WEDNESDAY September 28,2011 Roxboro, North Carolina 75 Cents TOUGH LOSS: Rockets fall to league foe Southern Durham Monday at hometA NO EASIER: Personfootball team travels to Dur ham Friday to take on Hillside Wh NEW NAME: Lowes Foods is undergoing a face lift and a change in name HZ RELAY SLATE: Schedule of events for this weekend's Relay for Life at PHS Stadium A12 WHO WON? Results of opening week ofC-Fs annual football contest 4 TIME TO VOTE: Meet the contestants for Fhe C-Fs latest contest—Me & My Grandparent B1 -]| DEATHS i[- Hallie Harris Jay, 98 Rougemonl Snowdream Ray Melton, 83 Roxboro Lois Dunn New, 75 South Boston, Va. H. Marion Perkins, 92 Fayetteville James Russell Smith, 81 Stuart, Va. Donna Howard Strickland, 69 Graham Cathy Bradsher Whitfield, 62 Roxboro Lester M. Wright, 67 Roxboro -ItlTIiBir- AGENDA A3 BOAT WRITES A2 CLASSIFIED C SECTION COMMENTARY AS DO YOU KNOW A2 ENTERTAINMENT B2 EXTENSION NOTES A9 LEGAL NOTICES C3 LIFESTYLE B6 MINI PAGE B7 MOVIES A2 OBITUARIES A13 OPINION A4 SPORTS A6-8 TV LISTINGS B3 Our 129th year Number 78 Three sections 26 pages Copyright 2011 The Courier-Times Inc. All rights reserved Serving all of Person County since 1881 Couricr-®meji Roxboro City Council hopefuls respond to questions EDITOR’S NOTE: The Courier-Times, as is the paper’s custom at each election, posed a series of ques tions to the candidates for city council in the City of Roxboro’s nonpartisan elections slated for Tuesday, Oct. 11. All 10 candidates for the five seats on Roxboro City Council agreed to participate. The responses of the candidates to our questions are in their own words, with minimal editing for clarity. The answers are listed in alphabetical order. Four of the 10 candidates are incumbents. They include James Allen, Ralph Clark, Henry Daniel and Sandy Stigall. One can didate — Mark Phillips — is a for mer city councilman. The remaining five candidates — Byrd Blackwell, Dennis Daniels, Will Davis, Coleen Love, and Patrick Walters — are seeking to serve their first term on council. Brief biographical sketches of each of the 10 candidates will be published in the Saturday, Oct. 1, edition. is clearly needed in the City of Roxboro. If elected, what strategies would you use to at tract business and industry to Roxboro? Janies Allen: Availability of buildings, good streets, parking, the courthouse and city hall are close by, good water supply, cham ber of commerce and close by the Raleigh-Durham area. Byrd Blackwell: Support the economic development and keep taxes as low as possible. 1. Economic development Ralph Clark: First, I think that we have to evaluate what we have as essential tools to attract new economic ventures. I be lieve that we have the necessary strengths in the utilities with Progress Energy and Piedmont EMC as the electrical suppliers, PSNC as the gas supplier and the City of Roxboro supplying the water and wastewater treatment. All of these have the tools in place to supply almost anything that could be imagined. Next, I look at the transportation system and Roxboro and Person County have access to major highways within a reasonable time in the Interstate 85 and 40 corridors. While we do not have the 501 im provements and it appears to be a long time away, these connect us north and south and east and west. We have air service within a reasonable distance in RDU and Greensboro and our own local air port. We have good quality of life opportunities locally and nearby in Durham, which could satisfy most anything that one could ex pect. We have reasonably priced land and housing, along with a large inventory and selection for living and business opportuni ties. We have a great education system including public schools, charter schools, and PCC. I think that we have the right attitude to encourage economic opportuni ties and the right people in place to make these things happen. I recently read an article talking about the rural population share of the total population in our country and that according to the new census, it hit an all time low of 16 percent. The article stated, and I quote, “Many rural areas can’t attract workers because there aren’t any jobs, and busi nesses won’t locate there because there aren’t enough qualified workers so they are caught in a downward spiral.” If I look at a single most important strategy, I would focus on developing the work force to be prepared for the needs of economic opportunities of today and I would look to our education system to take the lead role. I see this responsibility not being totally on the education system, but on each community leader such to be there in sup port and encouragement of this effort. We have a valuable tool in PCC and we must use it to the fullest to accomplish a successful economic development program. Not to underestimate the value of lower levels of the education system which provide the basis for those developing the skills to live in today’s world. It is the re sponsibility of all of us but most importantly, the elected leaders to provide the support needed for our future generations. Henry Daniel: As a city coun cilman, I have always worked closely with the city and county Dennis Daniels: In my years running large companies, I have, on many occasions, utilized state, county and city incentive