f r . f--;i 'a & I! 51 Y ? s THE HERALD S .. y tTrtsmocit yiob Printing : U 1! I BEST AnYtHllSiaS litUIUU MT2:3T SECTICS. hIMld oirn:E. ;FXai it IcxKt Wax VOL. XVI. NO. 43. M ORG ANTON, N. C . THURSDAY. JANUARY 10l 1901. 6f a Yearin A dvance-W 00 ! f 1 1 T 1 til I i ' M it C lO : 44 01 Eaw rkJcrst Cajr Sells Mzy scsasiUScs:. E!3$. 'PROF. MW.MAN GIVES CIS VIEWS la Reapoas to aa Inquiry lit WKUJ latere ; lag -y Coa.trclsj thoVa'os of Sbilng. SMttialare. ?;ola:. Wtl'a nt:B ... ick a ncwii r;oja rJ-t iaj - y t' - - r-uraJ to rour cvrxrrsz!f it tt Prof. Nmraa couM clrf w tr al4V- ";r -. t p. wa aca a i? iriu.as " if.u.ss ... .1 I So wcH i-rtr 1 ! t- lararaiUoa ctvra that your rrrt-:l ral la Ut -f of a CV:na tb farmrs of ti Su'e w.th tta ccsll raa!a af ITof. Nrrsa. K.try Uoa coaUinM la tia co aaia oitoa n room. to irr irxara Tfc co rtf tt ea kir ts"..- xaray to t fwt tht a plr of csa-V. rJ'. i 1 braaii tar, cf tht r;dToit cr ril tliy s:i a.ti,se, jitla too!:Uoa- If laada ar. to tea Ircbt drr.i acr r4.sx ta ft djritj w!c:r i.'ttr c'.n W-p;a of t?r ic j o L HiVrlir- .ii;.Ju.J l!sfy wUI H lajar4 by 151 to ir.3 a: tsfr i os oaa rl-KS f!il3g aactur. Crr TaolVns,u. ,r: V' w-,.:0,o.- f otir or cro? town apca wr ; 1 OJI NEWMAN'S trTTSIL Mr. Cl:r:-i vt y. Sp:raab?r. S. t- rvr S.r: la rrtr4 " jojr la 3tna of tia Uih Itrl. I tira b-tj lttKvfac fr tbirty jva far li pn-xactk-a of bt;r rtL;'a la oar foatb- ra acTir-iIrur aad ibrtuxb tb!a tba h.ti cf IstlIjMKf a-Jd profzrri'T of cr f :rair. Yorr rat a'a.lra aa to tb? bc.:t cf .wf-a!Bg asd xor tborovjrUy pnlTfrltirf tl -tJ beft" pUiLa i:rUd at tba root of Uo taattcr. Tb ct lxprUal lblr. for tb frner to o la t t:ca.- rxl tar tbrcneb tfc ajtry of Uorocitb t:ilJj. WUboot tbia aaab lb-r la tb pUcti-sr. f.rtiJ' cs asl c-! Jvatlcx ti crop la n la a!a. Tb"r la sa la bar r aTjeia of wibly p'rB:a. peer n!Ua:ioa t&t axall crt:. If U ac-.l b tla onlr a ftw lacb a ta dp:b. asl ttra tMi taara t9t tlr:xtJ. tir taa b oo-ra':? cf go i:: ax?a a ax:r . droct:. t-t a r?o-! 1 rt cf aar.'a;. waabSrt ta ror.S'x laa-U. a!r tb coajp-: a-.toi or barJpaa rr its ta dowa watJ ; 3uj'.:vJ of tb ans:3sr abow lit as:i acc-stt of brolea tl aoca be3r aitar:d- acl tb walr wbi b aioilJ a:sb. Itta tb acVoJ tan ct oa lb ax-Taca. TbU U ti ics:i f ;r d9 p!2r.b'cc ; aad eb ctlrsx. '! Jf Tfoit, the b t pol rixr. la rsif.S rlifiaat all. Wat otf tb l::a tow aad oterr fi"! of t5.e nrfafre. al xoc'v :bt tb tVia wb!:i aer lft trrocxb px;r tl.U tin ?r!zc ctsaib: aairr tb f-t- Tb tarfaf 5 B-ret'i t-t the frtvi o-t-etli be frtvi p-t-etti ti ftoub. aai caa paSl tba iin item tbaa '' rre'ti-:' ia tie t43"b. aad tb a tJa rJortcS as or tara La ti wui b-e al ta do af.ar tt taUax , ra: a asd d.-yla wi-f of VUtt. Cx or IT Ixube d t rvX.l jay ! be tarsed ea ,ei w.:b adtaatax. it c f.-tat w.:i V!Trr'" i: 1 j tatsti tt. wlib vb atJL ;i tb 1 j ?os la ?t ib portHra of tbe ra- f eKi trs4 a? -U bait ii'.a tlcla aid Icu:a to daflrx tb aasuaer. Trery Ul.'-rf tb o! abort! leira I a. bU tnt aal oat layortatt laeoo f ta uU U a a'ti.TVf-nbi j x:.ri;f. t ai:; a T?t rta ra- akwa of lie a :t x- --il-4 efrai"l - l:r. res if c.l:!?st-ja o: tb aottixx root tvJ.uu aH miartt y-ab,a la j?s:jc!bx lb ee .Jlt 1 atbe oil HTlt ba t. ajVeabl be. yit'. Tlo.-oafS"Tefr,e9 i -ba!l fs:taaca.' '.'; , TaiJ.xb . pre-imtab, tAiTir. ev?:rit-a abocl 1 t car eo'.ta ' vjut manuiiJi u szjtizd. tn w'y aar c"-' abo-st t "a- tv b.-it ta or ttarr ts'bea "cf 9r c!i;r I bat to ae?e of a-;i :tt ls.'wr:a::ca. rrrf. ra'Vy. !a ' -Ta rrtaip4e of Axri::iar. ar: j 'ILStrt. cii.xU'fi f-o caa aa-1 a!y;a tbU ta atrx axrtcsrtertl j Ut.U tie airfare e?xt Utbra cf acU I a ra b act eeauiaa otr l.iO) i joi it tltrrfa. jr:y 4 0 . rctaa of pbc;bc:: afld as 5 17.r :'7 to 3 a! a or ixraaV- K-seb - of tl!. m,atLl eU--L. f t'ji! frcl la fs:bed a? la laernt! rox?3ca!u . Py tboracra t::uie. ada'-iiir U 1 oxycra cf tbe a'.r 40 abicb tb Cat ti.tx.iU of 1 a x;otd. ly a!!oa Iz t aa abialrat abwr;.Soa of cot ter to :: tbe Klceral plaat loM I ea'l ty tie ltvi rat Action of tit Wi w tbt tzzs'.iV. rosBpcasla. 1 ly isreciraUM o:t:c Ci-tir :b fo.l t itl bt !a a! oT ar: ll ffrt.r.ina tsl tb?te ap:sd w;;; p-ot trcre rt::r. i HE VAI.t C CF i clvlMa. I :i. Tt tiU of paia ia a fer I'lfr" atl 'Cmi;!i a a! a of to', a?! ajjbb ii ti? t'.s-a" Araljt lietra at ln'ret. - 't a fmVr eoirrf uka:a-, tka cf Vl fra-aaiKj cf Fr. bt;. aija tt ir-M HrraH. -froti ti t?t t7"ul '.U't cJ the L'al t Cit b!.:b tat ;l'-e waa - c druakeaa' tit C mi. t;i;. 11 tr t-rr.re f-r a l ie rrioe ia 9 '. r tH-cTf. tsd ee.B'iary fet be-n or:- a ra: cMrf r- ! It in He taaat maey ai 7 TT orst of tbe at! Fv;-.ica aere arre:l f J C'-t-tj foV aad aaco' ba; jy ytar. - 7tite roitia ir party of Morraea tsfea't braa a tire year- trip Is' f Anl-a t yrcb tor trare cf t"r tut irrlrtjea oC tb Nerb::-. b l t rd by .lie HorxMi t ta bea I till r-Tecf tbla coaatry. He-Ji-ta a Chf. c ec4'Cl or U RrTfhaa A-sl y. la Prtro, tub. wta I it tr- cf lie eset.tioa. laa li-te- la a Metl. aaya tbat taaay prtil tr U rz'-r t ae ta eta-r.'ael by tt f a"y tLi ttHZ4 B2- tied wil. b t I la ?to;j tba blormca tra-l'.