The Morganton Thursday, February V4, 1898. LOCAL NEWS. The town street force under Mr. T. I. Gilliam has been doing some good work below the Court Square, in front of Ward & Good -son's new stable.' 1 ' -! Married, at the home of Mr, Eli Cline in Morganton township, on the 17th inst., Mr. Ed. Williams and Miss Addie Cline, 'Squire -J. C. Mull officiating. "Doggonit!- I'm determined ato make both ends meat," said the 'sausage maker as he tossed the fpre and hind quarter of a canine into the choppng machine. What was supposed-to be a case of smallpox in Marion: has proved to be only an illness from chtckenpox, and the citizens of that progressive town feel greatly relieved ami " the excitementi has ceased. We received on Saturday last a pleasant call from Mr. H. South-erlan-d. of rConnelly, $prings who has recently returned from a west ern trip, during which he located two sons on farms in the Indian Territory. V 1 - On Saturday last, a large number of dimes were, gathered in from the public by a traveling show, exhibiting a "petrified man" and projectoscope scenes in the storeroom annex' of the Morganton Hardware Company. Mr. Leander Morrison arid son, Robert, and Messrs. Collett McGimpsey and Willian Warlick, of Upper Creek township, left for Garland, Texas, Monday, where they expect to find employment s agriculture1 during the ensuing year. - . Our local weather prophet, Mr. Thos. Lowdermilk, furnishes The Herald with the following predictions for the coming week: "On the 27th and 28th of February, snow, followed by very cold wave and freezing weather from to the 3d of March." . ,. While riding up Union street on our Dicycie recently we were forced to dismount near the post office on account of a puncture in the rear .tire. After making an examination we decided to change the name of the wheel to "Webb," because its a tacks receiver. The seventh arinual meetinsr of the North, Carolina State Caun- . cil, Jr. O. U. A. M., was hetd in Salisbury on Tuesday, February 27a. it was tne largest and most enthusiastic meeting, the Council has held. The growth of the Junior Order in North Carolina hasten phenomenal the past year, there having been a bo 13 1 1,000 new mem bers received ioto-itA - O "Shackles Stricken from Hu man Limbs and Fangs Extracted from Human Souls," was the subject- of an address delivered in the Methodist church, Wednesday night, by Col. J. E. Mowbray, Of Philadelphia. He is one of" the most entertaining temperance speakers in the country, and pre . sents his thoughts in an intelligent and convincing manner. With an edition approaching close to a thousand copies last week, the circulation of eleven hundred this week, and a probable increase to twelve hundred next - week, The Herald as an adver tising medium, especially in Burke county, is unapproachable in this section of the State. The steady growth in our subscription list surpasses our most sanguine hopes. Advertisers are welcome to inspect our list of subscribers. Several of bur merchants will go North next week for the pur chase of spnngjstocks. : - . Easter Sunday will ' be oo April 10th instead of the 15th, as the perverse types, made us. state last week. '". The entertainment' itt :the Town Hallon Tuesday night by the scholars of the Morganton Male Academy was largely attend ed and pleasing to a)I present. The boys acquitted themselves creditably In the ; parts ta. "which they were assigned. Recitations, dialogues, debates arid a hatchet drill were the main features of the program. ..... . From a typographical error in the ad of those liberal adyertis eijs, Lazarus Bros.; last week, it may have appeared that they were: "rushing the season." ' While they are always up to date, they lo not go so far ahead as -to offer "spring goods for early fall buyers." The. proper reading of the ad has been made, and our proof reader "called" down for the oversight.. ; SThe "sifent anny-' at the State! Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, had the pleasure on Sunday and Monday of the presence of that well-known patriarch and mission-.. i - -.' - a.- " : . I IT-J.fJ. States from -the Episcopafchiirch,? the Rev. Job Turner. Himself a, deaf mute. and now nearly 78 years? Sit age, the reverend gentleman has 1 .. 1 ti oeen leacaiug ana prcataing in.; the - sign language for 60 years J visiting in that time nearly eyeryj portion of the civilized world. .On! Sunday 1 he "held two5eryices. in the chapel of. the Institute and engaged the wrapt attention and interest. of all present. Hisextenj sive iournevs in this country and abroad have furnished him with a fund of information which makes him one of the most interesting men among .deaf mutes in the country, his sign addresses being replete with entertaining remin iscences of his travels. He has recently been making a tour of the Southern States. On Tuesday morning he -left for Raleigh, and will go thence to New York. Pleasant memories of his visit will long linger with: the -pupils and teachers at the D. and D. ST,, CECILIA ENTKBTArNMENT. PERSONAL. PARAGRAPHS. --Tuesday presented in Morgan ton no public evidence of the fact that the anniversary of the birth of the immortal George-Washing ton, the Father of Our Country, occurred on that day. Not eveta the public display of a flag" com memarated the event. We do not attribute this to a lack of patriot ism in the people, out rather to unintentional negligence to organ ize andumty theexistingindividual sentiment into. public expression. it is hoped this will be done anotheryear. -rMr. H. S. Pinkston: of Mor ganton, was in .Salisbury on Tues day and secured the sanction of the State Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., to commence the publication, in Morganton, of "a semi-monthly paper in the interest of the order. The Juniors have placed'this busi ness in good hands, Mr. Pinkston not only being a first-class printer but an excellent writer and an enthusiastic advocate of the order. We do not fear ,to say that he will meet unqualified support. The first issue of the paper will appear aDout March 15th. At a meeting ot the railroad commission in Raleigh on Satur day last, the subject of an up town telegraph office in Morganton was discussed, l he principle testimony in the matter was given by Mana ger Drakeford, of the Asheville office. He stated that the amount of telegraph business done here would not justify the maintenance of an office in the business part of town; that the annual telegraph receipts at the depot wereabont $600, only one-tenth of which came from the business men of the town proper; that a separate office could hot. oe operated without, loss: at present the railroad pays theoper ator s salary and gets a percentage ui receipts m return, further in vcsugauon ot the sutnect was postponed. Mr. Vance Brittain is at home again, v l Mr. L. R. Flack, of Shelby, is in town this week. ft Mr. JohnBradley..of Old Fort, was here Wednesday. - Miss . Mv Mnrnhv rettirnert home Tuesday night, accompanied by Miss Bumgard. .. Mr. and Mrs. McD.-.Smith; of Goldsboro, are stopping at Mrs. Goodsou's, on Green street - : Mrs." Belle' Abernethy and Miss Martlia Marston, of Glettv Alpine, visited Mrs. R. F. Guodson this Mrl Walter" Brem, of Charlotte, whose summer home is in Morgan ton, is in town for a few days on business. , Mrs. Vance Henkel,rr Miss Lila Dunavant, is spending a week at home. Mr. Henkel spent Sunday last with her. Messrs. J. R. Erwin and W. S. Doby spent- Sunday at home, returning Monday to their railroad work at Hickory. Mr. Isaac Lazarus, of. the firm of Lazarus Brothers, left Wednes day evening for Baltimore and other northern markets to purchase goods. : . Mr Joseph Tull has