s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 " ' rnnnnnmnui ran rang r tui in 1 The Herald " i JOB B I iVf 3 5 IS THE. ; V V I BEST - ADVERTISING -EDIOII I - i I THE HERALD OFFICE. i s IN THE 1 PIEDMONT SECTION. I e - iiiiiiiiiuiuiturniimimniraniiiitrnna MORGANTON, N. O., THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1899. I $1 a Year, in advance. 1 11 tail " ' i ! ' - . "I V Vi-4 :..i.t ' ' . J "" There is a firmer who 1b YT , . Knouch to take his E i v Vul studv nature with his II Ami thfnk of what he CC. 1 u bears the chatter jof the JJ As they each other TT ' AnJ sees that when a tree DKK 1 1 makes a home for BB. A voke of oxen he will UU, vil ft With many haw and 00 J r Ami their mistakes he will XQQ When plowing tor his PP. , - He little buys not much he sellst And therefore little owes. And when he hoes his soil by spells He also sous us nose: f j f f . Bltt. AKP-S LKTtKR. f . in V ui uui uituuv. t nnnM mnnthi as T" 1. . " . " , "6" i twiuiriuuur VIDEM trienili lhal RAM JOHEr KfUfOf. 1 HIUURKW BOR5 IS A TREE. , Kanily of Brglit Up las Tm Traak la-Taiiin.,,Vw It is not an ancestral mansion, though it has been some 500 years in building. The beginning oi,il was. a eiunlj sap teresting and remarkable "TeYelation J ' , J1 and IB Written hv an enthnaia; ' : mirerofMr. Lincoln, and establishes' Recently at one of bis meetings Rev. bevond aaeation hU nAtArnitv AKi-.. Sam Jones bre&ched from the text, . - ? " - -imn j i i t uy uu jfuu wait, piace juur uuhj ti God," and the following is a brief mm- but one letter on that line and that wo.) ,kj. i.i?..l,en . , I iWliMn a V,. . OT-.t nntfon - . - r . . . " - uio LRU uuuult bh in ih vcvTV Hiri rinff rw-vrn - v w www ' om ftnaut torn federal soldier who in town aiid- featnm: Bath mti2 M decide inwr .selecUon of the road we are to travel inroagn me, ana wa devil tells us that, it is a momentous Suestions, But)"?7 muBt-not jjet the evil get'the best of us and. 'make us believe this, for the only thing to do is to make a decision, and, thero.i noth ing momentous about it. Some 6f you brethren say, 'Mr. Jones, I am care fully, (Jonaidering this m alter before I take the step' but it taket no consider ing, for the man who says. this is the most ridiculous Bight the devil, can pre sent before God. Then some -of our brethren say,,Mr. Jones, I am waitifig nntU the church gets right before I take the step;' and the man who says this reminds me of the men who went out to cut down a tree and refused to strike a big lick until he sweated. Wanted to sweat before, be did the work. Brother.'" moral 'perspiration is moral A aORTUBRJI wash mwi. "HHrWMkw IbtWK 114 Bmi I CaaaM r Wttl I WuU liar have been written but on its partus! I believe that it is better , for the whole truth to be told than that this remark able man's genesis should continue to be uncertain and u,nknown. . . - . I 1 am . now Irvine to solve another u? M inenuiy ana msiM l would game heiVht .nH hM k-.. . r ?i Rn WW it him 8hapely limbs. J 7 lt'-Bl'Ta -iSebooiVof 175 page.r.wa. frSedK' li (L.n0w wmes written by James U. Cathey. Bryson rWnl rK B N- G, and is kin4 in motive and tei??!?'rto .ow.-jUbl cjasrfcj In sfyle. 1 tnoSiht whec I first vuiracHiDtt.m nmirannniTA nrwin t i j :hl.. ' . .r. . . .nr k vL 'Yu ZTJ,: . rr..r " pernaps u naa neuer not in giving the negro the right of suffer-get- baLUe doeseat apoligize. He was one of the prime leaders in the whole i tKUiHeBS and speaks of it as a mistake. ft was no mistake. It was malicidas ling, funding in a uny cove ngB-m " waj uowwni ne ey sort problem; the problem .of bow best to the side oi an xaisi l enneeeee moun- j " " ulu "u n 01KB V"y 1 destroy; the potato bug or1 beetle. Last tain, liy ana Dy me sapimg pecameia jm wvui kuvX anew nut; uiue year i tried pans green and-was bot Lis; lllow tree. i Notwithstondiog the b0at us and nothing aboty the negro, satisfied. I am now knocking them off hollow tree was so mgs-tau nwrn miatvu)u,ns.iJBPW "ense ana morainr and erening and hoeing the lie stretched at length lnitand there was I w canaor. tie came aown to Texas ground around the plants, and think an outer shell pf sound. vood and i " J" ? inveBugaie ana .went I have whipped the fight.' This Will do plenty of vigorous leafyughs fori homeandwjotea letter in which he for the garden, .baC not lot' the field, shade. The hollow itself was rain kndj e negrd was not fit for the balbt Professor Btarnes will tell us a ''better storm proof, so a couple of the moun-1 .a norur naa made an egreg- way I hope, for he is a scientific genius ... a - w i u nn b ri ii aw m aw a m b. . - . - 5 Ji ' i- " t V - ? v " ana the most enthusiasUc experimenter uwrai (wugNRtuut' it vsme preuy nearib -. - iivw, misiaKB aoesent involve anv moral turpitude, but a malicious blunder does.: The.' time has passed ; for any more truckling. The stage of despera tion is upon r the , south and i political humility to the north has passed.; ,We ' Ja 1 7-. . " HTtl Mble for every outrage and every lvnch- this little farm and irarden and orchard raen d Georgia. They will sit them to the level of the savages. They ii -. i. t TInM - . ..... . . ud on Saturdav nieuis ana piayeucner thvlrM with an nneon ri --". i . m AMoum i were ail mine. aiy amotuoa is not , , . . . " ,, . i ir "T . Age, a neero paper that is published bv i ,r.tefopH7S W. APiedgef. UihcW. but 'to benTfit the rpepTby improved JJ&.TJlt ince to the ee GeneraSv wous article from the New Yora papers methods and by regies for the failures P1 anV -fLSSi SrSrfSSi tto:M-d and disaster, that are incident to, the to Ah. tain folk toox up tneir anpue w j j They did not bother about furniture. There was no room: for it, . even in a hollow tree measuring seven feet iiToss. The roan put dovn a floor o: puneheons that is, rough 4 slabs A split from smaller tree trunks. For ;a bed they had dry leaves, ' and for covering skins of various animals .round about. The woman knew how to dresa them Indian fashion, sd they served in large part for clothes, as well as cover, f i ; ? 