> SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1946 The Woman’s Angle • Club Activities • Society * Personals mSB ALMA HUGHES. Society Editor Office Phone ZUI Miss Elizabeth Jeannette Wrenn And Albert L. Cox Are United In Marriage In an impressive late afternoon ceremony, Miss Elizabeth Jeannette Wrenn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander Wrenn, of Rox £ poro, and Albert Leslie Cox, son of Mr. and Preston Cox, of Jonesboro, were united in marri age this afternoon at 5 o'clock at Brooksdale Methodist church. Of ficiating minister was the pastor, the Rev. E. C. Maness, who used the double ring ritual. Native pines, palms, and ferns formed a background for standard' baskets of white gladioli, stock, and .■ {snapdragons, and for two white ' ISeven-branched candelabra. Nuptial music was rendered by Mrs. Wallace Woods, pianist, and Mrs. J. A. Long, Sr., vocal soloist of this city. Piano selections were: “Ve netian Love Call”, Nevin; “My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice”, Saint-Saens; “Indian Love Call”, Priml; “Noc . turne”, Grieg; “Viennese Melody”, Thompson: “To The Rising Sun", Torjussen; and during the ceremony CtVlac Dowell’s “To A Wild Rose". The bridal chorus from “Lohengrin" was used as the processional and Mendelssohn’s wedding march for the recessional. Solos by Mrs. Long were: d’Hardelot’s “Because”; “I Love You Truly” by Bond; and “The Lord’s Prayer", Mallotte, as the be ediction. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her father, wore a tradi tional wedding gown of white slip ' per satin, with a round neckline, fit ted bodice, full flowing skirt with a long train. The yoke of brocaded nylon was outlined with bertha ruf fles, and the full length sleeves came to a point over the hand. Her ?J» Any Kind . . . From a missing stemwind to a jammed movement, any kind of repair can be handled with satisfactory results lit our repair shop. Prompt ser vice. H. L. Tripp —AT HENRY'S iB9i F, :;::ri946 Ulhat Is Small Business? f A depositor of f ar ™ s and serv ours asked us ice enterprises that question «WTO« |||| of all kinds.” the other day. ijlj More than 92% “According to of all business the Depart- in the country ment of Commerce,” we is small business —it s the told him, “a small retail backbone ot American business is one that has free enterprise. You may less than sso,oooin annual have only two or three sales.” “Then, I’m one of employees, and operate the fellows you mean,” he from your own home, but replied, “when you say you are the head of a you make loans to small business just the same, businessmen.” “Os course and we want to help, you are,” we answered. We are ready to make “you and many others who loans for every construc l'un stores, shops, offices, tive need. Come right in. 1 The ijfS® Peoples IV\lTg DEPOSITOR yip/ II ■ 9 ]\gjgy Bank finger-tip veil of. illusion was fas tened to a Dutch style crown em broidered with seed pearls. She car ried a colonial bouquet of white roses, gladioli, and gardenias, show ered with white ribbon streamers. Her sister, Miss Sybil Harris Wrenn, maid of honor and her only attendant, wore a gown of white sa tin with v-neckline, fitted bodice, cape sleeves, and a long, full skirt. She wore a matching hat with short veil and carried a colonial bouquet of mixed sweetpeas. Best man was Howard L. Cox of Durham, brother of the bridegroom, and ushers were Ellis Thoma's Wrenn of Burlington, brother of the bride. Benjamin Earl Hester, Austin R. Rieves of Jonesboro, and Daniel R. Cameron of Jonesboro. Candles were lighted by James Sidney O’- Briant, Jr., and John Irving Brooks, Jr., cousins of the bride. Master Claude Harris, Jr., was ring beaver. Honorary bridesmaids, who wore full lengths dresses in pastel shades, were: