There is no glory in star or blossom. Till looked upon by a loving eye; There is no fragrance in April’s breezes Till breathed with joy as they wander by Bryant LOCAL NEWS Mr. Ewing Cameron, of Charlotte, is in town for a few days. Mr. Poe, of Cheraw. S. C., visited his daughter. Mrs. T. S. Burgess, last week. Miss Margery Yorkshire, of Charlotte, is the guest of Miss Anna Patch. Miss Beacbel Wicker, spent the weekend with her parents, near Sanford. Mrs. B. S. Kimball, of Aiken, S. C., is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Elliott. The Brown Betty Tea Room will close for the season on Saturday April 16tb. Adv. Mrs. R. L. Parsons and Miss Millage, from Boston, Mass., are visiting Mrs. Frank Kaylor. Mrs. Alma Gregory entertained a large number of friends at cards last Thursday afternoon. Miss Neville, of the Burnap, is spend ing a month at Lakeview with Mrs. Helen Mar D’Auby. Rev. Samuel Holden, of Texas, spent the Easter vacation in Southern Pines with his family. Mr. Alex Main, of Rye, N. Y., spent a few days here last week with Mrs. D. A. Blue and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Stevick, of Ohio, are visiting Mrs. Stevick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Bilyeu. Mrs. George H. Brewer and Miss Brewer, of East Orange, New Jersey, are stopping at the New England House. Mr. James A. Jones, left Wednesday for Arvada, Wyoming, after spending a couple of months in the Sandhills. Mrs. Betsy Loomis who has been spend ing the winter in Southern Pines, left on Tuesday for her home in Wilson, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy L. Rodgers, of Bangor, Maine, who spent some time at the Juneau, left for home on Monday morning. Mr. Frank Walker, on Maine avenue, is building an addition to the rear of his "* home and making numerous other in pro vements. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Fessenden stopped over as guests at the New England House for a week on their return to their home in Wakefield, Mass. Rev. and Mrs. C. Schear, of Pittsburgh, Pa., left for their home on Friday morn ing, they have been winter guests in Southern Pines. Mr. D. C. Nickerson and family have closed their cottage on May street for the season, and left Monday, for their home in Leominster, Mass. Mr. and Mrs Earl S, Reed and daughter, Merrull, left Sunday morning for Harris burgh. Pa., where they will make their future home. Miss Pearley, a charming young lady from Exeter, N. H., is stopping with friends at the Essex and has taken up golf with Mr. E. P. Goodwin as instructor. Mrs. C. E. Cleasby and Miss Gertrude Noyes, of Lancaster, New Hampshire, who were in one of the Gould Apartments this winter left for home on Monday morning. The Patrick Property on Pennsylvania avenue which was sold at public auction on March 18tb, was bid in by Walter Perkins instead of Mrs. L. W. Perkins as previously stated. Mr. and Mrs. Sweeting, left for the North Tuesday morning, Mrs. Sweeting’s sister* Mrs. Baldwin, and her mother, Mrs. Cross will remain in their delightful cottage on May street, for some time longer. Mrs. M. L. Winner has been taking special treatment for acute bronchitis for the past ten days in the James Mc Connell Hospital. She will probably re main there for another week. Mrs. Sarah Slater and daughter, who have been spending the winter in Southern Pihes, left Thursday morning for their borne in Aspinwall, Pa, a suburb of Pittsburgh. , Mr. McHugh has just had a fine new galvanized roof put on his building on Penn. Ave. occupied by Mrs. Hutt. If a good coat of paint were put on the build ing it would then be a credit to the neighborhood. Pastor Gardner will preach Sunday morning at 11 a. m. at the Baptist Church, topic, “The Divine use of the Ordinary," and at 7.45 p. m. topic “John Knox and his favorite text.” Bible school, with adult class for men and women, at 10 a. m., topic “What Paul teaches about Health.” Mr. and Mrs. Davis, who have been guests at the Perkins for sometime, went on a fishing trip to New Bern this week. Mrs. Davis came to Southern Pines in a serious condition as a result of the flu. She is now the picture of health and a good ad for Southern Pines air and board. For the past two weeks the beautiful pink dogwood trees at the home of Mr. L. A. Gould on May street have been strong enough attraction to draw hundreds of tourists to see them. They are a pretty sight and will probably last another week. These trees are hard to raise and Mr. Gould made several attempts before succeeding. The favorite outdoor sport last Satur day was going over to Pinehurst to watch the professional golf tournament. The day was perfect, and the scene was a beautiful one to the eye, as well as full of interest to the golfer. It wps appreciated by a large number of Southern Pines peo ple. Dr. E. E. Holt, an eminent oculist and eye-surgeon of Portland, Maine, who with bis wife and daughter has been spending tbe winter at the Juneau, has decided to make Southern Pines his permanent win ter home. He finds such a need here for his services that he has decided to build a residence, and has plans already drawn for a twelve-room house, to include of fices, which he expects to have erected this summer on Massachusetts avenue Now that prices have dropped some what, and labor is more plentiful, building is going merrily on, and the