r a The MorQ an tOn Herald administratore" as it delights to Gospel Mission Meetim?, I lmniA thorn tr1rnlr thPir hoarria I t meeting OI SALE OF HALL'S STORE. (Consolidated January 2,1899, with THE f AKMEH g r HIKKI). ; BY THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. Gospel Mission B virtue of an trder of the Surxrior I v a . f I 4f- a I 1... f I afresh and sharpen anew their wooers ,s to .e iie.a at asar ivr: Missionary Baptist Cburch, CasarJ lmlnif of 5 , ... t t 1 i i ... xt c: I ii.li ..... . i m r.i,... . w . . . . j i . , ,. , I VlCVCiailU tUUIUV, in. V., uu I'll- iiiuuuuuirn,i wm uu juuiiu , ins is losing no readers and-ite Bhght- QHnw Julv 2.day of July, the.same being : ' - i uie u3 oi saie nxeii in wiu oruer, ex O. U . , V. . Q All (ln.n.1 I . 1 . . - : 4 . . I I i. :A GREAT SALE j est suggestion i . l j the State team is of more avail m;,.: w i,,. ,n,H;aii ;n. vited to be nresent and Darticibate orit.if.H. This IS a condition hv no I in Hicrnccinn nnrl rrviinril rrlativ i luuiviis iu uui lining, uul wo tau i huj u(ni'uvi v i oanK oi main tapper cm-K, a corner ot Price $1 a Year Strictly hi Advance, see no especial gain to the good work, and especially as to the best Srna Church lot and 1 running :up said e n . t i . I rnnr rn rmrcn in future in !Mrrt n I . .1 . . cause or 10 to 1 in aenying u, i - r- vol u 1 1 u a wilt iwivi vuvw i w i - hnm, flnrf foreian field The lhJ SmJ I A'1"" infV .lhence .Cast . o -- - 1 wuu saiu line 10 ine tx'inmnj. con lain- dissemination of Gospel Mission J in one acre more or less, and boi njr the :f ,um land particularly described in a deed ex- luiuiiusiiuu amut.K iiiv H''"!"1'! wnlflKW 1 li.,.k .r..l ,if I I e . . - . j . r Its . t . . W. S. PEARSON, Lessee and Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Advertising Rates will be Furnished on Application. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at Morgan ton, jn. u. the possibility of stated meetings, Thursday, Junk 22nd, 1899. THE COMING MAX and we at least are not taken in by the modest minority plane from which the Charlotte paper talks.. The excellent 'gentlemen of the press who may think we for prayer, study, and council . . . are ot our base in the above, Trains will be met at Shelby would do well to look over the on Thursday, the 27th, only, home-field and catalogue the men programme. Of their COmmimitV in Reerfit- if I t. fTnninor luith nA hnnr'e not open, sympathy with Char- prayer service, invoking the Holy 1 ..ii. 1 a ' T J nirlt'c nniiflan iuil uuu its uuor. j.11 uie wuuub I r'v " ,-" "And so when the age of moral warfare shall succeed to the age of Tiftswinnnto crnin-DrottiTior aa enf. t t, C o I - r r . ceed it must in the movement to it is the other way: but the towns higher forms: when blind eco- I 1 j..i 4. 4 - -1 . - I ouiiu tiio ucickoico ill, ;4 1 I . . o iiuiiiiu iorces nave wrougni uieir 1 t Z J 4.;-- iHVlIJft UClOgniDB 4.43v vi lucuaiitj auu iixjuotivc; of hatred and susDicion: when Hall and nthor hv Iav1 if th let day of December. 1882, as recorded in Hook t," ire 472, in the Kt-ffisters omce 01 llurke County, the interest or subsequently been conveyed to said J. V. If.ll M . a . uau, as appears oi recoru in ine itegu ter's oftte of liurke County. Tcrm nf ul "(1 mr rpnt rmcVi rn of sale, balance in six months, evidenced py note witn approve! security, bearing interest at fi rvr fpnl f r. .m i',ii nf sl.. title retained until purchase money is Wherein dots the Mission " . D a ..... lully paid. Purchaser has the option of least the Board system practice, in Mission paying all the purchase money In cash. Work, differ with the Word of God Kale to make assets to nay the debts of Discussion onened hv Elders E. A. "'"f nln!?tJ- J" V' .IU,L . THE FILIPINOS. calculations and machinery and lAITlKlTtQf inn no Ti 4-1tt trrrknirt f 1 1 n 1 1., 11I From the Baltimore Sun web more nercelv! whfin t.h wIioIr people in some hour of national Tliat the Filipinos are not un- Poe and G. P. Hamrick. t. What is the practice of the Gospel Mission principle, in Mis sion Work? Elder P. A. Whitener and Prof. J. F. Herndon. 