El i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' ' 11 1 1 1 . ! Tlie Herald- rim 111111 mmnn mmnnnau nnyni:u S ..iiri.no Torn.. 2 H job Printing ....IS THE... 1 BEST - ADVERTISING - MEDIUM 2 ....TO THE.... ( HERALD OFFICE. E Flrel-Clase TTark el Lowest Prices, g n mi 111 mu i uni oinnui iiixmxxxxnzcnsS ....IN THE.... Tiedmont Section 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) i u in 1 1 in 1 1 m n i in i u i ii i nun is j VOL. XIV. NO. 15. MORGANTON, N. C.. THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1S98. PRICE FIVE CENTS. I It! W VJ J I II 1 Secret of Beauty is health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when the liver does not act it's part. Doyou know this? Tutt's Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills FEED SAVERS - . . FOR . . Stock Feeders THE "SM ALLEY" FAMILY OF 'FEED SAVERS" :;) r:ce for i S. a full ana come a full and complete line of oh (i cr m Tl ers tor nana and powet. V : i: ' f - i: - a i best line of Patent Corn Shredder A urn Corn Shredding-Attachment t arm t eed Mills, Koot Cutters, ....-ratinK. "Fast about Shredded Farm Feed Mills, Root Cnttei hUrf " out 96 pamphlet, also Cat- freo if yon name this a p r'T. ,.iKi .11 auuuwoc, MP GO'S FULL, .LINE OF Feed Gutters Feed Mills Hoot Cutters I Horse Powers Write for Catalogue. T. S. MORRISON, AGENT VOll XORTU CAROLINA, AS HEY ILLE. N. C. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. LUNG TROUBLES AND CONSUMP TION CAN BE CUBED. An Eminent New York Chemist and . Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Readers. The distinguished New York chemist, T. A. Slocuui, demonstrating his dis covery of a I reliable and absolute cure for Consumption (Pulmonary Tubercu losis) and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest diseases, stubborn coughs, ca tarrhal atlections, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all condi tions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOTTLES (all different) of his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of The Murg antox Hurald writing for them.-' . ' . , His "New Scientific Treatment" has cured thousands permanently by its timely use. and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity jto donate a trial of his infallible cure. Science daily develops new worfders, ,aud this great chemist, patiently exper imenting for years, "has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters ofrgrati tude.y filed in his American and-Euro-pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world. Medical experts concede that bron chial, chest and lung troubles lead to Consumption, which, uninterrupted, ni earns" speedy and certain death. dimply write to T. A. Slocum, 1J. C , Pine street. New York, giving post-' ( ttice and express address, and the free luedicine will be promptly 6ent. Suffer ers shuuld take instant advantage of his generous proposition. I'U-ase tell the Doctor that you saw hi oiler in TllE MOEGANTON Herald. i Wanted NOT COUNTERFEITERS V E can show any steady going and earnest i T W man how he can make good wage by " handling mir nnhlirations. We don t rpf pr tn prnpripfirpH men. bnt to those $ Reversible Map of me -1 lltn1vH Cvi1v-c r-inH WrplH C6 x 46 inches in size. 11 beautiful colors.- 1H98 edition and corrected to date. New railroads, new towns. New counties. . The largest map printed on a ringle sheet. . " It iS ' " ; A PhotoiroDh of the World One side shows a rnlored mao of our treat ! c01lntrv. rih rsilmii -nnntip rivsra. v"s, etc. The other side shows an equally 1 --.'ant map of the World, locating all count ies at a Rlance bv help of a marginal index. coverers, and accurately locates the scenes oi all current events, such as boundary dis- Jj P'ijar expeditions. Alaskan cold fields, etc. ' f Stn(l us your address nd we will advise tjj ;uijow you can secure a county agency, or jpcitt.oo 8nd we will forward a copy by i'oiu exnress. . Jur men clear from $20. to $40. weekly from itart by following our club plan of work, it you get samples and don't want to en- Kage with us you can return same and get 1 1 fact. Your newspaper or Dank .