The Morganton Herald. (Consolidated January 2, 1899, with Thb Fakmkb's Fkiend.) THE BY - HERALD PUBLISHING CO. W. S. PEAESON, Lessee and Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Price 51 a Year Strictly in Advance. Advertising Rates will be Furnished on Application. s : LOtered as second-class matter at the postofflce at Morganton, N. C. 1" Thursday, November 9, 1899. ; It is not my business -to estab lish a secret service in order to ascertain what Democrats are most devoted to the principles set forth In the last rartv creed. All - . u. Chicago platform Democrats look alike to me? and instead of trying to drive any professed believer in that platform out of the party my act is to impress upon all Demo crats the importance of the tri umph: of Democratic principles that oil local differences will be lost sight of in the determination to restore the Government to the foundations laid by the fathers" "W. J. Bbyan. FOREST FIRES.' not be said of every other high school in the State. The parent, who subjects his son to the humil iations inflicted at some of these places is lacking in the primal in stincts of the lower animals, un less like them he is - ignorant of what he does. This last victim Judge Simonton has decided that the Corporation Commission has no power to asuena property Tor taxation and that either by in tention or accident the Legislature omitted to give the power. He says tbe mind of the IrtfUUtare was anchored to the ilv'tight that the old Board of It. B. Commission. at Cornell bid fair to be of more era had such power and tbe Eeve- value to the world than the whole layout of his murderers. He was tEe grandson of the 1 Rev. Dr. Berkeley of Missouri, who received Ilenry Clay into the' Episcopal church, was his lifelong friend and officiated at his funeral. The father was-Edward Fairfax Berke- nue Act of March 8, 1893, conferred it upon any body 'succeeding to their power" and tbe Act by which a body did succeed to tbeir powers passed two days before tbe 8tb towit tbe 6th of March, and yet be B4.Y8lf by these words the Legisla ture meant tbe new Board why did tbey not say so. In simple ley of St. Louis, and this was his Euglish the argument is that on In his veins ran the n"5 is a ioug eoumera- c I tion of conferred power and this one of assessment is not mention only child. blood of a dozen generations BALE OF VALUABLE MORGANTON PROPERTY. By order of a decree of the District Court of the Western District of North Carolina rendered by 111 Honor Hamil ton O. Ewart. Judfe, Id a certain pre ceding in bankruptcy therein pending entitled "In tbe natter of John II. rear ton, bankrupt," the undenlgned trustee in bankruptcy will, on baturaaj, vne l& day of November, 1809, expose to nJe at the Court llouae door in the town of Morganton in aaid district the following lands of -tbe said bankrupt, John 11. Pearson, to-wlt: Mne (9) lots on Sterling street In tbe town of Morganton between the A. r Somer's store and Queen street, each of said loU being 22 feet front on Sterling street and running back 108 feet to an ur- ... . ... . . . . . One (11 lot adjoining the above lot, at the corner of Sterling and Queen streets, having a frontage of 21 feet on Sterling street running back with Queen street 10 feet to an alley. - One store lot on Union street with one story brick store room thereon, sue of lot 23x00 feet, same being the property formerly occupied by the Racket btore, and lying being the stores of 11. Y. Wort- man and Mrs. K. JS. Anderson. A Hernia HonnJ. About a year sko a jounf lsdy o tbu eastern part of Catawba coantr rt mor'gsgf oo berlaod to furnifih yooog raaa sbe was engaged to msiry f 123 to go to school on. A short time afterward be wrrte to 1 er T-r more aioner. Bit did cof itrd it, and tbe fallow ootlflnl iifrthut tlelr contract was off. Yrarmlar tie land was told by tit motijtiifre lo collect bis note. Nt-wtou Lntcrpris. KJaeata Yr StvtUWUs CiiwnU. Candy cathartic, ears constljs- tlon forever. 10c, 23c IfO. C.C. fall, druggists refund money. fourao-eous men and his life was a " ' , One house and lot on the old McDowell courageous men ana nis me e(j. On tbe 8th in auotber act it ford road, adjoining James Lail. Neill iorieil to ms piucic m uuej n.g iuo couferred in as . ulain words as Caldwell ana otners. uoi coniainsa vov j f : i - i taire. a cooa weu ot water auu cmBncci commands of a. lot of idiots. nnft PAni.i w,s, for. . vet the last 1?. .JL.