-f . f e-ifal Kaatx. a-w toescaaf!: lb f ra'Joa. w.Il reab tb rrurisf : iaatary II a ext. ' atl.Ufcf-r. tx. -Ota &1 r? TV.Trt riia iitr- If rt-J ttitirt U , 1 11 rn.:u:c Posada S'llrcrta !n tie llota tr rr. .lli.44 K?rries I rooU ul atubbl er air T."4 v Total rcr acr.. I bsapleric acid la &Cf9 riotphotU add la tubal pr r.. viae rocta Total per acr.. .. .. ., rout a la itr par cr rtx la roots aai'atubbl ter aa '.. 12.12 Ttul wr tar .. .1C2.I1 - f... '. i roia uoai ica m.t. j , v . .B AaiT credit taaa wia I ttl part of tfcelr contBU of a!:rcten LL1L DHL U4 mVMtVMMB ahkh tl-r i fioa tea air. Wa Ixaf ' ro tlt o; kaowicj cow b v7 Iroa laat aoorce. when to stop euhsoiung. ..-.wi.., rftnilBii.r rail and winter . . ronilnuar rail and Lut 11 tnjy b doa la prinx. aroi2a4 .t.i xsxoU U aot brcaxtt to taa aar- - . xat. 'It ran. boaTer. ta moca mora - 1 .niir dosa at tht crosr aaoa. tat . bM.f (hta aetar. j enJy laada ahlch ba rttaer a eora- u:o.'l or-a tartl paa ara o&a- -la -ian:4 la&4 ta torta4 wbea J t.e coiblac to t taraaJ asdr .;0: -jj fArmjE will aot car . !r, o; ,ii..Ic.0 and by aorfac ,.hl . g0cb Uaia afcould baaw ry i 'i. iV f,tl Th i rorrr ffni will ? .e: lb sarfar waablcc. aad takt j tro cMratta aad bold ta. to b tuh-w lato On aoll lTtf tptltf. J. . Ntaia. r.ofwao of Afrtroltart. df ICUL POPULAR VOTE. Hoi McKlafry'a Popa'tr na rlty Stood la 1896 and too. Hetorra froa tb fotty-flr Sia:aj cf li La!?a. tltherad froa official oirtr abo tbat Prr1dnl McKla ilrfeat cf Dryaa wti far fral4 tbta la lSi..wba b!a pluraMiy wa caly (0U:L la 100 tb P.paU.'caa alaraly or BryaaUa waa (tJlC la 15 Mr. b!r!Cla!y"a majority of lUari waa 1S5. U ;tCI of a total JTryaaa poalar ct for tbla year at a falKox off otcr Hit. wbea bla popaUr vol wax tZQZJZS. Cf HI.4TJ. Kr.-McXIaW r5uUr ot la 11$ wia 7.lDI.TTi8l ibla year It U 723. r;i aa laacaaa cf ltt3J- Tt folic Jrx table, compiled froa oZVUl rtat retaraa. ebowa tb vet ; oa tb two leadlax ttebtte: aicKia- Bjra. UCI 11.112 KX.7J2 71.010 1L1U ly. U.Cf 41.700 2II.7U I2.7t el: 7.0 tl.lbd (S7.KS XZSftJ J 17.1 1 1 11711 Z7CJ01 : :i mm r:.i7 m.tci i.7i3 xi teis rs7t- llUJi 5 1.7 J I Arbitiaa.. tV CaliforaU.. Colorado CoaaecOcat. . ivUwar.. . . 2.007 ' Corxa.. ! Idkbo.. . ' laixoU.. 11.700 r.it J 1 s 1 ta . . .. 1 la.. Kxaaaa.. ...... Keetacby ! 1 s 1 ta 20JJ44 701.4 I 142.tn Iowa MUM S1.C71 24.1X2 icaj.ua. i z' Maryland. Ma;aitbUetx ; . . bi:tbica. Mlbea.-ota-.J w. . . .. ! cUj?pl Mi'otwi. . . . ... .aaaaa.. . . .. Netraaba. . . . .. NTala Hax-l'.re.,. , i:i.::i 1S7.014 m.t$ 112.M1 -81.7&4 JilJIJ X7.U4 11412 471 r jera?7. - 1 44.111 t:ui4 - i;:jit -SJ.SH 4TI.II1 p e Tork. ... iriJx . . -U1I7 irt3 rwrola. Norta Dabota, ' CbJv . JUJU 71UCS il.TII tf7l lLlU 13)4l 4711 4i-I S7.4S4 11I.7C4 14.412 f (tx ' f scrlraaia. , ' Ri UUcd. , f octb CarcCSaa. UJ47 4:4:1 1M11 , 47.TJ2 pclb l:a. , -t.we. . . Tatra..'.. . . , rub.. .. .. .. 1 I474J1 21T.J2 -44Jt V.3omt 12.MI la.l7r 44.il J Taiaroa. . VJ-x'.rU. Wlwcar.a. . . Wasi&c. . . 1.4:7 19.144 - Tal.. .. 77172 41.444 TbU year lb rroblblUooUta roUed r'7.744 aotea: tb People'a PaJ y. l'J: Social Deorocrata. t4.iii, aax l& j c rep of rta vise rostais ? lt:ri'.csU a followi: . ..171.14 pf . .. 31.05 Bi . f.ai .. i.s 16.79 cTrrfUl-UW tlbC 2i.4.Ia 1134 w Jasrava ot iaa.2 eotta. Prob!bH;oo :a. I2J.PC7: 5oHal-Lator .'4.771. aad Kitioaa.Uix.HX. A SallTa Trajk Death. kUraaaab. Ca CpectaL Tb Korwe- a'a harb Paxia. waica arrifed a- Q-5xril!x Tae.day. broexbt tb body cf JVaraal To Ca. a. yoatr - tiTor. wbo a FYifay f tl frosa tb tslxxfa rirs': tfarlzg a rale at tea aad wj irttir'Jy bOd. lilt bead , atruck a ( ?tk hot at ttd tb rbalt wia rrocbrd. H i faiber. tb ab!a carpcater. wlt- &'Br4 tit.flal faU. Tb to-ly wax rtxr'ed te.-e, w.ar3dja a Norwetfia f hot 11 a FalLcr Attajtr tt. Kvoataa. Ca ;ttal. VT,V Tz:. to 17 ya Cf are. ai.o atJ kl ld KJnbaU A aro. a r er. "tosjm v proaxtaua r-ot?ry u nti?. aia tafar o ia a :. Aii:a. a.o -roprcta pxitlAtt. ba became' ca fa joor.eao VTi:i, ta.e:t Alic: 1! iil tot-bea'.ute.' tol rt a, oa e tiwa bla faib er" 4" ait: fia u t. wlo f 1 oed. -r ', - , ' 1 0DeU loiorwrated. AlUay. K. Y, aecial. Eea D. OflJs U waa Teadxy Uaururated Cot ereor of New Tork. Tb cereaoay waa Of tb acoat elaborat er belu. Tber aaa a raier oatpoorttf of peo V' ixl a eraser aail'.ury ay tbaa bar a:".tr ffd a cereooay of UU cbararttr for sua.yeara. Tbe Mara.-.; of "sfrcr.a baa witb drrta bU re!rrat.'3a of tb ba:r- ssarab!? cf lb Loe4:a . C.ob F1 Cor;erat.i3. JiasHtl aai f-c:-poaed bta 4;art6r tcr o.sta Afrlta ia r4r to neet tb abarebo.' ler tad e"'-fcr tie rt:Uca of lit tx;acy. CUBA'S NEW LAWS. Fuicres cf Tte Coasiitsla Arrccd GOOD WOU CF TEE CONTLMIM Tb Oovtrnraeat of th New Rcpub UclaModclrd Pretty Coaely Aft Ttutcf lb Uoit4 SUtea. ' lTaaa.By Cable Tba . drrWIoa of tbt cocatKutloaaJ coDTOBticm bavt renitred a cxya tallied report upon tb tobjeot ct a cocaUtntloa !a IS aactloca. Tb Crat Uaata of tb &a- tloa axd national terrlcory.aad tb ULIU bites t of Cba aa a miublle, free aad laiependeac. tb tarrKory b Ua tb aama aa that bavlnf blotc4 lo Fpila. divided lato tlx prorlooa wita limit aa haratofora. RIJUTS Or CnTXZENfiJIIP. Tb aeroad aactkm refer to lb tca- dllloaa of satloealUy. tb coaUxxl oC loa!Bc Bad raooeartac It aad to tb do- tlea of tb roraeaDaot. Tb laoat fatoreatlBc claua raoof- aiae aa dtlaeoa of Cuba at ran era. ra- ald;ax la tb talaad faur mootba prior to tb 8paalaa war. who ltat thetr ar- alcea to tb eaa ot lb rerolotloa. 