V n FREE PRESS a VOL. i NO. 2. E. d. oswn, editor. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C., NOVEMBER 15, 1901. 1.00 PEE YEAE, T TT "71 JnlK Southern Pines Sanitarium. RHEUMATISM. Whatever may be the primary cause in cases of rheumatism, gout and allied diseases, the final condition is always one of thickening of the car tilages and other structures of the joint, generally associated with depos its, so that function is impaired or lost. NO MEDICINE Ever has been and probably never will be found that can be re lied on when these diseases become chronic. The modern hot air appliances at this institution are peculiarly i.dapted to their treatment. Though water boils at 212, yet it is possible, owing to recent improvements in this apparatus, to give a patient from 800 to 500 degrees of heat without discomfort. It can be readily seen what a wonderful etl ect this high temperature must have on adhesions and deposits. THE FOREIGN MATTER Around the joint is softened and finally absorbed. Not only is the affected joint acted on, but at the same time the whole system is cleansed of the rheumatic poison. Thi3 latter feature makes the treatment also valuable in rheumatism confined t musculo tissues. Here, as in many other diseases treated here, electricity plays a prominent part. Gal van ism is especially valuable through its property of liquifying and soften ing tissues. No case should be regarded as hopeless where these rem edies have not been treated by an expert. ADDRESS EDWIN GLADMON. M. D., SUPERINTENDENT. SOUTHERN PINES, NORTH CAROLINA 'Phone i. J. L. GLADMON, PROPRIETOR. Elliott & McQueen, House and Sign Painting, DECORATING, Graining, Paper Hanging and Hard Wood Finishing. Estimates furnished on work for any place in North Carolina, South Carolina or Elliott & McQueen, Southern Pines, N. C. R. M, Couch Sons & Co. General Feed Store. ""5?i0ASS',S?S59SW JJLVX1.J.1 a - ' v - v v WHEAT, RYE, ETC, BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR, ENTIRE WHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL. STOCK AND POULTRY CONDITION FOODS. LIME AND CEMENT, WOOD- -orner East Railroad Street fc Connecticut Avenue. Fast of Freight Depot FREE DELIVERY Southern Pines Hotel, ACCOMMODATES 50 GUESTS, Most convenient localitv in town Sanita ry plumbing, electric lights, hot and cold baths. Terras, including heat and light; $2 TO $4 PER DAY, $7 TO S15 PER WEEK, According to size and location of room. Careful attention given to table and serv ice. Onlv hotel in town with and sleeping rooms on ground floor. Long er porches than any other hotel in town. No consumotives will be received at. this hotel. Phone 15. W. E, GILES, Proprietor. To All Parts of The City. The Newhall Cottage. Mrs. R, Sandehson, Proprietress. NEWLY FURNISHED. HOMELIKE AND CUMJ?'OKTAliLE. Prices Reasonable; Good Service Southern Pines; - N.C. The most conveniently locatedboarding house in town. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT, City water on each floor. MRS A. M. FOSTER . MRS. C. C. STEVICK, Massage and Swedish Movements, Special movements for che6t develop ments. PIPE FOR SALE. Two inch and four innh irnnninofn. sale reasonable As good as new. Inquire at Piney Woods Inn. SHORT LOCAL MENTION. H. E. Carpenter of with us this week. Pinebluff, is Cottage Market, FOR GOOD WESTERN MEATS, FISH AND OYSTERS, GOTO COTTAGE MARKET. A beautiful line of wall paper new stock just received call and see it. J. N. Powell. H. O. Parker, civil Engineer, has been attending to business at Rose- land this week. J. W. Elliott has been receiving the congratulations of his friends it is a girl, born last Sunday. All well. L. E. Hazzard, of Baltimore, comes to spend the season, and will stay at Massachusetts cottage, Bennett street. Miss Beatrice Lewis is with Mrs, Sanderson at Newhall cottage. She comes from Boston and will spend the winter. The News Depot will carry a com plete line of the new North Carolina series school books. R. W. Brown after a pleasant vaca tion at his old home in Delta, Pa., has returned and is as busy as he can be. W. T. Stuart has the contract for new Grout-Saunders building on rail road street, and the work is being pushed ahead. Aberdeen Lodge No. 484 will meet at Castle Hall Thursday Nov. 21, at 8 p. m. All Master Masons in good standing invited. Miss Stella Byce, of Cooperstown, New York, will arrive next week to visit her sister Miss Byce at the Southern Pines Sanitarium. C. E. Blair an ex-newspaper man of Asheboro, made us a call yesterday. He is now with the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company. The editor doffs his hat to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peck for some old Virgin ia atopies the largest and nicest we have ever seen. Thej' were nice. Our old friend F. Hampe is with us again and occupies his cosy cottage on Ashe street. He comes from Pitts burg to spend his usual six months at Southern Pines. Preaching and communion services on Saturclay and Sunday Nov. 23-24, in Manly Presbyterian church, by Rev. C. C Vardell, President Red Springs Female College. Now notice! We have a fine tar soap, as good as Packers, for only 10c as a leader. Shampoo your hair and keep it free from dandruff. Sold only at Southern Pines Pharmacy. Jerrard's new feed store on Rail road street, received six tons of hay and grain Tuesday and sold one ton. Mr. Jerrard has a splendid t ew build ing and will do a good business. His nephew will be with him in a short while. Contractor W. J. Stuart has just finished putting in a new furnace at the Baptist church. Rev. Lewis, the new pastor, and his wife arrived last night and there will be preaching at 10:30, a. m. to-morrow and 8 in the evening. THURSTON & PARKER, CIVIL ENGINEERS, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. SOUTHERN PINES. - N.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEY Leave Your Order With CENTRAt MA&KET, HAMLIN BUILDING, Next to Eaberber Shop, Perm Ave. Also a Fresh Supply of Swift & Co 'a WESTERN BEEF AND LAMB. Try My Sliced Ham, 18 Cts. lb. FISH AND OYSTERS THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. PHONE 44. A. L. VAN BOSKERCK, Prop. Glen View Cottage, NICE ROOMS AND EXCELLENT TABLE, MODERATE TERMS. South Bennett Steet. 7 dressmaking' - All kinds of DRESSMAKING , CUTTING AND FITTING. MISS EDITH L. NEWTON, SOUTHERN PINES. - - - N. C. At Mrs. Foster's cottasre. No. 2. Bennett Street, Dr. Louis Fielding High, Having decided to locate here PERMANENTLY, Offers his professional services to the citizens of Southern Pines and the sur rounding country. Grove Cottage, MRS, BENNETT STREET, Z. M. REA, - Proprietress. HOMELIKE AND COMFORTABLE; Good service, convenient location and rates reasonable. House for Sale, ON BENNETT STREET. MRS. A. M. FOSTER. Kimball Cottage, SOUTHERN PINES, - - N. C. G. A. KIMBALL. PROPRIETOR. EXCELLENT BOARD FROM $7.00 TO $9.00 PER WEEK. BATH ROOM; SANITARY PLUMBING. Vermont Avenue. ROUND TOP PINE BOARDING HOUSE, Mrs. M. F. Utley. Proprietress. MANLY, N.C. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS, NEWLY FURNISHED. The above house has been newly fur nished, renovated and put in first-class or der. Situated in the heart of the long leaf pine, thus giving the natural ozone direct from the trees. All home comforts; Bil liard larlor. Bates, Transient, $& per day, $5 to $10 per week. r