Miss Olivia Garrett of Rox boro, Miss Nancy Lee Brooks of Durham, Miss Edna Earle Bullock of Jonesboro, and Mrs. Hollis Cox Yarborough of Raleigh, sister of the bridegroom. Mother of the bride wore a navy blue sheer dress with navy blue and white accessories. Her corsage was of red roses. Mrs. Cox, mother of the bridegroom, was also attired in navy blue with navy and white accessories, and she, too, wore a corsage of red roses. The bride is a graduate of Rox boro High School and attended Louisburg College and Croft's Sec retarial School in Durham. For the past three years, she has held the position of chief clerk of the Person Selective Service Board. The bride groom, who received his education in the Jonesboro schools and N. C. State College, -was recently dis charged from the Army after three years of overseas service. He is en gaged. in business with his father in Jonesboro, where the couple will make their home. For traveling the bride chose a navy blue and acqua costume suit with a navy off-the-face hat, matching accessories, and a corsage of* gardenias from her bridal bou quet. Final pre-nuptial courtesy for the bride was the cake-cutting Friday night, following the wedding re hearsal for members of the families, intimate friends and the wedding party given by the parents of the bride at Hotel Roxboro. The din ing room was artistically decora'ed in the traditional green and white. The bride’s table was covered with | a lovely lace cloth and centered with an arrangement of white gladioli, roses, and snapdragons in a crystal bowl. The three-tiered wedding cake MAY BRIDE—Mrs. Carl Coving ton Shooter was before her mar riage Saturday, May 4, at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Miss Mary Hilmo Stanfield, daughter of Ira Thomas Stanfield and the Late Mrs. Stan field of Roxboro. Her husband, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Shooter of Wadesboro, is at present stationed with the Army at Fort Knox. was surmounted with a miniature bride and bridegroom. Guests were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Y. Blanks, and Mr. and Mrs. Felton Hamlin presided at the bride’s book. Mrs. F. L. Page of Zeb ulon and Mrs. F. L. Hunt of Fuqua y Springs served as hostesses in the dining room. Miss Dorothy Taylor presided at the punch bowl. Wed ding cake, mints, salted nuts were served by the honorary bridesmaids. Goodbyes were said to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris. The bride has been extensively honored since the announcement of j her engagement. ■ 0 Mrs. Burruss And Mrs. Wirtz Honor Two Brides-Elect Honoring Miss Nancy Bullock and ! Miss Helen Reid Sanders, brides elect of June, Mrs. George Wirtz fend Mrs. Tucker Burruss entertain ed at a lovely bridge party at the USO Monday. Mixed summer flowers in varied arrangements were used as decorations. Arrangements were made for six tables of bridge which was played for several hours. High score prize was presented to Mrs. Ben Davis, Jr. at the conclusion of the game. The brides-elect were presented lovely corsages and attractive gifts by the hostesses on arrival. Guests were: Miss Nancy Bullock and Miss Helen Reid Sanders, hon orees, Mesdames R. L. Harris, Jr., W. L. Wright, Ben Brown, Earl Bradsher, Jr., D’Arcy Bradsher, Frank Hester, Jr., Gordon Carver, Glenn Titus, Alden Rogers, Bick Long, E, B. Craven, Joe Baldwin, j Coleman Sullivan, A1 Martin, Nor den Schloss, Bill Harris, 111, Ben Davis, Jr., Mike Stigall, Roy Ander son of New York City, Victor de Grasse, James Brooks and Lester j James. Mrs. Ray Martin of Lum berton and Miss Marion Bradsher came in for refreshments. o——‘ G. I. Prillaman and Coleman King are spending this week-end in Washington, D. C>, and Baltimore, Md. Prescriptions PROMPTLY FILLED