3 An ax, a rifle, a bullet pouch, a pow der horn, a hunting knife, an iron pot a water pail, a jug, two or three big eoiirds. a summed up the family's movable pos- sesions. Cooking was- done gypsy fashion the entrance the tH)t sat leside the hre simmering and stewing. The only bread was ash cake. For drinking there was a choice of sassafras tea, unsweetened," and moonshine whiskey, . ; ! The man, of course, was a moon shiner. He was also a dead Bhot .particularly in the case oi a revenue otticer. He was able thus to feed his family by working about half the time. His wife looked after the clothing, ex changing surplus peltry f.r coarse cloth, salt and nearest crossroads store,. away. ' '' ' ; ' Eleven children were born "in the hollow tree and grew up into strapping .men and women. One of the boys stood G feet 9 inches when be could he persuaded to stand t all- Usually he carried himself in rather the shape of a crescent. Each of the eleven was cradled in the half of a smaller hollow treeV smoothed but Inside with the ax and imbedded with leaves. It did not need rockers, rocking itself at the slightest touch. As the big tree lreame crowded,-hollow logs were sought, one for each child, chopped into convenient lengths, and dragged close about the fire. - Into their open ends the bigger children crept, feet foremost, turned their heads to the fire and slept snug through all sorts of weather. Of course the logs were only for etorms and severe weather. When it was fine the whole family slept out dixrs. It was- presumably a . happy family, and certainly a healthy one, thoueh.it went barefoot the year round horror and make! one feel that any means thai is tfiectaal to prevent aucb crimes is justified.' Ooe forxts the monstrousress of the Ram Hose lynch ing and only wonders wbetbefc it was expedient." : The Kew York Herald baa sent Rev. I A comspondent of the Boston Tran- George 1L. Hepworth to Georgia to in- script, who baa been studying tb oe- gro question iu iu eoam not anogeuMT from a standpoint friendly to that sec tion, is compelled to make the following I have ever met. Last; Week I visited the experiment station- at Athens, of which he has charge, and was delighted with the progress he has made on the university farm. - lie is absorbed in his work and I am sure he will make it a great success. , "How jsit,'said I to him, "thatyoq determination. You say, If I join now and don't feel right, I am a hypo crite.' Waiting for a feeling! Friends, there is nothing in the Bible that says, 'Whosoever feels.' Don't want to come into the church simply because you sister, I want to don't feel like it: and ask were ypu a hypocrite when you got Hgion, law, even civilization. breakfast and didn t leei like iu sight of. "Some of our boarding bouse women will say, 'I don't feel like coming into vestigale the causes of the lyinchlng of 8am Hose. In his first letter be tell of the hideousneaa and brutality of the crime of Hose, and its retribotioo. He says that the retribution, terrible - as it was,. was nataraL. and. that be cannot tell what he might hare done if be bad been there. Then be follows this up in a judical tone, showing that for , the good of the Sooth and the whole Land some remedy for lynching should be devised. The letter is in part as fol lows: 1 ' "The people of Georgia are willing to be Judeed, provided toe. Judgment is iost,. and are more . ready to .accuse themselves than we are to accuse Ihem They take as grave a view of Ibe situa tion as we of the North do, aad as earn estly seek a remedy for existing evils as the spirit of progress could desire. "The case of 8am' Hose, alias Thomas Wilkes has one peculiarity namely, that it cannot be dupicated in the his tory of this or any other country.- His crime was unique in its bideoosrtes. Its atrocity was simply unthinkable. There was venireance in the air. Re- was lost ght of. .. The populace was fraoctic. admission in a recent letter: . "The people of the North have a very imperfect idea of the negro, as a rule, and do not half weigh the burden aad annoyance to the couth which bis pres ence to aucn large numbers necessarily constitutes, iloch of the Northern ericicumi of 8oothern affairs is unintel ligent. This is apparent to every man on the border line who has any op-' pcrtaoity wbalvet too ace both ndes." . , w 1 i. mm- i 1 ' aw J.lilc3 the fcxxl mora delkSous aodv.x!csoc T "" f' n wm etodeots at rriacetoa sXUcked a parade of Tawsee BUl's WUd West show oo the 13lh and a pitched battle took placo, in which many were Injured. that you do not own and never will?" He smiled and said: . . 'Six years' work in this business at Urimn and here has created within me there is no lack of feeling when it comes to tattling and playing cards. '"Now, I don't know much about the boarding house women up here, but I have never felt that humility, but our L h Anhn.;..t;A 'mAik.nr the church;' but, sister. : : , W ; 1 J t l J . . I . . . I rf frtrvlinr. it tfmH (uuucuiui mr protcuu it ana tneq to get something from the public crib by pretending wo were humble! when we were not. ' v . .