1 - -.-"ME- Tho; Uorganton Herald . HERALD PUBLISHING CO.,: ''".1 - PUBLISHERS. . i': i' J. W. COUNT. Bditor ft Basinets Manager. JftMttv TODD, Associate Editor. 'Thursday, January 20, '1898. IBX PEOPI.B CANNOT RESPOND AS - ..IV WH1ET DESIBK. Recently the President, through Secretary of State Sherman, made an appeal to his fellow-countrymen for assistance to relieve the suffer ing and destitute people of Cuba, whosexondition of starvation and ultimate death was brought about almost wholly by that inhuman brute Weyler and the tyranny of -Spain..;:' The more fortunate people of the United States are utterly unable to comprehend the frightful pano rama of death daily enacted on that sunny isle.;; From youth,. to their mind's eye, its white shores anif' tangled green of its verdure . formed itself into' an oasis of con tentment and peace, smiling in the . embrace of the shimmering waters of; the tropics. At morn, the sun kisses the dew and studs the verd ure with scintillating diamonds; the azure canopy melts in the dis tance to purple blue, as if to draw away from the ethereal pureness - Of the' white-winged ships of space hovering over that dew-bathed, sunkissed gem as guardian angels. But, list! That rustle in the frond Lot the palmetto is the sweet breath of a siesta, and the murmuring of the whispering in the pine is the music from the dreamland of Cupid. - And so we dreamed for years, to be rudely awakened at this ad- mails have been rented. This, of course, is quite proper with, stages and on star-routes. But is it proper for railroads, considering the price paid? The United States does not' own a postal car -they are the property of railroads but the United States pays a yearly rental of $4,500 for. each car. In fact the government pays rental enough every year to buy all the cars in use. It has done so for i - tCommunicated. ,j , - SMITHRECTOS. A Quiet Wedding of a Few Weeks Ago j . ; :j Vast Bfade Public. . j Married, December 21, 1897, by Rev. C. M. Teal, at his residence (7 OIm AIbIm KotM. . I TBS BOUiotrm riuwr, , correspondence or The Herald. . We ar In receipt of several satn Mr. John Lowdermilk has moved I pie copies of that old established - ay . w to fossumtown ana iur. james Grady. has moved into the house vacated by Mr. Lowdermilk. Id.... ...noit.hl.il.lav M! jast: across the line wbict dijidea Martha Marshton arrived from thu two (Jarolinas. in the State of South Carolina and about nine miles .from Henrietta, N. C, Mr.il. Bascom Smith aod Miss Rosalia Rector both of Morganton, N. O. There were present besides the 4bove named parties Mr.' TeaPs years and it will probably keep on family, consisting of wife and five doing ; for Congress will ukt . .t-W. E Ma n0J VI IT UIIeCbl,nuu tun 1 no steps for-retrenchment in the rental of postal : -cars, though its attention has been called to the robbery by: railroads time"; and time again. Not only is the De partment made to go down into a livervman. who drove them. oat from Henrietta. Mr. Smith is a son of Mr. A. J. Smith, an enterprising farmer of Cora, N. U., and is a young man of excellent character, intelligent, sober, and Uidastrions, possessing VVcavcrville Thursday, and began her school here Monday. She comes atM rnmmnriH - - - Mr. Paul Giles has returned to his railroad work near Cleveland, after a few days visit .here with relatives. ? Mr. Claude "Bright, of Newton, spent Sunday in Glen. Alpine with friends. -; -' Miss Daisv Simpson -returned and leading agricultural journal of the South, The Southern Planter, With age it improves in usefulness to the farmers of the 'South, for whose espVcial benefit it is pub lished. The management of the farm, thd production of ail the various crops grown, or which can be grown in the South, the raising and feeding of live stock of all kinds, dairy management, the poul try yard and the garden, all receive consideration and attention every OF ODD PANTS & Saturday from a