gone to Marion; where he will remain for some time assisting Dr. M. F. Mor- phew, in .the new drug store at that " place. . :. - Mr. L. D. Bingham, the well and w dej y ,k no w ri t r a veil i n g r epr ese n - tative of the Manufacturers Record, of Baltimore, was in Mor ganton last week. ., . Mr. George Gibbs, brother of Mrs. J. A. Dickson, who had a Horn Talent Fernlah an TtEYenlng of Great -'--; Vrtv Jollity.". -V','; "The Royal None Such," an ag gregation of local histrionic ability, held the boards at the Town Hall on Monday night. . The character of the program rendered probably originated the appropriate baking powder appellation of the. com pany; as it brought out the risibil ities of the refined and intelligent audience that crowded the hall from stage to doors, in almost con tinuous vociferations. ;v ; - The Morganton Cornet Band played a number of selections of music near the hall while the peo ple assembled, and long before the curtains of the stage were drawn aside, every seat was taken and the familiar sign at metropolitan the aters,. "SjLanding Room Only," might appropriately have been dis played, as many stood up near the rear of the hall duririg.the" entire performance. . . : ij ;.; ; The program was arranged "just for fun,' arid that it was eminently successful in producing the desired results, the hearty laughter and liberal applause of all present fully proved. - - - . . 1 ... .". :,VThe first1 nil ml er presented was a recitation by !Misji Katft AT Biirr,; describing in negro' dialect an amusing cqc ivecsatiocftiet ween two "sagaciating'' darkies. , This being persisteritlVV.applauded,'' ihe- "re sponded With a piece depicting the direful experience of a departed spirit in :i an effort to &'enter "the other world," due to his terrestrial foolishness, in matrimonial alli ances. Miss Burr is a young lady of' unusual elocutionary abilityr and is always heard with pleasure in every appearance i a public - ' A violin duet by Miss - Florence Pearson and Mr. Stephen Frisard, accompanied with the piano by Miss Allatt, was well rendered and reflected much credit on the young, musicians.' Schneider's Band" provoked uproarous laughter and applause. In appropriate costume of a patri otic continental style Miss Ger trude "Davis, Mrs. W. G. Bakerr Miss Anna Gordon, Mrs. Ralph Laxton, Mrs. Z. T. Corpening and Mrs. W. A Leslie portrayed the character of "dot leetle Chffrraan band," which consisted of Maj. I. T. Avery-in. command; Z. T. Cor pening playing an imaginary tron toone; J. W. Wilson, jr.i; a cornet; A. M IngOld and Dr. I. P Jeter, 4oy,truttipets; Hugh Rose,! a cornet, and Dv C Pearson a toy" drum, marching in the order givin. .Their fantastic costumes and grotesque manouvers were extremely.- ludi crous and furnished much amuse ment. While their general appear ance .might .'frighten an enemy, their courage and "staying, quali ties" in case of war weriat consider ablydwubtetl byi the amazoris. in their descriptive son and chorus. : uur space win not permu us 10 carry Out our desire to mention in detail all the pleasing features that filled the program !. h The song by .'Miss Davis; the chorus, "Call John," by Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Laxton, Mrs. Corpening, Mrs. T. Gordon, Miss Davis, and Messrs. Ingold, Laxton, Rose, and Rev. C. Satterlee; the violin solo, by S. Frisard, and the song by Mrs. Cor pening were all entertaining and appreciated;-- " ! The event of the evening was the negro character" song and dance by I. T. Avery, esq.,, whose rendition of the song "All Coons Look Alike to Me," makes him eli gible as a star performer in Prim rose and i West's celebrated min strels. As a black-cork artist he is a decided success, and the manner in, which he " Drought aown tne. house" jn side-splitting, button bursting ' hilarityarid " deafening applause places him in the front rank of local entertainers. -In response1 to prolonged encore and a carlfir' YMrish,"- fie gave that Irish soa.2: in iiisinimrtable, style, greatly to. he amusement of the audience. . ' . -The negro- character sketch by Hilfilh Rose, .was , another of the Mew Ads. Thla Week. , ! H-Soatberland-.Farm forjsale; Sitnation VVanted-Addresaitbift office--. -V ' ; "-" '" .i. .; ?