-.,,,. r . .,Mnr is uot an amendment ol the first. One tract of mountain una in burer . x I rr: it l.-IJl .. .1. . . t I. I ...... . bunaay's papers contain a strong i cus uuuur uuiuij arguea iu i i and Thomas Gorman's containing i .. m o -ill I lurt. tn itifHrAniiA vliAthpr t.hllnr. I acre. letter irom young 10m oeiue iu - - - rf mountain Ian on Burke- pumbiuu Kuuiuiisaiuu ts uicaus ma old man Linney in which, he shows, so that even the Bull of the Brushies must be impressed, or rather percolated, with the idea that if poor white folks are ever robbed of their votes in North Carolina it will be the Kepubli-1 one's'choler to rise, and yet we a successor of tbe RaJroad Com mission under the Acts or iy, and that being an act levying trib ute be must hew to tbe line and stick to strict construction. His Honor is so strict that it causes cans who are responsible for it. Ihe point is well taken and is a clearly enforced. It is like this. The Democrats say in their law all white folks and some negroes must assume On tbe authority of our own Supreme Court that tbe last Legislature about whose abil. ity we all bragged so much did not know bow to do anything at all. And of this onintnn is tha Fed 1 -11 a- fri T VI! I suau vote, me xmpuuiicauB nay .. ni. w i f 'ii i i ii - rt l I mis wiuDeset asme Dy me courts, tbe fear ja8t winter that the end mont mountain, adjoining the lands of J. II. Mace, George Stephen and others, containing 70 Acres. One tract near the town or uorgantoo adjoining the J. N. Payne tract, now J. A. Rector's, and containing 10 acre. Any of the above property will be sold at private sale before day of sale adver tised ir a sausiactory oner is maae to the undersigned trustee. Also at the same time and place the remaining interest in the brick dwelling house and about Zs acres or land, (ut- ject to certain mortgages thereoo) as signed to the said bakrupt John II. Pear son as a homestead, and fully described in the homestead allotment filed In the above entitled proceeding. s. Terms of sale, one-fourth cash on d of sale, one-fourth In 30 days, one-fourtl in 60 days, and one fourth In 90 days. from date of sale, deferred payment to The season is now approaching when according to the custom of the country any beggar, who may witih tn cather a sack of chestnuts. feels at libertv to set the moun- i tains on fire, in order to rid him self of the leaves. Others to hasten by a few weeks the starting of the spring pasturage put out fire in the fall. A great mass of leaf mould, which would be a perfect reservoir of the , rainfall, is thus ruined, valuable timber is destroyed and the flow of the streams lessened in - summer and over-charged into winter torrents. The statutes are ample in furnish ing protection against this injury; but they are not enforced, no one caring to give information against the offenders and public opinion being utterly dead to the destruction- of our forests, whether in this or any other way. "I will not be stripped of my feathers," said Bacon when an offer was made for the woods of ,Gorham bury that money might be had to pay the fine of the King's Bench. That great man would have gone to jail sooner than part with the ancient oaks, which he well knew were to a land what the feathers are to the bird. "We know how useless it is to urge thoughts like these upon men, who strip a great forest of bark in order to get their tax money, deeming themselves own ers, when they are really trustees for incoming generations; but even they may be roused to action looking towards the suppression of the fire fiend. With this in view it has been suggested to us that if the County Commissioners would offer a small reward, say $20, for evidence sufficient to convict parties setting fire to the woods that the evil would be lessened and in time be abated. This suggestion is from an excellent citizen, the owner of 8,000. acres of land, a prompt tax. payer and a man, who looks farther ahead than his own nose. "We submit it as we have submit ted suggestions looking to the employment of engineers to grade our roads without much hope of its adoption; but with perfect faith in its good sense and practical ap plication. which at Kaleigh and Washington would be as it is and are not much talned until purchase money is paid la are in the hands of Renublicans. snmriaed. We also withheld eon. '" . pl?u ot town. property above i . - - Who will bring the suit ask the I gratulations when the assessment was raised in July. .Democrats. JNot we as it is our law. If you