delightful visit I month, and are written opon by its pocket yearly for thousands of J that "energy and straightforward dollars by this robbery jobbery but it annually loses thousands more by the corrupt and dishonest weighing of mails. The railroads are given notice when mails are to be weighed, and prepare for the ness which is characteristic of all men whose efforts are eventually crowned with success. ..Miss Rector (now Mrs. Smith), a daughter of Rev. J, A. Kector, one of Mor&ranton's best citizens and iaay with friends near Brideewater, Miss Lou London has ruturned to Tabic Rock from an extended visit with relatives at Gilboa. Miss Julia London, of Table Rock, is a guest of Miss Lula Cloatz. Mr. Wilt Bowman spent Sunday at Mr. James London's, in Upper Creek township. . ' Mr. Molton Giles was here as usual with friends on Sunday. Mr. Giles is an employeof the D. and March 1st. He is a carpenter. . Mr. Will. Giles returned from business men, is a young 0 ' r 'r , I Utll;na on,l tnnnmpro. I VJ1IC5 IS an cmui event by having extra carloads pt r. " A " " . r.. 1 WiT Z s D.. and off duty until s i 1 mm. urrw-usvi iiiiih - , iiiiiil jb i.tva ww a &j s ' mail matter sent back and forth, the iove ad esteem of all who form njr thV 15h rtiirincr tn month nC I nwnoi.f anno ' . . r .. - IIeorietta.Jast week weicrhtnor. and trie veariv Davmenc 1 JNeitner Daren is uor icmuco 1 4 v, . .--, partment would like to make its h t0a December 4, 1897. Mr. Smith, practical, experienced and success ful men. Every Southern farmer should take this journal. He can not afford, to do without it. We have made arrangements to fur nish The Herald and The South ern Planter together for one year for $1.75. . Tbe Kail read Cosasntssloa Case. In the Supreme Court of the Uuited States at Washington, D. 0.,on Monday, argument was beard on the motion for a rale on Messrs. L. 0 Caldwell and John' H. Pear son, railroad; commissioners, to show'cause why they should not Quarterly meeting in -the. Meth-. be attached tor contempt in defy ing the writ of supersedeas issued by the U. 8. Supreme Court. B. O. Barton, e&q appeared for Maj. Four of the Greatest Bargains of the Season. LOT 1. JVIEN'S Pants, former price $1.25, 1.50, and X I 2.00; dunng this sale ... 95, LOT S. MEN'S Pants in all the latest designs, werertj; Q Q $2.25, 2.50, and 3.00; during this sale. . . $i&0 - - t .1 business sustaining, but you may who had been an employee of the am cnuren convenes ncrc on inc " when State Hospital nearly two years, ouujr . cu.ua.jr. c tendered h is resignation; to tate 1 I ,, j "6 .u . m. I Mr. Alfred Scott, of the State necessary to accomplish it-that;0f( l?wun Hospital, spent Saturday and Sun- J. W. Wilson aod S. Otho Wilson, paying a fair rental for postal cars taking a basiuess course at Whit- day here with his family. and Judges McBae and A. C or owning them and ? weighing sett Institute this year. Conse- M.Mr and Mrs Sam CA?.e? . ? nd Avery for the commissioners. The mails on railroads at any time and qaently he and Mr. Marsu, "'''u v-u.cjr, v. .v...uKC, J I ? 1 r rir..ni-ai I SDent Satilrdav and Sundav near without notice. The railroad lobby) place with their cousin.Raose nonnced nntilnext Monday. The ists have owned Congress for a at the beginning of the spring I Cars well, r U No Who. I rule will be issued, it is conceded, longtime. term. Mr. Smith told no oue of his intentions of marrying except Undoubtedly some of the appro-1 one or two friends at the Hospital, priations of Congress have been j of whom he exacted a promise not Mnrmnni, rrflvant and roui to mention it till he had completed .