5 5 1 ; r ' - ti ii 'i m $ THE HERALD S n tltx " - - I BEST ADYERTlSin LEDIOU IS TUB . ' . 2 THE HERALD Job Prints . I I , U . VW' I.I M 1.. l? - f i ti:e herald cfr:l O ' II VOL. XVI. jNO.i. - MpRGANTON, N, C , THURSDAY. JANUARY 17, 190. 01 a Year., in Advance- 0O4O000OO0J I ii : i! M l . i .! i jyw:- 4304 I THE GOVERNOR'S' ' MESSAGE m Full Reveiw" of Stale Affairs Tfansmitf ed General. Assembly, lo THE STATE INSTITUTIONS AND FINANCES Discussed at Length by Governor Russell Recom tnends an Increase In the Governor's Salary '.- Th follow Uff U th BdMlt Oft and the Co. RaswelL read tn both HooM ! th L-UItar oa Thar!-. ' To to Senate uIUoim of Rapr ttm: nv ueoeral Aaormbly of th tT1ek century mmi and? coll 'I'" moor erroarvgiasr that tbo oaved drtnr lb Um wecSU of th rwiNan caetury. Ectcti in Al aa4 Airl-. ct created demand for va:l. rrstKUw tarpon Lair Kevr e:taUatrd ho.n produolloo. Coe- cox- is ia uiidMi cvrrvacx let rlrralatwa vaat umi af "-.roea mocer. Th eiteeeto J mrtc a I rent - or ha cp tip Cp rortBBitira for mterprto j3 advta tur. tpon cf ta bAtics lLr " "IT lrrd. CUM misa. f-lortcc la .Vena CrUln u lmcrm Ku rr cp I mrly a ir.ltoB. Tkt ' u irirrttlt wavlih Cf tK gtat 44 tca x Mat for tit Brt lia l mr ic protwfclr eqaaja or awro M ti t-mlu mbtri prTJ.r4 b fw C Ceairrtio d dUatr :V cltU ccjrt. THE REPORTE. , r porta ef tit cmry Btatt. Atoncr aal Trttnitr. Ith.- vita j rf rt of ib haada ol iha Pit. - trumi:t4 braltH. Titn rr- :ai rrpor fuu atxi jc.rtia titJ i!ni cm MlUM to ih aa.-1'nt ruajU- TItB GrOlXKJICAt. 4tTRVET. Tt r of ih CoJa.-1:U tfartry ti ta rirrWJ ca dirtc at tat yr la a kUhr crV.atka b r. ,'.it tb rraclu acc wxsvJI-h'd H bmjt t BBatte4 that tb rxanlaa. ttoa of th amaxarikr eofxUtkma f th K.-: kaa (mi rtmpjr:rl; tnrtillaa froaiMlum aara br a mrtM at vary -a:r tal a report la do a; btn tbtlmh4 atkH ana plme I ha ri:a of thla lora:txtloa l:hia taa rara of ry orrtror o4 alar la ta Sta:r. Ta aratrr bla ba carrful'.y t-maUard d urine thai ffJT by Ih wnrtjr la roaarcttoa la Ida I rOrd Flalra fiik roamla. vaw A rrrrt a x bod . 1 r id mull ttla lara-tt Ira'.Vaa ta rsj ar rrajly T ut.fc.-ll js. Tha ork ( larr(lf allnc tia alrr rr-. lachr&icg both ta aarfara rtrrama f ?r wirr torr and a ar?wn Hrr act!i for drlak lr mi ua a. - ha. a madr rnvraaa. rn.cu (rriimeary r?wrt oa a arr jiin of tae aafcldia a J p-"- taralo --irTT rHiM aja airraay ban 'TN. .11 x l ! rva : iaa f tit pio 'Traxa of ta raatra roatttra aoada d ltI c lia aei dartre venartlia n tW t'etTrd Sutra Br rartmat of Arrtru.lara. " t ha aurrajr . h liaaa araklr a careful rzaxrrlrvaloai rf lb f-ra: of tar aaooatala roasttra ta rrU:la t tea proard nailaal rra la that rf . la raoparatwtft,- wna to rtrn :atr Gtl-iej Sa ry ao-nribirf met thaa aqoan nmm har l-ra aJJfd b Ifea rri I 1, .1 , attMtlo of ta GooaraJ Xa. aemttx U oaUad ta Ita afcaiaaaaofaf wi im iia ap(ii far lb eoatiaaad aopport aad fatorafe! rotoaidrra tlaa of ib rv rraaat an rra c taa pop4a. HMPttj04 txm .tssa.se axd r;mjoijH roK Lzxr, dumb and nUNtx . Th raperta of tb ar borpiala for ta taaaa aed of tb arboola for tb deaf. dob aad blind ax tranaaslttad brrralia. 1 aala aarsaaxlr rao atta tla t tl application anad br JI to laa-.ltntLjDa. It la tvjl ety ahock Icr ta tb aicarat kamu artiaibmnaa. bat It t a atala tnoa ts clTllisatoa of ur tto: tbat laaaa prraona of both arzea a boa 1 J b roe Sard la UM loath aome aad saaaaJtary Jalla of aar coa lira, oa acraaot of tb lark of room to rrrrir tba aad tar lor tbm la tha aaylofoa rbat tava bora oroaklrd for aci nerortasataa. ". THE RETXnuiATORT.- t TTva artrniWa of Lha narntlro bora rauif d ta tha fact that . larg mnj&' or.t rooat aafliktanrd cltt araa of ta Stat bar fornd tbrm acirra lnia a rrformatory aaaodatlaa to arllata lb aaaUrr al adacaJ tb Pop a aa to arcur rht ataUiab rl of -a, rtCurmatory or tb rtra!o knd education of Jaraeli crlmloala. la a fdrar mrawit tba attrattoa of tha Oracral Aaaroitly aa called lo tbit bbert. mrKf ta .aatabtUKmrkl of rrfartnabjo at aa arly oar." Tb uprrrpo inportajtro of taklaa atop at one lor ta eotatulahmrr of aock aa IsaUtattaa at aota aaltabtr loca4ka U naaUrat. . It mar t aaid tbat oar' to tb d bltr-l conditio a of tb , jbile Trrarury tba tt U DU atl mom to mak ta appromaUoa aecraaary ta tha ratab lubawt of rarh a tnaO latino. It I lr oprloa of tboo ro bar mad a aprcial atad of tb quttJM. aa It ta of rial:rd Com par.' prompt!y ed il la WTr4 til In h uia 111 T IM llKllH n 1IM - - - . . w u . bO act Wbic4i awmlnr'r itnlih. la rvliroai coramJaIon. Tha norta drotiaa corpora t ion commiauioa. 'ta purer jr. rrafrMl lha formar. ra ra ' anSourfiLnr rficraaard ha Rtrt of rallimd crx-rtr la tha Hi at r-moua U:traUoa tnaoel, and pni'.P a raoun. taa cttkvu!i-o tronUt- ar-ima k art' bot Id COntLoo tba tatttt la t ts paaaractr. nui or u prrorot. w tha caa araa tr ualnatd alt boat prrluOlc lo tba futurt action or -tba turd. .Thla eaae. a teat ca. aa)v4 th ng&l or Oa Saat ta redura tb paaa'a- r far oa ovary naibroad la th ata4. aad thooa raoratod aurarlona roachint: tor lata tb Tutor. Thra larr aad Inportact lntatrat fuky Jua- uaedjnt arcrlorrnM at kwUI roua aI la tba prraUara. tBHr am'ilora hara brra ardvoua and taa romtenatlo artUcfe t &e bar racrlVad la drarnd V raaaooab:. A tvUtonr of thl DUraaioa may b fooad la tha rariroaid commia- aioa'a report Cor froaa pa-a ltd to ax. inrrujara,- Ia 1M th ra.!)road rttmmiaaioo dacal tba raJ for inraataajv ovar tb tiara of tha Wratrra t.'nloa lVlrrnaph COBpaay tetwen potau within - thia Slat frota Ti to li errata for a ror antra of ten arordaa. Tb compaey aecured aa lajoactloa frota lha FeirnaJ mrt. ra- UWilat; tba comalaaloa'a order raOuc- fir th rate. Th lnrprtnc apd d'.f BouKr at tht eaa IBrorrlivd karra la trraata. eat for on yaf only, but for tba fotur. made H ptnaaaary to amploy apactai tour art la rertiaant tha BiaJe. ihr ramp era. aloa paid them ta dmd raoaata. What th corporation coxnmiaaJoD n lrl anon rh dVarharr of l. dutlca. t restored tb rrnr rata, aai, la rlrw of th tat .1:!ra.Mon whrob ahortly roreaxrT roiiowrd. itaraw n proper ir ta ivrearr to tak aa furTher ac tion ta thl caar. It la aow poUdc ua dettmtnad. In JmIt. ISM. tb torpor Aliaa commla mob lacrmaod th aaaeaarmatH for tafta tton of tb railrtva J Mmmttti ta fTorth Carotin. Ill.aoo.cco. and lb property of to a)tem Lena Telearrapb Cucnpany rrara i.m.cmi to. ii.boq.oml tnabt ratlroawl ooinpanloa aad the Wfiiarn Lalon Televrapti Company at oaca aecnrrd lajaactloaa from tb Catted Sratee Circuit CoorL rratraJoinr ue co;;ec;ioa ot rrxrxpon xne Ia creaa. Arala lb IK tha aim aaaea mrx vaa tnada, aad tba railroad aal te.errapb J.compBJej aaala obtained aimir laJancMona. Thfa caaaa Inrolr- ed ajlooly Stat, county aad montdpal taxc. mm -rani, eg for tb 10 yaaxa to nearly IUa.000. boc tb rUbt to collect aveb I a are for th future year. It wu aacoaaary Co empioy apocUl coun- ael to- rep rear nt the lalrjt of tb Stat aol tb eoontlea and rldea con- oeraed. Trie work Ibvorred (a Ue orec- axailoa aad arrument of beo car rtrad ot petiMoo y.