-.-:. I Klondike Slore?-New sid.- giving low prices. -. 1 Bargains See chauge iu -"ad. -of E. Breese. . , ,:. . . : A Household Necessity'-Change in W. A. Leslie ad. : fiV .. i Barred Plyraoutb v -eggs see local of B. L. l'attou..: - , . Sale. , of J. Mnrphy; Kincaid Land see legal notice., . . I : ',.J ... . . Bark Coanty Flaaneee r . . .A Icommittee - of.- th Board of County Oommissiopers, of which Commissioner Thompson was chairman; last week'.tyok apcount of stock," so to speakof the county financial una iters .10 charge of Sheriff Webb .and. Treasurer Mull. .We bave not beea informed1 as to the result in detail bat -we understand that a satisfactory condition of accounts was found to exist so. far. as thpse. officers are concerned and a jeport to this effect will be midetp the BdirI ..Weekly Price List.. THE KLONDIKE STORE . at the net 'wetittg."-J,- w if Cbaas of ftchedol! 1 V On SandayiiQexire schedale of the passenget trains On thei Soathern will-dbecbangerl1, bat" icepff rni'the'' ; cakf ast boaml vestibule5 ttiert il! -be a" cbange ofouja feir innes5 Th: vestibule 4hat rea'ebes.Sher riv ail -4.-40 a. m. wjljarfiye . abont&30, a. m. - -1 .-;..- r- v - v ' -- ! ,- :'- , xs. Call eeeptml.r t T .4.- ; u Ke; S. jf. PotterT-of 'NewbeAi J N. UM has; accepted;' tlje call to tpei pastorate of the Morgautoo Bap- list church.:andwill: beerm.. work' the third Sunday in April.- i E2TA bargain in Keglige Shirts! at 30 cents, at J. N. Payne s. WOMAN '53 V. WORK Morganton, N. C, Fkb. it 1898. " 2,000 Yards of Yard-wide Heavy Unbleached Sheeting at 4 Cents - (to arrlre In a few day). Absolutely Feather-proof Ticking, i2ac; yard-wide bleached Domes tic, 5c; Apron Ginghams, all colors, 4c; Calicoes, 4c and 4c; com plete line of Towels, in linen and cotton, at figures never before offered;.". Tabic Damask, 20c, 14c and 34c; Table Oil Cloth, isc: J Counterpanes,: 47c, 62c and '87c; Lrib yuilts, heavy with fringe, 27c; Silicia, 7c; .Wigging, 7c; Cambric, 4c; Men's linen.bosom unlauodered Shirts, 290,39c and up; Men's work Shirts, 20c, -24c and. up; Boys' Shirts, 15c and up; icNtooth steel Rakes, 17c; Rim-knob . Locks, toe; Curry Combs, 5c; Horse Brash, 9c; Nursing Bottles, complete, 7c; Bo Yated Talcum Powder, 5c and 10c; Sw'ansdowp, 5c; Bayrum, 5c; Orris Tooth Powder, -.9c; -Vaseline, , 5c; Buttermilk Rose Soap, per. box (6 cakes), 9c; : Dime Leader Soap, per box i $ cakes).- 4c; k lUdica"t?dTar; Soap, 4c; Cuticle. Soap,-4? a cike; Turkish- Bath-Soap,'3c; "Shaving! Soap; Spectacles;: 7crCnildrenf'sj patent 7 Hqse : jSuppcrters,:" 7c?. Ladles', 9c; Men's Suspenders; oc;j Dest-uarter. wet. jdc, yard; Men d -sets, 4c; gooq - Macnine: 1 oread, - 3Cf Flax Thread, 2c; turkey-red Em-' trrpidery cotton," 4'ipbols ' for"'5Cf Kmbroidery.Silkr6c;; nickle Alarm Clocks," 65 C; good American stem wind and set Watch, $1.42; Win dow." Shades .with -spring rollers, 12 to 30c;,:. Dress Stays, 5c;' Fin ishlng Braid, sc. bunch; Curtain Poles,' brass fixtures; 23c; with wooden rings, 29c; nice Lace Cur tains, a 4 yds. long, 40c;.'' other 1 grades higher. Nice line of Photo 1 1 9 9 9" 9: 9 9 9. T 9S A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY d d d 4 4 is a good syringe. . They are of serv-. ice in almost every case ot sudden sickness, and often they afford imriie-r 5 diate relief. Do you think yqu-.cap afford' to do without when you; (fari ;-2 buy one for 50 or 75 cents? TT;'.V.J - Genuine Para Rubber Seamless Syringes. 