-' . ' - . - i i . buu ucia iu. uwcu wiuuu ujvj I. ... .. . I - . . i uri khi lucu m UU. wu. u. awv imi- The truth is that the north is respoh- an absorbing love for it, and I fed like know aU about the Ijoarding house wo- degrade those who inflict it, and bong ,Uol tlwa directly across the for no one could tell whose family might next be devastated. The heir of popular passion broke loose, ine man was chased by whites, by blacks, by a blood bound at last caught. Was any tor ture too great? They lost sight of the fact that some methods of punishment Fwt KlMTt Wlatw ntaato. , . Betlew of Kertew., . x , On. reviewing the Impreesiona of a tour nearly all around this island, by railroad and carriage and cross the island over the neat military road, the first and perhaps the last are of the de lighlfulneas of the climate and the beauty of scenery. The extraordinarily equable temperature rs doe to the pre valence of the tradewiods; for Porto Rico lies far out in the ocean, east of Hayti, and 1,000 miles east of Havana. In our midwinter the thermometer stands every day 80" in the shade and goes down to about 70 at night, or in ' the bills to CO. In the summer a tem pera tore of 90 is reached, but never more than 02. There is thus no win ter. All the year around the army of ficers attend receptions in their whits linen suits, and ooly te thinnest nn- der-frarmenU can be worn. The coo twice a year snuff at the fifteen miles Pledger writes to The New York Sun that he is shocked at Governor Candler's utterances and he says the good negroes at the south are opposed to these out rages on our women. 'The -paper is pregnant with comment "on the lynch ing. I reckon that is all right, for the liberty of the press must not be re stricted. But nevertheless these utter ances from Pledger's paper go through the educated negro element and settle its convictions and thereby, comes some more outrages and some more lynch inga. , New York niggers come out in their papers and advise the shotgun and the torch iu retaliation, "and those things are copied hi the nigger papers at the south. . ; -" But here is the comfort: Uncle' Sam is still helping me in my garden and doesent know and doesent care anything about all this business. He says he was born a slave and for - thirty .years has been a. freeman and has always found that if a colored 7 man done . his duty the white man done hiB. Uncle Sam has a large family and through these republican influences they have been corrupted and demoralized and he has a lot of grandchildren who don't know their own father and the old man is grieved. " I was ruminating about all this and how these negroes have all been fooled about Grant and Lincoln being their friends and were fighting to free them, when there is not a word of . truth in it. ; Neither of them - cared a conti npntal dime for the neero and both of profession." He has now ten pupils under him and expects to have half a hundred in August. I hope the state will encourage him in his good work, for like Smith son, his desire is to disseminate know ledge among men. Bux Asp. and whist and oo. 8unday night they I trolled thirst for revenee. They thooebt will sit up and sing, 'Come, Ye Angel ef their wives and daughters and their were blood beat in their veins like a pent up heaven, if I tempest. God nitv them. God fonrire there was a low place in the fence they them. They were not men; they were MorMla tor ta PaatatiLS. New York Press. Marriages wouldn't be failures if men weren't. would jump out, come back and finish that game Monday night. Haven't got feeling! Ill tell you how to get feeling. Just undo the wrong things you have done. You sisters who have been tal king about your neighbors, just go to them and ask forgiveness for it and vou will have feeling; and you city officials, iuitt go to the violators of law in this city and tell them they must shut up shop and obey law and order and youll have feeling enough to run a dirty dog Uke you. v- 'George says that the clergy and the maniacs. Their fury knew no bonds. The calm second thought has come. I can assure yon that everybody con cerned regrets the part be took in that tragedy. Tnere were, perhaps, five thousand people on the scene, and ex cesses are easily resorted to by a crowd. What a dozen men can't do a thousand can. Numbers fan a flame into a con- : . The only really fascinating girls you ever see are on the calendars. The averasre marriage degenerates I thinking people of the city indorse his into either a familv or a foundline I editorial, but he is mistaken. The asylum. Probably when his father fell on the prodigal son's neck he jumped on it real hard. Every new leaf a man turns over the devil lays on top of the pile under the grid he is saving for him. thinking men may indorse it, but they are the men thinking bow they are go ing to get out of this business. If he will get just one clergyman to sign a petition indorsing his editorial, that's all I want Why, brethren, there 1 t 1 1 J M W nan UUfc U OIU IDWTiUiru, vio,a, uauiu flagratioo. I have talked with all classes of the people here in Atlanta, learned and illterate, poor and rich, and not a man has expressed aoy opinion save one of regret. "We shall be greatly puxiled uak-es we can fully grasp the social situation here, which is very different from any thing to be found in 4he North. I am not at all sure that we should not our selves have pursued the same course un der the circumstancea. The cry which made the welkin ring was 'We must nmtafi rm ariaaa an1 anirhfra ' Uui When it is said by a woman that her peg-legged negro preacher who would t k to be prohlem. n m. wife or mother or sister had been out raged by a double-dyed villian, I can't tell vou what I would