THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1945 Want Adi • FOR SELLING • FOR BUYING • FOR RENTING To receive, the proper classification copy must be delivered to the office on Monday and Thursday mornings by 13 o'clock noon. 2c Per Word This size type 2c per word This size type "c per word MINIMUM CHARGE 25c If you want to reach the people the quickest, surest and least expensive way, the way to do it Is with Want Ads. WANTED TO BUY GOOD USED j folding fireplace screen. Notify | Courier-Times office, Roxboro. j Nov. 26, 29 pci. j WANTED TO BUY USED UP- ; flight piano in good condition, i "must be reasonable for cash. Mrs. J Luther Long, Route 1, Roxboro. j Nov. 26. 29 pd. OFFICE FURNISHED RENT FREE in exchange for taking phone ap- ; pointments. woman stenographer j preferred. Give persona! and busi ness information. Write R. S. cfo.! Courier-Times. Nov. 26 ts. JYANTED—A SHARE CROPPER, ™six acres tobacco, plenty grain. land, 3 miles south of Hurdle Mills, i* mile north Berry’s Grove ; Church. W. A. Berry. Route 1, i Timberlake. Nov. 26-29. Dec. 3-6 pd. i PIGS FOR SALE AT CLARENCE I Winstead's on Roxboro-Leasburg ' road. 8 miles from Roxboro. Nov. 26-29, Dec. 3-6-10 pd. #t)Il SALE 1934 CHEVROLET coupe. 52,600 miles, two new tires, two recaps. A-l condition. • See Lindsey Long, near Providence. Nov. 26, 29 pd. ! WANTED JANITOR FOR BETHEL Hall school, salary $76 per month, | summer work assured, housF avail able near school, L. D. Wellons, Principal or R B. Griffin, Sup-' j&crintendent. Nov. 26, 29, Dec. 3. ™ 1 I AUCTION SALE—DECEMBER 8 at 10 o’clock a. m, household and' kitchen furniture. one Singer sew ing machine, one 100 lb. ice box, good 10 piece dining room suite, 5 burner oil stove, 25 bbls. corn, 2 : shoats, car trailer, 2 stacks hay, 40 bbls. corn shucks, battery radio, complete with batteries, and other household and kitchen furniture (•Earl D. Gentry, 12 milts northeast 'of. Roxboro, on 49. one mile off 49 on the road to Christie. Nov. 26, 29, Dec. 3,6, pd. PICTURE ENLARGEMENT MADE from vour negatives or pictures. Mrs. A ft. Davis, Longburst, N. C. Nov. 26, 29, Dec. 3 pd. THOMPSON INSURANCE AGENCY All kinds of Insurance. First In /ulume, first in Service. Expert ■Advice on veteran's Insurance. E. G. Thompson, Walter James, Henry Gates Mon&Thurs-tf WANTED—LIVE CATS. MUST BE two-thirds. We pay 75 cents each delivered. Write to Carolina Bio . logical Supply Co., Elon College, N, C. ts. ML HANDLAID Felt Mattresses All llandlaid Felt Mattresses in Pretty Covers Always a Wonderful Gift To Receive sltso Valie for $18.54 Person Furniture Company Hospitals Have Theatres Have Beer Parlors Yet The Streets The Press Prints While Around Let Us Give, Tomorrow May A Waiting List A Standing Line Have an Are Filled The Results The Corner We Pray and Plan Be Too Late Over-Flowing With Youth have empty pews Today Follow The Crowds Morning And Night Next Sunday, Hear The Old-Fashioned Gospel LONGHURST BAPTIST CHURCH Preached And His Name Glorified In Song. COME EARLY FOR A SEAT c.^o^> FOR SALE—ONE F-20 FARM-ALL tractor. Perfect running condition. ' See Lacy Long. Hurdle Mills. 