u , ft PRES VOL. 3. NO. 9. E. D. OSLIN, Editor. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, JANUARY 4, 1901. $1.00 PER YEAR. FREE olrL SOUTHERN PINES SANITARIUM Ths Lsading Institution cf the South For the treatment of Chronic and Nervous Diseases. For .circulars or other informa tion address ' ' EDWIN GLADMON.M.D, Superintendent. Office hours for out door patients; 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone 61, P.O. Box 26. Southern Pines Hotel, ACCOMMODATES 50 GUESTS. Most convenient locality in town. Sanita ry plumbing; electric lights', hot and cold baths. Terms, including heat and. light; S2 TO $4 PER DAY, 7 TO $15 PER WEEK, According to size and location of room. Careful attention given to table and serv ice. Only hotel in town with open fires and sleeping rooms on ground floor. Long er porches than any other hotel in town, No consumptives will be received at this hotel, W. , GILES, Proprietor. FLOUE." JMLLSBURY'S BEST, PORCELAIN, THE BEST PASTRY FLOUR GRAHAM, Entire WHEAT "''"ANiyiaEr'"'''"''' THE VERY BEST BRANDS ON THE MARKET AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES SUGG & NEWTON. ALSO A GENERAL LiNE OF FEED. WOOD FOR SALE. Clean nine and hard wood delivered on order Call phone number 10 for prices Grand Opportunity CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME. An 8-room house all furnished in heart of town, very desirable location, 2 lota stable, jrood well on premises. The owner needs the money and will sell it very cheap. For particulars apply to . A WINEST1NE, SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. ATTENTION! PIKEV WOODS FRUIT AND DAIRY FARM On and after October 1st, 1900, will deliver pure fresh milk morning and evening at the following rates: l Pt. per clay, - - - - 4c. 1 Qt. per day. - - - 7 l-2c. 2 Qts. or more pertlay, 7c. qt. Payments monthly, W. J, and G. P. YOUNG, NOTICE! Cottages and Suites of Rooms to let. Mao several cottages for sale. Apply to S S THOMAS, at Hardware Store ' FOR SALE, . )( acre $50. eacH. chard. building lots from $25 to Also 15 acre Peach or C. D. Taraeu,. For Dressmaking and Sewing call on Mrs. Spencer in Mrs Moffetts cottage, near Congregational Church, Bennett Street. Gents clcthing cleaned and pressed. For Sale Charcoal in any quanti ty, promptly delivered, at reasonable prices. J. A. Mayho. Leave orders at C. T. Patch & Bro. 's. ct20-03m. Jfcrsonat m Miss Dorathea Junge, after spend ing nearly two years in New York, is with her parents again, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Junge. Mr. Win. Cummings, of Monroeton, son-in-law to Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Huf fines, with his wife and baby spent Xmas in Southern Pines. Mr. A. L. Couch has gone to Pine hurst where he has a business position for the season. He is a good reliable young man and deserves to succeed. Mrs. Mary Cabb, of Portland, Me , who owns some valuable property on. Pennsylvania avenue, is in town stop ping with Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Hamlin. Prof II C Schultz, of New . York, is with us again He had chaige of our public school last winter, and his friends are pleased to ses him once more. Mrs. A. P. Maddox and her sister, Miss Lillie Millsaps, arrived Sunday evening. Mr. Maddox has engaged the Smith Cottage and has come to abide permanently. Mr. Mrs. J. S. Reynolds have gone to Rockledge, Fla. for the season. His brother Mf. George Reynolds arrived here yesterday morning and will spend this season at Pinehurst. A pleasant call this morning from Bro W. H. McNeill of the Carthage Blade Besides serving the public with a weekly newspaper Bro. Mac ha.i branched out as a hotel proprietor, and has opened the Summit hotel for t'h season. Rea l his ad ana 11 you go to oaaaage stop and see him. Mr. J L. Packer, of Ccrninyr, New York, is with us a:ain for his fourth season. He has visted California, Colorado, and other places, but thinks this is f;r the best climate. His maty friends are pleased to see him. Mr. Orlando White, with his wife, daughter and son, arrived Thursday evening and are now occupying the Baity Cottage. Mr. White is editor and owner of the Cattaraugus N. Y. Times and spoilt last winter with us. Mr. E. M. Hayes after spending sometime in California, has decided that it would be nice to have a home at Southern Pines and will erect a res idence jmmediatel' adjoining, the handsome property of Mrs. T. A. Cat lin, on New York avenue. Mess. W, S. Russell and W. H. O'Brien, of Boston, are spending the season with us, Mr. Russell was in very bad health when he came, but is now able to be up and cut every day. He is much pleased with our climate and is very glad that he came. Mr. O'Brien is also much improved in health. ' EDGERT0N BROS. If you want to get the best results from our pure air and sunshine you should take a horseback ride or a drive out through the pines everyday. There