or would not da When the matter is brought home to yourself you reconixe its horror. There are no lengths to which you would not go in the way of punishment. It is easy to condemn when a thousand miles away, but bard to condemn when oo the spot with a like fate staring you io the face. I neither plead nor excuse; I simply say that I also am human. "Ninety per cent, ol the negroes have the entire confidence of their em- island. Jo winter toe moisture carried from the sea condenses iolo an occa sional little shower, more frequent tn the hills, and all day cumulus clouds ars scattered about the borixon or afford a few minute' shade from the bright son. The air is absolutely clear, with no smoke, base, or dost. The heavier summer showers and the moisture of the air ia win vr (about 75 per cent of saturation) with occasional spits of rain keeps the streams full and the ground even io what the people would call a dry season. The winters are moat dehghl ful, and the island ought to become, like Bermuda, a favorite winter resort for invalids. hair "falls to her knees,'! she generally means when she bends over. When a girl thinks she has a preti foot she will generally find it is muddy most everywhere. A hen has a right to cackle when she lays an egg; she has sense enough never to lay three at a time. A good woman's love is like a star. The only reason it doesn't always shine is because it is higher than the clouds. When a man swears off for any other reason but to please his wife he is apt to really think he is in earnest. The average man would lust as uel indorse it Waiting for the church to get right. Brother, the way to get the church right is to go into it ana neip make it right, Then some of you say, 'Mr. Jones. I am waiting until I am prepared to come into the church,' and friends, vou remind me of the poor, long. lank. lean, hungry beggar, who, when you offered him a biscuit, re fused it. saying his hands were dirty and he was not fit to take it, and when vou told him to wash his hands he said he wasn't fit to wash. Waiting to get fit. Then some of you say you are not fit to get bt. men some oi you nlnvart TVia im ranArlAl because nun.t.w..v;v.v .j .1.4 :. " . . .. . . i I r :.: r.. 1, t I J . . and never so much as heard of hygiene, them were more wuwrueuuuu. hear a girl gargie ner inroat as io near sy j. am wuuS .u j i - M law-abiding citizen. They oodgrew up innocent of own successes man anymmgeise. J" her sing a thing with thrills in it at a i get out oi my way, uuu J 7 , have pro The whole brood grew up 'contact with doctors, ministers, or schoolmasters. As , the owner of a simmer cottage down the valley Baid iiK'ii discovering them: "The truth is, they don't know enough ta ever be sick." V - ';" . Punishing 8kn galeide. Miles Salisbury, a resident of Nor wich, Conn., had a tiff with his -wife and determined to play a practical joke on her. Obtaining an ounce bot tle of carbolic acid he smeared a por tion of, the poison upon bis heavy growth of whiskers, staggered into the niom where his employer was sitting, tiro1 : Hfo. had taken tKot hU wifa fa thn rame reason she was sent away ill I H J IKf tlUlU ill lift CWSa.OV .ucv a - i he informed. The employer called from the paternal homestead 1 to keep two doctors by telephone and produced peace in the family,. The father of her hi cupful of mustard and warm water, child had great regard .for her and vi th matter was nlaced with his relatives in Kentucky, ' iivn iouuj y CTsen i.v i j , Iwifg taken seriously he weakened and I Have had ereat regard lor uncoin. He was a much better man than his party and his death was a, calamity to the south. I have recently received little volume entitled "The Genesis ot Abraham Lincoln."- It is carefully and affectionately written by James H. Cathey, of western North Carolina, and its unprejudicel perusal will convince any man that ADranam uuwiu woo the son of Abraham Eoloe, and that Naiwv Hanks was a" good orphan girl .kn aneA in Enloe's family. ' The affidavits and other evidences establish this beyoud dispute. Old father Abra ham Enloe was a second Abraham and ohnrot. mruvrt. - I that the only way a person canoe in " The reason why childhood v so happy your way is to bo ahead of you? Do isn't because grown-up people were you understand? And some of you once children, but because children people, who are waiting for the church have never been grown up. to get right, will be frying in hell a C thdusand years before the church gets right- ' Brother, make the start today. a ca.-i.hm s-- Listen, friends, my hope is in God. If Iouisviue Post. my hope was in the church, in the "Did you ever know a man who preacher, in angels, in wife or in chil could sneeze loud enough to break up a dren, the time might come when they camp meeting, to stop the taking of would forsake me, but my hope is in tp.uimonv in court, and cause a bellow- God. I know I am weak and I know inr cow to stoD in disgust and wonder 1 1 am tempted, but my hope is in God, what the noise was drowning, its thun-Und brother, the msn who places his rleroua voice?" said an old fisherman I hone iu God will triumph over all property interest of their own to poor Nancy Hanks a second Hagar and last night J i t .... I - i : :f-t kaf Kta inuwr was entitled to. the cake and all the ac cessoriep necessary to conduct an up-to-date bakery, thegenUeman consented to tell more his sneezing friend. ' ' He where she afterwards married Thomas t Rnm of the witnesses to It a . . ia V, ' fT"! I x . ,, declared it was an a joice. mm uw ployer refused to believe and aid w:i called, Salisbury being held while the mixture was poured down his ihroat. Then the two doctors arrived, and in vain did the ioker sputter, kick and -.protest Emetics were . forced down his throat while Salisbury fought like a tiger. At last worn out with his struggles and protestations i he sue- i i a. a J a iL ! Vt e uinoeu, ana i.ne aociors muiuugire - hiU, h sinking put a stomach pumpdowu acknowledgment of the chUd s paternity hi-i throat and worked . it vigorously. This caused the patient to nearly faint away and he. was given heroic treat ment to revive him. At last the doc tors had time to look into Salisbury's mouth and found that he had taken no poison. The physicians left in dis ini.i i. nt ; ..;n unnira snmA time to re.