1 V r ) THE FREE VOL. 4 NO. 39. e. d. oslin, editor. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, JULY 18, 1902. 81. 00 PER YEAR PRESS. V i' j' 3 A it a - "M -A". . . . Southern Pines SANITARIUM ! The Leading Institution of the South. For the treatment of Chronic and Nervous Diseases. For circulars or other informa tion, address EDWIN GLADMON,M. D., SUPERINTENDENT, Telephone 27. P. 0. Box 26. Leave Your LaUndru WITH A. S. & L. P. RUGGLES, AGENTS FOR ONE OFTHE BEST LAUNDRIES IN THE STATE n a 1 1 11 a irsi-ciass wortc guaranteed ana p reasonable. Call for price li&t ana rices get good service cheaply, quickly and factory. Phone 19 satis- FOR PLUMBING, STEAM AND HOT WATER HE A TING, HYDRAULIC AND PUMP WORK AT MODERATE PRICES apply to R. W. BROWN, Southern Pines. N. C. GEO. H. HUMBER, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Carthage, N. C. TELEPHONE CONNECTTON WITH . OUUTHBHW trusts axli x-i.Nuuiu.rr. J; MgN. Johnson, Attorney rt lrw, .Offers his 'services to the citizen of So'uth ern Pines and community. Abstracts, : deeds, contracts and all office . work a specialty. 1: . - - 1 ' -' ""' The Bakery. ? HENRY WEBER, PROP'R. BREAD, ROLLS. CAKES COOKIES- Prom pi sep tet-;ind your PATRONAGE SOLICITED ! . (?OZD JfZC SHAKE?. C. W.SHAW, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Attends to all business connected with the office; writing deeds and mortgagee nd abstract of titlas a specialty WINDSOR HOTEL, f JACKSONVILLE, 'FLA. : I Dodge & Cullens, - Prop'rs. . The New Windsor is the largest and best hotal in: Florida '-'which :' is, kfept Dpen the year - rouiTd.. ft is- nrst-class in ,every.respeccv and strictly, up "to dat& . Write for' irmstrated book. : Rayes $2.50 .and' Upward. I I Southern Pines Hotel, AMERICAN PLAN. W. E. Giles, - Prop'r. RATES, DAY, $2,00 TO $4-00, WEEK, $8,00 $15.00, The Latest Improved Steam Heat. Open all the year Round. Sanitary Plumbing. POSITlVErY NO CONSUMPTIVES WILL BE TAKEN. Orchestra through seasen. The only hotel in town with sleeping rooms on the ground floor. I JUNGE & BECK, ! REAL ESTATE AND ! TT- "W r -r t- . -w w r i INSURANCE. v Handles the Most Desirable Properties in Town, Both Improved and Un improved. We can suit you better 1han any one elsl as to CHOICE LOCATION AND REAL VALUE ' c - 4. Office on Railroad Street. Southern Pines, N. C. A. L. MCINTOSH. Our present efficient Register of Deeds for Iv,oore county, is a candi date for re-election. . His prompt at tention to his duties and his courte ous treatment to the people of the county have satisfied them, and they see no food reason in changing for another man. E. P. SEAWELL, ... The present County Treasurer, is a candidate for re-election, and wishes it so stated. He has served the coun ty faithfully and as a guardian of the public funds has proven true to his charge. Mr. Seawell promises "to be ss faithful in the future as he has been in the fast, and lespectfully asks for your support. FOR SHERIFF - Mr. Alex Turner, of Cameron, will be before the County Democratic Con vention for the nomination for the Sheriff's office. His. integrity, his fi delity to the party, his ability to per form well the duties of the office, his obliging disposition, all -combine to make him as meritorious as any can didate whose name could be presented to the convention. His faithful party service as well as high fitness for the place is well known to the people of this county. FOR COUNTY,TREASURER. I am a candetfor; election to the office of ' Treasr qMoore county, subject tctty gctionbf the Demo. cratic Courjiy Convention. . . , i:T; ;-.&lZy' t. McNeill. C Mrs. J. VW.'NewhoTtse-has gone to S t . Lou is. to be with - Her da u ghter who is vety; ill. ' -!- -' Crown and Bridge Work Specialist. Office Railroad Street. Will return to Southern Pines Sept. or Oct. LOCAL MENTION. G. E. Edgerton, of Raeford, was with us some days this week. Dr. Edwin Gladmon made a short visit to Raleigh last Monday. Daniel McNeill, of Vass, who is a candidate for County Treasurer, made us a call Tuesday. His announce ment appears in this paper. Col. Alonzo Stryker, well known to thousands of people who have visited the Piney Woods Inn, is now at Port Jervis New York. Paint if you will, paint if you want to, paint if you must, but if you are going to paint see W. T. Tyson, ss he can furnish you all kinds of paint. Mrs. Hughes and her sister, Miss Simmons, from Glenwood, arrived last Monday, ardare now comfortably located in the Thomas cottage on Bennett Street. A. A. Turner, of Cameron, is in town today and made our office a pleasant call. He is in the race for the nomination for Sheriff, and has a card to that effect in today's paper. ;'E. B. Hodgin,- who has been Avith R. V, . Cavmess at the Van Eindley Farm for several weeks, hps returned to his home at Greensboro."