- you we are responsible we are responsible. RAND, McNALLY & CO cast Ninth SfrMt Nr V-1r City 1 1 x&tm$m&&ti 1 1 OF PRISONERS Spanish Government Declines to Swap Gallant Hobson and His Comrades. WATSON SO CABLES LONG Commodore In Charge of Blockading Fleet Notifies the Navy Department That Brave Americans Must Remain In Prison at Santiago. Washington, June l.The follow ing waa received today from Commo dore Watson: 'Captain general states Spanish gov ernment refuses to exchange prisoners. " Hobson and his men are the prisoners in question. This report by Commodore Watson, coupled with the story via Kingston that the las over Santiago's Monro Castle had been halfmasted as a noti fieation that Hobson and his men were dead, is oanslng muck anxiety In official oiroles for the safety of the JUerrimao orew. Unofficial telegrams received here last weeK irom Madrid and Havana stated that unexpected delay had been caused in the exchange of Lieutenant Hobson .and bis seven comrades in the sinking of the Merrimac; that Captain Xudlow, who went to Havana under a flag oi truce to negotiate for the exchange, waa informed that Captain General Blanco had ' no authority to make such ex change. . No official confirmation of these re ports was received by either the state oi navy department until today. It ii stated by officials that the Spanish au thorities had definitely consented to tha exchange of Hobson and his companion! for Spanish prisoners of war in out hands, and nothing is known which could have caused a change of such de cision. It was believed by officials her that Captain Ludlow would return with all arrangements completed for the lib eration of Hobson and the others. SMOKELESS POWDER FIRED. Enemies of the Government at Work Near Cincinnati. - Cincinnati, June 21. The finishing department of the King Powder com pany, in Warren county, was destroyed last night in a manner leading to the oeuei tnat it was tne work of enemies of the government. The building, "in which was stored a quantity of smoke less powder, had evidently been fired by , two men near midnight, one of whom was badly burned and had been apparently dragged away from the burn ing building by his companion, wha then ran ia the direction of South Leb anon. Smokeless powder in the condition it was in the department does not explode like ordinary powder with a flash but breaks into a bright light and burns fox tome time. The great light attracted citizens, and some of these met a stranger going to South Lebanon. The injured man was taken into custody He is evidently a foreigner, but is so badly injured that he can scarcely talk. . The powder burned was not for the government and the money loss is in considerable, perhaps $2,000. This com pany has a contract to supply the gov ernment and this is thought to be the reason its destruction was attempted. Shatter No Doubt Off Cuba. Washington, June 21. No doubt is entertained at either the war or navy departments that General Shaffer's ex pedition has arrived safely off Santiago try this time. As a matter of fact, it is believed that the first of the transports arrived near the blockading fleet Satur day night. According to the plans ar ranged for the debarkation, the fle,et of trans-ports was to lie in a safe place un til Sampson had cleared the way for a landing. The selection of the landing place has been left entirely to the judg ment of Sampson and Shafter. Monk After City Officials. Chattanooga, June 21. Dr. Alonzo Monk of Centenary Methodist church has created a sensation by denouncing the police officials - and the police com missioners of Chattanooga because of the "notorious fact that saloons are do ing an open business on Sunday and gambling is rampant. He declared that the commissioners and the officers who were tolerating these evils were violating their official oaths, and should be impeached and .made to step down and out of office. . Cubans Reach Key West.' Key West, June 21. A vessel which arrived here from the blockade this morning reports that all is quiet along the line. She brought an officer of the Cuban army and a pilot, who are carry ing important dispatches to Senor Es trada Palma of the Cuban junta, from General Alexandro Hodriguez, the in surgent commander of Havana province. Q ... . r- To Ignore Flags of Truce. Key West, June 21.