To Observe the Eclipse. The government will locate an ob servatory at a point between Pinehurst and Southern Pines for the observa tion of the total eclipse of the sun May 28 next. It had been hoped that Raleigh would be selected as the point for the government observation of the great solar affair, but it is announced that the Southern Pines region has been chosen. The reason given is that Southern Pines is exactly in the path of total it Star-gazers from all parts of the world are coming to North Carolina to watch the eclipse. Wadesboro has been selected as the point of vantage by Princeton University for the obser vation of the eclipse of the sun. Years and years ago astronomers I with their charts, telescopes and in tricate system of calculations figured out the solar eclipse of May 28, 1900. They knew before the present genera tion of Georgians were born that ab solute darkness in the middle of the day would reign throughout the State, and they' marked down on their charts the points where the solar phenomena might be studied to the best interests of science. While the eclipse can be seen over the whole country, it is only within the path of about fifty-five miles width that it appears as a total eclipse; outside of this path the sun is only partially obscured. The eclipse will begin earl- in the morning and con sume approximately two hours and twenty-five minutes; duration of to totality, ninety seconds; in the midst of which stars will glow, planets emerge from obscurity, a chill strike through the atmosphere, dew fall and animals prepare to resume their night's repose. Raleigh Post. A Mississippi editor tells the story of a young bachelor sheriff who was called upon to serve an attachment on a handsome young widow. lie called and said; "Madam, I have an attachment for you." She blushed and said the attachment was recipro cated. "You must proceed to court." She told him she knew it was leap GRANDMA HAD CONSUMPTION year, but she had rather he would do the courting. "Madam," he contin ued, "this is no time for trifling, the justice is waiting." "O, I prefer a minister! " she said. "A 'squire mar ried me the first time and I had bad bad luck." and I am afraid I have in herited it. I do not feel well ; I have a cough ; my lungs are sore; am losing flesh. What shall I do ? Your doctor says take care of yourself and take plain cod -liver oil, but you can't take it. Only the strong, healthy person can take it, and they can't take it long. It is so rich it upsets the stomach. But you can take SCOTT'S EMULSION It is very palatable and easily digested. If you will take plenty of fresh air, and exercise, and SCOTT'S EMULSION steadily, there is very little doubt about your recovery. There are hypophosphites in it ; they give strength and tone up the nervous system while the cod-liver oil feeds and nourishes. 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. To the Memory of Mrs. A. A. Wilson. Died, at her home in Southern Pines Mrs. Abba Ann Wilson, in the fift--niuth year of her age. The subject of this notice was born in the town of Corinth, state of Vermont, and was one of the first settlers of Southern Pines; .she, with her husband and sis ter, came to the Pines in the spring of 1 886 when there were but few peo ple here; they owned the first store and by fair dealing made many friends. Mrs. Wilson was a woman of very amiable disposition; every one who knew her, loved her. Her life was one of sunshine, always cheerful and happy. Within the past two years she has had great affliction and sorrow in the deaths of her husband, two sisters and a brother, which is all of her famity. In her sorrow and distress she never murmured or com plained and bore her own sad sickness with Christian resignation. On the 12th day of April, 1900, she fell asleep in Jesus: "Asleep in' Jesus; far from thee Th3r kindred and their graves may be; Put there is still a blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep. ' S. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concsrn which is not afraid to be generous. The pro prietors of Dr. Kings New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds have giyen away over ten million trial bottles and have the satisfaction of knowing it has cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, LaGrippe and all Throat, Chest and Lung diseases are surely cured by it. Sold by all Druggists. Regular size 50c and $1 .00. Every bottle guaranteed P. 0. Box 194. Telegraphic Address, "Chasteyer." Russell E. Geyer. William T. Geyer. Charles T. Geyer & Sons, BANKERS, SOUTHERN PINES . NORTH CAROLINA. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Rank open 9 a. m. lo 12:30 p. m.; 1:30 p. ni. to 3:00 p. m. Saturdays until further notice. 