Binr iiiiiiimiiiit iiiiiiiiimiiuiiimmiis ' -T xour s L nr nn IT oul UO UU I I Job Work We caii and will m pan do itneatlv,q"ckly and cheap - 'enough 10 kill competition. Samples and estimates fur- nislied on application. We 5 have the best job office outfit -I in W. N. C. Terms cash. THE M ORG ANTON HERALD, M ORG ANTON, N. C. ,i,i iininiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinl Church Directory. i.svrBiAJi iuoBCB. Divine service every el , v "uarsJay at 8 p. w. uuday school everj ;n j-m d. ui., G. P. tirwin, supt., and. ' liia-'MJinpe' lisslou school at 4 p. m.. tv- U 'ss iuDi. Hv.J.M. Hose, pastor. i K cucucu. otrra.-ITeaeliing every Sav u a.-m. am a p. m. Prayer meeting "v V Wediu-sday at 8 p. m. suuday School ve -y sa'uuatu ai m a. m. , J . A . clay well, supt. if , . II. ajVlblA, fcrt-ilVWSs uii-nsr juuou.-rreachtng every .. 1 1 a. and s p. in. 1'iiirsday at S p. til. . q at :3l)a.m., M. u .s u. L. 1'ailou yastor. - . , at-:ioa. in.. 11 a. in.; Mens' Bible Class 4 ,', i Kveusuui. S p. in. -sunday School at 3oa. ; i) i:. Pearson, supt. Services -W eduesdays. I n lays and saints' Day s, 5 p. in. Kev. church 1 1 i LMorlee. rector. , iw l.u aerau congregation will Hold services . , .,, roivu Hall liie Hi st and thtrd Sundays in .'. , uioutu. . VOL. XL NO. 49. M ORG ANTON, N. C, THURSDAY,. FEBRUARY 20, 1896. PRICE FIVE CENTS. tiixmrsxxnnnuiunnnannizninntunn iTRY IT AWHILE 1 The Mokcaxtox Hexald r you will like it. It is the on. h ly rust-clan, all horce print H Democratic familr re jpaper 5 5 io this section. It give you H E the-city, county an J ceigbor- 5 E hood news fresh. Subscribe. H Yoa will be pleased with H . TUB UOKOAXTOX IIEKAI . U minnuttuiimrimiinminnnninima NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS.; Items of Interest from the Counties ' . Around Us. : r A BIO CROP OF APPLES. Sabbath Prayer meeting every Sunday school wvery P. llliderbrand, supt. TOLD BY THE PRESS. CLEVELAND SPRINGS TO BE SOLD. Other Societies. M IKiUNTOM Ohjiber o commkbce I. J, Da vu nvsldent; J. W. Wilson. Jr.. Secretary: u.-oiiar inoatlily rapetlngs at the office of Avery Krvtu. at T.30 o'clock on the evening ot the atvoud Tuesday In eacn month. t jkTf.VBA.VAI.LBT LODOE, A. F. & A.M. KegU- Ur i-.mimunlcaiions at their lodge room In Krwm building. Union street, on the evenings of '.lie Ursl and third Monday in each mouth. Kogular meetiDg or Burke Lodge No. f-4 Knivrlitsof PytUlis on Second and Fourth Mon-d-tv evenings at S o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. From LaQrippe. How Dr. Miles' Nervine- Restored One of Kentucky's Business . Men. to Health. f I ,3fUwr nag ki r No DISEASE has ever presented so many peculiarities as LaGrippe. iNo disease leaves its victims so debilitated, -useless, sit't'piess, nerveless, as LaGrippe. y.rD. W. Hilton, state atrent of the Mut ual Life Insurance Co., of Kentucky, says: "In 1n9 and '90 I had two severe attacks of I.aCripne, the last one attacking my ner vous system with such severity that my life was despaired of. I hud not slept for more tiian two months except by the use of nar- . co'ics that stupefied me, but pave me no rest. I was oniy conscious of intense mental . weakness, agonizing bodily pain and the fart that I was hourly growing weaker. When in tins condition, I commenced using lr Miles' Restorative Nervine. In two days I began to improve and in one month's time 1 nas cured, much to the surprise of all who knew of my condition. I have been in ex cellent health since and have recommended your remedies to many of my friends. Louisville. Jani 22. 1895. " D. W. Hilton. Dr. Miles' JKenine Restores Health. Rev. T. H. Lowry Will Accept tbe Call to the Pastorate of the Presbyterian Church of Shelby Cleveland's Treasurer Settles With the Commissioners. Cleveland Star. Feb. 13th. The valuable property known as Cleveland Springs is to be sold March 2d at the courthouse door in Shelby at public outcry to the highest bidder. .Eev. T. II. Lowr.v. who was called to the pas t orate of the Presbyterian church here, tiie Star is informed will ac cept the call. . . . .The county treasurer, Sir. J. B. Byers; settled last week with Chairman I. W. Garrett, ot the countv commission ers. Chairman Garrett found everything correct. The "sett le nient was from April 2, LS!X, to February" 4, '1896, aud showed the following: Gross receipts, 15, 920.70; treasurer's 'commission, 8170.47; disbursements, $13,690.24; treasurers commission,; balance on baud,: $1,854.70. This shows the county's nuances are iu a healthy condition. . ..".Deputy Marshal C. F. Campbell, "of "Burke county, was here Tuesda en route to .Blaeksburg with a warrant for a man who is wanted iu Burke for tunning away and leaviug his bondsmen to pay 8125 for him. .... Very nearly all the piivate board ing houses iu town are crowded and the hotels are being crowded with regular boarders. The Shelby Hotel has so many regulars they ciiiuot accommodate all of the transient boarders. ....The peo ple in