Republicans sue and win before your own courts on your own heads by all the equi- ties'at once will rest the wrath of the disfranchised whites. Is there anything in the arithmetic plainer than this? Mr. Settle has the thanks of the State for a neat statement of undoubted facts. described can be found at the office of Avery & Ervin till day of sale. This 9th of October, 1809. Edwci Caxt, Trustee in Bankruptcy. Ami A tarur," At torneys. The Wilmington Messenger, which has frequently urged tbe subject before, is a Grain calling th attention of oar people to tbe "J3 Ior use Icar s MDSCnpUOa 14 great folly of selling their timber to Northern investors for a song and the yet greater folly of tbeir wanton waste a nder present de structive methods. The next Leg- Our townsman I. E. Avery islatureconld take no wiaer aten scored a "scoop" in 'getting letter for his papers. this The Asheville Citizen is a trifle persistent about that Gazette pur chase; but we all want- to know, i -, you Know, ana now else can we know except by continual asking. We do wish the' Gazette would tell and stop the trouble. These entry and grant bat held in Derne- oaa .people tuat are alter it can be tuity for the State and such timber TZIL. . M "isaiiu stopped with a couple of neatly I taken from them by sale as good . . m -m m . - 1 r a . . written "ailrea davys" and why oresiry wouia warrant and no more, uur climate and the very life of our streams calls for a bait in present prodigality. We need the pen of Ruskin to describe the inevitable future if a change is not made. not fetch them out! The Gazette might accept our amendment, if it won't take the constitutional one. Ihe death of young Berkeley as the result of "hazing" at Cor nell last week brings into promi nence the barbarism of that spec ies ojE practical fun. Why it should linger in tne lap Of the 20th cen tury is a surprise to all reflecting - minds. Tfee oppression of the ; weak by the strong is regarded as a sure sign of cowardice in all -"walks of life outside the walls of a college. --Young men in other re spects well bred affect in this the . manners of the slums and pride themselves upon the performance J? rom the University the practice has, we learn A been discarded jas the result of increased common aeDse. upon tb part of the boys and without cither than mnr. al suasion; from theXfaculty. ' We c6tWI w aoiww.iaat wie same can. than to provide for a Commission er of Forestry, whose duty it should be not only to educate the people by the distribution of liter ature on this most important sub ject; but to gather in for tbe State all the wild lands, especially in the mountain region, which come un der tbe hammer at tax sales. Bach should never more be subject to THE HERALD tod me Weekly Times, (Twk--We4 Uttlesv) RICHMOND, . . - VA. The btmy nu i paper, awrtac an tb ws, oarwfuUy col ted from ail aoama. eomplMslr but brtedr ooTarln um kol owa of Btws vpw lamuy per. of taterwt f ft? mtmbw of th famUy. 104 odiuoo par yoar. TIm bt dollar aoml-WMUy to Ainerlc. Bond fur samp! copy. BubacritMra to THE WEEKLT TIMES ar aUUd to aar of tbo valuablo ISMm, En cyclopedias and other books. watco. Lynchburg, Danville, Greens boro and Charlotte gave Admiral Ci1ln l; . ' i i r . uuuicjr uu inn ruuie last wee& lO I Two KIUIom a T Atlanta some idea of the opinion I When people buy, try. and buy the South entertains of him, and againt Jt means they're satisfied. t xriri .... . L,... The people of the United States ntseuips.. su wuv aw now buying Cascarets candy tie him. If Sampson would but I cathartic at tbe rate of two million now journey this way, and ride f,?8 a eJ andJt WU three j 5t I tniliioo before New Year's. It imuu6u imjuaanu mues oi well- means merit Droved, that rWar. behaved silence it might help the I ets are tbe most delightful bowel future histories of Cuba. rni rti Vim . xne vnanotte UDserver, now that thA cAA reverses itself on the Boer war, without reflecting, however, up on the youthful precocity, which a . J , 1 n , prumpiea me nrsc utterances on the side of sentiment. In other ways than this we note that the regulator for everybody tbe year round All druggists. 10c. 25c S-a a ouc a oox, cure guaranteed. LISTS al thooo oxtraordlnarr low prxoa . Tmm aro a few of uur loducootonis to bow subscriber wbn aeodln La cash for tho paper: Teat amenta. Aexlblo cloth 1 .OS Completo Blblo, cloth, rod edcra 03 mrord Toarbor'a Bible. aforco dltr cr .70 Family Bible, leather 1112. oeoiplcte 1.3 Barae, Morocco and cold S.2S Standard Encyclopedia, per set... .. Z.00 Our Christianity. 