S"AMUSEMENT. The Now Wealthy Ex-Junkman Spends His Time lo Whittling. A millionaire must be allowed to have some amusements, and if he is disposed to amuse himself in ways that would not be a 4J amusing to the big public made of i men who are not millionaires he must certainly be accorded the privi lege. One of Chicago's greatest stockmen and packers was once a dealer in junk, and it is said that he once went about gathering old iron himself. Now he is reputed to be worth $25,000,000, and rumor says that he has his property in such shape that he could, if he chose, raise a larger sum in cash than any other man in Chicago. Each morning the millionaire's man comes into his office with a bundle of clean pine sticks, which he places in a corner not far from the millionaire's desk. When the millionaire has read his morning mail, and business men come in to see him,-he takes cue of the sticks, and with a big, old fashioned jnckknife whittles it into bits, the shavings fall ing on the floor. Sometimes he walks up and down he walks much and whittles. By the time business is done for the day his'office looks like a car penter shop and the bundle of pine sticks has vanished. The harder the business problems he has to meet the harder he whittles. And that is the way he amuses himself. Chicago Record. The Making of Tubing. One of the most important parts of the bicycle, because it is the most in evidence, is the tubing. The manufac ture of tubing is now carried on to a large extent in this country, although it is but recently that the home production has reached a 6tage of perfection where it could successfully compete with that of the English concerne. There are a number of methods of making tubing, but the one mostly in vogue at present is what is termed the cold drawn process, and it is of this style of tubing that all the high grade ma chines are at present being made. The machinery required is ponderous, and the power required to draw out a piece of steel without heating it is another ex hibition of the perfection of modern ma chinery. There are a number of variations to the method employed, one of which con sists in taking a piece of steel in the shape of a bar or ingot This is bored through the center. It is then passed throngh a die, after which it is heated and treated to a bath in a secret prepa ration whichremoves the temper that the drawing process imparts. This is re peated a number of times, and each die used is smaller than its predecessor, with the result that the tube grows smaller and longer. This is continued till the tube is the right diameter and gauge. Chicago Tribune. To Prevent Chapping. As cold weather annroachaa try to devise means for preventing lionla r.A U .1 . . . "uu ijjo uuiu caapping. An ex cellent remedy to prevent chapping is cold cream. The manicurist told me that it also whitens the skin more than any preparation. It has taken the place of the old time remedy mutton suet It should be well rubbed into the skin, and gloves preferably white slipped on. The palms of the gloves should be slit in several places to allow the air and prevent cramp of the muscle, and the finger tips clipped off. Vaseline should never touch the hands. It turns the skin yellow and leaves a stain on the nails that is hard to clear away. New York World. Removes the Odors. A paste of ground mustard and water is a first rate agent for removing traces of disagreeable smelling substances from the hands, such as salts of valerianic acid, cod liver oil, eta Huver claims that any oily seeds when powdered will answer this purpose. The smell of car bolic acid may be removed by rubbina with dampened flaxseed meaL 8 horm in moder ate condition in England, with proper attendants, costs 325 a year. NEW YORK BOTANICAC GARDEN. flaa of the Institution