jjlllinillllliniliiiiiiniiiiiiHitiiiuiiinug I The Herald "1 j nm mmiiiniannnxinuniiminiijmug ' rsitxo tov mm IS THE JOB 1 BEST - ADYERTISIHG - MEDIUM WW TO IN THE Is !i THE HERALD OFFICE, i PIEDMONT SECTION. 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i a i mnm in i i mm ,1 g - rr - I s Om wr U- frns. g 5J1 Q, xGOX, 111 O.UVQHCO. . i E.n mmmuraniuroimuxnamtinrmj Vol. XV-Na 16. MORG-ANTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1899. i 1 ... v 111 Li II 1 II III H 1 1 II II I II I II 311 1 1 111 BIL.b AHPS LETTER. a ,me notable person- I believe it wasl i ady Montague said "there is no eo tertHinment as cheap as reading and no i,leiire as lasting." Especially is this true nowadays when there is bo much to rend that is cheap, instructive and intpresting. In fact, reading is now the t8t Prt of R liberal education. A ,oii rail person is wiser, happier and and were properly punished when they CArne back, or were taken up and brought back. I never heard of half a dozen runaways in our county, As a rule all negro 8 were humanely treated. Every master knew that it impaired their value to treat them otherwise, Percy Gregg declares, in his history ,'that the southern slaves were the best treated servants the world ever saw. The young A Till lha lrl ,1 . 1 - . j i i life timi uw -.""--"' mm! their condition was infinitely better SAM JONES OS LTRCHINO ASOWIUS. - KEY SELLING. At the top in tne rw ana sciences. . ui than lQe of EQgland or German counsel mean good reading-such as or of the Zrthern UaBlted 8ute9. ? hWr,:1 Henderson's speech in where we & - 1- large headlines and call it "Plain cept; good sry books and standard Words." The article is malignant, noveia ui-o, ". -' soo i mendacious and incendiary, and this magazine literature uu goou uewpa- man Pledger could not run his paper in pers. whose editors are conj ami im mcir Ueorgia. It is a weekly menace to the man sows, so suu ue rap, Utt we Peace between the races.. He advises might as imiy sajr wu cuuu reaua, the negroes to patronize negroes in al will ma or " " cuiuuuuai ayocations. What a fool. Suppose the cwwcier lit., ..v, . . merctianta of Cartersville should con intellect oniy, . out remuog uwu me cioae to patronize white draymen and heart, the emotions and passions and wnite carpenters and blacksmiths onlv. establishes the character ot the young what woaW become of the negroes who for good or for evil. Man has been de- now so faithfully serve us? What would lined to le a bundle of prejudices, and become of Joe Brown and Tnbble, our these prejudices most generally come expert carriage makers whose deport from the booics, magazines or newspa- ment as citizens commands our resuect Hers that we read - Little stories like "Androcles and the Lion" or "Damon and Pythias" have molded the character of thousands of children, and just so have "Robinson Cm),-' the "Young Marooners" and the "Siss Family Robinson," estab lished the characters of children of a larger growth. Whether a man de spises or admires Napoleon depends on ri a a . a whether he nas reaa bcou or addou. Whether a man was a Whig or a Dem ocrat in the old times depended on the newspaper he took. As great a man as Dr. Miller, who was an Old Line Whig, had a contempt for Thomas Jefferson iHH-ause he was per se the founder of the Democratic party. "Jefferson must have been a very great man," said I, "for he wrote the declaration- of inde pendence." "And what is that," said the doctor, "but a series of uugram matical platitudes that any Bchool boy might have written? The first sentence is ridiculous, for it says a decent respect lor the opinions of mankind. A decent refi-eet! Who ever heard of an inde cent reajiect ? Why didn't he say re-ci-et for' and leave out the decent?" i :i: 4 1 1 .U,.I . .1 . ami lie wanueu mo w"uie uwuiueui tfx.n a Whig standpoint. . Will, I whs ruminating about this wlnlr n-at'ing Percy Gregg's high-toned hut merciless criticism of Harriet Bewher-Slowe, "Uncle Tom'B Cabin.'.' Ure;g had sojourned iu the south dur iii" xlaverv times and knew the hook gang in Carterrville. I know them they are a dirty, lousy lot, figuratively ftrwakin(r T won't Utm doe ran with 1 am feeline better this week. Mavha I them. Thn 1pvi1 in imint tn ept about farmer s me is agreeing with me; yet a car load of Cartersvilhans, bat, thank don't fell much like a farmer, for I God. he won't much when be HOW I'NCXK SAM UMfHOll viLuosa. ma a notKKtriL buio vrroaiT. aont feel downtrodden. I do not feel like growling, and I don't feel much like hgbting trusts and combines. Re ally I am at peace all around. From the farmers' standnoint I was mnoh pleased at the proceedings in Judge Jaynes's court in Cedartown last week, in which the neero charead with th awful crime of rape, tried by a jury of wnite men, was acquitted. I know many guilty negroes have been mobbed. and from a human standpoint it looks like they ought to have been mobbed. A mob can execute: but therare in no condition of mind to try a criminal. A moo can piay tne snerin and execute a fellow but it cannot justly play iudee and jury and try him. It was a shame lands them. Agriculturally, 8am P. Joss. Am Kdltrll Ova. Baltimore Son. The Uagerstown Mail has just cele brated its seventy-second birthday, and in language that cannot be condensed without spoiling or omitted without in justice. ' To the readers pf The Sun. Thus saith The Mail: The listless snows of 72 dis wreathing years