4. What do the Scriptures teacb This 17th dav of June A- I).. 1 V HAI.I4. Administrator of J. 1. Hall, derpasiul. Avery &, Ervin, Attorneys. For Om FittT Tears e the poor little auflcrer Immediately. tr IrnKKtata in every part of the wotltl. ty-Sve cents a bottle, lie anrr and aak klra. Winslow'a Soothina; Srrup,'' and j 44 ouuiv iivui ijcaLAVruai 1 need shall seek for the man of worthy our sympathy we have the heart and faith and truth, and hio-h antl.nritv of Admiral Dwv who will not falter, nor lie, nor himself for airtino. whose word! UVC l send,n2 out and sus' steal,.they shall turn hither for umself for rting, whose .words taioing Missionaries? Elders J. S. succor in their vaster peril as they 4U""C"- Uwaltney and Wade Bostick "" "u""'u o"po iiiuia r -j . i i 5. ia view oi me ncca oi gen I Planter to free them from a stupid Uipinos, are far superior in their erat Gospel Mission gatherings for trlJVNT I IFF to be vim king and a stubborn parliament, in tell; o-on and mor (.WnftfL., j .1 II Q1 1 1 j .i, 1 11 j-,. . 0 1 aiuuj .auu i-uuui.il, 13 au I VL And they shall find him in the Self-government than the natives annual meeting likely to do more jST orous and healthy, must Sweet lUStice of God in thfiland . . . . . . ' . whr mM . 01 UDa5 ni a laminar witn gooa man ruia-aunaay gainer v x v'l . 1 1 1 v 11. 1 1 1 111 n Da&Q "Vied for over fifty year by millions of moth. era for their children while teething, with ... . . HIV. VWIIH, .VIKIII the a-nma, allaya all pain, enrea wind colie. relieve ine poor lime auncrer immeaiateiy VU 1 V4 H Twent lor "M take no other kind. dec20-B7 1 T And Commander where onfi fir pnnviVtinn'a unVo his fathers shunned nothing, com- DOtn races promised nothmo-. reserved noth- x'ora. in lus recent interview. 07 1 . 1 ing, until the sublime struffffle civen throns?h the Snn. ' thns nn- wore to a close at Appomattox." Wes upon what his snnerior offi- The above beautiful clipping is cer has Xhe pnipinoa pic. from a recent address of Presi- turpii ;n nuattoi M M J j. A V 1 . 1 -r r .. I r ueni inaermanot the University, not tlie men we are fighting; they wno is one oi uie most original are eutirely distinct and separate lu,,1AC" i.ens in me oiaie. t1h f lows wo Heal witn nnf One can but remember that his "simple Virginia planter," was the richest man in the colonies at the time John Adams nominated there are not ignorant savasres fighting with bows and arrows, but an intelligent, liberty-loving people, full of courage and de- him for the Chief Command, termination. The idea tkt . . -. 1 " -Ka - : which would seem to show that Filinino is n nnvil, wn;a ,v, J " hiv4v m-m m. kVl " I awa .a ICS UUO U1U g . ...... I . . , rnwiU1 iu piuuvi- o laistaten one. Tl.o then as now. 1 i,4, :n--. -..j We fear the new man will be to s-ove.m themseWea and 1,0 of the Croker and Tom Piatt or- Lone it for ti, idd der despite the optimistic picture aithono-h nnder ti,Q t s; drawn by President Alderman. They were the clerks, the book If there is anvthin? certain in I , u this age of Trusts, it is that we age(i the entire machinery of gov- xiioiuuiug uuuer me Danner OI ernment A c 4-l.: Hamilton to a centralism tnore I j:r . . -r uuuuinou now, as iar as 1 can see, and more pronounced with the they are stronger, more deter passing years and that Virginia mined; and more skillful in the art jtuuuro are now at a decided dis- Gf war than when theflhtin ont mn I ' i ; , r a. , t .1 ' 1. ' w vuut. AillB 18 not a movP.mfiTir I 4.1 r : j . -i , I dav nf Ann-net 1I7 rw1 AVA.,tl K 1 lit-', ih si m ri t-t 1 onn n a tim inyra i j -- uuu vavvuicu j to higher forms," we resrret to k --j-8 R. m. Uilliard and ife Ajmes R. Ilil- 6 viiuo, vse regret to by, they increase in strength and 1'ard, to the undersigned administrators, say, but It IS. thereat movement. tnnwloH i1QTr- , default having been made in the pay- a.uuwicuge, Having nine or eleven ment of the debt secured hv "''-a-BBftiia.a I 11 4. I J : 1 -it w m millions 01 people to draw from. I :c' luc "wifueu wm on aioDuay, " j - , ,r lhe 24th day of Jul" ls". ell for cash -w a vy cfeJ the best ings ? Elders J. H. Cook and Z D. Harril. 