The Horganton Herald. UOD.) IT. S. PEAKSOX. le and EJitor. . rCBLtSJIEO KVEBT THt'ltlMT. T THE UEHALI) Pl'llUSUIXG IX). Vriet 91W a Year .Mrictlj In Adranr. Adrfrtinjr Hate will br FurniJ.J to Ar-plicaiRKx. l'atrJ Ml rrJ-cUl mU r l th Thcmdat, Oct. 4, llKHi. THE SENATORIAL FIGHT. The Senatorial fight "in North Carolina m warming up. Threo candidates have fortuallr an nounced theuijelres, asking the support of the Democratic voters at the primary to be held in No vember. They are. J. S. Carr, K. M. Simmons and A. M. Wad dell. It is cenerallr unfertod T. J. J-vrrU is also a candidate. They are all loyal and true Dem ocrats gentlemen of character and ability. In the selection of t ither one of them the iarty would male tut tubtaVo. For several realms we think it the duty of Person Democracy to support M r. Carr. The liit reason is ho U Durham candidate, and Durham Democracy has always Democratic Nominees a u:vai .nd hearty P,rt .to w mnv canlilate which lersnciinty haii had. And second. Durham yI 'L A j Morgantoii One Day Only, Saturday-, October Ctla. , 2 Performances, at 2 p. m. and S p. m., Rain or Shine. The samo .Magnificent Exhibition that delighted thousands in St. Louis Indianapolis Detroit, Cofnmbus, Memphis and other largo cities this teasun. Mi's REALISTIC GRAND MILITARY TOURNAMENT AND ROUGH RIDERS OF THE WORLD. Co Puretr Educational, Genuinely Ilitorica!f Delightfully Amusing r-.A i.....;pinir ri.Miinn f uDiiatiuir of Cowbovs. Indian", MfrXi- ram.. Arabs. Cosack, Uuited States Knglisb, German and Fieucb untv b our near neijrl ibor, and M avalrjmen, KoostcU's Koocb Riders and Battery of Light Artillery Requiring 1000 Men and Horses. FocI-ttU HO. WILLIAM J- RTAX 0 Krbraaaa. For VW m-Jr 1: IIOX- A PL I K. TS- V EXROS of lrHaoaa. -PrEktKalUff: HOS.UB OVfcK- MAS; IIOX t'AMEL H. X'cLEAX. rorVoit(l State Secator, JULIAX S. CAKK, of Dnrham, N. C. For PrdnliJ EWioc th Ihstnct. WILLIAM 5. PEARSON. of Eurke. Ft CVc.jnr S;h Ihttrict. J. C. BUXTON, of Forwrih ilaxT of the .North Carolina editor took advantage of Secre tin third reaon i. Mr. Lair has alwavs taken a ?jecial inti rot in Person countr, both from a busi ne and political standpoint. Under theso cirenmstances it seems to us that it would, be un grateful to our friends the Do mocraej of Durham county, not to pivo our support to Mr. Carr. In taking this position we have not a word, to sar azaiml the tthrr candidates they are our friends and tliev are true bine Dcnncrats and furthermore, we have no quarrel with any Democrat who mar feel it !:! duty to support either of the other two candidates that is what we understand the primary i held fr. While we feel it our dutv to give our inpiHjrt to Mr. Carr. and we will do K, we will at the ivame time defend the character -of either of t!ie other candidates whenever the j are attacked bv one. We will not cmiit anr injo-!re nor unfair measures u?e! without re- ceivine our condemn.itkn. Tltis is a matter in which all in terested are Democrat, and there thould bo no mud slin-rinj-, it should not be tolerate! bv a Democrat. Itoxboro Courier. JrsT five weeks from lat Tuca dav to the election. On that day 00 Amou. the many features of jthis Mammoth Exhibition will be Feats of Marksmanship, introducing Bockskib Itill. who will appear at each Pcrformaoce daj and night and give his woadrrful exhibition of shootinjj Irora horseback at full !, also a acoe of .Mle and Female Crack Shots of the world hi plain and fancy nhoof intf. . tary kerrill well worked excur- LLe ppje 0f gtate will Tote sion to .Mapira ana preatij or i Vice-President, a ejov their outinprTBK H"- rnitcd States Senator and Con- aio being of the number. The I greman. Matters of vat iu- (uvmttrr .1in1TfVil to the full his I . l . .1 n fne business capachj on thU oc- that daJ Fifteen million freemen CoW Boy Band Ot Titty ramOUS MllSlCianS. 