1 d tbzrd la cooaecrated to aa ax taair aaxDratioii of rlxbta uader tb co&atltatloa, ladlrldoal liberty. tb taroJabllfty of boxoe, tb aacracy of corrrxpoadenca aad" tbe liberty of public tneetlBx, attoclatlooa, tbt preaa, otc. - Tb foartb eatablUbe tb rixhU aad dutl of foreiraera. Tb rj apeaaa of tb aoeareaty of tb aatloa aad tb power ,0 tb peopl to proclalat tbat eoeerelfaty rajldea witb tb peopl of Cuba, with tbr prlrllegea-lestalaUe, xcqUt aad Jadlclai. Tb alxth creataa a cbasber of rep- reaca tali res and a aeaata, tbeo to fetber forsalBX a coaTi. THE SENATE. Tbe aereatb provide for tb cboJc of foor aeaatora from eacb depart taeot, to ba aamed by tbe ayuataarieB lo cf naalclplltlea aad to bold offica !x year, two be'ex caoaen Trr taint year, aad prorlde tbat tb tea ax ball cosxtltat a trlboaal of Ju tlc orrr tb prealdeat aad foecroora of departaseata la caae of xr.aJ;eaa ase. ete, uader cbarx from tb "wer boaa. aleo baeinc tb rljht to rocAm or rejarf praatdeatlaj Boaiaa Uooa. It alo rrovlde tbal onle On. taaa oeer 20 year of ax a kail b el!ibl foe aaet&bertblp ta tb aesai. THE H0l ' x&a eixsia aactloa treata of tb boaa of repreacautlrea, wbkb ahall ba compoaed of 00 in ember to trery n.KO labaWtaata. elected erery two year by a direct ot of tb peopl. tb aal I Scat lone for BfersberabJo lax tbat all toeaiber thai ba Cubaa aad XS year of axe. Tb boo a ball b tb accaaar of U preaiieol for ta- rrartJona of tb lava aad a bail pata. pnor to tb aeaata; law for t roearaoiwat of tb coootry. Tb natb eatabliabe tb rela of bolb botfea la tbe eoajtooaweaJtb. Tb teatb delSaea tb attrlbatea of rrnxTtiaa. waica tball coavr&a tb firat Woadaj of Noeaaber for aeaalooa of aaya or loaxar. aad prortdea tbat xtraoroxaary eeaaloe may- ba at ta rail of tb uraaadeot aloa. tbat cocrrea aball proclaim tb prijaat aad rtc prealdeat. aball pa apoa aetlaialea of Batloaal xpo. ball dacuara war aad make oeac. ball rexralat cooaawdaL sflaaA!et aad lalercal affair declar amaratr. orxax'.t fort for tea aad land, form catxxui eccca aad axtead to public worxa aaa cacaaaitiex Tb eleeeacb treat la detail of lr'A uuoa aaa preaideatlaJ approval or r jecuoa.; P. O. Arm oar Dead. Cblcafo. ISpacU. PbJL'y D. Ana our 413. at bit reaJdeoc oa Prairie ar. aa. la tbi city, at 4:45 o'clock Sua- day erraJcx. Tb ead eaa after two yean of inata. duriaj vblcadJma Mr. Amour vlaled Cermar batba. paad tbt-cld icoatba la aoatbara Calif oral aad dtoted kiaaelf Larrely to aa at- tetatx to raator bi beallh, wbkb. bower er. Lad been brokea aerer to b recataed. For eereral week tb dead i9t:iloaalr bad titn Urtug at tb old ucaliy booa la Prairie avvaua. tb eaoal trip to aoulbera California not bATlcc bea ttadtrtakea tbta aiaitr. Reach of Oaf Tacoa?, Wxalu 8?cial I aora a- Uoa bas been receJetd ber tbat tbt Etaadard Oil Costpa&y baa receatl bouxbt tb oil propertlea of . Paeifie 0:1 Coarpaay. ta now atfoUatiac for tb field of tb Central OH Com pa a r la tb Wb It tier dlalrict wbkb are air on g tb best la tb State, aad la af ter otber field la tb California oil field dieuicL Tb gtaeraJ oplaioa ia tbat It W.ll b oaly a abort time byot lb trbdWat baa rerytblor of valu la tb oil Ha la CaJU'oraia, - . Ccater of Popoletio. Waabiaxtoa, D. C4 Special. Tb Ceaau Bare. a baa Itaaed tb follow. lex: Tb center of populatioa la la tb foitowlax poa.'tioa: Latitnd 2t.fJ4. krtr.tad l.ttSC"! Ia tea year tb cecler of populatioa baa kaoeed wratward about fourteca tail ad aoaVbward a boot tbre mi lea. It bow rvis ia aouuiera laauaa, ar a ootst about aevea mile aouticaat 'cf tba city of Co!ua:btta. Two Merdere'ra tai2ed. Jackaoa. Uiaa Epeclal-Two lr4 zjrotto& took p!ac la MianJuIppl aatorc ty. vi .i.iaa .. aiccuuoca. a bit taaa. waa basxtJ at Wood rill for tb CKirder of a tsaa aaaod Col. aad Will Kerby. a Bexro. waa LajocM at Ylciabarf. for tb rwirdar of laaiab Jcbaaca. Tb xweiacr tad refuW to ooc2?&X twrtaaca (a beta oaaa. TK STATE'S FINANCES. Rclpta, Dlabtirxementj aad t?atl mate lad Public. Tba auditor' report to tbfoTniof waa taad putlle Taeaiay. Tba aadicor'a ledxrr abowa total balaaca la tba band of tie tr.iurr ot I31.SSS.24. of tbla amount t3,21.