Ti]:g Caxtricr. liOXBOEO, N. C., Sept. 10 , 1902 l''F7ABING~irGBDT)GE ” "We fir;(l the following editorial note m one of our exchangee which we reproduce at the risk of seeming to be personal. Somebody w'ill fay the editor, every editor ought to read and study this note, get it into the mind and heart. Some readers will fit these words to Eone other person, not even dreaming that the can will fit the reader. Perhaps a few readers will feel that the editor had them in mind and it is possible that somebody will become offended as the words are read- We wish to assure all that these words were found inajBaptist paper published in Chicago, and the writer did not have in mind any of the readers of the Courier. We do not reprint these words because they aie specially applicable to any one of our acquaintance, but it is well enough for us all to think on this subiect, When we are face to face with death it may be too late to Pave off, to oyer- come. to rise above, anu pardoned for ‘ an unrepented and unforsaken gjudge,” Read and give heefl to these words.- “How nan one be a Christian and bear a grudge? Many men and women think they can do it. They suppose that in the dark corner of their hearts where resentment rules the law of Christ has no authority. Everywhere else they will ferve him; here they will DUi-b3 a cherished hatred. Is*uot our actual leiigioii half-pagan still when we can so reason as many of us do? For if there is anything fundamental in the sermon on the mount it is that contempt and hatred, tor any hnman being is a fearful sin.No man with anger in his heart, says Jesus can offer a single acceptable saonfic'^ to God. How shall it be with those men and women all around us who have said theitJ. Mrs. Ci’oom 'were The Baptist church and we’’e earnest worsers in all things pertai ing to the wilfare of their church and will be greatly missed by their colaborers. We wish for them as many fr'ends in their new home as they leave Oe- hind them. A Parson’s Nob ••I want ail tfie writes Kev..C -1. away, R, I., ‘-what, and re.liable inedioino Electric Bit er.s. They jaundice and liver trou that had caused me great sarl'eri ig for many years. For a genuine, a they excel anything I Electric Bitters are tbt all for their wonderful w Kidney and Stomach tre ables. Don’t fall to try them. Only.Octs. Sat isfaclion is guaranteed 1: y J. D. Mor ris, Act. to w, '11,4, 1 1 A.;!'. A V ;.:r gooa I found cured mf. of “round fcuro eyer saw.’ surprise of rkin Liver. A special from New ’i'ork to The Richmond Times says ihat despite threats to resist in chei courts the formation of a merger of Southern railroad plans for it are going right on; that conference with jthe view are held daily in J. Pierporit Morgan’s oflic“ and that “the proujoters of the combine will put forth such techni calities as allowed the Northern Securities Company to bje formed'” These are statements worthy of ac ceptance. We don’t believ^„the story that this merger is not iiji contemp lation, nor donbr that jt will be effect ed when Morgan & Co. are. ready. The more’s the pity.^Charlotte Observer. Haying been a soldier in our late war and having been disabled to-some ext::;! from, doing uianuel labor, born and raised in Person county, 1. feel that I have a right to appeal to the people of Person county for a po.si- tion. To tiUis end I declare myself a oanidate for the office of Register of Deeds ' f Person courtv. I have a’l my life been a faithful adherent of the D mocratic party and and I trust my record will merrit their support. I will appre ciate all votes that I may receive and if elected on the 4th day of Novem ber I promise to the people of Per son county an honest discharge cf eyery duty imposed upon me to the best of my ability This Aug. 11 Your humble servant J. L. PHELPS, Bushy Pork, N, f b Be-ware of a Knife. No profession has advanced more rapidly of late than surgery, but it should not be used except; where ab solutely necessary. In case ot piles, for example, it is seldom needed. De- Wilt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures quickly and permanently. Unequaled ftr cuts, burns, bruises, wounds, skin disea,ges. Accept no counter feits. “I was so troubled with bleeding piles that I lost much blood and strength,” says J. C. Philips, Paris, Ill. “DeWift’s Witch Hazel Salye cured me in a short time.” Soothes and heals. J. A. Painter. OXFORO, N. C. If you really want the best invite yon to visit us It