6. What periodicals should we read and recommend to others in order to disseminate Gospel Mis sion principles among the people generally? 7. How can we best prosecute our Mission Work in the home field? Hon. C. H. Harris and T. F Turner.. A. P. Bcmgardxer, Committee. -I -7 r- Schools la Cuba and Elsewhere. Prof. J. P. Draughon, who recently viaited Cuba with a view of investigating the ont- a achool in Havana. Cnba, next fall, on bia return visited Savan nah, Georgia, where he arranged to open a weU equipped Busineae CoUege Jnne 15th. Prof. Pranghon now haa flourishing bnsi- nhaa colleges located in Nashville, Tcnn., Galveston and Texarkana, Tcxaa. These colleges have aoperior courses of instruct ions, and special facilities for securing posi tions. See Prof. Pranghon'a ad. elsewhere in this issue and write for hia illustrated catalogue. Special ratea will be given all who enter cither of hia colleges aoon. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain monpage, dated tne IZtn have Potash North Carolina, liurke Countv. SENATOR PRITCHAEiys PARK. Some time since the Asheville Citizen informed us of the design entertained," it was then' said, by Senator Pritchard and Judge Day, late of the Cabinet, to urge upon the next Congress the estab lishment of a National Park in Western North Carolina. We were struck with the idea as one of our own long cherished no tions which had been given up as , , uj ui rfuiv, lot, sen ior casn i . . ; are armed with Mausers, to the highest bidder the one-third inter- thaiUni. WfiMta., or said f -a , est of the said Amp It lTii;ar,i ,n.i l; and that said attachment is return; st rifle in the world, and SnmiSSSiTSSiS at the Coun House on the flrt Mon r better martomer, tl,flr. tha ley. deceared. said lands lvinir in I.invlllA n ovemU r In-inff Monday of serve law and order." Another gallant Marylander, Lieut. Henry Page, of the regu 1 1 . impracticable: but the wav the r army' late1 uoted m the8e Citizen sets it forth enves a rav of column8 borne similar testi n- '"j are far better marksmen than the ley deceared. said lands lyinsrin Linville c :j, 4 4. 4i i lownsnip, uurne uounty, ror a deserip- bpaniards. At first they shot tion thereof reference is made to mort- high and missed, but now they 1 1 . n nn 1. 4, 1 , ... 1 iin i . ... , uavo uitugut uu, ana aim low witn 10 HearlW efFo TU 1, j &aie to be made at the Court House deadly effect. They have a good door in the town of Morm,.,, .i.,,..,.. rAia-rAMMi . J.-1 1 t .1 ItVlA lAiral VlOiiM i.f a-o 1 A guv eminent now, wmcn tiiey are : " ' , , . . . ' J I This 19th dav of Juno A D isoo a." m - wf -' - uperaung successtully, and pre- J. K "WILSON. f!. It. VIVPAIll Adm'rs of R. N. Kincaid, deceased. Avery & brvin, Attorneys. hope that with the right sort of pull it may be realized. Our own vote on location wonld Ke ftftftA pftv 4.V1 Grandfather Mountain, the crown of the Blue Kidge system, with l ' ine nead waters of Watcno inony in a letter from the front to the Chicago Times-Herald as to the excellence of the civil ffov- ernment which the Filipinos have succeeded in maintaining even in the midst of war, and especially in regard to their solicitude for education. Professor Worcester, in his book, written before Mr. .McKinley made him a commis sioner, compares the Tagals, the race to which Aguinaldo belongs, to the Japanese, and a German writer, Ferdinand Blumentritt, in the Deutsche Rundschau for May, o o o Linville, the Toe, Banner's Elk. John's River and Wilson's Creek taken in say 440 square miles, troin Caldwell, Mitchell and Wa tauga counties, But Black Mountain with Caney river, the South Toe anil RnrQT.o ' TV Itil noa would do as well if the pur- poso be. as it sh TA Vr serve a bit of nature as it looked 8aj8 that the Mala8 of the Phil" a i yr" -tciauuo are very intelligent conversation last week in Char- a 8tnkmg resemblance o 4.