750 ; Bulb Syringes with Hard Rubber Joints. : 50c Fountain Syringes ...... . . ; . v.T. v: :oo tip - Combination Water Bag ahd'Synrige; . r.saup 0 0 b 0' 0 Hard Rubber and ElastrcTrusses. 0 Shoulder Braces; Abdominal . Sup-". porters,-Suspensary Hahdages; J&&'--;9 1 . . - atent :G art ere, .scbeatnly: Jv-.". " ' ' fvoT Trf CrT" ! " ''f""t'" drteCollarf,9c; Cuffs, iac;:La- $ " DRUGGIST : V' ies -Kid Gloves, Sic;, nice Cor- ' ' ' ' ' , - c- - :v.-..i:. -T :ts, 27c; six-cord Machine Thready oO0Oii What t lie People Want.:: An apt old adage de clares that woman's work ia never done. This . is true of the housewife's, manifold du ties and ap proximately " true of the thousands .who work al.. day in factor ies an d stores and half the night in making and mendi ng their . own cioues or sewing lor others to pal income, av omen - who are-, too tch out a much on their feet, or wko are unable tq Etand the strain of orer-ivork and worryj are peculiarly susceptible -to the -weak; nes9es and irregularities fchat are the bane of womankind. The symptoms of suchl derangements are insufficient or excessive menstruation, headache, backache, tteu-j ralgia, leucorrhoea, displacements and ex4 treme nervousness amoonting in manV cases to hysteria. The usees' morphine is dangerous and examinations by male phy4 eicians are painful and unpleasant. I BradfiekVa 'Female Regulator, the standard remedy for a quarter of a cen tury," will speedily and permanently cor rect the worst disorders of women. Brad field's Regulator is sold "by" druggists at one dollar a bottle. Interesting and Taln-i aDie boots lor women mailed see on application.. Y -f"i . . , 1 THE BRADF1EL0 RS6UUT08 1 C ' Atlanta, sj IT IS said that the now famous . Jo Jefferson, la the early part of bis life, played In awful toagh luck. He flrut tried tragedy, then comedy, then back to tragedy, bat be alw ays made a complete failure. Tblngs were cettincr orettv nooall-r. His Frames, Mirrors and Pictures, all I landlady nade life a burden to him . I -11- . I If ITf I . . .... . wiiQ- glass, ai one nan price c sell them less than' they Can 'be bought in' any city Curtain Scrim, 5c; Silkaline, "Be; a few Bargains in Smyrna and VeWet'Rugs; En amel Coffee P.ots, sec"! also. Steel for board, bis tailor refnaed far ther credit, and bis printer said no more bnndbills except for cash. Something bad to be done, lie made a socceasfal 'appeal to bis printer for another lot of posters. Enamel Utensils . of all. descrip and, strange to say, on the night tions. "All kinds of Kitchen Ware he was advertised to play be had at prices which defy competition, a crowded bonne. Before appea r- -Our lines will be completed as log on the stage be pat on an extra fast as possible. -Shall cany.rjm- largo pair of pants and, secretly plete stock of ' Shoes, O? ershoes, I arranging a board under the waist- Hats, . Millinery and. Spring and Summer Dress Goods, all of. which will be-marked ata5 per; cent, under 'value. Our facilities for buying are unsurpassed, and cash' is, a wonderful lever to Secure bar-' gains. . t)NX CENT ARTICLES. ' ' 2 dor. Hooks and Eves; Thimble; Paper Pins; Paper Needles; Lead Pencil with rubber; Cake Toilet Soap; Pkg. Hair Pins; i Sheets Note Paper; Pkg.Envelopes; Tab let; .Composition Book; Paper Tacks; Paper double pointed Mat-1 pelled to tine-Tacks: t Pen Points; i Slate I successive Pencils. . . , . r HAWKINS PROS. ' Tat Ball4iac, Coracr Klac mad. Ub4b. GTWanted Salesmen tobandle our Lubricating Oils on oommision in' Morganton and vicinity.. Lib eral terms. - -. The Euclid Oil Company, Cleveland, Ohio. band, be filled in the balanoe of the space with straw. Thus attired he made his bow. Everything went on nicely, except his pants. They kept slippiog down. This at last so exasperated him that be declared to the audience that if any one would givs him