-r.',re Salisbury to bis normal condi- 8tory current that Lincoln was the tlO.ll. said: While fishing in a temptation and evil. Listen, brother, the way is open for you and don't stop and hesitate, but make the start, live a grand, pure, noble, Christian life and God will help you and save you. Just say, 'I will join the church and die in the church, and it will help you. My mountain town I message is delivered. Now, if the feel- tho f J-ts are now ninety years old and in Eastern Kentucky last fall I went to ings of any person here have been hurt guard, and a man who has a few hun dred dollars worth of property at stake is conservative. But the 5 per cent of felloas who are not only ignorant,' but vicious, who know no restraint and will commit crime without compunction, have ample opportunity to perpetrate deeds of daring deviltry, and as at pre sent constituted the people of the region are powerless to protect themselves, and live in the continual consciousness of insecurity. "A woman dare not trust berst-lf at any distance from her home after dark. With nine men out of every ten whom she may meet she will be as safe as at her own fireside. It is the unknown tenth whom she fears. We can hardly conceive of this state of affairs, but it is the actual condition in many counties in this Stale and in other State of the South." The following editorial comment oo the recent lynching ia Georgia from Tailtr Taavra la bm narrodstmrg (K j.) Democrat. . There lives in Washington county, we are informed, six or seven miles south of Springfield, one of the roost eccentric human being, we fed war. ranted in saying, in Kentucky. Shortly before Abraham Lincoln was inaugu rated President of the United Slatea, oo the 4th of March, 1SC1, Bas'd Haydon was to have married a young lady in the neighborhood in which be now lives, but before the day set for the marrisge arrived she eloped with another man. This weighed so on the mind of her former admirer that be went to his room in the second story of the building and declared re woukl never step on the earth again as long as he should live, and though this was nearly thirty-eight years ago, so far as is known, he has never broken bis word. He is the owner of a good farm and employs a man to attend to bis business, but bis employe ha at no time been further than the door of bis . room; neither tiu anyone eise. tie orders his clothes and other necessary articles through hia assistant, who de liver them st bis door. He is now about sizty-year of age. The reaideoca of Dr. L. C. BarveS. test mile from Daiiou. Ga, was boned recently,. and Dr.. Bagweil.' bis three chUdrea aad the negro booaeksepar wre burned to death. The fir U tsp poeed to bar beea canard by. the ex plosion of a lamp. . , , Admiral Dewey will return to the United State at ooce. He will sail from Manila next week oo the fiaphip Olrmpia. A mrrrement ha been started i a New York to ptzrebaa a residence for the Admiral ia Washing ton by national sabecriptioo. An unknown man was struck by lb KrrYork Central train on the 11 Ih and burled with great force forty feet in the air. . Ftter erbe was standing near the tracks at the time. The wiftfy moving body struck bim, knocked him. down and broke hi arm. .The stru(er had been kiOed LnstaaUy.. Tb Southern Bptj4 Convection, ia session at Louisville, Ky elected ex Gov. Northern, of Georgis, rvriot The resignation of Dr. Whitet, presi dent of the Theological Seminary, was aecepted. Tm aocrptance of this resig nation ha caused coach controversy, the Church being divided oo the question. Geo. Gotaes ha reaignad bis position to act for theOubaaln the dUstriboUoo of the $3,000,000 giving toOew. Brook hi reason that certain Cuban feoeraJs have formed cabal against him sod that hi work ts hindered and be is Ihoroorbly dagratted. Geo. Brook sympathise with hire bet will proceed l pay over to the meo the 973 vpirc and disarm them aad will brook no fooling. The troop wi3 be diaennrd. A I Cienfata oa ifooday there came near beiog a riot oo account of soro boisterous Laborers who were Inenltiog in their demands for some back pay. The local police bad a sharp fir. hi to arrest them la which ooe culprit was killed and enteral persona were wooxnted inctudiog a few members of the local poCce. It will be recalled that a few years ago Rev. Dr. Brier, a prominent di vine in the Northern leaby1arian Church, esabraoad and promulgated certain view regarding the Scriptures which hia Church or a majority of it, for be bad many sympathiser and fol lower coc thieved tmortbodox. Hi case attracted ewia aUeetioo bet was finally eeUled by bis Wring the Preby trrian Church. t. Brigr coenected bimtelf with the ICpiacopai Chorea and has become a minister la that Church, having been ordaioed by Bishop Potter in New York city Sunday. Many Episcopal dergyraea protested violently against the crdinatioo of Dr. Brvcgt, holding, as the Ftescjteriaaa bad. that hi yiew are not orthodox. Lot Vahcp Potter accepted hia. EJIuWlk CUg.Ca a. The Observer acknowledge an Invi tation to the commencement exercise at Elizabeth College. Jon Sd to Clh. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. J. A. More head, A. M., president of tb Southern Lutheran Theological Seminary, ML, Pleasant, 8. C. The address before the missionary society will be delivered by Rev. R. A. Voder, A. M., president of the Lenoir j ported to the police stxm 'lultni Owtra. ATturra, May IS.- Winnie Roach, a mulatto woman, came near beiat lynched by aa an try mob of ioceoaed negroes to-night The crime with which she and her boabaad were charged was brutally boruiog their four children nearly to death by Igniting paper satur ated with keroreoe, with which their bodies had been wrapped. The man. Lawrence Botch, ran away daring the afternoon, when b beard that bis treatment of Lb children bad been re- kvB naaafd all desire to deceive anv- i Th HwPiidants of this Enloe . . family are numerous and their testi mony has been taken from North Caro lina. Missouri and Texas, and all con firm the story- All the very old people in the western North Carolina were familiar with the girl Nancy Hanks and . l . tti ,.,;! and nLl man Enloe a anrl hv he sent this modern xiagar and her Isbmael away. ' But this is no new thing. During the war it was talked of in the army and Lincoln was denounced by the en- . ... -i :.iiMittiiAh ho mflrriM. tire ioau iarauy. iuw -iv SB teen years ago, while 1 sojourned in agsunst the wesSnKu Carolina, I found the turbance . ... th.t r inn.in was the son "Two or the village nearby one, rainy morning to attend Circuit Court. . The Judge was delivering an impressive charge to the grand jury, and every ear was listen ing to catch each word, when the still ness of the court was broken by an un earthly ker chew, ker-chew., ker-chew, etc, etc., etc The judge was thunder Btmo.k and ,inatantiy every eye was turned toward the rear of the room, where a little unobtrusive looking old old farmer sat sneezing as if his head were coming off. The Judge ordered the sheriff to bring the intruder before the bench. The offender came forward, and the lodge had a fine entered against the innocent cause of the dis- by anything I have said, just come down here and beg my pardon and I will forgive you." the sneezer' friends were called, who testified to the man's good character and high standing, but said tv. -ruild hear him sneeze three miles xt it- PthAv writes a prewy "" ? . 7. . -.a i niiw. ia , . - . . i Mnmw mw iha vomr I inn uiu l iu kua ir iTcvii T tj M I" - Mfltf I . AlO I L .Unt it llin n 8 BICUSC W I""' . -. . . x,. .....j -. uuor. ovwu. - ---- v. AaoA-1 nezfir once broxe up a rampmwuug . . lo. k this morning, in a tit of insan- truth ot hurt the diving.or the dead . 3n eneU.n& that he saw Mother Slay Iter Cklld. . . . 1 , i?nirw nd was named for oi auiu.u - , Hv. uiih -j . ' i-.,n JLM I -" " - ' Bajrtag Paper. 'Here, boy, let me have a paper "Can't.". "Why not? You've got them. I heard you crying them loud enough to be heard to the city ball." "Yes, but that was down t'other block, ye know, where I hollered." "What does that-' matter? Come, now, nd fooling; hand me a paper; I'm in a hurry." Couldn't sell you a paper on this here block, mister, 'cos it belongs to Limpy. He's just up the furdest end now. You'll meet him." "And who is Limpy? And why does he have this block?" " 'Cos us other kids agreed to let him have it Ye see, it's a good run on 'count of the offices all along, and the noorchap is that lame he cant get thecurentiserrffof Harper's Weekly is also significant as indicating that the people of the North are at last beginning to understand the situation in the South. Harper's Weekly says: "Whatever any Northern reader may feel about the burning of the negro Sam Hose and the lynching of the negro preacher Strickland, in Georgia, one thing he should always bear in mioa, that there is no vital difference between the white man in the South and the while man-in the North, and that what white men do in Georgia white meo from' New York, or Maaaachusetis. or Minnesota wculd probably do io Georgia under similar circumstance. A county iu Georgia went stark ci sty over Sam Hose.' Northern leader cannot under stand it. A. letter. ba come to the Weekly from a Georgia women which tells a story of Sam Hoses crime Collere. Hickory. Address before the literary societies, by President Georj B. Cromer, president Newberry CoUrge, Newberry, 8. C The programme of cornmeoceroent week is as follows: June 2d. at 8 o'clock, senior class dsy exercises; 3d, at 8 o'clock, literary so cieties' annual meeting;' 4th, at 11 o'clock, baccalaureate aormoh; 4lb,-4 8 o'clock, addree before the Mission sry Society; 5th. afternoon, art reception; 5th, at 8 o clock, addree before Ih Hi The woman bad been away from home all day and did not know that her cruelty bad been foond out She was in the bouse when the snob gathered and was ia the act of srrJyiar more fir to oo of the children wbeo lb crowd broke in. Telephone pit sirs were sent to lb police statioo by white people livieg io the neighborhood, who said they telieved the womao was about to be burned by th crowd. A wsgoo load of ofikrr was sect to the place. Ooe of th children bad all of the fieah era TO raws. Rowan county court house Is to be remodeled and enlarged. Only oo case of amaEpox nw re main ia the city Omit of Raletfti. The Bute cooveetioo of the W. C T. U. win be hell. in QrtecJixrro, Jooe Sod to fkh. By a vote of 4 to 1 th town com miaaiooers of Morgaatoo Lave rvfoaed to iseoe lioacse to