The Morganton Herald. ' HERALD - PRINTING CO., ; ' PUBLISHERS. ? COUNT, Editor A Business Manager. T. PARK TODD, Associate Editor. Thursday February 17, 1898. - OCT OF THE FBYING PAN; INTO THE FIRE." "The Autocrat of Legislation," as Senator Lindsay, during the extraordinary session of Congress, truthfully named the Sugar Trust, has much more to do with Cuba's freedom or enslavement than has been eenerallv supoosed. Some : months ago with its pal, the Tooacco Trust, it laid a deep plot to get coutiol of the products of the 'unhappy island throueh the United States, and force this gov ernment to stand security for the bonds issued by Cuba to a syndi cate for the cash -purchase of her freedom from Spain, the United States to have; control of the island's customs houses for tvi enty two years, or until the indemnity was paid from the revenues. It was a most plausible plan, and was made to appear even feasible and most beneficial to the Cubans by that j great trust organ, the New York Sun, which took such a lively : interest in the matter 'that under the caption of "Our Plan to Free Cuba" it had the whole scheme cabled from Havana as just what the tyrannized subjects of Spain were waiting to hurrah for. By some mishap the Sun an nounced that Col. iohn T. McCbok was the principal promoter of the plan; that President McKinley had hpcn studvino- it for two months previous to Minister Woodford's . arrival in Spain, add that he con sidered with the greatest interest the many communications sent to him from New York in favor of the scheme. ;!' But the Sun was silenced by the trust magnates in short order. In itc dnHiavnr tn heln thpir cause it had divulged too much that the attorney for the Sugar and Tobacco Glen Alpine Note. Correspondence of The Herald. Miss Minnie Pitts, who has been visiting among relatives here ,for the past two weeks, returnea on Sunday to her home in Asheville. Mr. Marshall Brinkley was vis iting his father in-law near Bridge water Sunday, from whence he went to Greenlee with a; view to uuy a lariu. - Quite a number of young people attended the meeting of the Pro gressive Club at Eldridge Friday night. They report a good time. The next question for discussion is Resolved, That the use of tobacco is more harmfnl than novel reading. ! Messrs. Bracher Bright and Her bert Whitley spent Sunday with their families. Mr. Claude Bright, of Newton, was here Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Rough ! Wilson moved from Asheville to this place recently. r 1 Mr. A. W. Wilson leaves this week for court at Newton. ; At the first meeting of the Ep- worth League Sunday night the attendance was. very good. As we were without topic cards we were glad that The Herald contained the topic together with references. We were pleased with the edi torial against present civil service reform. Whatever the defects of the old system-was it is the best. When a party is overthrown for the time and supplanted by another, it is an evidence of popular will. Let those in power be responsible and not relieve them by having those of opposite views as its sub ordinates. The new system is a failure U No Wkt. Feb. 16, 1898. ! - - Chapel Hill Comment. Correspondence- of The Herald. Work has at last been com menced on the Alumni building. If the number of students rton tinues to Increase at the present rate this building will be badly needed before it is completed. One often hears that the two literary societies at the University Chambers Hews. Correspondence of The Herald. Rev. J, H. Brendle filled his ap pointment at Gilboa church on Sunday. " . The scholars of the Gilboa pub lic school are advancing rapidly under the Instruction of Mr. Phifcr Berry.' ' . . , 1 . Miss Rosamond Lorbacner, wno tives near. Statesvllle, returnea home last week. ' Rev. Mr. Brendle addressed the Berrv school last Friday afternoon. Mr. T. E. Garrison has returned from the Cleveland railroad work. Mr. John Patton. of Muddy C.rrrV i vUitincr his SOU. Mr. R E. Patton. i Chambers. Feb. 15, 1898. - are progressing backward. That h been vjsitinnr