-.j T'7 have been reduced several million Jan. 18, 1898. his course at college. Miss Eector. who bad been away dollars without detriment to the I from home noma few weeks teach. vanced era of Christianity to" the peopie or government. Yet there ing school near Hildebrand, had airoQiiy 01 avueanaunnoiy nauoa 1 grfn,hrethat hon!H hinrrMrT I not meniionea 10 even ner most Marriage licenses. The Better of Deeds, W. F. Hallybnrton, esq has issued mar riage licenses during the past week as follows: Wesley Ferree and if the Court finds any Federal question involved in the controversy. Government by injunction, by gum! Judge Simouton, of the United States Circuit Court, has Aiiney Smith; .Joseph T. Botts and I taken a band in the Stanly county of despots,1 who, have left untried no outrage, no inhumanity, to further enclave her subjects, and if successful in that, to exterminate them.' : " ; When the sun now rises at morn For instance, .the Patent Office appropriation. The work of this office has steadily increased with the growth of the country; it has paid a profit to the government, and now Intimate friends the fact of her approaching marriage. - On Monday, December 20th, Mr. Smith left the Hospital In company with Mr. Marsh, who, it was sup posed, was going to spend a few Martha Hipp; Augustus Wall and Annie Causby. Mothers whose children are troa- ft a a a a oiea wun. oaa coias, croup .or whooping-cough will do well to read what Dr. Jt. B. Bodey. of bond case. Charlotte Obxcrter. has to its credit in the days with him at his home before Olney, Mol, says on uh is subject. 00 Cuba it sweens over a scene of t- .1 J J .J.j. leaving for Whitsett. At Morgan- - r or years we nave r w j v 1 1 t is r n-wi rinn rivw -j mi an r F mm I J t-.! l : ! I .11- desolation, where once were well tilled fields and happy habitations, and sets a ruby in every dew-drop that has been intermingled with the flood of patriot blood, while expenses. 1 be secretary of Inte rior asked Congress for half the additional help needed, and the House Appropriations Committee refused to -grant any additional What is - Scott's EmnuHsioir.'? M LOT 3. EN'S Pants in fine all-wool cassimeres and fancy worsteds, were $4.00, 5.00, and 6.00; during this sale LOT A. 2,95 M EN'S Pants in all-wool black worsteds, diagonals, and cheviots,, were $3.00 and 4.00; during this sale. 2,00 the whisper in the pine has become hclp whatever, which will throw a requiem lor iuc aeaa ana ay ing. the business of the Patent Office Figures cannot be comprehended from six months to a year behind, one cannot grasp the" appalling So this one branch of govern- j- inhumanity that Cuba has suffered I ment which pays a profit must from ner mother country. 1 hou-1 wait its patrons must wait until ton when the noon train arrived Dsea vyuanioeriain'ti uongb Kem- they joined Miss Kector, who had dy, and always keep it in the left those at Hildebrand with whom house. It is regarded in our family she was boarding nnder the impres- aa a specific for all kinds of colds sion that she was cominsr to Mor- and coughs." The 25 and 60 cent ganton to spend the holidays with bottles for sale by W A. Leslie, fag propertle. It cW Cod her parents. From here the trio DrnggisU , Iircr Cfil fmtftrfit or partially "SSft Gen, Benjam,u But.erwortb, with Mr. J. Hicks, with whom Mr. It is a ttrengtfimrng food arid tonkf rcmirkablc hi Its fkxK-form- Gen. Benjamiu Butterwortb. digested, combined with the weH- commissioner of patents and a I known and highly prized Hypo ,uS 1) ppMci .ue- a s matter. 1 ' I vr . . .. ,. j uui incir poicncy u materially increased. IJext morning, TueHday, Decern-1 Kev. E.A. Uameey, one .of the - 1 1 ucraist, iney were anve 10 iap uu tirBujwimu uiviuca w n mm - winm-n?r rt m a sands upon thousands already Congress, regardless of the people's home of Bev. Teal, wheie the knot of.the Sonth, died in Memphis, I iJk2Cl2 jJtiU lift liMO? needs, cuts appropriations to meet was tied at 11 oxlock, after which lenn , f rtaay, agea 40 years. if oossible the McKinlev.Dincrlev W returnea to neunetia ana re Deficit Tariff Bill that wonderful dead starved to death; thousands upon thousands dying starving to death dying from disease, And yet Spain offers to re-enslave Cuba promises her