a nail and hammer be would nail them to bis body;. These were famished bimt and to all appearances be carried oat his threat. At this the men jelled and the women screamed, and to satisfy them be was com- u drive home" three nails. This was the beginning of bis success. That night Id bis cold and scant room he thus soliloquized: UI have tonight learned a great moral lesson. I bave given the pcopla wat they trasf." . - .;. ';. ; Did, yob know that, the" world' renowned BlderHa-ggafd was bn'co a poor farmerjo the, blgblandi-cf England! Bat be was naturally smart, and when be wasn't plough ing and hoeing be was writing a book on English ADer five years of bard work. b'rs book was finished. Bo one bright dajr la July, after be had threshed bis wheat and laid by bis corn, be sad dled np his home and set ontfor London with his MSS. Most 4t the London publishers refused to even look at bis work after they saw. Ue title. Bat atlat Lefoaud one who consented-to jexamine his MSS., and-three daje later, ho. was told -that twenty-years ago his work would bave beeo invalaable, but now,, in this tlay andlixae;4t was worthless. In other words, it was not what the 'people, wanted. At this ltider returned Lonf,ilrove the 'nail of fortune into bfg stomach and wrote ".She;" ! In less.-tbau six months be was'-xlasad' as tie finest writer fr tha : Nineteenth Centnry simply because .be-. care the people whit they wasted. It is evident from, tbjs -that tie secret of snccsl3jta riving-4 ho people what they-sbt; ind-en this . prlndple 'the MccarjiKWif HJLBDTTABK'COJIPlJfY bu'fxm- ducted its bnsiness during italbeg established existence. "It staris off this new'year with a greater de termination than- ever to ;drive the nail borne- and- give tk$ jxcpl tehil -lAey want. - Everything In Hardware and Stoves can' be ob tained from us at the lowest prices. t - severe attack of paralysis in Louis- J iaughablc incidents of the evenipg. Vlliei souic iiuic ago, is- uiaa-, ing his sister here a visit - Mr. I. Erwfn Avery, who' has" been at bhangnai, unina, serving as United States Vice Consul dur ing the past.foui- years,; rs again in this'countrv - and expected, home this week. - .V- '-' Mr. M -D. Kistier, representa- . tive of Burkemont Council, Nfc 44, Jr. O. U. A. Ai., of Morgntqn, went to balisbury Tuesday mor n-j ing to attend the. annual meeting of the State .Council,- returning Wednesday. 4 " ' : . Miss Maggie Sudderth leftJa few days' ago for a protracted visit ith relatives at tsutmore. ane will be kept informed on. all mat ters of interest about Morganton and her many friends through The Herald, which she directed to be sent to her"therew::-'":-"V7V Rev. Dr. Tohn'M. Rose" has gone to Greenville; S.. C, to take part in the fiftieth anniversary celebra tion ot the rresDyierian cnurcn there, of which he was at one time pastor. He will return next week. On account of his .absence no serv-. ices will be held in the Presbyte rian church: in Morganton 'next Sunday. . iA ; -f- ' Mr. E. F. Ramseur, of Catawba countylrnade ashot visit last week with 1iis son and daughter, Mr. G. S. Ramsaur and Mrsr Pink Warlick, of this county. He was accompanied by one of bis. old friends, Mr.- T. 0. 'Alexander of Statesville. ) The latter saw the State institutions here for the first time and 'was much itjnpressed with their large proportions. He was also greatly pleased with Morgan ton and its environments. . AN0';' TR0E. .WOOD'S SEFDS are tpccUHy frown and Southern Growers, Voocfi Dtacrlpuve Cafa3os-ac fa niorf Vxlt ahlc and hdpful in (firing cultural direction and valuable information about all seeds cpcdally adapted to the South. YEOCTABLE and FLOWER "SEEDS, Orass and Clover Seeds Seed . . Potatoes, Seed Oats -. and all - v - Morganton - Hardware - Company: t9ooee9eooooe0oe6eoa669Ooc Garden and Farm Seeds.' VrHe for Docriptive Catalopje. MaSedfrce. t. y. wood & sons; SEEDSMEN,.