to Bo Started la Bronx Park. Bronx park, in which the New York botanical garden is to be established, is about two miles in length and about half a mile in width, oontains 653 acres. and extends along both sides of the Bronx river, from a point about a quar ter of a mile sooth of Williamsbridge station, on the New York and Harlem railroad, in a southerly direction to West Farms. Under the act of incorpo ration the citizens forming the corpora tion known as the New York Botanical garden are obliged to raise a sum of not less than $250,000 as an endowment fund. When that sum is provided the board of commissioners of the depart ment of public parks is authorized and directed to set apart a portion of Bronx park, not exceeding 250 acres, for the purpose of the botanical garden. Of the $250,000 required $239,000 has already been subscribed, and there is every pros pect that the remaining $11,000 will soon be raised. A committee of the sci entific directors of the garden, who are ex officio members of the board of man agers, is now engaged, in conjunction with experts appointed by the park board, in considering the question of lo cation. It is proposed to show in the outdoor department ad great a variety of plants as will grow in this climate. They will be selected on account of their beauty, their uses and thoir general interest, and will include a collection of plants arranged by botanical affinities. There will be an arboretnm, in which all trees that will endure our climate will be grown. The arboretum will require a large space, probably not less than 76 acres. Special attention can be given to aquatic plants on account of the great facilities afforded for this purpose by the Bronx river. Under the act of incorporation it is provided that when the $250,000 re ferred to shall have been rained the city shall appropriate $500,000 for the con struction and equipment of buildings. There is to be a building for a botanical museum, in which it will be sought to collect specimens of all the products of plants. This building will contain also laboratories, lecture rooms and an her barium, which, it is hoped, will ulti mately contain specimens of all known plants. There will bo a large number of greenhouses of various sizes, which will contain growing plants in as great variety as possible from warm and trop ical countries. Theso plants will be grouped in the different houses. One house will be devoted to palms, another to orchids, a third to ferns, a fourth to cacti, and so on. The garden will be open in winter as well as in summer. The botanical museum will be equally interesting at all seasons, and, with winter scenes without, the greenhouses will be especially attractive, New York Trfor The Sheriff's Rose, A deputy sheriff started from the Re ceiving hospital with two insane men who had been committed to the asylnm at Utiah. "You had better take some one along to help you unless you want to have seme trouble," suggested one cf the po lice surgeons. "Two men I should think would be too many for you." "Not mnch. It is easier to take two men than one. I'll show you how I do it" I- Tho deputy led the man who imngined ho was king of England to ouo side and confided to him: "Your majesty, that man over there," indicating the man who thought his head was an eight day clock, "is as cra zy as a U"dbr.g und is liable to hurt seme of your subjects if he gets looe. I wut you to help me take care of him till I can lock hira up in the asylnm." "That's an nnsremly occupation for the king of England. Fan! Attendant to the insane!" remarked the disgusted monarch. "But I will do it I like ad venture. You will take due precaution to conceal my identity, or your head will be the price of your carelessness." The deputy whispered to the human clock. "Do