it-; all right throughon the right price. Sold we qu.ggy. Raking the Ashes after the fire isn’t very profita able. It’s a great deal better to rake the files for a good in surance policy—enough to cov er the loss fully. We Want a Share of your risk and if you investi gate our Companies records for prompt payment and easy loss adjustments we believe you will let us have it. The MERRITT & NOELL. Charlotte Observer BVriRV DAY IN THE YEAR CALDWELL & TOMPKINS, Publishers. J; P. 0ALDWELL..Editor Mr. J. ♦B. Whitaker, who has edit ed and managed the Win iton Senti nel for a Dumber of yeais, Pd h.s connectioii with nas sever- tlat paper. Foley’s Hpney anl arly adapted for chrd! and suug thierj bles aud will uositiveD members ot that tSiyAfe ' Tobacco came in pretty freely last week, and especially Friday and Saturday, when the Hyco had good breaks. We never saw tobac co sell higher than it sold then, and it is doing all right yet, possibly just as high. The fact is we ex pect to see tobacco sell well for some time yet, possibly all the com ing season, for there is nothing to indicate that it is going to be lower Still, when it is as high as it is now we would advise you to sell it as you get it ready for the market. Loge Garrett says you can not do better than bring it along to the 'Hyco Warehouse. 0£f tor ttm ChSMren. •Give them oil—cod-liver oil. It’s curious to see the result. Give it to the peevish, fret ful child, and he laughs. Give it to the pale, anaemic child, and his face becomes rosy and full of health. Take aflat- •chested child, or a child that has stopped growing, give him the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest. This is not a new scheme. It has been done fbr years. Of course you must use the right oil. Scott’s Emulsion Is the one. .iScott’s Emulsion neither hodks nor tastes like oil because we are so careful in making it pleasant to take. ' Send for free sample. SCOTT & EOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. V. 50c and Ji.ooj al- druggists. peiiuli- y”"ire emorced. i ne course of siudy is also printed in this issue and we are proud of the showing mad; there. When you complete the ninth grade you ,vill be in a position to enter college, or you will be pretty well prepared to do life’s battles without going furtftier. Look up the rules and this course and read them carefully. $8.00 PER YEAR. I’HE OBSERVER Receives tbe largest Telegraphic News Service delivered to any paper between Washington and Atlanta, and its special service is the greatest ever handled by a North Carolina paper. THE StTNDAY OBSERVER. Consists of 16 or more pages and is to a large extent made up of original matter THE SEI-WEELV o-‘' uggy on the market examine this t and, we will name von Roxboro by CRITCHE’et, MO OERN MOTORS FOR ONEY MAKERS. ‘BLAKESLEE’ Gasoline Engines verywhere, absolute tior- guaranteed. Co . Bismingham Ala lirseries. Greensboro and Connett’s Soulhern Early peachel! are now all the talk among the ij-uit growers. Look that they out for these two peaches and were introduced by Jonn A. Greensboro Nurseries. Fruit the car load, say that they Men who have introduced ot them un ,1 aii -.nat he mari-. .“iy were hoari Oeleprated Their Linen Wedding, 0| last Wednesday evening Rev. and Mrs. George T. Watkins cele brated their linen wedding. Their horn I was brilliantly lighted up and notwithstanding the downpour of rainland ilie grim darkness without one |ould but feel the glow as he ente ed the threshold. At the door were Miss Addie Male and Mr. W. D. ft Merritt giving the glad hand to all yho presented them.selves. Di- vesteid of hat, cane and umbrella, Mes^Hf/.^M. Carlton, S. G. Win- .stea4and Dr. B. J. Tucker led you to the reception room where Mess. -F. C]. Carver and 'VL A. Bradsher presented you to Mr. and Mrs. Watkins. After a hearty hand shake and wishjng them the best in life — which they so richly deserve, you are t|iirned over to Mesdames J., S. Merritt and Jno. A. Noell, who are ill clarge of the refreshments, with the f illowing young ladies to serve you; Misses Foy Bradsher Anna Menitt, Annie Byrd Winstead, Deln a Noell and Rosa Cheek Af ter a long stay in this department you i re turned over to Mess. J. M Winstead and J. L. Foushee who escort you to the parlor and place you in the keeping- of Miss Eugenia L. B adsher, where you spend the rema uder of the hour in social con- versa tion. Th; presents, linen of course, were lum^roas and costly, many