is no better exercise than Horseback rid ing, we will give you special discount if you take a horse every day. We have lota of good saddlers and drivers, at the Big Red Stable. SHORT LOCAL MENTION. Irish potatoes 25c per peck, at C. T. Patch & Bro. If you have your stationery printed wrong you can have it corrected new and latest styles at this office. A big line of J. B. Lewis' Shoes just n at Patch's. The only place you can get them. New subscribers of the City Telephone Company, Aberdeen, George A. Frost, W. B. ".ekhout and Wm. McKeithen; Deer Creek Dairy. Connection with Craigronie. Services next Sunday at Emmanuel chruch festival of the Fpiphany or manifestation of Christ to the gentiles. Morning prayer and holy communion, at' 10:30 a. m. : The tofln officials are anxious for everyone to acquaint themselves with the town ordinances; call at this office or at the Mayor's office and get a copy. Mr. A. A. Chaplain, after a linger ing illness died at the Vermont House yesterday afternoon. Mr. Chaplain came to us from Vermont last Decem ber and had engaged in the market business the present season. Mrs. Chaplain will take the remains North in about a week and after she has closed out his business affairs; she has many friends who sympathize with her in her bereavement. Preparations are being made for a convention of physicians and sur Viget:' cttv &ehKtzry?t. 1 iiexf:; "Aa 1 be held in Southern Pines. This con vention brings some very prominent people to see us from the North and East, and will be a good advertise ment. DIED At his home on Bennett street, Thursday morning Jan 3, Mr. Wm. T. Geyer, after an illness of several months. For the past two years Mr. Geyer has been a member of the bank ing firm of Charles T. Geyer & Sons, and one of cur most prominent citi zens. He was taken sick about two 3eais ago, and since that time has had every care and attention known to medical skill, both here and at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., but to no avail, and, surrouuded by his family, death came gently, peacefully, after much sufierings. Mr. Geyer was 26 years of age and besides the bereaved parents and one brother, leaves a wife and two small children, to mourn his demise. Very impressive funeral services were held with the family and friends by the Rev. Mr. Gregory this afternoon at 3 o'clock, and at 10:30 this evening his mother and father will leave for Brooklyn, N. Y., with the remains, where the burial service of the Epis copal church will be said at St. Luke's church. Interment to be in the family lot in Greenwood cemetery. Mr. William Moncure, assistant superinrendent of the S. A. L. was in this morning and has given orders for putting in city water at the passenger station. LOST. A Soldiers 'Discharge,' and other papers. Finder will please mail to or leave them with Editor Free Press and get the reward. Dr. J. Ernest Judd, DENTIST. SOUTHERN PINES, - - - N C OFFICE HOURS, 9 a m to 1 p m. 2 p m to 5 p m. P O Box 193. Telephone 9. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Dr. Louis Fielding High, SOUTHERN PINES N. C. PRACTICE LIMITED TO TUBERCU LOSIS AND DISEASE OF NOSE AND THROAT. Dr, Julian H. Jones, HOMEOPATHIST. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, Special attention given Diseases of the Chest. J, McN. Johnson, ATTORNEY RT LAW, Offers his services to the citizens of South ern Pines and community. Abstracts, deeds, contracts and all office work a specialty. GEO.H.LOCEY, ATTORNEY RT LRW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to legal business, to ex amination of titles and drafting of all pa pers connected with the execution of Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, Etc. Also connected with an office in .Washington,.. D'. 0,, for practice bet or the Court' of ' Claims for the prosecution of all claims for destruction of cotton or other prop erty or confiscation of the same the fund to be so distributed amounting to ten million dollars. FOR RENT, On Bennett street, opposite my resi dence, seven-room cottage fully fur nished and just renovated. Will divide into two apartments with separate en trances. Apply to MRS. CHARLES T. GEYER, LAFLEUR COTTAGE. E. J. SNOW, Experienced Paper Hanger. Natural wood Finisher and Decorator. Inquire at Free Press office. Excellent Board AT REASONABLE HATES. MRS. G. A. KIMBALL, KINGSTON COTTAGE. SWISS WATCHMKER G. ADDOP At the old place on Bennett Street. Thomas' old Hardware Store. Glenwood Cottage Formerly Blue Cottage. Board second to none and furnishings complete SPECIAL ATTENTION TO GUESTS and their wants. Very desirable location and pleasant surroundings. J F JONES. The Summit Hotel . CARTHAGE, N. C. IS NEW AND WELL EQUIPPED. People from the North seaking a com fortable winter home are specially desired, Special attention given visitors from Southern Pines. r

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