the section of country sur rounding Lauraglenn Mills have been disturbed by the shrill aud une.aithly yells of some "varmint." Some "of them managed to get a glimpse of the creature and they jsav it is a wildcat. .... A worthy aud industrious citizen of No. 5 township, Mr.Thomas Parker, died last Friday at his home of dropsy at the advanced age of 65 years. He leaves a wife and four married children. lie was an expert ma chinist aud a good citizen, and his career in life has been au honora ble onei His death is mourned by relatives aud hosts of friends. A 646-PounA Two-Tear-Old" "Hog Mr. Robt. L. Green, of the Globe, Dead. Lenoir Topic, February 12th. - - - t - Mr. Henry Keller has sold 1,300 bushels of apples this year from his orchard, and still has some left. . . . .The O. & L. K. li. ha ve lately purchased three large ad ditional engines, aud more thau thirty freight and 'passenger cars. . . .Married at Granite, liev. Al bert Sheirill officiating, Mr. Clay Aberuethy to Miss Eliza Uendrix. . . . .Last week Sandy Wouiack and Julius Briiikley, brotheis-in law, had a bout b way of their fists, in which Woniaek got the best of it. Their trial will take place at Gran ite on the 24th inst. ....Mrl .11. M. Wilsou who lives uear town, killed a hoy; last week weighing 545 pouuds. JVYe nudersfaud'that his hogship was ouly two and ,a half" ears old. ....Mrs. Sheriff Boyd went to the Globe Wednes day to see her ick brother, Mr. Bobt. U. Greene, who has siuce died. Mr. Greeue was a highly respected citizeu and a consistent member of tbe Baptist church. .... Eev. T. F. Nelson, brother to our esteemed townsman, Mr. J. L. Kelson, who left this county about ten years ago, is now located at Moscow, Idaho, and is the pastor of the first Baptistchnrch in -that city. His friends here will be pleased to know that his health is much improved. INTO ETERNITY. . e - .- , . Tom Covington Pays the Penalty For j the Murder of James Brown. HANGED AT NEWTON, N. 0. Death In Six Minutes, His Keek Re log - Broken A Ills Crowd Present Xotes of. the Occasion. STOLE A BALE OF COTTON. HEW C. & L, ENGINES. EVERY YOU SPEND WITH kibl.e:r & co, brings its full return. Every purchase made of us is ap- :ij HLX1UICU. We do not assume that you cannot buy elsewhere, but we do claim that you can save money by buying ' - PRY GOODS, SH06 Two Carloads of Tfforees aud Mules'' for Jamaica The Hickory Inn Leased to a Man in Florida. Hickory Press and Carolinian, Feb. 13th. One of tbe C. & L. new engines made a run on the road. last Satur day. It is nearly as big as the Southern engines. ....Quite a number of letters have been re ceived from different parties in quiring about the new'pump re cently invented by Mr. J.L. Latta. .. . .Mr. H. Mav, two children and maid, of Wasbington, 'spent last week in Hickory, slopping at the Hickory InnT Mr. May, while here, went on hunting expeditions with Mr. Ed.Ilo!den.N ....Two carloads of horses and mules came down the C. &.-L. last Friday morning. They wefre transferred to the Southeru, and were on their way to Jamaica Islands to work on the railroad. :. Mr. Frank Loughran has de cider to move his family from Hickory to Asheville this summer. He has leased the Hickory luu to a man in Florida. Mr. Loughran will go into the banking business In Asheville. A Sleek Rutherford Darkey Has Got Into - Trouble Secret Political Meeting 78 and 30 Made One. Rutherford ton Democrat. Feb. 14th. Will Carson Whitesides was ar rested here Monday on a chapge of having stolen a bale of cotton from 'a planter at St. Matthews, S. C. last November. Carson i a native of this place, but has been working in South Carolina for some time. Alter stealing and selliug the cotton in November he returned here. F. I. Hill, detect ive from St. Matthews, S. C, came up yesterday aud took Carson back for trial.; lie couseuted to go without a requisition .We learn that the Populists are hold ing secret political meetings all over tbe couutry. They are, so our dickey bird tells us, discussiug ftisiotv.or no fuion aud playing a bluff .game on tbe Bepublicausi The Pops, are as greedy as ever -and their game is to make the Republicans surreuder all the fat places. Mr. T. C Page, aged 72. aud Mis. Julia L 30, were married at ceutly. Statesvillc Landmark, 13th The execution of Tom Coving ton, who murdered Mr. J allies Brown oh the 27th of September, 1894. took place iu the jailyard iu Newton yesteiday. Justice has een meted out to tbe guilty, the blood of the murdered man has been avenged and the peualty of thrf broken law has leen paid. it was iu the sileut watches of the night that death sought James Brown; it came upon him in the darkness' of the early morning hours, gropiug its way to bim, feel ing for him here and there. Find ing its prey at last, it springs npon bim without warning and from its embrace the helpless clay falls to the floor, lor tbe spirit has returned to tbe Giver and only the dust re mains. It was iu the broad open light of day when Covington