you see that fellow over there?" indicating tho king. "Well, he's crazy, and if you don't keep your face toward him he's liable to stop your hands and touch off your alarm. Now, I want you to help me watch him till I can land him in the asylum. Then you can run right along." When the deputy left the hospital, the king and tho clock had locked arms and were hanging to each other desper ately. The deputy smoked and read all the way to Ukiah while the insane men tock care of each other. San Francisco Poet Told About Dr. rarkharst A laugh provoking episode of the late Lexow business is told by a young man who was employed by Lawyer GoiT at the time. It happened in G oil's office, when Dr. Parkhurst, William Travcrs Jerome and tho chief inquisitor were lis tening to George Appo's description of the various schemes worked by bunko Bteerers, flimflammers and green goods men. When Appo finished, Goff turned to his desk, Jerome picked up a news paper, and Brother Parkhurst gazed ceil ingward while he turned over in his mind the ways of the sinners in this wicked world. Appo, who has a purring voice, looked at the good, brave man and said, "I beg your pardon, doctor." His reverie was broken, and Appo con tinued: "Could you let me have two tens for a five? I need some change." "Certainly, certainly. To be sure. I guess I've got it Here yes two tens to be sure. " With that blauduess bred of a dash of Chinese blood in his veins, Appo handed the doctor a "fiver," which was pocketed with scrutiny. Jerome and Goff, who had seen the game, managed to control thoir feelings until Appo had slipped into tho outer office. Brother Parkhurst apparently caught their flushed faces, suddenly jammed his fingers into his vest pocket and pulled out a $5 bill. He arose and found the clever rogue, to whom he softly Bald, "Oh, Mr. Appo, didn't I give you two $10 bills just now?" "Yes, doctor," replied tho childlike product of a swift civilization, "that's what I asked you for." Then the laughs broke out, and the doctor realized that a man who plays with fire is very apt to be scorched. Pittsborg Dispatch. Sad Xot of a Mortaary Poet la Prussia. A private in the Pomeranian chas seurs, imperial German army, recently ht his captain, Frana Abicht, by death. He always had had the deepest rever ence for the captain, and he voiced his feelings two weeks ago in a poem which he sent to the Ulmer Zeitung. The poem was published. As soon as a copy came to the notice of the commander of toe battalion he called the private to him and told him that the poem, by its excessive praise of Abicht. implied disre spect of the other superior officers, who outranked the late captain, and there fore was subversive of discipline. The private was sent to the guardhouse for his sins, and all copies of the Ulmer Zeitung which had been bought by members of the battalion were seized and destroyed. To make tne hair grow a natural color prevent baldnesl. and kip the nted, and has proved iuulf .uc- SUBDUINQ A. TERROR. Tho Iatozloated WosduM Bams Vp Agalast a Mas) Prom Dradford. "I'm the befit man mi f his train P ghoutod an intoxicated woodsman as be n((gcicu iuiu ukj suiuamgcar at a tit tle way station on the Buffalo, Roches ter and Pittsburg. "I'm the best man on this train I" he repeat ed. and smacked bis fists fiercely. As he repeated tho assertion with ad ditional emphasis a dndewho was smok ing a cigarette sneaked into another cax and the other passengers wore a troubled look. Bui n man on a back seat, who lives in Bradford, walked up to the would bo terror and raid calmly : "Stranger, you say you are the best man on tho train. If that is the cane, what's the use in making such a f uaa about it? I think you are the worst man on the train certainly the worst be haved. When I see a fellow