packages to make determina tions as to where I would locate business facilities. I would use these experiences to help the city form plans in concert with the economic development team to attract businesses to the Rox boro area — plans that would target the corporations’ needs, while generating the maximum See ELECTIONS, Page 10 COURIER-TIMES EILE Attendees of the 2010 Person County Relay for Life event prepare for the Survivors’ Walk. This year’s Relay for Life event wiil be held Friday night and Saturday at the Person High School Stadium. Relay for Life begins Friday SUBMITTED BY KAREN LONG EDITOR’S NOTE: A schedule of events for Relay for Life can be found on page A12 of today’s edition. Person County Relay for Life 2011 will be held Friday and Saturday at the Person High School stadium. This year marks the 22nd consecutive year for the American Cancer Society fundraising activity. Through 2010, approximately $3,460,000 has been contributed from county residents toward the fight against cancer. Thirty-three teams have been holding a variety of fundraisers throughout the summer. Thirty vending sites will be set up along the track for Relay Friday. The theme for this year’s Relay is Color for a Cure. Food sales begin Friday at 5 p.m. Entertainment starts at 4:15 p.m. Relay for Life officially be gins at 6:05 p.m. At 6:10, the 2012 Caregiver award will be presented. The recipient will be recognized as a win ning personal caregiver. The nominees for this award are recognized for the love and devotion they have demon strated in caring for someone battling cancer. Next will be the presenta tion of the Maudie Day Shin ing Star Award. This award will be presented to someone from the community who has See RELAY, Page 14 Turnout remains light in early voting for eity eleetions BY PHYLISS BOAIWRIGHT COURIER-TIMES STAFF WRITER Early voting for slots on Roxboro City Council and the mayoral position has been light so far. At about 1:30 Tuesday afternoon, Bren da Whitlow, director of the Person County Board of Elections, said 77 votes had been cast over the first four days of early voting. Last Thursday was the first day of early, or one-stop, voting. There are 4,708 registered voters in the City of Roxboro, according to the board of elections. The early voting period for the city elec tions will extend through Saturday, Oct. 8, at 1 p.m. Hours of operation for the remainder of the one-stop voting period will be from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. this week, through Friday, Sept. 30; from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 3 un til Friday, Oct. 7; and Saturday, Oct. 8 from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. The municipal election will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 11. City of Roxboro residents who are registered to vote and do not choose early voting may cast their ballots on Oct. 11 from 6:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. at city hall, lo cated at 105 S. Lamar St. Merilyn Newell, currently serving as may or pro-tem, is the lone candidate for mayor. She has served four terms on council. Incumbents running for another term on city council include James Allen, currently serving his 17**’ term; Sandy Stigall, now on his second term; Ralph Clark, who was ap pointed to council last year; and Henry Dan iel, who is serving his fourth term. Mark Phillips, who previously served three terms on council, is running again this year. Newcomers challenging Phillips and the incumbents are Byrd B. Blackwell, William Davis, Dennis E. Daniels, Coleen Love and Patrick Walters. Personian David Torian among World War II veterans who partieipanted in reeent Triangle Flight of Honor BY GREY PENTECOST COURIER-TIMES STAFF WRITER Triangle Flight of Honor has flown over 500 Triangle-area vet erans to Washington, D.C. to visit memorials created in their hon or, at no cost to veterans. On Sept. 14, World War II Navy veteran Da vid Torian of Person County was happy to count himself among them. Torian, 84, was sponsored to go on the trip by Piedmont Elec tric Membership Corp. (PEMC). The group of about 100 veter ans flew out of Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU), and once in D.C., set about visiting various war-related museums and memorials. Speaking with The Courier- Times after the trip, Torian re called all of the white stones in Arlington Cemetery, and the sec tion dedicated to the soldiers lost overseas. As a Navy veteran, Torian enjoyed the ship replica and pic tures of the USS Hancock (the ship he was stationed on during the war) that he saw at a muse um. He was also impressed with the World War II Memorial that was erected in 2004, and said he wished everyone could see it. Torian was inducted into the United States Navy on Jan. 3, 1945 at the age of 18. He said he was drafted from Hillsborough at the same time as another Hills borough man and two Chapel Hill men. The four were togeth er throughout Torian’s service, until he was discharged on the points system on March 22,1946. Torian went through training at Bainbridge, Md. He boarded his assigned ship, the USS Han cock, at Pearl Harbor after the attack. Torian recalls most of the damage having been cleared and the Hancock still undergoing N?!? TORIAN, Page 14 David Torian