11-26 and 11-29 pc'. AUCTION SALE Saturday, Dec. 1 at 1 o'clock p. m. household and kitchen furniture, one ' kitchen cabinet practically new. one electric refrigerator, one porch glid er, one five year old mule, one two horse wagon, corn, and farming tools. Also one John Deere Mower and rake. Lex Horton, near Bushy, Fork Store. Nov. 22, 29 pd. ; — ’ I 'ARM WAGONS FOR SALE. SEE Milton Supply Company, Milton, N. C., Telephone 29L. May24tf. POSTED SIGNS FOR SALE, 3Sc per dozen. Courier-Times. ts 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE. Call day phone 3631. Night phones 4721 or 2914 or 2733. Tar Heei Chevrolet Co. Mon. & Thur. ts. SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH with Grade A Pasturized Milk. Call 5243 for early morning de livery. Elko Dairy. July 16-ts WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE that we have samples of the new Frigidaire refrigerator and range, also the Maytag washer and will be glad to show them to you at your convenience. Ledbetter's, ts. SAVE HALF OR MORE ON YOUR fuel and still heat yuor heme 24 hours a day. No fires to make. No ashes to take up daily. Ashley Automatic Wood stoves offer these features. See them at Ledbetter’s in Roxboro. Aug. 6 ts. FOR GENERAL REPAIR WORK of all kinds see me. J. E. McFar land, Woodlawn Ave. Tel 4854 MTf WANTED JANITOR FOR ROX boro high school. Good salary. See Jerry L. Hester, principal, at school. 11-26-ts. FOR SALE—CABBAGE PLANTS, I Early Jersey Wakefield. F. T. Whitfield at Bushy Fork. NOV. 19, 22, 26, 29 pd. J ANTED—I AM A CATTLE DEAL er and will buy your cows, calves, nulls and hogs that are butcher ilze. Sec Victor Yarborough, Rox boro, route 2. June 26 to July 31 pd. ts. YOU CAN GET CHATTEL MORT ge.ges with note at The Courier- Times Office. RADIO A & B BATTERY AND some nice table lamps, Electric ’ Appliance. Nov. 29-ts. • Virgilina News Items By Mrs. W. D. Amis Following a long Indian Summer, with balmy weather. Winter weath er is taking its place on the calen dar. which is keenly felt. Church Services The Rev. R. C. Gregory filled his regular appointment at the Meth -1 odist church on Sunday morning. ’Teach Me Thy Ways” was the J theme of his sermon. Sunday even ing services were held at the Chris itlan church with the pastor, Dr. C. E. Newman, delivering an able ser mon on ‘ Brotherly Love”. W. M. 8. To Meet | The Baptist W. M. S. will meet lon Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. R. Harris. Program will be in charge of Mrs. Freddie Winfree. Thanksgiving Day was quietly ob ’ served here with stores closed and only Sunday hours kept at the post office. It was a homecoming holiday for students and others returning to |be with their families for turkey dinners. The day this year carried special I significance, as Americans through | out the world thanked God for their first peace-time Thanksgiving in : four years. A union Thanksgiving service was held on Thursday night at the , Methodist church. Personals Mrs. S. M. Torian is quite sick at her home on Florence Ave. Howev er,, she is sonic better. Major James Gilespie and Mrs. Gilespie arrived here a few days ago from Colorado Springs to visit Mrs. REWARD IOR RETURN OF child’s pearl necklace, lost in Rox boro. Telephone 5104, Mrs. George W. Heaton. Nov, 29, Dec. 3. ’ LOTS 50 X 300 FEET HARD SUR face road. Terms if desired. R. B. Dawes. Nov. 29-Dec. 3. 6, 10 pd. FOR SALE—PRACTICALLY NEW oil cook stove. See Ruffin Puryear, Collins and Aiknian, house 330. Nov. 29 pd. FOR SALE—ONE SEVEN YEAR . old fine gaited saddle mare, com plete with new saddle, blanket and bridle, Will work anywhere. Allen Crews, Jr, Nov. 29, Dec. 3 pd. I’I’SET STOMACHS YIELD INCHES OF GAS AND BLOAT T was so lull of gas I was afraid I'd burst. Sour, bitter substance rose up in my throat from my upset stomach after meals. I got INNER-AID, and it worked inches ol gas and bloat from me. Waistline is way down now. Meals are a j pleasure. I praise Inner-Aid to the sky."