friends and rela tne uiaecuc oociciy i aim w firm footing is proven by the '.fact that the old carpet, which has been on the floor since long before the war, has just been replaced by a new plushhcarpet, which cost over $400. - Dr. Alderman left last week for a trip to the ' other world." He will visit all the principal univer sities of Europe. Mr. Gore, our much honored professor of natural ohilosoDhv. is acting as dean of the faculty during the absence of the president". The members of this year's law class, who applied for licenses last week, very creditably sustained the reputation of the institution. No one failed who had completed bis course here. . v l The baseball teams are taking advantage of the fine weather, and are getting in some bard practice.. There are at least three candidates FEED SAVERS FOR Stock Feeders ... jr HE "SMALLER" " F E Ej3o Ajn vvRl FE HaYO Jost ReceiYed H Our Line Of :.: : If your liter U torpid) If , toot atmeute U poor l If too want toot stomach tonad no and toot bowels and k.ldMr thoroughly el.aasd. vlUtsat astallta tt ywusaU; taka fir. Job W. BaU1! PUla. a; Pills LAND SALE. wrtnn .hKt virtue of a. decree of the Sawtlar Coart of Barke conntr in tf cam of ft. H. Klncaid ag-alast James rarr U and wife, I will, at the Comrt House door la Morrantan.M. C. a . Tor every position on the. team;4 Mondav.the ai$t day of March. 1808 and the present -prospect for a l (tame beta thcnrs.tday of court). offer for first-class team Is very Rood indeed. 'J?HiL0.4Xni A great deal Of interest iS being I land whW the said James Farr and ,w taken jn the track athletic con tests between the preparatory schools of the State, .which will come off here April 16th. Almost every school in the State will be represented.; Why shouldn't the Morganton -high school send a team? Yours truly, Burks Boy. I. U.. orld. a r-HhrW Spring Dress talfe For Early M Buyers dCKkrr roJTiL this I-f- SMALLEUHIFG. GO'S TVIX. LIKK or O a Q '6 Feed. Cutters Feed Mills Root Cutters HorsePbwers Write for Catalogue. igzgzi We invite your inspection, icenng contuicnt that we have all the Latest and Up-to-date Novelties in r 9 SPRING DRESS GOODS. bow reae, oetnc; id imq pn:aMw uj ww nf ItenMh BaMsMI lAd HHT QCffnOCO in deed Itoob ner xo ne mmta jamcv rui. Mu - . w rl t vTaT also In a deed from Mary Vatton to him. m G Ttf (I R. TfTSC lN Contamtojr In all one hundred acrea, mora or t X Oa Ulvf XVIVIO VII lessi Terms of sale cash. ' Thla Fcbrnary th, I 8. THOMAS U. WEBB. Com aolaaiooar. Rollins Kews, Correspondence of The Herald. Miss Alice Hennessee has gone to Hutherfordton on a visit to her sister. Mrs. Ferree. Miss Lnla Martin, of Morganton. is the guest of Miss Maggie Scott. Mrs. B. H. Kincaid has returned from a visit to her daughter. Mrs. Williams, near Morganton. ; Mr. L. L. Lail, of Rollins, was at Grleu Alpine Fridaj on bnsmess. Mr. Ti. Vf Rrrt.t. in hftvincr n nAw Trusts, Col. John J. McCook.whom of paint pQt on hl9 noaae iuciviiucjr uucu wac v,uM Mr. Frank K ncaid. son of Mr. fearea to appoint as Attorney Uen- R H- Kincaid. has returned from eral when making up his cabinet, was the chief promoter and that he was in touch with the President to enslave Cuba to these "Autocrats of Legislation." Comparatively speaking, the people have been oblivious to the fact that this plan of the trusts has never been dropped. It has cbn trolled the administration with . every move it has made in its rela tions with Spain; it has compelled the people ot the United States to quietly submit to contempt and insult from a despotic, decayed, lying and dying nation, and- it so controls the President that he can 'gracef ully" (as the trust organs put it) submit to be called "a low politician and jingo" by Spanish Minister De Lome. And now it comes to light again, with J. Pierpont Morgan at its head, who has formed "a syndicate with a capital of $400,000,000 to be represented by bonds to Cleveland, where he has been em ployed on the railroad Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The beat salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores Ulcers. Salt Eheum, Fever Sores,Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by John Tall, Druggist. Mayor McKisson, of Cleveland, Ohio, will make a contest for Sen ator Hanna's seat in the United States Senate. Assignee's - Sale OF PERSONAL PROPER-IT. S ASSIGKBB of J. B, Coulter, X win an at pttblic auction, to the highest biddOT, cash, at Connelly Springs, and on the premises, on : l. February a6tbf ,1898, ' , the following personal property, to-wit t Two Baggies; 2 CalTeS; 2 Cows; 4, 8heep: 8 Goats; 1 Field-Roller; 1 Grindstone; 1 Harrow; S Plows; Hoes and Bakes and Colter: 1 Horsepower; 1 one-half tntertat in Grain Drill: 1 One-Horae Waaron: 1 one-third Interest in a resaw; 1 Rip-Saw; 1 Shaft and Palley; 1 Corn crasner; l tSTaporator; l lot of Sash; aboat 600,000 feet of Lumber. . This February, fith. 1898.- JNO. V. PERKINS. ftbl0-2w Assignee of J. B. Coulter. Notice lo the Creditors of John Pitts, . Deceased. AQXXT FOB HOKTH ? . ASHEVILLE, CAftOUX. Tlio Implomont Co,, Newest Spring Shades in Covert Suitings for Tailor-made Costumes. - i . Ottawa Plaids, the Newest Novelty iri Dress Skirts. - , TTTHBRBAS my co-executor. Da -rid Pitta. Y T died prior to the death of tb testa years, lie baa become fully satis fied that it was only a question of a short time nntil he would have to give up. He had been treated by some of the best physicians in Europe aud America, but got do permanent relief. One day he picked np a newspaper and chanced to read an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He got a bottle of it, : the first dose helped Marsh FerreeTWillBowman,Brigg8 I him, and its continued use cured against the estate of said testator to present them to nc for nayment on or before the Sd of February. D. 189d. or. tnis notice Mr Wurrl Ti' Hmlfh. rf TTVaIot- xuioo tfuiia xisviur la tb uuujo uu i iaokvnu. uv., tt no uvuuicu witu i jonn ritts. aeceasea; now, taereiore, aonce . . "... i. . . i . . It tt i i i a visit irom Henrietta. - enronic aiarrncea ror over thirty "s'S; Mr. B. J. Sigmon spent Sunday with his wife, who is teaching school near here. - A large number went from here Sunday to hear Rev. Mr. Brendle preach at Gilboa. Bev. J. C. Brown preached at Hafner school house Sunday night. Tnere was a large congregation. There was a pound supper at Mr. H. O. Bennett's Monday night. A large party assembled. Messrs. CUT wUl be pleaded in bar of their lecOTery; ana all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to cone forward and settle at once and thereby save costs. -This the Sd day of February, A. P. 1898. ABBL PITT8, Bx ecu tor of John Pitts, deceased. AT Ear & Barm. Attorneys. fcbS-Ow. nt i. Kin mzxr. RICHUOIID, VA. t. w. wood. lb. amczz. ri1 ' rasaiatT aia O PABJIERS NEED TUB O (J BEST AND CWEJLPEST r PLOWS, f q CULTIVATORS, q Zt WIRE NETTING, i ,nr ENGINES, y- JcT THRESHERS, ' QAW tutu i q J O WAGONS, O f 't BUGGIES, ( V WIND MILLS, J: J I Q PUMPS, RAMS. Y? it vr ratMD . un f CORRUGATED ROOFING. O Latest Desiens in Fancy and Plai Mohair Jacquards. m Great Reductions in last season s all Departments of stocks. and Thomas Garrison were : there from Gilboa. Gbiss Cross. -, Feb. 15, 1898. ' - 1 : ; GENERAL NEWS. him. For sale by W. A. Leslie. Newton has sold her electric light bonds at par. Eev. Wm. Cattell, one of the most distinguished Presbyterian . Educate Vonr Bow sis With Casearata. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forertr. 10a. If C C. C. fall, dnmiau ret and money. A fare mntfia ami Vf T)mn that dlVine8 0l the COUntry and Dfesi- F.vprv. of Wnndafnrlr. MiMi trnn amount, which boods are to be dent of Lafayette College, Philadel 1 badly afflicted with rheumatism. counicrsigncu uy mc unueo i puia, uieu unuay, agea n years. His rieht leer was swollen the full i i i States" to victimize poor Cuba. This means that the President is at last to intervene, not to free Cuba, but to enslave her to the syndicate, and the United States is to stand sponsor for the most in famous plan that the insatiate greed for wealth and power ever put into the calloused