1w nirfr linear I ... ..! i IUU rr ! " , : ' ,n lLU couny WU1 ca1 l lclT KrTWO Exhitions Daily rain or shine. Afternoon- at 2. 1 f AV IMTIAfM Tf k 111m Iir WTIintl It If - l.a 1 1 I I 1 . I t,n.. wV.,.v. .x, .-. - i uaiiois anu me poucies oj wuicu i Wild Broncos, a Herd of Buffalos and Texas Steers' j Free Street Parade at 10 A. M. pavnicnt in sinrp4e tbanks. wijj pOTCrncd for the next The editors talked mucb ox the foQr Jvkn thcn jcc;dcd Scnatcrship upon wuicn ttier Tiie iininblt as well as the high were fairlr divuled; cj wero est citizen in the land is involved ight at S. Doors open one hour earlier. an a victor j tn Mr. I?rT- ie ute aim tnerefo I . h rn . r lirr n re, wuo is enutieu ur law to do so, should exercise the priv- III III hopeful . of his larger f ucccss. The best of feeling characterized the trip and thej will return to work wber men from their snap shot vision of the North. We noted with pleasure that the ling. llaleigh It number of free thinkers in the home craft is on the increase. I Another SfnJ-i.fa OninhitL Mr. AHnnI For General Carr. Rains f.t. To the Editor: Wbo should olina from an old veteran's s'and f'Oiott We see in Tbe Mornsus JOINT UlSCt SSlOX. ilege bv which these preat matters Post cf last week a short piece w v a ui ft w v v a t are to Democrat should be np and d- Cbjpel Hill, wbo sajs from l.'s s'aodHtnt it oagbt to be lion. I. II. Siismoor; if tbe Democratic patty rewards lojaltj, self-acri- ace and generosity, tbi n it should s elect Mr. Simmons. Mr. Simmon Rin(k lo.t. I ha in the Ust two (umDaifn To the Editor: Tin nnpMinn a I eiren more, both time and tontiev to meet lr atson, Air. I'ux-1 to who U tasucceed 31r. IJutler in I m proportion to bis. ability Iban tnn'i liv rrtnff mi th itnmn-1 in the United States Senate is I anr other roan in tbe State. He Me. Dlackhum teenxs willing iVtweeu tbe V.rjtu an 1 yrKmley Elec tor;' of the Kirkth Ii-lrk. MrKmlry Aud Hi n. W. S. Tear- son, t leclor for Jirvan, will discuss ;tle iMUes of the catiiiiuisru at the following lirucs and place : Uoiieitsvuie, Urfliive!! ci uuty. Mondny, octniier Stli. (iramte Fafls, Caldwell ennnty, TncMlay, October Pth. Connelh! Springs, Eurke coun ty, ednfutfay, Octo'trr 10: U. ! (ile n Alpine, I'nrki- c unty, 1 humiuy, Uctouer 1 U li j Vahn, Alex.t)ider e.uuiy, Fri lav, Oci.Urr li'th. f i'ieice Itowmau's Store, Alexan der couuty, Saturday, October 13th ,6l-K8U'" UK,,W lUD,wl BX- In tbe minds vi onr neonle now. sava the stadeut. This toon sta ton bimfeif. If Iackburn calcn-J and, since this is tbe first time I dent is very earnest aboot the latea that the voters of this district 1 1041 lbe Ttera of the State have cJaim or iir. Simmooa from bis will a . iir I- I vivv uimu; iu luc ricc I v'Uk vi , uu uv viu ; v w'iv, ruvltioo of m senator, tner ahoaU i Jalian S. Carr ia the man and dodges his opponent in public I consider well, we think, bWore I most deservingly the man.. Iu the discusM'on he will find himself I T0UD Ior tber or tbe candidates I Orel place no one can question his I w hWA htmsi m luifArA f I. .a . T I I rr attt Ia lit r n ! VnAna. .an . . i u y.Muv..nuuo lunb . M ui m It I tawiuiui'v c f iu,b uv un that kind of voters. I should have in older to fill that I contributed liberally of bis means 1 1 ... I D,"u oCjce w,tn success and efG-l nd zeal fr the Democratic party. uui atu; uu arucie ini ciency. We should first ak our- We do not pretend to detract the Charlotte Observer advlunir I selves, bo when elected can best I from Mr. Simmons any of bin " i .ti. . . . nr;, 'tm i l i ix-n e ue iDirrenia 01 our oiaie. I virtue as uemocrai or as a t jat the primary e,ecUon ordered fa!nr. . .. . m. but .in e that ih. ...rte for November be postjoned till I primary cns:deration in the srlec- J can not jctly turn down Mr. Orr December. He fears the cffectl1'00 of pobbc ofticers. Next to ou ihe grounds that Mr. Sir.imons of the primary upon the regular s.e .boaM ..on.ld' , rentialiard in that d.iec:i..t.. Mr ticket. I In our oitniou ($m. Julian ft. I Simmon is ounzer tnju than Crr nf ia r.till.l I.. I f'.anai.l . .' I if .1, ..!. I . .- I the ha.te and- chase after I enatorbip under tola the abore and bold out ri: hful there ia a your favorite for the Senatorship considerations. He is one of (he chance for In; i tht future. We don't forget Duxten. He is a Sf8,1, lnovn InrQ f lLe d not be,'" i' 'f!ering a pre- . iiit. booth. That be is a man of una- ciiom or a reward f.r the nuu nnd good man and ought to be ejected, soal ability and energy, making the quchUon of service and lie will be ciecteu if the vote is ottb caro'ioian, who ts at all money giving to campaign pur at all full and his rartT friends 'nrrn,eJ. ca for a moment doubt: poca a criterion. We want men . nis pariy inenas b, , access ia life e.-tabluhe that torepresentdswboarebroadaud QO their dutv. bevond nnestion. Tht nntifirj ppni-rnti in ll thinc. M tiona Which mtr emitifwillr 'ln I Carr i iln man w a want. tl l-. 1BK enort tO rCVlTe the racelwonld rire him a twtvrr In 1 1. I Ilrvta it. Ha U hrnn.1 Ami I " I - - - I - - - - - - w - " - - - ' Ueue is an effort to kecD the local I Senate wbicb no other man from I fitted bv exiericnce and has clveti in Vrtt. r-riin. .;iloar Sute could bope to enjoy. I more for the development of Noi t b papers in .ortb Carolina silent And thfn too m. M nt ' rArftUna OM on other matters, thus destroying forget aervlces already rendered, tious and for humanity generally, SeCFCt Of BcailtV t!kir indiridca'itr and fniiu-n.l(irnril f!rr liaa tvrr-l I rwrhm than mv m t..r man I lating their tHjwcr. Pat h"istor Democratic party ably and faith iSorae may have given as much. Ms health. The secret ofhealth is here witnesses) the fact. Notice ,for tJyfoo- 5; dnnng but more centralized. He mut the power to digest and assim- ia full lnd Iifm ihs' inr-Ml tnr ,M ,v"" uwi ri-uru urwnr mine lur uis ltoitii iwr l -f. . , wl " li Dp,,b" nl or bis money; al.ty to the people rather than if lhtc proper quanity of food. .... , aod onu, DOtr 00 u neither bis efforts Lad readout and proscribed; but we aougbt nor held ofiJce of any polu- on promoting p: take it, tbe editors see that if icat sort. Greater than tbis have and psrtj. trr-y sracr this issue to bo re rived I breo bis seivices to his State in I We want Cir becan.-e ve know it will be all the more difficult to I be dfancement of our industrial, I he will not neglect the veterans get nd of it another time. And r ruucauonai ana oar reiign.m when be gets to Congreas. We wo know theT would rather rn. "wrii i ' me juuug men io iiein lui I ii r I t. j i t dL . little noV been unstinted; Carr in the United State. Senate !"tecurcforstck headache dys- their individuality for eood and I", T .7.,:::. f'l?2" P sourstomach, malaria, nTI M.I .i IZ ...