&9 la of tba adocatloaal fund, wbil tb T roalalax I JS.7S6.74 klo:ca to th ren aral fund. Mi doea cot lcclade am ooata axalaat wblcb tier axe out aUodataadlDi warraata. Tb actual eaaa balanca la tb tro&aury i 1124, 659.11. " Tba axxrexats aascaed txJua ot all property Hated for taxation . for tb year 1899 la 1 727,13 3 ,7 3.25. Tba tax ealut of almilar property for tbe year ISSa waa $r39.302S3.t2. Tbercfor tba lacraaa of taxabl raJuea for tb Quadreaalal aaaeaameat year of 1893, orrr tb year 1898. la $15,038,899.77 abowfbx wbicb may be considered by all good cUlxeoa of tbe eial aa rratl fytaj aad aaeooraxJnx. . Tba report abows a tfecreaa ia the aaaoaatd valaa of railroad property aa compared witb laat year, aa well aa a tVecreaaa la lb a team bo and """tanal property. Tber la aa lacreara la tb Talo of talexraph aad Jelcphont prop arty.' P -- ' . -: Tb receipt of tba public fund for tbe fiscal year eudlnx Noresnber 20 :b war fl.ei8J02.91. wbkb la aa increxs of $72S4 J2 oeer tb year 1899. . Tb dlcboreementa for tb auoe year war $1.(44.384.43. aa increase of ex peadltorea Orer 1S99 of $31,618.91 Aa aaalyaia of tbe receipt aad dla buraementx for tbe year 1899, almilir to tba a bore, will abow that tb lexit lnnta exiendltorea exceed tbe letlti tsata receJpta for tbe year by $159, I tbaa appeara that tba finan cial operationa of th St aettor 1X99 aad 19C0 bare larolred aa expenditure or f291.2J5.l2 mor tbaa tb receipts for tboaa year. Tbe balaace oa band at tb beflaalax of tb fiaoal year 1899 aad tb aale of f 136.250000 of Nortb Carol laa 4 per cent bonda, wblcb were bald by tba Scat aa laTastmaat, bare enabled tb Stat treaauxer to meet tbe xceca of expenditure abote atated. Tbe anaount realized from tbe aale of laTeatmeot bonda wa fl44.SOO.00. . Ia rrrard to penalona, tbe report aaya tbe number of petitioners dropped from tb pecaloa roll for rarloua cau- at darlax tbe yrar It XS5. Tbe tctu number of -pec oner la 6.179. and tbe total amount expended for penalona it f 1 14.070. Tbe total amount expended for penalona aince 1876 ia $135,544.76. ESTIMATED RECEIPT3 FOR. 1301. Tba report aUtea tbat tb total am ount of property taxed for 1900 waa f7S3.951.6SS, II doea cot at any probability tbat tber will b aa Increaae la 10L Taklax lato oooaideratloa tb facta aboe praaeated. a xaaraJ aummary cf tb aoorres of revenue and tb prob abl net axaouat froaa each aourc for tb CacaJ year enUlax Not em ber XOtb, 1901. may be elated an followa: JUexaader county boncia, $1.000. ' Atlantic aad Nortb drollca Rail road dlrWeoda. $75,000. Bank. l!cecre tax oa. $6 000. liiak :o-k. tax on. $12 000. BuUdlnx aad Loan AaaocJaUoaa, flv 200. Corporation tax. $4,000. Eiwci 00 moan lea, $2,000. Feee from rarioua tat departmeaU, f 1.000. laauraace oompaalea. licecae tax, $24,000. Iuauraac com pan lea. 2 per cent, on Xroaa recelpta. $56,000. Public taxes, per aberlSa aad tax colle-tora. 6II.0C0. Rallroal. teJexrapb. ctaamboat and canal property. $7X00. Seal tax from varloce State depart ments. 100. Sewlax vaacbln oocapaaiea.' Ucenae tax. $4,000. . Otber aourooa. tll.OOO. Total. f$80. 900. I a tbe aboew estimate aa effort la made to determine tb legitimate rer- na of tbe Stat for xvaeral purport. aad tb eatlmat la baaed on tb UX Cbl value and aubjectj ahrardy re- r erred to. at tb rate ot twenty-one and two-tblrd cent oa tb bundred dol lar, wblcb la tb xttlox rat ot tax ation. No aocouat la taxea nere ox pedal tax of three and oae-tblra ceota to pay penalona. Tbtat fund If specifically aad aeparabtly mratloned la tbl report. . . ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR 1901. Ia maklar aa esttmac of oeee-aary arpeaV.tBre for tb year 2901. li I oV rlooaly prmlaabl to be aoca rati- iHtt oa tb eperatiooa of the p5t two year aad by adopting aucb a procei-n-m. tbe xmble neoemary dlaburaa meota for tb current year may be ata ted aa follow: AxriniUural SoaleUes. $2,500 Approprlatkra for dlaabled. soldiers. $200. . . ApproprUuon to pubua acnooia, $100,000. Capitol Square, 460O. Contlacanciee. fuel, llxbta, atatlon- ary. paper. laborer, etc . $44,850. CooTlr aooountan a rag: urea rro3 JoaUce. $7,000. Extcotlr aad-sux oeparuaeau. $14.000.. . ' 'FayetWill Uxbt Inriatrr. I53. Getwal Aaaembly. $70.00-3. Guilford DaUlaOround. $500. IrrerYit 00 SUt oebt, 4 Jr cat. 1712.000. - Judiciary, $65,100. Leral aerrloet aad expenaea. $10,000, formal a.boola (colored). $14,000. K. & Oollex A. and M. KrU. $15,000. W. C CoUer A. aad M. Collet;, $7,- s: C. Doard of Healtb. $2,000. N. a Bcboo! for Deei and Dtrxb (MorxADton). $40,000. N. C Iratltotloa ror ueu, ixzau,ano Ejlnd. Ralelxa, $67,503. - K. a Soldkra Home, $10,000. N. C Fire Aa tviation. $7,500. Orf-rd Orphan 'a Aaylum, white, :j ooo. - fz:ard Orphan Aaylum, colored, $5, 900. -. rubJIe prtatlBf. $23. 003. S.MtlIrr We taxea (expenses cf aberiffa). f 1.000. Strr OoJorical PtTvey, flO,000. Statt Hospital. u;iatxro. 145.003. Stat HopiUl, Mo.ganum. flOO.OOO. SUt HotiiUl. Raleigb. fS.OOO. t-te Normal aad Iadstrlal Colleg, t23CvO. fat Prison (ministerial service). i::o. raJverxity of Nortb Caro'JnA, t2,- Varloua boarda, including Boarl .of Internal Improvements, Board of Pub- V Cherlf.". lUrtna cf Immlrratlon, ! Crop pevt CosrrJ'sioa, Lexialatlva Ex- arJcJcg CoiAmlttae, etc, $2,KI. TotaJL l?7SJX. , EX-GOV.C.II.BROGDEN Dtes.st Eis Ecze fa Wayne County, North Carolina. - - WAS A MAN OF flDNEST MOTIYES. Waa Governor of North Carolina and Also 5e:ved Two lerma la Con- git. , ' - ' , Goldaboro, N. C, gpeclaL AOer a llnxeriEf lilaca3. due la part to tbe welxbt of yeara, ex -Governor Curt: IL Broxdea paaeed away at bis borne near tbi city at tie tour of 4 o'clock Fri day afternoon. Goterncr Brosden wax a most re markable man la many - reepecta. : At one time ia life, by Held economy, he amaa;ed quit a fortune, tbe bulk of wbicb be lost on personal security for hla Dirtr confreres.