heart of man. In normal times the revenues of Cuba from customs houses are about $18,000,000,' but as the Span ish officials stole $25,000 a day, the revenues acknowledged a year be fore the war were $8,000,000. But granting the amount to be what it should be, for twenty-two years after the proposed plan was put in operation the island would be in servitude to a bond syndicate, to which Us people must pay inter est not only on $400,000,000, but as much more as may be squeezed from their slavery.. Virtually the United States has lent itself through the power of the adminis tration to pick Cuba out of Spain's frying pan and cast, her into the furnace of the trusts. Far better for Cuba that she con tinue to fight even to the last ditch than that she should be compelled tb accept such servility, for of all pieces of rascality and inhumanity the plan of the "Autocrats of Leg islation" to'free Cuba is the most henious. Adolph L. Luetgert, the Chicago lr5ngth T0 reat suffering. nsomT m.nraLl k .3 He was advised to try Chamber- sausage manufacturer, charred with the murder of his wife, has been found guilty on the second trial, and sentenced to life imprisonment. Twenty-five people were killed. about twenty others injured, and property valued at $2,000,000 was destroyed by a fire m Pittsburg,Pa., on Thursday. It was the greatest calamity that has ever befallen that city. i Tbe steamship Veendam, ; from Rotterdam, for New York, struck a wreck in midocean and was lost. The passengers, numbering 197. and crew of 85, were all safely transferred to tbe steamship St. Louis, which fortunately sailed within view soon after tbe accident and responded to the signals of distress from the sinking ship. All were brought to New York. I Iain's Pain Balm. The first bottle of it helped him considerably and the second bottle effected a cure. The 25 and 50 cent sizes are for sale by W. A. Leslie, For Ore Fifty Taars Mas. Winilow'b 800THIXO Sracv haa hem nsed for oyer fifty years by millions of moth, ers for their children while teethta-. with ! perfect snccesa. It soothes the child, softens the grams, allays all pain, cares wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieTe the noor little sufferer ImraedUMT. Sold by Druggists In ererypartof the world. Twenty-fire cents a bottle. Be sare and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's 800 thing Syrup,1 and take no other kind. - dcc3O-061y The President has nominated John C Daocy. of Salisbury, to be collector of the port at Wilmington. He held the office under Harrison's administration. CP'For Sale.- Nice 7 room cot tage on Green street. Terms easy. For particulars, apply to j jan27-lm. Horace Payne. The irrepressible J.VViley Shook, having'made the amende honorable to tbe Congressman from the Ninth, whom he disrespectfully criticised for his action on the civil service subject, and thereby lost his $i70-per-month apportionment of pie,-will be restored to his place at the refreshment counter. As the gentleman with the bifurcated name is in politics for revenue and not for principles, he did not hesi tate to take a dose of crow in order to again fill bis man with the sweet morsel he had lost. -The Herald and the Silver Knight-Watchman one year for $1.50. This is a x6-page weekly paper, wun senator Stewart as editor. Hons. William Bryan, H. Al. Teller. John W Daniel, Jos. W. Bailey, J. T. Mor gan. John McLaurin Benton Mc Millin, S. M. White. F. T. DuBois. J. C. S. Blackburn and A. O.Bacon are among the contributors. l , , . . i ONE OF TWO- WAYS. The bladder was created for one pur pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine,, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except br one of two wara. I The first war is from imperfect action or tne kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other dis eases. GHIKl CAUSE. - Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid neys is the chief cause of bladder trou bles. So the womb, like the bladder. was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable tn wmV. Jennings I ness or