-It is learned from naval officers here that Captain General Blanco has notified the Ameri can blockading fleet that he will here after recognize no flag of truce," adding that every vessel within 6 miles' range will be fired upon, whether flying the i tars and stripes or a white naff. - ' A. Sar Thins for Yon. A transaction In which youcannot loselsa sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, fur red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the won derful new liver stimulant and intesiinal tonic are by all druggists gu:iraneed to cum hr manev refunded. C. V C. are a sure Sample aad boolrtet tree. VIA ml . 1. J bee our bier id. For news, take The Hebald. qHE U.S. DYNAMITE CRUISER VESUVIUS The dynamite cruiser Vesuvius action against the enemy for the first time last week, and the destitution it wrought to the for tifications at Santiago was enormous.- A shot from our largest! battleships is n small affair in destructive effect compared with WALLACE tS TO BE NAMED. Xndianan Will Get Major Generalship of Volunteers. Washington, June 21. General Lew Wallace of Indiana will be appointed a major general of , volunteers by the president within the next few days. This statement was made by a senator who has been working in the interest of General Wallace since the outbreak of the war. The president had decided not to make the appointment owing to the fact that General Wallace was nearly 755 years old. But the Indiana delegation's etfo.ts to overcome the president's objection have been successful. The president has said he will make the appointment. General Wallace will command a camp of concentration. NEW FLYING SQUADRON Powerful Vessels to Lay For the Cadiz Fleet. SCHLEY PUT IN COMMAND President and His Advisers Deelde on Concentrating Big Ships Near San Juan to Await Arrival of Admiral Camara From Spain. Ii. Washington, June 21. It was de termined by President McKinley, Sec retary Long and the members of the naval war board at a conference held at the executive mansion today to organize a fast and powerful flying squadron to meet Admiral Camara 'a Cadiz fleet if it comes across the Atlantic. The squadron will be under the com mand of Commodore Schley and will bo composed of the firs tela ss battleship Oregon, which made such a record breaking trip from : San Francisco; the armored cruiser Brooklyn, the New Or leans, the Minneapolis, the Cincinnati, the Newark, the Yale or the Harvard, and probably one or two other vessels. The flying squadron will concentate near San Juan, Porto Rico, and await the appearance of tha Spanish fleet. Naval authorities do not believe that Admiral Camara will proceed further than the Canaries, but no chances will be taken. ! Scouts will be Bent in all di rections to guard every possible passage by which Admiral Camara could try to slip through. The east end of the Caribbean sea and the ocean to the north of Porto Rico will be patrolled to prevent the Spanish admiral from entering Cuban ports. Scouts will protect the Atlantic coast from a possible attack. The Brooklyn, Oregon and New Or leans are now off Santiago. The other ships are scattered. Some are at Hamp ton Roads and others doing patrol duty along the ooast. It will take two weeks to assemble the fleet. It is 700 miles from Cadiz to the Ca naries, for which it is believed Camara is headed. It will require four days for the fleet to make this point. Should the fleet be making for Porto Rico or Cuba its next stop will be at Cape Verde for coaL a distance of 875 miles. Commodore Schley will have ample time to assemble his squadron before the Spanish fleet has time to leave Cape Verde. The distance from Cape Verde to Porto Ri ) is 2,500 miles and Admiral Camara' s ships will require at least two weeks to cover the distance. Commo dore Schley will have sqfficient time to have the coast thoroughly patrolled. Future developments will determine whether Sa. Juan will be taken and troops land ad before Admiral Camara is definitely located. Naval officials scout the idea that the Spanish fleet ii making for Manila. - - i - 1 McLaurln Calls For Quota. Jackson, Miss., June 21. Governor McLaurin will call out six additional companies of two battalions with one lieutenant colonel, two majors, two as sistant surgeons, under , instructions from Secretary Alger. ... I No Fresh War .Advices. Port au Prince, June 21. No fresh war news was obtainable here this morning is sent. up to the time this dispatch A Wonderful