anything, only to again pluck her of everything. "' Food, clothing, and medicine by shiploads are needed in Cuba, and the President has asked his coun trymen to send them. But the people were not prepared for the request. They had not forgot- mained nntil December 23d. They arrived iu Moreranton Thnrsdav measure which was to be loaded on the 5 p. m. train, got off with- with prosperity with a big P, but I out being seen, procured a horse which has proven an unutterable I aud buggy by the aid of Mr. Marsh failure as a revenue raiser,. In one thing, however, the Dingley bill has accomplished what it intended I it has repaid to trusts and monop olists the $17,000,000 election fund, and unsatisfied with that unlawful- ten his " promising" inaugural in ness is paying them usurious inter est. This Great Oppressing Party is fixing to get itself dumped.! which Cuba was to receive so much attention from his adminis tration, and from which the people expected to soon rejoice with Cuba in her freedom. Alas! the Presi dent tiad not counted upon the, holders of Spanish bonds, the Sugar Trust, Tobacco "frost, and the .finessing hand of Manager Hanna. ' and ! drove to the home of the bride's parents in East Morganton. The family were attending an entertainment up town when they arrived, consequently, by Mrs. Smith's request, her husband went to her parents and got the keys to their residence for her in order that they might enter. The mercantile - firm of T. E. Wright & Co., of Maiden, Catawba county, composed of T. E Wright and Q. W. Cochran, have made an assignment, for the beueflt of their creditors, to W.C. FeimaUr and M. 11. 4unt,of Newtou. Itisclaimed that the assets are about 14,000 and that the liabilities will exceed that amonnt. Th IMscorerr mt b Day. Ang. J. Bogel, the leading drng gist of Shreveport,La.,6ays: . "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. - It -will arrest loss of flesh and restore to a normal condition the Infant, the ehiM and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. 'We maka this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thomandi of cases. B4 awvM g scorrs a&A. 1 $oc and fi.oo, all draggkt SCOTT A BOWXE, Cteakta, Kev Tort. TRUSTEE'S SALE. c B t; s Hanna is elected Senator from Ohio for the unexpired audi full terms by bare one vote. His suc cess will probably benefit the Dem- The entertainment over, the parents went home thinking their daughter had just arrived from her J Campbell,' merchant, of Safford, I TTndbr idby Tirto of a a school by private conveyance, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New iteuVtortAfwufw accompanied by Mr. smith, and I Discovery is all that is claimed accepted' tftcd of traat McDowell om a ad recorded in Book U of Deed, oaire 581. ia th office of not dreaming that they were has- for it; it never fails, and is a sure 1 win at pabiic aactioa at the coart band and wife,whom, upon entering cure for consumption, coughs, and BkTwry.1N.tcoWB of Mor-"to the f parlor, they found occupy, colds. Iannot say enough for its Saturday, January a9tb, 1808, ing seats on opposite sides ot the merits." 4 Dr. King's New Discov, at 12 o-ciock ..au that irtaia e. arrei coamty of Uarkc aod DOMded forth la a deed ocratic party more than his defeat would, for the Republicans have I fireplace. Mr. Smith spent the night ry for Consumption, Congbs, and I tract onandiriB in thc Mr. Hanna as its model! ftt Mr- M- F. Hudebraod's and next Colds is not an experiment. It fouowV toSuT a. ii iT Word comes from Washington I and its opponents will not be slow to hold them to a strict accounta bility for his behavior. And as his behavior will be that of a boss, a distributor of boodle, a huyer of elections, an upholder of trust's) syndicates and; monopolies,1 j a that in. response to this; appeal for help for: the non-combatants of Cuba, contributions have been extremely light compared to what was expected, taking similar