NOVEMBER 29,1945 The Womans Angle • Club Activities • Society • Personals MISS alma HUGHES, Society Editor Office Phone 13M Mrs. Elizabeth Noell Bowles, who has been in Shelby for the past three weeks, has returned home. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Lee B. Weathers, who will spend sometime here visiting her. Ryland Young, student at Camp bell College, Buies Creek, spent last week-end at home. James L. Morris has returned home after spending several days in Durham visiting his sister, Mrs. A. G. Adcock. Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shotwell were: Miss Joyce Vail, Tommie Harrell, Mil dred Hackney, Augusta Farmer, Frances Cole. Norma Wright, and Mr. and Mrs. Shotwell’s daughter, Miss Carolyn Shotwell, of Louisburg College. George Wilson has returned to Wake Forest College after spending the holidays at home with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Wilson. Mrs. C. R. White has returned from Raleigh where she spent sev eral days visiting her mother, Mrs. J. W. Bryan, Mrs. Bryan accomp anied her home for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Rass Slaughter and children were visitors in Durham Monday. Miss Anne Parker, of Norfolk, Va., spent several days here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bradslier. Mrs. Jesse B. Davis has returned to her home here after a visit with Mrs. John Foutcs. Mrs. Anna Bou ght, and James Davis at Niagara Falls, N. Y„ William Davis in New York City and Mrs. David Pyles in Washington, D. C. She was accom panied by her son, Jesse B. Davis, Jr. *p. JL , CHIFFON SMOOTHSKIN LOTION All-Purpose Hand and Body Lotion for Skin Allure CONTAINS l A NOUN y. C*} M *% oomiovL LARGE 10-OZ. SIZE-LIMITED TIME I Here's a marvelous new quick-drying, non-sticky lotion made , with a base of skin-soothing lanolin—an all-purpose, oil weather lotion to help protect skin from wind, weather and work. Use i t generously after bathing, on hands, elbows, arms, legs, knees, throat, face, on your entire body. See what lovely scent and allure Chiffon Smoothskin lotion lend* to your ikin. Buy now while offer lasts I THOMAS & OAKLEY Walgreen Agency Roxboro, N. C. “JEWELS FROM NEWELLS" • ■ ' For The Finest In Blue White, Sparkling Diamonds - SEE OURS •. NeuteUi, fjeweUsil jbepai Street • Miss Louise Singleton United To Russell Ferguson In City Mrs. J. T. Singleton, of Roxboro, is today announcing the marriage of her daughter, Louise, to Russell James Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Ferguson, of Granton, Wisconsin, in an impressive cere mony Wednesday evening, November 21st, at seven thirty o’clock at the home of the bride's mother. Officiat ing minister was the Rev. E. C. Ma ness, pastor of Brooksdale Methodist church, and the double ring cere mony was used. Decorations were in the traditional green and white. Only members of the family and a few intimate friends were present. The bride wore for her nuptials a sky blue suit with black accessories. Her shoulder corsage was of purple orchids. She is a graduate of Rox boro high school and has held a position at Peebles Department store I Mrs. Dcrwood Godwin and Miss Evelyn Jernegen, of Dunn, spent the week-end in the home of Miss An nie Maude Young. Shelton Bradsher and son, Bennie, of Sylvia, spent the Thanksgiving week with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Brad sher and family here. They also visited Mrs. L. H. Burton and daughter, Katherine, at Yanceyvllle, who returned with them to Sylvia for a visit. Wallace Young has returned to Greensboro after spending several days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Young. C. H„ Hunter is a patient at Com- j munity Hospital where he is receiv ing medical treatment. since December 1941. The bride groom, who attended Granton high school, entered mili tary service in March 1943 and was stationed at Camp Butner with the 78th Division. On November 1, 1945 he received his discharge after spending eighteen months overseas with the 29th Division. He was awarded the Bronze Star for gal antry in action on July 6, 1944 and was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received August 5, 1944. He also received four battle stars, com bat badge, and good conduct medal. Prior to entering service he was con nected with the American Stores Dairy company in Neilsville, Wis consin. Following a short visit in Michi gan, they will make their home in Wisconsin. o Local Baritone In Glee Club i Wallace Zimmerman, baritone, of Roxboro, has been chosen as a mem ber of the 1945-46 glee club at Mars Hill college. The glee club, which numbers 109 voices and is under the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth Logan Souther, ap peared in its first concert on Novem ber 14 and will appear in a number |of other concerts on the campus j during the year, Tn the spring the j group is expectod to make a number |of brief tours. jMrs. Wrenn Honors Miss Tapp, Bride- Elect, At Dinner Miss Madeline Tapp, of Roxboro and Greensboro, bride-elect of John! William Grimes, Jr., of Harrisburg, j