-hk:h they can ex. erclae 6y a dlract tnenMlrlkl adiiraj o your Aooorate boiy. To rontration of the Wad -bold era aeeina to b uttantl;!y aa fol.otra: That tbey mro bonda amoutrttnr In MunJ nurrrtxrra to $C0.&OjO principal, and H 90.000 lrxcrrot; that theaa bond arrr laruad :o tb Weoirrn North Carolina Kalaroa r-ompany under th act af February. Iio. aa .t.g-4 hi the act iSC IrcmOefi UA. thdt oy tH art of 14 the txyail were Arcurel by a anatatctry tridttfac on jna 6tae tuxjk lo th North Carol. ni Railroad Company to tbe-rtent of aa amount of U par of the S:at atork equal ta lha par of aald bond: that by tt acta of lit aod of li&o. the thirty thousand bare of a took owoad by - lha Stale (three miriona par an J now worth at market prlcea about Are mlMcer ui doLara). era martarax Q a ecu re in conn rucr. Ion or Crt . mrfricif totA; that th amount of that fln mortyat bonda aair ou.'ataAdins li j.'.T.tJ.oi that the fconda iaaued aader th acta ot IMS and 1!U feU do la or about the year m 19 lt!3; that in 1539 lha Srai eo:rd lato an arreheot arltlt tb rirtJr ol tba Crat m or! rare bonda by whtoh ii 4 per cent, bond areia to be laaurd m mature la lilt, aurn near bonda to b an extenaljn of the o: borvda. aa lo ho: J on the diate'a atoct :a aam Um or aacurliy aa tbat ahieli appertained to tba old bond:; titut in baltera of lb eecond morttui bon acquires (bem teCbra tha maturity of the flret mortraae toroa ao4 taerevr took the rlrbl . pay o(Z th brat mort ra-a bonJaat their marurlty,. acid that the lector, the fciate, and tbe flrat mortfarfea. could not lawfully enter ln;o-an arreoment for tbe eltenalon of tbe nrt mort rare bond without tbs coorent of lha arcjnd mortrarees; that payment o fchelr own aeconl motivate; bonda were not partle to the itr men t for the extension of tbe flrat mortru bonda and enfant tbelr own Urn araJnat the 6cte'a ttock for- th apymexrt of their own eecond mart fare; and ao they aak th State to waive It eoveretrn immunity from auU and aub- mlt l:ie:f to th court tS the end thtt th rlt bea of Th partle may b dett-ri mined, and they aeek to ahow that it :n court ahould hU la tbelr fvor. tbe Stat -would not only pay off watt tbey claim la aa bon eat debt, but woul aiao rave a Tory aara; awnouat of mon ey by belntr releaeed from tbe obliea tlon to pay 4 per cent a year on tl.'iO - 000 fr II yemra when It can ar.4 doei borrow rhoney tor much leaa thaa 4 pf ni a year. Ia th State corapromla debt law of 1S79. the aeconl mort rare bonda are acbeduled at ti cent on th A!'ar of the prtodpaL aad they ar now fund abt la near 4 per em.' at thJe rate. ' If th JStAte ahoul 1 atabrnft thl Tnat ler to the eourta. and lh eoorta aaou'.d bold la farar of tb view! of the eoad mortrace boTKl-boldera. an if thca tocond mort rre bond-bolder hoc Id agree that la oaa the court eTxuld deore la their favor, they wotild our Ncrth CaroIrca Lejlsmcre Met and Crxanized ca Wedaesday. 100R lliim SPEAKEll CP HOUSE Tb 5cnat Called to Order fejr Lieu tenant Governor Reynold Elec tion ol Officer. OMMt Of Lh tMMMnlll aT Ilia llnva ikil l: la rcoBoanr to nniiuMt lo tkn " bearlnjr. There bare a ay. It la aotorioooty tram that yooer ?T.t . fclr?"J1.V thT ,n tKra aad xlria aba ar fwd xuiity of Cbarleataaj and to RicHmocd. and An aom amaU rrtnslaal off tar for h wnant teJtlmony baa bera Brat tlm aad'wbo ar sat yet hard- fr"?r eoitoiy in the Rcate. ecef la crtm. ar aettt to our ialla and .V"? ,L. . iao. io peeltenUarr ta. araocaal wllJa pncum I ih1.f,ct,BT.? 4ilnf' wKn ,t 'both aexea aha bare lanr hoeafrlm. oii ia in lu.sre. 1 re- liirr abd-th.a. Jarralle-ofreadera 4r-, 1 ,a.,h V,.m'.ra Vnloa caa haa .;ead ct brirr br.VflirU and reclaimed. Vh.'sr.TJ, ilrmed ta their alcUuanraa 4 be! lilL?Lu-T a array from prtaoo. arier th bit ''li term of renlc there, prepared by tbrlr ' i'Vil!??LfJ ? ? -1 . atcloaa aaoorUiloaa for yet rrra'rr of- ' reata larolred. It la deetnei feacaeJithPbllcU.aTApreD- .h:..l ta tnemup to ecaatderaV-t TOtfrW TT ',k ' .r L 7 liT. . Vr7, r!:0"! . . . v v-awrvaar wmt I "aa K u W at aa beret very rrket. No tea than X.B04 I render enelr bonda br taJdnc not more i. nda.nl were ecwrl to b read on I than 4300.000 out of the proceed of lha - - mwoi io-ooii(idw in laiunci looa I ami ol id crtat a mtarK. it a-ou i r- qarr in rnona notncxri aoottt , ww.uwj to par oT tha rwo mortwayea. Thia uJd !eare bb Stat atill boldlnr un eaoaa . An.. .KM Ik. K n.. .iajod. lata', them. r r.l.J". - - tbelr criminal trndenclr ; riJT"re.7?"V7 inm la thetr reforwailoa and re- J77 ZLlZ.Z ul en oeen t. i -, . 4.i 'reetaaary. an J th eapenaea. lhvr!r lad aalde nna aent reatt f.laa, utalleo throned from othrr wt 'VlIV. Tl1 otaio abow lUtJrora to M per cent. , f'nfl 3 ta tb of lb Jaati mmtaala who ar treat- EB1lm f ,' . ed la rrformatorte. ar. reformed and i''"1! Ullrut! JU be mad ti be o-f.l rltlaaa. rhat baa la' .S?!!, Nf M aeea de la thle rerard la otber Stair ' 1?. t? m'r,:-0 'r ft eaa. b soat brra la North. Carolina, j L5V J Incloair. and-alao la aad tb diof of it obt not to be d- i ! 5- ,tL TTI e?rnrriim far at .l.i m-A t.9 Ih. a Ar (.!. rartrel fcr tb Utwmpta: van ( Ike nauraaor.. .