700 paa. SuO lirua. t.2S waie AnSel or tho World, Temper anoe. am kmali and rruM, Wlllard a Touna- leopl's Speaker. XTi pace.. .71 Lite of Napoleon. TarbelTs. 22S paaea .OB Social Etiquette. 00 p't. up-to-date .7S i anxee watch, food, cheep tlmeplecO .81 Utt Joker Dynamo. 8elontlflo....M Ieee- t-nHfu aw. The cum are made from stool taxes Irom tbe wreck of the battleship Maine. moo to subscribers of Tbe Woofer W"ee rr as Oraphopbonoo free for now- eubocrtber, Mdreee ettber Uus paper, or . Tin? TIMtCS PREMIUM DETT. WATCHES Lodlee aioe. a valuable dcsinlss roa 8 ALII Tbs uoderslctied cfTrrs fur tt for the next 50 dsis V -tooa dwelling boose sod wr.'I oc!eld stock of good at Table licxk. 10 milra from Jlorgaoton, one of the oldrst and Wit country olaods ia tbe Western part of the Btale. There is a good well oo tie prop erty, a rich grdro atd aM oeeded out batSdloga. A ynong man llb a Utile cpal co do well brre. Satiif-ctorj reot gireo for aII lug, unconnected with tbe bail oes. Address or ronfer with F.C FEnoraox, TabU Ilock, S. C. Aon imy inicinniini L. M. HULL, Connelly Springs. N. C, is opening up a new stock of general merchandise, buying for spot cash and saving all the discounts, enabling me to procure such bargains as the merchant who is looking for long lime and dating don't get, and all I want is a tiny margin of profit over what it cost me; no bad debts to figure on the cost, as I don't sell on time. Owning property here in the country, the cost of living is reduced to the lowest notch- Therefore I can afford to sell cheaper. Highest market price paid for produce. Come and give me a trial and I will prove every assertion to be true. RespectXullv, L. M. HULL, Connelly Springs, N. C. V P TEACHERS' B0LES j The Summer NormaL Sellable information reaches us that it Is more than probable this town will be chosen for the loca tion of tbe Summer School for teachers to be taught under act of Assembly by tbe Faculty of tbe Senior is at his desk: but the boys State orma College at Greens- did waII -r.n boro. We trust tbe Trustees of gone. Mighty well. : SL'f?? rpi t , . . . - , i lucr aro iu unci iijo uno ctimaie vx.uouury graueascnooi equaled it m, but not else- aaiUR ma uuuau. xiia where in the' State surpassed, name is Prof . Coon and he is not Secondly the ownership by the the first man, who" has gotten into State at this placa of property ex trouble over Jonah. Dr. Lvman actly suited to tbe aims in -clew Abbott, of Brooklyn, can give J and wbich during the two months tel tea aLr i him some points on this. In the death of Br. W. B. Council Watauga county loses one v" j.' i i : uj. iu uesc Knawn ana most re spected citizens. He was 65 years I of age and died of pneumonia. How's This I - - - We offer One Hundred Dollars rewanf fnr any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by usv a VBMillU VUlCi K.J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, Ohio. we. the nndersitraed- im Vnnw. tt t Cheney for the last 15 vnn. nnH hin htm wcnwujnonoraDiem aU business tranaac-I !,- . . . , .. tons and financially able to carry out any I 10 as lo t,mfi With the Vacation Of bt oc iiuiXt Wholesale I)t-no-tH4- Ta- I xj. of normal instruction will cot be otherwise used. We refer of course to tbe school for deaf mutes with its spacious bail, convenient school rooms and fine gardens, all of which could; we assume, be had upon proper conference with its constituted au thorities by other State authori ties engaged in an undertaking of kindred if not similar import. It so happens, we are told, that the proposed term of tbe-Normal fits Wholesale Arrangements for board t UDsnpplied at the State school could unquestionably be made with select family boarding bouses in the town and all In all this seems to be the thing for tbe Tom DiioD. i. ont in ir,nM. ureen8wr Trustee to do, if they City whistling through his fingers. I woaId best carry out the expecta- ledo, Ohio.. Walding. Kinhan 8c Martin, Druggist, Toledo, Ohio. . Hall's Catarrh Cure li tatm intm.n.. acting directly upon the blood and m neons snnaces or the system.' Testimonials sent itc me, per uoiue. tsoia- by all He tells bis credulous bearers that three-fourths of the people east of s 1. a T"V I a. I mc rvueities ia vor expansion. How aoea xom Know? lie has not iaiEea witu one man in 10,000. lom may rest assured that the ! people are not half so crazy as he ' ia. vviiiuiiigion