-vjuj VUCI luc uaivniil Willi CaD lUtlrll IO III! IO I mnctinitinn . J - .. . Tl:ey ofalltlio men in the forces thjt u fa.t hnno.n. v..iw ...ui... I constipation, torpid liver, piles. " -"wawaw UI III I a'tS . 1 am ta llir III! Ill M II II I "A Carolina to tbe front in an indu the Cth of November. Sons of jaundice, bilious fever, bilious- CTiawmni way. in no veteran-, stand by your fathers nn- anA t-:,irJ ,i- ' vortbv can.Mf hs Gcneml t interest been lacking, or bis ikiwci h..uor from the Democrntic party TJtt, 5 I IVPr Piflc not been felt. He baa as a private thai. Julian H.r.ii- ...d n - ifi 3 i-lVCI fllli eiwzen, none oor eopie mo!t aliie I vet knows it and I'urke Snierior Court ! Tbe following is a list of tbe Jurors drawn to serve at tbe fall term of the Superior Court which couveuea on the 1st Mouday in November: First Week. Joe Wbiseuhuut C. A. Usrbison, Will Hivins, John P. Harrier, J, I Ilunigariitr, V. 12. Taompsoti, AM Pitta, Srn J. W. rarrish, J. F. Stamey. J. Mc Kosa, Jiiies Uenfield, Waits Yoik, G. S. It miheur, V. T. Iiboada, U. M. Aruey, Wa.ts A. Walton, Frank Walker, W. A. Williams.' Secoxd Well.-W. II. ivin. Chat. HbiTmau. Joseoli Dou'on. fj. . Kiucannon, TLonus Gnflln, George Holder. G. W. Lo'wmsu, Air IloyJc, Albert no Walter Uflea, M. V. Golloway, J .i es Mar tiu, Stanley Raker, Horace M. CouUm,. W. M. Dobhon, Harrison licnlield, V. A. IJollinger, T. S. Bright. tl c- J I SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Queen Quality Shoe EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. Mannish Boot n iu S 1 W Street W SEE C3 g i Ufc rHAT THiS J! A I vv ia!)Tief7f C - " is'esAwcio O iW . a0N EVERY - Hv-5ole.S ff . t-'i? Ha?Jj.Vc!t. asrf 1 , CTTLong and 3 4 Shapely. C ' li J"' ". THAT THIS 3 vi t'V T(iLst, j i t SNNl' " avS IS BRAN2E0 !r -3" I 'ipyv Xon EVERY r'' ' ' shoe. Plexlbls Sole. I J Higa Vamp. f' ; t i o o CO o P Ma CD Fruit terao: v Scott s and King's; Salicylic Acid for 'preserving fruit. Sold in bulk, any quantity you want. Fresli Crop Tornip Seed . . . . just in. Sold in bulk. All the good - kinds. This is the place to come fori anything in Drugs or patent medicines. You will find it here. ' Hieslie's Drug Store t V RH ITU R E. jH IN A WAR" An endless variety both useful 'ino! ornamental... WHAT SHALL IT BE? Fr jour . FRIEND, SWEETHEART. ANY PRICE EVERY DESIGN! FALL and. WINTER 1900'01. Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Hats and Caps. MY FALL AND WINTER (iOODS are coming in anil will soon be 'complete. Clothing fur Men, I.vs, and Cluldreit " rt lower prTci-tninrTan m- nrumi ---JU-n k. Iirfre Jii!f of Shirts in er "T bl'apeJ stvle. If voir want auy kinJ of Sliirt look at ojir line. HATS ANI)f..iV.. Knbber Cioo-ls ia Ulsters, Coats, Jncfct't, iA-pgins. Jlat. ' c. Neckwear in, "all tl:s latent styles. We are makit.g a -special .department, for Vv Clothing, Over Coat.