-5 .la U30 thTier.eral Aaaartibly yaaaeJ state aad tb latraitailoa af lb r- erai miaeral aa c ItLrvr coadlUoaa baa b-en roetlaced dorit( tb ai rw ear. Ta demand far th report f tbe aatrrey baa coatl anally lareoed and lb atarrtr of arreral report at ready pablufed baa bera eahat3 fHirtnr tbe port It year aomrthlcf rtyvre lhaa r. :. ef rapt'-al baa beta let arte la th deetpanBt of tha timber aad r Inerat reocorrr of tb . iia;e. W.b eeataeta ar ooobtleo fa a meteor attrtbotab: to tb wjbs f tb rarrey. THK STATE AOFltaXTl'lUL BO- . t ritmr. - ; . " The- State Arti'uUaraJ ' aVoriety baa -o Kd.worh d.rlaa; lb laal lat yar. Tr fair lo ta year I4 perp ta c-at exMtlt of Ike pro-e . art tor r ihr farm aed wrkahop tbat baa rrr brra r!iertod la tbe Stal. I recoarmrai lai th CSmrral Aaa-mbly rontl-or treat thl actety tf tb rorjt iertwf hi -a it OV- erve. o thai It anajr bar oteaa from er t year af preparing ark eahlhtra f ta rradactlaa ef Ike "tate aa atu adTertU tUfuatMf t the ranr aal tb rrvle af tb Stat, a wed. th wealth of It reeotrrera, AOmcrXTCRAJ. tKTA RTaf EfT. -Tbe buArd ef arrtcu'.tore ha roa rocted a tmtiuM bBl dinar cb aa waa aredeJ to mrrt tt waata of 4b'f TeparinrB(. Tt earfolae of I him Kard baa beea desneat rated t Lb eai-r; taat It baa r-econa a rrmnrnt laatKa:lcB of tb Plate. the v.vivKHsrnr. Tb Ial rrrity durlaf th Uat faar yra baa la attendaac from Xn to-lent t kid. Ita matrrtal qui aiaat baa alas lecred by atr;a to th r-tate la bai.dinra amoaetlaa: l a rt4 f and ta b.etai axd anorr about WS eea. Tile Un groaib of tb L'nJ th tei:tiara an-d traawda aaxl th bet riAAulAltntB -, f Ik. f . r mm L.JTOARD Pf PLTUC CUAJtrnr. fulur relra. tm report or in oaar ox poena i M.rtrmm ta ..... 11 l.l.ii . I . v. I . - 't IT. " " . , " . . . vl 1 , . ' T" ZTT . : l.bia aerrve la deemed p.vw utbti.j mmm ai 11 ot r T . . . the peal ten llary.l of th nti. mi I tbat taa tnatlta- I aaoed tmrmmif tkalw-ltw trtwl ht f if-upDoniBk i. th MUnoo7 In (Sm CJkM, whJ3; ; I . . w p.. mv w . t m v iwii vm mi w . I -aUd u Ita.rer-scnmrBdaUoe. mi. r n i i . - i Atlr&Oan) ta cailrd to tb rec-ort ot tb aui-erlateedrat of frora ahf'b 11 appear tloa carat la b fatar. Tb Iefflatare aom yaara aro. by ape-cUl enactment, created whaf la koo a aa tbe -rlralnl or daferoue laaaa depart meitt. and located It la to awe ra 1 4 tb prauratlarr build Inr- U-.tm tb manareraeat af thl Id- a.itatUa taiaka.-wi:k aU rood cJttama bo bar rttea ertoalboxbt l tb OMtteewao rrterou rnletak. Tber ra b aa each thlc a aa laaaa crtmlaal. f Jr. aa laa&n . prraoo ' ran not cr-mrrtli trim and lb few uofort acatri B ar a-Uted away ta a comer of tb Sour" a prlaoo ar perbap no nof dacferoa tbaa many cr tboe con Tried la tb boc UtJ at RaJeirb. Atorrantoa -andL Clla!7ro. - It la a Ciarrlm4onoa that "icn.U noTb wvad. Th depart meai'la a cntrie to thl leaUtutton. if eataMiahmeat aa IcJuaUc to taea arEldrJ6Ji?a. - .- . JZUK STATE Q CARD. loevmbrrrd atork worth sfeotif 13 Oid.tW on Ihemarket , or th Stale by parcha. Inirut the Judicial aal could retain all Ita atcck and borrow tbe fl.000.000 by the leu of bond atf a. rrYy Kw rate of Inter, probibly m pea- cent. X: la to b rememberei thad Lheae Brat monpii tend are rraatly ptlaed by their wruera and lemand high prior oa tb market. Thrtr value, ef court a. la baaed opoa theoct rbattb collater al or mortrared atock la aTrrth near ly d jiK.e th eucnount of the bonJa and the fuTtbrr fa-.-; tbat while money oa the beat aeoarltiea command only S per ernt bea bonda ' Inr f.ner cent. for ie yrra If I he (Ifn'ral Aaeob'y ahouli take lB!b m4ter lato oonaldeca- tioe. It a boa Id alao to a actOert of In qslry se ta whether ia the aobmiaalon by tb Stat to tbe coarta, there would b aa element of bad faith toarard tbe P.ist moriraca bond-hojJera. who would j-rrhip contend that, aa ;b Star la 1& promiard to pay I hem 4 per cent. oat:i ll. thl pro 3i la ahould be per formed without rrirard to the claim of th eevonl mor Ira ge bond-holder. It la to be obeervej tbat If tbe Lfla latore ahould decide to male arallable for the common aTiOola and eoilexes and rharitlea, tbU valuable aaaet of the Jate tt 40.000 ahare of atock la the North Carolina Railroad Company or aar part of r. there 1 no way ta lo It. except by iltrharr'.c tbe llena tuon It. brcavoa with tbeae lnctrmber- r cce outaianilnr. por rarer coald net b rornd who would ry for a ahare of thia etor-k th Hint price aa that welch they would pay for a ahare of private lock. THE ATU VNTTC RAILROAD. Tbl property baa not paid any dJrl Jrnda Jurlr; the year ItMand 1?00. It appear thru ita tnanarmvent ha Car J ita art emhnr la llrrprorinr the prop erty. II aeema that the atock baa been arlllnr at about J5 per rent, of ita par. At thle price, a aal of tb ft!'e tok would reJ!e lo rounl number tJOO.ooa. raonb:e pneo oooid be dlauinei property fornhthea an a'rt tJ1 fnr I rc reared expend. lure. GUVUILVllit'it ail.iDT iin T-tl w . w wta . vmwv im wait ,. Ja VSIOCS iLt! Z2 rr fr1 anJ coro- Tae Stale prorlde for' the Governor -!w o,co, -r and bla f amLy a manaroo apaclou and aroo7taxL!. otrtt. - 117 of ilr. Oore Vanderbllt baa lm araootrt of taxable prorcty la iJ I nr..,f i Km n,Bnu t. . , iMm mora attrmctire, . Tb aalary of , th Governor la not adequate to meet , tb demand lmpooed upon him by th enelrMamrnt - tlcti ourrcnin J blm. mm mt .n ltM.H mt m. m . W X. . W uft. TARDONS. A-VU CXUIUTTATlOXa. ; rorpor.no; comiVa ti r.Vl Tb tirt of pardon aad -commata- mod proprrly. wbick bad eacped taxa Ucra toe?ethr with tb eaaae far lloa. Ounael war employed to appear fct.- tbey wee exacted, wia-b trara- tarfor th commlaalon and brmf ta .a "tted. acttarioa a 'm rye wnMint . of rvl'.jn - " - THE SOLDrERS IIOMt ( oeJ by tb arveraj raJlroada : ThJ taaUtutto.'