- v .. , , 1 10 tne Japanese. So Dgiur f- oeuator jrritcnard on xUi this subject, we found him alive education are tiQJ, states, that to its importance and determined their Ptage of illiterates is ?4i . .V . two-fiftlio Vlo G: , wunout reierence to location to ' " f"u. nrge the measure. -The Sapphire region is working for it and snould be a valuable agency in securing tne passage of the desired legisla tion. Help 11 Mao Babies and children need 1 proper food, rarely ever mcdi- j cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. Thev need a little I I help to gtt their digestive j I machinery working properly. Phosphoric Acid and Nitrogen. These essential elements are to plants, w hat bread, meat and water are to man. Crops flourish on soils well supplied with Potash. Our pamphlets tell how to bar and apply fertilizers, and are free to alL GERTIAN KALI WORKS. j Naasaa 5t.. New Yarfc. ) SrPKKIOR CVlfKT, )" Fall term, Isti'J. Alpine Cotton Mills vs; Weil llroa. In above entitled cause it annears tit the satisfaction of the court: (11 That defendant is non rsi.lrnt of the State and can not, after due dilitrvnee be served personally with summons. i'2) That defendant has nroitertv in this State. (31 That nlaintilf has a catise of action for damages for breach of contract. (4) That lllirhmi'til has lun jn'awl on fifty bales of collon of defendant in it 1 . t ' iui iv r vouuiv. (5) That nlainlitT claims to reeuvrr of defendant five hundred dollars. It is now tin motion of J'.lin TV P.pL-ln. - - ------ n.. . attornpv for nlaintitT nnlirnl llisi r.i !. cation be made in TiieMokuaston Her ald lor six successive weeks notifying said defendant, Weil Hros., of said facia rnable Monday v of lhe fall term, lsn. of Iturke Supt-rior Court, before the Judfte thereof, that plaintiff claims five hundred doffars damages for breach of Contract in the sale and deliv ery of two hundred bales of cotton; and mat puoncaiion oemadeoi ine summons commanding the defndant to annoar at said fall term. lHJW, on Monday. Novem ber Oth. lbirj. at the Court 'House in Jiorganton and answer or demer to the complaint that will be filed during the first three ilavi nf ttip tAiil irm . n.l the said defendants take notice that if tney ran to appear and answer the plain tiffs will ai-nly to the court for the rt-lief asked. This May 5th. 199. P. W. PATTON. Clerk SutH-rior CourU John T. Perkins, Plaintiffs Attorney. NOTICE! COD LIVER OIL. WTH HYPOPHOSPMTES or LIMES. SODA BY virtue of mortgage deed executed to me bv Hnwanl IVilamin I will nn Monday, July 3rd, 1S99, sell for cash at the court house door in the town .f Morganton the interest of said Howard Coleman in a certain tract of land iu Morranton, lx?ing II acres of lanu near ine cifi,i in Morganton where on said Howard Coleman now lives, con veyed to mm by aid). Tate and ad joining lands of Laura Seagle, J. W. ilson and Others. Terms nf cslo nek Said land to be sold tosatisfr akilani- due and said mortiraire. is n iristered in book O, page 102. This Zitil day of Mav. 1800. W" II. PKATISUW S. T. Pearson. Att'v. M.ritr.trl4 Greene, of the General United States This being the formative period of public opinion in so staid a Btateas ours upon the winning ' - recenx writer m the plav for Rr.reW Independent J Army, who had just returned from the Philippines, told the Ameri can Peace Commissioners at Paris (his testimony will be found beuate Document No. 62, printed with the treaty) that more