- H was bem la IS! 6 aad waa. therefore, la LU 56tb rear. H serred bis - naUre county, Wayne, In tbe leslalature ot 1838 and la40. Following this for a6me 15 years ba waa Comptroller of tbe treasury. Ia 1X72 be waa elected L'outeaant.Cxrr ernor on tbe Republican ticket, witb Governor Tod B, Caldwell and fuc ceeded to tie Gorernoc' cbsir oa tb ficatb of tbe latter. Subsequently be aerred two terms ia Congress, aa tbe ReprejeniatlTe from tbla district. Hia waa an Irreproachable life, hon eat la all bla dealings. He leaves an estate' worth between $3,000 and $10,- - r, Krr 000. K never Tear"a day h lay la bed, weak aad al moet bereft of eight, but chatted pleas antly and well with frtenda about the Mr and centurv lust closed." His mind teemed imbued with the politi- rl tiiaow of th country when be wa a prominent febtor. Immediately following the day cf reconstruction, nyl to davs before his death, he seemed to be absorbed. In bis semi conscious condition, with the lnnova tfoca tbat have taken place ia recent yeara and counselled a return to the old constitutional waya ot conducting governmental affair as being safer tbaa by the rapid expanetoa of na nthoriiV amonx the world powers. He died possessed of aa extensive library, conslrting of political, literary. social aad rel'gloua work, all of wbdea have beea woU prcecrved. His mind, a abort time before 1.4 death, waa per fectly clear, and while he expressed a deal re to II va, yet be appeared ready Cor tbe aummona to coma up higher. Young Woman Horribly flardered. Marietta, O" Special. A , brutal crime waa committed Friday evening at Hackney, Morgan county, by which Miss Nellie Morris, tged 19, handsome and accoapll bed, lost her life. As MUs Morris was returning home from .be poatofflce she was accosted y wai ter A. Weinrto:k. a young maa axd IS years, wbo lived near her home. He made Indecent .proposals to ber and b Immediately started to run. He threw ber to tb gouird. She scream rA ni fore- Wenitock drew a ra- xor aad teverd ber neck muscles and i.m hare tbe lurular vein. Mtsa mot r!s grabted the razor aad her hnnda ere cut Into pieces In ber mad efforts. When people arrived sne was aimoai naked. She dica tnonxy aiierw. Capt'jr of losurgents. Waahlnrton. D. C 6prlaL Th 'olloalrg dLritch wa received at th v..v nenartment fTiaay aiierowu Admiral Remey: n , "Manila, Jan. 14. -n..Ti rt KsTintlon. Washington: -"An attack on rte morning of tbe 3d by tbe Fonrtb Irf mtry, marines ot the capture of or.e Iletnenant colonel, two Ave eantaias. one lieutenant. m;or. j. --..t. in.iiT-rwtne and four LA- "REMEY." drones. lOIled by Dynamite. Fhlladelpbla, Pa.. SpeclaL A fright ful explosion cf dynamite occurred tn tb powder machine house of tbe Re pauno Chemical Company, at Thomp son's rolnt, N. J... 12 miles below tbla cltr. . The bailJInx was annihilated and three orkmea ere blown to atoms. Several otber workmea received minor lBinriea. The dead men had been punching tbe dynamite Into eight inch paper hell fcr use In blasting. Piece of tb men's flesh were picked up over a hundred feet away from th wreck ed building. Th loss will .probably sot be over f 3,000.' fir. Bryan Lecturing; Tyler,' Texas. Special. Wn. J. Bry an lectured here to ft large an dicer e. An Informal rectptlca. was held during .. ft non. Ho left at nlgnt for Paris, where be will lecture Faturday necht. It wm . erroacously reported tbal Mr. Bryan bad parsed' through Ten3WOfi- Fla. . . Telegraphic Brkfs. Th- recent capture of Helvetia, la ae Trasnvaal, was due to the fact that tt British were surprised. " . - Tb commoa council of Omaha, Neb., turn offered f 23.C00 reward for the ar rest cf tbe Ca-aliy kidnappers, - ;m Cjrrle tlzLtk. tb Wichita, Kaa., Umpcraoa crustier, baa beer caught la quararxire. " The ttrtka cf tUumtr3 of the Con tinental IcCaxo Com-pany, at Loula--tn. t.- h 1 jammed serloua cro- porOona and is expected to apread. DLsquletinz N-ws. WasUngton, D. C, Special. Cable advice xectiTei at tbe State Depart ment from Minister. Loomis, ara of a disquieting character. Tbe Depart ment dedine to make publio th de tail. Wit it Is rurmlscd-tiat there Is a possibility of rcslitance oa the part of one of the aepbalt'tocpanies to tbe legal proct reel of the Venezuelan gov ernment, tbat may rtjult eerloJsiy. Tbe gun-boat Ccorploa' bas arrived at Laxuya to atiiet Mr. Loomis. . W,IH pJ!!Jl208 j A Dastardly Crime Committed. Near ! ' . WlnstoHrSalem. . ? Wlnrtoa-Salem. K. C. Special. A eowa.nl ly assault, el'iutl'y Wrti .".'mar derous Intent, wa3 made Flday nigbt upon Cbxrlca, xoa of Mr. R. J Cox-at I JJ faory ot tb aoa i j. Mr. Cox was ihot la tb lef: tJJgh with B ptotol and receivfld several paliilul xaabes on the back, bis assailant being unknown." The son lives with hla fath er. Upon going: out of the bouse dur- Ina the night ba beard a. racket, .at the factory, a . abort distance . away. He went out to tbe bull ding and founl a stranger l 'nthe factory."