met his death fearlessly, boldly, unflinchingly. It was as though he challenged the grim monster to do his worst, as he had no ordinary mortal to deal with. . Covington met death with the bearing of a braggadocio rather than the spirit of a brave man. As he couducted himself duiing and since his trial, so did he during the last few minutes of his lite. Sev eral' times during the last few weeks he lfas been heard, to say that he was ready to die and heart ily wished it was over with. The Methodist miuister at Newton, Bev; M. If. Hyle, was with Cov ington n-aily every day during Ue last week of his life, and says he was astonished at the circles and iudifferent manner of the man; that he either did not fully realize and uudi-rstaiid his true position or was the possessor of an unlim ited amount of sell posx-ssiou and nerve'. .While the prisoner would talk fieely with Mr. Hoyle, it was as though they were discussing the fate of one whom neither knew or cared about. The moruiug of tbe execution the minister went to Covington's cell, read several Bible lessons aud prayed with him. The prisoner, during the conversation, said be three slight movements of tbe shoulders bat it was purely muscu lar the doctors will tell you it wag reflex muscular action. Cov ington, was pronounced dead six minutes after tbe trap ws sprung. His heart beat five minutes after be fell, but it was the ontuion of tbe physicians, Dr. J. II. Yount and Dr. P. T. Foard, that death was painless. "The body was cut dou t 1.40, placed iu a plain pine coffin and turned over ta Kev. Mile Aberue thy, the dead man's uncle. There was a rurubr to the effect that Cov iugtou would be buried iu Concord graveyard, where the body of his victim is restiug, but it is hardly more than a rumor, as such would he impossible. - Without doubt the church authorities would take ac tiM to prevent what a great in any ol Tue cougregation would cousidor desccratlou of holy ground. NOTES. 5 Notwithstanding that it was a very disagreeable day aud raining bard, a great crowd of men, women and children began congregating about tbe jail at an early hour. The hanging was private; tbe gal lows was shut in by a high fence built around it Dd only a limited number of )eoplu were admitted. No metulier of the' prisoner's nu mediate family was present at the. execution. His uncle,, the Bev. Miles Abernetby, was with him until about 10 o'clock. Mrs. Cov ington speii t Saturday aud Sunday with her husbaud and Monday re turned to her work in tbe David son College cottou null. Covington. was a man who look ed to be about 27 years old." lie wa married aud had one child: Both his parents are living, as is also bis grandmother. The prisoner spent a great part of Wednesday night reading his Bible and writing in it, but said he rested very well afer he went to bed. He ate a- hrarty bieakfast, wahed, put on a new suit or clothes aud settled himself com fort ably to await the hour of exe cut ion. He declined o have din ner served and pent the time talking with his uncle and Bev. Hojle and Klllian. The" only re mark the piUoner made after he left the cell was addressed to the sheriff, and was a request that be adjnst the. rope iu such a way that death would be instantaneous but not to jerk bis head off. Deputy Sheiiff At well, or Mooresvdle, passed through here jesterday ou his way to Newton with Hamii Lyttoti in custody. IN IT. FROM Cj TAKER MEADOW. A Cowardly and Brutal AssasinMloa at Elacksbarg. TIIE AFFAIR A MYSTERY. CIim. T. VT II liana, a Telegraph Operator. Who Had Jrt Arrived la the, Foaad Dead la the Street T bo CorBcra - Verdict. Jm yl ? j felt better since he bad confessed Lytton was wanted in Newton for Williams, , . Davis, R1 his sin; that be had repented and an. affray with Tom Covington. -oao,j va Henrietta re- ineved he had been forgiven, and TL" J fight occurred two years ago aectiou of GASTON NEWS. Another Big Hog No Water Bonds Mar ried. Gastonia Gazette, Feb.. 13th. The tig hog which Mr. Mac Bradley was depending ou to carry off the prize in Gaston county came up about a hundred pouuds short iu weight. He tipped the beam at 562 pouuds, and was two years, two months and seven days old. ....The election for water works on last Monday .went "dry." By actual count, however, tbe "wets" had a majority of 25, the vote standing 87 lor and 62 agaiust. But according to the amendment to the town charter obtaiued from the last Legislature, a majority of the qualified voters is uecessary in order .to empower tbe towu com missioners to issue bonds for water works or for graded schools. .... At the home of the bride's mother at Trenton, Mr. Chaifes Crook aud Miss China Kee were united iu marriage last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock bv Bev. E. F. Jones. FUSION BOSSES MEET LINCOLN'TON TO HAVE A BANK. -AND GROCERIES FROM US. M. B. KIB ER &bo., The Cheap Store. Families Snpplied with Fresh Groceries at lowest possible prices. I will keep always on band