1. I in i 1i I nun ii in i ii i.i in - ,i .. HI f ) n i ji i H in' I I "i ' in- iii I i , .in mfPiHi, ii I m ,j nn m I 1 -i, r in n ii. .pi i .) i , . i i ii . i j.iii l,i I. i I. mi. Hi i .1 .. i ,11, 1. '.iWf i ii I I ? ' . LSOpTflBRN'.EOiESrN;- '.gATPRDAYiyiMA'K 8f !8ffl. y;v'2-ft -' MO. 25. ' " '"" " ''' ""iii"Mf.i ii'ili niii 'i "" 'iiTn ii i-i n .ii 'mi Li - L '-i,irif n ' 11 j"ihM . Tin ji iXijM' i. y.' y i"i-,iiiit. "' 1 " ' '. " ' 1 "' V , -Vv'iDREDWIN'GL'ADMON.:. ' How 'opSitfor.. tJe 1 re'ceptiQq, ' of patif ; -1 ' ents;:: -' vw':" ' 'X' , "; 't - " v , fraattce linjiteti to .s'Sf&otrr i 6f LAf-"".' .. 'it.-. ' Mm"' fv '.1..' '. . " ' J-l lft-"'l JH-' lfX . i I rtjnlil ''"A. iitV.ii. ..' (. .'. . A .'..I. '!, ' ' ' -Teicphojie 31." ' '-. f.st 1 Those;' whohiil can: ii.ui; :xiave p.reLLy .-iavu a sura spldidid-payiemnts," Jtshduld take a . 16ok afr Br, ; Swett's 1 T" ' It. 'T J ' ' JI jpveiy-coixage .across - tiie roaill f The J Doctor certainly has otie oJ the nc: attractive residences in Southern Pirfes. completion: - DiE-r-A't lii -residence 61 ,7 w ' "r ! r. -Daniel 'Oameron,-a few Daniel-' -BuchanV. Thursday " 'Tljejnew depot, iis " .nprninsr,; f;My th';;";rnter- iiicjuvii iictuysua vcmctei'j ; t-i!Ala6 an infant daughter of fr:'and' Mrs.. Paul; Clark, 'the same day3 .at thQresidehce :of SqiiireO. WShaV; ; :" ' . , T t . . i i ii .', .1 i il I, .r - . , - ,QaiCi--as-Thought , Headache Povydeva nre 'headache ' quick thought. fv Jolnj&on's Pliannacy, r ine 'FijEE.PiiEgs . .o.ftix "'.s.ip6uths old next VjcOk. - ' " . i.Tlie chainless, cycle"1 lias tl ,':Jzy. 'reached Southern Pines. . V V "la;see thai; your.acoufnt .-t I ;-tT,witli the' printer Is'ettlfed ' ' f,. - ' "Danot'fail tpcsubsctibe-for' if " your lo wti papery it gives you . 'v,',, - the. -local raws. - . 'JSerRjces atf Emanuel :pisf copah 'church 'to-morrow ''at fIJ(fi30 a, an. and 7:30 p.' rn.; by n$Y. Mr;;oregoi)y. r;. 1 .The old-Board f s Commis sioners ha(l their final .chieetN the .new tights" sVat8,'etc.,"c; 3 it.a VSoatberi) Pii)es,-fT. G. ; good apearance- : 'i j 's professional seruices to J'",; : 7 ibice li- "f Ni. . lyss'fiiic theppiet cf SouthtSi Pines and'X': '"t ', f hHS0, aarmflcy. y ce.over-owell's Furniture Sti re ' Tii5r sermon, in tfie'OonjscreKa- r1 1 1-; tiooaPchurcL-to-mortVr af 10:30 WM '.'KJISKRR r Wl Fl a.m?TvirbebvRevh.N. W isSi n.l ; v;- ' - ' mew. xictiu (J&iijJit: .r V' vl I r OFFICE OVER NEWS-JDEPOT or hours openedTa-'riow mTllijierv. reinf. V io H'vi ' 2 to 4."P. M peola icJepnpne hxchafit nkr-p ing-on Pennsylvania Avenuej"'J'. 0ver 'n the Pbilippines the war "-Mr. A.- Wilson fifes' fc$f termination goes merrily ori. Atkinsen,Neu;Ilahipshre,tFmt'he Uncle-Sam condemned Spain be-- ' is wearing a thick over coatd T' au vvunnem iieeuou irom gazing at the- snowbanks 'on the ine BHVa' am" 18 now Klllin- ' mountains'-"' J N ' savages because tbey have in their " ' J 11 L. '1.,- P . . i -v - . t-uicMbis. tne srirne iieue, lor iree- , : x Progressing Nicely. "I'V dop that they had before our war ' -' .Mayor ,Biwn-infoiiLS us that with Spain was fought out., And 1 ' '' v he'nevy -railroad-leading out to the guns that we cave them to. . ' , ! Fayetteville.is- progressing nicely, help in their battle fpr liberty' are - ri four miles being ' graded, tiei bed- now turned upon the brave bovs- TJ I, f1 ded and thegradiiijg to., be finished who have been forced tol)atfle in v, as far aUpchurche's'mill, by the a -strange land, because .ve must , C , -end 6ffthis month, fr., V Vork out one manifest -"destinylX -fr " " 111 ' Carthage yesterday;, to wit missioners were Hwo'rli, :in,, Improvem&tpciety met Wed- s9 far thissesoa 2500 craleTf'"? . ij - nss the' lU came. , ;v , A nieetirig'of thei newbc ' r'tt'. v. '" ' willMio TioM tiAvf TMnn'rluv n xt e i ' - 51 theSouthertt-lllxDress from noints I-J ! ;'fff. "Strawberries,; lettuce," as paragus, exc. nave appeared ui tne local market" ' , , ' 'h ' cralizin""CJprdial is the .f ; f . - . Sui.it ana ; -moay , lor vau ' F - hove1 oublW. ;i5cts, for a 3 oz. be" "hnsohVPhJai'L - It b- y over at v We 1 bri,.. 