- The lalter ran out. crabbed yoanx Cox - by - tie band ind -began cutting -him wttb tor. --Mx. Oox xare.aa alarm: nd his afiaallant thereunon draw a oivtol-and ahot htm. The stranger then ran away. By this' time' It was dlscbverel that tba tobacco factory, a two-story fram structure, waa oa vre. Mr, R. L. Cox and daughter. came from thahousaapd met the. wounded aoa and brother. All efforts to aive tbe bullying were 'frttlt- leaa. There were 'about tea' thousand pounds of manufactured- tobsoco 'prt of it being stamped, aad two birns of leaf la the factory, besides a lot of ma chlnery.. The loss is $10,000. Tie firm had $3,900 insurance on building, stock and fixtures; Tba report of the - tie - and : assault spread rapidly and a great crowd wa soon gathered. Messengers came' ti Winston And reported "the matter to Sheriff Alspough and otber officers. The sheriff, aeverel deputies aal one or two policemen went out to the scene I of the crime. Two blood hounds, were also carried out, but oing to the laxg) number of people who bal g -there! aad walked around the - building, the dog3 could cot do any successful work. Mr. Charles Cox was a member of the tobacco manufacturing firm of Jones, Cox & Co., which was engi&ed in business ia Win on a. few ye n ago. He received aa anonymous letter this week" notl'ying hhn that If h wil'e another letter or called upon a certa'n young lady In East Bend he would bfl whipped and burned out. The let'er was mailed on the Wllkesboro. train at Doonaha. Mr. Cox showed it to a lawyer here and wai advised to turn it over to officers for investigation, but Mr. Cox took it for a bluff and laughed at it It lz-bellved that tbe man who made the assault had nssl-tance in fir ing the building. . . . : Furches For Chief Jusllcs. :- '" Judge' D. M. Furches. of Statesvll!e. becomes chief Justice of tbe North Carolina supreme court. Governor wired Judge Furches Sat urday morning tendering him the ap pointment, and before night a reply bad been received accepting the tnedar of the office, . '-':'. Judge Farchcs la the .senior member of th supreme court..-. The appoint maot of Judge Fnrches as chief justice to succeed the late Judge Faircl?th creates another vacancy on tbe su preme co art bench. Governor Russ?ll will not fill the vscancy cause! by Jadga Furches' elevation until ' Mon day. - The new chief Jus' ice will; arrive here and qualify as the chief justice ot tbe rrc-ate t court la tbe Stats Mon ay. Tba appointment of Judge Furches' srvrcetsor is narowsd down to Judge Timber lake and Judge Robinson of te rupreroe court and Col. Charles ' A. Cook. The fovernor has not Intimated as to whom be will give the appoint ment. The name of Governor Russell -' has teen pressed for chief justice by some of tbe State's leading lawyers, irre spective of part. The" governor de cided not to make himself eligible foi appointment by resigning his present office.' and after careful consideration I of tbe claims of all those mentioned tendered the appointment . to , Jadgt Furches. . v ,. - The new chief justice Is a lawyer ol IcarnliMt and ability. He waa elected a member of tbe supreme court in 1894 and his record Is well known to the people of the Stite: ' Judge ' Fur- I te was the Republican nominee foi xovernor la 1892. He hs beea pron lnently before the people for a genera tion. To Colon'al Heroes. - ' Oreeceboro. Special. The offleerB ol be GnilfoH Battle Ground are receiv ing substantial encouragement la tbelt effort to erect oa tne Battle grouna a monument to the memory of the Col onial heroes - of North ciroiina. 1 n latest contribution were received f-om Gen. Julian S. Carr and Mr. B. N. Duki of Durham, tbe former cootributln Sipo and th laUer 850. Counterfeiters Arrested. - Washington, D. C, SpeclaL Offlclala of the secret servke of the treasury department under '. the direction of Chief Wilkie made a number of high ly important arrests In New Tork Saturday night and. this morning. For "at least two months secret ser vice people have been at work to dis cover the maker of a large number of all-eUver . counterfeit coins,' : mostly quarters and hales, which were being freelx, circulated In New York city. Th result has been that Dio Paris and aevea - companions, all Italians, were arrested and are now in jail awaiting the action of tt court. - " 1 To Command at Po Royal' -Washington, D. Special Captain M. L. Johnson, ,who, will, become a Rear Admiral on the 20th instant; by the retirement of Admiral Kaatx ia sad to be slated for the command of the naval station at Port Royal, S. C-, which wi'J shortly be .vacated by the transfer of Rear Admiral G.W. Sum-. ner. Its present commandant to the command of the Philadelphia Navy Yard. -- . , ' - - ; . Demand or the Senate. . Washington, D. C, Special Sena tor Bacon has introduced the follow--! Ing resolution: "Resolved, by the Senate, that any and. every public doc-; ument, paper or record in the files of any department of the government re lating lo any subject whatever over hich Congrt68 bas any grant of pow- juriadictioa or control tinder the Coaetitutloa ia subject to the call or urpection of the e?uate for it3 use la be exert.se cf its constitutional pow- s aad Jurisdiction." The resolution went over for future consideration. MAY HELP RUSSIA. 