-1, I'Nters, Hats and Caj.s -everything for the bo vs. IN FACT I HAVE the largest stock in my line in thus part of the State and will otfer goods at Jobbers Prices when bought in quantities. - Respectfully, Ci in !?. re ia every variety, styte Hinl price; Jardiniere Stand, Table, Book Caes, Desk, and tiii. on. For vour " . - WIFE, HUSBAND. EVERY DESIGN! ANY PRICE A set of Dining C laips, Mor: Chair, Sideboard, Table, Kocktr. Sewiug Cibinet, Jardinieres; Ladies' Desk, Office Chair,' ing Stand, etc. These are only suggestions and by no means tell you of our. stock. OPN at sight. CLAYWELL'S STOKE,' rv4 I TERM5 MODERATE. FOR BEAUTIFUL. CATALOGUE JtC ADDRESS JA & M U HOLT, OakRidge.NC EiniuinnauimininimujiiJiiimunTiiunam I - THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE 1 JB IT 3DaJsr&: I agriculture Am mechanic arts - V BHIftmc-AwrtU t iTNlMt World Kzpo- fttaa b4 Ikaaaaada of irrmdusu- In ilinna. C'a4 r fall BuiMM . Includ.uj lui lioa, Hocaa aoi itoaM ia familf, at ut M. tottmii.Tirt-vtmifi mttiu .n, ; .. 'ut: Tbt knlortr InlTamlir UIdIwc. cir r wai. vard-4 rr.d i ataa. Lltarmry Cou r f : . ;f iem r i . NTM-aaia. laMraow. GnisnU rrrfn;. ia a-or a iw lrtr rrk M. . i.- j WILBUR R. SMITH, Lexingo., Ky. o. t'rmtmrkw fafai-i rjar i, ; . i,L rf aa meat - iAw SOUTMERN - RAILWAY - t;ik Kur OTtr rittr Vr Mks. Vimm,o w'a Sootiiixu Slii'pliun bcra oacl fur over rttty rrara b nmiionit 01 icit n era for their rhililrcn while trethinx, nitn perlcct auccraa. It auotbea thccbilj, imrtriia tbejmma, allaya all pain, curea wind iwlic, and ia the IickI mnrtl)-torlh trrheca. It Mill reMeTe the poor little aarTcrcr im mediately. Sold bjr Uroitxiat io ercrypartot the world. Twrnt y-nve ccota a bottle. He sure and ask or "Un. Wiuiw'i Srrap," and take Bo other kiad. dei-20-tf 71 r TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO., " of Hartford, Conn. Life, Accident, Jlealth aud Liability Insurance.. Waltek Bkkm, State Special Agent. " STANDARD - RAILWAY the SOUTH. , OF -TECHNICAL EDUCATION H: "Agricaltnre, Stock-raising, Horticulture, Mechani cal, -.Civil, and Electrical.. Engineering, -Textile Industry, Chemistry, and Architecture. . , PRACTICAL TRA1N1NS Vi: V v : . Carpentry, cod-turning, Blacksrnithing, Machine work, Boiler-tending, Engine-tending, and Dynamo tending. ! - - ' ' " - ' The vrrt line to al' oint. TEXAS, - CALIFORNIA, KLOKIDA, CUliA AND PORTO KICO. s Tuition, 820 "a -year:'.; Board," 88.00 a month. '' ,- j j' - Xext session opens September Gtb.- ' f : - -Kutiance examinations iu each County court house, : July L'Stii, 10 o'clock a.m.; ateo at tbe College September i i lib and 5tb. - . ! ; . For full information, address i I PRESIDENT GEO. T. WINSTON, j : ' ' r KALEIOH, N. C , i ri 1 1 1 li 1 1 1 j 1 1 U ! 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 in f ! f I f J 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 fj fl IJ J 1 1 J I TJ 1 1 III 1 113 II! I ;i II 1 1 II 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 K ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L THK Strictly iirst-class equipiuent on an uirougn ana joeai tram6; i'ull- TVT3P 2 ' man 1'alace Sleeping Cars on all v - nignt irams; fast aim bale Schedules. OF bis trflbrta had been central. red ariiao narroe. This can never be done when the liver does not act it's part. Doyou know this ? Tutt s Liver Pills are an abso lute denire tLat intellectual lib erty which the Amendment ai promifd to bring to all. ll.ey are not unmindful of their influ ence; they are not weaklings. They Lavo gien over their inde pendence for a ruprvmo end. That consummated, they will now! the lie at iotertt or the Slate to bae it back again; thev will! Kite htm tbe epportnuitr for henceforth ask no roan what they I tx nefo!nr Miil, by naming .T..ti .!:r,rl:.f nt r !. I w, on rleetioii day iu uexl .No T.:4t;Tr , do io. deaiila 11. 