PAGE TWO & *1.41 1. . i \^odeW I ?• PERSONALS L;‘ Humphries, Jr., of the Mer • cheat Marines, spent the week-end f at AWhel Hill with his parents, Mr. r‘aiuJ"Mrs. W. B. Humphries. W and Mrs. Joe Humphries and R daughter, Nancy, returned to Wil ; minjton Sunday after visiting rela- J tives in the county. Miss Marie Satterfield of Rox , borer spent the week-end with her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Sat terfield, in the Surl community. B& Davenport of Roxboro spent the Ireek-end in Kinston. Mis .Bud Yates of Burlington visi ted -Roxboro recently. Miss Mary Shore and Mrs. Byran ’ K. Burnett spent part of last week ' in Greenville visiting Mrs. Conner I Merritt. Cpi. Vernon Oakley of Fort Bragg spen£ the week-end here with his wifeond son. Ms. Earl Chanaier, Miss Mary \ Ellen, Chandler, Mrs. Fred Wall and Mar# Anne, and Miss Beatrice Long spers. Sunday in Raleigh visiting ; Mrs.-S. G. Riley, Jr. O'Briant has gone to Char lotte- where he will attend a fire , man) convention this week. J. D. Mangum is spending several days*ln New York City this week on business. Clyde Wade and Adrian Chappell Os Csi3pel Hill, and Mrs. Riley T. . Wade and son. Tommy, of Hillsville, Va., "were week-end guests of Mr. . and Charlie Wade. MIJ and Mrs. J. C. Oakley of South Hill, Va.. and Mrs. M. M. i Announcement! * • - II I I I ■■■ ■ ■ > •s ; I am a candidate for nomination for position 0f... COUNTY COMMISSIONER Os Person County subject to the Dem ocratic Primary, May 25th. i Your Support Will Be Appreciated m ■ i ’ - * v SV' - *•< '» * James T. Burch ELITE -V Hair Styling A Specialty * * * *■ ■ . ..... " Enchanting... Irresistibly Beautiful ; jPf A joy to have ... a joy to wear, because it’s cool, ijjr comfortable, so completely beautiful. (Jail us today for your Rilling COLD WAVE. * * J. B. WILLETTE i? ; i - " EL* 4 Bjjy ■: Vfh® has the responsibility of management in this hair styleing establishment is strongly opposed to any program of price inflation, generally or in our own profession. We feel unless prices are con trolled and held down to sound levels, the aftermath will bring I; »f # * t chaos in this profession. Consistent with this feeling we If have not raised the prices at the ELITE. This policy will be of hftjt to you during these trying times and we want to take this opportunity to say. Thanks a lot to you of Roxboro for your pa , tnonage, and sincerely hope it will continue. | MR. WILLETTE WILL BE GLAD TO SUPERVISE ALL WORK DONE f-' ' MR. J. B. WILLETTE, MANAGER IgpL BETTy NELMS WILLETTE MRS. JANE RILEY N(RS. JENNY FLOYD GILLILAND MRS. IOLA CARVER. Recpt. Phone L-2501 Durham, N. C. £ * 309 Depositor's National Bank Open Evenings By Appointment Hicks spent Monday in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cates and Miss Susie Rice spent Sunday in Burling ton visiting relatives. Miss Mertlyn Dilliard of East* Carolina Teachers College, Green ville, spent the week-end here with her parents. Miss Virginia Slaughter of Ral eigh, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Slaughter. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pully of Salisbury, Md„ and Lt. Colonel L. B. Cotttngham and Mrs. Cotting ham and little son, Bsuce, of Wash ington, D. C., and Richmond, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Humphries at Bethel Hill ar.d Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Bowles of Roxboro. Mi'S. Emma Rogers and son, Reid, j of Burlington, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Rogers’ mother, Mrs. Z. R. Clayton. Miss Marioi| Long, student at King's Business College, Greens boro, spent the week-end here with her mother. Mrs. A. M. Long. Cpi. John Harris Blanks, who is now stationed at Fort Monroe, Va., 1 spent the week-end here with his I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Y. Blanks. • BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs James Clayton an nounce the birth of a daughter at Community Hospital April 4. Weight six pounds and ten ounces. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tuck a daughter April 4 at Com munity Hospital. Weight eight pounds and eight ounces. Mother anti daughter are getting along nicely. Miss Gentry United To J. Ellis Bowen In Recent Rites Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gentry of Woodsdale are today announcing the marriage of their daughter, Lu cille, to J. Ellis Bowen, son of J. W. Bowen and the late Mrs." Bowen, in a ceremony performed Saturday afternoon, March 30, at 1:30 o’clock at the home of the officiating min ister, the Rev. B. B. Knight, of Roxboro. The bride chose for her nuptials a powder blue suit with navy blue accessories. Her corsage was of white carnations. She is a graduate of Bethel Hill High School and until recently was employed by the Post Office department in Newport News, Va., The bridegroom, who attended Bethel Hill High School, is a veter an of World War II and is now cm- i ployed at Collins and Aikman Cor- J poration. Witnessing the rites were Mr. and j Mrs. W. E. Bowen of Woodsdale ! and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gentry of i Roxboro. [ o Primary Absentee Ballots Prepared Raleigh,—Absentee ballots for use in the congressional races in the May Democratic primary have | been prepared and will be distri-| buted to the various county boards j of election early this week: Secre- j tary Raymond Maxwell of the state ! board of elections said. Meanwhile, Secretary of State j Tbad Eure, who receives applies- j If Advisable We’ll tell you frankly if we feel your watch isn’t worth repairing, or won’t give satisfactory service for a long enough time to make repairing worthwhile. H. L. TRIPP rv> •* At HENRY’S Coming Attractions At PALACE cllicl DOLLY WADISON Dolly Madison-Wednesday, April 10 VIRCiMIi Ml, i> „i^HI CHAPTER NO. I—"WHO’S GUILTY" Dolly Madison-Thurs.-Fri., April 11-12 • ff_ Aw., >,'g .TgSjmfiS&rt- t ■HI) EltWNO'i ... » LLYN JOSIYK - ELIZABETH PATTERSON 0 * DONALD MEEK • FRANK CRAVEN J rx £y* b, IRVING PICHEL-PrcXiAced by LAMAR TROTTJ tectum Scfftn Plbt bj IWOwyn Sto(* •fl •» the NovbE by Italy riemiof Special morning show Friday 10i30; Afternoons daily 3:15-3:43; Aditv, 15-30 c; Evening* daily 7:15-9:1#; Ad», 15-35 c. tions for absentee voting and passes them along to the board of elec tions, said less than 50 applications had been received. » The board distributed 86,999 ab sentee" ballots in the 1944 general elections—mostly to - military per sonnel —and actually received 46,- 583 properly filled out and voted. Could You Live On $lO Yearly? * High Point.—Judge D. C. Mac- Rae of municipal court ruled here that "$E and $5 worth of groceries” was not quite enough support for Are YOU Readv For Easter? APRIL 21 IS EASIER DAY . . . SEND YOUR DRY CLEANING EARLY! Roxboro Laundry Co. Frank Willson - Phone 3571 n. Burley. Day THE COURIER-TIMES a man to contribute to his wife and child over a period of a year. Following Mrs. Odie T. Hicks’ testimony that hqr husbands’ con tributions to her and their child’s support last year amounted to only $lO, Judge Macßae found Hicks guilty of abandonement and non support and sentenced him to two years on the roads. Wanted Te Boy Used Cars Jackson Motor Co. Pontiac Dealer—Phone $971 PALACE THEATRE Mon.-Tues.-Wed., April'B-9-10 Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour in "ROAD TO UTOPIA" Your favorite trio’s off on the latest and greatest "Road" Show of them all! It’s Bing, Bob and Dottie hitting the Road to Alaska for gold music, romance and a free-for-all of the most riotous fun you’ve ever had in a movie! • PETE SMITH SPECIALTY—“FALA AT HYDE PARK” • FOX METROTONE NEWS—NEWS OF THE NATION Special morning show Monday 10:30; Afternoons daily 3:15-3:45; Adm 15-35 c; Evenings daily 7:15-9:15: Adm, 15-40 c. Thurs. b Friday, April 11-12 Maria Montez, Robert Paige, Sabu, Preston Foster, Louise Albritton, Kent Taylor and J. Edward Bromberg in— # "TANGIER" She was two kinds of a woman in a land of one