! eertalcJy otIi S?'" ,b . Llvra AlrjB to more roanderatloa aed Urrer p- Mercantli Truat ant Depoait proprUiia. Ii aboBld b mad credit- PPany of f.U more. Aeerl bear- able lo tho aiale b hnnratMn! Is " -"rT oeior m ooaru. wniCB I reau'trd la tb cotlevttoo of 1S.17I mm ' taxe rnereoa. aal th pkaclnf ef thle for eounael fur able. .of th railroad Chat tbey abaU not b fnncll eat tor taaajloa at rhetr true ram watietae ouiB or the atber vrxro- enock below area th arkiaar anoe. KEEO txr WONET AND TtCTOtTRCEJ OF REVENUE. How to eatabrVak a'aratrea wbick will tmt oo the lax txokJt alt property .at a. bo at It actual voiya a ayatean tbat etraU prvreat anfkir diacrlmlaalloo and increwoe.rb revroorala a probarea far Ihe arryju arody ot taw-maker. Tb rntnor of trie State ar pot peakimx Xrom rxpertenc of four years, I ay tha oerlcnjo pocuala ry leaa lo Ira-po-d oa a auon of moderate mean j wba ha qtfiia hi paraonat earn inr I aad abandon cloae attention to tUa prl- ' Tile nropevtr to Iwfiml rvmrrrw- ttt nQrWM tomet-tk doraanda of th North Ca.ro4.na oa a Mw. " Tb receipt from rubotantUJ; r i Tear. alary of ti.000 a ert:y mean- a f.a Laarolce aad l naenoe. it anraaa a treat I as. pr taa to edocntloa la tfcl State. A a:ror and erv-teat L'rlver eity la eaava'.tal t tb State'a edura leaJ ayatem. and tbe tcltrrml:y tnue! be geerrotMly asproried) If tal :t la to t forward. Th peer a l teacbinr f ore la an.4e ta mart lb demand raad apoa It by tb lacreaatar a am ber of etadewta. and thrr ta aJrea tr mm acaaaJ ded-tt la tb irraa-ory. Tk latreratty need aad daeirea Itbrral treaiaveet at th band of ta Vtt'--. latar ef tk lu:. THE 8TATK NOUTMAL AND TXDC3. TftlALr COIXXXXI. ' t Tb eVat Normal and Itsdoatrlal Ccd-1-f e at Greraaboro aurrred Tery frre? ly from aa erllemic of tr::l tiitt which broke oat ta lb r:i cf Ur. ft fjunl a na ry fr the prctml'a of Lf aad hj:n ci-M the laur tloa Ur a tlm. A ery rlrU ln.t rauo or tb raaa af tb aptderale dla ciod lb fart that It waa cot d j to any srrVrt oa th port of tb TJrlal f that IcaUliitl-n, Tk pJombiaf cf tb laatllvtlMi baa bora rarbaled and nvxi t rcJ red. aad the la2intb3& ta at this enair a a earaka cctil. tla. ha Tier a larr numarr of yowcf womra la Ita 'Vloa.ea pre porter tbom-a-ive fv tb biOer vocation of 111. Ta atatrmrot af th reeda of thaa ta-n atuatVca ta tranarcltted fc ere lib. aad rt la hoped that th Oeeral Anmbty eay a abl to tad a -war mert lb oarnaad or eeCarrrt-Knt w!lV. th ata:emBt.entali. ' the noitxar: .r kcraor'iJTtnixJ AND illXSlANrC AKT2L A report of ifc board br1ar o.r.;r:i Of the Co3r f Ar-lrultur iM aie charlc Ana u nVa.iiil-:rrr a. ami xilWt tb oprrailan ef that tsaii tatioa far tb t yeort paot. Tb m railsarnt ef is ooU- i urrer taa at aay other tlm ta I fciatory aad It U bdirred that aa other taaiiiaiiaa wivb ta the Stat ! dotar more ta etrrai a otaedarda f oar cir.t:toa thaa I brtsf den at tfcu cohere. COtXmro AOWCTJXftVRAt. AND M FXniANlCAlt miJJ.;f Tb report of tb board ar-f a t'.zx ; . -"-" i ik ..mnj as llria. -ueg U traxiralued fcerewiik greol exietaloa f rTh State Ooaad baa ateadljy lacr- ed ta awefBtneaavand la now oa a epien Old beat. Tb apprvprtoUoa from tb Krrtrral roeeramret baa bora more tbaa doaoted . durtnr . tb paal two year This fart baa made pooalbie rrocn tirtier eqatprnret for all th coro rra - N ancampeneat waa ordered dttrna? tbe paat yer on account of txrk of f aoVJa for tk! jmrpoa. - Aancal aroornpeorota are of vital Importaac ti-4k raard. aatd aonpiar prwrlatoa tltfil b mad for holJlr.r the LiVbrcerrr Cie troop pat .been needed to aid in t&e rxrorwrneai u the law. prorapt and moot eActent aerrlr baa tm reederetl. Tb tarn ba com la or tlatory when a erlrtt of Juat liber a 'J tr ixki.' 1 tx manlfroted toward lb State tcCtmrr force. -Nortb Carolina la .bi&d herVatatra Stmtmm Ja Ihe leaatter of apjrrprlatioea for a op port I ry brr extate Ogard. T?' edlUoa ought bot lo tljL UmOATlOS tNl'Ot.-TNO THE - - " STATE'S 1NTVRJ23T. Tbe r arc ad IiUratloa. ta which th Slat ba bretx coocrtd far tb Uit four yaaxa. baa bea mor ecrDaire asd Important tSA tbat ta wfe!.-h It baa vr before ta nrar4. It ta criefly rtaa throorb tba action of tb raUirxkd and corporation commlaaiona. Tha Que it oaa trretd to tba cm- Bvlaalona. tker dertaloe aad tbe coa aooaeat ClUTiUoa. bar been of vital leterert 10 tha poodle. laroltlcg rrval rrltcJrie aad karx aam of money They lave, wf krcraaity, bea alien ied ttk exreaae aomewhat eommrcaa yat with the Sslereeta . Tb raot important 1! Urx tloa -darts tb Uaa two year ba t-ea that wtKQ aroee la tbe aaaRrer raie eaera, It t "teeTmb rata ca' and O rai-rvL-I aid teiegrapa Isjinttioa'- tax Caaca" Tha raia-nad rmn-a-il, loa ra-Joord paa errer rate oa tae WUmlagtcm aV W . Jr a Rajroad from Owe aa dce fotrrb t rw an rbiaa fow.'b cm ti per rr.!l tsr era-ctaaa. aed frtxa two and Ihrea-foartb to two cast per rrL for arj(d-cJaa ptr.ta CUl ap plied t r -a. Va-t lr"c orJy. TUi rrlact!oa wma lateoi! a a teat c. th ralUc brvr caiera-rood to decy tb porw cf ta corrm' ""a t tnaJt rjci rejeveraa Tb W Jnis -.oa oa ail BKrurcra for nw wer ll.tlS.Tl7.il U The con4tutlon prohibit th Logl- and lb dlaturtaarmratw wvr 11. CO j 11 are from lrvreainr the cxmvpertm- -lt y till ojiKT)p JtaiixuB "ct Tto 1 Hoa of - lb Governor during hi lena r.ial. Tha nrr1rH for. 100 arrr Il.fciQ.- , or c(V. The term of Ihe incoming d 1. Tb dlaurarrneat for 190 wer Governor dor not betn until hi outU- llMUHrl. akjwlcx a. drfVat of ta.. in oat Ion. Tbe Geoeral Aaarmbly la la kil.aa fTT th year 100 Itut tber la j eeaaion for a tlm before hi term b loci u Jed ta th receipt for 100 the pro- , xrn. Durlmx tbta tlm It La competent re of 1 of cortaiB 4 par cent. Hlat bonda which were hetd it th Ttraur- er. who waa aothortxel by haw to aril them to meet peyrrtenle of eoupocai on tb 4 rt canL oafet. Thl amounra to mbcmA tl4t.PCi Bo rbat tha rearular or ordinary Income of fbo TraaouTy for It wa about 41.ni.000. lrtaa tbia $10.. 0C3. which make tbe deficit for 1oq, aay 413.004 pro 4144,004. arhkcb ta IS Ihe obarltla are to b ajuatafned and ealarred-to net maalfeat want and ta rcLrv rmt ac Carina a of tbe un fortunatea. an I aboTh exJaUrrr hor ror, auca aa Cba connnrrnent ef Iirca- rica la ccmrrtoo Jn and la pvtvat hovaar rtlb racrJ'.i vnabi ro car for them and witboot mean of proper I' . It - - .Mini . . w4 M I M 9m eanabteheS. and If tbe Irrldmata want of tb Ccirrralty ar to b nvat, and If th common B-cbOoj ar to V enaarred. th General Aaaarrbly rmiat find B-Ml Uonal aource of lfr-t3J. Taa proopott of tha railroad fclara tloa ar ucb aa to glr reaaonable groaad for lb nop ttU worrv add! taonal Inoorne wTtl b derived tr&ca rbta aourc. It roe artthout amylnr that a not her way ro aofrrxot tb rrvenur ana be ta tacrea the bax rat, or to preaerve th present tax rule, but lncr- the ect a , uenf on property. If the metboi? ot tftcrvHalnr tb rev nae ar tvot ev?T! elect, then tber la left for the OoneraJ Aaa iiVry ocly rha ooaal ieratloaa of ir.akirr a aala of th la of th 131. cr of borrowliit" rr-my by aq lawu of Ft ate oocda. T5 CJit valoab.e property of tbe Ptale 1 11 miiry la the t5KrtT thtyu- od r-a (1100 rvr) In th 'orUi Carotin. PU'road Osmratf. THE KCutTlf CAP.OLJNA RAIXt- ROAD. Crrtaia bo dart of f?tal borwl ckihn- Uir a aeoond mor'fare on the rXe Krk la trie North CaroSrm aaJJroad Corrrpany bar tfaw rual to tae Or- eraer a eneraorta. wiva t." requeat that he wf.t otrnir"ir-t H to tbe Cwrt Sy. Tfcee . pa.