Coffee, Su- Rice, Grits,- Flour, Meal, Ba- I.ard, Hams, in fact families cm t s SUPPLIED iih all Staple Groceries. Be M'ies, 1 will keep Fancy Groceries, such asr Canned Goods of all kmds,-Cheese, Crackers, Cakes Kaisins, Candies,' etc., w ITH p'en-Ty 0 Country Produce C'lirkens Prrorc Rnttor Plr Anrl s"l s. I will keen a full line, of 1 ir'l"C' S anrl firyjrc "A iienever yoj are ii -. : i . ... in need try me of I y I'uksii Groceries. T L. HEMPHILL, Morgaotonf N. And Divide Out the -Spoils Which They Expect to Reap in Catawba in This Fall's Election Considerable Commo tion Over the Burial of Tom Covington. Newton Enterprise, Februa ry 14th. The lusion bosses met m New ton last Saturday and divided out jhe spoils which they expect to reap in this fall's elections. Jud Albright'was given the ' office of Register or Deeds; Q.A. Wilfong, sheiiff; Noah Ban inger, Treasur er. There was a spirited contest over the Clerkship of the Superior court, which does - not become va caiv for two years yet. Alphonso llildebraud and H. A. Forney were the candidates before the caucus for this office, but the dis position ot this piece of pie was postponed some other time. It is understood that Capt. J. IL Shell-ill is to lie the candidate for the Legislature. Other l'usionists who have ben casting wistful glances at the pie counter,' might as well make. oMier arrangements. The pie has all been divided,.... There is considerable commotion In the congregation of Concord Methodist church -in - the eastern part of the county over the burial of Tom Covington in tue grave yard of that church. Covington's family propose to bury bim there, but uiauv members of the congre gation stoutlv obiect to the idea of allowing the remains of a man hanged for murder to be deposited in the churchyard. They appealed to-a magistrate in the neighbor hood to prevent it, but be says he find no law under which he can interfere.. ....Last Sunday in I ronton.., township, Lincoln emmr v. Mr. Louis Keener was married to Miss Sally Bisiuger The groom is eighty years old and the bride fifty. . . ..Mr. .fcvan Gant, ot Catawba township, died last Thursday nicbt. He was about sixty years old and bad been an invalid lor twelve months.-. There is a rumor in the lower part of the county that an attempt was made last Sunday night to blow up Long- Island Cotton Factory ' A Marriage Death of Mrs. ltinaner. Lincolnton Democrat, Feb. 14th. 'Capt. B. F, Griggand son, Mr. W. E. Grigg, are contemplating put ting up a bank in Lincolnton at ah early date. This enterprise has been on foot for some time. and is now to assume tangibility. ....Miss Addie Jenkins,, of Lin colnton, and Dr. W. A." Pressley, of Rock Hill, were married in the Methodist church here on last Wednesday night, Presiding Elder J.; J. Renn performing the cere mony. ....Mrs.' Sarah Bisaner, relic of the late Jacob Bisaner, died February 7th, 1896, aged 84 years and 4 months. She leaves three sons and two daughters. " Carelessness in girlhood causes the greatest suffering and unhappiness iu after life. Little irregularities - and weaknesses in girls should be looked after promptlyand treatment given at once. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion promotes regularity of all femimue functions, makes strength and builds up a sturdy health with which to meet the trials to come. The Favorite Pre sci iption is not a universal panacea. It . - , . . 1. j: i .. .1 18 good IOr OUl one tuiog. it is uiretteu solely at one set of organs. Dr. Fierce s uommon sense jueaicai Adviser, a 1,008 page medical worr, profusely illustrated, will be sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to cover i 1 . a j a nTu'D r;a- postage UU1J, ajiuins, , , kji iu o xio- pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, H . Y . : . . - . : Old People. ' Old neoDle who require medicine to regulate the bowels-and kidneys wilL find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxi cants, but acts like a tonic and altera tive. It acts mildly n the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding na ture in the performance of the func tions. Electric- bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old peo ple find it just exactly what they need. Price, 50 cents and 51 per bottle at John Tull's drugstore. . . flPFoR Sale. A four-room cot tage on Fair Ground street. Three fourths of an acre lot. Pretty lo cation. House nearly new. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply early to . that he was ready to be banged. At this point iu the conversation the minister looked at his watch. Covington asked the tune uud when told that it was 12:'0 o'clock. he remarked in a careless, off hand manner: Well, 1 suppose 1 am abont done for this world." iNotJa quaver of the voice, not the slightest twitcu ot l lie mourn, nor tbe least cbauge iu the eye accom panied this remark. It was spoken in a careless way, the voice bard and cold, and the approaching step of The sheriff, who was coming to lead him to the gallows, was a re lief to those who heard the prison er's remark. The gallows bad been erected Iu the rear of the jail and close to tbe porch, so that the' steps leadiug to the platform rested ou tbe porch. The cross beam was about 15 leet from the ground, aud the platform, five feet square, was about eight feet from the ground. The plat form or trap was -held iu' place iu the rear by au iron rod ruuning through it and the ends fastened iu upright posts; the front of the trap was held up by a post, to which a rope was fastened. It was exactly 1:01 p in. when the prisoner ' ascended the three steps which led to the gallows plat form. Sheriff T. L. Bandy placed the rope on t he prisoner's neck be fore be left the cell, aud led him to the gallows. Bev. M. U. Uovle walked beside the piisoner. Cov ington walked with firm step and bold deuieauor and" seemed 4 the least disturbed of the three men. The minister baited at the steps of the gallows aud began the relig ious service witlr the following re mark: "The prisouer says be has coufessed bis sin aud been for given and that bo is uow ready to die and meet his Savior." Mr. ilole then read tbe 14th chapter of John, beginning at the lGtb veise. Having fiuished the read ing he kelt down ami prated. Cov iuuton knelt upon boih knees on the- trap and as his lips were mov ing duiing the prajer it is sup posed be eil her repeated the. min ister's praer or prayed himself. When he siood up- after the prajer to have tbe rope adjusted to the crossbeam he did not pre sent the appearance of one who was to die. About five feet, four iuches high, compactly built, weighing about 145 pounds, a face but Lyttou had managed to tlude the officers and was finally located at tbe Mooresville cotton mill. He was tbe brother in-law of Coving ton and was shown into the lat ter's cell wbeu bu was delivered at the jail. Covinglou talked with him for some time in a very jolly and pleas-tut way, notwithstand ing be bad ouly a few short hours to live. When the sbenff eutered the room aud read tbe death war raut to Covington, be turned and bade Lytton goodb.rc in a very matter of fact, every day kind of way, as though he expected to see him in a short time. Among those who witnessed the execution were Messrs. Osliornt and George Brown, hons of the mnrdeied man, Sbentf Boyd, or Caldwell, and our own high sbriff, M.A.White. ANOTHER GREAT DISCOVERY. to Kee Through Any Been I grit Rajs Cat The Eye Enabled thine That the Pierce. London Cable. 10th. to New York Son. A most remarkablediscovery has beep made, according to a dispatch from Borne, in connection with the investigation of Prof. Boentgeu's new fore in photography. Prof. Salviono, of Perugia,' read a paper before the Uome Medical Academy on Saturday, in which he describes an optical insirmneut of his iuveu tiou which enables the hu man eye. by meaus of the Roentgen rays, to see through anything which these rays can penetrate. It is said that Prof. Salvioui produced his won derful invention, and by its means physicians present were enabled to see tbe contents of a closed alumi num box. Uufortauatcly no explanation is given of tbe means used to make the hitherto invisible rays percep tible by man's optic nerve. ..A London photographer- has found that a convenient substitute for Crooke's tube is an ordiuary incandescent electric lamp, in which the filament has been broken. This improvised Crooke's tube and nu ordinary bouse to bouse electric current will enable auy photographer to make Roent gen photographs on a small scale. Washington Was Horn on the 11th ot ' February. New York Times, 11th. George Washington, first Tresi- Blacksbant. S. C, Special. 7th, to 'Atlanta Constitution. , One of the most cowardly, bru tal and uitsterions Hftsaxsi nations ever kuown in this sectiou of the State was erHtrated here shortly after midnight. Cha. T. Williams, a native of Georgia, a trusted employe of the Western & AjUutic Uatlrvad as agent and oerator at Dalton for years, was the victim, and when found dead npon tbe street, five bullet holes iu his back, either one of which vould have produced death, told tbe story as well as it could lie told by speechless wit nesses. Mr. Williams, who was for n long time a resideut of Atlanta, where be has two brothers and a sister, one brother being a traiu dispatcher lor the Southeru Bail way at Siui'Hloti street crossing, residing iu Atlanta, reached here yesterday evening on a visit to friends aud relatives. lie was seen upon tbe streets here late this afternoon. About half au hour after mid night the town marshal, who was out, heard a number of pistol shots, and qegan an investigation, lie had about given op bis work wbeu be came upon a tuau lying iihu tbe sidewalk. A horned inspec tion slowed that tbe man was dead. It was- then nearly one o'clock, but the alarm was souod ed, and the man was removed to a hotel, where Le was identified s Charles T. Williams. No one here ran imagine who could have fired the shots. Telegianis were sent at