acting like you are doing I set him down as a cow ardly bully and a miserable, sneaking cur. Now sit down." The terror had evidently received a serious setback, but he didn't like to appear to be too easily subdued. So he said: "Think you aro a better man than I am, do you?" "I should hope so," said tho other. "You're a liar I" exclaimed the ter ror, and made a pass at him. That is where he made the mistake. The gentleman from Bradford let go with his right and sent the fellow sprawling against the iron portion of a seat, cutting his head so that it required five stitches to sew up the gah. After he had recovered somewhat and began to realize what had happened he said: "I didn't think the dashed thing was loaded." Punxsutawney Spirit Huxlsy Chaffs TyadalL Tyndall was, I think, one of the ear liest members of the Alpine club, but he seceded after an unfortunate dispute, which arose in connection with his own successful attempts on the Matterborn and Mr. Whymper's ascent of that peak, and it was Dot till three, or four years before his death that be again attended one of the annual dinners of the club, where he and Professor Huxley were among the guests of the evening. Both orated, but in the particular art of after dinner speaking Tyndall was not the equal of his brilliant rival, and his labored and rather egotistical utter ances contrasted unfavorably with the delicate pen.iflage of Huxley, who, by the way, chaffed him unmercifully on that occasion as being one of the goats and not one of the sheep the goats who climbed the arid rocks, while the sheep, among whom Huxley reckoned himself,, browsed contentedly on the rich pas tures below. Blackwood's Magazine. Am Old Plro Hone's Uood Memory. Eleven years ago a horse was pur chased for the fire engine Portland No. 2, on Munjoy Hill The bone was call ed Old Tom, and it helped draw the en gine for six years and was then disposed of. It has been drawing an ash cart of late years, and the other day went by the engine bouse. Engineer Loving, who knew the horse well, since they came to that engine in ths, same year and were there together for six years, fell into conversation with the driver and told him that he hadn't a doubt that if the old horse was put in his old stall and the gong was. sounded he w.old rush for his place in front of the engine just as he used to da The driver doubt ed this and they agreed to try it Tbo old horse, now 15 years old, was put in his old stall, where he hadn't been for five years. At the fint sound of the gong he started for his old place under the harness in front of the engine. He tried to go quickly, but made but a sor ry exhibition of oimblenesa compared with his former habit Portland Press. Got It Mixed. . " When is a ship like a woman? When she is in stars." "By George," exclaimed Fcnderson when he h"ard this eld timer, "I'll spring that cu the boarders tonight 1" and he did. When they bad all given it np, he exclaimed with prido and pleas ure in his eyes, 'When it has its corset on no; that doesn't sound just right either. But I'm sure it was something about corsets, and it struck me as pretty cute when I hard it" Boston Tran script For bulling Troubled Waters. Oil is no longer to be poured on trou bled water. It is to be fired like a shell from a gun. As a wave approaches a bomb filled with oil is to be precipitat ed In its direction. The bladder will be perforated with small holes so the oil will run out slowly and continu its work for a greater length of time than would otherwise be the case. A FEARFUL COUGH Speedily Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral suffering from a o fcarf q1 cough, gj feblrh the best Si tuetUca! skin pro. c! tumble wu mm- Sll I Me to relieve. Wo Xs , II1 not expect o 'iU.it she coultllorg survive' hut lr I ncnol to be t-- r . - .v ping aith us over nlrlit, and having a ikkuo or Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Vflth Mm. Iuluccl mv wife t i trv this r.ms'v s' 9 Tho revalt was so teuenrial. that sho kept 011 taking It. till she was cured She Is now enjoying cxrell. ut health and weighs 100 jiouu.li.