have faded since The Mail bloomed itIy upon this lana. ""- Its birth was synchronous with the embattlementa glorifying our Nation? Natal Day; the leaping roar of fitful and the SahaIe:,!h?L.!!' burnished brilliance of our flag in the "J wuiwwu ut uio nun- .v;., Mnnn, and confidence? I tell !you, my breth ren, there are many good . industrious negroes in the land, and we would have no trouble if it were not fomented by such pohticans as Pledger. I know lots of negroes that I can get along with and so does every white man. But such as Pledger are not going away un less he sees big money in a contract. He wants to be hired to drum recruits. Six millions of mulattoes? - Good gra cious! And he is one of them, and no doubt is proud of it. I never saw a mulatto who wasent. They wouldent have been black negroes if they could, and they wouldent swap colors now. lhey are the 4UU the elite, the upper ten But enough of this. Tip has been to see us the faithful Up -and be was happy, lip bought some land near Rome from a Michigander. The price was 11,000, which Tip paid, and after the Michigander bad left for parts un known Tip found a mortgage on it for $500 more, and will have it to pay. No body but a dirty yankee dog would have swindled Tip that war. Tip brought his "mistis," as he still calls my wife, a bottle of wine made from hie own grapes, but I reckon you had better not men tion this, for it might be construed as against the new town Liquor law, and subject my wife to a fine of $50, and ne to break rocks for thirty days. That would be bad and sad, wouldent it? Emerson ia now our liquor depot. It his guilt onlv indicated ment of Sam Hose. If the crowd is obliged to mob or lynch a criminal. wait unlit the court tries him, wait un til his guilt is proven, and then lvnch him if you will; but don't lynch an in nocent man. That jury in Judge Jay nes's court, as well as the judge him self, acquitted themselves magnificently when they cleared this negro for want of sufficient testimony. This world will stand up to an innocent man. The Dreyfus ewe shows that. Humanity is willing for the guilty man to be punish ed, but humanity has always revolted at innocence Buffering penalty for alleged guilt. Let us try a criminal, gentle men, before a regularly instituted court; let a leave the sheriff to execute him; or, if you are going to take the execution out of the hands of the sheriff, don't take the prerogative of conviction for crime out of the hands of the courts of our country. I wonder how "Yankee Doodle will howl over this case in Cedar town? Wonder if they have yet lynched that negro up in Connecticut for the In those unrolling years since, man has done much, lived much. Yet against the Infinite how little! hardly one tear to all the bleak magnificence of human dolor, hardly one speck of snow upon the lurid bosom of some illimitable desert. Still may we. knowing that and flit ting from one darkness to another, be elate in that we have seen the light, en dured the daily dust of life and drunk onr cup, and have not lain forever with those uncalled shades who never died into this life, and who have never tasted the pleasurers, battles and triumphs of existence. It is thus ours, and we are glad, therefore, to glance skimmingly over the felicitous bosoms of remembered sea, noting where the wings of memo rized tenderness glint and where our perilous hopes and yearning dreams dip liquidly swift until the evening come. bart J. C Ilendenoa, la Succcm. A million dollars a dav. This ia the amount that Uncle Sam makes away with. Every piece of money which becomes too dirty or too dilapidated for use may be presented to the United Stales Srcasury for redemption. Each day there is snt from the different banks throughout the country fully a million dollars worth of this soiled or torn paper. Every bundle or money received ia turned over to an expert, who, after carefully counting and in specting the notes to see that no coun terfeits are among them, places them together in small packages, and marks on the wrapper the amount contained in each bundle. Tbey are then passed under a machine which punches a bole in each corner of every package, and cuts into halves, lengthwise; one- half is sent to one division, and the remaining half to another, to be re counted by two other people. All count must tally.wUh each other be fore the bills areeady for destruction. The next move is to transport the money to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, where it ia is reduced to pulp by what ia called maceration. Into an immense revojring cylinder con taining several disintegrating chemi cals, the bills are thrown. Tne pulp thus produced is pressed into sheet. which strongly resembles white card board. This substance, which is used for various purposes, such as news paper, writing paper, and souvenirs, is sold by the government for about $10 a ton, the money received paying the entire expenses of maceration. The only kind of money not des troyed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is that issued by national banks. These notes are not taken charge of by those having the care of bank currency. Every afternoon these High II. rt T.twi y M SC. ImI Imgwm nm m Mia CtrrilM C The last statement said a howling mob around was a he when it was written, and that! ia four miles away, but the road is good, it was written to inflame the northern mind and precipitate a collision. That