MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1945 It’s Our Job Until The Last vStsm Service Fl3£ Comes Down Yes, the war is over but millions of boys are still in service and will be for some lime to come. They are your boys and they still need backing on the home front. You certainly would not want to let them down before the job is complete so they can come home. i n — n —, —| [TMrn w i 1 ■ ——— jK&gpft _ War Fund JfT*l OUR DRIVE iST 1 STARTS F >.T* % QUOTA IS TUESDAY MM-M cinft r n Oct. 2nd W ■ $10,050 • These boys want to come home as early as possible and we have been promised that they will be sent home soon but in the meantime let's see to it that the y have the services that they need. The War Fund will provide for entertainment in the camps, will provide USO clubs, entertainment in the hospitals, will look after problems that arise at home before the soldier or sailor can get there. There are thousands of ways that the War Fund aids the boys in service or their families —and you, Mr. and Mrs. Person County, are now being called upon to see that these services are continued. • In addition to the work that the War Fund takes care of for our own boys we cannot forget the millions in Europe and in the East who are suffer ing and will continue to suffer unless the War Fund comes to their aid. These people are our Ailics. We, in our plenty, cannot let them down. When there is suffering America must respond. The call is yours people of Person—You have never failed, you will not fail now. Where Your National War Fund Dollar Goes 57c To Aid Our Own Fighting Men 1 lie For the Philippines and China. To maintain USO Centers and Overseas Camp Shows Units; United Seamen’s Service centers around To meet vital minimum needs, tor medical care care, food, shelter and clothing for millions of desperately the world and convalescent homes in the U. S. and work for Prisoners of War. needy people. 24c For 40 Million Homeless and Destitute in Europe. 6\ As An Emergency Reserve Unknown Needs 1c For National Administrative And Campaign Expenses UNITED WAR FUND PERSON COUNTY COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NAT ION AIT WAR FUND mOi Co-Chairnien, J. A. Long, Jr., Roxboro Publicity Chairman, W. W. Woods, Roxboro HDHDBH Jerry L. Hester, Roxboro 1 Mrs. j. A. Long, Miss Nettie Oakley, Sidney Marsh, George W. Kane, R. B. Griffin, R. E. Long, mgHDHEH C. A. Harris, Lawrence Featherston, G. C. Hunter, Roxboro HEHDBH FOR OUR OWN - FOR OUR ALLIES • FOR OUR OWN - FOR OUR ALLIES Our County Organization is a Unit in the United War Fund of North Carolina, affiliated with the National War Fund. • 1 .... . THE COURIER-TIMES ” PAGE THREE