- DECEMBER 13, 1946 Isw* Am Atewi. s t Question: Can I use DDT as a JeptiS over my poultry to rid the of body Uoe? r Artrtrer: R. E. Oreaves, poultry 'piUttloglst at State College, sug ■j«t» that you use the general meth jpqß of dusting, dipping, or treating tile;ifoost poles with nicotine sul- W|Me until more is found out about the use of DDT. He says that the (hteotlne culphate preparations en joy their wide popularity because ol MS GETTING UP NIGHTS GETTING YOU DOWN? Hwuuds say famous doctor’s discovery gives blessed relief from imitation of die bladder caused by excess acidity in the urine r . ’ (WVr Eiifftr needlessly from backaches, leelinff from excese acidity in klll.ilH»e> Just try DR. KILMER’S ROOT, the renowned herbal -■B«|iclne. SWAMP ROOT acta fast on the pUwdye to promote the flow of urine and troublesome excess acidity. Orifi nelhr created by a practising physician. Hr. Kilmer’s is a carefully blended combi- Mty#a of 16- borbs, roofs, vegetables, bal- Absolutely nothing harsh or hablt ***!• pure, scientific prepara ..ftpau Just good ingredients that quickly the kidneye to increase the flow of ease the uncomfortable symp toms of bladder irHtation. Bond for free, prepaid sample TODAY! Ub thousands of others you’ll bo glad ''Mil you did. Send name and address to .iPepartmsnt B« Kilmer I Co., Inc., Box . \V|n, Stamford, Conn. Offer limited. Send I W P6f» All druggists sail Swamp Root. Step Into Our Garden Carrots 2 bunches 19c Cocoanut 1 pound 23c Tangerines 2 Lbs. 25c Dates 10 Oz. Pkg. 55c Potatoes 10 Lb. Bag 38c Garlic 1 pound 40c Oranges 8 Lb. Bag 49c HOLIDAYS AHEAD _ STOCKUP! TROY BRAND School Day—Extra Standard. No. 2 can EVAPORATED Green Peas 15c MILK Pilchard’s Brand 15-oz can Tall Sardines 10c 4 cans 35c Blue Hen Brand No 2 can String Beans 13c .._ _ y Confidence Cream Style No 2 can ~ Golden Corn 14c 214 LB Old Reliable No 214 can _, _ _ Spinach 21c pk -27 c GINGERBREAD MIX DROMEDARY 14-oz Pkg 20c FLOUR COLONIAL'S BEST 10-Lb Bag 61 GRADE A LARGE CARTON FRESH EGGS Dozen 67c 1 3 cakes Triple Fresh CamaySoap 21 c Sandwich 3 cakes BREAD ,vor y So °P 14c li lb loaf 11c Crisco 3lb jar 69c pint box Wesson Oil 29c Double-Fresh 1-Lb Jar Gold Label Snowdrift 24c COFFEE SOUTHERN MANOR 1-lb bag 24c 1 T CAKE _____ $1.49 $2.85 ' " ■ PILLSBURY’S cake flour HEINZ Sno-Sheen pkg 28c Cluster Layer 1-Lb Cello Cream Os n * • Tomato Soup Ra, HHI 22c nil . Van Camps Can oz can He Bake(J Beans , 3c Sunshine Box Krispy Crackers 19c StfirlillQ Enriched Plain Flour 5-Lb Bag j Pillsburys 34c , n Dan Lane, Vice President 21b box 6c FLEECY WHITE i. I V UUA LAUNDRY BLEACH mm——r 1 -2 gallon 25c Flour their high efficiency and the ease with which the flock can be treated. Nicotine sulphate Is not only good for delousing poultry but Is also efficient against the tropical fowl mite. Question: Will a few sheep be pro fitable on the average farm? Answer: P. E. Swindell of Unger Longer Farm at Fairfield and Coun ty Agent J. P. Woodard of Hyde County can answer this question. Swindell keeps from 16 to 20 sheep on bis 80-acre farm and his receipts from lambs and wool during the past three years are $6Bl. “They run hi the fields in winter after the crops are harvested and go to a grazing crop in early spring,” Swindell says. “They are good lawn mowers and I find them profitable. I can shoot straight when the dogs bother them." Question: How can I make a home-made egg candler? Answer: Take a wooden or card board box and bore a one-inch hole In the end of the box about the center. Suspend a 80 to 75 watt light bulb in the box and provide a re flector, say a white piece of paper, opposite the hole bored In the box. It is a good idea to make a small opening in the top of the box at the back side so that you can see how to move about the room. Candling should be done in a dark room where no light other tnan the light from the candler is present. December is sometimes thought of as one of the months when little