JJeecher family was smart, unprincipled 'and malignant. It waa Henry Ward LWher who incited old John Brown to his reckless deeus ana curing ana who declared from his pulpit that Sharp's rifles were better missionaries than Bibles, and that to shoot at a slave . holder and miss him was a sin against heaven. It was that same Beecher who. while a preacher, seduced the. wiffc of one: of his members and broke up the family, and after weeks of a mock trial got a whitewashing verdict from a packed committee. But I was ruminating about the far reaching influence and effect of that .ok and how it fired the northern heart and the Engliah heart against jus, and how it was a lie and wholly misrepre sented our neonle. and how the Lord cursed Shemaiah, one of the prophets, Ik-cause he made the people believe a lie, and how St. John said no one should enter heaven who loveth or niaketh a lie, and so I was wondering w here the Beechers are now. and they say the travel over it is in creasing. For some reason or other Mr. Thomas baa recently built a new depot there. Nevertheless, the fight between the barons and King John of Kunnvmede is going up, and another magna charta may be granted. Bill Arp. DUmal Swamp Soldi Norfolk. Va-, July 6. It is asserted to-nitrht that the Camp Manufacturing Company, lumber manufacturers of Franklin. Va.. have bought the famous Dismal Swamp. This great swamp lies half in North Carolina and half in Vireinia. Through it a canal known as the Dismal Swamp Canal has been due at enormous cost. One end of the canal is near Norfolk, and the other ia on the North Carolina Sound. In the mud underlying the waters of the great swamp are tnonsanas oi ceuar uees, which have been submerged and pre-oAi-vpd from decay. Tt ia understood that the purpose of the Cam ns is to drain the swamp and secure this timber. Should they do so crime of rape? that there was the jail. We are having some little excitement in Cartersville over the violation of our jug ordinances. One .of our citisens pleaded guilty to the violation of the ordinance and was sentenced to pay a fitty-dollar fine and break rocks on the streets for thirty days; but the sentence for breaking rocks was suspended on account of his wife. I anderstand there is another ease up now. It is not sea mat a "he or a "she. I thiuk tbey have got an "it up this time. "It boasted that it was going to violate the law and get its liquor wherever it wanted to, and it was gnng to Btand for liberty. And it was a cham pion of personal liberty. According to the lay of the land now, it seems to me that it will have to break rocks, though I think it and its lawyer haye decided that the law is unconstitutional. Speak ing seriously on" this" question, with no reference to it, this ordinance, pas sed by the mayor and alderman of the city of Cartersville, is no joke. The railroad, express company, or individual that violates this law must meet that violation clear on np to the supreme court of the United States, or suffer the penalty adjudged by a lower court. It I know anything, I know Cartersville and I know her people. I know the good citizens of Cartersville have long felt aggrieyed by this constant shipping in of jugs and demijohns of whisky and barrels of bottle beer. . This a commu nity that voted itself dry; this is a com munity that says one man cannot furnish liquor to another, or sell it to another: that is a community that, by choice of a majority of its people, wanU We may recall me years isr wre-ton, u renresent mr from a hnttr.l defile glirameringly, like starry, moon- thousand to half a million dollars, are thrilled hosts, and we may rejoice in destroyed in the basement of the our friendships, our dead heroes, dia- Treasury building. Tho door of the persing hills, tne not sweetness oi our maceration room ia secured by hug" eanu anu me utr j jnruui( ut ihkuhu of the past that those years hold, and we may be glad that in their flight they saw ns numbered not men-ly among the ripples upon the sea of this world, but saw us in the tide npy earning tn beat down the crags of ignorance, and ever seeking in renewing effort and multi plied energy to swell the flood bearii-g the ship of human progress to its harbor of perfect enlightenment in the age yet to be and before that dread hour when the heavens shall be rolled np like a scroll and man blotted from the took of Fate. The leaf is turned for new volume. In the words of Mr. Punch, "That's the way to Ulk it!" Somethlag Wiu. Littleton Beporter. - There is something radically "wrong with the treatment of witnesses and jurors in the courts of North Carolina. A iuror or witness is called from his work to attend court, and must attend or take the consequences, and but few care to do that. He may or may not have ready cash at hand to meet necessary food and bed bills while in attendance upon court, but he must go just the same. For his services" he ia only promised a su.ii sufficient to keep him at the lowest priced lodging and eating house. When discharged from service he ia given a ticket that he often finds it difficult to realize one half its face value. He cannot afford to skip his landlord's board bill, and the remuneration is not sufficient to meet the demads. hence he nnust lose padlocks, and can be opened only by the three officials who hold the keys. Nothing less than two-fifths of a note will be redeemed. To the bolder of this fraction of a bill the government will