Pa., was honored Saturday evening when Mrs. Alex Wrenn and her daughter, Miss Sybil Wrenn, were, hostesses at dinner at Mrs. Wrenn's j home here. Varied arrangements of mixed autumn flowers decorated the home throughout. A delicious four course dinner was served at seven o’clock. Miss Tapp was presented a gift of silver in her pattern by the hostesses. The guest list included: Miss] Emily Moore, Miss Marion Frederick, Mrs. Alice Daniel and Miss Zenith j Wrenn, of Durham, Miss Olivia Garrett, of Roxboro, Miss Louise: Moore, of Greenville, Miss Cather-' ine Tapp, of Chapel Hill, Miss Car olyn Burch, of Greensboro. Mrs. Rozzel Roland Yoder, and Mrs. Eus tinc Tapp. The wedding of Miss Tapp a fid Mrs. Grimes will be solemnized at Edgar Long Memorial Methodist church, December Bth. HASH'! FELT SETTER !h YEARS; THAHKS RETONGA He Would Hate To Think Os Anyone Suffering More Distress From Acid Indi gestion, Says Mr. Johnson. Pains And Aches In Mus cles Also Promptly Reliev ed. "Re tonga has been worth so much to me that 2 would not be without it." declares Mr. D. D. Johnson, well known resident of 24 Blossfield Street, Macon, Ga., and plant car penter at one of Macon's big textile mills. Discussing Rctonga he hap pily continued: "I would hate to think of anyone suffering more distress from acid indigestion. Gas in my stomach bloated me up sometimes until I felt like my breath would stop. For months I didn’t know what a rest ful night's sleep was, I felt full of toxic poisons from constipation and at times I ached so from head to foot that I felt like every joint in my body would pop open. The pains in my legs and ankles often were so severe I could hardly stand up. “Tlie relief Retonga gave me sur passes anything in my experience. I eat three good meals a day, sleep as sound as a log and I even feel good after a hard day’s work. The THE COURIER-TIMES Miss Upchurch, Os Durham, And Mr. Brooks, Os Roxboro, Are Wed Miss Mary Elizabeth Upchurch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe I. Upchurch, of the Wake Forest Highway, Durham, and Nathaniel V. Brooks, Jr., son of Mrs. Nathaniel V. Brooks and the late Mr. Brooks, of Roxboro, were united in marriage on Sunday afternoon, November 25th, at four o’clock in Fletcher's Chapel Methodist Church, Durham. The Rev. Don Smiley, officiated. The nuptial scene was decorated with white chrysanthemums, gladi oli, and a mixture of various green -1 ery in baskets placed at intervals. Bridal music was rendered by Ver ’ non Suitt, organist, and A. Clyde | ‘ Ferrell, soloist. ’ The bride, given in marriage by 1 her father, wore a three piece blue ’ suit and matching hat, and her ac -5 cessories were black. At her shoulder ’ was a corsage of orchids and the I single strand of pearls around her : neck was a gift of the bride groom. ‘ Mrs. Bob Webster, the bride’s only ’ attendant wore a gold suit with black • accessories, and a corsage of red • roses. Sgt. Clyde Brooks, brother of > the bride groom, was best man. Ush ' ers were Page Brooks, also brother of the bride groom, and Oliver Up ■ church, cousin of the bride, t The bride's mother wore a dress of black accented with aqua and a corsage of gardenias. Immediately following the cere- J mony the couple left for a wedding i trip to the mountains of North Car olina and Tennessee. | Mrs. Brooks was graduated from j the Oak Grove high school and St. ;j Leo's School of Nursing in Greens . | boro. Mr. Brooks was graduated i | from Roxboro high school and the Aeronautical School in Memphis, II Tenn. He served in the Army as : i first lieutenant with two and one .! half years service, eighteen months . i of which were spent overseas. • | Attending the wedding from Rox -11 boro was Mrs. Hugh Woods. o ! November Meeting Os Olive Hill J Olive Hjll Home Demonstration club held its November meeting j Monday afternoon at the communi |ty house with a good attendance. , The president, Mrs. R. T. Winstead, | called the meeting to order and all j sang “Oh Come All Ye Faithful". ! Mrs. Winstead read "Thanksgiv- I ing 1945 ", which was followed by prayer. Mrs. Winstead, Mrs. Wag -1 staff, and Mrs. C. E. Brooks gave I interesting reports on the achieve ment night held recently at the i court house. The club was very much ,1 pleased to receive a high compliment i from Miss Arant, State Home De monstration leader, on the flower ] ; arrangement which was the club's ; part on the achievement program. The committee on this was Mrs.* c. E. Brooks, Mrs. K. C. Wagstaff, Mrs. R. E. Winstead, and Mrs. Clarke Neathery. ! The Christmas program was dis- 1 cussed and everyone agreed to help i tile committee composed of Mrs. J. 'S. Satterfield, Mas. Errol Morton, and Mrs. R. T. Winstead, in every j possible way to make it a merry] party. Mrs. Wagstaff gave a very inter- I esting demonstration on "Making ! Uncommon Vegetables Popular". Mrs. Wagstaff, Mrs. Satterfield, and Mrs. Winstead served cauli MR. D. D. JOHNSON constipation and pains and aches are fully relieved and I don’t think I have felt better in ten years. Rc tonga is a grand medicine." Retonga is a purely herbal stom achic medicine combined with liber al quantities of Vitamin B-l and is intended to relieve distress due to insufficient flow of gastric juices in the stomach, loss of appetite, Vita min B-l deficiency and constipa tion. Accept no substitute. Retonga may be obtained at Roxboro Drug Co.