once to Charlotte, 42 miles north of hire. tor detectives to get at the cac a'. once. Besides Mr. Jack Williams and other relatives Mr. Williams has iu Atlanta, be has a wile and two or three children at Tunnel 11 ill aud au aged mother at Big Shanty. tue coroner's yehdict. Charlotte Obecrv er SprdaL Blacksdubo, S. C, Feb. 10. Ou the night of February Ctb, be tween 9 aud 20 o'clock, Chas. T. ofTunel Hill, Ua w.s g dead near the inter Shelby and Line streets. Ibis place, a 33 calibre ballet bar ing severed the spinal column and passed upward into tbe jaw. Tbe cucumtancea surrounding bis death were cloadod in mystery nn til to day when tbe coroner's jory, after having been iu sesiioo since Friday moruing, and having ex amined L'G witnesses, rendered a verdict to the effect that tbe said Williams came to bis death from a pistol ball fired from a pistol in the bauds of Mr. li. 0. Bees", and that Dau Luckie w as an accessory. At this writing both are at large, though t he latierwa arrested and afterwards got away from the offi cers. Keen was the wealthiest ami most progressive man in Ibis section or the couutry, aud had inoie to do with the upbuilding or the town than auy one else? This tact taken in connection with tbe sens.itioual circumstances sor rounding the killing, and the fur I her fact that a remarkably band some woman is at the bottom of the whole affair, make it certain that the case will attract ' wide spread attention. Oak Hill TOrUa Clae llsr ItaUlaaw Aheat P-ple mm Tales msmsIIi. Cot-Trsooadrsoc of TVs Monraato Herald. As I have not Mren anything from Quaker Meadow for some time, 1 will make a few promi-cu on remarks about eople sod things generally. Without diMMrsging any other community, Quaker Meadow can not be leat for good farmers, ge nial, high toned, whole sooled, hospitable citizens and pretty But oar farmers are a little be hind Lower Creek leginnmg farming operations for the Yoa see we are a little farther Irotu the sea coast. The members or tbe Oak 1 1 til Debatiug Club exect soon lo din cusa the free miuagi- r Mirer. II they" do, tbe debate is likely to be Interesting, as Capt. W inters, who will champion silver, is well post ed on finaucial history, and hi zeal for silver is oubonuded. The opponents of silver will be led by Mr. P. A. Warlick, wbo is one l the best informed men io tie coun ty, and wkose log'ctl and forcible way tf arranging facts, make bis arguments in vincible. The farmers of Bui ke wdl foicly appreciate 3 oar generous offer in the interest of hay raising If all tbe silver and gold m the world were coined at tbe United State mints we coald not obtain auy ol it unless wc had something to' ex change for it. As we fend the most of onr money to manufactur ing centres for goo Is, to... etc we cannot expect to b ive it pleuti ful here on less we manufacture or produce something for tbrirconi manities that will bring it again. Hay is not the only farm product of which we might priMlnce an abundance, that ib;picd here from other Hiiits, but nor mer chants annually sell c-tiload of Western bacon and flour that might very easily lw? raised at borne. If tbe tiroduf live c-JiMcitT of our soil u uot sufficient to pro dace an abundauce, it can be in cteased without purchau g cov.lj and njur.ous fertilizer bf so win 2 cow 1 fa. If our farmers, and erpe cial(y thoe having light, saudy toil, would tarn their attention to raising all the peas they culd fr the improvement of their land the a a prouuctivencvt wouui e so 10 creased that ve would soon have bacon, bay and flour for other mar kets iutead of bojing them. An analysis of the comparative values ol the different kinds of bay, recently made by the North Caro lina expetimcnt rial ion, show that pea vine bay is worth .0 per cent, more than timothy for feeding cat tle. I am sure there is nothing tbe farmers can do which will help more to bring good times than to devote more atteuliou to tbe cow- -&yv 'AMiP mxmm Absolutely Puro. A rrrtm of !-, tt ttf ut?nUr. T!lxf..t m H la lri" Mm,i'k ijtur isms, ttT ucvt ktr at . KtijalUalilnr Tomltr Co., ! Wall St.. J. V. ' FIRE INSURANCE I o We wiite tjolkies on All el t f desirable nks in tbe follow teg ti d ard cotcr-ntes : N.C. HOJIr! of Raleigh: CONTIN flNTAL of ISew Yoik : l-r.NNSYLVASLA of rbUedeltba. pklawarh VA. riKKAND MARINE cf llxh nim.1: JlrVHAMCS AND TRAPEH-S' of New Orleans. " AVr.UY V III! YIN, ' IlrxALO DaiUisc. Morcastoo. N. C kick's Sweet Peas KiitJ Yts Z'i.m ly ... W k. w r.TPA U. 4-. H.:f ti. Qmtu la. It, ntl'K TO NAM i: Packet :sc Half packet lSc Tiim "YVorl:rf ul Only 15 cents. 94 ORAL fc :! jl. e 1 !' 1, im tW Ul ml . 1-1 ll U llt.n, tf x.tlm. S.3 e sf r. &...Va re t f v r, tr!l tr Lr -. : - I - fc t . j . -.