^e Courier £ mice . 3 CENTENNIAL = fl©© Roxboro, N.C. December, 1 982 Our 100th Anniversary Issue 8 Sections— 136 Pages THE COURIER. From the publisher Foreword Producing The Courier-Times Centennial Edition was an especially difficult and sometimes exasperating ex perience, mainly because it was all done by our staff in ad dition to getting out each of our regular editions. In spite of the extra work and increased pressure it was a lot of fun and very rewarding to all of us who worked on the issue; that is what we will remember about it — a rewarding experience that taught us something about our past. The four-person news staff and I divided the decades and combed through every available issue, attempting to extract the more important events, humor, and news items as space allowed. It has taken almost three years. Our advertising sales staff also did an enormous amount of work in contacting business and industry, securing the history of each and presenting it in words and pictures. These ads, 160 of them, add tremendously to the historical value of the publication and we take this opportunity to ex press our appreciation to each and every advertiser. Our photographer, the many people who submitted photographs, our typesetters who labored long hours to produce all of the composition in this issue, and our pressmen who took extra pains in the printing of the centennial — all of The Courier-Times staff — deserve recognition for a job well done. Some men only take from that which is provided for them in life; others repay in part by putting something back into their communities by service and good deeds. We fully realize that we could not begin to adequately recognize the thousands of Personians who have contributed positively to this county over the past 100 years. But, we are proud that this newspaper could in part meet its on-going obligation to its community by the presentation of this centennial issue. Another important thing learned from this experience is humility. There are countless thousands who have come before us who have, through their pride in this county, added historically to its development. It really makes one feel rather small, but it also plainly points out the tremendous obligation we all have, not only to do our jobs well, but to also give thanks for our success by helping to make this a better community in which to live. JERRY M. CLAYTON Publisher The Courier-Times family takes great pleasure in presenting this special Centennial Edition, which com memorates this newspaper’s 100 years of service to the people of Roxboro and Person County. The Centennial Edition has been in the making for nearly three years. It is, in fact, presented one year later than originally intended, largely because we miscalculated the time required to do the job. When we began making plans for this edition, we anguished over the approach we should take. Should the Centennial Edition be limited to recounting the history of The Courier-Times? Should it be a retrospective of Person County history from the county’s founding to the present day? Or should it merely focus on the progress made here since 1941 and thus be somewhat of a sequel to the highly successful Sesquecentennial Edition published by The Roxboro Courier in 1941? The concept that finally emerged was a compromise among all these ap proaches, and the result is unique, because nothing quite like this Cen tennial Edition has ever been published in Person County before. What we have here is, in a manner of speaking, a 100- year almanac of Roxboro and Person County—a capsulized look into the various periods of the life of this newspaper and the Roxboro-Person County Community. The information that appears in this voluminous edition is backed by coun tless hours of research that involved members, of our staff combing every single edition of The Roxboro Courier and The Courier-Times that has survived publication and remains in our files. If our Centennial Edition is not the definitive history of Roxboro and Person County for the past -100 years, it is the closest thing to it yet published. And we defy any reader to go through these pages without finding something about Roxboro and Person County that he did not know before he started. Readers will find herein a summary of the news highlights of each year of the past century, organized according to decade. The summaries are augmented by news stories and features that are printed verbatim as they originally appeared in The Courier-Times and.its predecessors. There also are feature stories prepared especially by our news staff for this edition. We have attempted to assemble all this into a comely package in the hope that Personians will retain the Centennial Edition to enjoy in the days and years to come and that they will view it as a link to a rich heritage. To paraphrase the editor’s words appearing in a 1910 edition of The Rox boro Courier: We hope The Courier- Times Centennial Edition will be a welcome visitor to every home in this county.