Discovery. The last quarter of a century records many wonderful discoveries in medicine, but nene that have accomplished more for humanity than that sterling old household remedy, Browns' Iron Bitters. It seems to .contain the very elements of good health, and neither man, woman or child can take it without deriving the greatest benefit. , Browns' Iron Bitters is sola by all dealers. is the only vessel of its kind ever built. It was placed into that of the Vesuvius. HAWAII FIGHT The Annexation Resolution Is Now Under Consideration j by the Senators. - MATTER WILL BE PUSHED Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee Urged to Insist That the Measure Be Disposed of Without Unnecessary Delay. Washington, June 21. The Rev. Dr. D. D. Smart, pastor of the First M. E. church of Memphis, pronounced the in vocation at the opening of the senate's session today. Ten minutes after the session opened Mr. Davis of Minnesota, chairman of the committee on foreign relations, moved that the senate proceed to the consideration of the Hawaiian annexa tion resolution. Tito quick disposition of morning; business and the largo attondonoo In the senate Indicated an intention on tho part of senators to press the Ha waiian question to tho front as rap idly as possible. In answer to an inquiry from Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts, Mr. Davis said it was the purpose of the foreign rela tions committee to occupy, not only the morning hour, but the entire time of the senate in consideration of the Haw aiian annexation. . ! "The committee," said he, "consid ers this an important measure, to which it is very desirable to give prompt attention.- Of course there will be no dis position unnecessarily to impede other business, but we regard it necessary to press this measure to the exclusion of ordinary matters." Mr. Hoar said he desired simply to obtain time at an early date to have considered the conference report on the bankruptcy bill and he hoped then, would be no objection to its consid eration. . j After the transaction of some minor business the vice president declared the Hawaiian resolutions to be before the scnase. ! Almost immediately afterward Mr. Frye of Maine rone and said that as the senate was entering upon an exceed ingly important matter he sincerely hoped the chairman of the foreign rela tions committee would insist that it should be considered without unneces sary delay. - I He expressed the hop that ho would press tho subject upon to sonato in sistently and not give way to any measure that waa not absolutely a neoesaary war measure. He thought tho senate ought not to adjourn at 4 or 5 o'clock in the after noon, but should sit as long as possible in order to facilitate the consideration of the resolutions, which he said ought to be passed at an early date. t He did not think the chairman of the committee ought to wait for senators to get ready to speak, but should demand that all we desired to address the senate be prepared on time. Mr. Frye sug gested that upon the taking up of the resolutions the yeas and nays be called. Mr. White of California instantly rose and made the point of order that the resolutions were already before the senate and that the yeas and nays could not be had upon a dead issue. The point was sustained by the vice president, who announced that he had already declared the resolutions to be before the senate. I Mr. Jones of Arkansas Eaid ho desired to say in response to Mr. Frye's state ment that if harsh measures were to be adonted in the begiuning by friends of annexation, he wanted to warn them that it would bo necessary to keep a a quorum in the senate chamber at all times. Woll, we'll keep a quorum hore," replied Mr. Fry e, ' wo ought to do tall times." Mr. Morrill of Vermont then took the floor and addressed the senate in oppo sition to the resolutions. The venerable senator spoke in a conversational tone, but was accorded close attention by the senate. i Educate Tour. Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation tore re r. I0c If C C- C. fail, UrucKiBU refund woucj. BEG NS NEW LOAN IS SUCCESSFUL Every Subscription of Five Hundred or IjPm to Be Ar-oeptxl. Washington, June 21. Although the amount of subscriptions to the new 3 per cent loan is not made public, it is officially stated that it exceeds all ex pectations. This i3 particularly true of the larger amounts. The number of subcriptions received for foOO and less is large, but the de partment wishes it thoroughly under stood by the public that even should the whole loan be subscribed for several times over in large amounts, every sub scription of foOO or less will be accepted at once, as small amounts will take precedence in the allotments over large ones. FREEDOM IS DECLARED Government Set Up by Rebels About Old Cavite. SPANISH RULE NOW OVER Announced That the Newly Installed Officials Will Not Oppose Amtrican Protectorate For the Islands or Even Occupation. Chicago, June 21. A special cable gram today to The Record from John T. McCutcheon, a staff correspondent with Dewey's fleet, dated Hong-Kong, Juno 20, reads si follows: "General Filipino officially proclaimed a provisional government in Old Cavite June 12. There were great ceremonies and a declaration of independence was read renouncing Spanish authority. General Aguinaldo was elected presi dent and Daniel Pirondo vice president. The insurgent government will not op pose an American protectorate or oc cupation. "The rebels have captured the Span ish governor and the garrison of S00 men at Bulucan. The governor and garrison at Pampanga are surrounded and the governor and garrison of 450 men have been captured at Ba tan gas. June 9 the familv of Governor General Angusti fled to the interior for safety. "The Spaniards in Manila are re ported as having shot SO carbineros for attempting to desert to the rebels. Agui naldo sent an ultimatum to the gov ernor that if more were executed he would retaliate on Spanish prisoners. "The Baltimore sailed today to meet the Charleston and troopships. "The French warship Pascal arrived June 15. "The warship Kaiser is expected daily-" - Fourth Tennessee Regiment. Nashvili.v, June 21. Secretary Al ger has teleKraphed orders to Governor Taylor ' and Lieutenant Lee, United States army, to prepare for the mobiliza tion of the Fourth regiment Tennessee volunteers a.- soon as quotas to fill regi ments in the field are obtained. These recruits have been secured and the Fourth will be. mobilized at once, the companies having already been orgau ized. Captain Brown, United States army, will be colonel and Harvey Han nah' lieutenant colonel. Stenographer to Lee Killed. . Jacksonville, Fla., June 21. When about to go in bathing at Pablo beach, James T. Gatewcod, private stenog rapher to General Lee, Seventh army corps, was struck by lightning and killed. Gatewcod was from Richmond and had been here about a week. To Nurse the Wounded. Loxdos, June 21. A special dis patch from Belgrade, Servia, says ex Queen Natalie is organizing an expedi tion to the relief of tho war between Spain and the United States, in order to nurse both Americans and Spaniards. Statu or Ohio. Citv or Toikdo, Lccas Cocstt. . ss. FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of P. J. CHE NEY t CO.. doing business in the City ol Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm wUl pay the sam of SlOO for each and everv cse of Catarrh that cannot be cured br the use of Hall's Cartarrh Core PRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th dav of f ec., A. t).. 1HH6. (tliL.) A. W. OLBASOS, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the svstein. Send for .testimonials, free. F.J. CIIENBY & CO, Toledo, O. jar Sold by druggists, 75c, HAVANA GETS ALL SUPPLIES Blockade of the United 8tates Fleet Is Now. Discovered to Be Ineffective. VIETUALLY AN OPEN POET Leading Merchant of the Ug Cuban Town Reaches Key West and Reports That General Blanco It Prrpsrln; to Fight to the Last, . Kxy West, June 2L A prominent .resident of Havana, who left that place on June 5, arrived here yesterday on his way to New York. His dosorlption of tho situation in Havana at tho time ho loft ooatra dlots widespread reports of famine and smifsriag in that city, and throw a now light on tho affect! venoss of tho blockade, which, it c;?oars, falls In its purpose' as fur as cutting off all sneans of rupplios aud oommanication with tho outside world is conooraed His story is entitle. I to full credence and consideration, coming as it does from one of the leading merchants of Havana, a f r. iu evident, unbiaaed in his views or