-tlf tv ti , for tba General Aaaernhty to increwjt hit corrpmaallon cornmenrtxrate with bla atatlon ant nee-la, - CONCLUSION. There are anabjecta of leelaVetlon which ar worthy of your con J deration and which ar not pecaftcaity men tioned la thl meaaare. Among the are tb ratabllahment of a cod oom nrlaaion. an Increaa of lha number- of Superior Oourt Judgva, the reatoraUoa of aucbortly to the Juice to Mm it or rerubate tb time eonaomed in nial portu trial And. equal If nof atrperlor In lmrwrf- anc to all other eufojec-ta of leglalatlon. ta th enactment of aut election lw by which every conltut1ooa4 elector ahall be aUi to wte and to bare bla vote counted aa caa DANTEtt I. RXJRSEXit, Ex ecu lire Offlc. January"!. 101. NOTES AND COMMENT. -A rural Wealeyaa minlater eeodg to tha ilf tbod!K Time, of London, aom ataxtlln; evidence of the re 1 Igloo Lg- DOraaxa of little children, la, a claaa of mora thaa thirty children, raxylnr la age from 7 to 15, not ona boy or girl had ever heard of tbe parade of th Prodigal Boa. Ia another tpot la that neighborhood he aeked abort tha aam parable, and he found that there were three boya who knew aomethlnj about ft but tha rent, lncladlc erea airle, of 17, wer absolutely ignorant The minor that Preeldent Eliot, of Harvard, will realgn, and will be uo- reded by President Beajamla Ida Wheeler, of the UnireraUy of Califor nia. I officially denied. Owing? to a dIeflrTeen2erii. ia the Obi- lege of AXMcaui llethodlat Ep'jcopeJ Btsho?). Elahop II. M. Turner. r-cei dent of th col leg-, tag tendered Ltd rre.1 a'Joa. " r SENATE.'. Flrl bar, Li ek ten ant Corernor Reynolde called the Senate td order at noon and Rev. Dr. A. A. Marshall, of the Flrat Eaptlet church, lnroked di vide blesslnri cpon the body. Ia hie prayer fie aaked that th God of Ages guide -the Sen a tore in enacting; meaa ores that will bring proeijerlty, and not adversity to thia.jr.reat Commonwealth icoa th glorlou new century.- The elerk. Mr. Chaa. Daniels, thea called the roll of dlstrlcte. and the fol- lowinf grnatort easM forward and Wer worn Id by the Lieutenant Gov ernor: Secatora Bray and Vann. first aiatricti Miller and Ward, second dis trict; Calvert, third; Travis, . fourth; Speight, fifth j AJTiotfton' and Wood ard, ierentli; 8ngg and Warren, eighth; Aycockand For. filnth; Mor ton, tenth; Burroughs, eleventh; Drocghton, twelfth; Smith, thirteenth: Carry andRobeeon (Pop.) fourteenth; urown and Mclntyre, fifteenth: SIc- Neill, six teeth j Long, - seventeenth; Scott And Fouab.ee, eighteeiith; Lon 0n. nineteenth t Lindaev. twemttht falenn, twentZ-fifxtj rVood, twenty second; Morrison and Leak, twenty- third; McAllatar. twenty-fourth; Alex ander, twenty-fifth: Henderson and Thomas, twenty-sixth; PlnnJx (Rep.) and EUkeleather (Pop.), twenty- se Tenth; Marshall (Rep.), Twenty elgbth; Dulli (RepJi . thd . Mcintosh (fop.), twenty-ninth: Mitchell (Rej.). thirtieth; Miller (Rep.), and Buchanan; Iitep.), tblrty-flrBt; Justice and Webb. thirty-second. Gudger and Btring fleld. thirty-third; Chandler (Rep.), thirty-fourth; Crisp (Rep., thlrty-fiva The genets was thAn dalarnd biied1 and MofTlsfin,; of Richmond, nominated A. J. Maxwell for nrlpclnal clerk, saying ha was an editor ol bid county. Maxwell received 88. the Re publicans and Populists not notice. Walter I Cohoon' was nominated for readlna clerk, by Ward and received 83 vOtW:. MeNelll nomlaatad J. U. Smith for aorgeajit-ai-axhii Vebh Dominated F. A. Clinard. of Catawba. for ec grossing cleric Justice nominat ed Biggerwtaff for assistant, door-keep er. Travis named H. A. London lot president pro trtii af th Senate. All pt these received 28 vote, the. Demo cratic strength, except Clinard, who got 89. SUIkeleather. Rep., voting fot hint! 'The' officers ot tbe body vrert then iwdrn Id by the ldetttenant Gov erraor. - Second Da y. Li en tenant- Oovernot Reynolds called the Senate to order si bnba and' Rev. Dr. M. . iUxrshall, ul CtrrlitJ Chureb, ored prayer. The Journal of yeUerday was fead and ap proved. .The message front Govexnoi Daniel L. Russell was then presented and read by the elerk. Areaolutlon by Woodward, to print 600 copies of tht OjvemoT a meassge was adopted. Ro" (woa sent forward a notice of contest by Kennedy for Setiatof Carry's teal from the Fourteenth district, A reso. ratloa by Erown wis adopted, to print 250 ccples of the reasons for pardoni by the Governor, which he submlb'cd with his meesige, - , Gudger, of Buncombe, laid the mat'et of the Appalachian Park Association before the body In the nature of a pe tition. Later he wll Introduce a bin on the subject. The Senate reeolutiDi providing for a committee on Inaugu ral ceremonies as amended by tht House was adopted. House bill: To change the name ol the Guardian Security, Trust and De posit Com F ah1, cf Wllming on, to tt People Savings Bsnk. passed. . bot? readings. House bill: To amend ttt charter of the State Bank of Commed of Hendaraenville. decreaslct Its capi ta stock; wal if ad and referred. -, Third Daye-LIeutensnt - Govern ot Reynolds called the Senate to order at 11 o'clock afid Rev. Dr. Bagwell of fered prayer. Tbe journal of yester day was rei4,.snd approved. Justice submitted the .report of th caucus ol last night, naming tha Senate com- mlttse. Tht report wal adopted. . Morrison, from the committee on salaries and fee." reported the bill of Senator Justice to amend the Code, iflcreadlng the Governor's salary from 13,000 to $4,000 anually, Scott and Thomas dissenting. Thomas aald tht money ought to be used for school Justice said when Vance became gov ernor, in 1877. the salary was $5,000, and waa reduced when Jarvls went in. He thought the recommendation ol Governor Russell, " after four year'i trial, ought to have - weight, and the tate ougt to be able to pay $4,000 now rf It could pay $5,000 la 1877. Scot! thought It the wrong time to raise sal aries, as the best talent could Sow be obtained for $3,000. . Woodard said no one knew better then a man who had tried It what it corti to lire in thf Governor's Mansion. The Democrat! couia make no. mistake in adopting the recommendation of a Republican Governor, who was speaking from no political motive here, but in a sense ol fairness and Juttice, and giving the Oovernor a salary he can lire on.