--a. S. Ilium .- HIES, BAussy. lia. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR 0 9 0 P. OO. O C g O 0 OOOO POO 88Q Q rer is vt, A"K,imm ir" jBua R. &;th, i.x:NSTCN. . TORTH CAROLINA Bf Kg Covktt. Cotton JTllle. F'um r5hi!?i,l,,5.bT Hn'th Ineorporotloo ? .J A,T'" Cotton Mills. ThebbJect of tt f""" on yarns, cloths nUia, W V Krwi- U?T Th ra'toS are w. A Krwin. Thomas P. Moore. 8. Mcl) With ?h,UCThthC2.V with theni. ThecupMal stock is thirtr Ave oneV"r?A i!af 30 share. Ranton. K C and the same is to continue in ciistence for thirty yeers. WPP A " Station? rAsX II say a boy eferrts cat tn Uic wita the firm dctcrmiaatioai of conquering the woe Id. lie mesas to achieve tocrrva ad wealth and fane. Ills tntca rkma arc rood, and bis w-iU is atmnr. If he has U bodily trcBrta to carry bin throorh. hi efforts will bo crowaed with achievement. Bod ily strenrth and health arc bis treat ct capital. WuUoot then he caa hope fur nothinr. How many Tounr and Tounr arc cut off just when t k. fnt nr. brightest and fu!lrt of rromUe I They are taken away by the disease which cause over ne-aUth of all tbc death ia the world the disease which doctors call con sumption. Consumption ha been consid ered incurable, and the medical profrioa ha never made a rrcatcr mistake than this. There is absolutely no reaioa ia the world why consumption should be fatal why it should be even serious. It is a disease of the blood, and can be cured absolutely and always by purifying' and enriching the blood. Tbc only exception to this t the case where the disease has been neglected and improperly treated until it I stronger than the body antit the body ha become o weak as to have lost the ability to recu perate. rr. Pierce' Golden Medical Dis covery mill cure 98 per cent of all case of consumption if used according; to direc tions. It alv cures all lingering coughs, bronchial and throat affection. There is no reason why the child of consump tive parents need ever have consump tion if iu blood and longs are strength ened by the proper use of the " Discos, cry." All who have any reason to fear consumption, should read the chapter on that disease ia Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Uedical Adviser. This great medical work of lonft pages, pro fuse Ir illustrated, has reached a sale of over 60.000 copies. It will be seat free of charge on receipt of tt one-cent stamp to cover cost of mailing 9nty. World's Dispensary Medical Aaao ciaiicm, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, M. Y. FOR SALE. Engines and Machinery. One 1 II P. Nteam Rnrine. " lo " Boiler with n II. p. Eagine at t ached. No. C Cameron 8 tram ramp (Vertical v. wHh dinereatial pwliry. " Pulsomcter Steam I -am p. torn Mill complete. Capacity IOO bs. ROO ft. inch Wrought Iron Pipe. 33o ft. s loch - Partk-s net-dinar anvthiasT In this tiae will sare money by eaaminins; this lot a ad rrt tmir rtors. as much of tbs machinery la as " il a new. ' . TJ", fo,lo.w,"lr additional machinery can be delivered after Jan. 1st: One 2rt II. p. Enine BJ 2.ll. p. Boiler with saw mill, fchingle and Cat Off 8owV complete. " AUo 3 YokcofOaea with Carts and Loa? aicoos. "a . J. R. ERVIX. T raster. Morsantoo. X. C. l-ee. 6lh. 41. A FINE FARM FOR SALE. A fine farm In Smoky Creek will be sold very cheap for half rash, or a little cheaper f,5T.t U '"t-s 140 acrr. of .iH.TZt? Ti, h,ch 1n -tate of rnl. tivation. lo acres branch bottom. There is on the place a rood story and a half 6 room dwrllinir. fine well of water. 