emer gencies for help in distress into consideration, and it is quite con clusive that he fellow-countrymen I operative and skilled labor, anjd j not intend to have his marriage' trader in the day 1 accompanied his father (who was in town) home. The holidays over, Mrs. Smith returned to her school, where she still remains. Mr. Smith is now in school at Whitsett, where be entered at the openiug of the spring term, January 3d, and intends to do some honest work nntil he com- has been tried for a quarter of a century, and .today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at John Tull's Drng Store. : ' ' ' J. H. Pearaon to C. M. McDowell the ia known and dctini tod oa the olat ot energies of minim pietes his course of study. He did of the President cannot respond as $hey would like to do, for finan dMly they "are in sore straits. However, the fellow-countrymen of ! the President have some blood to spare and are willing to spill it for Cuba; and from the present crisis the whip ot the Ad mist ration, he will not unlikely do the Republi can party more injury than good before the next i presidential canv paign. Like Mark Twain's three men in a boat, none of whom could pray when in danger of the storm. W... U J t! . . ' r""UlUMH . . 1 J J . -:- : .L., .. u .1 t I uul touiu uu one religious act DV Ot affairs in that unhaoov isle, the I t.. . . .. , '---- laKrag up a coueciion, so is the frestdent may at last be compelled 1 Administration, the Reoublican to supplement his t appeal for I party and Hanna, but their collec- announced nntil ho got through college, but on account of the rumor which reached Mrs. Smith's parents to the effect that she bad married, without their knowledge they demanded of. her au explana tion; ' She wrote her husband ask ing i bis advice as to what she should do and he considered it prudent that they should announce it immediately. Logan Carlisle, son of Hon. John G Carlisle, died of heart failure in;Kew York Sunday. He was about 34 years of age. While his father held a position in Pres ident Cleveland's Cabinet, be was ChiefCJfcikbf the Treasury Depart ment, ?O I ! , . , ONE OF TWO WAYS. ' from ame J. H. Pearaoa'a Greea street property aa lota Noa. 11 and 12. The aame betas' the two corner lota at jonetioa of Green aad Qocea streets la the town., of Morxanton. Tuuii Cash. .,- ......., . . . This th 23d day of December, 1897. dec30-ow "W. C MAXWELL, Tniiht. Lazarns Brothers. MQRG-ANTON, N. O. uiuuixixnixiTjluuuuu Bargains! Bargains! - After taking stock there are always a lot of odds and ends come to light that we want to get rid of at your price Several kinds of chairs, one to four of a kind; a lot of rockers slightly damaged in shipping; two or three lounges; odd plates and cups and saucers, and a lot of other kinds of china and ironstone. Our Regular Stock is complete and Prices are the Lowest to be had always. A Full Stock of Coffins and Caskets. Respectfully, n B 5 S c H 5 5 5 a 5 5 n PATTON CLAYWELL BROS, j Furniture, China, Queensware. 1 una rmatmrma m mmiuuaixnuum niuma ra ptm tjmmm mnrraiuan nng a SCHOOL. Morganton. N. C. The bladder was created for one pur pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as each it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two win; The' first way is from imperfect action Mrs. Smith will probably return I ot kidneys. The second way is from money jmd medicine by force of ti6n for the next national campaign home after the close of her, school c1" local treatment of other ,dia- " mm. -I'IU JiawC - Valdasa Mew. Correspondence of The Herald. Oar little settlement is we A nt tin milk V. . a all wuu ucr pstreuia aniu i , CHIKF CAUSE. uer uusoana'8 retarn. Unhealthy urine from unheals kM, When a yoane man deDri ves I ne 48 the chief cause of bladder troa- com. himself of the pleasure of teice E.1?t5e,womD',xke tne ffd. inirtJ.Arfltnrn nf Mf. lf R...