- - Ward tupported it as no favor to Ay cock, but because It wai Just. A Re publican Governor recommend it and the Republican Senator on the com. mittee favors the b.ll. and there la m politics in the measure. The ' U really in defence of the poor m.a t the State, for adequate salaries, plac these positions In their reictf. Mar shall. Rep., oppo?ed the bill at thb time on account of the condition of the State-Treasury. His opposition wat not because he did not consider the new. Governor . an honerable" gentle-, man. Travis cald the last three Gov ernors went out of oSc having spent from $4,000 to $10,000 rro e thin tieli salary. Pinnlx, Rtp.sald the Republi cans could have Increased Qovernoi Fnlls salary when he went tn ion years ago, and he discussed the muter, but finally decided sgiinst it. I. ought to be increased if the State waa able As It was he oppased the bill. Candler. Rep., belleTed Aycock was going to make one of the foremost Governor! North Carolina ever had (loud ap pluse), but tht there were to mnyy call on the. Slate that he thought it bad better be deferred and the money given o echools or charitable Institu tions The Democrats aba-ed Cover rcc Ru?ell ail orer. the. State, then praise him for this and tdopt his sug gestion. Thia is wrong. If the Stati could c.2ord it, Candler said he would support the bilL Alexander aald hl ohlnrzlna to th bill waa that the aai- iry?wai not; made high enough. rToth mr is mCre Objectionable to North Pjunllriii. thari an rrfflclal llvlnz nlk- rardly even If he Is compelleiii t, witb this magnificent and expensive foan-1 lion and the- entertaining required. 41exandr thouzht 85X00 would be tardlv sufficient. The State cannot command talent unless it pays for. it. The Supreme Court Judges do not get anourrh Dulla's motion to refer to the Judi- felanr committed was lost and the bill wuwed.-ayes 'JSrfioes il. The follow ing named Senators voted in the nega Hve: Buchanan, Candler,:-Crisp, Mar ihall, Mlchsel, Miller cf Caldwell, Pin- alx. Robeson. Stikeleather. RepubU- tans, and Lindsay, Scott and Thomas, Democrats. : Aycock was excused from voting. A number of bllla of minor importance were Introduced and prop, erly referred, after which the esnate idjourlled. ,-" , - ' Fourth Day. The SenaUl voted to aroprcorlato $1,000 to ventilate the Senate Chamber. The debatewes lively durtnr the - evesslon. takdng a wide range. . ft vrre day more Uk& a polljtkttl meeting than a Sessiaa of tha etaAe Senare, A number., of privata bWaT were imaroduacd. . : - - HOUSE. First Day. At 12 o'clock Chief Clerk Nixon called the House to Order and announced that prayer would be offer ed by Rev. Dr. Bagwell, who prayed that the men met here engaged in the important matter of making laws would be guided by divine .influences; that they would be governed by pa triotism and broad interests; that they might know no North. South, East or West, but the best interests of all the people; that -their walk on the streets and conduct In Raleigh jnay t4 an ex ample, for good, j-" . , - - - "J Hon. H. G. Connor was called to pre side and the roll of member was or dered, they being swern in by tens, by Justice dark, ot the Supreme Court Speaker Pro Tetn. Connor announc ed that a majority of the members be ing present, the House would proceed to organist by the election or a speak er, -r "" . - Winston, of Bertie, nominated Wal ter E. Moore, of Jackson county, for Speaker, paying a splendid tribute to his character and attainments. Craig; of Buncombe, and stubbs, of Martin, made short and . glowing seconding speeches. t -V-, -". Jlythe. Rep., of Henaersoh, nomt nated Isaac Ebbi of Madison, and Ben bow. Ren., of Yadkin, seconded the nomination. . The vote was Moore 96.' Ebbs .6. Speaker Connor announced that Walter E. Mdore. having received a majority of thg f otes, wad duly elected Speaker. Gattlj and Crai Wcf ap pointed to notify ir. Moore and they conducted him to tne chair. -Speaker Moore made a very brief a -dress of ac ceptance. Ths arayanization of the House was completed by the elaction of Brevard Nixon, of Mecklenburg-, ad chief clerk. - Ihe following officers were "then elected: N. Wikon, ol-Wake, read ing clerk; Frank Beanett, Of Anson, door-keeper; Y. V. Hamell, 6f Y4ney, assistant door-keeper? H. B. FortvllleV cf Duplin, engrossing clerk.- - - r On mot'on of Reinurdt, ef Lincoln, the members who find left their certi ficates at home, were called afid Allow ed to take the oath of office. - Winston offered a Joint resolution DO WE GROW WORSE Ap - Sfj$: tteWorfd is More Siafcf . Ttaii Leajj E READS CF E02XIELE CRIMES More Murders, Suicides; Etc.. Ac- . COrnding to Population, Thsn Fifty Years Afo. -r:.' Sorrow endureth for a night, but Joy copeth In the morning." j, started to write my weekly letter last night. but -I wss net in a calm and serene frame of mind axuT concluded to put it 03 tin morning. 1 nan - reaa tne morning paper that was unusually full of crimes and sin . and misery, and when the evening papers came there was another catalogue of - calamities and I felt sad;and depressed. When will -these things, stop? But I am no weeping prophet jxor does the public care to read the lamentation of Jere miah a a matter of choice. .Andao f have waited until sleep and rest re vived me -and the bright sun of the morning dispelled ; the mists and the gloom.' .