retail Iqoor. During the storm last Friday night, Lghung struck th Methodist church at Bpeocer, setting It oo fire. The Came wer extinguished before moch damage was done. - - i The arret) lb annual coomeooamect of the Stat Normal ' and Industrial College. St Greeaboro, lake place oo Tuesday and Wedoeavlsy, May 23rd and 2tth. There was a wholesale discharge of smallpox patient aad surpecU from th pest house and boos of detention at Raleigh Saturday, forty beicg went to their home a cared or beyood danger of coolractiog or apreadisg th dianaae, Thirty thoood crates of strawberrie were hpped from points along the Wilmington A Wsldoo Eailroad Tues day. The berrie filed M rv-frlreralcr cars aad were vmlned at 1100,000. This is the largest day's shipment la th his tory of th Industry. Two negro meo oo Mr. J. B. t allaos's place, near Uoatrrrrili, got Into a dis pute Monday which coded tn Jiaa Hsnss emptisg two loads of shot late Doc Jots itoo'sleir. Dr. C E. rt aikrr was sum mooed and b say the leg will bar to be amputated. The Salisbury Sun say that Jnls Chambers, crored. who heed at Mr. Pleas Barber, near Barber's Junction, was found oo the railroad, deal, Son day. It ia thought thai be went to aUrp oo th track near Li bom Saturday night and was kOd by a paaaieg train. Jim itoberU, aa aged maa of Tancry county, drank a half gaToo cf whiskey . last Thursday niiht and dted from th effects. It t said that be west to sieeo a sooa a he draak the whiskey and and could not be awakened. H bad been a beary drinker far years. Card are oat annonndng th mar riaH c Mr. Ajlhox WDsdo Parka, . eoo of Mr. A. D. Parks, oi &aXrr. and Miss Mary Iaabe'La Davidaoo, of Hor well, MarkWoborg county. The crre mooy will Lake place at the borne of the bride Thursday afternoon. May w-lb, at S o'clock. The Grand lodg ot Odd PeSoe. in staaioo at Ealeiga last wek, elected the following cAorT: Grand master, John A. Etevena, of dir. loo; deputy grand master, M. W. Jacobs, grand wardeo, R. Morray; graad ecrvtary, B. H. Woodell, of Baleigh; grand treavaorrr. BichardJ. Jooea. The grand loCg will meet at Winatoo next year. Greccful Weekly as ys that la Greene county Last week the wit of IliHiard Anderson, coord, left ber J jmr-otd child with ten children of rVoaaa Har per, colored, aged svrea and sight year. Wbeo the woman retorned the cLildrro of the Harper woman bad beaten brr child to death hat leg crushed its skull with sticks. la the breast ot sots of the negror ia Wilmlcgloo savagery Is still alive. This was exemplified lo the polk court oo th 15th wbeo two negroes wrr srraigued oo a charr of cUsarderfy con duct by makieg dsxgeroo threats sjrainst while apretnary and its edro catn. Mayor Waddell seoleoced each to tea days iarriaootnent and thro look oocaatoo to warn the negroes sgainst IndolgiDg la sorh talk, tailing them U they did it would not be beaiiby for them. erary aocietirt; Cth, at 11 o'clock, com-1 burned from ber leg la aercral place meocement exercise: us, uou cm , i ami wm bio. om vum uim annual coo cert and reception. I burned. TThe Tra! f WW la. Lortoox, May 16. Andrew Carnegie left London to-day for 8kibo Castle, bis country seat io Scotland. In an iotrr view be said : "I am looking forward lo protection io my Highland solitude from the array ot mendicants which every lioor la iro. DOrtuning me for subscription lo every conceivsbl ol ject. Even wet I dis posed to accede to iheee applications for promiscuous sasistaoce, my reeuurce for philanthropy have already been fully hypothecated, and bombardiog me with runner appeal is mrniy ... . t T - i ,aa America 's witn a Bneezius open, - i poor cnap is inai imo uvu.s ity, Mr. Mary Foster, wife of John E tfaat Abrabam a hh0uld an enraged bovine stopa thunderous und lively like the rest of us, so we Uer a farmer of Cool Spnng town, m08l remarkable man .and there should to look wonder at the that fir8t one caught sellin' sum tliia onnntir nt. iViA throat OI DGT l- ttf.mrt to ClOUd the lite OI rcat ... ij , w. Aiiu I . . . ... ..ill. ,i a 9" .' '...".-'. . :.. .- 00..-.--- . . i J1'--months-old baby boy Mid killed him instantly. then cut her own throat with the razor, hut not fatally. ; - ' Mm had been insane foramontu, hut had improved and waa not violent Her IiuhI and is a poor but respected man. She will be arrestedLJas goon as f-he can he moved, and it is hoped that Mil- can be admitted tQ the hospital at Morganton. . I..u i? v kwm T n.. nastor of IWiui'" .. . . with a razor, hAro , Cicero says that the hrst law oi The mother h;fltr.rv is that it should neither care to a-a rf - fOAf Ttl uva -- onvihantr that is false Da J asj e . say anything that is true. It is, therefore, the V?? 1 :. uir nrnve that this won- IQIH 11LI.IO uvw - X . At man was not without uok.m. ancestors. If he Human who COUld make TO Ore noise than a mad blL . But the old fellow t couldn't hplp it, and the fi.ne was re mitted." . - Allwd Ills Dogs Bara, Ttoaras. May 15. John Welch, who lost fifty-five valuable dogs by the burn His mother was flancy " of m-'kennels at Brighton last Fri- WO: vr..---o k. - J oo h ann of a worthy sire is entitled to know who that sire was, whence he came anu wu V"" . nr.?r tko .ntrlians of this history ,I1K UtOb l--Vi-"!- North nn hia lieat should be thrashed. See? "Yes. I do Bee, So you have a sort of brotherhood among yourselves?" "Well, we're a goin' to look out Tor a little cove what's lame, anyhow." 