—Adv. flower with cheese sauce, coffee, sandwiches, pickles, and ritz crack ers. The table was centered with a beautiful bowl of delicious fruit. All members and their families are urged to attend the Christmas party which will take the place of the regular December meeting. o Nancy Averette, Floyd Garletts, Vows Spoken The wedding of Miss Nancy Aver ette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Averette, of Roxboro, and Floyd Garletts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garletts, of Morgantown, West Vir ginia, was solemnized Sunday after noon, November 25th, at four thirty o'clock at the parsonage of the Rev. J. Boyce Brooks, officiating minister. The impressive single ring cere mony was used. Attendants were the bride's sisters, Mrs. Berkeley Crumpton and Miss Mary Averette, of Roxboro. The bride was attired in a soldier blue suit with which she used brown accessories. Her corsage was of red rose buds. She is a graduate of Al lensvillc high school and has been a Wanted To Buy Used Cars Jackson Motor Co. Pontiac Dealer—Phone 2971 Make Your Next Bag Os Flour GOLD EAGLE FLOUR Distributed By ROSEMAN GROCERY CO. Roxboro. N. V. WE THANK YOU • To all of our friends and cus tomers who have been so kind to us during the very serious times that we all have been through during the war we wish to render our most sincere and grateful thanks. There have been times when we could not give you the service on your car or truck that we wanted to but you were most considerate and that wins our most heartfelt thanks .... • Now the war is over and we are getting along a little better as regards labor and parts but our troubles are far from over, just in a little better shape. Soon we hope to have all the help and parts that we need but in the meantime we are going to do all we can to continue to give the best ser vice possible and your continued support and consideration will again be appreciated .... • Rest assured that we shall never forget your evidence of friendship and understanding and if at any time we can do anything to help you we shall be only too glad to do all thatwe can. We are here to keep your car going. ONCE AGAIN OUR DEEPEST THANKS FOR YOUR FINE SPIRIT Tar Heel Chevrolet Co. H. C. Steele, Service Manager Boty Blanks, Parts Manager beautician in Roxboro for sometime. The bridegroom, a graduate of Morgantown high school, served with the engineers in the European theater of operations. Since his dis charge he has been connected with Carnegie Steel Corporation at Gary, Indiana where they will make their home after a visit with his parents. j—o Mrs. T. T. Mitchell Hostess To Club Mrs, T. T. Mitchell entertained members of the Study club Wednes day night at her home on High School Drive. Presiding was the president, Mrs. E. B. Yancey. In charge of the program for the evening was Mrs. Edgar Masten, who presented an interesting paper on “Russia She closed the program Night a Coughs " dueto colds are eased, sticky phlegm loosened up, irritated upper breathing passages are soothed and relieved, by nibbing Vicks Vapoßub on throat, chest and back at bedtime. Blessed relief as Vapoßub PENETRATES to upper bronchial tubes with its special medicinal vapors, STIMULATES Chest and back sur faces like a warming poultice. Often by morning most of the mis ery of the cold is gone! Remember— ONLY VAPORUB Gives You this spe cial double action. It’s time-tested, home-proved ... the best-known home remedy for reliev- a m m a ing miseries of f 9 children’s colds. ▼ VAPORUB with several enjoyable piano selec tions. Mrs. Mitchell was assisted In serv ing delightful refreshments of fresh cocanut cake, ice cream, mints, and nuts by Mrs. W. H,. Adair, guest for the meeting. Club members present were: Mes dames Tom Brooks, Page Brooks, L R. Wilson, W. C. Short, R. M. Spencer, R. A. Whitfield, Lee Um Cold Preparations Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Orops Caution use only as directed. Get sweeter, tastier bread! use FLEISCHMANN’S FRESH /£ FULL-STRENGTH) Fleisclimann’s fresh aclnv Ve .-( -i,nis working right away! All the strength of the brings out all the flavorful goodness of your bread. If. surer of sweet taste—light texture—fragrant freshm- r\ time! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, insist ,on Kleischmann’s full-strength, fresh ac-r, Yeast with the familiar yellow label. Do ’ pendable—America’s favorite yeast yA for over 70 years. // ? T ' ~ Jyju fdtiMiiiikd SKI. PAGE FIVE I stead. Edgar Masten, and E. I ] Yancey. Buy Victory Bonds Today. FLOWERS | Wreatns, Corsages, Potted | Plan 3, Cut Flowers PRICES REASONABLF Hester Florist Main St. Roxboro, N. C. Phone 3624 Nitc Sunday 2955

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