1 . America'May Back 'Her Demands for l;,:.;v--'.toflMfo9i lfmn C02RESPUMENT'S REPORT. A London Paper Informed That -7 he Russian Demands for Concessions; WW Have Amerkao Support. ; v' London. By Cable.The Pekin ..cor respondent of the Daily Mall, wiring January Lj says: , ' , . ,. V . 'Eosla,r by coaclUation, Is trying to secure special advantages and there is a'strone belief that she will .receive American ' snpport It la hinted that . I Rosia msplred -tmfoonded charges-: 01 j barbarity against the German., troops, 1 the motive beingto sow dissension D8; Ltween Great Britain and Germany." 1 a aispBten to-Tie times irora ta- 1 kin, dated December, 31,. Br, Morrison gives the text, of the - Rusao-Chlnese agreement for ' the'RussIan ' protection of the Manchurlan province ;; ot u Fen Ting, Russia,. he says the civil govern ment on the following conditions; First? The Tartar General Tseng an dertakes to protect ; and- pacify. vthe province asd to assist in the construc- doa of the railroad, - Second. ' He- must krndly treat, feed ' and- lodge-Russiamv.engaged, In the ' military oocupatloa and In thejprotec Uon of the rkrrroadvC""'"'- Third.'. He must -disarm and- disband tho Chinese soldiery., delivering to th Russians all munitions cf war in such arsenals as- the Russians have not' yet occupied. ! : ;' '' V?5'-:.V-'!.' Fourth. All forts- and defences la the province not occupied by the Russians and all powder magazines not required by them ' must be dismantled in the presence of Russian officials. .. , Fifth. , Nlu Chwang and other places I ccn' in Russian occupalion shall be restored to .the, Chinese civil adminis tration when Russia is satisfied that the pacification ot the province Is com- ipiete. . '. .jy-'x-i'-T ;.,',y. Sixth. The Chinese ehall maintain law and order by local police under.a Tartar generaE ":y: --: .Seventh. A Russian political , resi dent,' with general" powers of control, shall be stationed at Mukden, to whom f the Tartar general Tseng must give all Information respecting any important measure. .' S -, : 1 " " Eighth. .In- the evejnt of local police being insufficient for any. emergency, General Tseng will notify the ; Russian- resident and Invite Russia to send re inforcements. ! ' .fx. 7 -'ts. " Ninth.- The Rusaian . text , shall be the standard. ... . . r : i;,-' Th functions given the Russlan rea-4 Ident, says Dr. Morrison.' are similar to those of the Russian resident in Boi:- bara, or those of the British residents la the natIve"S:ates of India, The agreement will necessarily be. followed. by similar agreements with references to the other-two provinces. Then Man churia will be de facto a Russian pro tectorate, Russian by a pre-existing ar- rangement having already the right 1o- maintain all troops necessary for. ths protection, of the railroads.' Death bf a Prominent 5oatb CaroHrt- Charleston, S. C, Special H. H. D Leon, -of this city, died at the Charles- ton .Hotel, here Thursday morning, In. tbe 72nd year , of his age. . He was a leading broker of the city and was largely Interested in cottoa . mills throughoat the State. Mr; DeLsoa was notecLfor hla charities. . He began life poor and not cnlyiupported a wodowed mother and seven Bisters, but amassed a private fortune. v He was a., member of the famous DeLeon family of , tie South! Camdeti.' S'. C. was the pla.e of hia birth. 1- . vVV ! .Brlf flection. r ' . " The DelawaiV legislatur ' w :s! ' or ganized under" sL, ' truce bstweel.; the Union and Regular: Republicans at Dover, ,. f Senator Quay secured four Demo cratic votes for his candidates la the house and organized the Pennsylvania legislature. .; : ; ;,-; ' B. B. Odell, Jr., was ' Inaugurated at Albany as Governor of New York. F I R ST - N AT I O N AL B A N K, . HOBO AHTOir, IT; c. ;;f CAPITALSTbCICS.OOO. '4 CLEHEST GEITNER, PreaideBt " K. a'afNZLL3,'Vice-Preaideat . Doea a General Banking Duplnooo. Fire lasurtui 045 Xife Insurance Accident Isiiranoev gtea.ro. Boiler Insnranctv Employ er8 We rpraaat tba leading eompniea th loweat rates. : ' Among tbe oompaniea .Th Hartford, the .Etna, the Conticental. tb Hambnrg-urexnea, u Pbceaix, the Lancashire, the Caledonia, the Jirgiaia Fir and Manna, ta Virgiaf a State, . the Delaware, ths Pnasjl vaaia, and th North oIlB Home all firat elass fire oompaniea with aaaets agxregating 0,000.0U0V We also roresent the Pean Mutual Life, the Phcsaix Lif, and ta U. B. Fidelity and Caaualty Ca, and Standard AccIdeBt. Co. - Can writ yo aay kind of Inauranoe yon Want to aay amount; aad w alao rtpreaanl BtCm Gaaraat Compaaiea that will writ all kinds of . - - TvnV.Tt. AnMn tviMtnL reoclvera u a. - . 