disease, except in rare cases. It is Biiuaiea oacx 01 ana very close to the bladder, therefore, any pain, disease or inconvenience manifested in the kid neys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attributed to fe-! male weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set -your urine aside for twenty four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates kidney or bladder trou- Mothers! TH discom forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost' en- .1 1 IXJt "WineofCardul-1 relieves ex pectant moth ers. It give tone to the gen- ilalorgaavnd tmts them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makas preg nancy fees palnfat, shorten labor aod hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a wacoan bear ftrocg healthy childrem. WW haa alao brooffht happinees to tlxmaaods of homes barren lor A few doses often brines 1 to krvkrcr hearts that I002 a darllnf babr. Ko woman ahoold ncglact to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cards!.'- fi .00 per bottle. loc Kr aMct caaa otoacfteaa. addraa. Mf arpana THa Cmaooea MadtcWCfe, Caatta- THMk wT I Irat toafc lr rCardnl M Lae o O Write far Price. s i CatalagwM Pres. W W WW WW W W W W W w NORTH CXSOLHU,18mnot Cocmr. Bckjls Coobtt. TeSprlaf Tcrm.e8 Ida W. Blake M. vt Blake. la aboT caaar. It appcarlas t the aatla- faction of tb court : 1st. That plalatilT naa a rood casw e acooa again at dfcadaat for a diasolatioa of tne bond oi matrimoaT between tbrm. . 2d. That thcdtfcndant la either a oom reaident or hia whereaboata cannot be ascer tained, aad that after d nc dilireocc bo itnkn of nrnmoni can b made on bin. It la ordered that onblicatlon be made for mix weeks in Thi Moioirtoh Hituo aotl- rruis' aaid defendant of the pendlna: or aaid action, aad to appear at tbe next trim of Bnrke Superior Coort, to be held at the coart Honae la More aitoa cm the third Monday In March. 1888, aad answer or demar to the complaint for dirorce which wtu be filed darioa; tbe first three day of the rm: aad let aaid defendant take notice that If he (ail to ao appear the plaintiff wUl apply to tbe court for the relief demanded. This February iota. 1888. P. W. PATTON. C. 8. C. Tao. T. Pxaxxas, Att'y for PlaiatUZ. Ow. 0 sis airy Biros . I . ) m l . JilJ 11.1,1 fl- It" If itAlUlltl WSUBftWOE ! FIRE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE . ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Stoam Bolloz? Ixiouranco ,9 TBUSTEES SALE. UKD8H and by rlrtaeof a deed ot trmet executed to me by Klebard WCbaaaa aad wife. B. a. WUUama. oa the 1st dar of February, 189-4, aad recorded In Book T of Deeds, paea 812. SIS and SI, la the ofSea t the Kejtlster of Deeds for Burke county. N. C I wUl sen at pubUe auctlosi at the Court House door la the town of Mor ganton, Barke county, N. C-, oa the 5th day of March, 1898, at 12 o'clock m-all that certala pleca.pafual aad tract of land lyincia the tow of Mor faatoa, Barke county. N. CU aad bounded aad described as follows, to wit: MJX of that certain tract or lot of land aitaat ta the town of Morgaatoa and couaty aabreanld. wocrcou car asiq -Kicnara v una ma ana naas Uy now reside, upon the McDowell Ford road, or street, adjoiaior the lands of B. A. Perkins. H. A. Howard. Xjtm Gordon aad others. Betianlar on a stake la lot No. 2 aad ruaa north 80 weat with aaid street 8H pwnroi iuis, wine i or toe no. a ilstu uorac rdon'a); thenoe south 8 west 38 poles to east with the branch SVi a stake ta a branch below a eprlar: thence poitra t (DuaaTaat'a old corner); thence north S to a stake east with Dana rant's bus B2Vi pokea to the betrtaainx.coatainine two acres more or tese. Tvaais o bUls Caaa. This 264b daT ofjaanarr, 180S. . ebS-ow to. C. M 1XWBLL, Trusts. For Information call on a. J. Brrta, Atty. We represent the IcAdlne companies of the world, and write ooli- des at the lowest rates. Amon? the companies we reoreient are: The HARTFOtD, the iETHA, the Continkktal, the Hamburg Batkuf, the Phcxxix, the Lancashire the Calxxkdnia, the -Vircim Firx axd Marjmi, the Vircikia Statx, the Dklawakz, the