--.... j ' Jcy-'l But how can AO old man h el d com paring the present with '. the past? Memory Is his capital stock and his best recreation. If I was now in my tees I would be better reconciled toJaRion woman and the rfneral re- iar 1(8$. .The slave trade between (he northern 'colonies and 'Africa, was carried on with vigor until 177$. - In that year it was resolved by the. con tinental eongreee that no more slaves thould be imported. In 1788 congress extended the traffic to 1808, but-the state of Georgia. refuted to ratify the utenslon and in 1798 enacted the most' prohibitory laws against ft - The feeling against thei trafllf'wa. etronger ffi the southern states than , in the northern. Some of the north- ern states - continued to carry it on long efter It had been prohibited. And -as lata as 1841 Judge Story of Massa chusetts, charged the grand Jury of Boston that their people were "steeped j tp to their eyebrows in the Infamcma lave trade with Africa." But New , England could not make the service of -the elaves profitable and so sold then .. to Virginia and the Carolinas and tr Eouth America as late as 1847. When her stipe could no longer dodge the pursuers from r England and.; France ' the, traffic cama to an end and then be- ran the- howl -of. the . abolitionists -leainet the south .for keeping them in tlavery the very negroes whose an- . - castors they'eold tO'Us.' r This is his tory and It is also history that. after v 1776 .never did a slave ship land on a : southern coast save once, and that was the case of the "Wtadererr who Orled to land a cargo of 800 near Savanrwh - and', was seized and confiscated. ' i . This is enough of slavery and those . responsible for it The nineteentJi century has lef t us some ood, soma ; . signal blesslngi, and chief among them: lathe greai) advance in the social eon.., - things as they are to - modem man ners and customs and to the sin and crime of this fast and:' reckless age. Our young people cannat realize that there ever waa a. better time and a better-people.' Therefore they' give the morality of the past no thought and the crime of the present no great con cern. . They look upon the fearful cata logue In the dally papers as our nor mal condition and .many Join in it to eep up with, the procession. V -.Some apologists say that there is not much difference ; between now and then; but that it appears so because of the telegraph and -ie - ten thousand newspapers tbat spread the news. The f-.ecords of the courts tell the truth and they prove that according to the white Ctpulation of our state, there are ten urders to where 4ere was one fifty ears ago. , 'mere are twenty-five di forcd cases to one and in our cities there are- forty timed as many burg laries, larcenies and shooting scrapes, thd-number of suieldes docs" not ap pear in the Courts, but the increase ia not leas than a hundred to one. Jef ferson said that the influence Of great cities was pestilential to good morals,- lust think of it. In the litUe city of Atlanta hers were over 10,000 arrests during the past ysar- The nineteenth century leaves us Ms- record as legacy and our great concern, is what are we going to do about it. Our le mentation Is that the people have got ten used to it afid reconciled- to its continuance. It is looted upon as the normal condition of public' morals and htrrcn affairs. Old men. old editors and Old ofeachers cry aloud and spare not, but the young "generation do not Eeem to be' greatly cOflceTned. Young men, young women and even Old wo- men commit suicide-somewhere every day and the editors tell us of it in the nrwM ftfcnatahaB inil imu tm uHthnirt providing for a Joint committee of flv-j comment. What as awful condition to provide arrangement for. the inau guration of the Governor. At this paint a message was received from the Sedate, aflrouncifig that it was duly organized. Also a resolution for Joint session, to oped, election r turns of State officers, Tuesday next ' The House then adjourned. :. 1 Second Day. Speaker Moore ; called the House to order at 11 o'clock. Pray er wai 6ffere4 t Dr. Marshall, of thl Baptist church. - - ' ' The Journal- of yesterday Was feed and approved. Leave of absence was granted Beas ly, of Currituck; Taylor, of Carteret; on account cf sickness. - Williams, er Davte, . presented his certificate, and was sworn In. of mental diatresa it must be that pro-' vokes the deliberate Sacrifice of one's owu life. -'I fear we are getting hard ened to the presence of crimehard- encd by daily, contact with , it; hard ened like the rich of New York are to the misery and crime in her tenement houses and to the miserable beggars on her streets.: They see them every day and pass thecn by wOthout a. sign, but they send large monies down here to educate, a lot of lazy negroes- they have never seen. r W-at a fooi, whit a fanatic, what a hypocrite, is human nature. This remind m.e to answer, a Ict er of Inquiry from an ' old democrat who lives in New Hampshire, He wishes to know who was responsible for the A resolulloa permitting no costs inl gj3Te trade that peopled .this-conn try with nroe3. Some of hlj jae ghberg insist that tha south did it, waue the torth protested against it and New, England was especially hostile j.y it "How ionir. ah. Cataline, : wilt' thctt abuse our -patience?", ; How long will. unsuccessful context i in election cased was referred td the commit toe on elec tlons. A bill ti change the name' of th Qua-dian and Trust Company of Wil mington to the People's Savings Bank passed fts several readings without 00- the descendanU of tbe Puritans cover " 1... m m -i -mm W K ' ' J mmm HI Jeition. - .. - . .-" - " up tneir own iniquity r m.j ;.euu a tr -wt tv eiLnw. find in AnDieton's American 1 Cyclo-J, Ing as the committee ctt pririlegea and pedia, fourteenth volume, the best hls elecUons: Winston, chairman; Watt lory of slavery: and the slave trade Thompson; Weaver, Spalnhour, Nichol- ever published, in mat ae wiu nao l.tt - A mt mrm. mmmmm m9 m mm - S MmTm B T 1" mmfM 1 son, Darghtrldge, Lawrence and Mc-J mat atav , vrauco Culloch. - ' - -; . - v brought tne nrst cargo 01 weniy . , ,. . .... .. i rroes ana lanaea tnem ai jameswwu, At ro-n the GOTfertiors mes.age wii s1, . . Cvi .ftoe th. received and was read. Jt was ordered "CI' - ; printed. , . " , : . -. Quite a number of bills, mostly ol merely local bearing, were Introduced, After the reading of the Governor!! me aage the House adjourned. . Third Day. Speaker Moore conven ed the House at 11 O'cloch Prayer was offered by Rev. Dr. Pe-tt'grew. Th4 Journal 6t Thurtday'4 proceeding, wki reed and