Messenger. tion of the Legislature. .The editor of the Herald has urged this presentation of the mat ter to friends of his among. the Trustees atid other citizens alire to the town's future aught do like wise at the cost of a stamp. : You have used all sorts of couh reme dies but it does not yields it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and build up the body. - SCOTT'S : . - EMULSION will do this when cverythintf cue faiu. mere u no doubt about-It It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against further attacks. , If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. .n3aT-JT r ,n abates. SCOTT A BOWNE, fhi Kr Tort. EXQUISITE BEAUTY IN LLINERY. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Feathers, Birds, all of the latest styles for the coming winter season. Beautiful line of fashionable pattern bats, head-wear for children, in fants' caps, corsets, silk-waist pattern, fashionable dress- braids, and a complete and attractive stock of up-todat millinery in all lines. Dress-making at lowest prices con sistent with first-class work, all work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. MRS. 1 IP. WHITENER. TBICCLE Pana trbrary f acrtan4 nlae Tracrtcal, Cp-O-datc. Conclte and Coo rrrfccavlTD Baa some) rrtated a&4 ScaauraUj til auntc4. By JACOB BIQQLQ No. 1 CJQQLO tlQRSC BOOK No. 3-CKXUJB BERRY BOOK Alltbas rwiu HmII V.n. nd td wlrue. m4 tmm MVr tUaKraUassv. frtaLttCsKW No. 3-BJOOLG POULTRY BOOK All shot rtm.try t tk bn rrmnrj W I. nUwt j -V 7"" m l wtvj Will. BJS-tlS.1 No. 4-BJOOLB COW BOOK AJIi Stemt Cxrm m4 Ow tJ Mwo , s rrl bmA, ua I js oib7 UwtnUas. rrk,. tts. No. O dOGLO SWtNQ BOOK tt. IMsfaaM, ce Coat.tas) ownr Im tmMuU riif tarn sad M cacrsrtars. ft, y Cnta. rXteSKXSB BOOCS arsqiBt,aric4sl,Bsrat rorwr vuusfbitikfmwincmi.i.Mwt.. ivt Jjta. fcmret stfco krr Hon., Co. Hot oc i'i Kw.ll FreiULVvvht l srad txtt awT lor Um ttOQtM tKKKiT ls FARM JOURNAL sin " T in - T , i mtmmmM m.i vwww m bwm sad a-aUrvl rcaaara. Anj Oim cf the BIGGLB BOOIS, tzl the PJU?t JOURNAL spte of FASJt JOttWAJL ujdiaUi OmrtbUg BIOOLS BOOKS fro. AAlr. aTASUS JOtHNAI. ran snsirana cataa. v. jaaaoaa. Clothing, Gents ; Furnishiog Wilts. . My lines are still complete nice, fresh well made Clothing in Good, Medium and Cheap. I carry the. largest Stock in my lines and have" all the New and Stylish Patterns in Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods every thing for. men and boys. Look about and see what is offered, then come and buy good goods at reasonable prices.- Save time and trouble worrying to get a $5 suit down from 4io. juook at tneuood Uoods I am selli at Leading Prices. Watch! 9 t The most complete Bible crcr p-i:: 2 4 Thejr arc worth $2 to 2.5a Elcyis:! A Nice Christmas Present! Sec our lines of fine China, Ctt G.m v ! Silver Novelties, Ebony Toilet Sctsuzc " 1 If you are looking for a Wediir.- cr V, t , ! Utit, you will find it here W. A. LESLIE, Flower Pots. . and nimnCafa r- A New Lot Just Received at . . . Clayroll's Furniture Ste FROM HEAD TO FEET. TWO ITEMS OF REAL MERIT at A MARVEL OF CHEAPNESS It has ever been our policy to always be oa tic 1.x t out for any and everything ot value offered at less tbiain real worth. For this and the corning week we bite icezel two items that arc worth double your time to iarcs: "i:e. Look to the Price! Bargain Item One! . . Just received five cases sample shoes, Laiies', and Boys, all fall weight and fresh stock guarantee! S: i leather through and through. You will make no cUuie by investing in this line. Men's shoes, regular ube'ese value $1.25 to $j.oo, we sell you for SS cents. Men's tip to $4x0 shoe, we sell you for $1.75 to $2.75. La-rt'o to $1.50 value, you now take for 6Sc Ladies $2x0 to 5 shoe, value and regular price, a sample pair lor UJW $2.00. Rejicmber we.have in addition to this line, a I stock regular underprice values, we arc offering at prccs" please. The head needs protection as well as the fret. N"e can please you in that line. We are "offering you in ibis Itt ome.real bargains. Unlimited variety shapes and colors, All the latest. A regular 51.50 and 52.00 value, trc give you choice of this lot for S6c Prices cuL Fifty pocket cutlery, a gTcat variety, a regular 50 and 75c vi!-' your choice at io. 15, 35 and 30 cents. One Cent. 20 marbles, 24 envelopes, i sheets good paper. 5p hrcad, 6 falcon pens, pound soda, pint tin cop. 5c pctl knife, 2 aluminum thimbles, boxjmatcbes, pie pan. .... . , : One Price Gash Store,