- with ft vnnncr alArinff.;r. T1" ""J or oo purpose, ana U nos 7 w,4j. mwui- . " , b 'viiufc nut,, iu aoctorea too mucn is not liable to weak son, who was away the last three whom he has been married only a ness or disease, except in rare cases. It weeks' to spend the holidays1 with few days, in order that he may is situated back of and very close to the her family. j better prepare himself for some bladder, therefore any pain, disease or Oar day school is continuine in vocation in life, it is evident that neience manifested in the kid- the most promising manner. I nr he means bosiness; and while Mr. TOtebJ ?k?atribST gentle teacher. Miss Knox, in o-Pf. Smith's mauy friends ' eZtCnfl In I mala mVdm nr wnmK M flXepartment by reducing the nqm- j tinK deeper and deeper into the I him their heartiest congratulations 1 some sort. The error is easily-made ber of deliveries in the lanre citie I nearts of onr little ones. i -T I nPon tfae rfisnlt of his little romance. I nd maJ be as easily avoided. To find t - rn.mfr. Ti,: u . . I luuusinai sen ool for ffiHs. uv a io wisn ootn be and h a I r-' w....,, jm miuio uiueior gro injustice, as they really help to make up the deficiency. "But "theToitbfHce Department or Con. that the sunshine of a new era ha ....ti ... . , .. I dawned nnon onr lirtlo i' I . li Tor Over riftv tm ' I realized. vmeas icaii v wauls in wr o ira ina i xr w , a va v v . ( 1 l -w '.jy . ' " - iuhaw iuc '--.: , -.v : . m arms, ana remove forever the stigma and disgrace of the hell of death that Spain presides over at our very doors through favor to trusts and the creditors of a bank rupt nation. ;-It has been proposed in Congress to save money for the Postoffice 1,. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. ENGLISH, - 2. LATIX, . - 3. GREEK. - MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, SCIENCES, - Sandford's Series. Ilorvcy'8 Revised. Maury's Manual. 8winton's United States. Steele's Abridged. Hooker's Book of Nature 4. 5. G. I twentr rmir hnurar a iaH mnt v.. I if also very promisins. and it MmK I crowned with sncces. of Dr. Riimr. Rr.mn.nt ! I 4-.- , m i . . . - ; r wo kihi carrying vi uiu scii'Susiainino; and Without injustice to any e, they can do it. . For years, from the inception of the postal service, all vehicles for the carrying of Mediolamtjm:. M'XKKLOYJt Soot anno 8tuf baa been naed for orer fifty yeara by milUona oi moth era for their children -while teething, with .tuuujr au uiauuer remeay, is soon If you need a medicine, yon should Have the beat. At druggin fifty eenu and one dollar. You roar t" Wanted To rent or our- SesSSesafS Pphiet, chase from 60 to inn i.rA. ri., I the aiiay. an pain. crea wind Hr S,.""1 free Dy mail. Mention nftar MfMnn . r.:.;'," SS 11?J?- it.wni aT0N uxaiLoandsend your near Morganton sniuble for truck farming., inquire at the j IIebald Office. ES?00 u.ttJ afferer Immedlatery. address to Dr. Kilmer ft Co.. RWK. l.'".'-- tTC? V 01 e world. I tnn. N. V. TliAnM.t. i ' . 'tviieilui ml tuia paper Ruarantees the genuineness of this of ;T"fltr.U , bottle- Be aare and aak J-ll " 7 oothlaK Syrup." and COURSE OF STUDY. G3 INTERMEDIATE. ARITHMETIC, GRAMMAR, - - geography; - : . . . HISTORY, - : ; - . . . PHYSIOLOGY, - - . . . 6. r SCIENCES, - - - ' ADVANCED. - - Hill's Composition and Rhetoric . - - . - - - Collar & Daniel's Book ; Cirsar. - ' - - - - Goodwin's (Grammar; White's First Book. " - - - - - Sheldon's Algebra; Wentworth's Geometry - - - - S win ton's Outlines of the World. - - - - - - Maury's Physical Geography. -q REMARKS. G3 Next terms of five months opens January. 3, 1898. Tuition per month $2.00 to $3.00. Incidental. fee 10 cents. Board and rooms on very reasonable terms. Boys and Virls desiring: it are prepared for college. 5. Weekly drill in debate, declamation, and readine:. unbiant reviews ana examinations lor teachers. The school is opened daily with, prayer, singing, and reading the Scriptures. . . Address R. L. PATTON, Morganton, N. C 1. 2. 6. 7.