2 tobacco ban. rood r,utba.l.!ink- and irotit orchard of eleetfrn.r It Is within oo yards of Am harat Academy, ia one of the brat localittrs 13r. .ri,.'" Wr!1 tin,'-rv- within miica ofloth Moreanton and lnoir and 7 amies tf Conm-Ur Sonnirs. Title perfect. For lar. ther information, npplr to CP'. JJcKKSON, AsTt ' -ajsm we a e w) Mw H U Vi C0PYFUGHTS. CA-f i nrtTAtw a panrvfTt re I WM i l eaaaxm. wrH ia - - . ... biti aae aaarir an laajs eiBcrtvne In tk aalnt keaiiMaa. tammwnZm tloos atrtrti tmnfWtmtiaJ. A llaadkk af la. fofsaailo ennraraiii f alrsls aad how to ab. taia iha sant fra. Also a aatatoraees asookaa eal sad aantle boo, mt tn? Fsisnts tsksn throack Mns A CH. tara Pl am la. lata fZ-m, I A a?r aTeVU o fa tn Ua la tor. This ulradid rata larraat ejrpalatMiai of aa anatie work la Lko "W;. 3 a rear. fa.4 enys senTrr! tiful abates, la enlors. and pkotwTapka ofew km-a. .t k alsoa. eoaboae baildars to akow tk MtXJIA CIA. w ton. 31 BaoAOwar. - 4 I it nv maMll BaiiiB ,a , IT k MI Y M Superior To All ISarsaparillas. is tklrS iI?"'1fSf t3ia dimL It w what growing with theVeirs. " 'man reat rsst-y), nd iu fame and rejn.-a Uas been l7yStSA ! joint-, WmT ubteeAhR Duee, ,t ha. never been rilL iU wonderful induenl Kenewea, Appetite restored nnj sleeves iS!iU ids-.cJ by the country. becue &Z?f lhen,rl coramentUtion of rcclkl ren ti roY-tcnt Read - A Wonderful Curs. I vti a martvr to rnaaculsr rhevMuiisaa fr i.; years; inr-l all raeOianra oJ IJ... llirty jnaoent re.ief. I wsfaJed ,f V t- beiore 1 ha 1 Saiakrd .-.T?., . Ut P- T- r J J-kDlfUsS, KewxaarUle. TU. Testimony from th Mayor. Iirhe'Iul! -"7-t4r-a for .nee years, Ui ! the so-ralkd s:t-i&ca, but to no MfL-r jl Y. It. VrirDF.R, Itayoc cf Albany. From Two Well-known Phyaklsna. rf!J! i.? Wr for w a4 we prescribe U ia a greaUaaay cases, aad and it sa ea- fi The a!ve letters are ULcn from many received h7 tts. p. p p Tlie mortifyinj enjptions that r!i-.fiCTire the cornnleip-i tL t,rr-l f i ,, . P. P. P. iLippman's- Great WX crcxxlcd tv thrtU,.. , .. to Le Uie Greatest Blood rarier of Jl itrZ?? ' ,e W !c ca. For ty'all dn,KuS dSertrt. .XiK?ri?. "nanently I l fja Unim cjos. W. A. Vi!aal Un for Sale. HT vlrtae of an or-w sad ejf prror Court of Hrtonatt lo 4:r. e-i. la the raa of 1 n. storf-a srd otases s-ia X. K a4 K. C. Uonrns. I wt'.L el vmr ktoaaadooria KuruKis. Xc 1 tm Mi nd, January 6lh, 1S96. to mr sale at pattlc vtry im U a'rfcost UMf (rs. Mir ; Usrta e4 U-J ita la tbe rooa:ir ot Owkeaad lUlxroeU. buqaxW ss Siikc tea Tra Hsla la Bor eoaslv Vpoa. ta wirrs ihetataataa rrwe. aopaeiac ifee bod c4 I'. Aa'Waj sad ocaraa4 tsovs a U- - buier Uada tw-rist.isr e a fck-tor-r la the line M 1 Joaa kixbmom hnan tr raaa ras- as potm to Make. Ik a eW ok t,- I-tnat owiry ITS pao to ecorwv e4 said eiry. ILrm east lo a ataae om thm ea asde c4 kwr braaea la ikons of tho Leonard taad. ta Swrtk wit Leoaard B Dao ls poSea. tare woat aapust. t aorta as not, iwa iiim to 1 saddle ot tao la aba p-r. l-e doo I be aseajMier of said me north wa aaows t p-tra to lb ioay eivaer oa tao wwst oaaa. Ike wf wit tbeitoav-y llae tss mw lo -hvn coeaer. torn anwa wita swasryn u ss puW-e to fc is cursor ik8 eaat Pl so 1 a wfh Iaa Ktk1d s Ue lie mssis k eoeaer. ltre vtu kta Uao as mtnie rOrkfi eotaev o th aMocs! la raiara. Ibea SHoH 11 potraaontawtta Isa kwthrard s lia lo to antddi c4 im oka Itath'TKrvd -aom pt" atmat las powaioia branaaiag and rial. Iplr.f re aerea. torn or snas. -erod Tta M m Kork eray. a! nit g thm hi'ir 1 -art.- sad kawa as ttiaT-rj"t.w Catr.-atiHasleaid KS irwra. ntiitkii; s a ra. la ia- llr.e i4 It um:iry I. ad aw rat anal a m N is u Hni om a 1 nccik reistcf said brarh. Itwa sontk f n ag asd r-rrav as-1 taraara llaa kra vmta tr. tare cast auk lb llae of t -s are kter. 