of them tab'es not being suffi cient to hold them many were strew a in piles around th© tables On y the weather prevented it from aeing one of the most pleasant occasions imaginable, but to those ed the storm nothing was fose who missed this recep- : assure them they mis.sed an evening. they live te celebrate their wedding in our midst is the wish of The Courier man. Boor Harrina[t0D’s Speller, Hyde’s Language Lessons Book I. second part. The Story of the Greeks, Modern Europe, First Steps in the History of Our Country, Arithmetic Grade V. Seaside and Wayside Nature Reader, ' SIXTH ORADE. Uolaw and Ellwood’s Advan ced Arithmetic, Grammer, Story of the 'Thirteenth Col onies, Story of the Great Republic, Stepping Sto .es to Literature Book VI. Seventy Lessons in Spelling, .Vlanry’s Manual of Geography, Seaside and Wayside Nature Reader, SEVENTH GRADE. Oolaw and Ellwood’s Advan ced Arithmetic, ' U. S. History Hansell’s Ad vanced, Milne’s Elements cf Algebra, Buebler’s Grammer, Gunnson and Harley’s First Year of Latin, Steele’s Hygienic Phoysiology, Seventy Lessons in Spelling, Literature—selected Classics, EIGHTH GRADE, Colaw and Ellwood’s Ad vanced Arithmetic, Butler’s School English, Harper and Tolman’s Caesar, Montgomery’s History of EDglan4, Wentworth’s Complete Alge bra, Poems of Knightly Adven ture, Julius Caesar, Other select!ons from Litera ture, Maury’s Physical Geography, Orthography, NINTH GRADE. 22 60 60 60 25 45 46 65 65 60 25 88 50 46 70 60 50 00 45 25 46 75 1 25 1 12 1 40 15 15 90 clothing ever b this town. We show you the la best line of mill dry goods which ever bought. 0 will knock ‘em come and let ut you of the fac Mr. Billie ( with us and wi to have his frien see what he ha them, will money. Max Kop Clothi ought to will al&o ’gest and nery and we have Lir prices ill out— convince Notice—Ohang-e Poll Notice is hereby Saturday, Sept. 27t o’clock, in tne Court boro, at a meeting of of Election then and the question of cl voting precinct in township DOW locate L. Bradsher to what Its New Busby kork store, will be consifi fills notice given accordance with the acts of 19'l. lambers is II be glad call and to sho-w five them ijemember Yj^ung, proprietor of 3vers shipping by e money makers, arieties and talked now bi»d . to ac- and that -we will be there every Saturday thereafter until notified through these columns to the contrary. Do not put off having a good picture taken until sickness or something else prevents yohr coming, but come the first day. You know the class ot work we do, and we refer with pride to our many satisflad customers as reference. Our prices are as low as good work can oe made for )n s, ng Store. ng Place, on 10 Ch’m Co Jno. a. Noell, Sei One of the schools in the Soi 200 boarding pupl Annual Session be Large illustrated c plication to Rev. J M., President, a6 6t. given that 1902, at House in Rox- Co'anty Board there to bo held, angina the old Busby Fork at store of A. is now known at W. H. Long’s ;red. for 20 days in E!e tion Laws G G. Moore, ' Board Election t’y- lost prosperous Room for Twenty-first jins Sept. 17th. italogue on ap- M. Rhodes, A. ttleton, N. C. and we cordially inyite you to come and look whether you have auy work done or not. We also enlarge photos, and guarantee our work to be the best. Give ns an opportunity to convince you of the exellence of Qur work. ’ Respectfully, COLE & HOLLADAY. lOU’LL GET WHAT YOU ORDER And get it Promptly. There will be no slighting of the matter from the time you send your order to us until the goods are in your home. We Study Your Wants. Every grocery order is welcome, and every customer is treated as well as we cau treat him. I can save you moiK-y on Shoes, give me a call. Yours to St rvp, C. H HUNTER , Nor. 2 With our baby •when'ho wasl Later it vaa useful in teetiiit that are consequent upon thd children, as one of the neces we take pleasure is reoomsj baby quiet. MwggBTTittijpjH Cares GfiolBra-Infanfai,' ' **“‘-*™ Diarrhoea,Dysentery, and the Bowel Troubles of Children of Any Age.' Aids Digestion, Regulates iSi the Bowels, Strengthens .. . n 1 fw i 4 the Child and Makes Costs Only S cents at Dmggists, teething easy, .. neU 25 cents to C. J. MOFFETT, M. D„ ST, LOUIS, ftr“oS^Md*lteiff«thlffeTtStiLsoTerybetteficUIanaeofr6e£romdan|^ friends inst^ of the horrid stuff that so many people use to keep ttelff HA^TWELL^ Times and Weekly Times-Moeseuser.)

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