JUST AS YOUR DOCTOR PRESCRIBES ★ ★ ★ Only Pure Fresh Drugs Used A Full Supply On Hand Always ★ ★ ★ '■■■■■J : ; ' '■■v- YOUR BUSINESS APPRECIATED J Roxboro Drug Co. Miss Laurita Houston, Bride-Elect, Honored At Tea Party Friday Afternoon Miss Laurita Houston, whose mar- I riage to Earle Berkeley Barlow of Boston, Mass., will be solemnized Saturday, June 15, at Edgar Long Memorial Methodist church, was honor guest at a lea Friday after noon from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock given by members of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service of that Church at the home of Mrs. O. B. Mcßroom on Reams Avenue. Arrangements of feverfew, lark j spur, carnations and high geranium, flanked by tall tapers in crystal holders decorated the living room and in the dining room the table was covered with a lovely crocheted tablecloth and centered with an ar rangement of mixed flowers, fanked by white tapers in crystal holders carrying out the bridal note of gieen and white. Guests were greeted by Mrs. R. J. Teague and directed to the receiving line composed of Miss Houston and Miss Bullock Is Honor Guest At Shower Thursday Miss Nancy Bullock, bride-elect of June, was honor guest at a kit chen shower given Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock by Mrs. H. C- Simpson at her home on Academy street. Placed at intervals through out the home were arrangements of mixed summer flowers. Entertainment for the evening was in charge of Mrs. A. F. Nichols, who j directed various bridal contests. On arrival she presented Miss Bullock with a corsage of kitchen spoons and carrots. Contest winner was Mrs. Arch Jones. Guests were asked during the evening to Write their favorite recipe in the bride's oook. Miss Bullock was presented with many attractive and Useful gifts. Mrs. Simpson served hot pound cake, block ice cream, and salted nuts. Guests were: Mesdames Vtuor Clayton, Boyce Brooks, L. R. Wilson, Henry Sergeant, Gordon Hunter, j John Bullock, Ray Jackson, Frank | lin Long, Ruel Gentry. Brooks Car j ver, A, F. Nichols. Oscar Long, Mai i colm Warren, Arch Jones,-J. A. Clay ] ton, R. A. Jackson, Mollie Hachett, [David Carver, Fannie Thomas, Sally [Morris, T. J. Crutchfield, John W. ! Brewer and J. S. Walker, Misses i Lucille Cothran. Nannie Walker, - Helen Latta, Frances Whitt and j Nina Abbitt. Mrs. James Brooks is visiting her father in Burlington, who is very ill. HAVE A SPENCER SUPPORT ( <^V/ designed espe- V L J >j y cially for you H”- 4 - J to get rid of your bulges and /if / give you health- (■hi ful posture. l/jff/. MRS. ADA DICKERSON Phone 2343 300 Leasburg Rd. Radford Gentry The Fuller Brush Dealer Phone 2581 ROXBORO, N. C. i r^/ i m THE COURIER-TIMES | her mother, Mrs. Ben H. Houston, i Mrs. J. D. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Fannie | Thomas, Mrs. Hugh Woods, Miss Claire Harris, and Mrs. G. A. Dun can. Presiding at the bride’s book was Mrs. T. T. Mitchell, and Mrs. T. E. Austin and Mrs. Mcßroom poured punch. Dainty bridal sandwiches, mints, nuts, cheese straws, and cook ’ ies were served by Mesdames Pres | ton Satterfield, Sr.. L. R. Wilson, F. jL. Peaden, Gilmer Masten, Jack Strum, Garland Pass, and Miss Ruth Newton, Good-byes were said to Mrs. Ovieda Long. During the afternoon Vocal se lections were rendered by Mrs. H. W. Newell, accompanied by Mrs. Edgar Masten and Mrs. Kendall Street at the piano. Seventy-five guests called during the afternoon. Included among !he out-of-town guests was Mrs. FUa Wilkerson Wesbrooks of Garner. Mrs. Satterfield Hostess To Club Thursday Night Mrs. Preston Satterfield, jit, en tertained members of the Thursday Night Bridge club and special guests at her home on Lamar street Thurs day flight, Summer flowers were, arranged