than 50 per cent, of the Filipinos can read and write; a recent writer in the 83 - VHV J J-WJ. IflfBJ I w tion upon the nart nf ti,Q m,.. Per cent' A he proportion of lit- I orafaa m T4-l : i r issues of 1900 the play for posi- lotte Observer and several of its hostile contemporaries is of more !f than tie mortal 5 r""1 toi. xuo yj r- server continues to insist that its notions of men and thineB are in the highest degree unpopular with the party managers, which admis sion causes all its "guardians and erates in Italy is only 58 per cent., in Russia 31 per cent., and in in, according to the census of 1887, only 28 per cent. "Persons wishincr to'chano. their advertisements must leave wVJ cuange Deiore 0 a on day before publication. m. THE RILATO CANNING OUTFIT. 1 will generally correct this 1 difficulty. If you will put from one fourth to half a teaspoonful f in baby s bottle three or four 1 i' ... in 1 umes a aay you will soon see a marked improvement. For I . ..... larger children, from half to I a teaspoonful. according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish ing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul sion. it will show an effect at once both upon mother f and child. foe and Si.oo. alt dnuefata. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. '-' - .1 - : .. I Fifty Cana Free With Every Outfit. Simple in Construction. Does Perfect Work. Old copper and brass takes in nckut at cash pricca. DURABLE AND CHEAP. CANS ALLKIXDS FRUITS & VEGETABLES With Perfect Bnceeee. Big money for farmers in can ning tor market. Two or more families can one outfit. . Will keep a anpplj oi extra cans of an aiacs on hand. H. R. BRIDCERS, Agt. OF MEN'S SUITS ! $5.ob, $7.50 and $9.75 Pcr Suit. They arc well worth $7.50 $10.00 and $15.00, and arc comparative priccsonc would not expect, except at the sea-, son's end. Wc give them now, when you need the suits most. Can you resist such a sirong inducement; these suirs are made in the most superb manner of fine Wor sted Shcviots, in the latest checks, stripes and ovcrplaids. Men's Pants from 35c. up. Men's Shirts from 25c. up. Our imported Madras Shirts at $1.00 arc the handsomest and best wc know of, at even a half dollar more. Our Silk Bosom Shirts with silk from armholc to armholc and down to below the belt, are $1.00: Crash Hats 25. Our btoro will c!so during July and August at 7 o'clock, p. m. Saturdays excepted. LAZARUS BROS. DAINTY LAWNS FOR SUMMER DRESSES ! Arc very much in de mand rieht now, and our line is composed of the newest patterns on the market- OURSEVEN and TEN CENT LINES Are all that you will find elsewhere for 10 and 1 5. Call and see them now. You arc as welcome to look as to trade. IE JLm JnftSLriits Morganton Male Academy. A permanent and thoroughly equipped school for the education of boys in those subjects necessary for teaching in tne puouc scnoois. or lor cntiancc to any higher institu tion of learning in North Carolina. All departments under manaec-ncnt of experienced and graduated instructors. Especial attention of parents is called to the successful work of the Primary Department. Address, B. R. PAYNE, Principal. BIGGIE BOOKS A.fna.IJbriry ef taomlki TilaftlTicrtCaL Cp-to-flate. Concise and ComrrtfctoslTe EiaJT omelj rrtate4 ao4 IvcatUfaUj uiatfntc4. Dy JACOB DiaOLG No. 1 BIOCILE MORSE BOOK AU abmrt Hiwm a Co lOftt-ayft--. TyMtw .ft 74 UlaatratXM i a ataaTr." Hlr No. 3 WOX1LG BERRY BOOK AO attoot ITOWIac lawn fretta naj trm -n.m No. 3 BIOQLn POiJLTRY BOOK All about romltry t brat 1-Mttrft ritaUaaj , No. 4 hioauj COW BOOK All abewt Co a4 the Dairy aal a . ktrrt.. . Jeoatataa colors UtZl7ZjZ&Xtlfl Ma 4. ntnrtt n 4...... i u cry. araara. Irlt Coatatea err I l.ui, tOftaaetACTcacrariaca. lrrtce. Z rm ii TaBIOQLBIIOOICI . way fa Um WOQUi BOOiwiT L FARM JOURNAL ot Ajncrvca-; : cr.'i , "i. r - . t W.t - w i-atu rmiii itakt. SPJi00 ttc far?i journal f YEARS