11 ' "V"1 "-"i in) . ThtJ I eni1" Cottar; with ' its rc ' improvement, is quite an edition to" Bennett street, : , - .u i C. A. Str.. pole, tho 1 af 'the Bowling AF gone, to Ins home i -ILS on ...The wind storm ; . the shower AedtieL noori madjK". .ending After will' be held ' next "Monday .nightlr the; puVr)ose ,6f. or; ganizatipn.?:;.-'"v' ' - . In the, second ganie of baj frT ' ' bbUh It also authorized ' the dipped of coarse.' J. J. Crosswell between, the Southern Pines tl100.1;11 v.41180 auUl011d the ;nlpn.-1id . f aa ;;,.;-,:, . President to netiflon-thp' T&h lne sp1?1 ute agent oi ,the Aberdeen 'combination-' arid Carthage played at Carthage yesterday- the" -Southern Pines Aoeraeen team won tnejion of s by a-score of 7 to 6, ? ;Thi' rrives our boys two out t)f three A Our baseball f editor will furnish us an adefount of the game nexf week with 7,ap propria ttiUustratiOns. " ' tit--if? . What ;" are you doing to iel fyuirdmp your tpwrand make it:? ; more, .attractive? Thfe question v should come ioinerta;; every :-; Citizen of &outhernPineisrno . matter low humble his "position?, It, s onlyby hearty co-operation Of 'all classes that effective work", can be done, andthe . .what .you no limit to : cttoniajr from. Mr, Thoiius its development Xetms' all dy. xxlUor m the jlont put our snouiae to tne wneei ' V -x !,n,f "' ' P work' cin De done ' .J . m; reolffed'a pfeffmCaT1 KiakeltCiTherp la ii ".f '..it' 'i . 1 .t j - Mrm'-sinnWow ' tne.ooumern express irom points c. - TheCommittea- resolved to pro- ofe-Atlantic and. Yadkin be;, , , vide'the' streets with one dozen twcQn hereAnd Wilmington alone. ' more barrels for waste paper andl Aher! ?s a lUailtlt7 01 otiier trHck i Commissioners to po-onemte Jih So"thern Express,'- with headquar--; (ke Society in keeping- the streets tm i;ty, estimates Hhat the clear of naner and. if necessavvV tn 'V" birw im pass an ordinance making it amis- W110 W'iU fooP,lW crates demeanor to .throw papers in the he came here, eiglif years agpybe:; streets r i- was not-a crate ofWries; shamed':: , The Society earnestly appeals to over the people to ' take some pride in ie the appearance of 'the townsand . Qreen Ymit Time. Keep? .a" to put paper . and rubbish in'the jtW,W ' Nurulizing .Cordial' for barrels provided for that, purpose,, ser'complWt in- the house- Tne Sea Board Air Line, under f the children Johnson's Phar. nal railroad lines and will I "lie season. H essays' that iliepf 'y'''-! '' e here'eiglit years affplthe:,"--'' - ,i ' - not-a crate ofberie shaped'..' i 7 v " 1 -the sWilnitf' ";;:lfJd'KTision of . 'S ' "-jii .' IF'YAxailway:' ; f J i its new additional ere loug be "the most .direct and speaKing ot 41ie trmt crop; flflvs: - - -A- : - ' ' -- . " if Carthage Blade " in Quickest route - from . North to South., It is a great 'system, and it will be stijl great-er when it is completedto Florida and thus 'be comes the 'great line "between the Ta. Mirror .'He was lroni, I viit to' Ats 2 bourse .cf To .ij stop nd fee the, town, ofrfial,- industrial;, iritellectuar South orn riric. and work 'fpr the' upbuilding and " advancement .of ; - the town along, all"', lines; mate and 'moral- ; "At Carthage: and in tilte d imm'e.dijate vicinitycan Inbv seer tipon the " tree a .very ' ' good crop and .upon, someo trees a full crop of air 'kinds' - West;. Indies : and the Northern ' of - fruit; apples. ; ' peaches;" part of- the . United .Stales. We jplumsn pears "and cherries.. ''- OwV" ''I look for great developments in this system 1 withinV the next few years. . The completion of the new railroad between iKidge way and Kictimond will . be " aif -important link of, the.-. Seaboard lAir Line, Warred ton Becord. , The-grapeJ vines are very full;" quite luxuriant and promises r J ; an abundant crop. For the last three weeks an abund ance of strawberries, have : V:-j . been used on ,the tables ;-of this. town." 1 ' ' - " 4" "yivf, W' 5 , t" '"J- " -y i - A n 1 V: n