throughout the home. Bridge was played at three tables during the evening, and after sever al progressions, attractive prizes were awarded to Mrs. Coy Day and Mrs. Jimmy Stephenson for high and low scores for the club, respect fully. Mrs. Melvin Burke was pre sented with guest prize. A delicious salad course .was ser ved by the hostess. Special guests were: .Mesdames 1,. A. Roseman, Melvin Burke, E. B. Craven, Jimmy Alderman. Louis Tapp, and Freeman Nicks. Club members present were: Mesdames J. D. Fitzgerald, Di R. Taylor, Victor Satterfield, Henry David Long, Co-, Day, Jimmy Stephenson, and tie hostess. Mrs. Satterfield. e PERSONALS Miss Eglantine Merritt is spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Mamie Merritt. Messers O. T. and J. E. Kirbv were Richmond visitors, on Thursday (if this week. Mrs. W. Wallace Woods returned , Friday from Sanford, where she vi sited her parents, Mr. and'.Mrs.. A. Miss Louise Moore has returned home from East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville, where she v..-. a student this year. WE BUILD FOR Roxboro and Person County With All Work Guaranteed No Job Too Large and None Too Small George W. Kane Roxboro, N. C - i —- t' *- SikSAnS,' , -~T.Tp.7TT ■ - g_ Wm?mmjm ./imoitp tin iAt " tradition-, is tin tradition <»l wiarini; a H l or deep do" n in dn. :»t a'l of us i* 1 < Vy\v arc certain lul'il.% of lon g winch weave ix.Jrl; the pattern of American Idc. -4 ... < “ One of tin .e I' the t! : we place ill a JVf> | • Bk fine turn piece i'u.lora ’ ... *j| 4H • f/ \ A ■‘^^^M^^Il^RESiDENT V V K «q~ A : Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pass spent Thursday in Danville, Va. A. James. On the trip to Sanford she was accompanied, by Mrs. Gordon A O'Brien, who came to Roxboro to attend the piano recital of Mrs. Woods’ pupils. Gordon Allen has been visiting friends in Sanford for several days. W. Wallace Woods and Miss Neil Woods will spend this week end at Black Mountain visiting their sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Holman, Jr. Mrs. Ben H. Houston and Miss Laurita Houston returned home this week after spending several days in Smithfield. While there several par ties was given in honor: of Miss ties were given in honor of Miss Houston. L. L. Harvey is spending this week-end here with his family, Mr. Harvey is on the Maryland tobacco market. Mrs. John Campbell and children have returned to their’home in Dil lc.n, South Carolina after having spent some time hero -with Mrs. R, 1... Wilburn. Mrs. G. I. Frillamnn is spending i I lie week-end in Richmond, Va., I visiting, her sister, Mrs.' Bob Alley, Miss Marion Long, of the nurses staff ol < Watts' Hospital. Durham, i spent last week here with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs, Hassell Long. 'She came especially for the- Newel]- i Mitchell wedding. ESSO GAS & OIL EXPERT LUBRICATION Now Is Tlie Time To Change ! Your Winter Oil ROCK INN SERVICE STATION ELASTI-CURL *|| Permanent Wave The Elasti-Curl Permanent Wave is T W the latest development in hair styling * * This Permanent has . . . CiM Wave Softness with a Machineless Sirenglh We are one of the first to introduce Elasti-Curl in ■ he State. Our operators have been instructed by Helen Curtis, Beautician. If you have been having trouble with your permanent call us it is always a pleasure lo serve you. Virginia Dare Davis—Dorothy Whitt—Hilda Long Green—Juanita Dixon Floyd, and Geraldine Clayton. Carolina Beauty Shoppe Phone 4391 Make Your Next Bag Os Flour GOLD EAGLE FLOUR Distributed By ROSEMAN GROCERY CO. Roxboro, N. C. BOATWRIGHT FARM FOR SALE! 136 acres, 90 acres in timber, good buildings, tools, team and farm im plements and household furniture. As Is and Immediate Possession See ... Errol D. Morton PAGE THREE