! V - ,f PS" PRESS , VOL. 3. NO. 11, E. d. oslin, editor. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, JANUARY 18, 1901. $1.00 PER YEAR., V Mr -a Wk Ti Ti A ' At I ft I I! .'. r J- 14, At, f." t i -. Ik . i! -z t SOUTHERN PINES SANITARIUM The Leading Institution of the South For the treatment of Chronic and Nervous Diseases. For circulars or other informa tion address EDWIN GLADMON.M.D, Superintendent. Office hours for out door patients; 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone 27, P.O. Box 26, Southern Pines Hotel, ACCOMMODATES 50 GUESTS, Most convenient locality in town. Sanita ry plumbing, electric lights, hot and cold baths. Terms, including heat and light; $2 TO $4 PER DAY, 357 TO $75 PER WEEK, According to size and location of room. Careful attention given to table and serv ice. Only hotel in town with open fires and sleeping rooms on ground floor. Long er porches than any other hotel in town, No consumptives will be received at this hotel. Phone 15, W. E, GILES, Proprietor. FLOUR" PILLSBURY'S BEST, PORCELAIN, THE BEST PASTRY FLOUR GRAHAM, Entire WHEAT THE VERY BEST BRANDS ON THE MARKET AND AT -THE L.0 WEST PRICES SUGG & NEWTON. ALSO A GENERAL LINE' OF FEED. WOOD FOR SALE, Clean Dine and hard wood .delivered on order Call phone number; 10 for prices Butchers & Frrhers, TAKE NOTICE. 1 A. sheep T nav flash for erecn hides, fur pelts etc. I am connected' with one of the largest tanneries in the north and conse quently can give you highest market prices. Phone 32. . .'" SOUTHERN A W1NESTINE, PINES, N. C. Furnished Cottages and; Cottage Apartments, of two, three or more rooms. Also fur nished lodging rooms for rent by the week, month or season. Apply or address - J.C.STANLEY, , Southern Pines,, N. C. NOTICE! ..Cottages and Suites of Rooms to let. A130 several cottages for sale, ' Apply to S S THOMAS, at Hardware Store . FOR SALE, X acre building lots from $25 to $50. each. Also 15 acre Peacji or chard. 1 ' C. D. Taraeu,. ... GEO. H. LOCEY, , ATTORNEY KT MW ' AND NOTARY PUBLIC. " Attention given to legal .business, to ex- emulation of titles and drafting of all pa pers connected with the execution of Deeds, Mogages. Contracts; Etc. 1 Also connected with an office in Washington, D. C for practice befor the Court of Claims for the prosecution of all claims for destruction of cotton or other prop ' erty or confiscation of the same the fund - to be so distributed amounting to ten million dollars. . e a visit to Kaieisfii business with SHORT LOCAL MENTION. Irish potatoes 25c per peck, at C. T Patch & Bro. Candles, fancy and plain, at John son's Pharmacy. Mrs. Lewis Mace and daughter Miss Helen.' are with 'us for the winter. SAYE your eyes. See Dr. MOORE January 23rd and 24th. The S. A. L. railway has erected a cattle shute between the ice house and the freight depot Mr. J. M. Patch has returned from a visit to Tampa and is much pleased with the appearance of Florida Southern Pines Cough Cure should be in every household at this season Safe and reliable, 25 cents. Johnson's Pharmacy. We acknowledge a pleasant call Tuesday from Mr. A. D. McNair, of New York, the new director for the experimental farm. t Eresh celery every Friday at C. T Patch & Bros. ' Dr. W. P. Swett is receiving the congratulations of his friends on the arrival of new young lady at his house.' Miss Alice Johnson, of Johnson's rTPhrrnyr,a thist week, pleasure. ; We are requested to ask for a meet ing of the Library ' Committee at KingV Daughters hall next -Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock. Mr. Franklin Sherman, Jr., State Entomologist, who has been spending the week with us, paid us a pleasant call Monday evening. JANUARY 23ED and 24th Dr. MOORE u ill be at the Southern Pines Hotel. At Aberdeen Friday, (25). Save your eyes. We received to day a very pleasant call from Mr. V. S Gage, representing R. C. Williams & Cc, manufacturers in New York of the famous Pathfinder cigar. THE BLACK HAND OF JIMTOWN. A book written in Southern Pines about the Piney Woods country. Just the thing to send to friends up North. We keep all the up-to-date makes of fiction. THE NEWS DEPOT. w Dr. J. F. Couch, who is, spending the winter at Piriebluff, made us a pleasant call -Tuesday morning. He is much pleased with his new winter h.dm'e and is enjoying a pleasant season in our section. The ladies of Emmanuel Mission wish to announce to the public that they propose having their annual sale of farcy articles and home-made candy about the 2nd' week in February. F. E. B., Sec'y. combining EDGERT0N BROS. If., you want to get the best results from our pure air and sunshine vou should take a horsebaok ride or a drive out through the pines everyday. There J is no better exercise than Horseback rid ing. We will give you special discount if y6u take a horse every day. We have lots of good