farm wort is to be done. The foot U, December is the knoet Important ihonth of the year from the stand point of farm planning and making arrangements for saving time and labor next summer. Every farm family should make a farm plan during the month of December for the coming year. (For a farm planning book, write to the flttm management department, State college, Raleigh). There are many other Jobs that can be done during the month of litecember, some of which are listed below: Field Crops (1) Piedmont—Continue breaking land for next year's crops. (2) Coast -41 Plain—Be sure to disc in ail Stalks. (3) Coastal Plain—Select new tobpcco plant bed sites with south ern or southwestern exposure—well drained. (4) Mountains—Market your burley tobacco. Fruits and Vegetables (1) Apply fall spray to strawber ries around the 15th. (2) Broadcast poultry or stable manure over gar den. (3) Break garden in order to let winter freeze pulverize the soil. (4) Muscadine grapes may be prun ed. i Livestock , (1) Protect workstock from bad weather. (2) Provide ample exer cise for idle workstock, plenty of good hay and small amount of grain. (3) Provide dairy cows with drink ing water, warm and dry place. t. 4) Graze fall sown crops as soon as weather permits. (5) Examine cattle for lice regularly through the winter for infestation. (See farmers' bullet in No. 909 and extension folder No. 50). (6) Be sure plenty of salt and mineral mixture is provided for all livestock. (7) Use protein supple ment for beef cattle, if only grass hay is being fed. (8) Tt available, use silage for feeding beef cattle. (9) I Run a few hogs after grain fed beef cattle. (10) About a month before Jambing, start feeding ewes one half pound of grain per day. (11) Handle the fattening hogs with care at killing time as bruises cause spoiling of meat in cure. (12) Kill the hogs for home use in afternoon, let the carcasses hang up over night to chill, and drain and cut the meat the next morning. (13) After meat Is produced, cure correctly; two days per pound per piece is usually time enough to cure. For 100 pounds of meat, use eight pounds of salt, three pounds of brown sugar and three ounces saltpeter. (14) If a green grazing is not available, keep a little green colored cured legume hay in hog feeding rack. Poultry (1) Watch laying flock carefully for drop in egg production. If this occurs, feed some wet mash during noon hour. (2) Provide the laying flock with warm drinking water. (3) Gather eggs often in cold weather Coming Attractions At PALACE and DOLLY MADISON Palace-Mon-Tues., December 17-18 pJSg WIBNFB I-jCIF xl if A : A DICK ERDMAN-ROSEMARY DeCAMP # .18 J| BRUCE BENNETT • MONA FREEMAN If y If Directed by ROBERT FLOREY Scr«,n Play by Adel, Commandin'! and Graham Bak,r From a Naval by Phyllis Bottom# * Music by Adoloh Dautsch Special morning show Monday 10:30; Afternoons daily 3:15-3:45; Adm. 15-35 c; Evenings daily 7:15-9:15; Adm. 15-40 c. "Christmas Gift Books" Here is a Gift that goes on giving golden hours of happiness long after Christines has passed IT IS A GIFT THAT WILL BE REMEMBERED and appreciated .’each time it is used WHAT IS IT Why, it's a Gift Book of tickets for admission to our theatres good indefinitely. NOW on sale at our office! f THE COURIER-TEMIBB and store in an unheated placed If necessary, cover with quilt to pre vent freezing. (4) Keep poultry houses clean and dry. (5) Cull and sell unprofitable layers. (6) Turkeys not sold during Thanksgiving mark et should be finished out for Christ mas market. Around the Home (1) And dead limbs or undeair THE FACT IS By GENERAL ELECTRIC I ........ j GIANT X-RAY! THE 130-TON "BETATRON"-DESIGNED AND BUILT By GENERAL ELECTRIC SCIENTISTS -PRODUCES X-RAYS OF 100 MILLION ELECTRON VOLTS ! THESE SUPER X-RAYS MAY BE USEFUL IN MEDICAL AND ATOMIC RESEARCH. I ifPEIL & EVERY 15 MINUTES I A FARM BUILDING GOES UP lH p WMES. ONE CHIEF CAUSE > -SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION V OP HAY-CAN BE AVOIDED BY iISpSS * { wa New electrical hay-drying SYSTEM WITH UNIQUE CONTROL ' g EVEL£>PED QUICK BREADS! ~7i,7 RESEARCH BV NUTRITION M'gP/ EXPERTS OF GENERAL ELECTRIC CONSUMER INSTITUTE RANGES / FROM QUICKLY MADE BREADS I v . TO SAVIN6 VITAMINS. THEIR OISCOVERIES ARE MADE PUBLIC FOR EVERYBOOY'S jl More Goods for More People at Less Cost. GENERAL || ELECTRIC able trees in the yard should be harvested for firewood. (2) Make needed repairs on house and bam. 1 1 (3) Make arrangements for moving shrubs from the woods to the farm stead. (4) Repair roads around the house and barn. (5) Underpin that house you have planned for many to do. ] PALACE THEATRE Saturday, December 15 Johnny Mack Brown. Raymond Hatton, Dennis Moore, and Chris tine Mclntyre, in "Frontier Feud" He's rarin' for ACTION! Johnny blasts his way into a death trap to turn the tables on trigger-mad outlaws! CHAPTER NO. S—“JUNGLE OUTLAWS" CARTOON—'“GYPSY LIFE" Afternoon 2:30-4:00; Adm. 15-35 c; Evening 6:45-8:15-9:30; Adm. 15-35 c; (Box Office opens 6:30) Special 11:30 'Owl Show' Sat. Nite b Regular Sunday Shows, Dec. 15-16 Wally Brown, Alan Carney, Frances Langford, Skinnay Ennis and his Band, Don Wilson and the Marmonica Trio, in "Radio Stars On Parade" Non-stop audition of love, laughs, music! THIS IS AMERICA—“ANNAPOLIS" Saturday nite box office opens 11:15; Picture 11:30; Adm. All Seats 40c; Sunday afternoon 3:15 (Box Office opens 3:00); Adm. 15-35 c; Evening 9:00 (Box Office opens 8:45); Adm. 15-40 c. Monday b Tuesday, December 17-18 Faye Emerson, Zachary Scott, Dick Erdman, Rosemary DeCamp, and Bruce Bennett, in "Danger Signal" Women don't trust her and men shouldn't! She's a bombshell of a babe... .the most dagerous dame in years! FOX METROTONE NEWS—NEWS OF THE NATION CARTOON—“FLIRTY BIRDY" Special morning show Monday 10:30; Afternoons daily 3:15-3:45; Adm. 15-35 c; Evenings daily 7:15-9:15; Adm. 15-40 c. DOLLY MADISON THEATRE Saturday, December 15 Roy Rogers and Trigger, with Ruth "ferry. Guinn “Big Boy" Wil liams, and Bob Noland and The Sons*of the Pioneers, in "Hands Across The Border" A ten-gallon hatful of comedy—gaity—and hit tunes! CHAPTER NO. 3—“ THE PURPLE MONSTER STRIKES" PHAMTASIES CARTOON—“SIMPLE SIREN” Afternoon 2:30-4:00; Adm. 15-30 c; Evening 6:45-8:15-9:30; Adm. 15- 35c; (Box Office opens 6:30) Monday & Tuesday, December 17-18 Gary Cooper. Madeline Carroll, Paulette Goddard, Preston Foster, Robert Preston, and Akim Tamiroff, in "Horth West Mounted Petite" (In Technicolor) One of the greatest spectacles of all time To thrill you again, HEARST METROTONE NEWS—NEWS OF THE DAY No morning shows; Afternoons daily 3:15-3:45; Adm. 15-30 c; Eve nings daily 7:00-9:15; (Box office opens 6:45); Adm. 15-35 c. Patrons will please note change in time for evening performances due to the unusual length of this picture. ■ No more worries about gifts - yi> ¥ The ? 7 Give The Courier Courier- Times - Times Is The XVi For Ideal Christmas What Could Be A More Ideal Christmas Gift Than The Hometown Paper For 12 Months? A Gift That Will Be Appreciated Each Week In The Year Only $2.50 IN NORTH CAROLINA-$3.00 OUTSIDE Then Too, What Could Be More Reasonable? Beautiful Gift Certificates. Ready For Mailing To The Percipient Courier-Times Buy Victory Bonds Today. Dial 2391 for Newspaper Service Buy Vicotry Bonds Today PALACE—SPECIAL 11:39 “OWL SHOW" SATURDAY NITE AND REGULAR SUNDAY SHOWS, DECEMBER 15-16 Dolly Modison-Mon & Tues, Dec. 17-18 4#f c °oP ER f*s£s»** GODDARD • FOSTER i » Robert PRESTON-Akim TAMIROFF Ton CHANEY. Jr. • * Paramount Picturt in lec hn \ Produced t Directed by Cecil B DeMILLE lU No morning shows; Afternoons daily 3:15-3:45; Adm. 15*-30c; Evening! daily 7:00-9:15;' (Box office opens 6:45;) Adm. 15-38e. PATROMB WILL PLEASE NOTE SLIGHT CHANGE IN TIME FDR EVENIN® PERFORMANCES DDE TO UNUSUAL LENGTH OF THIC KCPDIVS ,J - - - PAGE NINE

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