'ed l-airr" It t. lfca aorta w t twpro lnguaect. Ite-a a ;ia M Us cd la Hkllk-v toada lr toDr f im krg-aaUr- ad coataiblrg i:ikr.Mvi4km. Third trarS.. atlaal la liars rona'y. ad Ksla Ik erst aadamjod Irs. ta sd I ar a astoh RatkrrKd aas arr arv t. gtaamg at (wwr of ikr1.Mi as arr ('acs la i lcw na sad raa awrik sr.ta aid uas pot. taat in paa. ika ; piia t- ttpanoa ewenrr ika nt wta r-siTI Ha ar -. tko atk f . tr. tk rj ha pusra- Ike wlik tk pa d la tilotl .iry it pm. tka alk lk tk Ka Ik t-ikxt eair Cb puke vcrr c4 aakd Irart. la sieat an is na of tk V Mi- tract m pusr. tka soata ls pesw sua ia lla cd tk kooa pLar. kn an( antfe tk mid line M pose. t soqik as praVa. the wa Its Do, toe soot H po. lka east Vat pnaa or laa brne,' coataiaiag acre, tawr rtk Tra-t. Mlasi apan tk water af tht atUi nrl Ritni;.tMlts as tt Job Uatkrord Inn ptar, r. kvk fc M Urioc a lk uas of kta o-'0- oa ia M'tW M ta t-ataatai rtr aid on Uch aide cd Mod.1 irrk- r--nIr ai a k't na oa Ik west ik)c i4 Md ,rrs wl r.- i pos. Ike wl'h a -! a- sWkHornsnut pSS I a aV-w.aag oaj tk bask l iiim. iao i a is tw. oer f said lr aoajtk d. tim r-t u raa to a bad la aald nr. tba aaiii 4j dr.a east lis ptf to bad la j rir si tk of Maddy creek. I bra n It avgraa eat iss P" lo a brad la said rtirr. tkr a-a".k a d grrraj eaat aa poirw to pus on Ik n-e bask, lorn aootk x4 poua t a pia oa a rvir- tiw Wrat M pofa-a. tbr auk pJ. then wead Its pot, tbea Stk with II d s Uk pda.trr eat lis pok-a to Ike tw-iaaik.cwaLaikikg U arrrs more or Iran. tfta Tract. Mts ta IM sonr.'y of firt dnajec Ike kar.Vs of J. h. Kut. TVv iak-k-y. K. - kiaratd ard fkm. aad kaows t Moor farm, b-riosu g co a p.a. Hi-t aad toorj a cveaey. abd ras H'MHrii lib 14 p4a. tkr wr- Wlh k!aeU a I a Id f'4a. lorn sxetk t puw-s. tka wt l . V-a. bra ar is poW-a ltd a I rrw. ikra "Ota Spi4Uaklr.oryonikatkka M thaiaat then dot.S makdrs cdsalt river : rutra to J. k, kM a corr oo ia tak Of said ner. lka tor-k S PmW. lka eaM SI pufe-a Ik a lis pijr-a I bra rast II pole to Ik beglkklug. COktAlkatg rr aae or Ira. Milk Tract. 4tsf lb cnfik'lr of Ibork Mcsaiel pn bulk t dra of ibiaiaaba aid know aa tk Hial firm - er-traa'ag at Jirmi a corner aad raaa weas im p--, tkn kortk M puis to stamp i lk of psd ties creek. k-n wrst liS p-trs to II B a. rr cor arr. tke sootk its pole ike wean k posr-a. tka So jlk - .r-a. I bra I oira rfwltf Ikf river, tk stk 14 pu Ibra ra a roir-a. then aon b as pv i. tia wat Ii ptar. ikr amtia p"sr ihr ea.t I poea. .h a -.ik kt p"i Itrs Sad US ks Isrs awi ? Bole lo (beataat oa Ik son: baik off - taisaba. UrB Ooa lb mrsao-ra ff sjH r.vrr lo liaJrr. baroa aeorarr oa ik a-rtk bank a aal r"f. ik a aorta as p.. tbt. at s pns ika aorta ij pot t ike brgiaMag sad cueislaiag a a. f "S . nfejr car asaiki Trarl. Mai' J k VcTie ctHiatt iatb fa'aan r er ard I a- a as lbe- Prt.c-Hl Pta riryta li j UsUbur ton S rv-rbrr mu" rat vrih rrrrn scat M P1 ea, I k-a suulb la. Ibra r-l pjra Ur bortu . ra. ibra aM 1 1 p. tao snot tpn I. re sea-a t' C-t;t. r- a. j as-a. I are tt ii put,, ia. a fst T- p. es. ibe '"" h 4 i. t S lk-a -t U .'ra tare k poirav. tbr east ln v ifvra aaath .p Ira, ika raja (a puira Ibra bona tt psra I bra .! SO poira. tb a aria I pva art ik d an.a eat aw lo.r-a i k a aon k a t.a east (re Pa l , a .ru-h d-rrrs esM M poire. tka ""a f- lo tk laiaabe. tkn of tk mradrra u4 said nver pub-a to a karkory o lb ana baak u asht nr laiibwrto taeaaailk ltk kks Ha craaaiar said nier u dra to tk tafiaaicg. cvjosibttg tn) acre, ur- or lews. Tmim ot aa eak, Ttl.DtC.ilh.,vi.fcn'K fc ay. "PABkTD'fl HArg BALSAM rail ta iMbn Oras Ii Taataxal 0w. a aa a ba - im a l-HI rr!ti I HINDERCORNS. Jki Wi T?i tit C sa. , , - 4aJ I The Truth And Be Convinced. wee lW" ha' Sws W" Ir. J. M. a M. T. KlCHAaD&OX. ri4soat. ft. C Mot Sprinsn Surpaed. . bottle of r. P. P- has Vaa m-r rta-. j rwaa Iknv rmtkrimisratdiv H i trsn4ii. JAMS M. KSIO.X,kmkaf aeii, Ca o. Pimple. Ccrc and Eruptions, Cured. I take grt iasare bs tra'Ifrtrr to tVe esWirati ATtrTTA.Jl .V4 dCTTrmtC " e4 - rr. cpt- J- tx jenxvro?. trsaa.a,C. UjAiasCa j "--. .... . tfppnan Hock. SAVANNAH. RA FOR SALE HY Sale cf Milica Aury Liil BT vtnaeaf eVrcf U s tVritftL. rM.s.ftst.