allow half of the original face value. For three-fifihs of a note, full va'ue will be given. It occasionally happens that scraps oT bill which have been almost entire destroyed by fire, or otherwise, are presented for redemption. So expert are some of the treasury clerks in de termining to what )cril note or kind of note a scrap of money belongs, that the owner of Uie damaged bills usually receive some considerable part of their face value. A majority of the govern ment clerks are women, who are said to be more honest and trustworthy than men, besides having in a more marked degree the delicacy of touch required for the detection oflmd money. "Some of these women are the most expert and accurate counters and de tectors in the world. Their sense of touch is so highly educated that the instant thev pass a bill through their finger tbey know whether it w a gen uine or a togus note. Many bills are such clever imitations that they cir culate through the country for a long time tefose being presented at the treasury, where they are almost invaria bly detected. Coltmbu, 8. C , July 9 John E Sweariogvn, of E-lgrfWld, .who w made totally blind by an aTWU-nt whew 7 years old, has jwt bra graduated from the Sooth Carolina College at th sge of 20, after bating mad the high est record dunog the entire four Tears of any man sinew the fouodiog of the college in lha first part of this century. He was first booor man, delivering an oration entitled "Our HenUr. Tha faculty regard Mr. 8wtrusren as a winder. Dr. J. W. Flino, IX V said he had been a profeaaor only ten years, hot had spent years in a half dosa collet of high standior. In eluding Heidelberg, "and," said be, "I have never met a man to compare with Bwearingeo. I sincerely regret the alumni has not a fund to send him to the best places in the world to thor oughly develop his power. His family have not the means to do this. "Ia whatever he undertake be most stand at the top. He is orvcrrtaio whether to study for LUe niiajrtry or the law. As a lawyer b would soak a great success evea before a jury, and he would make a mark as an author. Ilia imatinaiiva powers oi mind and fine logical reasoning art astnoUhiog. His memory is sorb as few other wo have bad; for instance, be can deli a lecture complete that h has beard once, bat not in the mm language. If ritual points hare only been touched upon by the profeaaor be will briog them out and elaborate them. "In such branches as malbetnalka. aalromomy and mchoiogy. as now caught, where the sense of sight would be considered so important, Swrariotm never faltered. He answered, with than two minutes thoornt. a complex mathematical proposiuoa that I have nevrr bad answered by another stodeoL He has a perfet coureption of relative position and distances of heavenly bodies, and etperieoced no difficulty in drawing corrrcuy geocnetnal ngurea. In further esemplt&rarioos of the man's extraordinary facolliea. Dr. Fhon aid be bad teated bitn ta varva ways. even to bit own astonishment, when one day be handed Swearinreo a wooden nutcracker. The cracking pottioo was a finely carved bead of ftsmark, giving a ca4ta! likeoeaa. The young man aaied hi finger over the face and no hesitatingly said: "Why, that is Ika marck." A rlaaa and room mate read aloud bia studies in Herinrct' hearing. That was bow be studied in colore. r 1 X J ' 1 A Males the food raore delicious cad vvbolcsotnc VflYM saws. Tba Winatno-rWletn poukv wr consolidated Saturday. J. L. Ramsey has reaigoad lh edi torial chair of ,Um The rrogTvaaar Farmer which pnaiuoo h has held loorer than, any oo icrr4 L. L. Polk. Clarror II. To succeeds him. J. J. Rogers, o Wake, i ttsoaietly engaged in raoaiog lomsbv at Apex. Laat yrsr b canned i I.CVU roarta. Tat year b will can 2 W.tXO. Ha hi CoolracUd with hi smgbhor faraaer tor tb product of Co acre. All tha barroom la Greeoaboro rtaamJ Friday oight and the dtproary Of oed fur UtuMai fUtorday. Tb men old their ork Cheap ia lh laat boor of their tiiatetKW and Urc oombrr of diitra laid ia so el Ira aur-tir cf - - -rv . - - - . . i , ! ww. turn Annun r, mti The KaWn Jiew aoJ Ulawrrer vitj l-raod tl obImuMjl thatCorpiCaUOO ComaaiMiuoer Roger! . fWlWra. m of Uimo'i beat CI Usee. I mmr iiorrros. itt-, jot sataaibiawi. Geoer Lodkw aav there la inc rata of rewov freer la Haraa. Th War Depart aa haa orictd arraaeecneaU for Lb LCCDrtt of bum rrpaaenU of eolanierrtat IE remU&c tAUcea. OaeeraJ Ut cteevl t.Xi reerruu to C.J ost O regMkr rt uneat la tha rhiLrtaoea. Mrv F.tma D. Fl 5. rVajihvorta, the aathorvaa. d4 at he nau faoa la Waahisgtoa on Um 30th. A trot a tooeth go aha wa rrratasUd j ba. Owicg to her advaarad , aba wa ooatc lo reroperate trrs Xm axuek. Thee ha beeo LlLW lUt la lb Fhiiitaoaa for a wwk car tonr. At rWa Faruaado Friday atrteicg tlx FU piooa tnada a aaTy agalaat tt Aaaen rn Iio lot dJ tA pmh tba attack. Una Attervwa w-a ki2d aad fr Tmm C mm met hi death ta a traric manner. H went into a fWtd where hi boll wa. Tha boll became ranged, gored Mr. Srlkr. dragged bin over tba ground. nuUUUog him lean ally, and Ifcrowiog bira cmx tha feoce. A bora belonging to If. ILJsbm. of Yadkin county, mat sub a paroUar acrfcleol a few day ago. Mr. Jar wae tear lha statOa whro ha heard the animal fall. Upon iaetjeuoa k found lha borva bad gUro hi hind font bnnr ia bt moatb and ora'J not reairaaw himalf. TV f4 had ppd into tha Iky frwttUh and tha heel wa hung over lha lower u4b. r quir ing two pull