9 a. in. to 12 noon. Atlanta Daily Constitution. Now Running a Special Campaign Oiler only $1.00, The Constitution, nf Atlanta Ga is ollering its daily and Sunday editions complete to new subscrib ers, from the date the order reach es that ollice until Julv 7th, for on ly one dollar. July 7th will take the subscriber past the date of t he Rryan Nominating Convention at Kansas City on July 4th. In the meantime all the Stale Conven tions will have a3ted, as well as the Republican National Conven tion at Philadelphia in June. The Constitution always covers the news completely, and this excep tional oiFer will perhaps test the capacity of their lull plant. In connection witli the one dollar Campaign offer, each subscriber may cast a ballot naming his choice or judgment as to the Dem ocratic and Republican nominees for President and Vice-President, and two hundred and fifty dollars in prizes will be given to the accu rate ballots. The sooner you send for it the longer you will get the paper for your dollar. The Raleigh Marble Works Carry a lame and well assorted stock a: AND HEADSTONES. Come and make your selection. If you can't come write for their NEW CATALOGUE. It will help to make your selection We Sell Fences. w PAY FREIGHT. PROPRIETORS. OSE BICYCLEjUFRES onai'iproTu-ioo y.mraildrcia WITHOUT A CENT IM AHVAKHF. SEftD IIS VOW ORDER, state whether vou w ish lnrly's or rinn's wheel; give color, height of frame and gear wanted and WE WILL SHIP XiiMt, v uvtii v. v. 11. on approval, allowing you to uncrate and ex amine it fully before you accept it. It it is not all and more than we claim for it, and a better wheel than you can pet for any where near the price from ony one else, refuse it and we will pay all express charges ourselves. The "MONTRQSE" Bicycle t r erj at our Special Airent's samnle wrice of I fi-JLy. is the greatest bargain in a bicycle ever offered. We guarantee it equal at our Special Afrent's sam is the greatest bargain in a bicvele evi to any iMO wheel on the market, and you need nut accept it nor pav a cent if you do not find it ns we represent. We are EXCLUSIVE BICYCLE MAAl FACTI'IJEItS anditake this method of quickly introducing our li00 AlOD'KLS. This .rtl'cr of a sample wheel at this low price is made to secure a HID BR A GENT in each town to represent us and take orders. Hir agents make money fast. CDCPICEPATIDUQ Frame, 2,24 or 20 inch; ladies, 22 inch. Best drbWlrlbH I lUiHai Shelby seamless tubing with forged connec tions, Hush joints, improved expander device to fasten seat post and handle bar; Hoy a 1 Arch crown ; the celebrated Mavis hubs and hanger the easiest running known; Keeord "A" tires, the Invt and one of the most expensive tires on the market, The genuine $4 Mcsinjfcr Hygienic saddle; pedals, tools and accessories the best obtainable. Enameled in block, maroon or coach green, highly finished and ornamented; special finished nickeling on all bright parts. We thoroughly test every piece of material that goes into tills machine. Our binding year's jcuur unlce 1)oii1 with each bicycle. to any one sending the $10.SOcash in full with order we will send free a genuine ISnrilirk 10.000 mile barrel pattern evdo- meter; or a high grade lloor pump. Your money all ijack if you are not perfectly satisfied. PMFAD WWCCI C We not manufacture the cheap depart UntHl IJutCLOi ment store kind of wheels, such as man v now oncerns and big supply houses advertise and sell as high grade. We can furnish them. however, at$5 to K7 stripped; or M.?r to $12.50 complete. We do not guarantee nor recom mend them. BEFIMJE OTtVEKINtt a bicycle of any one else, no matter who or how cheap, write iir and let us tell you how much we can save you on the same machine. If you UD C 1A BY awheel we can assist you to E Alt ST A BICYCLE by dis are UlVnEtLb IU DU 1 trihntincr catalogues for nan fewrlavs. We need one nerson in each town for this purpose. We have several hundred SECM 1IAM WHEELS taken i n trade which we will close out at 8 to 10 each; also some shopworn samples and '99 models very cheap. Send for Bargain Ust. OUi RELIABILITY is unquestioned. We refer to anv bank or business house in Chicago, or any express or railroad company. We will send you letters of reference direct from the largest banks in Chicago if you wish it CPU!) YftllD flEinED todny, This low price and these special terms of shipment without deposit will tftllU lUUil WnWCn be withdrawn very soon. JCSTGive name of this paper. J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Chicago, m. III & The Imperial Gas Lamp Covered by U. S. Patents. Admittedly the BE5T light on the market and the most economical. The Imnerill burns common stove gasoline and gives a 1US ""F 100 candle power light at a cost of one cent per day. One Gallon will burn 60 hours. The needle keeps the burner clean, so it will not clog, and the generating tube being in center of flame, insures a light that will not go out. There is no odor, no smoke and no flicker. The light can be raised or turned down just as with a gas jet or lamp. The Imperial is the most perfect light on the market and everything pertaining to it is the best to be had. IT WILL PAY TO INVESTIGATE. If not sold in your town write us for catalogue. THE IMPERIAL GAS LAMP CO. 132-134 Lake Street, CHICAGO, ILL