PAGE EIGHT BOARD "This group,’* Spokesman Kane said, "fully realize the problems of the/town board, and they further realise that to carry out effectively any or a part of the suggestions offered, it will require the aid and cooperation of the people and other citizens. These recom mendations are not made in a crit ical manner, but are expressions from a cross section of the citizens of our community, prompted by j complaints and personal observa- j tlon. We sincerely hope that all or a part of these suggestions may prove helpful to you in making Roxboro a more desirable place in which to live, continue in business, and prove more inviting to new HAVE A SWELL SUMMER ON US Fill Up Your Tank with Good Esso Gas and Motor Oil and Hit for Places You Haven't Seen for Years. ESSO WILL DO THE JOB AS YOU WANT IT DONE. HAVE US MAKE A COMPLETE CHECK BEFORE YOU LEAVE ON ANY TRIP. V ROCK INN SERVICE STATION LESTER "JOE BILLY" CLAYTON "I'm taking out insurance S^ b |i§ [ on a mil Summer!" even a couple of new Atlas Tires and a tank- I *wro* 0111 One of f less the engine and chassis keep rolling! So I Esso Dealer’s U ~ yours at your I I’m getting set now for summer with an Esso I ity and Performanc^Long-l^h) 31 ' I Dealer spring check-up. I want clean, fresh I Dcsiened to sto* ] summer grade Esso Motor Oil in that motor. I year round! er a!1 P 1 ejection all I expert Esso Dealer Lubrication job. I want j JMK. ? •* **«, nor somtri other parts checked and serviced if necessary. 1 I Tp'A) ? xpert over - I K aI l check-up now I want to use my car all summer long. I may save you Make today “Esso Dealer” Day. t / Tires, lights, batt Do it now . . . and I F ,nd n ield wipers ’ I enjoy the days of /^NI “Happy Motoring” f VCCAI be sure they’re in tip-top shape for that lie ahead! I I The Sign of "Happy Motoring" cv.uw.B-te. STANDARD OIL COMPANY of new jersey THOMPSON INSURANCE AGENCY ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE FIRST IN VOLUME—FIRST IN SERVICE E. G. Thompson Expert Advice Oh Veteran's Insurance Henry S. Gates W. G. James : „ ' . • _ ......... ... . _ : . ... ~ , , - corners and strangers." Specific recommendations were: 1. That an effort be made to ac quire and put into use suitable park ing lots off the principal streets of the town. .. 2. That parking o nMain, from Reams to Abbitt, be limited to one hour from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; that parking in this area be limited to one side of the street only, the sides used to be alternated weekly or semi-monthly: that bus stops in this area be left where they are; that sufficient signs be erected to inform the public of the changes: j that parking on Main, from Reams to the Methodist church, be limited to one hour between 9 a. m. and 6 p. m., and hat parking be per mitted parellel to the curb on both sides of the street in this area, and a loading area be designated on each side of the street. -3. That parking on Reams, from Main wes tto the vacant lots at the rear of the Pioneer warehouse on | the nui th side and the Wade gro- I eery on the south side, be limited to one side only and one hour only from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 4. That zones for doctors and taxis be marked on Court; that two loading zones be laid off on the north side of Court, between Main and Lamar; and that parking on Court, except for doctors and taxis, be limited to one hour from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 5. That parking on Depot, from Main to Poushee, be limited to one side only and one hour only from 9 a. m. to 6 p m. 6. That, if feasible, taxis be re quired to obtain and use a park ing lot off the street; that parking meters be installed in congested areas, to facilitate police checking of the one-ohur limit and to re lieve parking congestion. 7. That parking violators be fined $1 for the first offense and more for subsequent offenses; that first offenders be permitted to settle fines at the City office without coming o cour; that necessary legal steps be taken to set up such a fining system. 8. That an effort be made to in duce merchants to keep their trash in containers until picked up by City trucks; that a systematic trash collection schedule be inaugurated in the business section so that mer chants will know just when to ex pect the trucks. 9. That more garbage containers be obtained for the business section and an educational program launch ed to get citizens to cooperate in keeping streets clean. 10. That, if possible, a flushing machine for street-cleaning be ob tained and put into use immediately. 11. That a periodic fire inspection be held in the fire district every two or three weeks, at irregular TH& COURIER-TIMES intervals. ¥ 12. That owners of diabled auto mobiles located in residential and business districts be required) to move them off the streets after! one week. ; NEGROES i i ation for sale. Frasier, who pleaded, guilty, was fined SIOO and hair the l costs; his wife pleaded not guilty but was convicted and fined SSO and half the costs. I 3-DAY-3 TAILORS T 0 „.:VaV«. EASTER SALE udies " We are receiving a limit- p |* Saturday & Spring Woolens. ed supply of ** * I * I —_ - * I Made to your Indi- OVERALLS Monday Only Mi See Us Today For Your Easter Clothes. Ha) WE HAVE SOME SMALLER SIZES NOW . . .... _ . , JIV jMlfSiMaB We Hove The Stock! All-w«rf f§} : fH White SUITSjSr ty Shirts | . n J .1 r » 1 Just Received New Spring Colors JtIZED SHRUNK—SIZES 14-17 Special Price —3 Days Only ’i j UMIT 210 A CUSTOMER—Sorry, No Phone Orders New Nylon Ties for Your Shirt ZELAN JACKETS EXTRA SPECIAL-REAL VALUE Just Received jpTft J MEN'S SHORTS REDUCED B i g .mm Woven Chambrey TROUSERS O ITT SHOES! SHOES! dungaree Sport r Wear y|Bji ~ "IL. Come In Eorly! Ideol For Spring * Long’s Haberdashery "Roxboro's Leader In Men's Wear #/ D. D. LONG • COLEMAN KING See The Kiwanis Horse Show, Saturday, April 20th : The seven cases of whiskey which were seized from the Frasier car by Roxboro police last Saturday will be sold to the State Alcoholic Beverage {Control board, and the money, will ', be turned over to the County Com- ( | mlssioners to be added to the school i i funds. I ' l On the question of the Fra6ier au tomoblle, the case was continued to ! April 19. The couple were permitted' to post S4OO bond and take the car With them. 1 Lenox Berry, 23-year-old Orange • i! County white man charged with '"illegal manufacture of whiskey, was 11 convicted and fined SIOO and-costs. > I Garland Jackson Was convicted of I drunken driving and fined SSO and ' | costs. I . • PERSONALS I I i - . 1 Mrs. Arnold Gentry, Miss Nancy j Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gentry and f | son, Earl Watkins, visited Pvt. Arnold i ■ Gentry a Fort Bragg Sunday. t W. R. Phillips, Mrs. John L. Stone, ; Mr. and Mrs. Ruffin White, Sr., Mary Canon spent the week-end at Camp Peary. Va. visiting Ruffin White, Jr., who is in the Navy there. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Kirby, Mrs. I Fred Long, and Miss Jane Kirby (were visitors in Danville, Va. Wed ! nesday. I Mrs. William H. Lester and her children, Meredith and Barbara have been confined to their home with I measles and mumps at Quantico, iVa. They are former residents of TBUftSDAV, APRIL 11,1946 , Roxboro. • NEGRO NEWS > Private First Class Sylvester Gen ■ try, colored, was very much pleased • on arrival home to welcome his brother. Pfc. John Gentry, after . being separated four years in , They are the sons of Moses Gentry ! and wife of Roxboro, Route 1. : Dial 2391 for Newspaper Service. _ 0