- - RICHMOND, VA. . -THE UEEIIT tUO BOOtI II TIE SC0T1. Lookmltke a dandy new coon in town, his popular song was well received.".'. t-: .-"W i ' A one act comedy , entitled "A Pretty Pickle," concluded the mer riment ot the evening. In this Miss typical I YEAR'S BUSINESS e WITH A LARGE STOCK OF..... ' Clothing, Hats, Caps; &c.f:;l - ; in uems .- f in msmng : mmi: . i-v.wjuu; iwmvw wuuj auu. .IUUI, ,iUU)l TIME TO: BUY 7 I sold line. at low After i : l l T motr gossiping proclivities. ..The humorous situaiions throughout the play were well sustained .also by Misses Alice Collett, Annie Phi fen Erwin; Kate: McOonnaughey, Kitty Laxton, and Mrs. W. A. Les lie. The importance bf obedience was presented in a most acceptable and pleasing manner. i . i We are pleased to learn that the exchequer of St. Cecilia , Society has received a substantial addition by .this .most popular entertain rhent of the season. All concerned are congratulated on their abun dantsiiccessj . 5t necessarily1 gb'td the IliGHTtACE. I hia; tKe-riht 'place for ;ybu, arid I you must 1 think 1 havi; the .right place lor you can engage ur attention profitably by . tell; ing you of; some Shoes I am sellingrout:to provide space for the: 'large Spring ' Stock . I will have soon prices to make room for a complete1: ' takino account of stonlr nWrl rlMri t up we find many broken lots of suits and pants,- and to move them off we haye cut the prices" s'o'f ' low. that you will find a big saving by purchasinjr t xuy iovt prices 01 last. . year nave Deen'iur r 5 Arid-to buv rifht t arranging to enlarge my busiHTs, Witbr little--ex-:v.5 1 ' L I Pense. My experience i and capital enabjes. me tpV buy direct .from the manufacturers, -aiid-I-. wilk; therefore sell good substantial- Clothing, ' Hatsj J and Gent's Furnishing Goods at still lower prices7': If you want to save money, on a good suit or any-. thing in my line,' come in and see me..-Wit.h thanks for your trade, I remain; - . Rnrr mao-.a hit .a a 'S y1'? - iS? ES, ltlS always time to buyrprovided ther reduced in order to increase sales, as I am-!f Po we did. admirably as .Mrs. Gab-1 I . ... .V . . y r J -. ' :;x.i.-i-r.zilL-xi-' g ble, a neighborly soul with uncom-1 I VOU 13UY - XVlGHT. X 5 wdrvfBN's CHILDREN'S - -.... In each of the aboVe lines I have soriie sur- S H 0 E S J ... .... . ft . . ' Yours truly, .. . . - . B. F. DAIS- j From everywhere come words of praise for Chamberlain7 Uongb RamoHp ( Allntv ma tn nnnirraf.ii late you on the merits or yonr pnsine bargains to offer, 'In short, I have Bemedy. It cured me of chronic f & & ; - -. bronchitis when; the doctor conld do nothing for me."- OHAS. P. IIemel, Toledo, O. M. F. Morphew. . ' For tale by cut the goods. bnce. or Sale. Fine Barred Plymouth Efjgs. Per sitting of 13 one Apply ta ; . . . .. . ... R; L, Patton," 2t jj -. ;' -:J MorgantooN. C. Iln connection " .with J. N. Payne's general stock he is now carrying some fine Trunks and Clocks. - " 1 ' . .1 once crreativ in oraer to move tne The pricesywill win your approval at You understand, ot course, tnat my Shoe Stock is not only "up to date"- in style and finish, but in fit and quality it lsunnvaled. Don't neglect this opportunity to invest judiciously in something you are bound to na-e. stop at my store ana xeniy mis aaver- I. I. D A V I S. BURKE - COUNTY -,; BANK, HEoisrsiBiLmrr, "S366,666:bc-- CLXMEXT GXXTa,.Tmlmt. i. M. TCCGOTLO, CaaVler. " ' ' H. W.. C03raXAY, .T PmMU 8. 7ft. COLTLTCTT, AuIfUit Culkftr. - DIKTCTOBS t .. - '. Oaawt GtrUMr, H. ir. CwMll, A. A. Skafortl. J. D. EUUit. S. B. CUIU WE SOLICIT the patronajpe oF bnslnesa men, 'firms and Indl Tidnala. Yoor account will be taken 00 the most liberal terms consistent with good banking. Prompt ind Intelligent attention givra to allthe Interest of our customers. " .1 .