by Mr. Jaxne brf.ee b fin 4 could be looaeoed aod lha bora allowed to rise. A Taa no liquor; ana, n we win not tei uia . H a citizens of Cartersville turnisn it nor sell it, one to another, we will have something to say about how other peo- outthe trouble is iney won i, they will leave tne uismai owamp r . - . Jo t the State and grow rich following Almoet every ail brings me newspapers Canai Dieh and dry, eighteen feet above . . mmnnil h. the orders of the SUte. This is a with marked articles denouncing us and tidewater. The few who know of the Hndii it own noliee mattere. shin that should be remedied, and threatening us for this lynching '"J181" I reported purchase of the Swamp ex" I x now oi a city ordinance which levies I great law-makers would act wisely in-88. and thev all pitv the fate of Sam 1 Treat interest in the matter. ' and 1 . , I " o his time from bis own business serve the Stale, and to a great extent pay his own expenses, while many of his fellow men draw lanre salaries from the hard- our in lbe and weep over that incf-ndiary opiniona differ as i to whether the pur- Tennessee levies a tax ol scoundrel whoci thev call that good, in- -hoa,,.- mv leeally drain the swamp offensive old preacher Lige Strickland. I tua destroy the canal, or whether Mav the Lord have mercv upon us and I u fu- nnrchase the sreat tract through Lp.n no rlm and serene, is mv oraver. I v,,oK it. mnn the Camps acquire the Mv liiHt rnmes from the Humane So-1 -nal oitia lawvers say -that the pur- mane Alliance of New York, and says: Lhasers of the Swamp may legally $50,000 specific tax on the bucket shop. The diff ereuce between a state and a town is that there is a little more of a state than a town; and a town haa the right to do anything nnrfar thn constitution of the Btate that "Three thousand demons turned loose driin it, although their actaop .render I ,:alature of be state haa a right I 1 1 ! rwi, n m.t rft I .. , 1 - :r .ail.ul la ttllltl. 1 o i M IlflllltKH IiriHIIIltfr. AUCT LU, VU (h. Standi TlKfrMtKB 11 1ft 1.1UUOU . w " Hot tost mm 11 word. News and Observer. The month just passed baa been the hottest June known heie in the past thirteen years, with oue exception. June 1890 the average temperature waa ex- Tka lasBaartalllr ta Charlotte CHverTcr. In a very striking editorial in The New York Sun of a recent date is men tioned the fact that I'rof. James It. 1 1 y slop, of Columbia Univervity, New York, is preparing to announce that be haa obtained actual scientific evi dence of life after death. As The Sun says, this has never yet lxen demon strated. It ia believed by million of intelligent people, hot believed a a matter of faith only; Im b-tved liecauna the Bible teaches iu Spiritual'ifm ha sought incidentally, it is true to prove existence after death of the ma terial body, but spiritualism bas been so oftened exposed as a trick, a delu sion, a fake, that it evidence i of no value in tue eyes oi intelligent men; but for years, it appears, a Society of Psychical Research in London ha mmmmm Mf. Itarta. 111. Teaa Vldtte. Snake atone are seldom rardited. but iuaamuch a Jamea L Dalloa, of Willard, is a reliUAe gentleman beyond all nuestitwi. we are going to reproduce a snake Jtury rcJated by him. and, if necesaarr. ail in vouching for iu truth. Mr. Dallon says that in his Lack yard there wa a hen selling on a goodly number of etrir. and ha nctced one day that tha erg ere growing lea. yet he could ee no sign of their ha rina been destrored. so ha concluded to keep a sharp lookout and if possible solve the mystery. In a day or two be was pawing the place, and in noticing lha nest wa unrid to see a larre naka coiled around lha bea and hold inghcratbay while ha procure! an egg and then, uncoiling bimacHf, pro ceeded to take a sneak, whereupon Mr Datum interfered and rut him do with a lioe. The following day air. Dallon wa working elo lo the boue when hi wife called him to coma and kill an other snake, which waa exactly in the same poailion and al tha same boat ncaa a the first. Thia one wa dis posed of on short notice. Karh of tbeae suakea nieasored over 6 feel in lenrth. In leva than a week afterward two more snake of the same kind were killed, in similar positions, each one coiled around tha hen fr tha purpose of robbimr the nest. The last two snake were between 5 and C feet long We presume that tha hie of theae four snakes broke the rest id tha uiie from xtealinr ecm. a no others have been seen at tha burines. Artarra. July S. Tha reil moo- Cil cnaiiilee appntnted by Major jeo Um Vlitcheata tnvaiiestalbartargs made aaio- May Jamea U. Wc-d-ward. t y lr. L. U DnniM. f" of lha Tabrroacta lUptiat churrh. mad a report tbi arvrrnooo lo tha rflert lbt it Ubia were ligbleneU ty Mayor Woodward' frank aknolrdt-enet and thai pronoer td ameod were ma.te, Nancocnmeodsua were made by lha rontauUre. A oon as iba rert waa rrsj. rooo- rilaaaa Ma.ldoS aaked lu lha rwMgua- Iho -if lb mayor, hi rtriUog epreeb briog aoodd by Cuaaciloaaa Tbocnp oo. A toot-oo rt Lie the reprrt ws mad aod carried. A cootk to recom mit the original reaolou. waa lost, Tbi it I beUeeed eoda tha Wad ward- Droo4chtoo incident. SO. Tha re- en art aUr heavy raib cd lha lM Umtt days la Ttta bar doea damaft ahkii ajl amooot to baadrsda cd Ibcoaaad of doHara. Railroad trvSe I o;rodd La soatbTrxa baeaoaa cd Iba bosmv on waaboola, acd saaay iaSdxe are eooa. Kerry atreaai ta U.a axtaoo cd tba aiaie t aboya L:x V tlit