SATURDAY October 22, 2011 Roxboro, North Carolina 75 Cents Serving all of Person County since 1881 Couricr-®mejr PCC WEB! Piedmont Commu nity College debuts award-winning Website^\ PLAYOFFS! Rocket volleyball team hosts state playoff match to night at home A6 WEEK 10: Find out how the Rockets fared in PAC-6play Friday at Riverside lA 50 YEARS: Somerset Baptist Church celebrating 50-year milestone on Sunday B4 THE LIST: Policeprovide this week's version of Person County's Most Wanted A3 THE PICKS: Pigskin Pickin ’ Party closes in on midpoint of season B9 -]i DEATHS i[- Barbara Lee M. Denny, 70 I'imberhke Eva J. Winstead Roxboro -itiMir- AGENDA A3 BULLHORN B3 BUSINESS B7 CLASSIFIED BlO-11 COMMENTARY AS DO YOU KNOW A2 EDUCATION B2 EDITOR'S NOTES A2 FAITH & WORSHIP B4-5 FOOTBALL CONTEST B9 LEGAL NOTICES Bll LIFESTYLE B6 MOVIES A3 OBITUARIES A9 OPINION A4-5 REALTY TRANSFERS B7 SPORTS A6-8 TV LISTINGS B8 Our 129th year Number 85 Two sections 22 pages Copyright 2011 The Courier-Times Inc. All rights reserved Emergency notification system in place for county CodeRED made possible by partnership between Progress Energy & health department BY TIM CHANDLER COURIER-TIMES EDITOR “This is a great service and a great example of partnership within our community.” Person County Manager Heidi York spoke those words Mon day morning when discussing a partnership between the Person County Health Department and Progress Energy that will pro vide county residents an emer gency communication network. The alert system, called Co- deRed, allows officials to quickly deliver messages to Personians during emergency and hazard ous situations. Citizens will re ceive automated calls from the system in such instances using numbers stored in the county’s 911 database. Messages can be targeted to specific areas or the county as a whole. The system is capable of automatically performing thou sands of calls per hour. “During severe weather and other emergency situations, the ability to communicate impor tant safety information quickly is essential,” York said. “The CodeRed system gives us a pow erful new tool to keep the public informed and help to ensure the safety of the citizens of Person County.” Health Director Janet Clayton told the Person Board of County Commissioners Monday that the health department and Progress Energy formed a partnership this past spring with mutual in terest for the implementation of an emergency communication system for the county. VeeCODERED,/!?^^ 10 MIPs replace action plans for PCS teachers BY GREY PENTECOST COURIER-TIMES STAEF WRITER Teacher “action plans,” used in schools as a tool to improve teacher performance, have now been re placed with Mandatory Improve ment Plans (MIP), due to legislation passed during the most recent ses sion of the General Assembly. North Carolina Session Law 2011-348, Senate Bill 466 states, “A mandatory improvement plan is an instrument designed to improve a teacher’s performance or the per formance of any licensed employee in a low-performing school by pro viding the individual with notice of specific performance areas that have substantial deficiencies and a See MIP, Page 10 State’s jobless rate inches up in September BY TIM CHANDLER COURIER-TIMES EDITOR For the fourth consecutive month. North Carolina’s unem ployment rate rose slightly in Sep tember to 10.5 percent, according to information released Friday by the state’s Employment Security Com mission (ESC). The state’s jobless rate in August was 10.4 percent, which was up from 10.1 in July and 9.9 percent in June. In the three months prior to June, North Carolina’s unemployment rate had held steady at 9.7 percent. Friday’s release detailing the state’s unemployment rate for September noted that, despite an increase in the jobless rate for the month, the number of employed people in North Carolina increased slightly Since September 2010, private See\Xit., Page 10 TIM CHANDLER I COURIER-TIMES Crews demolished the former Kirby house at the intersection of Ridge Road and Chub Lake Street this week in preparation for a turning lane and traffic light at the intersection. ‘When the walls came tumbling down Demolition of house first notieeable step toward turning lane, traffie light at Ridge Road/Chub Lake Street interseetion BY TIM CHANDLER my Warren told Roxboro City on Chub Lake without waiting Organization funding BY TIM CHANDLER COURIER-TIMES EDITOR The first major noticeable step in the project to widen the road, build a turning lane and place a stoplight at the intersec tion of Ridge Road and Chub Lake Street was taken this week. The former Kirby house, a longstanding fixture at the intersection, was demolished Wednesday. Interim City Manager Tom my Warren told Roxboro City Council this week that the house would be torn down. He also added that the North Caro lina Department of Transpor tation is reviewing the redesign of the intersection and traffic signal. The project is being done through a Congestion Mitiga tion and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant. ~ The purpose of the work is to provide a left turning lane on Ridge Road so that cars will be able to turn right on Chub Lake without waiting for left-turning traffic, thus not idling as long, which contrib utes to air quality problems. The stoplight would allow cars to turn right on red from Ridge onto Chub Lake Street. The funding for the proj ect is offered to municipali ties through Rural Planning Organization funding to aid in reducing transportation-re lated emissions that lead to in creased levels of air pollutants. When cars sit idling, waiting to turn onto or off of either of the roads, there are increased emissions, leading to more pol lution, Warren told The C-T in an earlier interview. Mayor’s reception GREY PENTECOST I COURIER-TIMES A group of German Exchange students gather at Roxboro City Hall for the Mayor’s reception Wednesday afternoon. Refreshments were provided by Alpha Delta Kappa. Carson Lunsford also earns spot in state Distinguished Young Women eompetition BY GREY PENTECOST COURIER-TIMES STAFF WRITER Person High School student Carson Lunsford was named 2012 Distinguished Young Woman of Caswell County on Oct. 15 after participating in the Distinguished Young Women (DYW) - Eastern At-Large program. The at-large option is available to young women who don’t have a program in their county Because Lunsford lives in Caswell County, she wasn’t eligible to compete in the DYW of Roxboro program. For Lunsford and her three fel- See LUNSFORD, Page W Carson Lunsford