THE MfMMH WmbbbIIw 'MHBaaM FREE PRESS. 9 VOL. 3. NO. 7.' e. d. osuN, editor. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, DECEMBER 21, 1900. $1,00 PER YEAR. . .- 1 i. SOUTHERN PINES SANITARIUM Thd Leading InsUtution -' of the South For the treatment of Chronic and Nervous Diseases. For circulars or other informa . 1 tion address EDWIN GLADMON.M.D, Superintendent. Office hours for out door patients; 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone 81, . . P. O. Box 28. Southern Pines ACCOMMODATES 50 GUESTS. ' ' Most convenient locality in town. Sanita- ry plumbing, electric lights, hot and cold baths. , Terms, including heat and light; 2 TO $4 PER DAY. $7 TO $15 PER WEEK. According to size and location of room. Careful attention given to table and serv ice. Only hotel in town with open fires and sleeping rooms on ground floor. Long er porches than any other hotel in town, No consumptives will be received at this hotel, W. , GILES, Proprietor. PILLSBURY'S BEST, PORCELAIN, THE BEST PASTRY FLOUR GRAHAM, Entire WHEAT J) :RY?V ' 44. i; : ' TftE VERT' tfftT WAtfDS 'CiT THE MARKET AND AT THE LOWEST -PRICES SUGG & NEWTON, , ALSO A GENERAL LINE OF FEED. WOOD FOR SALE. Clean pine and hard wood delivered on order Call phone number 10 for prices Butchers & Farmers. TAKE NOTICE. I pay cash for green hides, fur, sheep pelts etc. 1 am connected with one of the largest tanneries in the north and consequently can give you highest market prices. A WINESTINE, SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. ATTENTION! PINEY WOODS FRUIT AND DAIRY FARM On and after October 1st, 1900, will deliver pure fresh milk morning and evening at the following rates: 1 Pt. per day, - - - - 4c, 1 Qt., per day. - - - 7 l-2c. 2 Qts. or more per day, 7c. qt. Payments monthly, . W. J, and G. P. YOUNG, 7 REPAIR SHOP. Pennsylvania Avenue Between Haffines and Rngglea Stores. Wl kinds of light repairing done. Bicy cle Repairing and Electric Bells and Light Wiring are SPECIALTIES. Estirrates of electric work cheerfully furnished. I also carry a full ljne of bicy cle sundries and have wheels for sale or rent. Call and see me. E.G. COUCH. NOTICE! Cottages and Suites of Rooms to let, Also several cottages for sale, . Apply , to S .8, THOMAS, at Hardware Store ' - -' FOR SALE, , acre building lots from $25 to $50. each. ' Also 15 acre Peach or chard. C. D. Taraeix. , FLOUR JR T0 a Mess. W. F. Jtinge and S. S. Thom as were at Raleigh Monday on bus iness. ' Mr. F. B. Johnson, of Philadelphia, has come to spend the holidays with his family at the Hall Cottage. ' Mr. Elmer Wietzle, of Pittsburg, is here to spend the holidays wf h his family at' Pittsburg Cottage. Capt. A. M. Clarke will pay a liberal reward for the return of his Knights Templar Maltese cross, lost some where on the streets of Southern Pines last Wednesday. Fine line of fruits and candies for the Christmas trade at A. H, Root's; specialties in the way of box candies and fancy crackers. Call and see what is in his store. , We notice that Mess. M. Michael, Jas. White, of Washington and'B. T. ' Schaffner and wife of, Pittsburg, Pa. are stopping with friend Jones at the Glenwood Cottage. City Commissioners. A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners was held Thursday evening December 20. .Mayor Glad- f$i$ &&$it$. mg commissioners were present: .. h Thurston, II. E. Deyer, F. H. Weaver and E. D. Oslin. Minutes of ..the last mieating were read and ap proved. . .The bills of the Standard Oil Com pany $5.89; Geo. W. P. Jerrard $3.98 and the Fabric Fire Hose Company were referred to the Auditing com mittee. The following bills having been approved by the Auditing committee, were ordered paid: J. C. Black $30.00 and $2.10; Irving" h. Hamlin & Co., $5.14;. C. McQueen $50.00; James McCoy $22.50 and Junge & Beck $3.20.. The committee on.Town Ordinances reported favorably on the resolution in regard to the San Jose scale, which was referred to the Board by Dr. Robinson. Voted to adopt the reso lution. The clerk was instructed to send the resolution to the State Ento mologist. ' : Voted to return the bond of Moore and McCrary. The clerk Was ; in structed to correspond with the proper officials of the S. A. L. in regard to having the railroad crossing at New York avenue repaired. : Voted that the treasurer be instruct ed to correspond with the bankers holding the Town notes given Rum sey & Co., for the fire engine, and ascertain if the engine cannot be dis posed of for the purpose of paying a part of the notes. , J. C. Black appeared before the Board and requested to be relieved of his duties as Street Commissioner and Policeman, as he had a chance to do better elseweie, and it .was voted that he be relieved of his duties after Decem ber 21, 1900. H. O. PARKEBfcrlerkt; ft.1-.,- SAL HOLIDAY RATES . The S A L holidy rate tickets on sale Dec 22 to' Jan 1, with final limit Jan 4i is 1 and one thirk nrst-class fares round trip between all points east of Mississippi and South of Potomac riverr .; ., .,.'