aar. aod tha acrry wa-'m Ma dratrr.td tiiouMft.ii c4 arrra cd cc4ioai. cvra aad ran, tes4a bcoar attd call. Al CaJerrt tba rim ao waddM Ibat wheo tha water arret lhrocx Iba Ivwa erreral ctecrosa wve drowoed. aad te oo.ra bsra teva reopvered. II ss ramrerd that Brian y fsraner, wh.M aad cciorvd. bring ta I be Rrsa a U4loase. bar hern drr-arted. tot tmiher aaaaa nor rrLaUa artonUra era yt t4 lainala. Tha Cf and Iit: Rraaus herr Lara )oCoed at Navaauta, a beer tbey ara cadt aanly Utrea sour a;-vrt aod tba abe conoiry btwaeci la a rua, mxmilj o4la and nrs land. Tbera it Mt amirai newt rrrardicg km bomaa Urn. Ual it I m"-U'y tuud Uat coa famy ti ait fvi -rtabed. Tb kn la cr4k aad corn aiu wtH rk a BMtlUoas J.Ur. wb acc4ber caoLV-a wvH rv4 coerr tbw Icaw to railroad aod t4ber jrocerty. ArTT. Jo'y S Tha Cl eoeer a la to do for the" sute. xue mayor auu i m a As. 9r fttA irvaam council oi a iuwu vu I T ; 1 oca mum th- .vormo-fl Inm .1 - t. .1 1 :nT.-.wr . n rtrt Inr I -. .. " " the state. The legislature is as much Peure.'Vli .1 .. : t .,.. President W. H. CounciU of an Ala- J. 4&v d oes uiscub 'uZ w'k Amu. ih est was 57 on lb lath. - . r t : ; lha laat. mini rur i men ui hut ti.j. ' 1 u . u nM .... m . 1 1 future 01 111a. raws 1 : 1 .... . ,.. i. 1 imnae mo uiuuui uino n o 1 -1 ------ , . im .hi iiv iftra.11 iv ana cuubuiuuuuuui oi i . .. . . , - , a.. xj. .oanant. Cran- of the JJorum anu re;uraluv w.u 1 . .: . -1 i;na. fa" OI incnes, mere oemg o ciouuj ... 7 . I iL.l .V.. -narrvrmU O PA flRflUIlcQ fcO I 8b ItTKlBl" . v i-. O ford was one of that mob, and Bam won iu n -w n, " r5tv ordinance aeainst the ship- Hose was only avenging the death of leave tms coumry nu i Uauor? If we do not propose of Bishop Turner of the to Bell liquor ourselves among ourselves, lie, too, I men, m mo um. o jv - -- ;n v,ia Uhom no wav under the law and consti- Strickland and lvnched him." Then see no u.u which a community can be h s ears and fingers and pluckedout a1png the towpath ins eyes balls anU plungeu Knivea ui-u his body. His liver and heart were out I iratre nt tie Begro. into small pieces and Bold to the high- shot them all to death save one. xnai acUv the same (77 derrees) that it has 1 been prosecnting investigations, the h.n in June. 1899. The next hottest I results of which are intended to dem- iii. Mootrrrttxc July 3- Wa bar lha awthern auburb of our nty id smallpox, aorordioi lo tb d-.4oa ol IV. Henry Loor. The aul j-ct U lb wifa of Jackauo Uoora. fba ha r-ot been elpord to th d.aeae Ibal b knowscd Foe wa oo tb A, T. A U. traio from Cbaftutl a week or two ago. lira, aloore I not suffering al all aad I np and about al her born. A gnard baa been -laced about lb trefniara day and nirht lo treveol any graog car cr cocnicg in, aod Iher i not aoy danger Of lha drar jrwting. Mr. Moore boo ia ia an laoUlrd pail of twa. tA even havtnc a near neiihbrr. aad ia about three-quarter of a sail rn tba der-4. VaonaaUoo ta beteg admiOH- lered and every peerauiKKi la taaeo io prevent lb rVd ol tha ronUcion. Or. Kll mm aaau Dvrtaa. M. Int. Dr. J. CL Ki!g who ha been oo a trip lo New Kaftaad, ha returned home. His trip greatly broafiled him. Il will b remetnbetrd that donof ide ei tt c4 irmley co tba coora of lb Rraanw ner. Utt I slowly mnrdieg. Tba ralnad bar larr ftjcrea t4 rtmf atd tnslrriaJ al tba watrr rde and rroc.i.rg (I tb ead bed 4 Irsrk I brtrg pwd nlf. V3 lnKwt nuit.o tsaur aci tUwbra i tbat je5crt wboar fajailaar wilb tb aerd-sx(d rrgvaaa.Ml tbat tbe total kwa cd CT4b j h4 wJl wb 6 tandrrl lbooabd lad, Sra rr)Jantirg ail be doc. WairrV&4 ofc are brtrg reroed ty tba arw Iruea iauodaled lowUoda. Jio fortber reptarl bate b-eo rrrrrd cd dm-amitf. civilization in Africa. Aftpr hnrn incr Sam Wosc the mob found look, also, his friends when he killed Cranford. an old honored negro preacher named Aincau - I see oo country. see "no future for the negro cornea the usual anathenia, ana rSr of them, however, and more aruce wjaas up waa too asseroou .u-. Alftbftina College Presi a race conflict inevitable.' . 5"lta that this negro exodus And now comes The Atlanta Age ana L but that t wm come Wesley Pledger, the mulatto editor, "r n" ' f ,a few genera- Bays, in answer to J. Pope Brown, "the "'" Hia own prfde," says Presi neero is readv to co. There is not one . . .,, mi,. loaSm to redeem nprrn in tn ht will not ffladlv wel- 4D.1 -l. .nrl lot. the broadcloth and parts come an opportunity to go. The negro Xm?nta of a thousand superior .ad- middle, or whether he KNlWn SOU I - i 1 J .ntonal (rain. 1 Ofl.lHB W1U1 U1C DW. protected from the damnable old liquor dealers on the outside who would ship it in spite .of God or man u tne pur chaser will ship the money to them? I h no rennect for ft liauor dealer. 1 davs. 13 partly cloudy and 12 clear. This is above the average rainfall for Jnne, which the records show to be 4.83 inches. There were thunderstorms on the 1st, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 21st, 2Gth and 80th. The prevailing direction of the wind was southwest. Mrymm sad mwrn Jmmtm OmmH Rpoak. Chattanoqa. Tenn., July 8. W. J. have but contempt for the dirty, lousy J Bryan passed through here to-day on thst drinks it. whether he wears hi war to Barnesville, Ga., where he - ..... . . I . . r- his hair in tne i wui make an address to-morrow, rrooi goes around I the Rev. Sam Jones, the noted Georgia his breeches I evanzelist, occupied tho car with Col. States. I Bryan. Trainmen report tbat they did drinker I not speak, and aat in silence near each be- other all the way to Chattanooga. A Pooe Brown and others who have on vftl. be overcome in i robbed him for vears. We are anxious ", onA fnot eventually they 1 crawls to go-we are ready. This crowd Jj" to Africa to develop by them- "iwukih our muiuciDucio . " " . i gelves and oi tnemstjivco. oieiu anu ouuagcu tutjiii uu l ' ttt tre . 