—This is an actual testimonial I from a man living light here in Roxboro. INNER-AID is the new formula containing medicinal juices from 12 Great Herbs; these herbs cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish liver and kidneys. Mis erable people soon feel different all ► over. So don’t go on suffering—Get : j Inner-Aid. Said by all drug stores .! here in Person County. THE COURIER TIMES W. K Lee, the mother of the latter. Mrs. T. W. Qhandler and Mrs. Cecil Wilkins, motored to Lynch burg, Va. last Friday. Mrs. W. D. Amis has returned home from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Daniel, Maxton, N. C. Mrs. Edgar Lawton and Mrs. Rich ard Gay Coker in F|irtsvllle, S. C. She was accompanied by her son Robt. T. Amis of Washington, D. C. From Hartsville Mr. Amis re turned to Washington. D. C. Mrs. E. R. Harris is now able to be out again following her recent illness. Miss Frances Daniel, Durham, N. O. was a Thanksgiving guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Daniel. Mrs. W. W. Tuck had as guests for Thanksgiving dinner, the fol lowing: Miss Pearl Tuck, Norfolk, Va„ Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Royster. Chase City, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Tuck, Floyd, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Parkerson, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mis. E. A. Tuck. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tuck and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Long, Virgilina, Va. Mrs. Luke Chandler left on Fri day to visit her daughter. Mrs. Tom Bradshaw, in Burlington, N. C. She will be joined there fcy Lieutenant Bob Mathias and Mrs. Mathias from Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sizemore, Soudan, Va, visited friends here last Thursday. Sargeant Randolph Elliott, of Asheville, N. C. has been a recent guest of his mother, Mrs. Tom El liott, near Virgilina. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ellixson were guests of Mrs. Tom Bradshaw in Burlington, N. C. the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chandler, Jr. motored to Lynchburg. Va. on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Torian. Jr. l have returned home from a recent trip to Roanoke, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me. Kinney, So, Boston, Va., Capt. F. M. Bailey and Mrs. Bailey, Blackstone, Va. were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs, A. P. Bohanan, on Sunday. Miss’ Marjorie Lee of Blackstone, Va. was a week-end guest of her mother. Mrs. W. IF Lee. Mrs. Emron King visited relatives in Raleigh, the past Week. Rev. H. H,. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson, Upperville, Va. were CARD OF THANKS M. O. Yarborough and family wish to express their sincere appre ciation for those who were so- nice to them during the sickness and death of his wife and family. M. O. Yarborough and family. Nov. 20 pd. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deep and sincere appreciation for sympathy and kindnesses shown and flowers sent during the recent illness and death of our beloved wife and moth er. The helpfulness of friends and neighbors will be always remember ed by us; T. Floyd Whitfield and Children. Nov. 29 pd. THE LONE RANGER PO YOU SOLPER Y YEAH, BUT A IV/.',\T IT'S A LITTLE PAM WHOA! )( WELL, LOOKS LiKfc ILS , ■ TOAwr. ,m. timciaaitu YZZ I WAT P|ECE OP J FIRST rLL TO HOLPTHE SOLPER N \ GOT SOME MOPE CUS jAi I.PAVELIN TjNSMiFH JVEAH, TIN OVER THE < MAKE A’TINK // \IN PLACE SEE?. \ V ~— r TOMEPS. r up AHEAP o ; jGh .to y ER'G paw l (VEAH )f YOU SOYS GOT SOMETHIN 1 SURE- A JOS AT THE POUBLE -A 1 WiE DOUBLE A' I WOULDN'T ! JUST AN OLP GENT ANP A ) // V O' ker e . tHE BOSS WANTS-- f SPREAP