-. : ' -y xrrr",'' t' LOST. ' A Soldiers 'Discharge, and other' papers. Finder Trill please, mail to or leave them with Editor FbeePbess and get the reward. ' " , Q3i n mORT LOCAL MENTION. ' V Notice the addition of Ordway & Co 'sad. ' . Oranges wholesale and retail at the Peoples Cash Grocery. . See the fine line of Seelys Perfumes at Johnsons Pharmacy before buying your Christmas presents. , ' Alakuma, the latest thing out in candy? try it at the Peoples Cash Grocery, f' Have you seqn the display of Home Made Candies at the store of A. S. & h. P. Ruggles? v. If our town readers will all send us a local news item we shall be able to have more local mentions; We have the best line of Tailor made Pants in Moore Co. Call for them at Q. T. Patch &Bro's. : y A few choice calendars, Christmas booklets and cards. C. C.STEVICK, at King's Daughters Hall. Alakuma. have von seen it? have you tried it? At the Peoples Cash Grocery. If you have received a statement of account please let the editor have money to pay off the printers and buy a turkey. Are you pusysled as to what to get for that Christmas present? Take glance at our Xmas stock. , . r . ; - The News Depot. 7- flbtad ! iV notice y to '; txay er; by Collector George Ei Beard and remem ber that after January 1, ten per cent is to be added, if taxes aie not paid. We call attention to the card of Mr. E. Addor who has come back to his old trade at Southern Pines, that of watchmaking. He is located at the old hardware store on Bennett street and will be pleased to see his old friends. We would like you to inspect our line of Xmas fruits and candies before making your purchases. We have a nice lot of Bananas, Jamaica, Florida and California ,Nayel Oranges in all sizes, Apples,4 Pineapples, Coconuts, Mixed Nuts, Cranberries, Celery, etc. A.S. & tP. Ruggles k We received a pleasant call Wednes day from Mr. E. T. Sjhaffner, aprom inentreal estate broker from Pittsburg, Pa7 Mr; Schaffner, with his wife and son is spending some -time at South ern Pins. ; We extend !Mr. Schaffner and family a hearty welcome, and hope to be at home the next time he calls. The ladies of the Episcopal Church are making preparations for decorat ing the church fof Christinas services. Services .on g Christmas Day next TuesdayTojnning Prayer, Sermon andr Holy Cominunion i at 1 1 a. , m. The; offerings will be f or ; Domestic or Ifome tni?sion. ; : IVfri P Pond, who went Norm some time ago to be treated for cancers on the nose and.cheekr has r returned and has been thoroughly cured1 through treatment at theBerkshire Hills Saui tonum -iorilAam$r Mass., and without' the assistarice of a knife. " Mr, Pond is Weatlv reioiced at being so completely (relieved l of his troubles, and his many friends are congratulat ing him on his good luck.-. : ,- Dr. J. Ernest Judd, DENTIST. SOUTHERN PINES. - - - N C. OFFICE HOURS, Damtoipm. 2pmto5pm. P O Box 193. Telephone 9. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Dr. Louis Fielding High, SOUTHERN PINES N. C. PRACTICE LIMITED TO TUBERCU LOSIS AND DISEASE OF NOSE AND THROAT. . J. McN. Johnson, ATTORNEY AT LRW, Offers his services to the citizens of South ern Pines and community. Abstracts, deeds, contracts and all office work a specialty. ' "geo.h.locey, MT0RNEY RT LRW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to legal business, to ex amination of titles and drafting of all pa- Bers connected with the execution of leeds, Mortgagee, Contracts, Etc. Also connected with an office in Washington, D. C for practice befor the Court of Claims for the prosecution of all claims for destruction of cotton or other prop erty or confiscation of the same the fund to be so distributed amounting to ten million dollars. FOR RENT, On Bennett street, opposite my resi dence., seven-room cottage fully fur- -nished and just . renovated. , Will divide ' mto,two v cjtartmenta v with separate eir-rV trances. Apply to . V. ,v " MRS. CHARLES T. GEYER, LAFLEUR COTTAGE. F0RRENT Furnished rooms, conveniently located or I will rent my entire house for th season. MRS C J G ROVER, Railroad street and N Y avenue. Excellent Board AT REASONABLE KATEX. MRS. G. A. KIMBALL, KINGSTON COTTAGE. SWISS WATCHMKER e. ADDOR At the old place on Bennett Street.. Thomas ' old Hardware Store. Glenwood Cottage Formerly Blue Cottage. ; Board second to none and furnishing complete SPECIAL ATTENTION TO GUESTS and their wants. Very desirable location and pleasant surroundings. vtanv fnrmfir iniftsts arrived at th . Piney Woods Inn the past week Among the number Mr and Mrs S H Tinglev of Providence R I Mr and Mrs F J Mrtonsv of BridtreDort Conn Mrs AW Benson and daughter of Bangor Me Many new guests are also arriving ana w are nleased to note that the Inn has more guests than at this time last i year :,- , , ' Buiea Creek Academy was destroyed by fire on the lftth The flrei$ ia said- attendance there from our town were . Howard Sadelson Eugene Poe, Isham They were all return on to-nigh ts train A big line of Ji-B. Lewis' Shoes just in at Patch's. The onlyjplace you can ;. get them, v v ( ... ' f j f V v . - . .... 9ifi'i:9r;r

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