1 .11 . H.Haman f9 fVllS u.-o.uuu oi muiawoen, --i Watermelons man urown ana nis ineuuo. x.. b . :.; hoiaht as went the children of Israel from The watermelon season lis at height -j hour when : rnli. and unusually heavy Bnip- weet ready to leave." . : . ments are be tootoy Then he copies Joseph Henderson's One nrm iu York last reply to Governor Korthen, wnicu wu- iuo - 2( tains more lies to the square inch than week which weighed 27 snything I have yet seen. Henderson an average for efjnjjg belongs to the -Thomas Fortune-Ida pounds The AugusU Ch Wells gang, who are making big money extent, spoiled made his speech in Boston and said be the e chronCile, "may be was a nftnroiai, snd his mother obeyed melons, says uic v. th- -I. ..i- -hin and felt the raised by guano n""6. - uiwv su jvm w tT V.i,.ji .1 1 1 nrw.i m Mar htl 1 . .. . t.iu.oit Tn I he lost. We iihm iriflMU nruia iy 11 te rn ibkiicvo awe 1 miuuv kUVv J - snake 11 1 IL. wrill on Dis oeuy auu iuo oca nm crawl on anybody's belly. The drunk ard crawls on his belly, me uquor dealer crawls on any drunkard's belly. We may have some exciting times over these oruiuauoca, uui w mean to be monkeyed wim. we wiu enforce the law until we are enjoined by each successive court to me supreme rut iv T. o the United States. I affirm but the bu woiy . , 1 -i;f, and whoiesomeneaB ujbjt What a liar, but ne penur M--v --- of the . . - " ir tvii anrar vam sweet uomio all my experience I never knew a negro wmpm vr . Are we about m v. .0 wm nav-TH.iivicu uiv tv-j , - woman to run away, nor am 1 ever u, - - h matchies Richmond of a bloodhound biting man or woman ijje "JJJSn by similiar folly?" Sometime hud nero men ran away I county watermeiou few months ago Jones, who is a Sound Money Democrat, in a newspaper com munication, ridiculed the free silver ad vocate and referred facetiously to tne the Bmall amount of taxes paid by Col. Bryan. The latter made a spirited re ply. This explains the coolness. A little girl whose parents had re cently moved from country to town, and who is now enjoying her first ex- lyHirt 01 iiiH vuitcu k. v-w. . .... - . . . that no decent citizen of Cartersville de- perience in living in a street, thus de ohtte1 the ordinances. I acribed it in a letter to a nother ch, d : "This is a very queer place. door is fastened to our house. . . 11 1 affirm that no vagaoona snaii ne per mitted to defy the law. vve are nou- esUy endeavoring to keep one ueorgia . i dnn t BUDDOm uiai were luwu oj- -. -rf ,, . I - 1 ;V,K tn - : nam in the woria wnere uquor ta bo i biu - ' . . .1 : j . - onstrate scientiflcally the immortality of the soul, and it ia from this that Prof. Hyslop hat taken his cue and the medium through whom he has made his alleged discovery is a Mrs. 11 per, of Boston, a woman who haa so much astonished the experimenters of th Psychical Society that they have re tained her in their service by a special contract Tor as many as fifteen years past. His proof he expects to com plete in tha course of a year, and when he presents it he is confident that there will succeed "such a wave of excite ment as the world, has never seen be fore." The Sun say that "Prof. Hys lop suggests that his conclusions should be confirmed by a methodical investi gation, conducted by a board of dis tinguished scientific men, and unques tionably such a connrmauon will be necessary, if his expectation of startling the World with a thorough scientific demonstration of immortality is ever to l fulfilled." Clearly this is but another phase of spiritualism, but Prof. Hyslop's an nouncement of bis findings cannot but be awaited with serious interest, and certainly no harm can come of bia in vestigation. If he should indeed dem onstrate scientifically, and beyond the question or a doubt, th immortality of the soul, he will have established the truth of so much of Bible teaching and strengthened by so much the Christian religion. If he fails, it can only ta said that spiritualism has before and often been exposed, and that this ex periment waa spiritualistic, and thus no harm will have been done. Haws aad Otoacrrer. Col. R. B. Oreecy, editor d tha Eiu beta City Economist, la tha fatorr of North Carolina JournJiam. Ha ha no admiration for Abraham Liocolo, and with characteristic pUiooe of speech recently excoriawd II r. Lincoln in very severe language, lha aeiut w remember to have read anywhere, Tb editorial fell in to tha hand of the Westchester, N. Y- News who mJkd to Father Creecy, beading hi eltt.anal "An Unrepentant Fool," closing Ihns: Dollars to douchnuts IL tt. Oercy ia soma vounsr oratart h- was not born tf or and know nothing about tha time that tried meu a by fire aod tbat all ha knows about lha -great. rentle and kind-hearted Lincoln I that which has been taught him by unrepec tant Rebels. It will be oUerred th above U not the prirate srotimaol of a private cttiaen, bat it M tba sentiment of a public man expressed in a public a rr KM; ri. CW. CWflaxte ti Thee m a grral dealtl IfiUwet abowa ber la a ra cd kJoarcag. ta