4 . rtn tnr ntM Qf2o ia Tf-fiHiT.-p Building. a wokIC agaijt. Congress ReAssembles After Tht 5 Holiday Recess. - - Eighteenth Day, The Senate held Its '. final session ot the new year on,Thurs- d y, Jan, 3.; The ship subsidy bill was " side-tracked lo make way for the army re-organizatlon bill. -- Senator Bacon, of Georgia, male a ttrong speech against the srmy bill, In direct opposition to a -permanent increase t In v the standing army. The discussion was protracted through the entire session. At 4; 30 p. m: the Senate adjourned.., , , ; s Niaeteenth , Day.Tbe : Senate dis cussed the army bill for five hours. Tie debate took a wide, rang at times." -A number of Senators took part fn the - discussions and the Philippine ques- - tka- was thoroughly . aired, but httla new was developed. At 5:20 the Sen- , ate Went into executive - session.- and adjourned at 5:30. i i . iwentietn uay.ibe - senate re- . aumed consideration of the Array Re: organization bill at the close of the morning session.' TJnder the- unani .mous consent agreement, the commit-' tee.amendmeot were taaen up and die- -posed' of with the' exception,' of the ; 1 canteen amendment 'which - went over until Monday. -. v Mr. ' Hawley called " ttp the bill at ; 12:40. , Mr.. Proctor offered an amend-. , . ment, authorizing the President to" select the chief of any staff corps or . department,; not. below the rank of lieutenant colonel, for appoinxjaent ' Lf of a' term hot exceeding four yeara. but . that the appointment must be conllrmed by the Senate. , The amend ment. Was adopted, . &z. -....v Mr. Nelson sooke ajralnst the Senate icominitiee amendment which provides- i that only the grade of second Ueutsn- j act shall be open to volunteer officers. .He'faypfe;t3ieS''HtmBd'''BxaetidaMBt leaving' born the grades, ot ; first and ' second lieutenant open to volunteer of vT ; flc&rs. Messrs. Teller and Money -also v favored the house amendment, " At 1:55, -on motion of Mr. bpooner, ' the Senate went Into executive session, .- At 2 o'clock the doors were re-opea- ed and consideration of the Army bill . was resumed. -" " .. "With .the Army bill, after some fur ther uninteresting debate still pend ing, the Senate at 3:39 adjourned. - HOUSE. . Eighteenth Day: The session of the House was opened with a small num ber of members in their seats. Th brief session held was devoted to tho a question of re-apportionment, and all ', measures looking to the decrease of the j South's - representation In . Congress were defeated. : After a lot of dLcus- siou the House adjourned. Nineteenth Day.Tbe House - had another spirited struggle over the Olm stead resolution ' to investigate -the abridgement of the suffrage in certain Southern States, with a view to re- apportionment upon the " actual basis of suffrage. It was finally leferred to ; the census committee, where the op- ' position "desired It to go originally. ome of the Republican leaders were not in sympathy with the resolution and gave thedr support to the reference - on condition that that . would be the final outcome. . . . r Twentieth- Day. Speaker Hender son was again detained at hi3 home by tilne&s, and Mr. Daizell of Pennsyl vania, by the designation of the Speak er, presided over the deliberations of th ehouee. Without Intervening busi ness, debate upon ,.- th6 ; Reapportion. . meat bill was resumed. Mr.'Lrittlefield of aine was the first -speaker. - His argument - was in favor . of the Hurleigh bill . The bill pro vides for a house of 386 members. Mr.' Littlefleld .declared that the Hopkins bill could properly be entitled "An aot to cripple the State of Maine la her -represectatlon in the house and la the electoral college." '-" ; He relented what he termed Mr. Hopkins' assault upon the State of Maine. That statement drew from Mr. Hopkins aa Indignant denial, wblcb -led to a sharp exchange between the two metDbers. - ' 1 ' The entire proceedings consisted of a spirited colloquy between these two " members,' at the elose' of which tb hous adjourned. r ' ' . 5 s Steam t Wrecked. . : ; SL John,; N. F? By. Cable. The crew of the British steamer Ivydene, CapL . JiabUrn, from Hambuf g, December 15, for; "Wilmington, N.'C, which, went ashore, Tuesday night,-during a storm at La Marche, arrived here Thursday fternooaj One' man, was drowned. Twenty of the 27 survivors were badly " rost-blttenj The steamer . broke up . ihursday. : Nothing was saved. Most f the crew are Italians - or Sweedej' md they were panlo-strit-en : ' k ..oca re t Nome tKX) feet long ha ; - 47r.flno tbf aeaaon. A. U, ING OLD, Oaablar, ; ; a V.-C0LLETT. Tllr. Liability Inturanc of the worIL and writ polioiat al we represent are: " " aad all parson who bar 40 Tv. ar other" information.

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