Pikksvl vania, and the North Carolina Houx all first-class fire companies wun assets agr®auao; . ; 0 040,060,000.0 We also represent the Pxnk Mutual Lirx, the Pholxix Lirz, and the U. S. FxDxuxT and Casuaitt Ccs n.d Stakoakd Accidrkt Co. Can write yoa any kind of Insurance 70a want to any amount; and we also represent Standard Guarantee Companies that will write all kinds of . -0 BONDS Ok for public oficers, contractors, receivers, and all persons who have to Kive bonds to any amount. Call on us for rates or other Information. AVERY, ERVTJN" & . CO., Agents, Office in HERALD Building. Tired people are tired because they have exhausted their strength. The ouly way for . them to get hie. The mild and extraordinary effect stroug is to eat proper food. I ? Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Eoot, the great Rnt. pari nor in nnr. all Hfra.h kidney and bladder remedy, ia noon ... ugku Irnoli, Tf w A - "I comes trom food, after disrAatinn. --r - jy "-w mouwum, you r;r,; 1- ' n, , 1 1 "-to nio iwb as Digestive Uordial. ! People who get too tired, die. AND TRUE. WOOD'S SEEDS axe rped&Sy rrvwa and selected to meet the need aad reqatrcmcstft- of Southern growers, VooTs Descriptive Catalogue fa meat vol. abU and hctpful In ghring cuhanl dtrecttooi and vakiaUa itriTiiii f all seede specially adapted to tbe Sotsth. VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS, Qraaa aad Clover Seeds, Sec4 . Potatoes, Seed Oats and all Garden and Farm Seeds. VrfU lor DcaarpUv CaUfcgua UaScdfrca. T. Ws WOOD & SONS. SEEDSMEN, RICHMOND, VA. THE lASSTlT tlE) KZZZ 11 TU tZTVL zzai rxni Bargains! Bargains!, Prom everywhere come words of praise for ; Chamberlain's Coagh liemedy. Allow me to coagrata lute ,you on the merits of -your Remedy. It cured me of chronic bronchitis when the doctor could do nothing for ine."CHAS. F. Hemel, Toledo, O. For sale by W. A. Leslie. i X3T Wanted Salesneti to handle, our Lubricating Oils on commision in Morganton and vicinity. Lib eral terms. TflE Euclid OilT3ompany, Cleveland, Ohio. Life is strength. Food is! the maker of strength. Food is Snot food nntil it is digested. Tired, pale, thin, exhausted, sick sufferers from indigestion, can be cured by the use ot Shaker Diges tive Cordial. f 1 , It will revive their spent ener gies, refresh and invigorate them, create new courage, endurance and strength, all by helping their stomachs to digest their food, j It a;ds nature, and this is tbe best of it. It-gives immediate relief and, with perseverence, per manently cures. Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents. l drnmrinta fifty cents and one dollar. Ton may 1. 1 . ... . iiave n Btimpie Dome ana pampnlet, both sent free by mail. . Mention The Moeqjlnton HgwfT.n and send your address to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness of this of fer. , ; The President of the Republic of hre are here only for a short time. u-icuiaia, uenerai isarrios, was This is a mistake. We are here to aaaasaiuaiea, ana tne nrst vice president, Manuel Estrada Cebrasa, has succeeded to the presidency. The report seems to have been circulated that it. ImDD 8 Erery ease of larrngltlt, nl cerated throat or bronchitis. 1 fields TtmmTYtlv tn fn.1 mg influence of this great VSiri n Cough jaedldiw. . rzioe S3 cents. stay, and to sell the people the best makes of FDBNITUBB, STOVES and CHINA, at BOCK BOTTOM PRICES. We are giving bargains in our entire line. We are receiving new goods every day. You are re spectfully invited to call and examine our goods and get prices. E. BREESE. After taking stock there are always a lot of odds and ends come to light that we want to get rid-of at youk price. Several kinds of chairs, one to four ofakind;'a lot of rockers slightly damaged in shipping; two or three lounges; odd plates .and cups and saucers, and a lot of other kinds of china and ironstone. ' Our Regular Stock is complete nd Prices are the Lowest to be had always. A Full Stock of Coffins and Caskets. Respectfully, CLAYWELL BROS, Furniture, China, Queensware. At tbe OM BacJfCt 9tapo I m 11 i M V