wbarfc Ifvas fiia XI. DrO. of tireetabra, Uj a leadrg part. Hrr u4r. it , bad mrrxl a man aamd Caa frcM Cveo racing, Mjl, frota wboca b arparalrd 00 aorwaal of cntatreaxaaeaL rbere wrra Isn rLidrvo stub It we anaogtd boo4 t rvUtroed lo tbe coc4ber on tba lb of If ay, lal wWa that day arrived VI r. Cm rvtaatd Va either gita op the cbiVlrrci or corn muni -cat anth bt wif oa lb aat C Tbeo com la tb tkerr4na. Mm IU0, wbo Wn her oa tba UVb of Jue V IVewa 4-ior. Upon arriral Ibera aba funad lb tt (. mm woulj gie op bet oo cf Iba rhiklrea. tt la her rrotv to trier botb cd tba LlC ritUla Ureaeaiteo if . Dril mad fneodt aith arrvral law j rr. a aewvttr reprrw aad masr rtae Cr CalUal m -Xmmrne rs-jXriniiy COioccrei.ect be bad a pnrUylcu perie, bO ajawMed her ilii soc- sharp nervrai atuk. biie ortb. Pr. Kilfio TntrO 7ew tors, uoaro and other nUtt, loeiaciiac the hbranea, 1 Uborslonr and Other Ladding of th Iradii r edocaliooal inaUlabxao lo get tha U-t Idea for U tew hbrary boiid- lag b be evicted al Trinity Cbftrga. ahirb will l noa of tha Baeai of it kind ia tba ft -alb. j newspaper, and oo doubt tha sen ti meet "I hope you are not cutting a friend,, larmer wno was Fists mmm Deacon Jackson (disgustedly) Why . . V .1. . . a t!aaf a I Via K1r rf ftk TWL TtMT WlLn ft ia it 1L 111 aVlfflVI Ufl llLUeSW DO M ZVT rnTaoinine fishes dat'sW ready to Uckl. whoTonHTov'e Uquor hates it awfuUy; the farmer replied: "No, s r; I'm only de hook? J .... wno uoii o h i . .1 i r)eac0n Johnson ha . I spoae tl s anri a man wno iuvcu " - - j - i -i - - o But I had rather be a cbaingang nigger K.n to he a white man and publicly and deliberately line up with the whisky pull the ropes, on da same princi4e m U nA atnnM Iks shin xvtk mtiat I HttleeL no-account men auuu&u - r - i , . ways dat'a moa' I ready to tackle big public questions. was and is participated ia by a trg portion of lha people residing in Kltxa belh City." Father Creecy make thia cmahiog and brief reply which leave nothing further to be aaid: In deriding our youth, tha editor of lha News rhargea oa with wot I no fault of our. Our father' Family Bible place our birth ia 1813, and II Editor Long I an UJer man, as wa sup pose h) U, we will, on account ol his age, fori .car to say, that il Is belter to bo a "joung apslart than aa old foot" The Da via Record says' that Mr. RU-hard CamobelL ol Rowan, was la Mocksvitle last week, wearing a pair of shoe which ba ha wore about a year aod which were made out of tba bides of ix aqnlrrela. Tba Sua sajs tha mayor of Lexington a as in lha mayor's court ia Salisbury nnjr tiiii Ui. lYmw-aa. Jaoa S3. Tha last day r the aral jrmt f tho Ama'gamaUd AaoriatMa td Iron sad fteel aad Tia Worker ended at midaighl. Whil defioii Cura ranoot ba givao out looirht a to bow mint roeo wi3 ba Uks It la known that tor lhaa City tbooaaod aid b forrcd uottoqait work temporarily at Wast. Secretary John WlUiama, ol lb AmaJgaaa&rd Aaaoria tioo. howerer. gava II hi ovaoloo that a seUmebt wokJ ba reached la lha Dear fatur. Thar I no animosity and both avl seem lo ba in favor ol coming to agreement. naaful aasroljoei cd her t-aa. f2a - cured tertnoo I jr tb ci.:Vlrrw ta dir. with her. touk a aad down lb nwr. bmrdnd a train aad rnooralrd lhca sa id aba got lo kftsphj ahcrasLawa neaped. Her lha rrrrrUr sraia a pearcd a paraliaJ hrro, t44aiad rooaawl lw hr. aad. CoaTy according to TV HoU Daily luca -JaJge rVunoar saada or'er cUarliarfioc fmaa roaaody tb yooBg woman, j Tba tiga staled lhthd4 il caa lha contract rvrklored by Si m bat thai U tba si i tor wera bf xa biro caheraia or la twretl father aod wx4ber L wouli gjr tb cvstndy cd tba rbiUrtai ta tb oCb- er. Mi IVu Ibea nwrrd craii a eeoeral crrsUoo la kf hk fsbe amved . tn Greeoaboro with Iba two rhJJrra aaia and aonnd Boaday atgbt. Tawy- Wilt mm Omaha, Neb.. Joaa 0l Old ha alliaoca men aad popohat snet al Kearaey to-day aod decided to revert a funoo aad oorainala a middla-ol-Lbe-road Mat bcket thia faO. Tbey Lsaued an addreas to Nebraska tapuliaudeooancinglhctsistiag foaioo arranrecMoU. lb trvaml sut offVcisl aad board ol traaarcrUltoo, dedariag that decnorracy had Swalkrwed op pop ulism, aad tha Utter had recvd ootbiag from Iba deal, aad declaring their aneoUoo to keep ia tba Biila of tha road. Tbey declared against Bapporting national ticket with Bryan at lb head. onlea a popuhat I given secood povre. Ts 9mm Insil. Th catalraoa cd fkata Normal and ledoatrial Cuuega, Grwrtrboro tcb yoo caa get froca Prsaadecl Slclrrr opoo riitioo- abo-w tbat thrra arrra roor lhaa tX) rrgMlar stodecu at this lastimt ioo. aod it has saatrimlaUd about 1,700 stodenta, ntriawcUag t ery county la lb rkai ettet oa. Thai eulVga edter lo vouog raneo Iboroegh LUrary, ciaasKal, aortLic axwl lad aa Uial edocaUoa and rperial padaXXTsJ traiaiag. Aaaoal Etpanaf $.J to tQO; t T ooo-rMadeciU cd lb fUat, IliO. Faculty cd SO tncnbrra. Read tba advertiaetnertl now roaning la U.j Tha Oovemmeot defkil for th (Ural year 1 l3,8?5.9$9. Tha eipeodilort one day last week, for being drunk aod I ol lb Oovernmcot for lha year wer disorderly, and waa noea. l o. Uuzmsoso, N. C, Jaoe SO Tb di.fiary saaXAer waa arr-avd bHar Jacga TimberUA ibt axicraoott oo eoenpuibt cd H fi. Newoocab, who al leged Ibat Iba board of manscer was ia coo tern pt of court ia twtabUshiag a dtarweaary, aad asking Ibr a Uveporaxy mtraimog order. Tb Jacr mwasd ta grant tha order aod rukd that lb oa ffodaaU rouVJ not be attacked for coo-lempt.