- - a. aa mr 5 S a ci--. l:ir-MrJlllllM.T tins ass tact asnT 1... r- - ....if t r. lM 1 II I H. pea. Yoar efforts to induce emigra tiou to Burke will be wed spent if you can induce progressive, ener getic men of means to come and develop or establish more manu facturing enterprise in our midst. But fearing I may make this too 1 long, I will cio... T. w. I). - Vuch of Ufa's misery la due to iaJi gestion; for wbo can be ha pry with a pain to his sloruach? Aa a corrective and Btreortheiier of the alimentary 01 gana, Ayera Pills are invaluable, their us being alwavs alien Jeutuh rnatael benefit. Sale of -Mosciaifl View KoaJ. ft e , J I : I. L-ra ?i. Y. j:isv;Ci;s sons m mmJ L 111! )Y irte of two several ee 1 Uaed ............ 1 tor cmirt ol Its ike cwn- I a, psw truliaa. an tanr vt A . b. I a 4 w taacaia.t ta Moae-I s lias. Jeter's Hoose, the Ceaaty Seat of SLadleom. Editorial Correspondence Concord Standard.' Marshall is a town ol alout 3oo people, aud it is lit the now famous county of Madisou, tbe borne ot Peter C. Jc:er,wor Senator Pntcb- ard. Marshall is tbe capital. It's a great town with tbe very grandest of scenery aud other things. Tbe town is thrve fourth of a mile long, GO feet wide and sky high. It is between the beautiful French Broad aud mountains that begin GO feet back and run straight up Tor neaily 300 feet. The Southeru Bailway takes up six feet; tbe only stieet 12 feet; a pavement two feet and the balance, 40 feet, is nsed for buildiug of stores, offices, dwtll ings, and courthouse. dent of the United States, was round and full, broad and rather I y0Tn in Wakefield, Westmoreland low forehead, eye wide apart, tbe COuntv, V., February 11, 1732, aud we should be celebrating his one hundred and sixty-fourth anni versary to day were it not for tbe fact that, by the change from tbe old style Jo the new, made in Sep tember. 1752. eleven days were eliminated from the calendar and the date carried forward to tho 22nd of the month. T. G. Cobb, Agent. nose fiat and incliued to turn np, a slight mustache aud hair long and of dark brown hair, he faced the 36 people present aud looked at 'them sieadily and fearlessly. Not buce did his eyes fall nor did he show the least excitement or uneasiness. Every movement was deliberate and there was nouMuch ing wbeu the noose was tightened about his neck. His hands aud feet , were tied aud the black cap placed over his face at 1.13. All was in readiness and at 1.15J the post supporting the trap was dangling at. the end of the rope. The trap allowed a fall of about six feet. The prison er's ceck wts broken aud there was no struggling or jerking np of his bod v or limbs. -Tbere were "Bacteria do not occur in the blood or in the tissues ot a healthy living bod v. either of man or the lower ani mals.'? So says the celebrated Dr. Koch Other doctors say that the best medicine to-render the blood perfectly pure and healthy is Ayer s bareparilla. To Drevent the hardening of the sub cutaneous tissues of tbe scalp and the obliteration of the hair follicles, which causes baldness, use ,Uall s Uair ite- oewer. . ; A drowning man would hare little use for a method of rescue which would require das. A dyspeptic doesn't want to bother w ith a remedy that if going to take weeks to show its beneiicial effect. The Mount Lebanon Shakers are offer ing a product under the nameof Shaker Digestive Cordial which yields immedi ate relief. The very first doae proves beneficial in niott casts', and it is owing to their unbounded confidence in it. that they have put 10 cent sample bot tles on tbe market. These can be had through any drugtcist; and it will repay the afllicted to invest the trifling sum necessary to make a trial. Tbe Shaker Digestive uordiai relieves by resting the stomach and aiding the digestion of food. LAXOL is the beat medicine for children. Doctor recommend it in place of Castor Oil. Two lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she bad consumption ami that there was no hope . , , . ... . T " , icr ner. nut two oottteaoi ur. itiug New Discovery completelj cured her and she sa) s it saved her uie. sr. Thos. Eggers. 139 Florida St., San Fran cisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, ap rrroachinir consnroDtion. tried-without result everything else, then bought one bottle of Dr. King s New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. lie is natu rally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in coughs and col Js. - Free trial bottle at John Tull's drugstore. Regular sixe 50c and ? t. fro the soncfw tv. State ot Nona cat Walton and I. K. tin! taiatrwKad Comiianv and lrT made thenrander. 