'There comes limpy now. He's a fortunate boy to have such friends.' aajp . a v B . m I Georgia understand, it. It is hardly a adding to the postal revenue. letter that the Weekly may print but it may all be believed, and it belie to an understanding of what has happened. No man who believed what this womao believes and ba written about Hose and Strickland and negroes of their class in be surprised Main Street Methodist Church Danville, oi ADrauu. ?r- . firJlt nle . . i . a k I nrnMia a. nn nuuutcuo v tt- - . . - .. I led in thA frfldv tlOSDllBI in . ,r. savs that he was in the bouse ad- imninir the kennels when the flames i I iv..m .nil that ha micrVil havn saved the whole lot He did not re- a chance tn the field,. I? to"? LiS: The attorney, for the administrator of uogs, m"jr J',i: toa- BfanWk. have, brouirht would have narmea wi-"-. "for t ' a., cied in the Urady iiospnai u - - - rtmen of weetern Im.to n.. noo IV.O 15th inBt. 1 meu u . V .:r. """""' r-7 -. n-dina. for the isn.oes were.- 6 , -th dtement. e.eit home two wee R, r, jnfl,wial family and their oes- u-". ' ZkI h.7 hitn everrlhe VT'A,n a Sudanis have intermarried witbrpany ' - 'm Welch deV killed at High Poiut last fall by a train SkVnd SttS norpro- distinguished. Damsge. are plsced at w. veedfartber. I propose to review tne ow , thn R-.uth would be surpneed at any thing that might follow such a crime as Hose committed. It msy be that noth ing can justify such an orgy asters s held over Hose, but there is plenty that can The gentle-man bought two paper. tf?WnJr .rwi Kid - aa-iaw 1Avn rjUULU Marcv0 e --i- J " Xr 3 -aav-va . . a. groe can only be rest nun ea irom nor rible crime sgainst white women by swift and terrible punishment We of the North have little experience ot these crimes, hot our blood circulate, and we know what sort of dispooUons such crime can arouse. To read th story of Sam Hose's crime as our Georgia coin him. and he went on his way town, wondering how many men in business would refuse to sell their wares iu order to give a weak, halting brother ....tnet IK. Rnnlhnn Railway bui. S" . "I , ... ; Ki. .W-r- death of that young lady, wno wu ropuouemuw wn.- 7TZ lUie inaiuerenca wj uiu utyw u4a- inr or fate. It fills the mind with, PtylU Kalltawt Aal Kas.4ju City. May 1C The national convention of Topnliet editor today, by a large majority, declared against further fusion with me uemocrauc party and against -Bryan as a presi dential candidate. Iguatiua Donnelly, In a speech, said the Democratic party deserved defeat In "J and Bryan would te beaten if renominated. One editor declared that if the PopulUt nominated Bryan he would vote for Mckinley and get a Getting gu a ready fur civil war. Greensboro people are very moch "cut up" over the recrat sate of the Cap Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad to the Southern, by the Atlao tie Coast Line. Thev are now bottled op without com petition. They say they neat little sum for some extend iu lint in there. ! Bv Tratta Mi tava Mot.a Tin, w ...in. si m. Ckartotle Otaaareee. tH. The passenger train bet seen Charlotte and Wiestoo, over th MooreevCle Mockrville division, will begin regular operations May Hib. The trairs will be known as no. l aad la. ro. li will be the train corning Iolo Chariot aad No. 16 th outgoing train. The schedule will be a follow: Leave Charlotte at 9.18 a. re., leave Derila at t 29; Croft at 9.3; Hooter yille at 9.4?; Caldwell at 9.52; CDrneiios at 9Jte; Davidaoo at 10.00; ML Moorne at 10 06; MooresvUIe at 10,14; Ut IT-s st 10.42; Barber Jonctkm at IOLO; Woodiest at 11.10; MotksviU at 11 SO; arrive 'at Wiostoo-Salem at 12-30 p, m. Betnrnlog, leave VMnatoo Sadeea at 3 p. m.; MockaviUe at 8 05 p. m.;Wood leaf at LS5; Barber Janet too at 6.34; Mt Vila at 6. M; MooresviQ at 1J09; Ut Mourne at 7.31; Dandaoo at "JtA; Cornelia at 7.40; CaidweJl at 7.47; Honlervrii: at 7Z3; Croft at 8.0C; Deri U at 8.15. arrive at ChartoUs U 80 P u N nUam Tolbert, a you eg maa tiring near the Yadkin river, oo Mr. J. A. Lndeick'a place, below Trading Ford, Row a eoonty, was drowned oo the Ilia by falliog loto the river. H wa ub Jeet lo spaam and it is thought was seized with ooe whu oo the river bank lookiog after bah bask eta. Mum Margarrt McCaU, who ia vUit-Ing- Mies Janie I-rrin. mrriUy roo tnbuted a "Joke" to Lifr. a New York illastrate! puLlicatloTt. lit" ootorJy acrrpteil the rxmtributioQ, but the author a check for 5 lor it, The lull owing is the article: Smith "I have rrt sympathy foe rmthern minm-XKr Jonaw-How'a that?" Scaith MWi Loth bare ao many poor conoeciioria." aw Cwasrx. A negro who rcceriSy came over to Georgia rrom Cnha, aad speak I!ciah but imperfectly, becare in vol red ta a quarrel with native colored ciliteo horn be referred to a aaAfricaa." Tand de Lewd," rryiied the Georgia negro, "ef I Is ACkio, I ain't no S;u leJ: eo what's mo. I aiot no blamed black Philistine! J kin speak Nuoited Stales I kinr Theca- arainst P. P. II ed rick fur lolling: A, D. hhopiiog i tvalitbory. the chars Imtiz manslanghU-r. was cnnclnll lat week. After beiAg out abont fifWo minute the jury return ed a verdict of "not gty." While Mr. E. VI. Andrews was ae- wceJd civ a aistinfl hi vrif oo the train la Ciuur other road toilotte last Saturday some one stole a If 125 diamond scarf pin from his scarf. As proof cf the s sarrtioo that Monro ta ooe of the most orderly town re lis sis In the United Stales, The Tqiiirrr show that the tvae ia the mayor s court for the past year wrre ooly I ICC. Uncolnton toU! In favor of liquor Lkrnse at the recrnt mnsidravl election out ort-ateu a rcrpas;UoQ lo eetAbliah a grmilexl achooL No won ur the town I dead. Mr. Henry WITT, am s shot aad kied two gray eac'ic oo bi tana near Aahe- boro Saloriiy, meaaoneg srreo feet each, from tip to tip. They are a vici- oo lookiog pair of vuitaree.