saddlers and drivers, at ho iig Ked Stable. rhone 13. Piney Wood's Inn is filling up quite rapidlv. Several new arrivals each day. MEXICAN HAND CARVED LEATHER Call and see our line of it. Nothing nicer or more useful. THE NEWS DEPOT. Any one having a copy of the Free Press of January 4th, and will bring it to this office, we will give 10 cents for it in good condition. Miss Robinson and Mrs. Raybold, of New Hampshire, are at the Piney Wood's Inn. Miss Robinson ha been a eruest at the Inn ever since it was first opened. A citizens meeting is asked for at Firemen's hall Monday evening at 7:30. This meeting is called by the Board of Commissioners, and we are in hopes the citizens will turn out. Mr. T. F. McGinerty, of Philadel- at the Southern Pines Hotel. He is a dealer in wholesale notions in Phila delphia and is here for a season of recreation. r The postoffice has been moved to the Reynolds building on NewHamp shire avenue and the patrons of Uncle Sam have a more convenient place to call for their mail. Postmaster Clarke has made several improvements in his fixtures, and with a better building more conveniently located the people ,ftf,towk.haYe now than anv time since the office was burned. The new office o-one of our prom inent physician Dr. W. P. Swett, who has done his share in building up Southern Pines during the last ten years, is finished. Besides the rooms for himself and natients. there is a A Urge sunny, well ventilated apart ment, the air medicated certain hours of theday, supplied with appliances for games of all kinds. This with the gymnasium in the basement will surely be a boon to many visitors to our town who desire some recreation and amusement and at the same time that they are be ing . greatly benefit ted. It ceriainly is an important and valuable addition to the facilities which are constantly being provided for the comfort and pleasure of the hundreds of people who come here for health and rest. A NECESSITY. In every home is a Quaker hot air Bath Cabinet. It opens the millions of pores all over the body and draws out the poison and impurities of the blood and entire system. No disease can resist its marvelous power. It is highly recommended by 27,000 phy sicians, ana i,..so,oou utei&. 11 m just the thing in connection with this pure air, for your recovery. 1 iiey are reduced now to five dollars, and cost only three cents lor eacn oatn. a Cabinet has been left at each of the following places for examination; Mr. Thomas' Hardware store, Southern Pines Hotel, and the Vermont House. whf re orders may be left by all who desire them. Call and examine them, and leave your order for one. LEAVE YOUR LAUNDRY with AS and L P nuggies, agents ior one 01 trie uesi launun iu nunc irst-class work ffuaranteea ana prices reasonable Call for price list ana get good service cheeply, quickly and satisfactory Phone Dr, J. Ernest Judd, DENTIST. SOUTHERN PINES, N C OFFICE HOURS, Qamtolpm. 2pm to 5pm. P O Box 193, Telephone 9. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Phone 9. Dr. Louis Fielding High, SOUTHERN PINES N. C. PRACTICE LIMITED TO TUBERCU LOSIS AND DISEASE OF NOSE AND THROAT, Dr, Julian H. Jones, HOMEOPATHIST. SOUTHERN PINES. - - - N. C, Special attention given Diseases of the Chest. C. W. SHAW, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Attends to all business connscted with the office; writing deeds and mortgages and abstract of tiiles a specialty. J. McN. Johnson, ATTORNEY RT LRW, Offers his services to the citizens of South ern Pines and community. Abstracts, deeds, contracts and all office work a specialty. NATI0NAL1H0TEL, LUMBERTON, BT. C. W. F. BiddelIv, Prop'r. Popular Rates and Free Sample Rooms. Splendid hunting, fishing, boating and one of the most prosperous towns in East ern Carolina Special accomodation and rates for parties wishing a visit to this section. Prospectors and others from the North or elsewhere, can get all the information they want by addressing W F BIDDELL, Lumberton, N C FOR RENT, On Bennett street, opposite my resi dence, seven-room cottage fully fur nished and just renovated. Will divide into two apartments with separate en trances. Apply to MRS. CHARLES T. GEYER, LAFLEUR COTTAGE. SWISS WATCH MKER G. ADDOR At the old place on Bennett Street, Thomas' old Hardware Store, . Glenwood Cottage Formerly Blue Cottage. Board second to none and furnishings complete SPECIAL ATTENTION TO GUESTS and their wants. Very desirable location and pleasant surroundings. Phone 37. ! t JONES. The Summit Hotel CARTHAGE, N. C. IS NEW AND WELL EQUIPPED, People from the North seakimr a com. fortable winter home are specially desired, 1 Special attention given visitors from Southern Pines. . . For Sale Charcoal in 0127 quanti ty, promptly delivered,, at reasonable prices. J. A. Mayho. Leave orders at C, T, Patch &; Bro. 's.. ctaom. At, A