1 will cU at ttc SKtxia tbe following- described ttrt v. Isad and rral rotate, to- tt: AU and u.f.lar tna lao-1. teneffi rata and brrrdita .rata. taropifcc road lord and fmlmt f tae Moeatant ew Koad Compaur. at and the lra Hrvlcc west of Xlors-aatun ia Hiile fatlr tn tt Town of Lianlir or M.t-r Cap ia Xlilctrll coaaty. and ail the nht of ajr aad cw nrnt vl satd tarapfVe rad ro-ripaay ac- qntred. aluas the en lire line nt said tarop&kc road larfore t-r saner tne luuux, ani iv vir tae ot its charter, hr rrrha or oltvcrwt-e. and alo all the iraacaiM-s f-.Khts and j.riTV. Intn m ul tumpaaT ia lax, mtite a no rbarce tolls, ao.l bm til the tMrr ncki. powers. I-Tl r,k"irr. aad trnranaiiars corner d upon and td in said coaapaar. t.y It charter aets tft3. ttt.ur Said sale to be n-ade io the maaxr provided by law to said tirrstiuv.. Place ot atr. Uoart llon-e in the To. a a( XI or- aantoa. State of North Carul-na. lime of' sale. Xloo.lar, Xairh Kta. 1-..m4. I t ween the tcfxl boars ot sale. Terms saJc. ra.h. This 13th tay ot l-el.raary. lst THUS. M. WKHB. Shcvi3 Harsc Co. M. Kilvsb. Atfv for ItdTs. A FIHE FARM FOB SALE. A (at (am la Stnokr Crech wiU he sold very cheap-Kr half rash, or a tittle cheaper for spot rash. It contain. l4t acrrs of land 45 of a hk,h are la a biKh state ol cul tivation, IO acres breach hot ton,. There is on the place a (tod aturT and a talf n nma d aellinar. ane well nf water. 2 tolarco bant. rood ootba il dines and a voeaar otxaard of select fratt. Itiswithta S"0 taMi of Am. hant Acadcmr, in one of tbe oct loraiiOra I ia Hnrke. ta aril timherrd. ts within miles Of both Mor-, astus) and Lrfioir aad 7 B6Ws of Coo el! sprines. 1 it'-e prrfect. For lar- rr r -- M - - Ca ats.aa4 Z rJwii- otna-wd aa4 J f-s. in a -eieaaoaKt4ar Heetaave rtta. s OvaOetiaOwem U,S. es ar io etj at as iaa f as aa Mas I mA wait U eraaX ar Vw.'sU aVarrt :few. s a a . H aai aa e awt, r e i Ua les a- eaa tl aana-l ts-t. 1 " H- istm 1 swats, wi rrt i irsa. jUitnaa, rs riae U. S. aad tawa Psvrwe Qee-ee. WsaataaaaHS. P. C C ATAilRH ciT-UEAlwN - . -fa. P - C- " ff ,1 IS A LOCAL DlSHASi: it4 M Us Tt tr ti ids aaa Nli'l 4iaie that r k. I ems le ar J .r s tVi. at rrwKf ifVa 'a sp lw d twi j la' aM ru rv-ssaT q-tlrt'.f ao-at-4 u k1s rtr at ELY'S CREAM VMM Is mr VJKa Vdl to ba the nvtt th'-a1i rmr I f Sl Ci'afrt aid la ll-4 stad llsy rrtee ot sil rtiwlet. It npena aad riwa O-e aa al tifa. a'.ni paua aad lt.naaitaaiiua. he .la ta ;. prwtee is the asatire froat O-' l K":jr the nar s of iae aad SOaeil Prye ve in !.:" or It m l ELY U.:oTili:jCVa war -a t iorl. IIHY Will 1 1 )MI ItY YOUR Alali 1 ill Lit MAIL. AT YIIOLKS ALE PlilCKS. 1 o i ew dOlaTBS Wsrr sate4 ! IMI'IIaI"'!'- UTtiJ or tomtj ' '-. .- " i r,r - "-4 D 4a- 1 1'. 1. 1- ( i.lf-, l ral-. rfcd 1 I . - ; u-d s t l-B nrW.s.r t. U.tad. a.4 M e.(.ult.h.-rr C IT-zTM'tx;. U. 1. IJUrral IHarwaU la ClaHa aad Ar ata. . tber ialonratioa. apply to C. f. alcKESSOS. Act. Notice to Tax-Payers. AU lertRns who are lUtle for the I Tavna)eot of taxes in the town of Vor- gantcn. North Carolina, are berebr notified-tliHt in careaur tax due the town for the year 193. remaio unpaid until the first day of Match. lriO. the property liable therefor will Le sold for the non-payment thereof. This January the 10th, irju. J. W. HAPPOLDT, Tax Collector. . ' t n ACKER'S" HAIR BALSAM i a. aaa raise sa a a lKaa a I'. Tav.U.1 0 J i 1 1 a ' ' a a .. . ? - - r- TWesty HINDERCORNS, f S CtaW-taaas. raajtlala fEHHYROYAL PILLS S C-'-J laat a fWlni.,i s a - ) tr uJLmf tmr ltla.a wti. l .-aaa t nirtaawl nrnaaaattA .'ia. J , i ar ii t a M "- . a, a itaii.a. km Dissolatioa of Copartnerhip. Notice is herehy given of the dtssolatioa of the copartnership heretofore eitatinax aaer the name asd style of IVoode at liadaon. r"o Inx b atneas at Connelly fipnnrs S. C. 1 he haauma will be conttaaaed by L. P. CVoode at the old stand. All parties ow tag- the Ons of r.oo1e Had. a wiU sett e with I. H Coode. and la. f. Ooodt will pay aU claims an-aiaet r c oiu arm. A. A. HUraSOX. -U. P. GOOt-B. Feb. 1. 1893t NORTH CAROI.IXA I prrv,r Cosrt. Ikarii fix Tf. ( Upriai Term lsfcva. larder cf PnblKataow. Jalia Vloore vs. Ilarnaa Moore. Ia apprartra; tr a ("ids Tit to the aatis'ee. tioa of tae con it that the p'siati J alia Moore has a jf'-t caax of action aaaaaaat. the d-!ea .iaat llamacia Moore, aad that the CO art has lan.'irlH of thaa acUvn which ta broarat by tVe 'sjatiff to ot.taaa a ttivorr froa thf Iwnil f nairiauar vaita the de trn-taat. aad it lart her apreariatT by aAds ttt lo the tati.acluin ol tnr cosrt that the devadaat HarpMia Xiooreasa Boa rrsMirat of the Stsle of S tth t art.'Tiiav. aad raeaut after doe ddizeccr be fovad (hrma. It as now co naloa Aa-er-y At Prria. eownact fr tbe .rJetd aad ad jadel that n,,tvrr l paSI-.hed for aaa sac-ct-ssavc wrck. tn Tms i oao 4 rrna Hsssta. a aa apa;irr inU ttwl an Harlctnaalt. aotl fvina .a ,1 defrmiaat to l aad at- ar be-, fore the Jadre o' oar Sa ;T..r Court at a roart to be held ia aad -r the rcsstr of fterke at the eoairt kuav la Mar.-aalns, oa tHe 1st Uua4ar lie -ad Xioaday ta Marra. 1 M snh 1. 1 1. and aaa.rr the eowplauit of ...jt.9 a b-ch a til bar Sard withia the frt ir it data of saa.1 er a. aad Vrt the sai dr-ce.tast tske atotxe that tf he fails to aaa tr the sad majJalst with the tiiscr-viiml Iit law. tSe (.Saiatrif wi.l atol to t-c k-crt ir tee rrtstf rar.a t.ed ta taae rompaa.nt Wiiae. oar aad Clerk of said Cart. st ta Oe tna a of Morraa. tna. X"rth Ciro'iaav, tt.' the 3d day of t-cta-raarr, A. It-, 1 v.-A. . P. W. PATTOf. Carrt of Sapcrior Comrt, Avery . rrrtii. Attorceys. with dynamite. . 1