ymii3?hi!. lie reports, in tie Erst place, that Havana is practkaUyan open port, as it is not blockade! on its southern ap proach, latabuno. on the south tide, is only 40 mi!es lroin Havana, with which city it is connected by ra.iL Batabano has never been more than a thipping point and headquarters for the sponge fisheries for southern Cuba and a land ing place for the Isle of Pines ferry boats, which there connect with tho northbound trains for Havana. The water between Batalano and the Isle of Iines being very shallow, no where exceeding 9 fiet in depth and therefore inaccessible to any Largo craft, haa caused the Isle of Pines to b over looked as a possible entry port or base of supplies for western Cuba and as a point deserving of greater consideration than that attached to a fifth rate and much mismanaged penal colony. It now appears, however, that con stant traffic Las been kept up between the Isle of Pines and the Yucatan coast and that full cargoes of provisions and livestock havo bt-n regularly landed there from steamers, schooners and other sailing vessels, unmolested by American warships, which rarely, if ever, patrol those waters. " Tho work of transhipping thoso car goos to Batabano on tho flat bottom ferryboats, constantly plying b twoon that port and Kenva Gaoreva, tho principal port of tho Isle of Pines, haa boon an easy mattor. as also tholr subsequent transportation to Havana by rail. In the first four days of Jcne, it Ij as serted, over 800 head of cattle were landed at Batabano, besides Lirge quan tities of flour and grain. Not only are the shipments not limited to supplies of provisions and tho necessaries of life, but, our informant reports, coal in large quantities is brought over. This state ment practically confirms the report! that the Spanish government haa estab lished large coal depots on the Yucatan coast. At the outbreak of hostilities it was reported that Havana had sufficient re serve supplies in store to last six months. Since then, it is asserted, fresh ship ments have been received by way of Batabano and the Isle of Pines far in excess of the consumption, so that ap parently, so far from suffering from the evils attendant upon the blockade, Ha vana has kept on in the even tenor of an unruffled existence, with sufficient stores on hand to last another half year. A gay and cheerful note in thee war like times is sounded by the announce ment that, by way of this same Pro-gresso-Batabano route, an intrep I "Com pan ia De Zarzula," or theatrh I troupe from Mexico, made its appear an co in Havana and has "since been playing to .full houses at the AlbUo theater, unmindful of the impending fate that haugs over the doomed cit r. The daily routine of life, it is adde I, continues unaltered and theater par tie j, dances and the usual social diversion! are indulged in as in times of peace. Uonsiderat'le rear, says the liaana merchant, has been entertained as to the tobacco crop. Following the usagi of wan'are practiced by the Spaniard! and Cubans alike, it has been confi dently expet ted that at least one-half of the uelta Aba jo crop would be mint J or set on fire in the field, bat, much l the general surprise, almost the entire output of Vuelta Ala jo and lie medio districts has been bailed, shipped and stored in Havana warehouses. The general health is reported by the merchant to be particularly good, es pecially for this season of the year, and he denies the reported ravages of yellow fever and smallpox on the island. Ho confirms tho military, activity notlcodand rooordod by tho officers on blockade duty, and considers Ha vana today very strongly fortified. Work on the new batteries and earth works is kept up ni?ht and day, and judging from outward and visible signs, and to use the Langu-ij."o of the official! and soldiery in lLivaua. tha t-'panianlj are preparing to lcfcnd the city to the last. nerrulfhix Work to Hrgin. Atl.ta, Jane 21. Tho work of re cruiting the Third Georgia regiment. United States volunteers, railed for by Governor Atkinson in his proclamation Saturday, will begin at once. The iudi-" cations are that the regiment will bt recruited to the maximum number with out any trouble. Colonel John S. Can dler haa been selected as commander oi the new regiment. Deao.tr Is Dlood Deep. Clean bldod means a clean