rrraalndrr of rtai Ujom . . , to aay aldrefta lor A DOtO-AB blixT T aaail oamptcoi r A Kfl . rit.aa ararxaoa. caaa . jajiaojia. ARM JOCiONAl. aad circular dcftrrlM, . fttrvtt - PARS JODtNAt FARMERS' WIVES or any other Udiec who wish to work Can Earn Lots of Money working for at io spare time at home oq our cloths. We offer you a good chance to make plenty of pending money easily, in leisure hoars. Send 12c. for cloth and fall directions for work, and commence at once Cloth sent anywhere. Address WISOOSICET COM PAN Y. (o4-K.C.) lloxtoii, 31ft: 31 fff. Dept. . Ami lea ftatye. The Bst S4lre io tbe worU for Cut-, Draise-, Sore, Ulcer, SU ltbeum, Ferer 8ore, Tettr Chapped Uaod,CUiibUitis,CorBt and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tivelj cores lMe., 0r no paj reqatr. td. It in guaranteed to gire per. rectaatinfaction or tnouej refanded Trice 23 cenU per box. For ale hj John Tall. miUMMMM tMtttMHH Httit44.. ! MRS. A, P. WHITENER 1 ....fjlse::usl wiuiiut.... Our Store is a triumpli of latest new cre.itions in MilHncr Our Nets, Ribbons, Flowers -,- Sailors arc things of beauty. work guaranteed first-class. Visits arc under no obligation to purchit beacusc of their inspection. broidery. Corsets, Silk Waist P.. terns, Silks for Skirts alwavs in su Cmti'inrr trill Mijt um ly .il fX.,V tLrnx Smokeless Powder Is used to avoid attracting the atir-- of the enemy. With us wc use the 1 kind that you may know the location c f 7 batteries. You inspection of evcrv v.; of our store is desired. Why not a: our fire ? It means the saving of ir.ir.v; dollar to you. You have only to trvr way of doing business to appreciate the vi: you get with every purchase. IT IS WORTH YOUR WHILE to look into this matter. Cish with us : our creed. Wc buy with it onlv anJ sC lor it only. And wc get panic stuff with r. at a figure no one can match. This :r: proof : We sell you a thou sand articles almost for one cent that oth ers charge you 5 for. A pockel knife others sell for 50 cents v.: sell you for 20c. A suit of clothing others charge $ 1 o, wc sell for $5. A hat cthc; stores charge $1.50 to $2, wc sell for p:. Would you like more positive proof. b over our stock and be convinced. All cu: stationer' and books at an equal sacrifice ne ppiee af? tF3. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors! Io the Ihamet Cmrx f the t6itNj fo the Wi,m thautct oC urth CAivJittA. IX UAKK&UrrCY. Io the matter of 1 l" A'r 'kmpty. To the Credium of J. II. rera. cf UUK o the Cuwnty of Iturke and district afrJ4 tav&kmpt: Nude U hereby rlrrn that t the 3!t wasdoly adjud bankrupt aa4 thai the Cm meeting of Lit creditors wta be .k r 7 ' J". at 10 o elck la the foreoooo, at which Una the aA,d creditors may attetd. prove their cUlau. apr-jlm a trustee, etamlne the baakrurt and transact such txher buaioeaa aa Kiay frorerly oome before said meetiax . , la Itaakmptcy. MorfantoQ JaoeSth. I&W. NoticeTown Taxes. -KI,.wt1r,IOQ, bo ar Uh their Uxea art) bertbj ooU- ned that they noil come forward and make ae.Uea.ent at once or I 1 proceed to collect by Uw. Tbe town oeeda money to derayVnall. Px"Po- A word to tbe w be U anfflcient. J. Ii. AKDEIlSOy, Ta Collector. CuLORADA AND mil Lew txm Are Otltrti to St, Louis to M. Vato ti n torn r.C 50. St. Loot to Co!ot4 J and retoro, 92GLQ. St. Looia to Denrer ti r: SCGftVO. St. Looia to Gleo-l l i and retoro, frJSiO. lUiea from MrmpLis btgber tbao St. Looia r.', on aaJe Jone 23tb, and r aale until Joly llib. TUi k bear final limit of Octo'.tr A Goldeo Opportonity toti"5 West. Oo aame dates, Jote S-VV. i July Utb. we will i and ttaJt Lake City, at e daas far, plos tlx) for It" rc trip, Final limit of Heir: ' , l0 daja from dat4? of a:?. The Mitaoori Fcjc U.:? rnna aolid trao erery t!y year to Denrer witboct ciatf Write to I. E. RLULANDKU. Tratelibg l'AAroj;rr Af rtt. Cbattat.oo;.TttL Xorrantoa. H. C. GSabscribe for Tt 1I:: ooly fi.oojrir.