kind of man! Buying with her lips what 100 guns could not win, the city of a thousand sins! • HEARST METROTONE NEW—NEWS OF THE DAY • SHORT SUBJECT—“ROOSEVELT—MAN OF DESTINY” No morning shows; Afternoons daily 3:15-3:45; Adm. 15-35 c; Eve nings daily 7:15-9:15; Adm. 15-40 c. DOLLY MADISON THEATRE Wednesday, April 10 Kent Taylor, Virginia Grey, Jane Adams, Milburn Stone, and Danny Morton in— "SMOOTH AS SILK" Dangerous Women His Game! Sudden Death His Sport! Mur der mee.ts its master on the ragged edge of the law! • OPENING EPISODE—“WHO’S GUILTY” with Robert Kent Amelita Ward, Tim Ryan, and Minerva Urecal, in the most exclitng chapter play that ever smashed across the screen. No morning show; Afternoon 3:13-3:45; Adm. 15-30 c; Evening 7:15- 9;15; Adm. 15-35 c. Thurs. b Friday, April 11-12 Charles Coburn, Joan Bennett, William Eythe in— ’ v "COLONEL EFFINGHAM'S RAID" This is the story of a colonel named Effingham—who dame to town! And a gal named Joan and a guy named BiH — who went to town !In the boofc-of-the-month picture that’s going to—the talk of the town! • SPORTSCOPE—“SKI ACES” „ , • NAME-BAND MUSICAL—“MELODY STAMPEDE” apedtal morning show Friday 10:36; Afternoon* daily 3’.1&4:4#; Ado*. 13-3<fc; Evening# dally 7:ti-*W;Adm 16-35 c. Radford Gentry The Fuller Brush Dealer Phone 2581 ROXBORO, N. C. (Continued from page One) “jES’ HOL’ IT NATCHEL, SONNY!” "DISCOVERING" UNCLE NATCHEL One day back in 1934, an artist, driving leisurely along a country road in the deep South, heard the sound of banjo music floating toward him through the trees. He left his car and followed the sad-sweet strains until he found a clearing in the forest where, on a little cabin porch, sat an old darky, a red-headed boy of twelve, and a dog—in the middle of a music lesson! All unseen, the artist set up his easel and soon, upon the canvas, appeared the boy, all thumbs, his face screwed up in earnest effort, manfully struggling with the stringed instrument; the dog looking on in painful apprehension; the old man patiently urging: “Jes’ hoi’ it natchel, Sonny—thataway, natchel!” > This beautiful painting by Hy Hintermeistev was fea tured on the 1935 Uncle Natchel calendar, and introduced to a million people the familiar figure of “Uncle Natchel”, the kindly old man who has appeared ever since as the symbol of Natural Chilean Nitrate of Soda. Uncle Natchel is really a rare and lovable character.' Grown old in the employ of Sonny’s family, he is known to everyone for miles around for his inexhaustible supply of stories about the wonders of Nature and his belief that the best way to do anything is the “Natchel” way. And that, of course, is how lie got his name. Tldfahatf CHILEAN NITRATE of SODA Dial 2391 for Newspaper Service Dial 2391 for Newspaper Service. Palace-Thurs b Friday, April 11-12 ill~if-liil- -. im--ninTT- r.)). .x jm w» in f~ i.M«r cei ■■.iuttKi.ii wwiw WHERE EVERY SECRET HAS ITS PRICE... Sometimes Money... s< a_ 1 '• Sometimes... MHf u "vrsal BOTv Suttnpkj by M M Duvtlßi* m-4 Kcr.iy f Co'lir.s • Of.r'Wl Ct* if by A!'* 0 0 M.lUr fcftttU by CIORCI BAGCNfI • Prri«<4 by MU l MAIVfRM • tit'ufive PnxJwer JOf CfttHfNSO* * EXTRA ADDED. ATTRACTION “ROOSEVELT—THE MAN OF DESTINY" (died April 12, 1945) Special short subject showing shots of the late President from the time he took his first oath of office in 1933 through the last journey of his mortal remains from Warm Springs to Washington, and thence to Hyde Park for burial. v No morning show; Afternoon 3:15-3:45; Adm. 15-35 c; Evening 7:15- 9:15; Adm. 15-40 C. Due to the overwhelming acceptance by our patrons of “THE RETURN OP PRANK JAMES” in the Dolly Madison on March 28-29, so many patrons missed the picture due to such large attendance; therefore we are pleased to announce a one-day showing of this oustandlng production, oa Wednesday April 17. (The entire, balcony will be re served. for oolored for all performances.) MONDAY, APRIL 8/1946

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