-Mr. Hod gins always enjoys his summer visits to our section and is much interested in our fruit industry'. J. L. Thompson has resigned his position with the Weather Bureau at Raleigh and will return to Southern Fines. Mrs. Thompson, who is now in Massachusetts, will come very soon, and together they will be content to abide with us henceforth. Our reporter has failed to note the departure of Mrs. H. O. Parker and Master Charlie, who have gone to At lantic Beach, Mass., for the remaind er of the summer; also the departure of Mrs. Dr. Harry MacKnight, who has gone to Dillsboro, Ind., to remain till November. Col. Charles Armour Thomas, of refrigerator car fame and also of Ham let, N. C, v. ill soon be with us to re frigerate our grapes and otherwise make us merry with his genial smiles and witty conversation. While Mr. Thomas has been at Hamlet the. Hon. John T. Scarboro has successfully re frigerated the latter end of a portion of the peach crcp. Wants A New Depot. Pinehurst , people are endeavoring to get the Sea board Air line to furnish them a lit tle more accommodation for handling freight, and have asked the manage ment to build a new warehouse be tween the trolley and railway tracks. V A petition has also b:n, signed by the busines men of this place asking Jhat in connection' with Pinehurst the building be of sufficient size and- . convenience to :do away with the old depot we now have and use one for the two places. Real Estate JQlJIiJl(3 vw"u Houses for sale and rent. Choice lots in all parts of the city. THURSTON & PARKER, SOUTHERN PINES. - N. C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED., Pineshire Sanitarium, FOR TUBERCULOSIS AND DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS; 1 DR. LOUIS F. HIGH. Supt. The usual hours for consullation for per sons not residing in the house ill be ob served. DR. W. P. SWETT. OFFICE HOURS. 8 TO 9 A. M. 4 TQ 6 P. M. Dp. Harry MaG Knight All Acute and Chronic Diseases fully Treated : uccess WITHOUT DRUGS OR MEDICINE, Office Hours- 9 to 11 A. M 2 to 5 P. M., 7 t 8; 30 P. M. Second rioor, biick build ng, opposite depot. Fruft 'shipments this : week aver amounted to 1,511 crates, including- ' cantaloupes. The late peach crop and the grapes "will begin to go forward in large quantities by the latter part of t next week and continue for three or four weeks longer. D. I. Carson, of Pellam Manor, N. Y., who was with os this week, made a trip to Atlanta, returning yester day. Mr. Carson is much pleased with fruit prospects and present day results, and says he is glad that a San Jose scale-destroyer has been dis covered as noted elsewhere in this paper. The enforcement of the town ordi nance forbidding freight trains to block the street crossings, will in duce train employes to to be eareful. Conductor on freight train No. 5 was arrested Monday for allowing his train to remain too long in one place, but as it was his first offense he was discharged on payment of costs, $1.90. At the morning service, which has been changed to 10 o'clock instead of 10:30 as heretofore, Rev. Mente will speak from Isa. 1:2, and there will be no preaching servioe at night during the warm months. The young peo ple's service will be-at 7:30 in the evening, and the subject for Thurs day night prayer service will be Euke 22-31. Died-After an illness of 12 months Mrs J..T. S oarboro died this morning, aged 43. She will be buried at Pethesda to-morrow afternoon, with funeral services by Rev. Mr. Haney. Mrs. Scarboro was married 22 years ago, and was the mother of seven children, all sui viving her but one. Her aunt, Mrs. Jones, from Raeford, and her brother. D. W. McMillan from Carthage, were with her in her last hours, and we understand through her long affliction she has borne up with patience and fortitude