FOP ANVTHING 1 ): MP -E ~ y- '' 1 VEAH ? MAVBE r NO! YOU 'H GOOP )\ BAV. YOU MEN KGRAB THE KIP^ WHAT'S WRONG! THE BOSsYnoT" UHLE? PER- CURL^/^— / \ yY ]L WITH THE ry^NEEPS A ME.I SUAPIN' X ?n T \ hlOUG '^=^ DOUBLE-A)/ HANPV MAN,AmPM'r xf /Y TO— J Governor Hopes For New Plants In This State Greensboro. —Governor Cherry ex pressed the hope that "as we expand old industries in North Carolina and build new ones, we will find new industries developing largely out of our own raw materials here at hand." Addressing the annual convention of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissioners here. Cherry explain ed tlie steps North Carolina is tak ing 'to insure continuance of a sup ply of skilled men and women for the various industrial fields." Hi said this state is looking to the establishment of area vocation al schools for the training of young people as technicians, specialists, and skilled workers in various crafts. Our .state, he said, has a textile school lor persons of high school age who desire to perfect themselves in that field. "We plan to continue in bur own way the emergency program of the Thanksgiving- guests of Mrs. S. N. Torian, mother of the later. Mrs. Pattie Morrow is expected home next week after a visit with her daughter. Mrs. Culp in Atlanta. Ga. B PRESCRIPTIONS B Prescription filling i s a personal business.. Personal for you and personal for us... Our druggists give your prescriptions their personal attention and accept it as their personal responsibility to see that your doctors instructions are followed to the letter. You can depend upon our services with confidence ANYTIME ALL THE TIME THOMAS & OAKLEY DRUGGISTS DAY PHONE 4931 NIGHT 4183—4834 REDDY KILOWATT .. . Watt sin a Name .. . v CAKOII - A c *ICHT COMPANY Jj OAT- O P AICMsT I 'SAME. #i_\h'FFk Hi \ninO PWE (JEDfY - BUT SPELL 11 REO'l ■ aN!) 7ME PAPERS AlVWvsn.-v ■ |\ V _ FITS THE ONLV j 8 WHAK IT f H‘OI!SANI 3 - AND a OY, BFCAUSf MY SKIN IS RE:f>. ) §k» ——-, *'49/1 ,4al9g^og^-iVst* nrZ fi i //7S. <&4r\ week federal government in giving a lot of skill to a lot of people to do bet ter work with their hands," Cherry said. "It was necessary to produce ! 1 the materials to win a war and it i is necessary to a converted produc ; lion for the kind of America we will have in years ahead. Our colleges. I finishing their training programs for Uncle Sam, are pointing up their programs to meet the needs of a new day." Although most of the wartime,in dustries that sprung into being in tlie soutli are not permanent in na ture. Cherry said, they have created Longhursr Baptist Church THE FRIENDLY CHURCH A A CHURCH WITH A PASSION FOR SOULS AUBURN HAVES, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Preaching 11:00 A. M. Brother-Hood 6:00 P. M. • B. T. V 6:00 P. M. Preaching 7:00 P. M. Faith—Fellow ship—Friendship industrial plants and properties that are now or will be available for re conversion to civilian industries. Tlie association, holding ts 31st conventon,- is headed this year by T. A. Wilson, chairman of the North Carolina industrial commission. TIRES i It’s a fact that cold or wet weather | kills the enemies of rubber . . . Heat . . . and Friction. You'll get more J miles at no more cost, P 9fl by buying Goodyear I 7 1 . i DeLuxe Tires NOW. Miller-Hurst Court Street PAGE SEVEN Where a aoipuiataon required either by law or contract to pur chase and retire its own bonds at a premium, for State income tax pur poses the premium thus paid repre ; sents a deductible lqss in the taxable j year in which it was sustained.

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