sVin. No besaty without it. re U, Candy Cathar tic clean jour blood and keep it clean, ly stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. lUin to-day to banish pimples, boil, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion ty taking Ccareti, lenty fcr ten cents. All rlnij SAtlafactiou tfrintred. I2c,2ic,5yc. In job rrinlinrr, we lead. TV tr4 tke WfM bm. Actmmi ImU saww H tasrtf 1 artW Uee ay nWr FQVDER Absolutely pure oai aw Mmi co., hew - HAWKEW'S HAIR BALSAM .Hmr rJla U rsy md I v r i ' r mm VIRGINIA COLLEGE, FOR YCUH5 UDiES. ROlXQtE. VIHSIKUL Opens Sept. sta. 189H. One of the leading Schools lor Young Ladies IntbeSoata. &Iajr nincent bnildinc. all modem tin pro tax of. C sm pa s tm acres. Grand moan tl a scracry in YailcTof Va.. famed tor bealUa Baropraa and Amtrican teachers. Foil course, boprnor adrantacra in Art and XIasic. Students from tKtntT-CTt State. For eatalosrne address the t'rcsideat. MATT1B V. UAKRIS. Roanoke, Va. S. T. Pearson, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OBVc corner Calea and OrB Slrssts MOHU ANTON, - - S. C. NOTICE. Nortu Carolina, 1 Scpemor Cockt, Burke County. Before the Court. Wra. Largent and others, .vs. -Alex Ueonessee and others. A ppecial proceeding entitled as above having been instituted before me, tho undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Burke County, Ifor the sale of the lands of the late Joseph Henneesee for partition among his children, and it appearing by atUJarit to the satisfac tion cf the Court that Alex Hennee, one of-ihe children of the said Joaeph IlennetMiee, is a necessary and proper party to said action, ana tnat ne 1 a non-reident of this Suie, and after due diligence cannot be found in this State: It is ordered that a notice b published once a week for six oonecu " live weeks in The Morgan ton Herald, a newrpaper published in the town of Morgan ton, notifying the said Alex. Henneesee of the institution of said ac tion and the object of the same, and commanding him to appear before me at my office in Morganton, N. C, within twenty days after the expiration of said notice and answer or demur to the complaint which haa been filed, otherwise the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. Witness, our Clerk of said Court, at office in Morganton, N. C. this, the 2d day of June, 1S3S. P. W. Pattox, . Clerk Superior Court, jup9 6t Burke County. Commissioner's Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE of an order made by P. W. Patton, Clerk Superior Court, Burke County, in a special proceeding entitled, W. T. Cars well et al. vs. Joo. Huffman et al, I will sell at public auc tion, at the Court House door In the town of Morganton, The 4th Day of July, 1SU3, the same being the first Monday in said month, all that certain tract of land, Ijing and being in Upper Fork Town ship. Burke County, consisting of tO acre, being the land owned by Wesley Walker and Nicholas Huffman as ten ants in common, as by reference to deed of said partiea will more fully appear. Terms of sale cash. Said land sold for partition among tenants In common. This 31st day of Mav, 1S9S. Jxo. M. Mci-u J. P. BACiccuRxra, Attorney. Commissioner. CUKE ALL TOOK PAIIS WITH k Pain-Killer.! a Hsciclss Chest la I Us If. K SimsU, la's Qlk Car fa CRAMPS. DIARRHOEA. COUGHS' COLDS, RHEUMATISM, O REURALCIA. o 25 and 50 cent Bottle. yt bcwarc or imitations- BUY ONLY THE GCNUIftC PERRY DAVIS JSgfc THE HIKE! TDK -r & m cof' ilMjHfc!C Wssafa.D.C. Affords ssprrior adva , 42i tar. Inquiries sst tmt V. riV-made throsrh taeMuoc r5'Sr si IkUpjptrlf drtiras, V,r j O Maadbk aa4 Nw I'suot Laws FREC ORMON'S jnvETiPILLS andTonic'Pellets Cure all forms of dieA'cAUel by a Sluggish Liver and &ouAnea The rink pia Cleanses The Tonic relict InvlgOmtCS S, B. Moore, of Creeasbarr, Xy, says t I was very biUoas for a long time: had faHea off aad gettiar la bad health. I had dr epsia aad apit ap ray food. Xberaaastag Samoa's User Fills aad Tonic reUeta a cordiaz to the Doctor's Book, and as a re sult I Increased la wrt(fet 3 poaada, aad feel like a new person." ( The little " Doctor's Book " teTIs a3 aSornt theta. sad a week's Treatment Pree. proves every word tree. Com plete Treatment, rVa. CSOTH KTC CO. a. T. as4 trjumBH. Tsaev P32 n 3 3 R

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