1!. '- choice for IT leODl0 inrwf !; I rt klx.u-. it a n .1 lll I... .1 nd Unting mrict; na t ,Uh I f ,1 from hr tl. or I anil Lyerjbody to uk- -dvanUire t Ikif ii L .. - . :. I the home K4H-kf r tnirti.irx iu liim nl iu cc La'.II cumin rn narlv r-i.uu renacred iir reception that will bo given them. Biblical Recorder Slate Senator. J. Kd. Latta Cba Hill, Sept. 27. oiLern. i here are many wbo bare njut lime and ninny r..r tbe Democratic parly o eanrci no rrwanl. . li. ALFORD. I loll t Fpringn. Spt. 27, 1D00. THK IlKIiALD-ei.OO A VUAB of the home Koekrrs rtruniiu tr me ci ana Nuihwrki on the Mihuri l"aeif5c. Railway and Iron JJounuin j Route. Ticket at oue fare nlna for me rmnampon Jul? 17 In. Aumst 7rh and Aujruit 21. t to rinu in Arizona, Arkantaa. Colorado. Indian Trrri Kant, Nebruka, Xer JAcsIco, Dkkv- nomt, iiiriron. l exaa and Wubinton. Write to I. H Iteblanler. TravHiiir Pa- I writer Ant, Chaltannrpa, Tenn., for iuii inrormaiion. Valuable Land For Sale. The undersigned otT.-r at private ..alc his farm near Knola, six miles fiom Morganton either aa a whole r iu tec tiona. There are 200 acres that will make two good farms. The land is good and easy of cultivation. For terms a.ldress either John Mcnniv. or Knola, V. C. Wm. S. PEARSON, Attorney. - Morganton, N. C. HEMCH DROMGOLn'Q mm aV tXi"- LjlapV '-fi SAVf.lILLfiiiD ENGINES A wofKlerful boproTamrat lo Prlrtlaa Ft4m ao4 back nmkICaiTui3 ciainMM any otlicr In lb market. Frlniaa ( lafeb FeeaV. rauaUic ail tb frd aiin to ataod Mill whUa bar? Inc: trrmt ratlif la wr m.mi wrir. Cata. i ainrmiarm, Cra Flaalpra, ohcllrra. etc Mrntvm Uu paper. UJLACU aV DitOXGOU), Mfra., Tark, Pa, Travel 1y the Stuitliorn you are ussured a safe, comfortable and expo ' ilitioiis jonrney. Apply to Ticket Aouts for tables, rates and general information, oiTiddress 2Srortix Carolina. GAROUNA & NORTH-WESTER' RAILWAY COMPANY. urn Fl 11. L. VEKNOX, F. It. !AKBY, T- Ai ' t'- P. A., Charlotte, X. C F. S.'G ANSON,' 3d V. P. & (Jen. Man. Ashcville,ST. C. J. M. . M . TclO RS. M. E. CIlLLAAi, ARTIST Photographer THE HEAD OF THE STATE'S EDUCA : Ti'ON'AL SYSTEM.- : Three academic courses leading to De grees. - . ' Professional courses in Tjiw MprfiVina and Pharmacy. ! Summer School for Teachers. . ( .Scholarships and ijoans to .p dv. " Free Tuition to Candi dates for ;JInustrjv & Minister's 'Sons and " " Teaobei-s. ; . 512 students besides 1ISI in s,.r.,,. bchool. 3S teachers in the ffrcuitv. . For natalAmiA v- s - - , 1 1 -v.v4 o-iavi itfiurmai ton laaardss . r. I . KNABLE, President;' . Chapel Hiil. N..C. Schedule Effective December IT. 1899 Eautarn Time- Standard. NORTH BOUND. Mixed; N'.t. ii'J y' Pass. Mixed No IO. No. 60 Lt Chester 8.10 a. m. 9.4( a. n. Ar Yorkviilr ft .IS " 11 22 ': Ar-i.astonia 10.16.' l,10p. rn. ArI.incoJntonll.07 " " Ar Newton 11.50". " , Ar Hickory 12.13 pm S.lf " LvC. Ar Lenoir 1.16 SOUTH BOl'SU. CRAYON AND PASTEL A SPECIALTY. Morgantoii, 2iT. C. utiee To Advertisers. - must be filed bolore 12 o'clock on each Tuesihjj to iusure inertiou antj C o'clock Monday careful atteotiou. ' - to insure "5 Ceu t8 liujg a good : u eig h t Lv Lenoir Ar Hickory Ar Newton r Lincolntoh 6.30 Artiastonia 7.54 5.00 ArorkvilIe. 9-00 Ar Chester - lO.ll Pass. Mixed. No. 9- No. 61. A fin n m , 5.28 " Lv15anl t.w 6.00 " 9.10 10.10 ; 12.30 p- ni. 3 OH 5.15 COnnofinn. a f all fnnrtinllS With ra, S. A. L., S. C. & G. Ex., L.'& C Kvs' tU L. T. KlCHOLS, General Manager. Auditor Chester. C. 'UeraU- Subscribe for The only $i oo a year. jner i tumble at Swindell

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