sound of tbe hammer is heard in the land. The Rev. Mr. Gardner has just completed a large addition to his home on May street, ad ding greatly to its appearance, as well as to its comfort. On tbe next lot, the large garage and storehouse at the rear of Mrs. Weed’s home, is being .converted into a dwelling-house with two cozy apartments, one upstairs and one down. Mr. J. R Robinson has charge of the work. Over on Ridge street, work is going on apace on Mr. Packard’s new house, which is evidently to be a big one. Dr. and Mrs. Perry have moved into their fine new house on Ridge street near Vermont ave nue, and are to be all-the-year-around residents. Room For Rent—One block from post office. All conveniences—Inquire at Citizen Office. The Girl Scouts of Southern Pines are trying to do their duty. Several cheer baskets have been taken to sick members of our troop. The girls are busy working on tests and for merit badges. Spring days bring picnics and hikes. DORIS EDDY. Treas. Too Much Youthful and Other “Spirits’* in Combination Considerable undue hilarity was in the air one night last week, due to too much moonshine. Three young men of the town were the ringleaders and attempted to smash up things in general. They broke the Jefferson Inn electric sign and did some damage at Farreys garage. It was said that the night officer was not on duty, but the officer says that the boys passed him and gave no signs of any trouble. He went to another part of the town for a while and they broke loose. The authorities took the case in hand the next day and found sufficient evi dence to hold the boys on more than one count. They felt that as the boys were young that undue harshness that would be a detriment to their future was not advisable. The boys were dealt with firmly and in a manner that leaves them in no doubt as to what will happen if any such attemps are started again. THE MYSTERY IS OUT As We Go to Press the Following Note Was Handed In NOTICE Voters and property owners are invited to attend a meeting for ,the purpose of discussing Town Improvement, at Princess Theatre, tonight, (Friday,) at 8 p. m. F. W. Van Camp, Mayor. A New Land Development The White House Property, containing 500 acres and located on the southerly side of Southern Pines has recently been mapped out by the owners, Messrs. W. A. Blue and M. N Sugg, into home sites and little farms. Mr. J. M. Windham has been appointed selling agent for this property and the lots it is expected will sell fast. An Explanation The little poem which appeared in this coulmn last week, for the first time, was written by the author Dr. Foss since coming to Southern Pines, and was pub lished at the request of a northern friend. The Masonic Meetings Monday Evening, 11th, 8.00 p, m. Stated Convocation Southern Pines Chapter No. 61, R. A. M. Mark and Past Masters De gree will be conferred. Two candidates. Wednesday Eving, 13th, 7:30 p. m. Stated Assembly, Southern Pines Council No. 14 R & S M. Work Royal and Select Masters Cegree. Refreshments after the work. Subscribe for The Sandhill Citizen. A Former Moore County Resident Returns Mrs. Clyde Davis, a former resident of Moore County has recently returned from Europe where she has been engaged in teaching Domestic Science. Mrs. Davis is now connected with the Educational Department of the Hazel-Atlas Glass Co. of Wheeling. W. Va. and she spends her time instructing Domestic Science classes in the United States in the modern meth ods of canning fruit in glass jars. Mrs. Davis owns a farm, between Southern Pines and Pinehurst on which she is planting a peach orchard and in the future she expects to spend more or less time on her farm. The R. & C. Ry. Advertized (or Sale The franchise, property and right of way of the Randolph & Cumberland Ry. is advertised to be sold at the Court House ;in Carthage by Sheriff D. A1 Blue on Monday. May 2nd. Mr. S. P. Mc Connell, President ot the road, in a signed statement says that the company will be in a position to satisfy the creditors claims before the date of sale. Discreet Bishop A bishop was addressing a large as sembly of Sunday-school children, and wound up by asking in a very conde scending way: “And, now, is there any little boy or girl who would like to ask me a question?” After a pause, he re peated the question, whereupon a little shrill voice cried out: Please,sir, why did the angels walk up and down Jacob’s ladder when tbay had wings?” “Oh! ab, I see,” said the bishop. And now, is there any little boy or girl who would like to answer Mary’s question?”—L iver pool Post. FOR SALE Lot 100x150 corner Connecticut Avenue and Ridge Street with new Bungalow having all modern conveniences, such as cellar, hot air furnace, open fire place, range and hot and cold water connections to complete bath room and laun dry tubs. Two bed rooms, large closets, glass porch, sitting room, kitchen and breakfast room. Blectric lights and metal roof. Price $4650.00 One lot 100x150 on Ridge Street between Connecticut and New Hampshire Ave. Price $800.00 /f. J. PINCHON, Owner BOX 325 Southern Pines North Carolina Bank of Pinehurst Safe Deposit Boxes to Let CHECKING AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 4 PER CENT INTEREST i. R. McQUEEN, President F. W. VON CANON. Cashiei Clearance Sale OF Toys, China and Baskets. MARIA SANDAHL, The Sandahl Southern Pines