(W,,fcIV'H' s.ta reorrrd ar ewtKard rarVLC adtslakMraxar 4 kt Kern A w . j aaa ?. ' ad otkrrs. I -rsa Sri at psuar ! Xtn'- tut Moodx, ibe Cih djr cf Jdao.. A. D. itejO, y ti feaowitd; Vrr3ed tran or I1 Is sit- I --at M as-s r tar la ta Ckstaty ac r o adlaa. ta r--k aj ... asratag tk taada ad tana ixn S. SK ILT AAd mil. Iwk bM.fc a... - - mm 9Mw tf lf ) a bar aaA. iT. a..-, . .... r la T. tT s iu. aa ,. , Jfl" tTT " I -a t sss t ' Bstbf s il. Ikar SR. rtasaskU a t w ' VT ws alaaTSCIk srtk a-Tfra, to " 1 taw. to a MAkr f - - - - mm . - .S S p ra t a pros ; Iter - r l-" rpr w r.ar lltM wlftb ii - - - greea oeat paa i krwi lata.ua ia Iksr oita aabt lr-r,M a. 1 . a .... t sa ra it praa I a aawaa aa,a .v.t . sad ha-. lr sh said Pa sk . weal to ta brrisa K.cwtimt t m I ariasr r aa sac c baa. ' ' Trvava of aa--Tat , prrevwt r I Ml ria.taa. OK atNO-ar-S - 1 .1 krr-"d k ra.tad iu iw.. 1 ta t,.ti la l"l H.lM ll.Ws'l IO tlU !.'., U , ai r barir. r'.tiw rati ' ' tud t.af.cm aS la 1 , T. -c wb Kl. T.inw a-k a . . .. .. 4 . Vt f Li. Si. v.. Au , AtrvvaUM. A:tt a. .Nile cf Mti;ir.hr4 lizl t6 vlrta aj pnmry cf aa ta . '.(ai-.v:H lari j at n." Ijrd abd r l.al""tl r kfrua-4 . u, " r-u a. . ia. sm r-ri--.. , ItrftMrf irO 4 lJV , , imm&Mf of I -- a ! ia r- r.rv s aad est I 3 s-l al pata- sa - . If r.b a tan Itaja dear la Ik ' , M ore sate. . e, Wcablar. ta sn J Jary. i-. tb maj orarnbr t,, , pareM of Vd loan; I Jit aad kts, I lrociatr of a,-,,-, Natrrsaa. I t Jat.e lo sma , bjrt ar 1 ibrtaiaata n. at. i ,,,,s rara-r. aad land t'M a"f a ... kt T.u vaJ- aad stkrn. aad kawa aii tiorij saada svt.:af at a asaail ka-aat . , n--.k baa of tk ;. nrr aa. r, ,. . SI Vcrr a k frar t r.ir, tn. s-rt id l-d wra Is pons I a aa4 .M S-'k 0 r rut tit f.-a i a .1r,watxrttf Itruirbt vurr Ira. a' kpnaa ta a U-a !, . . m t-r a cWIO Itov -b m s.lW t , 1ry m. tk tM..k as Ik nn, tw-u t i a-".a'kf I killif Mtrt I Art" lra ,,f J. . kJ;.. lard bt otf. 1 1 an -it g. w-.. tard. la at.j Ua 1 .a.iif . aj tkk4 , rr of oriasa Sr- Ir la lb ta.ttr, . , of 14 kt arcwrvd t-. ad B'(. tbre ta im do ttar?tl aad ia'-a aM 1 Mk CJ U trottrr. A ! r-. J. a.nnm. Ilitmautu ai-j a. LAND SALE. VIZ a. j ar rXtEkT aad try a in a of a cWrvvr .4 ir a Of kl. t Hamarr mJt - - . . "J"ar voar-a. so ss WnM. aa t tr I. T. Kuwdrw aad olWra 1 sill, at t t art liowae door ta Jdoraraatoo. X, c -a Monday, the 6:h Amy of Jd&uarr, otfrr for sole at pabtar aarttosi to IW l (w tddrr o caak all of that pare or trail ad land attaatc to barke cooai j tm s'vr losMk.p, booodrd as Soliowe- t.ta mm tkb r.--d wbKb krads frwea kl raat, to Asbrvb. bectaaiaa oo a Uark oa trt of aatd rood, a roraa-r ko No. a. aad rr, sooth IMpuirlla a aaaaa Matk r-ak. Ikn wa-st 71 Boar, tiara sank IM pr-br t east wttb old marked ha 71 pokra to the branaores. Coataiata' Sit, rra aaore a bna lot Xo. 4. rootescird to be Sold to lotra. Terms of aaJc caa. Tkii lax. tk. ia5. juax ve. ii prot.tT. Cea'r. tnmlier, Uanted n. Cut Aeeemitl sad XUp l&y oa u FARQUHAR t f 1. r . r-- i vavriavois rncuoti Fd Saw Mill 1 VvnthQadklUawdltawnad 1 1 ftrkhn i In rat r IIS A 7kaan U. w Saras-, a a adj i Bkwmw ard Botlara Croam U Hk liar powex. 1 Tor rail aaaertptr-n catavtagna 1 1 u A. B. FARIJUHAR CO til? raa raehak, EHHYROYAL PILLS 1 V- -4 k-arra a. rb.aar, s. A aV'tkrr: V V 0 -t--r S- I w" bJl a, ujt.ie, xx Louies lor t n 1 LESLIE & CO.. Druggists, MORCANTON, N. C, ' ' P-la- - C. . C. Burke Co.