Good Selection Made by Charleston. The managers of the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian exposition have wisely chosen the period of the year in which to hold their great show. Every month of the year has charms in the city of Charleston, but the sweetest days fall between the begin ning of Decmber and the end of May. To many visitors it will be new to see roses bloom ing in open, even in Decem ber; others will rejoice in the golden glory of the yellow jessamine which fills with fragrance the months of Feb ruary and March, while in April the fairy land of the magnolia gardens on the Ash ley, within easy reach of the exposition grounds, will glow with its giant boquets of aza leas, white, pink crimson and salmon. During the winter months those fond of colonial relics and historic research may vis it old plantation homes on the Ashley and on the Cooper which have no counterpart elsewhere, while in May visit ors will find especial enjoy ment in moonlight excursions in the harbor and in visiting the forts and island which have played so important a pa rt in the making of the his tory from revolutionary days till now. Atlanta Constitu tioiL AT 0 ipiAiTinu'Q? YOU WILL FIND 100 DOZEN MENS' AND BOYS' SHIRTS -IN- Percale, Madras, nil B WHITE PIQUE BOSOMS, Colored Pique Bosoms, ING Endured Death's Agonies. Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garrettson, of San Antonio, Tex., to lie down when attacked by Athsma, from which he suffered for years, lie writes his misery was so great that it seemed he en dured the agonies of death; but Dr. King's New Discovery f'or Con sumption wholly cured h'm. This marlelous medicene is the only known cure for Athsma as well as Consumptioi , Coughs and Colds and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at all Drue: Stores. "Wedl have to try and induce Dr. Goodthingto move away from here,'' said the Buigess of lovely Agueville. kMy goodness why?" asked the pjominent citizen, "he understands us so well that " "I know; but ed looks so prosper ous that he's scaring prospective settlers away. The soothing and healing proper ties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a great favorite with people everywhere. It is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it al ways affords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale at Johuson's Pharmacy. 73 v i l 1$ JUL 1 1 j COLLARS AND CUFFS. AND comae & cows ATTACHED. 15 CD IB ?P o A LARGE LINE OF Ladies' Skirts Just in! All the Latest Patterns, FROM 75C. TO 3.00. A Few Shirt Waists Left Which we are Closing Out at Cost. We still have a few of those shoes which we Are Closing at $125. THEY ARE BARGAINS J MIDSUMMER PEICES IN GROCERIES: For the next six weeks we will sell Granulated sugar Bacon, side meat, Lard 6ic. Cheese 15C. 9c. Eagle Flour 60c. per sack, 10. (Harvest King, fancy pat. 70c. ABOVE PRICES FOR CASH ONLY. Everything in the Grocery Line at Bottom Prices. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, C. T. PATCH A B A3KB9H0 R. R. SCHEDULE. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 37 38 11 15 a, m. Ar Aberdeen Lv 6 30 p m 11 00 " Ar Pinehurst Lv 7 00 " 10 05 " Ar Biscoe Lv 8 00 " 8 50 " Ar Ashboro Ar 9 oo " 7 50 " Ar High Point Ar lo 5o " 10 45 p m Lv Washington Ar 6 42 a m 4 30 " Lv New York Ar 1 oo p m 9 00 a m Lv Boston Ar 8 3o " Through Sleeper on 38 from Pine hurst to Washington and New York Mondays and Thursdays of each week until further notice. J. R. Page, Superintendent. H. A. Page;, President. II Cash Premium ARE BEING OFFERED BY C e Cincinnati Enquirer FOR NEAREST CORRECT GUESSES Oil THE POPULATION OF T UNITED STATES. to be reported by the U. S. Census Bureau for 190o The first census of the United States was taken fa 1810. Since then every succeeding ten years, the result of each ceusus has been as follows : fear, tsio . 1820 . !S40.. i860 . Population. . 7,239,881 . 9,633,822 . 12,886,020 .17,069,453 .23,171,870 Year. 1860. 1870. 1880. 1890 . Population. .31,413,821 .38,658,371 .50,155,78? .62,622,250 Here you have the figures of a basis of calcula tion. The problem now is: What will be the population of the United States, excluding recent dcqnisiiions, but the total of States, Territories knd the District of Colombia ? To the First Nearest Correct Guess ) Received J to the Second lo the Third To the Fourth to the Fifth To the Sixth To the Seventh To the next 10, each SlOO, amounting to To the next 50, each $50, amounting to To tho next 100, each $35, amounting to To the next 500, each $10, amounting to To the next 1,530, each $5, amounting to Total number of premiums, 8,197, amounting to $3,000.00 . 1,500.00 750.00 . 500.00 . 250.00 . 200.00 . 150.00 1,000.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 5,000.00 7,650.00 $25,000 READERS OF THE Gai) Qdess arjd bae ibeir G&esses eo&rjied by sei)dir)Cj" &s $1.65 ard reeeh)e The Weekly GrQCiirer arid ibis paper orje Yeap FURNITURE REPAIRING, BLACKSMITHING, Painting or Repainting, And GENERAL . REPAIRING, P. K. MCLEAN. Cor Page st. and N. Y. avenue. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency lor securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, f3 a year: four months. $1. Sold by all newsdealers. jn03S1Broadway,fBWyn& Branch Office. 625 I" St WMbiflgtCJi. D C.

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