approved. Suafinbaheuse, of Mecklenburg,- was added to the com mittee on privileges and -elections. .. Bills came from. tbe Senate as fol lowsr To print list of pardons, by the Gorernor, adopted ; to -print 250 copies of the message of the Governor, adopt ed; to repeal dispensary law of Gull ford county.. - - - L-; v v The calendar was tied taken Up. Th4 bill appointing additional justices of the peace for Harnett sounty passed ltd final reading and was sent to the'Sen ate without engrossment - Leave of absence was granted Mr. Sewell and Mr. Daniels. The bill to re peal February term of Mitchell Su perior Court parsed its third and final reading. The bill for the relief of pub lic school - teachers in Mecklenburg county parsed third and final reading- - By unanimous consent Benbow, of Yadkin, Introduced a memorial of Jas. W. McNeill in the contested election case aga'iut Rt-L. Green, of Wilkes. A cpecial order 'was taken up. At 1 'c"ock Wlnetcn movfd that a message bj s:nt to the Senate announcing that :! e House would proceed to the elec ca of an enrolling clerk. McNill mov d that the House proceed to ballotfor -in: oiling clart. Hood, of : Wayne, 'a:ed In nomination' E. B. Norvell. of Cherokee. The foil call howed every vote for Norvell. ; : The bill to amend the Code, Increas ing the salary of tne Governor from $3,000 to $4,CC0 was on motion of Roun tree, referred to a special commictee to report. Adopted,-The Speaker appoint-, ed as the special committee: Rountres, Hood, Hayes, Collins 'and Robinson. . Fourth Day. The debate in th House, devolved' upon the bill to in crease the salary of the governor from $3,000, to $4,000 per year, ' - In it and Indians were enslaved as well as- nearoes. Th son of King Philip was sold a a slave at Plymouiih'ln the. cognition of her equa.ty with manuln . most all civil -: rights. lUnless she -chains herself to a brute she is 1 1 longer a slave, but stands up side by side with her husband. Her demands - for herself and her children now find a reepeotful audience in courts and kgialatures (except, perhaps, that last miserable abortion called the Georgia les'alature). and no great newspaper could pass without giving a good part of its columns for their pleasure and comfort Wornan 'is fast coming to the front as -mistress of to altuatlori. In every calling the basjwoved herself , as Intelligent and as -progressive as man and rnfindte.y his superior In pub- . lie morals and private . virtue.- When she does come fully to the front shs , will : control ' legislation and I their whitkey, the curse of the country, will br forever banished. Whiskey is wo man's greatest foe, the cause of nearly all the tyranny;, infidelity and crime that makes, her existence miserably She will not have to beg a legislature ' ' to protect the tectory children, for then, the. children - will : have sober ' fathers to protect them. j - A good motaer writes me from At lanta about the mutiny at the. Tech, and says that the trouble with the boys of tils day ie the lack1 of dis cipline at home. They- are not taught -obedience In their early . youth and - ' they grow up without restraint znH Imagine, .they . know as much or mors than ' parents or teac-ersr' Thit Is so; of 'course, and every -parent knows it. -and that accounts for many. of tber crimes and, misdeeds that bring trouble to parent.- lasteaa or cmiaren rear ing ' their" parents,? most parents .fear their. chHdre,-and . dread, to haTS s :.,'. rupture with .tiem.(Bnt they get paid - for ft sooner or later. Diogenes heard ' a' boy swearing 'on' the' street and he - . ... -hurried off with nla cane, and found . the father and mauled him. . If he was ; living here now he would be kept busy - Jt mauling parents, and I reckon the fathers cf those Tech . ;boys-, would" xatch a-few. strokes.-. If a teacher hs . not the hearty - co-operation of the . parent the boy had better-- be sent homo. Bill - Arp in Amanita Constitii- t?0a, . ':.-:itU : . Crows to Be Used in Warfare. j According to a Berlin-correspondent, 4 modest little society In Germany in apparently pinning, its. faith to the trow, in succession to -the almost unl rersally used pigeon,' as a carrier of war news,: -The pigeon fly experiments Which Germany carried out on British' doil some time ago sendlne; huge Crates of Wrds- to' Dover' for the pur pose were not wholly successful, bad Weather preventing many of the. birds from' reaching their : quarters vagaln. and many were- shot ' by personr in tearch of dinner. It .is claimed witii - oiita' that'very few people would ahoot ' iroWs for food, and '.that when Uberst-' -td fromr-a beleaguered place the ene- . By -would be '-more- likely to allow ' them -to fry-past- unmolested and un inspected than would, be the case with - pigeons. . . FOLLOWED INSTRUCTIONS. -Yesterdav -1 . tried Bome of those , 'Simple Dishes forauicheon.' How did they come outr' "I got them-done in time for dinner.!' Chicago Record. s. , 11 FIRST NATIONAL: BANK, CLEMENT GErTNEB. Pfeddeni. r JL a MENZIES, Ylcs-rresidehl. G, W- CpLLETT. .Tsfltav .1 'y:'--.' :,:;."-. '.-.'(' ,.-!y..-t:. ."-'O- ; . ' i Dood o denorar Banking: duolncob. ; Fire Iriiurivnc' Life IxisiirBnco - " " ; - j Accidcat Imnriiac' -" . : : rteaxa Doiler Ixiisurfincfv i Eraploycr Xlabiltty Inatirance- We reprsssnt the leading companief of taa world, aad writs poUelss at the lowest rates. Among the companies we represent are: . ) - - Tbe Hartford, the .Etna,- the Continental, tne uamDnrg-jreMe, w rhconix, the Lancashire, the Caledonia, the Virginia Fire? and Manns, t Virginia atsta, the : Delswars, the PennrlTsnis, and .theNorth C" Home all firat claaa-Cre companies with assets afgreganng u,uw,wW. , ; We also represent the Penn Mutual Life, the i-nrsnix uue, m Fidelity and Cssualtj Co., and EUndard Aeeidekt Co. - van writ- yo -j kind of Insarsnes you want to aay amount; and w also, represent Eta Gaarsntee Companies that will writs all kinds of 1 B02sTJ3S ..''". "- - r, -X- r . -. .- " .7.- V- ' -j. . ' ' - - . - a, . A1 1 for pufclle oSoers, eontxactors, receivers, and all piaaons who nars to pwm bonds to sn, smount Call on us for ratejor other Jnxnation. OZcs ia Uesau Eaildinf. ai -r. , L

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